Zero's #4-08: Battle for Star's Fate (Inactive)

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
High Tier (34 CP)

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Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Fort Save DC18: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15


Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Fort DC 18: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Ears ringing, Farryn tries to move. But his body seems to be going in slow motion!

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Fort save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Aldonza sticks her finger in her ear, and wiggles it a bit. Then she moves up to the storm cloud, and tries to tumble past it.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Fort Save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Angvim gives the evil eye at the spark bat, grabs a few iron shavings from his pockets and attacks the creature.

Demoralize: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
Exploit: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 Sympathetic Vulnerabilities
Chakram attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34 damage: 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (7, 3) + 5 = 15+pv/weak
↺ Amulet Abeyance: Trigger The target of your Exploit Vulnerability would damage you or an ally within 15 feet of you. You or a target ally within 15 feet gain resistance to all damage against the triggering damage. The resistance is equal to 8.

Esoteric Warden: When you succeed at your check to Exploit a Vulnerability, you gain a +1 status bonus to your AC against the creature's next attack and a +1 status bonus to your next saving throw against the creature; if you critically succeed, these bonuses are +2 instead. You can gain these bonuses only once per day against a particular creature, and the benefit ends if you Exploit Vulnerability again.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Aldonza, Angvim, and Farryn resist the thunderclap fairly well.
Murph fairs a little less well.

Aldonza moves up to the thundercloud, but... how does one skip past a creature made of fog? (Failure.)

The spark bat does not seem to find Angvim very threatening, which is clearly an error on its part as it bursts apart into nothing but sparks as his boomerang strikes it.
These creatures don't have a particular weakness that he can see. They're not very hardy, but they're quick.
Critical failure on Demoralize obviously, successful Exploit though it has no weakness, critical hit for 30+5 damage. That's more than enough to defeat it. Don't you also have Diverse Lore? Let's see... its best defense is Reflex.

The next thundercloud swoops over and past Aldonza--then surprises her by closing! Instead of lightning, it batters her hard with the wind that composes its body.

Fly, Fly, Strike... 33 is a crit while you're flanked. That's 22 bludgeoning damage.

Star tries to twist around to get a better look at the elementals, to little success. "Huh? I can't.. I should remember how to--"

It... might take them a moment before they can contribute.
Star doesn't start acting until round 2. I put them on the Initiative tracker so I wouldn't forget.

Ra'uf and Farryn's turns.

Murph (55/58, Deafened 3 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow)
Angvim (63/63)
Aldonza (36/66)
Living Thunderclap (Purple)
Ra'uf (65/66, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Farryn (65/66)
Spark Bat (Blue, Personal Antithesis 5)

GM Dice:
Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 for bludgeoning damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

The halfling clicks his silver bracelets together and darts forward at a much higher rate of speed than expected. You hear him talking to himself, ”Ok, Fire and Water are obvious opposites so that means wind would be… earth. Yeah, seems right. Let’s try acid first.”

He lobs a flask at the nearest thundercloud thing.

Bracelets of Dashing Activated, Stride 30 ft, Attack Magenta.

Moderate Acid Flask: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 if hits does 5 Acid and adds 2d6 Persistent Acid. Miss does 4 Acid Splash. Fumble does nothing.

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Aldonza completes her turn by stabbing at the elemental she failed to slip past, and raising the haft of her marotte.

Stride, Strike Yellow, Parry

Attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 4) + 2 = 11P

Crit Specialization - Sword: The target is made off‐balance by your attack, becoming flat‐footed until the start of your next turn.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 22/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

"Always coming from the other side. These poor little shoony wheels..."

◆ Stride
◆ Stride
◆ Strike

+1 Ghost Touch Striking Greataxe: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Slashing Damage: 2d12 + 4 ⇒ (7, 7) + 4 = 18

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Whoops, sorry Aldonza. But attempting to Tumble Through Yellow would have taken two actions--too far away for one. That's a crit.
Ra'uf Fort: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Aldonza stabs the cloud. There does seem to be something comparatively solid within there for her to hit, and it recoils from the blow.

Farryn hits the other one with his flask of acid. The acid certainly works, but it doesn't seem any more effective than stabbing.

The thunder cloud shifts away from Ra'uf before the shoony can connect, however.
(Even flanked, that is a miss.)

The remaining spark bat also jumps closer, turning into a lightning bolt that lashes to the wheels of Ra'uf's chair. Reforming in the shape of a bat, it bites at him with electrified fangs.
(8 electricity damage)

The sands really are blowing with extreme force. Murph's comment about coincidence rings true--are these winds magically created? The sand lashes at the Pathfinders and at the camp behind them where the rest of the people are taking shelter, but the elementals seem unharmed.
(Everyone takes 4 slashing damage.)

Murph's turn.

Murph (51/58, Deafened 3 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage)
Angvim (59/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Living Thunderclap (Purple, 5 damage, 2d6 persistent acid)
Ra'uf (52/66)
Farryn (61/66)
Spark Bat (Blue, Personal Antithesis 5)

GM Dice:
attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 for electricity damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 for electricity damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Sandstorm: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Murph moves up next to Ra'uf.

◆ Stride

◆ Strike Purple with Shortsword. If this creature can be Off-Guard (AKA Flat footed) it would be Off-guard to Murph due to Gang-up.

+1 ghost touch striking shortsword(magical, versatile S, agile, finesse): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Damage 2d6+4 P +2d6 P/Prec: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 + (5, 3) = 22

◆ Draw and Second Strike Purple with Kukri in off hand using Quickdraw
+1 striking kukri(agile, finesse, trip, magical): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 13 - 4 = 21
Damage 2d6+4 S +2d6 S/Prec: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 4 + (4, 4) = 24

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Murph slices into and through the elemental, which disperses into wisps of harmless cloud vapor.

Both hit while it's flat-footed, and 50 damage finishes it.

The remaining cloud crackles angrily. It swoops over towards Murph, its crackles and gusting sounding vaguely like words, spewing a string of insults and obscenities. But it's entirely meaningless--unless one understands Auran.

Auran: which case it is, in fact, a string of insults and obscenities that's still largely meaningless.

While Murph is too quick to be caught off-guard by such a maneuver, it still just manages to catch him and batter him with its winds. And then it rises, straight up, 50 feet into the air, lightning crackling ominously.

(10 bludgeoning damage)

Angvim and Aldonza's turns.

Murph (41/58, Deafened 2 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage, 25 feet up)
Angvim (59/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Ra'uf (52/66)
Farryn (61/66)
Spark Bat (Blue, Personal Antithesis 5)

GM Dice:
attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24 for bludgeoning damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 3) + 6 = 10

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Aldonza catches the bat between herself and Murph.

”My friend and I may seem aloof,
But we’ll be glad when you go poof!”

She stabs at it twice.

Stride, Strike Blue x2 flanking

Attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12 +Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 6P

Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7 +Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 5P

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Wow, nice damage roll on that first one. Nice enough that you don't need the second one, so you have an action remaining if you'd like to use it for something else.

Aldonza's blade pierces the bat, which shrieks as it bursts apart in a shower of sparks.

Angvim's turn.

Murph (41/58, Deafened 2 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage, 25 feet up)
Angvim (59/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Ra'uf (52/66)
Farryn (61/66)

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

While the Thunderclap seems too far away to be affected by Angvim's glare, he still imposes his will upon the elemental and throws a couple of boomerangs towards it.

"Does anyone know how those things got here? or if anymore are coming?" he asks as the flying sand both gets into his eyes making his throws go wide and grazes his skin leaving small gashes.

Exploit: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Boomerang: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16bashing damage: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4) + 5 = 12+pv/weak
Boomerang: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13bashing damage: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 2) + 5 = 12+pv/weak

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Angvim doesn't see any particular weakness of the elemental, but realizes that it's immune to the effects of its own thunderbolt attack--or anything similar. His boomerangs don't connect, though.
Successful Exploit. No weakness, but it is immune to sonic damage. The first attack is a critical failure of course, but the second is a regular failure.

"Hang on!" says Star, "I think I remember how to--Oh!"
A whirling wind bursts out from Star, spreading out from them in a circle. Aldonza and Farryn are caught in it. The battering winds aren't especially pleasant and are potentially a hindrance. On the plus side, Star's magical wind is mostly pushing out and down--it's repelling the flying sand!

And it should be more of a hindrance to the flying elementals than it is to the Pathfinders.
Star does something similar to a wall of wind spell, though it's an emanation rather than a wall. It's difficult terrain, imposes a -2 penalty to ranged attacks that use physical ammunition, and flying creatures have to make a save to pass through it at all. It also counteracts the sandstorm--anyone inside is immune to that damage.

Ra'uf and Farryn's turns.

Murph (41/58, Deafened 2 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage, 25 feet up, Personal Antithesis 5)
Angvim (59/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Ra'uf (52/66)
Farryn (61/66)

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Farryn calculates the positives and negatives regarding the wind burst and then nods, ”Thank you Star, that helps.”

He tries to calculate the winds, then launches another flask into the sky, ”Let’s slow you down there, my good elemental friend.”

And draws his crossbow, loading it quickly.

Moderate Frost Vial - range and wind: 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 13 - 4 = 10 if hits does 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12 Cold and slows speed by 10 for 1 round. Miss does 4 Cold Splash. Fumble does nothing.

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---
GM Super Zero wrote:

Wow, nice damage roll on that first one. Nice enough that you don't need the second one, so you have an action remaining if you'd like to use it for something else.

Aldonza's blade pierces the bat, which shrieks as it bursts apart in a shower of sparks.

Looking up at the remaining cloud, she sheathes her sword with a *snap*.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 22/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Ranged combat. Why does it always have to be ranged combat?

◆ Interact to draw Chakram

◆ Strike

Chakram: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

◆ Step

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Niether Ra'uf nor Farryn are able to connect with their ranged weapons--Farryn missing entirely as the wind blows his bomb off-course to land somewhere over the ridge.

The driving sands continue to lash at most of the party.
slashing damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10 to anyone who's not within Star's wind wall.

Murph's turn.

Murph (31/58, Deafened 2 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage, 25 feet up, Personal Antithesis 5)
Angvim (49/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Ra'uf (42/66)
Farryn (61/66)

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

I hope this new thing I picked up helps here.

◆ Sheath the Kukri

◆ Strike Yellow with Throwing Knife pulling it with Quick draw. I don't think there is a way to make it off-guard, so no precision damage

+1 returning throwing knife(magical, thrown 20 ft., agile, finesse)- range: 1d20 + 15 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 15 - 2 = 18
Damage 1d4+4 P +2d6 P/Prec: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

◆ Stride to get out of the wind

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

A little too far, a little too windy, the knife doesn't quite find its target.

The angry stormcloud hovers where it is for a moment, before unleashing a lightning bolt down into the middle of the Pathfinders--Ra'uf, specifically. There's another deafening *BOOM* of thunder where it hits.
Ra'uf takes 12 electricity damage. He and everyone within 15 feet of him (Murph, Aldonza, and Farryn but not Angvim) must make a DC 18 basic Fort save against 12 sonic damage. On a failure, they're also deafened for 4 rounds.

Angvim and Aldonza's turns.

Murph (31/58, Deafened 1 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow, 22 damage, 25 feet up, Personal Antithesis 5)
Angvim (49/63)
Aldonza (32/66)
Ra'uf (30/66)
Farryn (61/66)

GM Dice:
attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30 for electricity damage: 1d12 ⇒ 12
sonic damage: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12
duration: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Fort save vs 12 Sonic damage DC 18: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Fort save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

”Come down here and say that!”, Aldonza retorts. Pulling out a hammer, she steps into the whirling wind, and throws it at the boompuff.

Interact, Stride, Strike

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Hero Point

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 22/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Did Ra'uf not get within the wind wall?

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Farryn jabs a finger in his ear, wiggling it around a bit, ”There, that’s better. Lotta noise and wind out here. Let’s finish this.”

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Angvim will stride nothwest and throw a boomerang at the living thunderclap and then continue his movement into Star's wind wall.

"Man that thing is loud. Do you have any bombs that would bring it down to floor level?" he asks looking at Farryn.

◆ Stride NW
◆ Attack Boomerang: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 Bashing: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4) + 5 = 12+5pa
◆ Stride NW into wind wall.
↺ Amulet's Abeyance (DR 8) for him or Farryn against damage dealt by the Living Thunderclap

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Being within the wind wall protects you from the sandstorm hazard, but a creature can still hit with attacks. The lightning doesn't have a projectile, so it doesn't take a penalty.

Aldonza's hammer connects with something solid within the rough puff, and it wavers slightly in the air.
That's a hit, and bloodies it.

And then Angvim batters it brutally. It's looking a little... wispy.

As Star concentrates, the aura of wind around the party grows a little larger.

Ra'uf and Farryn's turns.

Murph (25/58, Deafened 1 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (42 damage, bloodied, 25 feet up, Personal Antithesis 5)
Angvim (49/63)
Aldonza (26/66)
Ra'uf (30/66, DC 18 basic Fort vs 12 sonic damage)
Farryn (55/66)

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Farryn shrugs, ”That would require some sort of force spell or ability that I don’t have yet. I tried once to just freeze it and missed bad. With that wind it isn’t an easy target. But I’ll try fire and lightning this time, but my hope for electricity harming a creature of thunderstorms is low.”

Moderate Alchemist’s Fire - range and wind: 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 13 - 4 = 13 if hits does 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15 Fire and adds 2 Persistent Fire. Miss does 4 Fire Splash. Fumble does nothing.

Cast Electric Arc for 3d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) + 4 = 12 electricity, basic reflex DC 22

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 22/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

You deducted 10 HP from me from the last sandstorm attack.

With little ability to hurt the enemy, Ra'uf patches himself up

◆ Battle Medicine

Medicine: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Healing: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

◆◆ Ready

↺ Strike if the enemy is within reach.

+1 Striking Greataxe: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Slashing Damage: 2d12 + 4 ⇒ (10, 6) + 4 = 20

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Ah, right. Corrected.
Ra'uf Fort: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Farryn's bomb doesn't land a direct hit, but the burst of hot liquid does splatter the elemental.

And it's too slow to evade his spell. Electricity not its own courses through it--and it bursts!

Immune to sonic. No resistance to electricity, though.

As the last elemental falls, the fierce winds driving the sandstorm abruptly cease. The airborne sand falls back to the ground. After a few moments, Star's counter-wind also dies away.

"Oh, thank you Pathfinders! They might seem very small compared to me, but being attacked by anything is scary when you can't move very much. I--oh." Star slumps a bit. "Using that magic was exhausting... I think I need to rest again."

Successfully defending Star earns two Influence points.
Star warms up to the PCs and is more willing to entertain their attention. During any combats where Star is present, all PCs gain a +1 status bonus to all attack rolls and skill checks.

GM Dice:
Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

”You earned it”, says Aldonza. ”Thanks for the assist”

The hammer lands behind her with a *THUD*, and she jumps.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Sleep well friend. You've earned a good rest. We'll keep an eye on things. Murph says as he sheaths his shortsword and put the throwing knife away. His pearly white spindle aeon stone starts to heal him over the next 35 minutes.

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

"Have a nice rest, Star" responds Angvim as he pats the massive automaton.

Taking a look at how everyone is doing he then offers his assistance if anyone needs some healing as he slowly gets patched up himself with his aeon stone.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Star seems to have fallen asleep, and remains silent.

Once it's clear that the violence is over, Darius makes his way over to the Pathfinder team. "A storm cloud in the desert? I don't think those elementals just happened by and decided to make trouble. Someone summoned them here to attack Star, or possibly us; I'd appreciate your help figuring it out."

Perception Survival to search the dunes nearby for signs of suspicious activity, or Diplomacy to Gather Information in camp--or any other investigative approach you can think of--could be helpful.

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Farryn pulls out some bandages and treats himself, ”Yeah, that seemed way too coordinated to be a random sort of encounter. Someone is probably behind it.”

Treat Wounds Assurance: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 2) = 10

Survival (T): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

”Hmm, no clues here.”

Envoy's Alliance

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”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Do applicable Lores typically have a lower DC? If so, Murph has Scouting Lore to search the Dunes. Survival would be one lower

Scouting Lore to search the dunes for clues: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

I think I found something

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

It's difficult to find tracks in the desert after a sandstorm. Thankfully, the magical sandstorm was pretty tightly localized.

Murph finds three sets of footprints on a dune to the east, along with several burnt curls of paper that look like the remains of expended magical scrolls. The trail leads away from the encampment into the desert.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Shall we see if we can find out who's behind this little escapade?

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

”Absolutely, these hooligans must pay. Is everyone feeling healthy enough for another fight? They tried to kill us already so they won’t be playing nice when we track them down.”

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---
Farryn Sarjyre wrote:
”Absolutely, these hooligans must pay. Is everyone feeling healthy enough for another fight? They tried to kill us already so they won’t be playing nice when we track them down.”

Aldonza looks over the group. ”I’m no medic, but we’re pretty raggedy”, she says.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

How are we in relation to time from the end of the fight around Star? Like I said, my Aeon stone could completely heal me in about 35 minutes without any other help. I don't know how long it would take to hear everyone else up, and whether that impacts following the trail.

If we can catch them where they don't expect us, it might be an easier fight than them finding us later.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 22/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

If we're in a hurry, Ra'uf can Battle Medicine anyone else (but probably not as well as others) plus lay on hands up to two times and cast one 1st level Heal.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

It takes around 30 minutes to find the scrolls and the trail. It leads well into the distance, so following it will treasure some time as well.

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Farryn can treat wounds people, but that is 10 minutes per treatment. He already did it to himself and is now only down 1 hp. I think you can just keep LoHing and refocusing every ten minutes, but I have been wrong before. I’d suggest saving battle medicine for combat. Murph and Aldonza look to be the most injured. Maybe they could use a school potion (those seem to rarely get used) and Farryn can Treat their wounds and (maybe also a LoH) we will be gtg?

If Murph and Aldonza want their wounds treated, 10m per:
Assurance on Murph to heal: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 7) = 13
Assurance on Aldonza to heal: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

"Are we sure that leaving Star behind is the best idea though?" asks Angvim, worried that they might either get lost or that Star might get attacked again while they are gone.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

30 Minutes to find the Trail is +30 HP for me. I'm only down 33 total, so after finding the trail I Murph is only down 3. I am pretty sure we will be in the trail more than 3 minutes. Murph does not need any additional healing.

We can either try to go on the offense, or wait for the next Sandstorm to show up and attack us, and Star. Yes, there is a risk, but I'd rather go on the offense.

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

”Then let’s have at it!”, says Aldonza.

Takes Farryn’s healing, drinks a potion

Healing: 1d8 ⇒ 8

I just noticed that I’m listed as having 66 hp instead of 78

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Good catch. Angvim should be back at full health (78) due to the aeon stone healing.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

After tending their wounds and analyzing the clues, the Pathfinders set off to pursue the attackers. Unfortunately they have a bit of a head start, and it can be tricky to follow tracks in the desert sands.

There are trackers of moderate skill available in camp if the nobody feels up to it. Croll volunteers to help--he's probably one of the better choices.

Someone will have to make Survival checks to Track. You'll need three successes the DC is 20, so go ahead and roll until you get three successes or a critical failure. Other PCs can Aid or take other Exploration Activities.
Alternatively you can take an NPC tracker. You have enough Influence with Croll that he'll do it for you.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Is Scouting Lore an alternative, and is the DC the same? Murph has booth.

Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Scouting Lore, Survival would be one less: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

I either made it in the first three, or it took seven. I'll let the GM tell me which it was.

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