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Tevaga's Background
Tevaga grew up in the Holds of Belzken. Daughter of some Human captive and a powerful warrior, Tevaga has deemed at birth a monstrosity. Not only due to her half-breed nature but a strange third eye. Instead of the normal infanticide, the shaman who birthed her, instead spared her that fate and took her uner his wing.
This shaman Uldaga The One Handed began to build up Tevaga and boy did it. Though not skilled in the regular divine magics, Tevaga was adept at the arcane. Tapping into the Orc blood inside her as well as deciphering the captured spell books of the Lastwall wizards, Tevaga excelled. Still, she wasn’t one to do as her half-kin did. She respected others, and wished them peace and prosperity. Many times she was punished. So Tevaga kept those feelings hidden and studied hard. On her 14th name day, she was given the tattoos of a shaman.
These Sacred Tattoos were a gift to connect with the Bloodgod, instead, Tevaga, who had in her downtime crafted cloth and clothing from the gathered dead or pilfered goods. SHortly after she fled when out to support the parties at the wall. She slipped away with the effects of smoke and found herself heading south. She worked as a cook on several caravans until she found herself in places she could only dream. She though still wanted a place to call home. One that she could be free. Free to pursue her passion and to open the fact she had a third eye.
With Falcon’s Hollow in sight the Shaman is now hoping to settle here. One where she can become a Seamstress and live without fear of the Tribe or its old gods. In fact her own god, Shelyn is what truly guides her now. SOmeone who can pursue beauty in her craft and a love for a new home.

Odelai the White |

Her golden eyes goes wide with mischievous innocence, as the grey gnome backs away from the pot with her hands raised in surrender. "I was just stirring. No offense, chef! It smells great and I didn't want it to burn." She quips as she licks a tiny trace of betraying sauce off her lip.
Even as she steps away from the protective goblin, a finger of white hair clandestinely slips back towards the pot with a ready spoon...
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19