GM Super Zero |

As the Pathfinders muster in a temporary pavilion outside a ruined temple, Vigilant Seal faction leader Eando Kline greets them and offers them a drink of water before inviting them to sit with him and Gol Amri. Gol represents Prince Zinlo, ruler of the nearby city-state of Aspenthar.
But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

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A gnome blends himself into whatever shadows are available before greeting Gol Amri and Prince Zinlo, He is carrying a number of different weapons that become obvious as he moves forward.
Hello. They call me Murph. I specialize in staying out of sight, stabbing things and understanding how things work, not necessarily in that order.

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The well dressed, almost too well dressed, halfling jumps half out of his high collared cloak when the gnome speaks. He takes a breath to calm himself, ”Well! That was quite sneaky, indeed. Glad to have you on our side. My name is Farryn Sarjyre, no need for the full title though. It doesn’t have any pull here anyway.”
He accepts the water and quickly dumps a small pouch into it. The water fizzles a bit before he takes a long drink.
”Mmmm, that’s the stuff. ANYWAY. I know a lot of shiz about things and can handle myself in a fight. Little bit of magic, little bit of alchemy, little bit of wound mending."
His bouncy hair seems a bit staticky in the dry weather.

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A small canine humanoid clad in plate mail in a traveler's chair with a rose emblazoned on the spiked wheels enters the room. A large axe that glows faintly is strapped to the back of the chair. He cheerfully offers a paw to each of the other Pathfinders and says, "Hello, I'm Ra'uf. Seelah is stuck on another mission, but she told me there was something interesting going on, and you might need some extra muscle."

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A pale elven woman with a black ponytail arrives. Her right eye is violet, her left eye black. She has long purple nails, and wears a jester’s motley in purple, black and white. Holding a large marotte (jester’s baton), she wears a black cloak with the hood down.
She takes an elaborate bow.
“Aldonza Delamorte, devil-may-care harlequin! Bringing laughter to my friends, and slaughter to my enemies!
With a flip and a quip,
And some tricks up my sleeve,
I can go toe-to-toe,
And make doubters bereave!”

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Angvim gives a warm welcome to everyone as they arrive, as the summons had found him quite near the place so he had more than enough time to look arrive early.
A young 6'1 human who carries the mixed blood of elves and the nidaleese; with both traits mixing in what should normally be a ghastly pale skin (nowadays quite tan) and amber eyes that seem to glow in low light whenever he shields himself from the burning sun in the shadows.
He wears a multitude of small parafernalia on himself, small vials, bells, trinkets, talismans and pouches, where he stores a pinch of just about anything that catches his interest.
He's most of time reading a large tome that never leaves his side, which he keeps doing until everyone is present.

GM Super Zero |

"Thank you for coming all the way out here, Pathfinders," Eando begins, "We know the Inspiring Wellspring is a bit of a trek, but unfortunately your travels aren't done yet.
"As I'm sure you know, the Society recently came into possession of a trove of unique items, ad we're working hard to figure out what they do, who they belong to, and how many layers of security to lock them behind. One such item is this dagger, nicknamed the calamitous dagger by some... enthusiastic members of my faction." he produces a long, thin dagger inscribe with several runes as he speaks. "I know most of you are familiar with a lot of this already, since you were the agents who were there, but bear with me a moment please. We don't know exactly what it does, but so far it's led us to an ancient automaton buried in the desert named Star.
"Star's been out there fore quite some time, and until recently, we were working on excavating them. However..." He glances at the dignitary seated next to him as he chooses his words carefully.
Smiling, Gol Amri steps in. "Prince Zinlo, in his infinite wisdom, brought news of the Society's discovery to some of the lesser nobles in the area. These other nobles, being less careful with delicate secrets, allowed the news to become known. As a result, a small collection of interested citizens has gathered near your Society's dig site."
"Yeah, that's it." Eando grimaces. "All sorts of folks have started showing up and talking to Star, trying to win them over to one cause or another. I'll be frank, Pathfinders. This automaton is powerful, and we're worried they could fall into the wrong hands. Our hope is you'll be able to befriend Star and convince them they're better off with the Society, rather than out in the desert alone--or worse, conscripted into someone's private army. We're not interested in forcing them to do anything, we just want to get them freed and for them to know they've got a safe home with us.

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”’Freed’?”, Aldonza asks. ”Last I saw Star, they were very big and very not-moving. Do we have to dig them out and drag them off? Fix them? Or do you just mean thinking for themselves?”

GM Super Zero |

"If by 'we' you mean the Society, yes we're working on digging them out. If you mean this team specifically, then you probably don't have to worry about that part. But that job will be ongoing. It's... a big job."

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I suspect most of us are fine talking to Star, since they were pleasant enough after we found them. I am concerned that Aslynn might try to send someone to take Star by force. Do we have any intelligence about anyone planning to steal Star?

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Farryn listens to his new teammates chatter about this automaton with interest. He finally pipes up, ”Well, I can see I was invited to join you all for my crafting and magical expertise. This sounds like an interesting case, but could you tell me more about Star? I haven’t had the opportunity to meet them yet.”

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"I'm all for giving Star a better treatment, and I doubt anyone can help more than the Society with that." agrees Angvim quite emphatically.

GM Super Zero |

"Agreed," says Eando, "And we already are, since we're working to dig them out. But I don't think we should treat the rescue as a transaction and expect anything in return--and we certainly don't want Star to think we expect anything. If we're not careful, the kindness might come off as an attempt to influence them. And to be fair, that's not even entirely wrong. I do think we've made a good impression so far, but Star is wary and I can't blame them.
"You’ll meet with the dig site leader, a carpenter named Darius. He can brief you on the current situation. No, I can't say we've heard any evidence of a particular plot, but as most of you know Aslynn tried it once already. I don't know that I'd say expect it, but I'd be prepared for it.”

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The halfling shrugs, ”Aight, we can play it that way. Show up, don’t be a jerk, see what we can do to help, stop other people from bad stuff but respect Star above all instead of manipulating. I’m a master at all forms of negotiations so this should be easy-peasy.”
Spoiler alert, he’s not actually good at negotiations. But that’s never held him back before.
He stands up, ”Once Chaz has me packed up, I’m ready to go.”

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"Wow, Seelah undersold this whole situation," the shoony comments. "Milani would want me to free Star from all bonds, physical or social, so I will do my best to let her see that she has a friend, not a captor, in the Pathfinders."

GM Super Zero |

"Your last trip through this desert was difficult and dangerous, I know," says Gol Amri, "but it isn't so much any more thanks to the pathfinders! Owing to the popularity of the site, most of the previous dangers have been scared off or trampled over. One should always be careful in the deserts of Thuvia, but we anticipate a quiet trip for you. Should be a wonderful change of pace.
"There's a cartwright who was planning on making the trip there already, and I've paid him to transport you. His name is Croll. He has one other passenger I believe, a man named Rasool Alame. He was rescued by Pathfinders once, so he certainly has a high opinion of you. That was the same team that located this Wellspring, actually... I can't quite recall, were any of you part of that team?"
Any Pathfinder who has a Chronicle for PFS Scenario #2-21: In Pursuit of Water may recognize (and be recognized by) Rasool when you meet him.
"You should have time to make any purchases you need here at the Wellspring before Croll is ready to leave."
As the Pathfinders prepare, Eando Kline pulls them aside for a more private conversation. "I've got one other task for you if you'd be so kind. My faction, the Vigilant Seal, has been working on some new containment options for some of the more... unpredictable items we've acquired. There's a crafter out at the dig site named Induren who's been working with us; she says she's got a container just about ready for this dagger as a test. If you can get the dagger safely secured, the Seal will be grateful."
He hands over the calamitous dagger to Theo.
(Theo specifically because he's the only PC currently repping the Vigilant Seal.)

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"Very well, that sounds like a good idea, we know that dagger is being coveted by Aslynn and I'm sure she's not going to be thrilled at us having killed her daughter ... so the sooner it can be contained, the better. I'm actually worried she'll find a way to track that dagger sooner than later."
Having said this, he checks his gear and let's everyone know he's ready to move when everyone is ready.

GM Super Zero |

Once the party has gathered any last-minute supplies, they meet up with the cartwright Croll. He is a chiseled Shoanti human sweating in the heat who comes off as crass an unfriendly. He mentions that he wouldn't have been interested enough to take the time to visit the dig site himself, but the cart he's driving belongs to a customer and he's returning it after some repairs. "So be careful and don't break anything! We'll be traveling by night and resting by day to avoid traveling in the desert heat. There's blankets in there, and you might need them. The desert gets cold when the sun's down."
Croll drives the cart and takes care of the dromedaries, though he seems to expect some assistance when making camp for the day.
The other passenger, Rasool Alame, smiles when he hears his traveling companions are part of the Pathfinder Society. "Some of your Pathfinders rescued me from a cult once! Me and my wife. She's really the one who wanted to go meet the giant automaton, but she's pregnant and not really up to travel. She's staying with her sister. I hope taking the trip for her and telling her all about it will make her more interested than jealous, but I guess I'm taking a bit of a risk." He's a young, jovial man in finely tailored clothes. He seems nervous, too, having a jittery energy. He's a tailor, traveling with some wares he hopes to sell at the dig site.
As the small group travels, he spends his time surveying the landscape or doing minor embroidery work on his wares.
The journey is set to take seven days--faster than the Pathfinders' previous expedition, but then they're able to travel in a straighter line since they know where they're going and don't have to explore additional sites. Things seem uneventful as the caravan travels through sunbaked dunes and scrublands.
While both Rasool and Croll intend to remain at the dig site for a while, this is a chance for the Pathfinders to get a head start on building relationships.
(And for the players to learn the basic structure of the Influence sub-system, if you haven't used it before.)
Each PC should choose one of the NPCs and either try to Discover to learn more about them or Influence them to make a good impression. The first round of Influence will represent your efforts over the entire journey.
Discovery is a secret check, so roll in a spoiler box or just tell me your bonus. You also choose a piece of information to learn (and a second, in case you critically succeed): Which Influence skill is easiest, one of the NPC's personal biases, one of the NPC's resistances, or one of their weaknesses. Be aware that on a critical failure you can get false information, as is typical for secret checks.
To Discover something about Rasool you can use Mercantile Lore, Society, or Perception. To Discover something about Croll you can use Mercantile Lore, Perception, or Society. You can always try another skill (particularly a similar Lore).
You can roll an Influence check openly.
To Influence Rasool you can use (in alphabetical order): Diplomacy; Medicine or Midwife Lore (to soothe the expectant father's nerves); Mercantile Lore, Textile Lore, or similar (to discuss his business); or Pathfinder Society Lore (to discuss the Society's heroics).
To Influence Croll you an use: Alcohol Lore or similar (to bond over a shared drink), Diplomacy, Survival (to help guide the dromedaries so he can take a break), or Woodworking Lore (to discuss his work).
You can always try another skill of course.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Discovery on Rasool, Easiest skill to influence, then a weakness. Society +12.
The halfling nods at the tailor’s introduction, ”The society is happy to help people out. In fact, that’s one of our main goals. And I think this endeavor of yours may be looked upon well by your wife, if you frame it right. See, it’s all about making it into a positive experience for her, even if she isn’t there. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
Oh man, he is screwed. He better find her a really nice present to bring back.

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I think I will move straight to trying to Influence Croll.
Murph helps with the driving and camel care to give Croll a break
Survival to influence Croll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
I think that might be a Crit failure, so I will Hero Point
Survival to influence Croll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Some days I wonder why I bother.

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Ra'uf will offer Milani's blessing to Rasool's future child.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

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”I hear you’re a woodworker”, Aldonza says to Croll. ”I’m handy with a hammer myself”
She takes up the three small hammers hanging at her hip, and starts juggling them.
”It’s the element of danger that draws them in”, she continues, watching his expression. ”Will she drop one? Will it land on her foot? Will she grab it in pain, and hop around comically? They can’t look away!”
She continues to chat with him, trying to get past his gruff exterior.
Influence Croll
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

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Angvim will try and discover something useful about Croll. [Esoteric Lore +14, Diverse Lore, Dubious Knowledge, Unmistakable Lore] looking for a weakness and then the easiest skill to influence
As he tries to get his mind in gear, he finds himself looking amused at Aldonza's antics, almost clapping at her performance before he manages to catch himself.

GM Super Zero |

Farryn realizes that Rasool's greatest concern at the moment is the pending birth of his child. He pays close attention to anyone with experience in the areas of childbirth and parenting.
(Critical success. The easiest skills to Influence him are Medicine or Midwife Lore, which are tied. His social weakness is that any PCs that credibly claim to have children impress the expectant father and decrease the DC of Influence checks by 2.)
Angvim thinks that Croll would let his guard down a little with anybody who would drink with him.
(Also critical success. Any PCs that are willing to sample the foul liquor in his flask earn his respect (and his laughter at their disgusted reaction) and reduce further DCs to influence him by 2. The best skill is Alcohol Lore or similar.)
"Oh, give me that!" Croll snaps as he pulls the reins away from Murph, "Gotta do things yourself if you want 'em done right."
He seems a little torn about Aldonza's stunts, but settles on annoyed. "You're gonna dent that cart after I just fixed it up!"
"Oh, thank you," Rasool says politely to Ra'uf. A little too politely. He doesn't seem any less nervous.
No successes, but no critical failures either.
Theo still has a chance!

GM Super Zero |

Theo still has a chance to Influence Rasool or Croll, but to keep moving...
Eventually, the caravan arrives at the digsite after an ominously uneventful journey.
The small caravan crests the final dune as the sun begins its slow descent into evening. At the foot of the dunes, a makeshift camp surrounds an active dig site. Figures scurry between patches of shade as they begin the evening’s work, and the setting sun gleams off the half-excavated shell of a massive, turtle-shaped automaton at its center.
As the group arrives at the camp, Rasool reminds the Pathfinders to check in with the lead carpenter before bidding them a fond farewell. Croll wordlessly raises a hand in farewell before driving the cart into the camp.
Leading the dig for the Pathfinder Society is Darius Martz a half-elf carpenter and seasoned tradesman. He’s glad to see the party, as by his own admission, he is neither a diplomat nor much of an adventurer. He reiterates that the dig has been on hold for weeks, ever since Star told
everyone to leave them alone. He can also provide information on any of the current inhabitants of the temporary encampment.

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Hi Darius, can you tell us how Star is doing? And who else is hanging around the camp?

GM Super Zero |

"Star said they didn't want to talk to anyone for a while and we've been respecting that and trying to keep people back, but I think you should make an exception to introduce yourselves. They've met most of you before, right?
"As for others... tourists, merchants selling things to tourists... One notable person is Induren the Crafter. Eando said you were supposed to meet with her about something, I think?
"And then there's Brinna, the toymaker. She's here because she thinks Star is.. inspirational, or something? You might want to talk to her, too. Probably tomorrow, though."
As the party approaches Star, a sudden rush of emotion floods the minds of those around the ancient automaton. Most prominent is a deep, melancholic loneliness, the weight of thousands of years with only the stars for company pressing down upon the soul, but there are other emotions as well. Relief at being discovered, at being protected from harm by Pathfinders before. The pain and loss of warfare, but also the joy of battle, tempting in its sweetness but sour in the throat. An ache and an emptiness, a desire for... something yet undiscovered.
The automaton’s eyes spiral open. The head shifts slightly to better see the group of adventurers before them. Mentally, they speak in a quiet, commanding voice, asking “Who are you, to disturb my rest? It is not yet so late that the heavens gleam.”

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Greetings Star. Several of us who were here when you recently woke up have come back. Do you remember the conversation we had before the rest of these people arrived?

GM Super Zero |

Star blinks a few times and addresses the group “Ah, yes, Pathfinders, I remember you. You’re rather more pleasant to have around than most of the opportunistic rabble that have been prattling on at my feet these past weeks.” They continue, “I've grown stronger since we last spoke--I no longer need physical contact to communicate telepathically--but I'm still embarrassingly stuck. So far, the Pathfinders have defended me from those who wish me harm. I welcome you, brave warriors. But I must yet rest. I know I spoke of loneliness and fear of being left alone again before, but now that I'm surrounded by people who come to gawk at me I'm starting to feel the other way. There has been far too much conversations for my taste of late. Return in the morning, after I have viewed the stars again, and we may speak. I fear I was rude to your Darius. I welcome the Pathfinders' assistance with... 'excavation.' At least then I'd be able to move around a bit. But... not until I next awake, please.”[/b]
Star's mental voice wavers with tiredness as they speak. They close their eyes and don't respond to anything else for now. Still, the fact that Star has a preexisting favorable opinion of this group in particular is already setting things moving a little.
Because at least one PC has a Chronicle from Scenario #4-04: To Seek the Heart of Calamity, Star recognizes them and the party gains one free Influence point. One point is all you need to secure their permission for excavation, which opens Athletics as an Influence skill for them--so you get that one just for showing up. In addition, every PC who has such a Chronicle (which I believe is everybody except Farryn, right? Farryn doesn't, Ra'uf does because he's the PC that you were playing a pregen for, and I already know everybody else does because we just played it) has an easier time Influencing Star--the DCs take a -2.
Star is currently asleep, but Influencing them is one of your main objectives and they'll be available in future Influence rounds.
You can Discover about Star with Astronomy Lore or similar, Crafting, Perception, or Society.
You can Influence Star with Astronomy Lore or similar, Athletics (to help excavate them), Diplomacy, Medicine or Nature (to discuss the passage of time and the growth of plants), Society (to discuss the Jistka Imperium and other ancient history), or Warfare Lore or similar (to discuss tactics and logistics)
A human cheerfully greets the party as they leave their first meeting with star. Her colorful clothing is patched several times over and numerous tools poke from her pockets, including a number of wet paintbrushes and a chisel. Brinna introduces herself, then asks the Pathfinders what brought them to the dig site and if they learned anything from Star.
"I'm here to study the automaton’s capabilities and break new and
exciting toy frontiers," she says, "but I'm a little nervous to just talk to them about it. I've heard Star's uncomfortable with the attention already, and it just seems rude y'know? I dunno what that Rasool guy is doing here, though. A tailor? You’d think he’d have better things to do than trek out into the desert, no?”
You can Discover about Brinna with Crafting, Toymaker Lore, or similar; Perception; or Society.
You can Influence Brinna with Arcana (to assess Star’s capabilities); Crafting (to compare notes on toymaking); Diplomacy; or Jistka Lore, Automaton Lore or similar (to try and figure out how to translate Star’s abilities into a toy)
Induren can be found near the cart which serves as her mobile crafting workshop. When the Pathfinders first meet her, she’s using an eyepiece to examine newly engraved runes on a metal chest. "You're the Pathfinder agents Eando Kline sent, right?" When she moves puts her eyepiece away to talk to them, they can see that one of her eyes is blue and the other brown. "Yes, I'm a changeling--although not everybody with heterochromia is, you know. I know you've had some trouble with changelings, but I'm not affiliated with her. Most of us do try to avoid hags, after all. They're more dangerous to us than to most people.
"Anyway... I've been working on new metal alloys for the Vigilant Seal’s sealing chests to try and increase the protection and dampening effects on artifacts within. Um. Your boss hasn't actually sent me the full advance payment yet, though. I'm--I'm trying to trust that he's serious and that he'll come through and it's just a miscommunication, but I was kinda going to use that to help pay for materials for this project. If you want this thing done I wouldn't say no to some help--you can collect some raw materials, or negotiate with the merchants here, or help me with some of the more delicate pieces--anything can help!"
You can Discover about Induren with Crafting, Perception, or Society.
You can Influence Induren with Arcana, Occultism or Religion (to help refine the magic runes used on the chests); Crafting (to help with minor crafting tasks); Diplomacy; or Nature (to find materials in the desert)
Images and summaries for all of these NPCs added to the Slides.
Influence Round Two: All PCs' turns
NPCs available: Rasool, Croll, Brinna, Induren; currently unavailable: Star
Theo (Also has Round 1: Rasool or Croll, available)

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"I look forward to speaking with you when you are ready. For now, rest."
Yes, Ra'uf has the chronicle from the prequel.
"Any enemy of Aslynn's is a friend of mine," Ra'uf says as he examines the chests. "I apologize that your payment has not been sent yet, and I will be sure to bring that up once we return if it is still delayed. But for the moment, let me see what I can do to help."
Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
I don't suppose Shoony lore is close enough for Brinna? We are cute doggos!

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Farryn jumps right into a discussion about crafting tools with Brinna, ”Oh! Those of us in the trades always stick together. I do a different bit of crafting but I think we can see about working together some. See I was thinking if you put a chemical reservoir in your toys it could….”
Crafting (E) + Crafter’s Eyepiece to Influence Brinna: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 1 = 26

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Sweet Dreams Star. May the rest you get bring you the peace you seek.
Murph will attempt to Discover more about Induren with Crafting +11.
So Induren, let's talk more about how these chests are constructed, particularly these corners where the energy might leak out. . .

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While Murph talks runey bits with Induren, Aldonza chats with her about the delayed payment, with assurances that the Society will come through for her.
”We always pay our contractors”, she says. ”They know where all of the bodies are buried” ;-)
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

GM Super Zero |

I don't suppose Shoony lore is close enough for Brinna? We are cute doggos!
You can always try any skill, but it might be more difficult.
"Yes that's.. not bad," Induren says stiffly as Ra'Ul interferes helps with her work, "I'll just.. go over that again to be sure."
Close, but not quite.
"Oh, that's very clever!" Brinna says to Farryn with a laugh. She suddenly looks very serious. "Here, take this. I think you need it more than I do."
It's an intricately articulated wooden soldier. Brinna maintains a straight face for several more seconds before breaking into another giggle.
Success! One Influence point with Brinna--and one's all you need for the first reward threshold with her too.
"There's going to be a bracket there to reinforce the corners," Induren says shortly to Murph. She's not very talkative while working.
"Yeah, sure," she says to Aldonza, "I heard you were out here before and automatons attacked you. Is that true? Are we in danger here?"
Failure to Discover and Critical Failure to Influence, although you don't have any points to lose yet.
Influence Round Two: Theo and Angvim's turns
NPCs available: Rasool, Croll, Brinna, Induren; currently unavailable: Star
Theo (Also has Round 1: Rasool or Croll, available)

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With a curt mental nod towards Star, Angvim conveys his respect to the ancient being's request to be left alone for the time being and then moves over to Croll... not to thrilled at having to drink whatever concoction the man has at hand.
Nevertheless, it seems like the best way to get him to open up, so he just steels up and sits close to Croll.
"So, it seems you have something interesting to drink, would you mind if I join?, all this traveling and sand have me quite thirsty for a good drink."
As they drink the alcohol, Angvim starts recalling bits and pieces of information on different drinks and concoctions, which he shares with Croll as they drink up. Esoteric Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29. Dubious Knowledge, Unmistakable Lore, Diverse Lore (-2 applied already)

GM Super Zero |

This is supposed to be a beverage? Angvim finds the contents of the flask to be thick and tar-like. It's chewy.
Croll laughs at him, but seems pleased that he tried it.
Critical success, for two Influence points. However, make a Fort save.
Eventually most of the occupants of the camp make their way to bed. Darius helps point out a place where the Pathfinder agents, Rasool, and Croll can make camp.
The next day things seem much the same--except Star is awake.
Influence Round Three: All PCs' turns
NPCs available: Rasool, Croll, Brinna, Induren, Star
Theo (Also has Round 1: Rasool or Croll, and Round 2: anyone but Star available)
Angvim (Fort save)
Rasool (Tailor and expectant father) Influence:
Croll (Grumpy cartwright) Influence: **
Star (Reawakened war machine) Influence: * (One threshold)
Brinna (Inquisitive Toymaker) Influence: * (One threshold)
Induren (Wary Tinkerer) Influence:

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Farryn picks up a conversation with the expectant father after breakfast.
”Rasool, how you feeling today? Worried about your wife and kid? I’d love to be able to reassure you about fatherhood, but that blessing hasn’t crossed my path yet. However, I can help put you at ease regarding the birth process. Massive strides have been made in modern medicine regarding childbirth. With proper preparation and tools, a midwife today can easily deliver even the most stubborn babies. All you need to worry about is helping support the mother.”
Medicine (T): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Medicine (T) Halfling Luck Reroll: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Did we all get an extra hero point to use or just the one to start?

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I think you have an extra hero Point. I have four glyphs and Ra'uf has one. I think that gives everyone but me a second Hero Point. When we first discussed it in the chat, no one piped up that they had any more glyphs, but with one more we all start with two.
GM Super Zero, can I substitute Engineering Lore for Automaton Lore or Jistka Lore? I may want to use it in the future
Star, how have you been since we left? Are you still studying the Stars?
Nature to talk about the Stars and Influence Star: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
I a rolling so badly here, and I've already used my Hero Point.

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Fort Save, gulp!: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 Oh boy, it's going to be one of those nights...

GM Super Zero |

Farryn has certainly found Rasool's favorite topic. He has to say very little before Rasool is doing most of the talking. It's a little rude, but his excitement is contagious.
Critical success
"Oh yes. Pity we can't see them now." says Star, "The sun is too bright."
You can always try anything. That would work. ...but that's a failure.
Angvim chokes the stuff down. It's fine. It's fine!
Influence Round Three: Theo, Angvim, Ra'Uf, and Aldonza's turns
NPCs available: Rasool, Croll, Brinna, Induren, Star
Theo (Also has Round 1: Rasool or Croll, and Round 2: anyone but Star available)
Rasool (Tailor and expectant father) Influence: **
Croll (Grumpy cartwright) Influence: **
Star (Reawakened war machine) Influence: * (One threshold)
Brinna (Inquisitive Toymaker) Influence: * (One threshold)
Induren (Wary Tinkerer) Influence:

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"After all this time, I am sure you want to get out of there. I should lend the digging crew a paw."
Athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

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Aldonza joins Ra’uf by Star. ”Sudden fame can be overwhelming”, she says to their foreign visitor. ”It helps to have the right people around to keep you grounded”
Influence Star
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

GM Super Zero |

"Oh yes, thank you!" Star says as Ra'uf works to help excavate them. "Yes, I'm learning that," they add to Aldonza, "A hundred years ago this is exactly what I thought I wanted, but it's just overwhelming now."
Both successes!
Influence Round Three: Theo and Angvim's turns (though I'm going to assume Theo won't be joining us soon)
NPCs available: Rasool, Croll, Brinna, Induren, Star
Theo (Also has Round 1: Rasool or Croll, and Round 2: anyone but Star available)
Rasool (Tailor and expectant father) Influence: **
Croll (Grumpy cartwright) Influence: **
Star (Reawakened war machine) Influence: *** (One threshold)
Brinna (Inquisitive Toymaker) Influence: * (One threshold)
Induren (Wary Tinkerer) Influence:

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Angvim takes a small cough as the liquid goes down his throat and then smiles at Croll. "Ah, much better."
As they breathe in the desert breeze, Angvim decides to keep the conversation going, now curious about the design of the cart the man just fixed.
"So, I can't help but notice that this cart has some hard love worked into it. Have you done any work on it besides mantainance? I remember reading something about ways to get the wheels to run smoothlier on sand..." Esoteric Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Dubious Knowledge, Unmistakable Lore, Diverse Lore (-2 applied already)
Trying to RK about engineering on something similar to inflated wheels to prevent carts from being stuck on dunes

GM Super Zero |

Angvim... starts to feel a little ill as his stomach revolts. He powers through it, and before too long the feeling fades. At least, it does after he manages to avoid Croll's watching eyes for a few minutes.
"Oh, that cart actually belongs to the toymaker, Brinna. She certainly knows mechanics, and I think she did most of those decorative carvings herself. I replaced the broken axle and some of those old floorboards. I think she's probably just not used to working on bigger structures or worrying as much about sturdiness."
Croll grins and holds up his flask. "A lot of people don't have the stomach for this stuff. That's very impressive! You should get your friends to try it too."
Angvim is Sickened 1 during this round. But that's still a critical success. Croll offers all of the Pathfinders a swig from his flask.
...which is a little redundant since you knew to ask him for it because of the successful Discovery, but the option is freely available to everyone now: DC 21 Fort save. On a failure you're Sickened 1 during the next Influence phase. Pass or fail, Croll is impressed and DCs to Influence him are reduced by two.
Everyone is involved in their assorted conversations until the late afternoon, about 18 hours after the Pathfinders arrived in camp.
As work begins in the long afternoon shadows, the wind picks up. Banners and tent flaps flutter in the breeze, then begin to strain as the swirling air increases in force. Sand begins to fly as a sandstorm begins! To the east, movement can be seen through the swirling winds as something approaches the camp and moves toward Star.
As the Pathfinders descend toward Star, they can tell the automaton is in distress and straining to break free. When they reach the bottom, they see the source of Star’s panic: a group of air elementals has been causing mayhem in the camp.
The whipping sands feel particularly dangerous out here, but there's little anyone can do bout it other than to seek shelter somewhere else--which Star clearly cannot do.
One of the creatures, a bat made out of electricity, starts to move closer. It only moves a short distance before suddenly turning into a lightning bold that leaps across the desert to Aldonza's weapon. Resolving back into a solid form, it immediately sinks its fangs into her. Although that's not quite right; there's no puncture wound, but its bite delivers a painful shock.
(7 electricity damage)
Murph's turn.
Spark Bat (Red)
Murph (58/58)
Spark Bat (Green)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow)
Angvim (63/63)
Aldonza (59/66)
Living Thunderclap (Purple)
Ra'uf (66/66)
Farryn (66/66)
Spark Bat (Blue)
Yellow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Red: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Blue: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Green: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Angvim: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Ra'uf: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Murph: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Aldonza: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Farryn: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 for electricity damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Does this seem like a little too much of a coincidence to anyone else?
◆ Step
◆ Draw and Strike with Shortsword using Quickdraw. If this creature can be Off-Guard (AKA Flat footed) it would be Off-guard to Murph due to Gang-up.
+1 ghost touch striking shortsword(magical, versatile S, agile, finesse): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Damage 2d6+4 P +2d6 P/Prec: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 + (5, 6) = 22
◆ Draw and Second Strike with Kukri in off hand using Quickdraw
+1 striking kukri(agile, finesse, trip, magical): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 13 - 4 = 23
Damage 2d6+4 S +2d6 S/Prec: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 + (2, 4) = 14

GM Super Zero |

It's down after that first hit, if you want to reassign your third action there.

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Murph looks surprised as the creature goes down.
◆ How about a check to try to identify Yellow or Pink? Possible applicable skills: Crafting +11, Engineering Lore +11, Nature +10, Occultism +11, Religion +10

GM Super Zero |

The creatures look like living storm clouds, but Murph isn't sure of much else.
Another bat with a greenish tinge starts flapping its way towards the Pathfinders. With a crack like lightning it suddenly arcs across the sky and zaps Murph's knife, returning to its batlike shape. As it does so, it lunges and bites Murph, shocking him where it touches.
8 electricity damage
One of those crackling storm clouds moves closer. It pauses for a moment and darkens, then unleashes a bolt of lightning into the middle of the party where it strikes Ra'uf. It's... not as bad as he might have thought. But the *BOOM* rattles him and everyone nearby. Especially the spark bat, which was apparently quite unprepared.
The first Living thunderclap flies closer, and then uses its Thunderbolt ability for two actions. This halves the base damage of its lightning bolt strike in exchange for a sonic area of effect if it hits. And... that's a funny series of dice rolls. Almost a crit, but minimal damage. Ra'ul takes 1 electricity damage. Him and everyone within 15 feet (that is, all PCs and also Green) can make a DC 18 basic Fort save against 3 sonic damage; anyone who fails is also Deafened for 3 rounds. The spark bat critically fails...
Angvim and Aldonza's turns.
Murph (58/58, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Spark Bat (Green, -6, deafened 3 rounds)
Living Thunderclap (Yellow)
Angvim (63/63, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Aldonza (59/66, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Living Thunderclap (Purple)
Ra'uf (65/66, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Farryn (66/66, DC 18 basic Fort vs 3 sonic damage, Deafened if Fort fails)
Spark Bat (Blue)
Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 for electricity damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Thunderbolt: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Electricity damage: 1d12 ⇒ 1
Sonic damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
Green Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 3