O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 hears Oddball's comms and nods, then turns to the scene in her wake.
"Does she require body parts too?"

The_Sentry |

"A mind tried to interfere with my thinking earlier and I shrugged it off. Let me focus for a moment..."
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Any sense of where the threat might lie?

The Dazzling Canary |

OMAX-23 hears Oddball's comms and nods, then turns to the scene in her wake.
"Does she require body parts too?"
With a slight sigh Canary replies "I think its best if we leave all of these folks with body parts"

Oddball the 2nd |

"Wait did I hear you correctly 23, did you say 'body parts'? Because we try to keep them intact"She says catching up and adjusting her outfit as she seems to look at the team.
"Divide and conquer again. Keep one of us with a strong will up with Mariner and maybe another, and then the rest of us head down and see what the fuss was about."Oddball suggested as she stretched and groaned.
"That Karate Kid was something else. It was like he knew what I was gonna do before I did it. Do not recommend, 1 star"

The_Sentry |

"Wait. Someone is in trouble. Anyone want to save them with me?"
He will wait only a moment before taking any volunteers and jetting off.
Setting Array to Flight 16 (which is 8 miles as a move action). Affects Others for anyone who wants to tag along. Strength set to total of +7. Remember I have interpose, so if there is an attack I can intercept it.

The_Sentry |

"Someone is threatening their life in return for taking their material possessions. I apologize if this causes any discomfort, Dazzling Canary."
Wow, I just realized. Is Dazzling Canary a hybrid of Dazzler and Canary?

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 nods as her claws sheath.
"We must save the innocent. Neutralise the threat to their person and possessions."
She tenses awaiting Sentry grip and flight..

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Sentry, Omax, and Canary arrive to see three men harassing a man and woman in an alleyway. The dim neon lighting of the alleyway flickers as the men, each in their twenties and wearing dark clothes and hoodies surround the couple. One wields a baseball bat, one a knife, and the last is a good six inches and eighty pounds heavier than his companions in crime.
The couple, dressed in casual clothes, have their backs to a wall in the alley. The young man supports a fresh black eye and the woman a split lip. The man is holding his hands up, begging the thugs to leave him and his sister alone.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

For want of something to do, Mariner will pickup and fly his three prisoners to the authorities: Cosmic Girl, Ferrous Lad and Lightning Lass.
He failed to find any useful information on their person which would help them track down their mastermind.
Maybe the others would have better luck.
"Transporting prisoners." He offers into the comlink.
He rolled an Investigation check awhile back before getting attacked by the telepath. Would like to put the supers in custody, so Mariner would be free to go after muggers.

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For want of something to do, Mariner will pickup and fly his three prisoners to the authorities: Cosmic Girl, Ferrous Lad and Lightning Lass.
He failed to find any useful information on their person which would help them track down their mastermind.
Maybe the others would have better luck.
"Transporting prisoners." He offers into the comlink.
He rolled an Investigation check awhile back before getting attacked by the telepath. Would like to put the supers in custody, so Mariner would be free to go after muggers.
Right, sorry.
Mariner didn't find anything of use on the unconscious bodies, although he did find a set of lockpicks scattered and hidden in Lightning Lass's outfit. He's pretty sure he got them all.
Mariner is able to contact the local police for pick-up, or there is a mutant hotline he could call, recently established by the state government. Alternatively, there is a police station about twelve blocks away he could ferry them to.
The situation with the mugging will likely be over before the authorities arrive.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

If the local police station has a super holding cell, he’ll go there. Otherwise, he would have called the mutant hotline. Technically they should receive medical attention being unconscious

O.M.A.X-23 |

Am holding for something suitably cool and clinical from Sentry :)

The_Sentry |

Sentry delivers his companions at such speeds that they seem to appear at opposite sides of the muggers. He hovers overhead, his feet hanging just above eye level of the tallest mugger.
His eyes glow with a red light. "Villains, desist and surrender. I am The Sentry, and I will gladly burn you to ash if that is what you prefer."

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If the local police station has a super holding cell, he’ll go there. Otherwise, he would have called the mutant hotline. Technically they should receive medical attention being unconscious
As part of the presidential-sponsored Project: Wideawake signed into law two years ago, all local, state, and federal law enforcement and detention facilities are supposed to be equipped with power-dampening equipment. Unfortunately, bureaucracy, cronyism, and the like have stalled the progress of this project in the poorest and least-looked after regions and towns of the country. Fortunately, you don't currently live in such an area, and the local police should have the correct equipment.
We'll say the police are arriving at the warehouse just as Sentry is making his initial statement a few blocks away.

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The big guys turns towards Sentry and laughs. "oooo flying and glowing eyes. What are you supposed to be, some retro-clone of that guy who melted Metropolis a decade ago? Get lost, mind your own business."
The other two men look very uncertain, but he is clearly the alpha of the group.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner then waits extremely patiently for the local authorities to arrive and take the super villains into custody.
He maintains fog around him to cover him from the sight of a hostile telepath and opens tunnels through it when the authorities arrive.

Oddball the 2nd |

Oddball waits with Mariner and relaxes as she stretches. She looks over at Mariner. "I don't have the healing factors of our friends, nor a lot of the powerful powers. I can just leap well. Oh and well this"
Oddball said as she then begins to juggle a few of her balls. It seems almost second nature as she stands there waiting beside him."Something my parents taught me. One of the few skills that translated well to impress people"

The_Sentry |

The Sentry seems confused for a moment, perhaps surprised at the response. Then he slaps his hands together with a sound like thunder.
Free action to set array to Shockwave. They resist with Dodge. DC 27. One degree of failure is Dazed and Vulnerable. Two degrees is Stunned and Prone. This is a 30 foot radius sphere, so it will also affect the victims.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner looks over at Oddball. After an almost uncomfortable pause, he replies, ”Your juggling looks effortless. But I doubt that’s why you’re here. It takes a certain type of bravery to manage enough fear to stand between those with powers and innocents. I’m sure that’s why you’re here.”
“I hope we did this today. A building and laboratory are not really innocents. And who knows what the mutants were stealing was not going to be used by a nefarious corporate scheme? I hope so. These mutants have not had an easy life. They should be welcomed into society, instead of caged.” Mariner’s face is impassive but with a trace of wistful.

Oddball the 2nd |

"True"Sara says as she laughs enjoying the juggling.
"It is odd that they didn't take many valuables. They were very mission-oriented and they should've taken some time to make it look like a smash-and-grab as a forensic countermeasure. None of them seem overtly intelligent in scientific fields or they could have used chemicals or technology to support the robbery." Oddball pauses her juggling and looks at Mariner.
"Sorry just a bit of deduction. Sadly juggling like crime is something I know a lot about." She sighed again wondering how her family was doing. She also realized she had three papers due tomorrow, one in Engineering, one in Biology and one in Chemistry.

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big thug 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 -->
red thug 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
blue thug 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
man 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
woman 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
DC 27. One degree of failure is Dazed and Vulnerable. Two degrees is Stunned and Prone. This is a 30 foot radius sphere, so it will also affect the victims.
All the thugs and the man and woman are thrown to the ground by the powerful shockwave.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Continuing the discussion with Oddball, Mariner replies, "clearly they are not the mastermind. And, are being used again. In a different way."
"The three out here have not really broken any laws, except maybe assault on us. And, it could be argued that we provoked it."
"How about the ones inside? Did you see anything besides trespass?"

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 meets Canary's look and shrugs;
"No murderdeathkill. I understand."
She flexes her fists but no claws pop.

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The three thugs lie groaning on the ground along with the civilians.
The fight has left them, and they no longer try to resist.
The police have arrived at the warehouse, three squad cars and two ESAT (Enhanced Support And Tactics) vans. Out of one of the vans, a Lieutenant approaches Mariner, flanked by two men in prototype Man-of-Steel exoskeletons.
These exoskeletons would look something like this with a badge replacing the triangle.
"You called this in?" she asks Mariner.

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner nods in reply. His fog of war swirling around him obscuring his identity. "Yes. These enhanced individuals were breaking into this lab. These three (indicating Lss, Girl and Lad) stayed outside to prevent any entanglements. I stayed outside after they were subdued. My teammates (indicating whoever went inside and didn't chase muggers) pursued the others inside and subdued them."
"There was a mugging within earshot of the Sentry. He took a couple of teammates with him. I hear that encounter is complete, and they are returning." Very, militarily concise.

The_Sentry |

Sentry moves to get the victims to their feet. "Are you in need of medical assistance? I can transport you to a hospital."

Oddball the 2nd |

Oddball will look about the facility and if she can access a lower level and a lower level computer.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Technology: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Investigation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Figured that she would get in look around, try and figure out who or what was taken and then get out

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Oddball finds the area from which Timberwolf and the unknown probable teleporter stole an item. An empty 6"x6"x12" hermetic case bears the label "TMS-0023-C".
Finding a computer, she finds it password blocked and encrypted. After a few keystrokes, she realizes that she won't be able to hack it in the time it takes for the police to arrive.

The_Sentry |

Once the officers have taken away the muggers, Sentry will turn to Canary and O.M.A.X-23. "Nothing else. What do we do now?"

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 sniffs the air, then points toward a hotdog vendor in the distance;

Oddball the 2nd |

Oddball uses her natural grace, paired with her Circus training to harness her stealth. Creeping slightly along back out of the facility.
Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
Deftly she continues through the facility combining her skills with a hint of superhuman leaps to propel her on precarious perches avoiding any undue attention from the investigating officers. She would have to ask the others to maybe go to the police station and see if the police had any better luck with the stolen thing.
Sara would not risk going to the Police Department, especially when most of the officers would know her or of her and the Circus of Crime. It wasn't like it was wrong to spring her parents and extended family at age 12 but it was when you calculate them being guilty.

The_Sentry |

CEREBROTHER ONLINE▸ CRIMINAL THREAT NEUTRALISED. SUGGEST NUTRITIONAL REGENERATION... ]OMAX-23 sniffs the air, then points toward a hotdog vendor in the distance;
I'm going to take this opportunity to roleplay that Sentry has never eaten. I mean, he doesn't have to.
"Yes. Let's share a meal in celebration of our success."

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Cut to Sentry taking a bite out of the middle of a hot dog,
If you all wanna role-play the lunch scene that's fine, but to move forward, let's say we reconvene at the Outer Limits (just a name I came up with for the lair, feel free to change it) to discuss both what was found and what was not found and determine how to proceed from here.
The lair has a pretty good computer system with hacks into various law enforcement databases.

Oddball the 2nd |

"Hey Sentry how fast can you fly again? Because how about some fresh pizza pies from like Chicago or even Italy"Oddball says as she heads towards the base with the information and runs through the possibilities.
"Also I have a test tomorrow. so...I need to study while also you know looking over this maguffin" She says on the channel but also to herself. Sara was wondering how any superhero could balance school and heroism.

The_Sentry |

"We are having hot dogs. But I can get you a pizza."

"Mariner" Noah Weatherby |

Mariner creates some cloud cover and flies to the base.
At the base, he asks the inside team, "what did we find? If it's not urgent, I need to return to duty."
He plays with the lockpick set of Lightning Lass hoping he can give it back to her under better circumstances.

O.M.A.X-23 |

OMAX-23 tilts her head curiously at Nighthawk's words;
"Down time? You mean training and practising new assassination techniques?"

Oddball the 2nd |
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" No, like doing a hobby, school, romance, you know a regular life full of experiences aside from battle. You know what those without powers do" Oddball says sighing. She knew her life was far from ordinary but compared to some of her companions she had a pretty normal life. Loving parents loving extended family and a great childhood. Barring the crimes committed by that former family she was normal then some, and lucky despite her choice to be good her parents still lived her though hated the betrayal. Her uncle did as well.