The_Sentry |

"Those without powers are required to sleep. To eat. I do not have these limitations. I will devote myself to protecting them. That is my life," Sentry says as he bites into the side of a piece of deep dish pizza.
"What is it that we are seeking in our patrol? I have no life to balance."

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner listens to the conversation and becomes quite sad for the test tube heroes. He still had some time before he had to get back to his life and duty, "Oddball, Canary, how long will it take you to hack the computer and understand what they stole and why?"
"Then, we can decide what to do in the mean time, yeah?"

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 mulls the collective words and CEREBROTHER'S input, her nose wrinkling quizzically;
"Hobby... Activity or horse?"
She nods at The Nightwing's words;
"Knowing what they value shows where their weaknesses may lie. Better to exploit when engaging in combat or executing a termination directive."

The_Sentry |

"You will become better at saving people by learning some of the things that they value in life." He says to the more determined people in the group.
"And what do you value? What do you do with your life?"

The Nightwing |

The Nightwing wrote:"You will become better at saving people by learning some of the things that they value in life." He says to the more determined people in the group."And what do you value? What do you do with your life?"
"Fine dining, plays, nights out with friends, and of course going to the movies." The last one was particularly special, as Batman tended to avoid the cinema.

Oddball the 2nd |

"Its also how we bond with each other and become friends. Friends are better than allies any day." She says remembering the lack of those when she was one of the only children in the circus of crime. She also worked her fingers across the keyboards seeking to delve into the files and see what the serial numbers possibly could be.
Technology: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

The_Sentry |

"I will have to try those things. Maybe some of you will want to try them with me."

The_Sentry |

"Sorry, Canary. I don't know what an opera is. Or Le Cid. But yes. I accept your invitation."

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

"Count me in for the opera, too. Never gone, but I'll try anything once. If we're done for the night, I need to return to station. Call me if you need me." Mariner nods to everyone, fist bumps the few who know how to do it on his way out of the lair.
With his Fog of War in place to disguise his identity, he makes his way to the water and jets underwater to the Coast Station.

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 mulls the offer, her eyes flickering as she downloads data;
She nods slowly;
"Le Cid. A great hero. I'll come to... I may learn more of his combat techniques. "

The Dazzling Canary |

"I'll admit, the battle strategy isn't likely to be addressed much at the opera." Canary concedes. "Traditional operas tend to be adaptions of classical romances told through song, in this case it centers a mythical warrior but it focus on his relations mostly. It'll be a good chance to get to know human 'culture' a bit better, even if that 'culture' is about 400 years outdated" She finishes.

Oddball the 2nd |

" I will make time to come with. I may have more homework. I mean granted I am trying to double major two different sciences but still engineering and biochemistry will take me far...I hope" she days with a sigh Remembering uncle Eggs drilling in her all he knew which was supprisingly alot. I mean she can see why so many people wanted him outta college, but was sent packing after the wunderkin Stark. Add in his corporate espionage and well later criminal activities he wasnt gonna be a great scientist legally. Hopefully she could though.
" Maybe someday 23 Ill take to school with me and let you meet some normal folks Like my roomate Janet." she says as she types away lettinf the code now work for her

The_Sentry |

"Oddball, I don't have any homework. Maybe I could do some of yours. Then you would have time to go with us."
Ready to move on whenever.

The_Sentry |

"Why would that be cheating? There is work to be done. We do it."

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A few days later, Sara is studying for yet another test, this time for the class with the history professor/lawyer who talks a mile a minute without seeming to breathe. All her classmates record his classes just to be able to fill in their notes afterwards, because anything he says can and probably will be on his tests.
An email alert starts flashing on the Crash Pad's screen. She didn't even know there was an email account on the hideout's computers.

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[Attention: Outsiders]
Mr. Queen certainly paid for top-notch anti-intrusion software for this place. Took me 1379 nanoseconds to crack it, a new record.
Regardless, I believe you were looking for these. It is imperative that Sinister does not unlock their potential upon my fellow mutants. When you agree, reply to this missive for further directions.
[Attachments(24): Operation: Umbrella; Project Files: Terrigen Mutant Synthesis]

Oddball the 2nd |

Sara blinks and then gets on her phone and sends a message to her team mates whose nbers she has.
:::Got an email from a Brainiac, need to meet tonight and discuss at The Pad, OB2:: she says as she then grabs her gear and changes into something more comfortable. An old pair of training gear her parents had gotten her and with a simple move of the window she was out using her inhuman legs to spring from building to building heading to the crash pad.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Lieutenant Junior Grade Noah Weatherby was patrolling the coast on board a crusier when Oddball's message arrived. He noted it and went back to his duty.
After returning to station and changing jumpsuits, he wanders to the dock and drops into the water when no one is looking. Then, at torpedo loiter speed to avoid cavitation, he swims up river to a slow part of the warehouse district. Up and out of the water covered in his Fog of War is flies to the crash pad using a low flying cloud to cover his arrival.
Inside the crash pad, his Fog of War melts away. "Deuce, what's this about a message from Brainiac?"

The_Sentry |

Sentry arrives in a blur. "Who is this Braniac? Friend? Foe? Classmate?"
He holds a Labriola's pizza box in his right hand.

Oddball the 2nd |

"I am gonna believe they are all of those and none in one. They are a mystery, but also seem to have breached the security we need to et to the information on what our friends last night took" She says as she wonders who the mystery man is.
"Though that is if we wish to take the information. It may be a trap" She said in after thought as she remembered some of the lessons her circus family taught her.

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 looks up quizzically;
"If it is a trap we will overcome and eliminate. Track to the source and terminate the threat."

The_Sentry |

Probably Stealthy characters should do a scout.
Or Sentry could probably penetrate the walls in a different way...

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner tells them team that he will meet them at the address. He approaches the warehouse underwater and looks for any waiting boats or entrances near the water. And waits.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Over the comm to the teams, "I'm in position with eyes on the warehouse. Can provide fog cover if required."

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Upon entering the building, you are greeted by a young blond man with a technological arm and leg. "Salutations. Do not be alarmed by the protections placed over the building. They are here so our conversation may take place unmonitored,"

The_Sentry |

"Yes, tell us what you want."
The Sentry hovers inches above the ground, his feet dangling, his arms crossed.

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"I want many things. But, from you, I want you to stop the Legion from trying to use the Terrigen Mutant Synthesis to unlock secondary mutations within our members." Brainiac says. "You'll have two more chances. There are two more components we need to acquire before the machine I designed will unlock this goal. The details of the robbery's plans, as much as I have access to them, are on this drive."
He holds forth a thumbdrive.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner arches an eyebrow at Braniac’s response. ”First, please tell us who you are and what other things you want, so we understand more about you and your motives.”
“Then, please tell us more about what exactly happened at that laboratory. What did Legion want? Who was involved besides those who we incarcerated.”
“And tell us what this “machine you designed” does? And why it will stop Legion from using the TerrigenMutant Synthesis?.”
“Essentially, please us signifcantly more about what’s going on.”. He crosses his arms waiting for a full story. He would prompt any explanation with obvious follow-up questions to assemble a complete picture of the situation.
Even his Coast Guard commanders put their missions in way more context than what he has at the moment.

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"No, you misunderstand me. The irony of which is quite amusing." Braniac says. "I built the machine for the Legion. It is missing two components. When it has those two components, it will be able to perform its function, which is to further mutate mutants using a modified terrigenesis process."
"I simply cannot allow this to happen, nor may I stop it from my current position within the Legion. That is where your group becomes useful. If you stop the Legion, it is 98% likely Sinister will send them against you in a manner that will lead you to the location of the device, where you may destroy it."

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Now, even more confused, ”Wait. What? You built the machine? Why? What does it do? What are these two components?” He does pause between questions for Brainiac to answer.
Would you please spoiler what the PCs know about the Legion, because I don’t think we know much about Brainiac, right?

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Braniac sighs. "If you do not understand the context of what I have said, I am afraid I have no idea of how to communicate the subtext. I am a member of the Legion. I made the machine because Sinister would kill me if I didn't, or if I built it so that it did not function. Sinister has enough knowledge to know if I build in errors, but not enough to build the machine himself. As to your other questions, the details are on the thumb drive, and my time here is too limited to explain it in simple enough terms for your comprehension."

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As you slot the drive, Brainiac nods and presses a button on his belt, teleporting away.
The drive contains an immense amount of information about the device he is building and the likely energy signature it would give off if it were ever activated, noting the potential to track it as a failsafe if you are unable to stop its creation.
The two components are explained in detail as well, giving their locations and the security rundown of what is around them security-wise.
One is at an Advanced Ideas in Neural Technology facility, heavily guarded by an advanced AI-run series of modified SIT-T called Machine Men and fitted with advanced weaponry. The Strike Team assigned to retrieve this component consists of Timber Wolf, Dawnstar, Bouncing Boy, Sun Boy, and Phantom Girl, with backup by Saturn Girl and Vanishing Lad.
The Second is held at a government facility off the coast called PLASMUS, and has at least one Superhero Soldier named US Guardian, with the possible back-up of another called Agent RWB. For this mission, Sinister is sending Star Boy, Ruby Eye, Shadow Lass, and Chameleon Boy, again backed up by Saturn girl and Vanishing Lad.
The thumbdrive also has brief files on each of these Legion members, not nearly as thorough as Oliver's files, but it lets you know what they are capable of.
Timberwolf has enhanced senses, regenerative abilities, and an adamantium-laced skeleton and claws.
Dawnstar has wings, enhanced eyesight, and incredible agility.
Bouncing Boy is practically immune to kinetic energy and can redirect it as well as use it to fuel great leaps.
Sun Boy has fire powers.
Phantom Girl can phase through solid matter and can short circuit machinery while phasing through it.
Saturn Girl is a very powerful Telepath and Telekinetic who functions as the communications coordinator from an undisclosed safe house.
Vanishing Lad is able to teleport and may take people with him if he is adjacent to them. he works as the escape route once a component has been located.
Star Boy manipulates gravity.
Ruby Eye absorbs solar energy and shoots concussive blasts from his eyes, and has an amazing innate sense of spacial geometry.
Shadow Lass utilizes an energy called the Darkforce to fly, project force fields, create solid Darkforce shapes, or create areas of cold darkness.
Chameleon Boy can change his appearance and voice to appear like other people, including odd-looking mutants.
Bonus Hero Point if you're the first to tell me which Marvel characters Bouncing Boy, Star boy, Shadow Lass, and Chameleon Boy are based off of.Hints: Not all of them are mutants, Robbie, Franklin, Lanyia, Kevin