Uraisa Ellsworth |

Uraisa laughs at the Captain’s words. ”To tell you the truth, this is not in fact one of my normal gathering places! My friends and I were actually hoping to run into someone of your importance however. I attempted to take them into the Arcade earlier today to show them and educate them about the artifacts contained therein. The guards would not budge on letting us inside without the permission of someone higher up in rank than themselves. I suppose there may have been some sort of trouble in the past for them. But you know me, Captain Caporetto, and I would hope to ask you for just a small favor of granting us access for even a slight few minutes. I’d certainly tell my father of your helpfulness!”
Diplomacy +4

DM DoctorEvil |

The Captain gives a low bow. "I would be honored to allow you enter the Arcade, and even escort you around the room myself, if you will allow me. It may not be a full tour, but you and your friends should get to see the artifacts you wish. And of course, any mention to your father makes me completely at your service!"
Anyone who wants to join in can tag along.
The entry gallery of the senate celebrates Taldor's abundant military and political glories. Banners and trophies line the halls fo the arcade, some displayed openly, wile others rest behind intricate glass cases. Armor stands and display cases present countless belonging to great heroes and soldiers.
At least a dozen Phalanx guards stand or patrol this area, even when the senate is not in session.
LMK if there are any items of interest for those who go on the tour.

Peris Fomeni |

Noting Uraisa's success, Peris smirks as she finishes her game. "Thank you for such a great time! We'll have to do this again sometime. Give me a chance to win back some of that coin." She winks as she takes her leave of the table.
She joins Uraisa and Caporetto in the tour of the arcade.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Uraisa moves back to the group and nods at them that it was time to leave. ”Everyone, this is Captain Caporetto, a friend of the family from literally forever ago. He has graciously agreed to accompany us on a quick tour of the Arcade. Let’s be quick about it, as I’m sure the Captain has many important duties he will need to get back to sooner rather than later,” she smiles as she nods at the Captain.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

GM, I think Aria’s mission was to have a few items vanish, so during the tour, I guess I’d distract the Captain across the room from those items and give Aria a chance to start on her mission, if she’d like…

Sennos |
Sennos was doing her best to follow and listen in to the explanations of the items that were displayed in the arcade, paying particular attention to the ones that had to do with sporting accomplishments that were enshrined within the Arcade. Even still the grand display of it all was breathtaking. There were several things that were quite awe-inspiring given their size, and a couple of accomplishments that made here wonder just why those in particular were chosen to be displayed here. Undoubtedly, some of them were the result of political favor and familial ego, but that was Taldor, was it not?
In a more personal setting, she was definitely more relaxed than she was in the tavern, a bit skittish and wide-eyed no matter how much she tried to downplay it. Thankfully her drink was more water than it was wine, and she was not sure whether it was the drink or her nerves that had her hovering on the edge of nauseous.

Volturio "Volt" Levinus |

Coming back into the tavern, and quite satisfied with his gathering, Volt worked his way back to the group. He made sure his path brought him close enough to Peris' card game to check in. She was just getting up from the table, hopefully having gathered some details herself. The easy going swashbuckler arrived at their table as the others did, just in time to be introduced to to Uraisa's acquaintance.
Keeping in mind their different tasks that had to be completed, he jumped at the chance to tour the Arcade with the others. He figured that between a few of them best suited to the task, acquiring the necessary items might just be possible. He was initially unsure of the groups ability to distract the guards so he didn't mention his intent to the group and banked on Aria's sharp wit and ability to read the room.
Volt planted himself in front of a large display table filled with bits and bobbles from a variety of places. The main detail of note here was that it was an open display. With no intention of theft, he picked up a random egg sized item from the display and bounced it in his hand, judging the weight. He then held it out at arms length, closing one eye and squinting at the object with the other, as if scrutinizing fine details, his low whistle demonstrated that he was impressed.
Intentions with Volt here are to walk the knife's edge between having "all eyes on me" while not having us escorted out.

Aria Half-Elven |

"Thank you for arranging the tour Uraisa," Aria whispers as they leave the tavern. "There are a few items of interest I've heard much about and am curious to see them without the distractions of a large gathering."
As the group makes their way around the collection of artefacts, Aria peers with great intensity on the items and their means of display as well as the overall layout of the gallery and the positioning of the guards.
During the tour, Aria will mentally mark the locations of several items, walk around each to examine the case/pedestal/display to gauge the best way to pocket them; walk casually but meaningfully around to measure the distance between them; and look for hiding places should the need arises. Long story short, basically casing the joint.
Stealing any items now would definitely point back to the group - my plan is to get an overall layout of the place first, then pilfer the goods during the party while there are lots of other possible culprits.

DM DoctorEvil |

In the southern part of the chamber lies the display referenced by Lady Martella in her note to Aria. These are items donated by the Earl Calhadion Vernisant. The items are a fan, a spyglass, a dagger, a buckler, and a gold-embossed leather-bound journal. They are not locked away but lie openly in a display cabinet.
Aria can see that some minor sleight of hand will be required to remove any of the objects and some are perhaps too big to hide easily. As Volt picks up the spyglass and starts handling it obviously, the nearby guards are quick to politely to ask him to refrain from touching the objects. It is obvious the artifacts are well-watched, for now, but with a roomful of guests, it might be another matter.
Any other intentions here in the pre-game?

Aria Half-Elven |

After the opportunity to actually see the items, the next day Aria will shop around for a fan, journal and dagger that closely enough resemble those on display. I'm not sure how much a fan and journal cost, and she can use one of her daggers if need be.
Before the event Aria will put on her party dress and practice hiding those items, and moving them with the intent of replacing the actual items on display with them. The dagger should be easy enough strapped to her thigh under the dress...

DM DoctorEvil |

Aria finds some items that might work as suitable replacements for the artifacts she saw in the Arcade. While not perfect matches by any means, they will stand cursory examination. The cost sets her back 1gp.
During the intervening week, gowns and suits are altered to fit, preparations of various kinds are made, and an invitation arrives from Lady Martella for each of you. They are all the same and delivered by Sir Peris at varying places across the now-bustling city:
"Please join me at The Beefy Boar Inn an hour before the Exaltation Gala is set to begin. I have a private room reserved where we can meet and go over any final details. Light refreshments will be provided."
Provided you all attend on the evening in question, dressed in your finest wear, you find the Beefy Boar a rowdy, crowded place full of those common-folk ready to celebrate. The private room in question, however, is upstairs and quiet enough. It is dimly lit with candles and final glowing rays of the setting sun. Breads, cheeses, and bottles of fine wine sit atop a side table but Martella sips casually from a steaming mug dressed in an elegant but comparatively reserved gown -- at least by Taldan's rather immodest standards. A hand-sized brass cricket buzzes quietly on the table beside her.
"I am so pleased you could join me this evening," she begins. [b]"Please help yourself or order whatever you like. The fig jam is particularly lovely here. And feel free to speak candidly. I have taken measures to ensure our privacy.
Feel free to order something, make any comments you feel appropriate, or sit quietly. If you wish to know more about the brass cricket, provide your Crafting or Arcana modifier -- or simply ask.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Lady Ellsworth puts on her fineries and shows up early for the meeting. Nothing was more important than her goals, after all. She curtsies at Lady Martella as she enters the room. ”So nice to see you again, Lady Martella. I’d better grab a bite before the meeting. Who knows how long it will take for all of our plans to take place,” she says as she daintily slices off a piece of bread, a slice of cheese, and some of the famed fig jam.
”How have you been? We’ve done some research about our missions….”
As she takes her seat, she looks more closely at the buzzing cricket.
Arcana +7

DM DoctorEvil |

The device seems magical in some way, but exactly what the effect is, or how it is derived is outside your scope of knowledge without casting divination spells of some kind.
Lady Martella greets Uraisa warmly and motions for her to sit at the table after she has rounded up some sustenance. "We will wait for the others to arrive, but I am pleased to see you." she says.
Uraisa: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Sennos |
Dressed in something white and wine colored befitting her station against Lady Martella, and her role, the modestly loose gown is cinched by belts at the arms, and the corset that complement the calf-high boots serving as a nice balance between the modern culture of fashion and a modest touch for an affair like this. A proper curtsey is given in greeting at her arrival, and a nod to Urasia on entry. Likewise, a small plate of bread, cheese, and other small bites is gathered for decorum, though it is set before her and untouched as of yet.
"Lady Martella, it is nice to see you once more." Keeping an ear open during the week in the various places she could reach that were closer to servants than it was the nobility was what she had been doing, looking for names that came up more than most. Socializing among other competitors in an admittedly limited fashion was also what occupied the majority of her days, as she was here to compete as well. This evening was somewhat of a pleasant diversion, in truth.

Vylora |

Stopping in the doorway Vylora raises an eyebrow at the gathered party. I would say sorry for my late arrival but it seems I am not the last to arrive. She shrugs her shoulders. I suppose the streets are quite busy tonight. She wears the maroon dress she had ordered from Threads Rare and has put her hair up into a ponytail. Her blades still adorn her hip while under her arm she clutches onto a lyre. Taking a seat she sits the lyre down in her lap, picking at a few bites of food.

DM DoctorEvil |

As soon as everyone is seated, Lady Martella motions for Sir Peris to pass out some small items to each attendee. The item is a small golden brooch with the crest of a serpent coiled menacingly around a helpless looking unicorn. She pins a similar larger brooch on her own gown. "These small items are senate aide badges but they are from the long deceased noble family of Senator Voritas. The badges identify you to the guards, senators, aides, and others as attending staff of a senator. The fact the crest is from a long-dead clan means that you are not identified as serving a single house, but as an honored guest. They will allow you access to the events in the Senate chambers. They are also all attuned to my master badge. This attunement allows me to send you telepathic messages, which you have one minute to reply with no more than 25 words. These may come in useful as the evening wears on, and allow you easier opportunity to carry out the missions we discussed last meeting."
"I intend to spend most of the evening in the senate gallery should you need to find me. I am confident you each understand your mission and are capable of performing it. If you have questions or reservations, now is the time to speak up."
She has a bit more to say after you respond to her affirmation of you understanding.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

”What a creative little invention,” Uraisa exclaims as she pins the brooch in its appropriate spot. ”I believe I’m prepared for the mission, milady. Any idea about how long this event should last?”

Peris Fomeni |

"Incredibly useful and prepared as always, your Ladyship," Sir Peris replies.
Dressed in a high-cut deep blue dress with dark gray kid gloves and a structured shrug that gives her shoulders extra definition, Peris continues her tradition of straddling the line between a lady-in-waiting and a military officer. She pins her brooch to the shrug and listens for any further advice.
Apologies, this past week was a doozy.

Vylora |

Undoubtedly tonight's events will go on for quite some time. Surely you know, Lady Uraisa, how nobles like to draaag out any kind of party. Vylora might be smiling at you but she does not attempt to hide the touch of venom in her words. Attaching the brooch to her dress she turns to Lady Martella. I gather from what you've said that these badges do not allow us to contact you. But only allow us to respond. Shall we come find you immediately to report our success or simply wait for you to touch base and respond then? She seems to hold no doubt in the fact that she will succeed at her task.

Volturio "Volt" Levinus |

Volt passed politely on the offered refreshments, commenting that keeping himself slightly hungry made him sharper and more alert. He was the last to reach for his pendant. He flipped it in the air like a coin and caught it, without even looking, as he prepared the location he planned to fasten it. "This will be great for what I have in mind later this evening." He turned to The Lady and bowed slightly, Thank you kindly, m'lady. Are we to conceal our communications through these or is that use of them more commonplace at tonight's function?"

Aria Half-Elven |

Gliding into the room wearing her functional dark navy blue dress with an attached shawl / demi-cape, Aria pauses momentarily to take in the setting. Her gaze settles on the refreshments and she helps herself to a modest portion before sitting furthest away from Lady Martella.
She turns the senate aide badge over in her hand before pinning it in a position similar to where the guards wore such badges. She keeps her arms folded throughout the sitting, calm but relaxed while taking in the information shared by Lady Martella.
Now's when I found out if all this time spent practicing moving these items pays off, making ready to make the switches at the event. If not, maybe I'll be a good distraction for the others at least.
Last week was a rough one for me as well. Hope you all are doing okay!

DM DoctorEvil |

Lady Martella smiles as you all attach the brooches to your eveningwear. "The communication is one way, and telepathic, so you needn't hide it, at least not much. And if you need me, then come find me. I won't be able to directly aid your tasks, but can perhaps, provide some guidance should it be needed I am confident in your abilities and understanding of the tasks, so you should be fine unless something...unexpected happens."
She continues. "Overall, tonight promises to be an historic evening, but an evening of work nonetheless. And in the sort of work you're embarking on, the line that divides success and failure is drawn by people you know. You have your own tasks to accomplish, but I'm counting on you to support one another to ensure success and discretion. If you need assistance, kindly ask for it, if your assistance is required, give it. And if I am to be blunt, I would like, for once in my adult life, to simply enjoy a gala I attend, rather than scamper about with clandestine busywork. If you all complete your work without need of me to clean anything up, I will happily double your promised fee."
"I trust your activities won't occupy your entire evening, so by all means, enjoy the party and make friends. This is an excellent opportunity for you to begin your own political ambitions, but do be discreet."
With that, she pushes back from the table and rises to her feet, the taffeta of her gown crinkling softly. "Now, unless you have further questions, I have some last minute preparations to attend to, then I will see you at the Gala."
Unless you stop her, she makes ready to depart.

DM DoctorEvil |

If you have any questions or comments for the Lady, please share them, but will move us along also.
Eventually, you all depart the Beefy Boar and you make your way along the streets of the capital towards the Senate building. You are still a good distance away when a disappointing site meets your view. A long snaking line of staffers, aides, and other non-VIP gala guests are lined up in a long queue stretching back away from the marble steps of the senate. It seems that senators and other VIPs are allowed immediate access to the interior, but others must wait in this long, snaking line.
Along the queue, aggressive vendors hawk cheap souvenirs and other wares like Taldan flags, likenesses of nobility, or cheap imitation artifacts. The whole experience is rather exasperating. The lines moves very slowly, and your group has been standing and shuffling for more than an hour and maybe only halfway to the steps when a dreary looking Vudrani inspector steps up to you and motions to all of you with a bored expression. "All of you, come with me." She motions you out of line and off to the side for a detailed inspection. It is pretty clear you will lose your place in line and have to start over -- a quick glance backwards shows the line is, if anything, even longer now-- if you follow her direction.
What do you do next? If you want to try to influence the inspector with Charisma checks or any other skill, provide the appropriate modifier.

Volturio "Volt" Levinus |

Volt steps to the front of the party, directly addressing the inspector. "Excuse me, ma'am, I understand that you have a job to do and that we are to follow your directions so that you can do it, though, as you will soon discover, we have done nothing wrong. With this in mind, it would be a shame for us to lose our spot in this ever-growing line. Would you be so kind as to be willing to take just half of us at a time for your inspection, so that the others may keep our place?" The swashbuckler does his best to remain both submissive and non-opposed as he is unaware of any reason to avoid the inspection. He is not looking for trouble in the first few moments of their big day.
(Unsure of what is needed here for a roll: Diplomacy +4, Charisma +1)

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Taldan Politics and Society both +7 to let the inspector know Uraisa and her friends do not merit such higher level inspection. Or Diplomacy +5 to assist Volt’s gambit. Since he went first, I assume we will go with Diplomacy.
”This man is correct. I have several people waiting for my presence inside. I simply cannot be expected to be ….searched, then have to go to the back of the line and miss my appointments. No, this will never do. It’s not your fault, that they didn’t assign enough people to this task creating such long lines or course, but perhaps you could inspect some others, that clearly don’t belong…”

Vylora |

"Others, that clearly don’t belong?" Ha, typical nobility! I don't know if I should be impressed at how well she plays the part or if she simply isn't playing. An excellent idea Volt. It allows this woman to do her job while ensuring that our betters Pah, "betters"! are not left waiting. Vylora gives the inspector a look of warning. You know how impatient some of them can be.
Intimidate +5

Sennos |
Somewhat surprised that they would be singled out of the line, Sennos looked at the attire everyone had on in comparison to everyone else in the line, and frowned slightly. This felt like an uncommon occurrence, compared to the others that were waiting.
Sense Motive Action