RizzenMagnus' "Load" (Inactive)


scouts map of the area.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

It was cold.
it was so cold.
It was way to cold for someone fresh from Absalom to handle.
Warm Absalom.
With it's warm waters, its warm lands, it's warm air...
it's warm winds.

how many? the gnome, Pertih Crombluhm, self declared (due to largest investment) leader of the new settlement "Robin Sage", asked in an equally angry, and, most surprisingly, concerned, tone.
Of the large Sabre-cats? Just the one, sir. Of men who were killed? None. Injured? four. AxaJ, the Chelaxian elf, replied matter of factly.
Pertih grunted, his teeth ground together loud enough to be heard over the wind outside.
Ninety nine hells above! he swore, slamming his fist into the makeshift table. The impact drove splinters into his hand as the wood split apart, crumbling to the ground. Above and beside! he swore again, emphasizing his point with a spit onto the floor.
Axaj stayed silent, recognizing the gnome's incredible anger fits. Only just a gnome, Pertih could hold more anger than 20 grown Orc's whipped up into a frenzy. No one knew why, he was just someone that was just angry all the time. Yet, this was a gnome who didnt allow his anger to cloud his judgements.
We need to scout these lands. We need to clear them of anything that would destroy the harvest of our farmers, kill off anything that would kill our livestock, Our livelihood! the gnome drove his finger into his thigh. He paused a moment, lifting his splintered hand to his mouth and pulling out a large sliver of wood from between two knuckles. Blood flowed freely from his wound and coated his chin and staining his shirt.
He looked as a vampire would, told to the children around the campfires for horrific amusement.
Axaj nodded in agreement. of course, sir.
Where does that put the count? Pertih asks, spitting another sliver onto his dirt floor.
Axaj looked around the large room he stood in. Technically speaking, it was the only room found within the new settlement of Robin Sage, the manifest desire of Pertih (and unnamed partners found in Absalom). Wood logs, harvested from the deadfalls that lay within the groves that dotted the southern shore line of the Loreane, stacked atop each other, making a somewhat secure structure that Pertih used for living and conducting business from within. It was the first structure built for Robin Sage. While not large enough to safely house everyone that made the 4000 mile journey from Absalom to this nowhere stretch of cold nothingness, something was better than nothing. Clay found along the shoreline had been harvested and slathered into the gaps between the logs, windproofing the structure. A small stone fire place had been built opposite the door, with deadfall limbs snapped and stacked next to it. While the fire was small, it gave some warmth within the building. More than what the people outside had.
156 souls. Axaj replied.
Pertih grumbles softly. five souls lost, and it's only been a week here. How stupid those scouts are. His teeth grinding could give grindstones lessons in milling as his jaw clenched hard. another, albiet shorter and thinner splinter is pulled from his hand.
This land was-Ack. no matter. we are here now. We need scouts. We need to know what, or worse, who is out there. We need to find tillable land. We must find game animals. Bashin boulders, we need game!
Sir, the cat has provided us with-
yes yes. we have cat meat. It's hard, chewy stuff. perfect for long road travels, for adventurers to suck on while they explore. But not for a people building a new town. Who do we have that's able to explore for us?
Well, sir, we have...Axaj begins.

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

There weren't very many terrifically safe ways to get from the City at the Center of the World across the breadth of Avistan to get to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. You could tell the Sellen up into the River Kingdoms and pray that the Razmirans didn't try to convert on your way to Ustalav. And from that haunted country you had to choose whether you wanted to risk the demonic hordes of the Worldwound or the orcs in the Hold of Belkzen. Trying to go the other way around the Lake Encarthan Region at least gave the option of avoiding the latter two, but you had to either travel through a warzone between Molthune and Nirmathas or pray that the Nidalese didn't decide to sacrifice you to their dark gods. Or you could try to sail most of the way by sea into one of the Varisian ports--the fewest border crossings but the greatest risk of piracy. In other words, the expedition might not even arrive with everyone alive if it ever arrived at all. What sort of people would be driven enough to leave their homes, abandon the trappings of civilization, and challenge death to try to make it in the frozen wastes of North Avistan?

Well, that's what Benjamin had wanted to figure out for the last eight months or so on the 4000-mile journey. A lot of the people in the companys truck him as desperate people. But Benjamin wasn't desperate. At least he didn't consider himself that way. A bit rootless, maybe rough around the edges, but not without options. This wasn't his first choice--not that most people got that in this or any life--but it wasn't his last either. It was just the one that had worked out for now.

But it was colder than he had expected in Robin Sage. He had figured on cold. Even the deserts in Qadira (especially, to be honest) got cold. You didn't usually hear about that in bedtime stories growing up. But this? Benjamin's teeth chatter as he stands outside of Pertih's building, waiting to be summoned, rubbing his hands together and breathing on them to try to keep feeling in his fingers. Then he hears Axaj provide the verbal cue, and he ducks in right on time.

The man standing in the doorway is handsome in the rugged sense, standing at attention like he's used to it. Dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes, and--feathers? Yes, amidst the black and olive and amber are a few red and gold crest feathers that--with the way his eyes are shaped--give a distinctly avian appearance. His thick cloak covers everything well, but it's clear that the man is well-armed underneath all of the cloth.

"Benjamin Regalianus, sir," he says. He had gotten used to not introducing himself with his rank anymore. No one else seemed to care, and he had been honorably discharged, so that was that. "Ex-Taldan Horse, formerly deployed in Qadira."

He leaves it be with just some brief bona fides. There was no need to belabor the point or try to justify himself. He knew what he was here for and what skills he had to offer: plenty.

Dosetsu joins his hands and throws his breath at them, trying to warm his frozen fingers. "And I'm suffering this cold for nothing..." he thinks.

Not exactly nothing, but yes. He rejected his payment. The ronin accepted the job in exchange for the spoils of war just because he'd never been in the founding of a settlement. "There's much to learn from such a situation" he thought.

Learning my b@ll@cks. It's cold, they haven't even begun to build the rest of the huts, and only the g+#$!*n gnome has a warm place to sit his arse. They've been eating cat meat. They're stuck in a hill with nothing to do other than the occasional beast attack. Nothing too fancy for him, really.

At least no one harasses him here. No stupid questions. No judging him. No looking down on him. As an adventurer, what you get depends only on what you can achieve. He took this job to learn, and for Hei Feng's moustache he's going to learn.

Like everyday, he goes to Crombluhm's lodge.

"Hi patron. What shall we do today?"

M CG Rougarou Bloodrager (greenrager/primalist) 1 1 | Bloodrage (7/7) | HP: 14/14 | AC: 15, T: 11, FF: 114) | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +1, W: +1, (+2 while raging) | Init: Not Used | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 40ft | | Active conditions: None

”Gudhyst Boiye,” the rougarou stated. ”Do you hear how the ‘u’ is back in my throat when I say it? No? Ok, well, that’s why it’s easier to just call me Gud.” Gud nodded to the chatty cook and accepted his rationed meal. Something about eating cat struck Gud and he started to chuckle and he walked away.

He tucked his chin in against a particularly frigid gust of wind and headed back to the circle around a pitiable campfire. Someone had been smart enough to pull a wagon nearby to block the harshest of winds from those sitting around the fire. Still, Gud picked a spot where his back would take the brunt of any chill.

He took a bite and chewed while staring off into the distance. It had been weeks since anyone had bothered him with any “who,” “what,” “when,” “why,” or “how’s” and he was finally starting to feel a bit like his old self again.

Human druid (goliath druid) 1|HP:13/13| AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14|CMB +4; CMD 16 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4|Perception +6|Init +2|speed: 30
Acrobatics +3, Climb +7 (5 instead of -5 penalty when using the Climb skill to attempt an accelerated climb), Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +6, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +7

It wasn't cold.
It wasn't too cold.
it certainly wasn't too cold for someone from a logging camp in the mountains of Andoran.

Hasperat, or Hat, as he told the others to call him, had just finished up his morning jog of laps around the settlement, well the camp that might one day be a settlement. He seemed to be one of if not the only one who didn't mind the cold if the steam rising from his bare chest was any indication, he was a bit warm right now from the exercise.

He ran up to the wolf headed one,"Good morning t'ya Gud, is the cat good?" he says as he slices off a portion, before splitting it in two and tossing half to Dukat, who had suprised him both by how much he had grown in the months the journey had taken to get here, and how many feathers he had, which Hat suspected helped him deal with the cold better than a normal lizard might.

Hearing the gnome rage in the tent he says, "Oh are we finally going to start surviving here sir? Hat reporting for duty, if games in these woods, I'll find 'em."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Pertih glares at everyone gathered inside his small building.
Are we done making like this is an Absolom food market? are we women, clucking around wasting time and money he meets everyone's eyes for a moment.
Snorting, he looks at Axaj, and rolls his eyes.
This is who we have? he grunts sourly.
Axaj nods once.
Fine. You four are needed to scout. Before they died, the last scouts reported signs of Kobolds to the north. They had taken the third finger north, and sent a pigeon to us. i received a message from one the very next day indicating that he and his companions were being slaughtered. His message conveyed his last sounds... the gnome shook his head in annoyance. stupid. i told them not to interfere with the kobolds. We lay low, build the pallisade, establish ourselves before we interact with any evil entities. He glances at Gud and his lips curl slightly before being smoothed out with a hand. Present company excluded. he mutters.
We need information. we need to know the land, landmarks, who/what/where is out there. Just look. Luckily it was just Kobolds, and we can hope that they do not backtrack to us here... he trails off, shaking his head. Sorry. it's a little rough here. Silly mistakes.
Take up their mantles, and I will amend the charter that you four will get their share of the first year profits.

Dosetsu emits a strange confirmation noise. "Find kobolds, kill kobolds. Got it."

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

In the Taldan Horse there had been many personalities. Some people entered military service because of a family history service. Others to find adventure. Many, especially those among the ranks of the Taldan unbearded class, sought to advance their station. Escape, madness, patriotism, revenge--everyone had a motivation. And yet they were expected to work together as one: a unit. Rather than falling into a regimented line, many people seemed to develop a distinct personality, or at least behavioral traits that would distinguish them from their fellow soldiers. In a small way, Benjamin suspected that it was subconsciously a desire calling out: "Please remember me when I catch an arrow to the neck."

Benjamin wonders at Pertih's outburst: the unprovoked misogyny, the barking, the glowering, the accusations of wasting time when they were merely answering the question that he had asked. Was it an act? A personality crafted to distinguish himself and get what he wanted, like so many drill sergeants Benjamin had interacted with. Or was it truly who he was?

The ex-soldiers also raises his eye at the "present company excluded" remark related to "evil entities." Did he mean the rougarou? Or himself? And why assume that the kobolds were inherently "evil" rather than merely protective of their territory? Sarenrae taught that none were beyond the possibility of redemption if such was offered in good faith.

To that end, Benjamin's eye flickers over to the half-elf. "That's not what he said," he corrects. "We're to avoid the kobolds lest we meet the same fate as the last group."

Hells, if the previous scouts were powerful enough to issue a Sending--even whispering wind--then there was no point seeking out death so recklessly.

Benjamin looks back to the gnomish leader. "Any other parameters for the expedition? Time out before we return, area mapped and catalogued, etcetera? Or just go and make sure that we come back before we die?"

Dosetsu raises one of his eyebrows when addressed by the celestial-blooded.

"No, that's not what he said, but that's what is going to happen" he's about to say. He decides to keep it to himself though - no need to start an argument over that.

The ronin pretends to pay attention while betting against himself whether they're going to find the kobolds or the other way around.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Axaj scowls fiercely at Tachibana, snapping out No! dont kill the kobolds. goat kissing fool...
Pertih looks askance at Axaj; it is clearly evident he begins to regret his decision. As he is about to say something, Benjamin asks his question, diverting the leaders attention from the immediate concern.
Hmm? Parameters? Oh. oh, no. Ah, well. I suppose, let's try this. Leave and be back in three days. Follow the north river as long as you think it'll take, and then come back. But take it easy! I fear that those scouts may have kicked up a hornets nest, and we are not ready for such an attack. There's women to protect he looks at everyone for signs of understanding.

Human druid (goliath druid) 1|HP:13/13| AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14|CMB +4; CMD 16 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4|Perception +6|Init +2|speed: 30
Acrobatics +3, Climb +7 (5 instead of -5 penalty when using the Climb skill to attempt an accelerated climb), Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +6, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +7
Benjamin Regalianus wrote:

In the Taldan Horse there had been many personalities. Some people entered military service because of a family history service. Others to find adventure. Many, especially those among the ranks of the Taldan unbearded class, sought to advance their station. Escape, madness, patriotism, revenge--everyone had a motivation. And yet they were expected to work together as one: a unit. Rather than falling into a regimented line, many people seemed to develop a distinct personality, or at least behavioral traits that would distinguish them from their fellow soldiers. In a small way, Benjamin suspected that it was subconsciously a desire calling out: "Please remember me when I catch an arrow to the neck."

Benjamin wonders at Pertih's outburst: the unprovoked misogyny, the barking, the glowering, the accusations of wasting time when they were merely answering the question that he had asked. Was it an act? A personality crafted to distinguish himself and get what he wanted, like so many drill sergeants Benjamin had interacted with. Or was it truly who he was?

The ex-soldiers also raises his eye at the "present company excluded" remark related to "evil entities." Did he mean the rougarou? Or himself? And why assume that the kobolds were inherently "evil" rather than merely protective of their territory? Sarenrae taught that none were beyond the possibility of redemption if such was offered in good faith.

To that end, Benjamin's eye flickers over to the half-elf. "That's not what he said," he corrects. "We're to avoid the kobolds lest we meet the same fate as the last group."

Hells, if the previous scouts were powerful enough to issue a Sending--even whispering wind--then there was no point seeking out death so recklessly.

Benjamin looks back to the gnomish leader. "Any other parameters for the...

"so 3 days to get the lay of the land? sounds simple enough I suppose, better to know whats around us before we go slaughtering the natives eh?" he said dryly. He smiled at the exchange between the foreign half elf and taldan knight, "I think the Tian is right Ser, if the last group of "scouts" as it were, he said looking around at the 4 of them,"was Slaughtered its likely the kobolds considered them a threat and we must assume they will consider us a threat, a renewed one at that. I'll be surpised if they don't find us while we are out there..." he says looking off into the forest and mountains before them.

I suppose Gud can probably take care of himself in the wild, he's part animal. but the taldan knight looks like he wont know what to do without a field issue tent and cookpot. The Tian half elf? Well either he knows what he's doing out here or he's an idiot and I'll know by the time the first night witch it is. he thought to himself.


Axaj scowls fiercely at Tachibana, snapping out No! dont kill the kobolds. goat kissing fool...

Pertih looks askance at Axaj; it is clearly evident he begins to regret his decision. As he is about to say something, Benjamin asks his question, diverting the leaders attention from the immediate concern.
Hmm? Parameters? Oh. oh, no. Ah, well. I suppose, let's try this. Leave and be back in three days. Follow the north river as long as you think it'll take, and then come back. But take it easy! I fear that those scouts may have kicked up a hornets nest, and we are not ready for such an attack. There's women to protect he looks at everyone for signs of understanding.

He looks to the gnome,"If folks are looking for work and we have axes a palisade wall would do wonders. If barbaric kobolds see such a poorly defended hovel they wont think twice about attacking. Even a few dozen logs in the ground might give them pause." he says sternly before joyfully saying to the group, "Well, what are we waiting for? North is that way."

Dosetsu pretends to be taking imaginary notes on an imaginary notebook. "If kobolds want to kill us, don't kill them. Got it, boss!" With a quick salute and a smile, he retires walking backwards.

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

Benjamin rolls his eyes as the Tian half-elf further misconstrues the orders. It seems almost deliberate obtuseness.

The human, though, seems practical. Hat, right? Odd that Benjamin's mind assigned him human. It was a distinction in the group, but was it meaningful? Benjamin considered himself human, for the most part, whether anyone else did or not. But when trying to draw an understanding, he was distancing himself from that particular box. When had that started?

Benjamin shrugs and then nods. No salute. This wasn't a military outfit. "Understood. See you in three days."

Ducking out of the tent, Benjamin smiles wryly at Hasperat. "Are you sure that's north, or are you just guessing?"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

yes Pertih says to Tachi.
No! Axaj snaps with annoyance.
Both men look at each other. Axaj bows slightly, and then follows the group out of the small structure.

He leads you four through the camp and to the shoreline.

you stand upon a rock outcrop, several feet above the surging white waters that are spun up and frothed about by the mighty currents that swirl in the large pool that is the convergence of three separate, narrow rivers. the water smashes and splashes loudly, forced to rotate with a current at a high force, before finally it breaks free and heads down southwest out of sight, cutting severely into the landscape in the same direction. So far, no one has dared a boat into that whirlpool of death. Already, Settlers have already named it the witches pot. The roar of the convergence hammers your ears, with an occasional heavy splash cutting through the near constant noise of water rushing over stones.
to your right, the third river. While this side of the river is just short of ten feet above the thundering river, opposite the stone thrusts high, another 60 feet above. More cedar trees, thick and thin, cover the opposite cliff face, growing from jagged edges sheared off from broken rocks over centuries ago. yet, traveling only an hour along the waters edge, the high cliffs lower to only twenty feet above, and with it the promise of more farm lands to be found, as evident with the lack of growing trees in that direction. Yet so far, no safe point has been found to explore the western lands.
To the east, more east than north, another river flows. the second river. Upon it's northern borders, instead of stones and rockfaces, its a quagmire of marshland. Tall trees grow within the mire and mud. Tall reeds grow heavy and thick, obscuring anything beyond the edge of the witches pot.
the first river flows from the north, from north to south, where it feeds greedily into the witches pot. bordering the swamp upon it's eastern water's edge, its the western side that holds the large, black forest where the Scouts ventured into... and never seen again.
opposite the rock ledge, only twenty feet across, a similar rock ledge made of the same stone thrusts out over the waters. Reds and grey, with flecks of oranges and brilliant flashes of yellow are wetted down upon the exposed face of the northern shoreline. A cedar tree clings to the rock face, thrusting out like a strange, mutated appendage before it makes a sharp 90 degree turn to grow straight up. upon the tree, a block and pulley have been secured to the stalwart tree. A long line, doubled over, runs from where you stand to the tree and back again. The end of the rope lays no closer than ten feet from you, tied off to another hook and pulley, and that is hooked through a long log that had been felled to provide a make shift means of crossing the river to the Woodline beyond.

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

Checking the strap on his traveling bag and shielding his eyes from the blustery wind, Benjamin breathes deep to take in the air around him. He lifts his hand up and unleashes a shrill whistle that echoes across the rock faces and keens through the air.

High above, a large bird peeks down from the clouds and begins a long, lazy descent. This was Tayir: an adolescent roc that Benjamin had raised from a hatchling, rescued from a clutch initially designated as a meal for a pack of gnolls. She looks much like an oversized eagle with gold-brown plumage marked by tufts of red feathers and enormous talons that could rip a man in half. Seeing her master, she tucks her wings in and dives down with blinding speed. She spreads her span back out at the last moment, issuing a practical gust of wind as wings nearly 15 feet from tip to tip put on the brakes and she settles in. She ambles over towards Benjamin--a little shorter than him with her posture stooped as she folds her wings back and eyes him curiously with her enormous, dark eyes. He reaches out and gently pets her hackles.

"The wilds await!" he says. "Let's greet them."

Do you want us to pick a direction? Make any rolls?

Finally left on their own, Dosetsu recalls his lessons about wild lands. Unfortunately, they were not enough. He hopes the others have a good grasp on that matter, and then he can contribute in other ways.

But he's here to learn! And thus he opens his eyes and mind to whatever means he sees useful.

"Fine. So does anyone lead?"

M CG Rougarou Bloodrager (greenrager/primalist) 1 1 | Bloodrage (7/7) | HP: 14/14 | AC: 15, T: 11, FF: 114) | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +1, W: +1, (+2 while raging) | Init: Not Used | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 40ft | | Active conditions: None

Gud had been eager to ask for more details but that one comment ”evil entities” had been clearly directed at Gud and it had knocked all wind from his sail. Hell, the gnome had not even tried to hide his glare. There had been a time when Gud would have gladly given someone the “evil entity” that they saw but here, in this unclaimed land, he just wanted a clean start. So, Gud bit his tongue and pretended not to notice.

Standing at the edge of The WItches Pot, Gud took in the makeshift lift to the other side. ”If no one else wants to do it,” Gud grumbled to Tachi, ”I’ll go first.” He took a cautious step forward ”Worked well enough for the first group, right? I mean” he grinned at the others, it was kobolds that likely killed them, not this.”

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

"By all means," Benjamin says, smiling at Gud, who had been quiet until now. He looks over at his bird. "Tayir here probably isn't strong enough yet to catch any of us if fall, but she can still fly below just in case."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Benjamin Regalianus wrote:

Do you want us to pick a direction? Make any rolls?

however you wish. from where you stand, this makeshift log/bridge is the only thing that is a "reliable' means of crossing the river at this time.

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

Can we get the map linked in the campaign header for easy access?

Benjamin looks across the river, scanning from the west to the east. "Well, if the last group of scouts encountered the kobolds, it was probably vaguely north northwest of here, towards those rolling hills in the distance. We can follow their trail for about a day and a half before returning. Sound reasonable?"

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Dosetsu shrugs. "It depends on what you want to accomplish. For me is fine" he comments, leaving the scouting for the experts.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM


i need climb or acrobatics rolls from everyone to cross the log "bridge". Climb is if you crawl on your hands and knees, acrobatics if you decide to stand upright and walk across the log. DC 12 for climb, DC 15 for acrobatics. No you cannot take 10 or 20 on this. a failure of 4 or less results in your character being forced to stop. a failure 5 or more results in your character getting wet (and worse).

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

Benjamin looks confident as he approaches the bridge. He touches the ankh around his neck, which glows warm beneath his shirt (casting guidance). He loosens his cloak, revealing underdeveloped wings at his shoulders. He spreads these and it's clear that they're no good for flight but might help him out with balance. Standing upright with arms and wings outstretched, he begins moving across the log.

Acrobatics, ACP, Guidance: 1d20 + 10 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 10 - 1 + 1 = 15

It's a bit slicker than he expected, but he waves to Tayir as he crosses, while she glides through the air nearby emitting a low caw.

M CG Rougarou Bloodrager (greenrager/primalist) 1 1 | Bloodrage (7/7) | HP: 14/14 | AC: 15, T: 11, FF: 114) | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +1, W: +1, (+2 while raging) | Init: Not Used | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 40ft | | Active conditions: None

"Yeah, no way I'm risking falling in the drink," Gud grumbled. He dropped to all fours and began the slow crawl across the log.

Climb: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 2 = 18

Oh thank goodness!

Dosetsu takes a careful look before deciding to crawl. "Okay..."

Climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

not seeing any indication from Hasperat, we shall carry on. I will give him another week, and if he doesnt rejoin us by that time, then we shall be a party of four.

The climb (or the leisurely saunter) across the log is accomplished with minimal fuss, although the heavy churn of the water 20 feet below bears frank mortality to you three as you cannot help but to look down at the fast moving river below. One wrong step, bad slide, wrong grasp, and anyone who would have cared about you would have had to travel miles down river to retreive what is left of the body.
Yet, across you make it, and stand once more upon stone. Axaj waves his hand at you, and although his mouth moves, nothing can be heard over the water's roar. He pantomimes something, but youre easily able to understand. Moments later the pulley screams loudly as the rope is hauled towards the settlement side, and the log slowly pulls back away from the uncivilized shoreline.
Axaj waves once more, gives a thumbs up, then holds up three fingers, holding still for a moment. then, he lowers his arm, turns around, and walks away.

Finding sign of the previous scouts is easy enough, for like you are now, they had gathered upon this outcrop and milled about for a moment. Tracks overlapped, the scant remnants of mud churned, and scuff marks upon the stone give sign to a sort of conference was had. Yet, eventually the tracks lead off to the north, following the shore line and a rocky path between trees that border the rivers edge.

Looking beyond the trees into the forest depths, light streaks fitfully as single rays into the true darkness of the heavy, thick growth of cedars and pines, of short hardy shrubs, and grasping weeds that spring about in tiny clumps.

a visual reference

Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None

Benjamin flashes three fingers back in recognition, assuming that it means to be back in three days, and then nods to the others. The ex-soldiers breathes in the cold air, shivers slightly, and points to the tracks leading north through wintry verdant growth. "Easy enough. Let's move off until the light fails us or we find something worth stopping for."

Survival, follow the tracks: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Above, Tayir keeps watch for signs of danger.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

posted on discord

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

i am sorry to everyone to have to say this, but it has to be said. I wont be able to run this game for the near future. I sincerely thought that my summer schedule would be a bit more open, thus allowing me the opportunity to run a third game, but this sadly isnt the case. And it looks as though, from now until Sept 1st, my schedule is looking packed. I do greatly appreciate all the work and effort you all put into your characters, and this setting was one I was looking forward to exploring with you, to flexing that writers itch and generating incredible imaginative posts for you all to see the world.
again, i am deeply sorry for this. Thanks for hanging out with me in my game!!!

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