Qstors #9-20: Fury of the Final Blade (FULL) (Inactive)

Game Master Qstor

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Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

dot or post here

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory was trying to impress his new friends. He hurried to latest meeting having had to stop at three sandwich shops to get the selection just right. One thing he knew to avoid, that artificial cheese that had the crazy orange color he was sure Chelaxian devil worshippers had to have invented.

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

"Jory, you know you're a valued member of the team" Granny tells him once he arrives. "You don't need to buy your way on with sandwiches."

"That said, those do look tasty."

M Parrot? Familiar 8 | HP 33/33 | AC 16 / 14T / 14FF / CMD 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +6 (Improved Evasion) / Will +10 | Init +2 | Perception +6

"Ņa͔̎f̘͓̭̾ͮ͛͝l̈́ͤ̅mn̡̤̍a̬̅h͋n͟'͎̮̜̐͛͊ ̪̭͖͗ͪ͗h'͡s̗̊͘g̪̥nͥ̑̋'̑̓ͭ͜w͈̖̗̉̌ͦa͈̗ͮ̄h̡̫̫̮̋̍̄l"

Silver Crusade

Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)

Fresh off the long journey from the Mwangi Expanse, Trokkus walks into the briefing room, ready as usual to meet a whole new crop of Pathfinder Society agents to go on a mission with. He stops short when he sees Granny and Jory. "Hey! he growls, his broken tusk getting in the way of a smile. "Wasn't expectin' ta see ya again!"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

i'm here...will popst more later

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Well, this is a pleasant surprise...nice to see you all again...and I'll grab one of those sandwiches, if you don't mind...worked up an appetite last day or so staying in shape. Rallas says as he tears into a sandwich.

You'll have to show me which shop you got this from, Jory...this is good...

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen rushes into the room late. His oversized coat comes very close to dragging the floor making it almost seem like he's floating and his dark plumage with his large golden eyes gives him the appearance of some seafaring wraith washed up too far ashore.

"Hello, Companions, I am Kah...Friend Rallas! Friend Trokkus! Friend Granny Cheechatkae! Friend Jory! Are those sandwiches?" he cries out in ever increasing surprise as he sees familiar faces and gives out his bows.

"Is anyone going to eat this sardine and calamari one?" he asks, picking up one of the sandwiches.

"Where is Friend Inga and all of her friends?"

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

"Go ahead," Granny says, waving a hand. "Calamari doesn't really agree with me anymore."

"The last time we spoke, Junia said something about Inga having another engagement. She might not be on this mission, unless something's changed that Junia didn't know about." Quite possible, really. Children usually aren't told everything, and Junia was still a child in some ways, even with the... circumstances.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory says "Maybe I'll get use the elf bane arrows on bad elves this time?? I bought more spook salt in case we see ghosts."
Jory had ghost salted a fresh batch of 10 arrows after the last mission.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"A shame," Kahwen says around a mouthful of bread, sardines, squid and horseradish.

"I like Inga and her friends. But I like all of you, too!" he hurries to add in case anyone had any doubts.

He blinks and stares at Jory for a moment then his gaze snaps over to Rallas.

"I'm glad there's never any bad tengu so you don't need any tengu killer arrows."

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

"Don't be so sure of yourself, dear." Granny gives Kahwen a firm gaze. "One of my missions had me facing corrupt tengu. That must have been... my, nearly five years now."

Silver Crusade

Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)

"I wunder where the Society's sendin' us this time. That jungle sure was humid. Maybe someplace coastal with cool breezes and suchlike!"

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"That sounds nice. As long as it's not some place cold and icy," Kahwen comments. His feathers ruffle up visibly and audibly for a moment before they settle back down.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

I've been on a few missions for the Society where we had to endure the cold spots. recently, I was on a mission with Inga and we had to sort out some petty drama amongst some Ulfens...and kill a linnorm while we were at it... Rallas says as he produces a trinket from his mission...a piece of linnorm tooth carved and made into a necklace.

and coincidentally, where Kahwen's pal Mykel is at right now..same mission...

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

Granny's feathers fluff at the memory. "I went to the Crown of the World myself. Met some lovely people, but the wind across the ice finds its way through any gap in your clothing."

She pulls out a small red marble and holds it up. "A reusable campfire in my pocket. It's not enough up there, but it helps."
Campfire bead

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

"Dwarves and monks like to tough out nasty conditions. But as a Pathfinder I am getting soft. I may take that Blakros townhouse with servants I was offered a while back in Absalom. Does anyone know if it is better to be in the Ivy or Petal District?? That was a choice I was going to have to make. Sadly, the sandwich offerings don't seem to as good as in Varisia."

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

"Well now, that depends on what you want to do other than "have a mansion"."

Granny pulls out a somewhat beaten-looking journal filled with indecipherable handwritten notes.
T10 Local: 10 + 12 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 12 + 2 + (4) = 28

"The Petals district is wealthier, but I find it a touch overdone sometimes. And you would not believe some of what I've heard about the nobility there. The Ivy district is much more calm, with more artsy types."

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

She's not wrong. Lots of weird dealings with the richer folk. Might find a good sandwich in the Coins or the Foreign districts. Likely a small shop that has an in house baker and/or butcher would be a good place...and even better if you find a halfling owner, given their legendary appetites.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)

"Aww, thinkin' about retirement makes me feel all sentimental-like! But there ain't no rest for the wicked, and I sure was. I figger my rest'll come six deep in a pine box."

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"You all have a cabin on my ship, the Corvacious, when you want to retire, Companions. Then you can sail around with me and eat delicious sandwiches from all over the world," Kahwen offers.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)

"Y'know, that don't sound half-bad!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

pic of VC and letter you're given in slides at top

The village of Rosehaven is the very picture of an idyllic
countryside hamlet, its residents going about their business
of farming and crafting with peaceful purpose as the sun sinks
through the hazy sky. Snippets of conversation and song drift
on the breeze mixed among the lowing of cows and chatter of
chicken flocks.
“Peaceful, isn’t it? And to think that a few hours’ travel down
the river, one of our own is starting an international incident.”
The speaker is a woman dressed for travel, her long red hair
bound back into a practical braid and a worn pack slung over
one shoulder. She draws a wayfinder from a pocket and smiles
wearily. “Pathfinders, welcome, and thank you for coming on
such short notice. I’m Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro. I’m sorry
for the strange choice of meeting places. This village is as close
as I dare get to Isarn, and we haven’t the time to spare traveling
upriver from Woodsedge.”

She gestures to a circle of log benches along one edge of the
village square and seats herself, easing her pack to the ground
with a sigh. “I’m going to be blunt. A few weeks ago, Colson
Maldris kidnapped a troupe of corrupt, high-ranking Andoran
citizens and brought them here to Galt. Whatever plan he had
in mind backfired, and now they’re all scheduled to be executed
tomorrow morning with a final blade—Colson included. Needless
to say, Andoran’s government won’t take kindly to either the
Pathfinder Society or the Gray Gardeners taking the law into our
own hands and interfering with their internal affairs. Moreover,
this could set a precedent for the Red Revolution to spread
beyond Galt’s borders, which would be a disaster for several
nations. So I need you to mount a rescue mission.”
The venture-captain rummages through her pack, pulling out
a wrapped parcel, a folded letter, and a handful of vials. “Have
some raisin cakes, they were made fresh this morning at the
lodge. This is the letter Colson sent me when he realized his plan
was falling apart. And Rosehaven’s priest brewed a potion for
each of you to shake off the fatigue; I’m afraid it’s going to be a
long night. You’re to travel from here to Isarn, find out where the
Andoren citizens are being held, and get them out of there. If you
can bring Colson with you and it won’t endanger your escape,
then do—but the Decemvirate has granted us the latitude to
abandon him if necessary to secure the civilians. They’re our top
priority. We’ll have a boat at the Isarn docks waiting to get you
all to safety. Do you have any questions?”

Who did Colson kidnap and why?:
Eliza pulls out a small notebook from her pack and consults it. “Colson’s targets were all powerful Andoren citizens who have been pushing for a new law called,
let’s see, the ‘Banking Reform and Regulation Act.’ That law would give
banks tremendous power over debtors, including the creation
of debtors’ prisons and work camps. Senators Augustyn Naran and Victoria Garvensi were cosponsors of the bill, while Morvius Korkovin stands to profit as a banker, and Sabrine Tularis sees it as a way to get inexpensive labor for her Lumber Consortium. Halmont Warrith often works for Senator Garvensi and the Lumber Consortium, and Colson seems
to have a personal grudge against him.” She pauses and takes a bite of a raisin cake. “As for why… Colson saw their efforts as yet another step in a series of corruptions within Andoran that could only be excised by
rooting them out at their source. Since some of them have
slipped through Andoren justice before, Colson evidently felt
that the Galtan people would give them a more fair trial.”

But Colson’s right! If they’re corrupt, why do we have to
save them?:
“Moral proclivities of these individuals aside, if
the Gray Gardeners execute high-ranking Andoren citizens,
they’re going to start a war between Andoren and Galt. More,
it gives the Gray Gardeners an opening to continue taking
their own form of ‘justice’ into other countries, which could
destabilize Taldor and any number of other places. Worse,
since it’s one of our own who started this, it would tarnish the
Pathfinder Society’s reputation with nearly every organized
government in the Inner Sea region. We could lose access to
entire nations.”

What’s a final blade?:
Eliza grimaces. “Galt’s finest invention. A final blade is a magical guillotine that captures a person’s soul at the moment of death. Ostensibly they’re meant to
prevent Hell and other evil planes from collecting evil souls,
but it’s no small coincidence that they also prevent the person
executed from being restored to life through divine magic.
It’s how the Gray Gardeners ensure that the nobles they target
can’t just use their fortunes to avoid justice.”

Who are the Gray Gardeners? “The Gray Gardeners are the
executioners of the Galtan government. They’re the ones who
operate the final blades. They go masked to stay anonymous,
so they don’t themselves become victims of Galtan ‘justice.’”

Who is Eylara?:
“She and Colson have been associates for a long time. I understand they were both members of the Eagle Knights
many years ago. I can’t say whether he trusts her so thoroughly that she was the only one he told about his plan, or if she’s the only bridge he hadn’t burned too badly to talk her into helping him. Either way, she’s in Isarn and is probably the best place to start
your investigations.”

Why can’t you go to Isarn yourself? :
“I wish I could. But I’m too well known, and my presence would attract too much attention. There are already eyes on the Woodsedge Lodge, and I can’t risk bringing Galt’s wrath
down on it again by getting involved in something this sensitive. I’ll
meet you on the river when you have retrieved everyone.”

Where should we focus our investigation?:
“Start with Eylara, if you can find her. If you can’t, you’ll have to hit the streets and
find out what you can about the Gray Gardeners and their
facilities in the city. You’re experienced agents, I’m sure you’ll
find avenues to explore once you get there.”

You mentioned a ship?:
“I did,” Eliza says firmly. “A
Pathfinder by the name of Armeline lives here in Rosehaven.
She’s arranged a keelboat and crew to transport you down to
Isarn, and she’ll wait with the boat while you head into the city
so you can get out of there right away after you complete your
mission. Her crew is prepared to take the Andoren citizens to
Woodsedge and then all the way downriver to Cassomir, so
you’re only responsible for getting them to the boat in Isarn.”

Silver Crusade

Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)

"I ain't usually one for messin' about with the authorities--learned that lesson the hard way! But these final blades sure ain't right. Only the gods' gonna be able to see inta a man's souls, and trappin' it in a slice o' metal keeps that judgment from happenin'. Still, Galt's got a reputation as one of da most dangerous places in the Inner Sea--we better be sneaky-like!"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Rallas almost visibly cringes at the mention of the Grey Gardeners and the final blade.

That is a most evil device they created. I'm not averse to execution for heinous crimes and the like, but for being in debt or simply being opposed to someone's corrupt power grab? I'll do my best to stop that. He smirks when Trokkus mentions being sneaky.

Well, lucky for us we have two of the best at it, right Kahwen?

going to purchase 2 potions of invisbility, 2 scrolls of it too...900 gp...might get more gear after briefing

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen gulps and then almost chokes on the raisin cake he was eating as the stakes become more apparent. He coughs a little bit and thinks about how he misses the good old days when he was just exploring ruins and the worst that might happen was he and his companions might get killed and eaten if they failed, not start an international incident.

He nods, though. "Indeed, Friend Rallas. We know how to be quiet and unseen. With luck no one will even know they were there before they are gone.

"I must admit that these people don't seem much worth saving, though."

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

"So we go and see Eylara and I keep my mouth shut. When meeting strangers they typically like my sandwiches more than me, so feel free to offer some of my prodigious stash of sandwiches."

Jory then mentions: "I thought I was stealthy till I met Rallas. I will be his backup when he sneaks. I have always thought of buying holy arrows, but I seem to do fine without them."

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6

A small butterfly winged dragon blinks into existence and proclaims telepathically to all in attendance "Introducing his most honourable The Marquis of Wispil, Lord Blakros. Leidang of the Ulfen Guard, Scholar of the Gates Ajar, Hero of the Five Kings, and somewhat of a big deal in Brevoy" - the small dragon continues slowly beating its butterfly wings regally.

An elven aristocrat appears moments later. His attire is of fine silken robes with the cut and trim styled in the latest court fashion, a fine quality longsword worn at his hip, on his cloak a Blakros family crest brooch pin is prominently displayed - along with another more subtle pin with an Ulfen rune.

The Elf appears quite friendly and obviously interested in the companions gathered "Well it's a jolly good day for an adventure, I wonder what the Society has planned for us eh?, my final romp I'm afraid, after this I take my seat on the Taldane Senate and then it will just be work work work"" he offers by way of friendly and polite conversation.

"Galt? Now there's a nasty business. Way out of hand, just pure chaos dressed up as social progress. And here's us finding that yet again the Andoran experiment has lurched out in unexpected ways due to the antics of that Major Indiscretion fellow, just not how one does things I must say, so unseemly, still no use pondering all that now, seems we have some rather serious matters to attend to, getting these people out of this pickle they are in"

"Speaking of pickles, are there any sandwiches and tea? I'm rather partial to cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off" the Elf looks slightly scandalised at the lack of delicacies, and his tone is as though he was dropping a hint, but to no one in particular.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

I have to admit Jory...there are a good amount of elves that would be envious of your stealthiness...and a good shot with a bow too...are you sure you're not part elf? Rallas says with a sly grin. He cocks an eyebrow when the newcomer is introduced.

A Blakros? That's...peculiar...

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

Granny can only shake her head as the Venture-Captain speaks. Colson, what have you done?

She thinks briefly on each of the kidnap victims, double-checking a reference from her backpack.
T10 Local on the kidnappees: 10 + 12 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 12 + 2 + (1) = 25

The explanation of why they had to save the senators, though, raises her feathers. "Eliza, are you suggesting that Taldor descending into infighting and anarchy is somehow better than the Pathfinder Society being barred from entry? That's the kind of attitude that gets us banned. People don't want to invite you over if you're going to trash their house."

Further catching-up with her companions is interrupted by... a butterfly dragon?
T10 Arcana: 10 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 15 + (3) = 28
Oh, a faerie dragon. Interesting... though she'd need to watch for dye in her preening oil. His companion seems similarly larger-than-life.

"I've met several members of the Blakros family, but none of them have been Pathfinders themselves." Granny transfers her cane to the other side and offers one hand to the newcomer. "Hello, dear. My name is Cheechatkae but please, just call me Granny." Gesturing to the graying parrot on her shoulder, she adds "This is Natharanak Phlegethoth. Let me know if you start to understand him... that's usually not a good sign."

She turns to the tiny herald.

"And who might you be?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Granny Cheechatkae wrote:

The explanation of why they had to save the senators, though, raises her feathers. "Eliza, are you suggesting that Taldor descending into infighting and anarchy is somehow better than the Pathfinder Society being barred from entry? That's the kind of attitude that gets us banned. People don't want to invite you over if you're going to trash their house."

"No Granny. I'm not suggesting that Taldor is better off being in chaos just that Colson has done something and it's up to use to undo it. It's bad enough that he's "left" the Society do deal with his mess, but we've got to get him out without causing a stir"

She turns to the elf noble.

"I'm sorry I've just these raisin cakes."

Just then a brightly colored Parrot flies in through the window and lands on Trokkus. "Hello rah Hello friend..seeds seeds" it bobs its head.

The VC shakes her head and goes and closes the window. "That bird is from Mwangi if I'm not mistaken. I don't know how it got here??"

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

Know history or local

DC 10+::
Galt has been in a state of constant violent social and political turmoil for over half a century, changing leaders
and regimes in an ongoing chaos called the Red Revolution.

The Gray Gardeners are the justices and executioners
for the Galtan People’s Council, responsible for uncovering
traitors, noble sympathizers, political enemies, and anyone
insufficiently supportive of the latest revolutionary regime.

Though Isarn is the seat of Galt’s governing
body and therefore the nation’s capital, the
Gray Gardeners as an organization are based
out of the city of Litran some 100 miles
upriver (or about 60 miles by land).

The most famous Gray Gardener
in Isarn is a woman known as Citizen
Dread, who has an uncanny ability to
work a crowd into a bloodthirsty fervor.

Though most Gray Gardeners
remain masked in public and use
pseudonyms to hide their identity, a few
recent rumors have mentioned a Gray
Gardener without a mask: a blond man
with a diamond earring and a deep scar
on his chin.

profession merchant or Know nobility

DC 10+:
: Augustyn Naran and Victoria Garvensi are Andoren
senators who have held office for far longer than term limits
would normally allow.

Senator Naran is an older Andoran politician who
helped throw his nation’s support behind Lady Gloriana
Morilla’s Army of Exploration during the Society’s fight
against the demons of the Worldwound.

Several years ago, Pathfinder agents acting at the
direction of Major Colson Maldris arrested Halmont
Warrith, but Warrith was released from prison shortly
thereafter when a key witness in his trial suspiciously
retracted his testimony.

Though many nobles lost much wealth in Andoran’s
bid for independence, several elite nonetheless maintained
the acumen, connections, and capital to remain an influential
force in politics and the economy. An especially stubborn,
secret group known as The Seven Houses consists entirely
of former nobles and their bitter descendants, using their
resources to direct Andoren commerce and politics while
maintaining the guises of honest folk.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6
Rallas Linnderil wrote:
A Blakros? That's...peculiar...

"Yes, when most people think of Blakros they think of that museum, can't say I am that much of a fan of it either. It should be a place of culture and learning, instead it turns into a battlefield and place of danger. Honestly, best thing that could happen is have it filled with concrete. Nigel would not agree."

"Lovely to meet you Granny" he smiles welcomingly "I was previously Lord Percival before I became Lord Blakros. As you may or may not have been aware the eldest daughter of the family's matriarch, Michellia, requested the hand of the Andoran Major Colson Maldris - 'Major Indiscretion' himself - in marriage. The act of his declination of her proposal brought forth a need for the Pathfinder Society to put forth possible replacement suitors in order to maintain good relations with the family, thus preserving the society's access to the museum. She subsequently married the Hellknight Damian Kastner. Was quite the wedding, very adventurous, none of these events ever end without excitement. Anyhow I met a lovely Blakros daughter and things became things and so here we are - the husbands take on the Blakros name upon marrying into the family so now I'm Lord Blakros, and as you point out, a Pathfinder to boot"

So yes, a Blakros Blakros, chronicle sheet and mechanical bonuses and all!

"Ironic that a Blakros is setting off to rescue the good Major from yet another terrible decision"

"I can understand his position though, this 'Act' just sounds like the sort of indentured servitude and slavery by other means we see from the Chels, and I would further note that the system would not take long before those with the deepest pockets simply hired the better lawyers to write the most un-generous terms into their contracts which they would then use to entrap the most desperate - but this kidnapping business goes too far"

"So what do we know of any of these stakeholders, and is there a good lead to the whereabouts of this Eylara?"

GM: Knowledge checks/Gather Info?


The Faerie dragon smiles wide and gives his wings a flap

"Boffins, friend and traveling companion of Percy here, all his friends just call him Percy, goes back to when he was less his 'good Lordship', and much more an earnest Academic off roaming around doing honest fieldwork. He rescued me on an adventure in the Sanos Forest of Varisia. Some people may know me as 'Riddywipple', but with his work... we're often under assumed identities, he keeps a lot of secrets. My job is to help share what knowledge I have and to be an extra pair of eyes and assist gathering information. And to keep him light-hearted. All those secrets and all that intrigue makes for quite a burden, I'm there to ensure it doesn't consume him"

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory is so flabbergasted by Rallas statements he thinks seriously about elves in his family line. One of his ancestors was talk for a dwarf……do you think???!??

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

Granny nods at the Venture-Captain's reply. Good. She'd heard Petulengro was one of the better ones, but even the best needed a reminder from time to time.

"I think I heard about that wedding, or at least the aftermath. I've heard several people swear off attending any other weddings as Pathfinders."

"And Trokkus! You didn't tell me you brought our friend back home."

Granny checks one more bookmarked page before closing and stowing the book. "For those who have managed to avoid Galt until now... the Gray Gardeners are Galt's executioners. They do "internal security", too, to make sure the citizens don't start thinking "unpatriotic" thoughts. They're headquartered about 60 miles away from Isarn, as the parrot flies." Granny frowns briefly. "Apparently the most famous Gardener in Isarn goes by the name "Citizen Dread"... charming lady, I'm sure. She tends to whip the crowds into bloodthirsty frenzies."

Natharanak History: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Natharanak squawks something unnatural-sounding from Granny's shoulder.

"Hmm?" Granny looks over, and a brief conversation ensues. "Natharanak says to watch for a... yellow? No, a blond man, with a diamond earring and a deep scar on his chin. He may be an undercover Gardener."

She pulls out a different book, bound in leather, and checks a couple entries.
T10 Nobility: 10 + 11 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 11 + 2 + (3) = 26
"I've only heard of a few of Colson's targets. Senator Naran supported Taldor during that Worldwound mess several years ago, but he's been in office longer than legal. So has Senator Garvensi. Halmont Warrith got out of jail when a key witness suddenly didn't want to witness, and Colson was the one to originally arrest him. The others... if I had to guess, Colson probably suspects them to be manipulating things behind the scenes. I've heard of at least one group that does that." Granny puts the book away.

"It's good to meet you, Boffins."

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6
GM Qstor wrote:

"No Granny. I'm not suggesting that Taldor is better off being in chaos just that Colson has done something and it's up to use to undo it. It's bad enough that he's "left" the Society do deal with his mess, but we've got to get him out without causing a stir"

"Indeed, Taldor has no interest in chaos and has had quite enough upheaval and conflict with our neighbours in Qadira to the south, and sharing our northern borders with Andoran and Galt we don't need problems starting there either. What they do within their own borders is their affair to manage, however his majesty Grand Prince Stavian III has amongst his titles 'Defender of Galt' as an ancestral claim - should Galt start trouble that spills into Taldor our history shows that we have a tendency of raising Expeditionary Armies and his majesty may well 'Defend Galt' into the ground"

"As one of Lady Gloriana Morilla's inner circle I am here to do my best to ensure we avoid any political scandals that might draw Taldor into conflict" he offers very politely "...and as a Lion Blade I assure you that I will do what I must to ensure it" - the last offered with a surprising coldness.

"Thank you for the raisin cake."

Lord Blackadder here has a bunch of Taldor related chronicles and boons - Noble, Lion Blade, Leidang of the Ulfen Guard, Blakros admittance, and up to 'Spymaster' on the Sovereign Court faction card. He is one tick off completing Senatorial candidate (which this scenario will give him and he becomes a Senator of Taldor) and this adventure will tick him over to 12. So in short, he acts up the slightly scatty noble, but is much more James Bond

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

"Are we to dock in Isarn, then, or will that only be for when we leave? What time will we arrive?" Granny considers for a moment. "Do you know more specifically when or where they're holding the execution?"

Not even sure what time it is now, which would matter for our "tomorrow morning" deadline.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen bows to Sir Percy, his torso bending parallel to the ground, his tricorn hat held against his chest with his right hand and his left held out perpendicular to his body.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir Percy."

He reorients and gives the little dragon the same bow.

"And a pleasure to meet you as well," he says.

"Hey! I was at that wedding!" he declares as he straightens and puts his hat back on.

His head cocks to the side and he studies Lord Blakros for some time before his gaze darts away.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Granny Cheechatkae wrote:

"Are we to dock in Isarn, then, or will that only be for when we leave? What time will we arrive?" Granny considers for a moment. "Do you know more specifically when or where they're holding the execution?"

Not even sure what time it is now, which would matter for our "tomorrow morning" deadline.

"The ship is leaving within the hour for the journey there. Please make haste if you can!'

The VS rubs her chin. "Yes Lord Blakros...I anticipate you protecting Taldor but please remember our comrade in the Society!"

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6

"And you too, Kahwen. I hope the wedding doesn't scare you away from any other celebrations, just avoid any weddings or festivals the Society holds or are involved in as they always seem to end in far too much excitement after eating overly rich food"

"Of course Venture Captain, we shall do what we can to liberate both the kidnapper and his victims to avoid further bloodshed - when it comes to these nobles and quasi-politicians fighting it is the common folk that end up doing the majority of the bleeding"

"As the Marquis of Wispil I am deeply concerned about a war on our borders - Wispil is in the Verduran forest in Taldor and borders both Andoran and Galt - should war break out then no doubt the Verduran would find itself logged extensively for ships and war machines by all sides in the conflict and it would serve as a covered route for armies on the march - it is the Fey folk and the animals that live there that would be the first to suffer due to the idiocy of this man, it is their ancestral homes that would burn, it is their forest that would be devastated, it would be their living monuments and shrines destroyed, it would be their lives lost first - by blade or by hunger. The Treaty of Wildwood would no doubt become strained and who knows what the response of the Wildwood Lodge druids might be. These folk are my responsibility, their care entrusted to me by the title I bear - heavy is the head that wears the crown"

"Our comrade in the Society, indeed."

"My companions, it appears we have a rendezvous with a boat, let us take our leave and catch it"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Aye...the quicker we can get our feet on the ground, the better... Ralla says as he picks up his pack and fancy quiver off the floor and makes sure all his gear is stowed away properly.

Silver Crusade

F Tengu Shaman 8 / Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1 | HP 66/66 | AC 19 / 12T / 17FF / CMD 18 | Fort +9 / Ref +9 / Will +16 | Init +2 | Perception +12

That... answered precisely nothing.

Granny mentally shrugs. One more mission on an unknown time limit, then.

"I just have one scroll I'd like to pick up before we leave."

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6

"A good time for me to avail ourselves of a hamper too Granny, though unsure what magical items or delicacies this small cow and chicken hamlet may have to offer. If the sun is sinking now and the execution is tomorrow then I suggest it shall be a long night ahead of us"

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf [AC: 22(26MA); ff 19; T:21] HP=75/75 F +11/R+10/W+15 CMD 31 (32 grapple) Ki 12/12 Monk (Zen Archer)/8 Perc +18/stone +20 Darkvision 60' per strike 8/8 40' move

Jory gets his sandwiches replenished.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

we need to get some rest...I'll take watch in case there is trouble on the way...someone can spell me after a bit...I'll have tea ready...

Sovereign Court

Elf HP:79, AC: 19/T:13/FF:16 - Percep: +19(LL) F: +8/R: +9/W: +12 - CMB: +5- CMD: 18, Speed: 30ft, Init: +6

"I only sleep two hours a day, a short snooze is all, so happy to have a nap at a convenient time. Very kind of you to volunteer so readily Rallas"

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"Let's go!" Kahwen declares, already heading out the door as soon as there is any indication that everyone is ready.

He keeps a view on the rest of the group and follows along for any shopping they may need to do. But by the way his gaze quickly darts in the direction of the shore clearly indicates he's ready to go and to get onto a boat, again.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

The village’s dock lies about half a mile to the west of the village square; after a pleasant evening walk through the gently rolling
countryside, the party reaches the dock. A trading vessel making the long journey from New Stetven to Cassomir is docked
Armeline waves to the party from the other vessel at the dock: a sleek keelboat with sails as well as oar ports. A half-dozen sailors
have prepared the vessel to push off, and they do so as soon as the party is are on board.

Armeline steps over "Greetings Pathfinders. I have been busy as of late."

has anyone played Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–02: A Case of Missing Persons, or Scenario #8–06: Reaping What We Sow. with this Character?

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Busy is likely an understatement. Anything you need us to do? Kahwen here is a fair hand at sailing tasks. I'm not, but will do what is needed...

not with this guy..but others...

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