Kingmaker: Blood for Blood!

Game Master BloodWolven

Current fight Map.

Blood for Blood - Baron's Courtroom

Map of Fort Drelev


The Greenwatch Wardens


Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Tunnel Sidequest:
"Yes, the native lady has a point", Xandarian admits. "By the way, I don't think we ever got your name? I'm Xandarian."

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

When Jorrast gets back to the group with his goblin "guest" he stops about 50' away. He motions for the goblin to stay there and takes a couple of steps forward so he is in front of and protecting the goblin. Raising his voice he calls out, "Does anyone speak goblin? I found a group of them running away. I've brought one back but he doesn't speak common and goblin is one of the languages that I haven't learned yet."

Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24

OI do speak Orcish, which is kind of close? Pretty sure I can intimidate them without speaking their language at all. Pretty sure they are just distraction though.

Markus pokes his head out of the trench system he made.

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

Jorrast moves toward Hot Dog. "I don't know if Orcish is similar to Goblin. I don't speak either. Thirteen languages and I can't speak either. I don't really want to scare him. I'm thinking this was just a distraction, or that we might have been able to recruit these goblins to fight against the army that's coming this way. But now most of them are dead.... Go ahead and ask if he can understand you in Orcish?"

Does anyone speak goblin?

Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |

She walks up to Quince and asks, "Should I go help Hot Dog or would my skills be better used elsewhere?"


At the appearance of the massive elk she is startled and takes several feet back away from it.

A magnificent specimen of an Elk Lord appears near the glowing orange ball a top of the pedestal. This beast is huge. It just stands there as a wisp of a woman slips off.

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She walks up to Quince and offers as she kneels before him, "Lord Commander, how may I serve? Where would you like the briar wall?"

This dark haired beauty looks like she is fresh from the wild. Colorful flowers are in her hair. Her blazing green eyes catch you with surprise as they analyze you quickly before turning back to her conversation. Her nearly perfect alabaster skin lets her hair and eyes be in hard contrast. She appears to be elven but maybe more Sylvan.
Her exposed neck and arms show elven and celestial tattoos. A cloak of furs cover most of her torso. At her neck is a glowing emerald amulet. Similarly a ring of twisting serpents glows green on her finger. An infinity sign glows through her armbands. The infinity sign is of the head of a dragon or serpent eating its own tail, it glows green. Snakeskin armbands of a metallic green hue stand out as the only real armor on her. On her waist is a hearty brown leather belt with a sturdy gold buckle with a roaring bear's head, attached is a bone shortsword. On her her shoulder rests a lightly blue glowing bow of white ash.

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

tunnel fight:
A look of frustration flashes briefly across Zsófia's features, then disappears again. "If any of you want to return to the camp, I will not object. I myself am loathe to leave an enemy behind us. Wouldn't we be embarrassed if we leave and then the goblins that Xan saw before join their forces with the others arrayed against us?" She takes a deep breath, calming herself somewhat. "Perhaps that is very unlikely. What if we were to regroup at the tunnel entrance and examine the area before we leave? We might be able to confirm they have fled via another exit."

M NG svirfneblin hunter 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 T 18 FF 15 | SR 16 | CMB +0 CMD 17 | F +8* R +8* W +8** | Init +5 Per +10* (darkvision 120', low-light vision) SM +2 | AF 5/5 | spells 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3 | SLAs ms 1/1 ss 1/1 st 1/1 | effects/conditions: none

Chizzlall finishes scouting the mouth of the gully and decides upon a good place to set up an ambush: a heavily wooded area just west to the entrance that backs up against a steep slope. He makes a little check gesture with his head and then tries to remember the next thing Zsófia asked him to do. "Uhhhh..." he thinks. "Ohh yes! Trenches, yes, Chizzlall-dig-trenches. East-of gully-entrance."

When he reaches the new area, he sniffs the air. He is briefly uncertain if there is something on the wind, but decides it is nothing. He slides off of the rivercat. "Rumbles, you must stand-guard-over Chizzlall while he-works." He frowns as his cat yawns. "Rumbles! Guard!" He makes an insistent hand gesture, palm flat in front of his chin. Then he pulls out his shovel and begins digging.

Rumbles's ears flatten but he takes up a protective stance in front of Chizzlall.

Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 100/130 HP : Raging 100/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 2/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:
Xandarian Quartermain wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Tunnel Sidequest:
"Ulricha," the barbarian woman replies with an amicable nod, "Well met, Xandarian." she says, clasping his arm firmly.

Turning to look at the peacock woman...Zsófia... if she remembered correctly, Ulricha frowns. She had encountered people like her before, aware of their own beauty, likely rich, filled with their own importance, with a great love for giving orders. She was sure battle would be joined soon, and only then would time tell if she was worthy of commanding the lives and deaths of others.

" Unless they number in the hundreds, I do not fear any threat posed by goblins. If they had those numbers, Xandrian here would have never made it back to us, but we can look for further signs of them if you like."

F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark


I am assuming we two are present to see the exotic woman, with Quince and Hot Dog mentioned after our teleportation. And is the rest of the group there too? Them talking about speaking goblin, Alice could help with their lingual barrier.

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

tunnel fight:
Ulricha the Unkillable wrote:
"Unless they number in the hundreds, I do not fear any threat posed by goblins. If they had those numbers, Xandrian here would have never made it back to us, but we can look for further signs of them if you like."

Zsófia nods, glad that the barbarian woman was willing to accept her offered compromise between leaving and staying. "Very well then," she says. "I admit, friend Ulricha, I will be very happy to return to the surface and leave the smells of these warrens behind us." She wrinkles her nose. "Even if we find we have lost our quarry in the process."

Seeing Xan clasp the woman's arm, she adds her own introduction after his. "I am Zsófia." She smirks self-deprecatingly, thinking that a goblin tunnel is not the best sort of place to name-drop her noble titles. Besides, she thinks, I doubt this woman's tribe would particularly care how the Brevic monarchs have divided up this land.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 21/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

Tunnel Diversion:
Vandomir shakes his head, "I agree with neither your logic, nor your plan, but I said I would follow you down here, so with you I shall remain Zsófia" He waves his sword around, its wan glow pushing back the darkness around him.

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Tunnel Diversion:
"Well, I, sure as sh|t, ain't leaving if the former Sable Company ranger stays!" Xandarian pronounces. "I could cover the area in glitterdust, but that might blind eveyone!"

Alice and catfolk:
Alice Emmington wrote:
assuming we two are present to see the exotic woman, with Quince and Hot Dog mentioned after our teleportation. And is the rest of the group there too? Them talking about speaking goblin, Alice could help with their lingual barrier.

Yes you are present for the Elk Lord's appearance and the exotic woman's appearance. Quince is keeping watch with Eris near him. Hot Dog is digging a trench.

The rest of the group is missing. Though there is a squad of six or seven black clothed individuals, as mentioned before.

Yeah the others are in the tunnel up in the hill so far away and you wouldn't know where they are without asking.

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

tunnel fight:
Zsófia frowns. "If you don't wish to leave the tunnels as Ulricha has suggested, what did you have in mind, Vandomir?" she asks.

Female Catfolk Fighter 7

At the Camp:
Tyrrana staggers off the elk after the insane speeds it travels, a wide grin on her face. She couldn't wait to ride it again! All the same, they had to work to do. Though... There wasn't anyone around at the moment. That was weird. She wondered where they were. Shrugging, she got her bearings and sauntered over towards Hot Dog.

"If you've got another shovel, I'll help you out with this." She didn't even think to grab one, but surely they had another one. If she'd get told where to grab one or offered one, she'd just start helping him dig his trench. If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was simple manual labor.

Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24

If you got a tunnel problem, collapsing it is an option, with collapsing it while the enemy is moving through being the higher risk higher reward variant. Ground here is good for digging!

The bloodrager happily announces

kn engineering burst of insight: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 4 = 26

for a moment he looks as if dazed, his eyes turning blue with some speks of white in it

perception DC30 and reading abyssal:

The specks of white are tiny little Abyssal runes reading
Overdriving mental capacity, caution limited bandwith Format C:?

Well, I think I just know how to make a funny little collapse happening!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark

Correct me if i'm wrong, but it seems Hot Dog is in 2 places at once?
At the tunnel speaking to Jorrast about tunnels and goblin speech, while also digging the ditch in the scene Tyranna and i teleported to.

Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24

I thought its the same scene?

F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Markus "Hot Dog" Lyranus wrote:
I thought its the same scene?

"Quince is keeping watch with Eris near him. Hot Dog is digging a trench.

The rest of the group is missing. Though there is a squad of six or seven black clothed individuals, as mentioned before.
Yeah the others are in the tunnel up in the hill so far away and you wouldn't know where they are without asking."

Does Hot Dog have some sort of astral projection? :)

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince nods to Eris, "Yes swifter done is both of swifter able to help elsewhere."

Quince smiles, "Katrina. It does my heart good to see you." Quince points to an area advantageous for the Briar wall to be effective.

Maybe he does, though unfortunately those in the tunnel cannot see or hear him. The tunnel they are in, started off on top of the East hill.

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

And my long post got eaten... hmphf!

"It is good to see you as well Quince. Now Elizabeth sends her regards as she is still on that diplomatic mission with her father. Okay so you want them above the gully." He absently talks a bit to herself about the shade and not much can grown down here for that reason. As she walks flowers bloom behind her.

"Quince would you please keep watch for me, maybe... ah dear what is your name? Eris good to meet you I am High Priestess Dewtree Doverson, but you can call me Katrina or Kat. Now if you both could watch over me as I summon the briar walls that would be best as it takes all my focus." If Alice and the catfolk are within ear shot she would invite them as well.

Once at the top of the gully she looks down at the new vegetation growing in her wake and smiles. "Ah I see you want to funnel them into the gully. That is doable. You ready?!" Once they are keeping a lookout for her and any threats she summons a briar vine. It quickly sprouts and grows up to her hand. Then she uses the vine as a focus for her real spell. Channeling many spell levels into the vine, others begin to emerge from the ground and grow up to a height of five feet. A few minutes later she has them at ten feet high and several feet thick. After an hour she stops and looks up at her handy work. They are now twenty feet tall and at least five feet deep. She takes a steps and falters, without someone's aid she falls to the ground.

Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince nods to Eris, "Yes swifter done is both of swifter able to help elsewhere."

She looks at him and is obviously confused. She asks, "Would you try that again, please."

As Katrina asks, she in a startled voice does respond, "Eris Northanger. It is a pleasure to meet you Katrina." She takes her hand if offered and kisses one of the large jeweled rings on her finger.

She was astounded by the growth, the power, the magic. She walked around a good 20 to 80 feet to make sure nothing was going to spring up. As Katrina faltered and begins to fall she rushes towards her but is nowhere close enough to help.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He walks up with Tyrrana and Alice looking around. With a bit of curiosity he asks, "My lord, has the tunnel raid members not return yet?" with a negative response, he confidently states, "Then maybe we should go check on them. I am sure Stalker and his Wraiths could watch over Katrina well enough. Shall I go ask?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark

To Alice, Katrina is a sight to behold. Graceful, beautiful, and seemingly a kind person.

When Katrina is about to fall, Alice uses a teleportation in reflex.
Heaven's leap hex. Teleport self or target within 30 feet.

It not being a hex she used extensively, Katrina is teleported to 4 feet up in front of Alice, who quickly catches her.

(Holding her, sort of in a 'carry the princess fashion') "Hi. I'm Alice, nice to meet you."
She then puts Katrina down.

Eris Northanger Ward wrote:
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince nods to Eris, "Yes swifter done is both of swifter able to help elsewhere."
She looks at him and is obviously confused. She asks, "Would you try that again, please."

Quince looks up, "Oh, two of you would make the work swifter . . . freeing you both for more later."

He nods to Katrina and moves to a place to keep watch.

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She weakly smiles and with more effort than it should she says, "Thank you Alice... I must be overworkimg... would you... carry me back."

F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark

As Katrina asks if she could carry her, she holds the motion of putting her on her feet.
"I can do that.", miss cosmic haircut will carry Katrina back to where she needs to be at.

Female Catfolk Fighter 7

Retcon from talking to Hotdog.

Tyrrana was about to run forward and grab Kartina when Alice managed to get there first. She couldn't be beat instant. Letting out a small laugh as the woman asked to be carried, she turned her attention towards Jorne's question. "If you're wanting to go check on them, I'll head with you. It's something to do beyond sit here waiting for them."

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Since it seems like we need to reunite the groups, I'm going to assume that Vandomir, Ulricha, Xandarian, and Zsófia can work out a plan between them for finishing in the tunnels. Zsófia wants to check outside for tracks, to see if the goblins that Xandarian saw left another way. Perhaps if Jorne comes looking for them, that's where he finds them?

M NG svirfneblin hunter 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 T 18 FF 15 | SR 16 | CMB +0 CMD 17 | F +8* R +8* W +8** | Init +5 Per +10* (darkvision 120', low-light vision) SM +2 | AF 5/5 | spells 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3 | SLAs ms 1/1 ss 1/1 st 1/1 | effects/conditions: none

Chizzlall finishes digging his trench at the mouth of the gully and then returns to the camp, just in time to see Katrina Dewtree perform her ritual, causing plants to grow in place of his (admittedly) more feeble defenses. He clucks to himself, shaking his head. "Oh, prism-lady not be-pleased about-that. Chizzlall-did what-he-said-to-do, though. No-one can-say he-did-not follow-instructions." He thinks for a bit. "Maybe prism-lady will-fight further-up-gully instead? Might work-better." He sits next to Rumbles and watches for Zsófia's return.

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

If nobody admits to speaking goblin Jorrast will give the goblin rations and his weapons and point in the direction that they others went....

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

"Like I said", Xandarian reinterated. "I'm not leaving before Vandomir. So, I'll drag him by his feet if I have to."

"Come on, Vandomir. Let's go."

Come on! let's get out of this tunnel and see some action!!!

Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 100/130 HP : Raging 100/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 2/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:

"You measure your...bravery by that of another?" Ulricha asks Xandarian with a shake of her head. "I believe the disagreeing is with there being any point in staying here."

"Come we will make out way out of this hole, and join the rest of our allies. If you want to look for tracks at the entrance, we can do so with sky above our heads." she says, starting to head back the way they came.

Ulricha heads back the way you came looking for the sunshine and a fresh breeze. She finds no goblins in the area. Though you can still see the burning pile's smoke. A quick walk over you would find the goblin camp still in disarray.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16
Tyrrana wrote:

Retcon from talking to Hotdog.

Tyrrana was about to run forward and grab Kartina when Alice managed to get there first. She couldn't be beat instant. Letting out a small laugh as the woman asked to be carried, she turned her attention towards Jorne's question. "If you're wanting to go check on them, I'll head with you. It's something to do beyond sit here waiting for them."

He nods and states, "Sounds good." Then he leads the way up the East hill to the goblin camp with Cold Iron halberd in hand.

As you walk beside Jorne he keeps looking at you. He eventually brings up the comment from before. "Sorry about the tail comment earlier, just playing."
Sense Motive DC 14: He seems to like you or at least attracted to you.

Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24

Yeah, lets find out what the crap is going on here

He hefts his massive axe and saunters into the tunnels.

reading Abyssal:

There is, in Abyssal runes, an inscription on the axe shaft
I had more amusing plans when the effing Orc Hot Dog Salesperson pledged that I could write an amusing message on his shaft. But hej, Orc-Hot-Dog gives me an idea. Signed, Sirthyrra of Alyushinyrra. P.S. If you think thats my true name you are dumber the owner of this axe. the handwriting appears to be feminine and intoxicated.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 21/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Xandarian Quartermain wrote:

"Like I said", Xandarian reinterated. "I'm not leaving before Vandomir. So, I'll drag him by his feet if I have to."

"Come on, Vandomir. Let's go."

Come on! let's get out of this tunnel and see some action!!!

Hey! I said I was sticking with Zsófia, so if she leaves, I'm leaving.

Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 100/130 HP : Raging 100/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 2/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:
Markus "Hot Dog" Lyranus wrote:

Yeah, lets find out what the crap is going on here

He hefts his massive axe and saunters into the tunnels.

** spoiler omitted **

We would have already left the tunnels by the time you arrive

Hot dog follows along with Jorne and Tyranna. They run into Jorrast and his goblin... friend, prisoner, what?

Then after about 10 minutes heading up, or down, the East hill you hear movement! Both groups hear movement.

perception DC 26:
You see and hear the other group through the trees.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28

He quickly veers off towards the sound and stops behind a nearby tree. He then states, "No worries it is the group we were coming to check up on."

He then yells over at the group coming down the hill, "Come this way and tell us how your hunt has gone!"

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Zsófia returns to Jorne with a disappointed expression. With a flick of her hair that shows off her ribbons, she defends herself. "We went into the tunnels to make sure there weren't any enemies behind us that could threaten us later. Vandomir and Xandarian discovered a group of goblins hiding in the tunnels, but with Ulricha's help we frightened them off. We have been trying to confirm this, but we haven't found any tracks. If they are still here, they are well-hidden."

F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark

With Katrina suffering from overexertion and exhaustion, would it be safe to assume taking her to some place in town, is where she wants to go?

"Say, Katrina was it? Where would you like to go? The inn, or do you have a place of your own i bring you to?"

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

"Does anyone speak goblin? I scouted and found a small group of them running away. I wounded this guy and was able to convince him to come back with me. But I don't speak goblin and he doesn't speak common. Considering all of the efforts that have made Greenwatch and Elkheart the haven that it is I was thinking that we shouldn't be exterminating goblins when they could have been useful out here?"

F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark

@ Jorrast, if you find her and inform her, Alice can cast Tongues on herself from spirit magic to help with that.

Female Catfolk Fighter 7

"I made it to begin with, ya fine big guy." She'd casually slap him on the shoulder and grin at Jorne as they continued up the hill. Completely unexpecting of anything, she'd nod at Jorne as he heard what was going on and head over. Scratching her head before giving a small shrug at Jorrast. "No, maybe someone back at the camp does? Worst case we head back to town and ask around."

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 21/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 +2 vs Fey, +4 vs Humans, +2 in Forests

"I do not speak the language of the goblins. Sorry."

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

"Neither do we", Xandarian answered, with Boffy shaking his head negatively.

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