Hybrid World (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

KK dodge vs boomerang 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

LL lightning blast power attack vs Sentry 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 for DC 32 Toughness save

The man continues to evade both ball and baller, keeping on the defensive.

In the sky, Lightning Lass draws upon the stormcloud's gathered energies and summons a massive lightning blast against Sentry. DC 32 Toughness save from Sentry.

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

Toughness: 1d20 + 20 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 20 - 1 = 25Using Luck for a reroll. Now have 0 hero points and 0 Luck.

Toughness: 1d20 + 20 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 20 - 1 = 25That becomes a 16, so 35, so no effect.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

"F$&@! What the hell are you?" Lightning Lass curses, crestfallen.

Oddball in closed in, she wasn't strong in hand to hand but she needed to be sure this would work. It is what a gambit is. She caught the Boomerang ball as she stepped up.
Oddball begins to strike using fists in Kicks in her Kickboxing style.

Strike: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision


Still -2 to Toughness Checks

OMAX-23 moves from the fallen Cosmic Girl, pausing momentarily to watch Sentry take a full brunt lighting bolt like it was static.

"Glad he is on our side."

She looks at Canary, then moves into the building at pace;


(60ft Ground Movement)

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

Mariner shrugs and replies to the Lass, "He's the Sentry. You should really fly away before he decides to subdue you."

He's going to try his dehydration trick on her but expects her to be immune. Sentry is certainly immune.
Dehydration Ranged Affliction (Fatigued, Stunned, Incapacitated) vs. Fortitude 12 (Area Cloud (15 ft radius), Subtle 1 (DC 20 Perception)

Nightwing bounces in to the strange opponent, trying multiple blows to see if he can find a hole in his defenses.

teleporting Flurry: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
Damage DC 24+ multiattack

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2


LL Fortitude 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
KK Parry 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34

Lightning Lass, drained either by the effort or by Mariner's subtle leeching of her vital fluids, falls unconscious and begins to plummet rapidly towards the earth (the fall from this height is likely to kill her if no one intervenes.)

Meanwhile, moving inside the building's first floor, OMAX-23 enters a lobby area with a receptionist's desk, metal detectors, and a large rounded staircase headed from either side of the recption area to a balcany above. Hallways lead out from three directions below/behind the stairwell.

Above, Nightwing's attacks are easily parried by the man in the tattered hoody. "Now, now, Nightwing, your offense is getting repetitive. Your friend is at least trying to be creative. Shall I show you both how it's done?"

He strikes an offensive pose, but still seems to be waiting for something... or delaying, perhaps.

KK readies an attack.

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

Mariner flies down to catch Lightning Lass from deceleration poisoning. He was pretty happy with himself at taking two of the ladies out without much fuss. Plus, he found that Lightning Lass doesn’t control water like she does the weather. Good for next time.

Do they have someone they can call for supervillain cleanup?

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

Is the person who is facing off against Nightwing (I'm guessing Karate Kid?) the only remaining opponent?

No two are uncounted for. The Collective Man, and WOlverine. We are facing the unknown assailant

Oddball smile behind her mask."Thank I was always told that in fights even the best-trained fighters need to also be evolving."She says as she springs forward launching herself and readying the lightingball.

Bouncing Ball Attack to break stairs hoping to use it to throw him off balance

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35Super Senses: Senses 13 (Accurate: Hearing, Analytical: Hearing, Extended: Hearing 4: x10k, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Penetrates Concealment: Hearing, Ultra-hearing)

The Sentry takes a moment to seek out opponents, sorting out the sounds of his team.

I can hear everything within 2 miles ignoring barriers. Analytical should allow me to distinguish pretty much anything from anything else.

Nightwing seems a little thrown back by the critique. "Oh, it works eventually." But it seems to have shaken him for a moment.

attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

It was hard enough trying to get the core of both characters in. I have lots of ideas for more stuff once I get some more points.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2


Dodge vs Bouncing Ball Collapsing the stairs 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 Success
18 vs 24 Parry- blocked

Readied Attack on Nightwing
Weakness Strike 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Crit due to 4 levels of improved crit on this attack

DC 29+5 for crit = DC 34

The man jumps clear of the collapsing section of stairs, and as Nightwing 'ports in to attack, lands a powerful kidney shot on the young hero. "Perhaps during a rematch" he whispers in Nightwing's ear as he lands the blow.

DC 34 Toughness save from Nightwing.

Also, just to be clear, it is "Karate Kid" taunting Nightwing, not the GM.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Sentry can hear footsteps and heartbeats in underground levels- perhaps thirty or so feet underground, maybe 2-3 stories underground - and on the second floor balcony. He also hears the slow, steady, calm heartbeat of "Karate Kid" while he fights the two above.

Five of the heartbeats- the one on the balcony and 4 in the sublevels, beat at exactly the same pace as each other.

The seventh heartbeat increases slightly as he listens, and he hears a low, growling voice say "There you are."

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

The Sentry hangs in the air, waiting to defend his allies.

Free action to set Flight Rank to 6, meaning I can move half a mile as a move action. If someone is hit by an attack that is not an area attack nor a perception range attack, I will use my Interpose Feat to move to be struck by the attack.

Oh he has the perfect quip to respond with. It's just that he's having a little trouble breathing at the moment.

toughness: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19


Init+ 6 | Dodge 16 Parry 4 Toughness 8 | Fortitude 8 Will 16 | Perception +21 (Darkvision) |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 1 |

Canary steps towards the fount door with OMAX lagging slightly behind.

"You could say that again" she breaths quietly as she goes.

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision


Now -1 to Toughness Checks

Visibly healing OMAX-23 pauses in the reception, looking toward Canary;

"Where to?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

... So quiet....

In the fight, Nightwing and Oddball are up (in M&M readied actions move your initiative.) OMAX and Canary can decide which direction to take, or OMAX can decide for them at this point.

Sentry hears as the five begin moving towards each other and the seventh heartbeat moving out of the lower levels up the stairs.

Upstairs, the man in the hoody awaits the next salvo from Nightwing and/or Oddball.

Oddball takes a few seconds to shift and lash out. She rolls forward and throws another ball her electroball, seeking to see what this fellow did with electricity.

THrow: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Ball Lightning Ball: Burst Area Damage 8 (electricity, DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Increased Range: ranged)

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

Mariner waits by the three unconscious powered bodies for pickup by the authorities.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2


Dodge 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25 success for half effect ((8*1/2)+15=19)

Toughness vs DC 19 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

The man continues to dodge pretty well, only taking a bit of the electricity and shaking off its effects fairly easily.

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision

OMAX-23 pauses, sniffing the air as she tries to discern the scents of friends and foes within the building;

Perception (Scent - Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

On the balcony above the stairs, OMAX sniffs out the retreating fifth of the Quintuple Lad.

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Oddball the 2nd wrote:

Oddball takes a few seconds to shift and lash out. She rolls forward and throws another ball her electroball, seeking to see what this fellow did with electricity.

Ball Lightning Ball: Burst Area Damage 8 (electricity, DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Increased Range: ranged)

That electroball is a burst attack, so you don't need to roll to hit with it. It just affects an area.

Nightwing continues his assault. As he watches, he sees a pattern to his defenses.

attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34 Crit! toughness DC 31+ multiattack

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2


This may hurt!

Toughness vs DC 36! 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Oh yeah, that hurt.

Partly egged on by the man's taunts, partly taking advantage of his balance being thrown off by Oddball's electroball, and partly due to years of tactical training, Nightwing sees the perfect opportunity, switching up the angle of his assault and teleporting just as the man jumps, grabbing his leg to throw him off balance and then landing a devastating series of attacks at the unbalanced foe.

Karnak, a.k.a. Karate Kid, lies unconscious on the floor.

"Wait, I had something for this!"-Archer, the world's greatest spy.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Sentry detects another heartbeat suddenly appearing next to Timber Wolf in the sub-basement stairwell.

Sara we speak to Nightwing."We need to restrain him with something. You have anything on you? If not I can bolo him."

After that she gets winces and takes a minute t stretch and look about to reassess.

Init+ 6 | Dodge 16 Parry 4 Toughness 8 | Fortitude 8 Will 16 | Perception +21 (Darkvision) |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 1 |

Assuming OMAX points out their findings

Canary begins jogging in the direction OMAX identified as she calls out "Better see if we can't catch him. Maybe we can get him to help us find the rest."

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

Sentry is young and impatient. Whatever this Timber Wolf fellow is, his allies have identified it as an enemy. He cocks his head, listening carefully, then moves swiftly into the building to engage with this foe. Along the way, he finds OMAX-23 and says, "There are opponents below. Come with me and face them!"

Not quite sure how far away that is. I'll use a free action to adjust my array to be able to move to there if I can get there without impediment. Also, my flight has affects others, so if OMAX is willing, I will grab them and bring them along.

All-out attack to lower dodge and parry by 5 and raise attack by 5.

Unarmed attack: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 5 = 30

If a 900 foot move will get me there, then that is a DC 28 Toughness Save. If I need 1800 feet, then DC 27 Toughness.

Grab: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 5 = 24 If that hits, Strength or Dodge vs Current Strength (13, so DC 23).

Also, whoops, maybe realizing it isn't my turn. If it isn't, just save this for later? And I can take anyone else who wants to go.

He slides out some handcuffs and locks up the unconscious martial artists. "After years with the Bat, I'd feel naked without carrying restraints."

"Yes, The Bat..." She lets that hang an then speaks after a bit of awkward silence.

"I'll head to help the others." With that Oddball bounces away down the stairs to the ground level.

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision


OMAX-23 begins to follow her nose alongside Canary, just as Sentry makes his grand entrance.

Inviting her for a fly along, she pauses, eyes flickering;


"One above. Best we deal with them first?"

If Canary and Sentry agree she'll make haste towards the 1/5 of Quintuple Lad with a mind to increasing his fractional status... (60ft Ground Movement)

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

With very little else to do, Mariner goes through the pockets of Lightning Lass, Cosmic Girl and Ferro Boy looking for clues. He pays attention not to enjoy too much patting down Lass and Girl.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Init+ 6 | Dodge 16 Parry 4 Toughness 8 | Fortitude 8 Will 16 | Perception +21 (Darkvision) |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 1 |

Canary nods to OMAX "I'd say the runner is top priority"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Mariner make a Will Save.

Sentry finds several obstacles to his progress below, like doors, walls, stair, etc.

The stairs he can fly down no problem, but the walls or doors would need to be opened or busted through. Preferences?

Canary and Omax quickly catch up to QB. He stops, turns to face them, and rolls initiative.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Unless Canary rolls a 1 on init, you can both go.

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

Will save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Mariner feels someone- a female someone-brush up against his mind, looking for weakness, and not finding it.

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

Well, crap. I was thinking of him being so strong that normal objects wouldn't slow him down, but didn't think to give him permeate. I'll just make it a character thing.

And since OMAX has plans, anyway, let's just do that.

Sentry turns his head upward, "We should deal with the one above first. Of course..." He grabs O.M.A.X-23 in one hand and Canary in another and rockets upwards. Turning his gaze back to O.M.A.X, he says, "Why is this best move?"

Oddball continues her descent leaping down the stairwell looking about for any enemies.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision

OMAX-23 eyes The Sentry as she shoots upward in his grasp;

"Eliminate enemy on one front. Then concentrate on the remainder.

When one of the fifthlets comes into sight, she mirthlessly engages at high speed, popping her claws as she charges;


Charge + Move (if needed)


Close Attack - Adamantine Laced Claws: 1d20 + 14 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 14 - 2 = 22 Damage 6 (DC21) | Penetrating 4 | Critical 18-20

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

Mariner taps into the comm link, ”team. I’ve a hostile telepath out here, and I don’t know where she is. I’m creating some fog to hopefully cover me and the prisoners.”

With a thought, a fog cloud rises up from the ground which is a bit off-centred from his location, in case someone wants to target the center.

Fog Cloud AE: Concealment (All visuals, Attack & Affects Others, Perception Ranged, Area Cloud 4 (120 ft radius), Precise)

Nightwing will continue s search pattern taking the other stairs. He'll be pausing to listen at each floor and check for movement with his radar.

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Commoner 2


Toughness vs DC 21 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 How unfortunate for him.

OMAX charges forward, unleashing her claws and slicing as she moves past him. She turns to see his head rolling after her, body falling and spraying blood.

Elsewhere, Sentry hears four screams followed by four bodies hitting various floors. The others' heartbeats continue, but are shallower.

He knocks his way through several doors/walls, but hears the two heartbeats below suddenly disappear.

Nightwing quickly finds the other four members of the collective previously known as Quintuple Lad unconscious at various places in the building.

End combat

Init+ 6 | Dodge 16 Parry 4 Toughness 8 | Fortitude 8 Will 16 | Perception +21 (Darkvision) |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 1 |

"Well that was rather quick" Canary says simply.

"Do we want to go downstairs now?"

had drafted a message but it didn't send sorry!

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

"I think we may have won?"

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