[PFS2] 2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky (GM Watery Soup) (Inactive)

Game Master Watery Soup

Hero Points: Erevan 2, Harsk 2, Chiwu 0, Jinlong 1, Khaul 2, Rhaegal 2
23 CP

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(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Khaul opens up the trees with a space just large enough for him to squeeze through. Success!

Jinlong tries to find a way through, but can't. Failure.

Rhaegal transforms and scurries through. Success!

Erevan crafts a wedge that forces open a hole big enough for him and Jinlong to creep through. Critical Success!

Harsk finds a path. Success!

Chiwu is up!

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

Chiwu takes Ban Biao's reins in hand and tries to have the horse muscle through.

Ban Biao Athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Chiwu charges through the logs and the group gets through unscathed.

In the distance, off-path, the Pathfinders spot a shrine. Since they passed through the fallen logs so quickly, there is enough time to investigate.

The shrine is crumbling, but a trickling fountain still works, hidden among the overgrown trees. The group notices faint imagery of what seems to be of a nine-tailed fox.

DC 18 Religion or Society, Chiwu +4:
This is the religious symbol of the deity Daikitsu, goddess of agriculture and crafting. As long as they don’t actively disrespect the shrine, Daikitsu will grants the Pathfinders a short blessing, causing any kodama they meet to view them in a better light.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

"This is the religious symbol of the deity Daikitsu, goddess of agriculture and crafting. Don't disrespect the shrine and we'll get a short blessing, causing any kodama we meet to view us in a better light."

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

Society: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 4 = 17

Chiwu narrows their eyes at Jinlong. What is he up to now?

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

"We should be payin our respects to the god of crafting." agrees Khaul.

"The dwarven gods may be best at it, but they respect the fine work of others just as much as their own fine work."

He takes out his anvil and spends a couple of minutes forcing a minature toy scythe to leave at the shrine.

crafting, assurance(expert): 10 + 9 = 19

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Society: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Upon recognizing the symbol. Erevan takes out his alchemical tools and takes his time to quickly brew an elixir. He sets the elixir beside Khaul's toy scythe.

Crafting: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Harsk looks around the area.

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal nods to Jinlong. "Good." He bows to the shrine and dips his wings in a sign of reverence.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Challenge #3

As the Pathfinders leave the forest, a magical mist rolls in that limits vision and threatens to waylay the party. ONE PC must take the lead, though other PCs can Aid. The leader can attempt a Perception check (hardest) to find their way through the mist, a Survival check (medium) to feel their way through, or an Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check (easiest) to navigate by magical traces in the mist.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Religion/Nature +10 here

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal can helm a +12 Nature check

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Jinlong will aid his hero as best he can :)

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Nature to Aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

Chiwu never liked to be on the march through the wilderness. Roads were better.

I don't have nature, but I can use another skill to aid, right?

Occultism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

Khaul prays out loud. "Lord of strength and guardians. Protect my allies from being lost in this mist."

religion(aid): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Nature with aid bonus: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 2 = 18

While Khaul's prayers are helpful, Rhaegal seems a bit confounded by the mists.

Should have let Khaul do these checks!

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders follow Rhaegal as he navigates the way through the mist using his primal, magical instincts. Last Challenge completed!


The dense forest gives way to a small clearing, the sun dappling through the foliage. The sounds of wildlife fade, leaving a serene silence. At the center of the clearing stands a menhir circle composed of weathered, dark stone. Each menhir has delicate etchings of trees with depictions of kodama interspersed.

The rainbow cedar hums, its gossamer leaves shimmering in the light. This location must be the gate where the rainbow cedar should be planted.

The Pathfinders easily plant the sapling in the middle of the Forest’s Heart Gate. When they do so, the sapling’s latent magic restores the gate, energy flowing from the sapling and illuminating the etchings of the menhir with lines of green light that plunge back into and course through the earth.

The gate's natural energy to flow into Rhaegal's compass. The compass shines with green light and exudes a pleasant warmth when held, becoming obviously magical. This is worth 1 Treasure Bundle to the group. Rhaegal, if you wish, your compass can continue detecting as magical, but there is no mechanical benefit to this.


From the trees bordering the clearing, hundreds of small, vaguely humanoid shapes materialize into existence, each with a featureless stone face and wearing a rope made of braided straw. Interspersed through the branches, peeking from behind trunks, standing among the roots, the blank-faced spirits stare with hollow eyes into the clearing. Then, in unison, their heads begin to shake, drowning the silence with a cacophony of chimes and rattles. Suddenly, the noise stops, and the spirits are still.

As the Pathfinders have previously identified them, they recognize that the guardians of the forest are simply curious about the sapling and those who planted it.

All PCs can attempt to communicate with them (describe what you're communicating and the language you're using); one PC can attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression. Other PCs may Aid with Diplomacy, Nature, Religion, Society, or Survival (or other relevant Lore).

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

"Greetings" says Harsk as he bows.

Nature to aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

"Greetings, " Jinlong also bows.

Religion to aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal sniffs at his compass as it glows and a grin creeps across his face. "Magic! I have a magic compass!" He holds it up and turns to see how it works. "See how the magic helps it point north!"

Seeing the spirits approach, Rhaegal tries to speak to them in both Draconic (the superior language) and Sylvan. "Greetings to you! We mean no harm. You are the spirits of this amazing place?!" He repeats in the other language. While he considers trying the druidic language with the nature spirits, the others, even Jinlong, are not privvy to that amazing secret for now.

Nature to aid: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

I've got a Diplomacy of +10, do y'all want me to be the lead on this?

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

I think so

Khaul edges closer to Chiwu. "I think them spirits be peaceful. But the bodiless... well.. it's unnatural yer hear. So take care. Me prayers be with yer."

religion to aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Using up all me 20s!

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺
Jing Chiwu wrote:
I've got a Diplomacy of +10, do y'all want me to be the lead on this?

Please go ahead on the check. You'll get a net +1 circumstance bonus, +2 from Khaul and -1 from Harsk.

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

<"We wish to honor you, forest spirits, and make peace with you."> Chiwu begins in Tien, <"Our People, the Pathfinder Society wish to build upon this island and protect it and its magic. We have no ill will or deceptive aims. Our wish is to honor you, and protect this place, The Forest Heart, from foul spirits and hags. If you will aid us, we would be honored, but if not, we accept this and will honor our pledge to protect this place, and live in harmony with you.">

Diplomacy, with Aid: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 1 = 23

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

"Well done, smoothscale" Jinlong whispers to Jing.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

The kodama don't respond, but they do creep closer to the menhir circle, making small cooing noises. 1 Success They appear to be Friendly, but could be further influenced.

In the interests of time, I'll just point out that Jinlong's Aid failed (DC > 17), and that you'll need 1 more success on the primary check.

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
"Yer be knowin that back in the tapestry we heard of creatures such as these. They be tied to the trees, so maybe if yer show yer appreciation for them bushes over there, they would take it kindly?"

Not sure what is up with me RNG today.

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Nature, Aid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

No real point in others aiding, only the best counts, and that natural 20 is as good as it will get.

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal continues in Sylvan, hoping the forest spirits understand the language of the fey. He also tries to keep his gestures non-threatening. "We come as protectors to return the Heart of your Forest to let the sacred place thrive once again."

Diplomacy with Aid: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 = 27

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Rhaegal continues to talk, and the kodama draw ever closer, entering the menhir circle, and even milling about the Pathfinders' feet.

Several kodama gather around the freshly planted rainbow cedar sapling before one places a rope of braided straw around the sapling’s trunk, marking it as their ward. The sapling takes a shimmering glow, and all the kodama in the clearing rattle at once for several seconds. Another kodama approaches Rhaegal, leaving another such braided rope at his feet. Then, all the kodama vanish instantly. The rainbow cedar retains its magical sparkle after they leave.

The braided rope is worth 1 Treasure Bundle.


Where to, next? There is Airishin Cove and Soruseiji Peak.

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

"Ahh.. a mountain peak!" smiles Khaul. "We might even be able to see this grove from up there."

He glances back at the menhir. "That was not a sight you see every day."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal picks up the braided rope proudly. "That's the first tribute I have ever earned!" He wraps it around himself like a belt and ties it off.

"Yes, let's go see the mountain peak. Excellent!"

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

"A mountain peak would feel great under this dwarf's feet!"

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance


Chiwu agrees.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Jinlong follows the group. (He's actually following Rhaegal but he tries not to let it show)

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders return to Kukuha, who congratulates them on the planting of the first focus.

When they express their desire to visit the mountain, she excuses herself and fetches a crystalline prism from her campsite. She holds it to the sunlight, which catches the prism and refracts in an array of vivid, impossible colors. “A sky diamond—the perfect focus for Soruseiji Peak. At the place of power, it will surely shine even brighter."

The Pathfinders head northeast through the ruins of the fortress and a small stretch of woods, eventually reaching a sloping and winding path that carves its way up Soruseiji Peak. As they travel, the rocky path switches back and curves along the slope. Eventually, they encounter the broken bridge that stopped Kukuha’s progress up the mountain, originally
built to traverse a 25-foot gap with the floor of the valley 40 feet below (20 damage if you fall).

The broken rope-plank bridge dangles from the posts on the Pathfinders’ side, the ropes that connected it to the other side having long frayed.

25 feet Long Jump (DC 25 Athletics) is probably achievable, and the walls of the gap are scalable with Expert Athletics and a DC 20 Athletics check. Other creative solutions are always welcomed, although the DC might be adjusted upward or downward depending on how wild it is.

Note whoever reaches the other side first will need to attempt a Crafting check to secure the other end of the bridge.

Vigilant Seal

Non-Binary Pilgrim Warrior Bard 5 (Cavalier Dedication) HP 53/53 Hero Points 1/1 AC 21 (22 w/Shield) Saves F+8 R+11 W+10 Perc +10 Exploration Scout Active Conditions: Reactions: Counter Performance

"Its possible Ban Biao and I could jump over the ravine, but I don't like our chances, and I could do nothing to help on the other side."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal looks at the broken bridge and the long fall down. "A true dragon could fly across. While my wings are not fully grown, I think could make it. But I cannot repair the bridge afterwards. Our best bet is for someone who can do both."

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

"I don't know if I can make it. Maybe we should tie a rope to someone?

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Jinlong looks completely at a loss of what to do. He looks to Rhaegal for guidance.

Shouldn't that be 17 damage since you get the first 5 feet for free? Not that it matters -- Jinlong can volunteer to dive over the side but he still can't climb back up or make a crafting check...

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

Khaul eyes up the long distance, and his short legs.

"No mountain will hold this dwarf back, and that bridge should be an easy fix from the other side."

Taking a rope with him he backs up. "Sing out if you see any good launch spots..."

Anyone wanting to give me an aid here will be very welcome!

athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Soaring like an eagle in flight, Khaul presents an unusual sight! Trailing a rope as if the eagle had an extremely long snake in its claws he *just* makes it to the far side, scrambling up onto the remains of the bridge.

"Right, won't be a jiffy." he calls out. Dwarven fingers tie knots in worn ropes. A few fallen branches are added to provide some additional underfoot support and before too long...

crafting,assurance,expert: 10 + 9 = 19

what *looks* like a serviceable bridge appears.

"Give it a test first. Some of these materials are a bit old." he calls out, suggesting the first across take a rope with them as well. Just in case.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

With a mighty leap, Khaul flies over the chasm, landing on the far side with several feet to spare. He ties the rope to the posts, and steps on the new bridge himself, assuring everyone it's OK to cross. Success, and Success!

One by one, the Pathfinders cross the gorge.

The path reaches a series of switchbacks, each climbing about ten feet higher, as it curves toward an aerie. As the peak grows near, the sound of harsh wind accompanied by frantic screeching sounds through the stony path.

When the Pathfinders reach the aerie, they are greeted by the sight of a family of Kayajima griffons fighting off what seem to be large, ethereal weasels made of wind and water vapor. The griffons have the heads, wings, and forelimbs of an osprey and the hindquarters of a snow leopard. As the griffons lash out with claw and beak, the weasels seemed to turn gaseous before solidifying and striking at the griffons with blades of compressed air.

Nobody has seen you yet, as you're down the path a bit - this gives you the chance to decide how you want to approach the situation. I'll move us into initiative as soon as we need to (including sneaking and casting spells with a verbal component). The tactical map is on Slide 5, please put yourselves into the dashed box.

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

Khaul looks on with concern.

"Laddies, I be not too sure which side is on the right in this fight. I'd hate to side with those opposing the natural guardians of the high peak.."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal studies the fight for a moment, trying to see what tactics are being used. "You can usually see who are the invaders and who are the defenders by how they fight and what respect they have for the surrounding area."

Warfare Lore to understand who is defending the mountain and who is attacking it: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Radiant Oath

2396852-2012 | LG Male Dragonscaled Kobold | Field Medic | Cleric (Warpriest) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Resistances: Fire/Cold 2, Void 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (22 w/shield) | F/R/W: 11/10/13 | Perc +13, Darkvision | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | Spells: -/3/2/1/ | Divine Font: 3/5 | Medicine(E): +14, Religion(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +10, Diplomacy: +9, Society/Lore (Warfare, PFS): +8, Survival(U): +4 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

"What are those, Rhaegal?" Jinlong whispers.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

The griffons are clearly protecting their lair defensively, while the elementals are attacking it.

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

Seeing Khaul make it across Harsk unexpectedly smiles.

Leave it to a dwarf

He then crosses the gorge and seeing the dwarf he pats him on the back.

"Nice work Khaul !"

Jinlong Dragonkin wrote:
"What are those, Rhaegal?" Jinlong whispers.

"I'm not sure"

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Nature on Griffons: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Nature on Elementals: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

"I'm not sure, Jinlong. But it's clear the elemental creatures are the ones assaulting the mountain, while the others are defending it. Perhaps we should help defend the peak."

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