Aria Half-Elven |

Born to an elven warrior captured during a raid, her earliest memories are mixed between the warmth of her mother Xiadi and the harsh life of confinement. To keep her spirits focused on surviving, Xiadi would sing of her life before, sharing her elven heritage in a comforting way to all would listen. In the quiet evenings, she would share the tale of the tall nobleman who visited her often when she first arrived, and how one night she lost herself and thus began a brief affair that resulted in Aria.
She never saw him again but did receive a stipend to help care for her child. This set her apart from the other gladiators, and to spare resentment Xiadi shared small portions as she could spare. This gained some favor with her peers who took to helping Aria with training to help her in the arena.
As Aria grew, her mother fostered her magical talents with secretive means and helped Aria focus her ability through song and music. Expressing this in a more subtle way ensured no heavy-handed means were taken to prevent spell-casting.
The day Aria last cried was when her mother died.
It was on her 11th birthday, and Xiadi was in the arena giving an exceptional show when the shot took her in the back. The only positive is that it was quick and she didn't suffer. Aria was stunned, frozen in disbelief as she assumed her mother was graceful enough to avoid any attack aimed at her. When her body was carried back into the dugout, the shock disappeared and great sobs of grief wracked her small form for days.
It was then that a new sponsor appeared to take her away for a fresh start. Aria' first few training sessions were half-hearted at best, but that changed when the mysterious letter arrived. "Take care cousin - you have a friend who cares about your success. Train well, and we will meet one day," read the note, in an elegant flowing script. She never knew how it was delivered only finding it one evening under her pillow.
Her mother's teachings kicked back in. From that day forward Aria focused every effort into becoming the best arena fighter by supplementing her warrior skills with her magical abilities, more so than her mother had. Her only goal was to become the best she could be so she could survive long enough to attend the mysterious meeting the letter promised…
I've finished her purchases on Pathbuilder - are we sharing the crunchy bits here as well?

DM DoctorEvil |

OK, here is our swashbuckler, I anxiously await the review of version 1. I welcome a critique from anyone with time to look at it, as I've never played or built this type of character before. I know my deity is missing, just a fluff component, I'll catch it up on the first edit.
** spoiler omitted **...
Just a few small things:
1) The AC you have is 18, but I only get to 17. No armor on this character at present.
2) also the "to hit" bonus for your throwing daggers should bee +7 (not +6).
I think I am down with the rest. Not seen a throwing swashbuckler before, so it will be interesting.

Aria Half-Elven |

Name: Aria Half-Elven (Bladesinger)
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Half-Elven Background: Athletic Champion
Class: Bard ~ 1 Alignment: N(G) Size: Medium {5’ 10”; 140#; 20 y.o.}
Traits: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Humanoid Languages: Common, Elven
Perception (T/*E*/M/L) +5 Senses: Low-Light Vision
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC 18, Fort (*T*/E/M/L) [+4], Ref (*T*/E/M/L) [+6], Will (T/*E*/M/L) [+5]
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP 17
Class DC (*T*/E/M/L) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25
Space 5ft, Reach 10ft
Melee: Scorpion Whip ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 S/ Reach 10’
Shortsword ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d6 +2 P/
Dagger ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 P/ Range 10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16
Acrobatics (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Arcana (T/E/M/L) +0
Athletics (*T*/E/M/L) +5
Crafting (T/E/M/L) +0
Deception (T/E/M/L) +3
Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +3
Intimidation (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Lore: Games (T/E/M/L) +3
Medicine (T/E/M/L) +0
Nature (T/E/M/L) +0
Occultism (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Performance (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Religion (T/E/M/L) +0
Society (T/E/M/L) +0
Stealth (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Survival (T/E/M/L) +0
Thievery (T/E/M/L) +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats: • Unconventional Weaponry
Muse: • Warrior
General Feats: • Martial Performer (Warrior Muse)
• Hefty Hauler (background 1st)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Items - Starting Wealth: 15 gp
• Scorpion Whip 5sp, L bulk
• Shortsword 9sp, L bulk
• Dagger -gp, L bulk
• Dagger .2gp, L bulk
• Studded Leather (T/E/M/L) 3gp, 1 bulk
• Buckler 1gp, L bulk
• Backpack [1sp L bulk], Scorpion Whip [spare] [5sp, L bulk], Musical Instrument (elven flute) [ - L bulk], Material Component Pouch [5sp L bulk], 50 feet of rope [5sp L bulk], 1 weeks' rations [4sp L bulk], Sack [1cp L bulk], and a Waterskin [5cp L bulk]
Remaining Money: 6gp 9sp 4cp
Total Bulk: 1.6 Unencumbered (Enc: 9; Max: 14)

Volturio "Volt" Levinus |

Just a few small things:
1) The AC you have is 18, but I only get to 17. No armor on this character at present.
2) also the "to hit" bonus for your throwing daggers should bee +7 (not +6).
I think I am down with the rest. Not seen a throwing swashbuckler before, so it will be interesting.
Got those items adjusted, forgot to include my leather armor, should be good to go now, I'll attach the details to my profile pic and I'm ready to roll!
Name: Voltario 'Volt' Levinus
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Versatile Heritage Background: Young Reformer
Class: Swashbuckler (1) Swashbuckler Style: Battledancer
Alignment: N Deity: Atheist
Size: Medium
Traits: Humanoid
Perception: (T/E/M/L) +5
Languages: Common
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC: 18 FORT: (T/E/M/L) +5, REF: (T/E/M/L) +9, WILL: (T/E/M/L) +5
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP: 20
Class DC: (T/E/M/L) 17
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed: 30
Space: 5ft Reach: 5ft
Dagger: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L), 1d4+2 P/S
Throwing Dagger: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L), 1d4+2 P
Spiked Chain: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L), 1d8+2 S
Dagger: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L) 1d4 P Range: 10
Throwing Knife: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L), 1d4+2 P Range: 20
Hand Crossbow: 1d20+7 (T/E/M/L) 1d6 P Range: 60' (Reload 1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
STR: 14 DEX: 18 CON: 14 INT: 10 WIS: 10 CHA: 12
• Acrobatics (T/E/M/L) +7
• Athletics (T/E/M/L) +5
• Deception (T/E/M/L) +4
• Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +4
• Performance (T/E/M/L) +4
• Stealth (T/E/M/L) +7
• Thievery (T/E/M/L) +7
• Lore, Talador Underworld (T/E/M/L) +3
Untrained Skills:
• Arcana +0
• Crafting +0
• Intimidation +1
• Medicine +0
• Nature +0
• Occultism +0
• Religion +0
• Society +0
• Survival +0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
General Feats:
• Fleet
Human Feats:
• Natural Ambition
Skill Feats:
• Fascinating Performance
• Subtle Theft
Swashbuckler Feats:
• Flying Blade
• Focused Fascination
• Confident Finisher
• Pinache
• Precise Strike
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Inventory: - Starting Wealth: 15 gp, (Remaining: 5gp, 8sp, 3cp)
• Dagger
• Throwing Knife
• Throwing Knife
• Throwing Knife
• Hand Crossbow
• Spiked Chain
• Explorer's Clothing
• Leather Armor (+1)
•Bolts - 20
• Brass Ear
• Ear Plugs
• Bedroll
• Chalk - 10
• Flint and Steel
• Rope - 50'
• Rations - 2 weeks
• Soap
• Torch - 5
• Waterskin
Current bulk is 3 (7 is encumbered, 12 is max)

DM DoctorEvil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:I think I’m ready for review as well although I might pick up another item or two.Wanting to be sure you saw that I was ready for inspection, GM.
sure did, I started on Uraisa, but did nto complete yet. Will see if I get it tonight.

DM DoctorEvil |

DM DE wrote:Just a few small things:
1) The AC you have is 18, but I only get to 17. No armor on this character at present.
2) also the "to hit" bonus for your throwing daggers should bee +7 (not +6).
I think I am down with the rest. Not seen a throwing swashbuckler before, so it will be interesting.
Got those items adjusted, forgot to include my leather armor, should be good to go now, I'll attach the details to my profile pic and I'm ready to roll!
** spoiler omitted **...
Thanks, I will look back and get the changes.

DM DoctorEvil |

Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:I think I’m ready for review as well although I might pick up another item or two.Wanting to be sure you saw that I was ready for inspection, GM.
Thanks! I looked at Uraisa tonight, and there are a few things:
1) I think you have one more skill point to spend. You should have 6 for your class, and I think you only spent 5. A few are already trained for Background and Class, and you don't want to double them up.
2) I did not see a level one General Feat on her sheet. Look at those and choose one.
3) I know you choose Widen Spell as you Wizard Feat, but I did not see an Arcane Thesis listed. This can add some other features depending on what you select.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:I think I’m ready for review as well although I might pick up another item or two.Wanting to be sure you saw that I was ready for inspection, GM.Thanks! I looked at Uraisa tonight, and there are a few things:
1) I think you have one more skill point to spend. You should have 6 for your class, and I think you only spent 5. A few are already trained for Background and Class, and you don't want to double them up.
2) I did not see a level one General Feat on her sheet. Look at those and choose one.
3) I know you choose Widen Spell as you Wizard Feat, but I did not see an Arcane Thesis listed. This can add some other features depending on what you select.
Thanks, GM!
Chose Religion skill, General feat Group Impression, and added Spell blending as Thesis.

Aria Half-Elven |

Spell-caster this time - totally forgot about those! I've added my list of spells and the skill - Deception. The character builder didn't allow the last skill slot for some reason but the math checks out, so I'll have to mentally note that. :)
She should be all ready now!
Name: Aria Half-Elven (Bladesinger)
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Half-Elven Background: Athletic Champion
Class: Bard ~ 1 Alignment: N(G) Size: Medium {5’ 10”; 140#; 20 y.o.}
Traits: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Humanoid Languages: Common, Elven
Perception (T/*E*/M/L) +5 Senses: Low-Light Vision
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC 18, Fort (*T*/E/M/L) [+4], Ref (*T*/E/M/L) [+6], Will (T/*E*/M/L) [+5]
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP 17
Class DC (*T*/E/M/L) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25
Space 5ft, Reach[/b] 10ft
Melee: Scorpion Whip ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 S/ Reach 10’
Shortsword ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d6 +2 P/
Dagger ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 P/ Range 10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16
Acrobatics (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Arcana (T/E/M/L) +0
Athletics (*T*/E/M/L) +5
Crafting (T/E/M/L) +0
Deception (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +3
Intimidation (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Lore: Games (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Medicine (T/E/M/L) +0
Nature (T/E/M/L) +0
Occultism (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Performance (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Religion (T/E/M/L) +0
Society (T/E/M/L) +0
Stealth (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Survival (T/E/M/L) +0
Thievery (T/E/M/L) +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats: • Unconventional Weaponry (Scorpion Whip)
Muse: • Warrior
General Feats: • Martial Performer (Warrior Muse)
• Hefty Hauler (background 1st)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Items - Starting Wealth: 15 gp
• Scorpion Whip 5sp, L bulk
• Shortsword 9sp, L bulk
• Dagger -gp, L bulk
• Dagger .2gp, L bulk
• Studded Leather (T/E/M/L) 3gp, 1 bulk
• Buckler 1gp, L bulk
• Backpack [1sp L bulk], Scorpion Whip [spare] [5sp, L bulk], Musical Instrument (elven flute) [ - L bulk], Material Component Pouch [5sp L bulk], 50 feet of rope [5sp L bulk], 1 weeks' rations [4sp L bulk], Sack [1cp L bulk], and a Waterskin [5cp L bulk]
Remaining Money: 6gp 9sp 4cp
Total Bulk: 1.6 Unencumbered (Enc: 9; Max: 14)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Cantrips: Forbidding Ward, Light, Musical Accompaniment, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
Focus Cantrip: Inspire Courage
First Levels: Magic Weapon, Phantom Pain
Muse Spell: Fear
Focus Spell: Counter Performance

Aria Half-Elven |

Sennos has been updated with gear. I can't do much about the missing skill within the setting, I think? Is there a setting where I can insert homebrew stuff?
Are you using Pathbuilder 2e as well? I've not been able to find any ways to modify anything outside what it allows. You can add other Lores, but not change/add beyond what it allows.

Vylora |

I believe you have to pay them to use custom/homebrew stuff. If you click on the 3 lines at the top left corner there should be some custom options greyed out. If you click on them or the login/upgrade button you can upgrade to "premium", it's only a one-time $6 US. Alternatively, you can just use pathbuilder to help create the character but keep the full sheet in your profile on this site.

DM DoctorEvil |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yep, I have been on vacation the last week and away from my computer. but returned earlier today. I expect to be able to kick off the game this week.
Need a bit to get opening post ready, and finalize character review.
I meant to tell you all about the trip, but simply overloooked it until after I was gone. My apologies

DM DoctorEvil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Spell-caster this time - totally forgot about those! I've added my list of spells and the skill - Deception. The character builder didn't allow the last skill slot for some reason but the math checks out, so I'll have to mentally note that. :)
She should be all ready now!** spoiler omitted **...
I have these updates in, and Aria is good to go.

DM DoctorEvil |

I believe every character is ready from a technical standpoint. The next step will be to review the hooks that get you into the adventure. I may send some questions to those where I need more info about your relationship with the Lady Martella Lotheed and her coterie of spies and informants, specifically invitations to the festivities at the Grand Day of Exaltation at the senate building in Oppara.
If you have had interactions with other PCs now is the time to develop how that looks and works. The gameplay will open with each PC (or group of PCs) meeting with the Lady Lotheed and hearing about the reasons why she is sending you to the gala and events that day. Those may be kept secret or revealed as you see fit.
STay tuned as we get a bit closer to the opening posts.

Me'mori |

Will you send me the recent link or get an alias updated with the profile?
Gotcha. Here you go.