GM Tribute |
Emerald manages to sing as the three wagons advance up the road, and her song is inspiring. +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
A nasty orc emerges next to Amelia with a falchion, and his swing would have it, but the elevation difference causes a problem thanks to Plumbum.
As the orcs take control of the first wagon and drive it along the road, Emerald shouts "Full turn about--we lose that lead wagon"
Malin uses brute force to take the second wagon and turn it around.
The scout tries to grapple the swordsman and fails. Three javelins target Amelia and one hits damage P: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Party up, think bless and inspire stack, lets say they do
Amelia Coin |
GM, would you mint pointing out the teamster that's down? Amelia would try to save him, even though she's really feeling that hit.
Kunala |
Nodding as his old friend tell him to 'Finish that one' Kunala redoubles his effort; realizing it was much harder to kill an Orc than he'd first believed. Hearing Emerald begin to sing, Kunala made a mental note to tell her he enjoyed this 'performance' much more than the song 'Jasper' had written.
Inspired, he dodges the wounded 'scouts' attempt to grab him. Ducking under the orcs arm, he brings the blade up and under, slashing at the orcs exposed side. Stumbling on a rock, he misses the orc. Flustered, he steps back away from his opponent, resetting his feet.
Inspired attack: Aldori dueling sword, sword scion, power attack, 5 ft step
attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 8 for damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 + 3 = 13
Drektan |
The cat steps next to Amelia and begins discussing what he remembered about how to fight Bloody Claw Orcs, providing his Naturalist bonus to all allies w/i 30'.
Inspire Courage: +1 morale on save vs fear & charms; +1 competence on attack & damage
Bless: +1 morale on attacks & saves vs Fear
Naturalist: +1 Insight on AC & Attack vs identified targets (and on saves vs extraordinary, supernatural, & spell-like abilities)
So, stacking the 3, we get +3 on attacks, +1 on damage, +1 on AC, +1 on saves vs Fear & Charms AND +1 vs extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities.
This is Perform round 1 of 7.
Amelia Coin |
Round 2
Statuses: Shaken
- Full: Full Defense, cuz oooooow.
- Free: 5-ft. step
AC should be up to 19 with that. 14 base + 1 from Drektan + 4 full defense.
Amelia nods as she listens to Drektan's advice. She doesn't have a good way to get free, so she watches the orc, going fully on the defensive while trying to nudge Plumbum away from the brigand.
Tacitus Freeling |
Tacitus urges Maff into a charge against the Orc directly in front of him,
Charging bite vs Orc: 1d20 + 3 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 5 = 10
Bite Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Before wiggling his fingers at the fire shouting"PUT IT OUT PUT IT OUT!" seemingly at himself.
I'm also casting create water on whatever fire remains on the lead cart.
Érme Coin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
ROUND 2 Buffs: +3 on attacks, +1 on damage, +1 on AC,+1 on saves, +1 on saves vs Fear & Charms AND +1 vs extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities
Érme nods her thanks to Fiona's divine bolster. As a javelin finds its mark on her sister, she drops her crossbow (Free Action) and draws her Longspear (Move Action) before moving forward to aid Amelia (20ft Move Action)
"Sister! Pull back, you make yourself a target!"
By the Vault, let these brutes make a target of me instead
GM Tribute |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jasper grabs the largest of two yellow beads from a bracelet on his wrist and throws it forward of the lead wagon, and a twenty foot radius fireball engulfs many orcs, four horses, and half of the wagon after the last of the fire was just extinguished by Tacitus. The orcs writhe in pain and after the fireball dies down, one of the orc archers has a vial explode again, damaging him and his allies. All the orcs affected try to retreat down the road as the forest and brush erupt in flame. The body of the teamster also catches fire too. He cries "They are not getting away."
Four orcs surround the skunk and swing deadly falchions at the skunk, remarkably, the skunk dodges all four swings.
Erme, Tacitus, and his loyal skunk feel a wash of slumber.
Sleep effect, DC 14 will or sleep
The scout tries to grapple the swordsmand again
Grapple check = 16 vs CMD-- orc scout and Kunala have grappled condition
Party not sleeping is up
Tacitus Freeling |
Tacitus barely has time to notice the Fool throw the bead before he felt the rush of hot air from the explosion and the whiff of something almost cutting his hair as Maff dodged the Orc onslaught when he felt a strange twinge of sleepiness he tried desperately to fight off....
GMT, I'll assume the sleep affect is coming from an Orc and would therefore get that +1 from Drektan's Archivist ability. If not, these rolls will be -1.
Tacitus will vs DC 14 Sleep: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Maff will vs DC14 Sleep: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Tacitus manages to fight off the effect but looks down and sees the skunk has dropped to his belly fast asleep! Oh no... he thinks as he tries to quickly jump out his saddle,
Ride Check VS Fast Dismount DC20: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
but at the last second his boot is not able to free itself in time and he lands prone next to Maff.
scrambling, he sees a blaze to the north and 4 orcs surounding his sleeping Skunk!
"GET UP YOU STINKY THING!!! THIS IS NO TIME TO FALL ASLEEP!!!" he yells as he tries to quickly rise to his feet (move action, provokes.) if he's still standing after that risky maneuver, he'll step back into a horse, realizing he's trapped, and then swing the clubbed end of his sling staff in a swing at Orc directly above Maff on the map. Since I cant 5 foot step out, I'll melee attack the orc for my standard action.
club vs Orc: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
sheesh can I get an attack roll above 10 please? At least one of us isnt sleeping. Do Orcs eat skunk?
Amelia Coin |
Round 3:
Status: Shaken
- Move: Get away from the orcs and closer to the fire
- Standard: Cast Create Water
- Swift: Get some help dousing the fire
"On that we're agreed," Amelia says as she maneuvers Plumbum away from the melee and closer to the budding inferno. Desperately wanting to heal herself, but seeing that any delay in dousing the flames would endanger all of them, she begins another prayer for water.
"Chaotic fire burns the work of craftsmen and farmers. Let this affront be doused by your will, Abadar, like a candle snuffed by your golden fist," she chants as she holds out a hand towards the closest part of the flames. Compared to the raging fire, the water that appears over it is pathetic in comparison.
"If you can't fight, get that fire under control," she shouts to the survivors of the caravan not engaged in combat.
Kunala |
Unable to dodge the taller orc's grasp again, Kunala is trapped in a bearhug. "blast! Let go of me!" Yelling at the larger orc, he releases the handle of the aldori sword, with his left hand. Pushing his left hand against the chin of the smelly orc, using his right hand he draws the curved blade across the orcs back.
Grappled –4 Dexterity. –2 attack rolls, Inspire + 1attack/damage AC 15 attack: Aldori dueling sword, sword scion
attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 1 + 1 - 4 = 14 for damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 1 = 9
Érme Coin |
ROUND 3 Buffs: +3 on attacks, +1 on damage, +1 on AC,+1 on saves, +1 on saves vs Fear & Charms AND +1 vs extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities
DC14 Will: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 = 25
Érme shakes off the effect of the Sleep spell with n'er a yawn.
She shifts backward, giving herself room to engage with her Longspear and to cover her sisters retreat;
"For my sister a debt of blood is owed, one I most assuredly collect."
She stabs at the nearest orc;
Swift Action: Judgement of Justice (+1 on attack rolls)
Melee (Longspear): 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 14 (Not sure if she's Flanking with Maff for additional +2?
Damage (P): 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 = 3 (Bah :(
Drektan |
Drektan continues his discussion about how to best fight these opponents, while trying to apply that wisdom himself.
Rapier w/ spell buffs: 1d20 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 3 = 15
Piercing w/ Spell buffs: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Fiona Hallowswift |
Fiona casts Magic Missile on the orc closest to her, but not the one she previously attacked.
Magic Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Another max roll, nice! :D
GM Tribute |
Two orcs stagger out of the blaze that continues to consume the forest, no weapons in hand and bleeding. They are dead on their feet or very close to it. The drums seem to be moving towards the dead orc scout and the victorious swordsman.
The battle seems almost won, but where did those orcs go?
Party UP
Kunala |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
As the dead orc release its grip on Kunala, he realizes that even if his dueling form was perfect, he was a far cry from being an efficient killer. Recognizing, from the sounds further up the road, that the combat was over; he takes a moment to compose himself. wiping his blade on the dead orcs pants, he sheathes the dueling sword and begins to search the dead scout for anything of relevance.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Tacitus Freeling |
Tacitus breathes heavily as he sees the orcs beginning to flee and and will begin shaking Maff awake "wake up you stinky beast, the fight is over!
Full round action to wake up Maff
"Has anyone seen Kunala? When I left him it looked like he was just about to finish off the scout." He says with a slight hint of worry in his voice.
Amelia Coin |
"Sorry, I have not," Amelia answers as she gathers up the energy for another spell. A chanted phrase and a gesture later, another two gallons of water douse the flames.
Round 4:
- Standard: Casting Create Water
GM, if we're out of combat, Amelia will continue trying to snuff the fire out.
Tacitus Freeling |
GM, if we're out of combat, Amelia will continue trying to snuff the fire out.
same applies to Tacitus.
Drektan |
The drums seem to be moving towards the dead orc scout and the victorious swordsman.
The battle seems almost won, but where did those orcs go?
I have the impression we are still very much in combat, and our lonely swashbuckler is about to have his ears cleaned!
Amelia Coin |
Gotta watch out for that drum line. They crazy!
In my defense, they could just nab him and run off. Kunala is a pretty man after all.
Fiona Hallowswift |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The half-elf chases after the fleeing orcs. She directs her hands and chants, sending another Magic Missile barreling at the closest orc! "No survivors!"
Magic Missile : 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
GM Tribute |
Jasper and FIona move into the woods and find a trail cut through the brush to make travel within the woods easier.
After single move there is a path that is not difficult terrain.
I assume you didn't want to target the surrendered ones in range. Let me know if you want to continue with a full move.
Jasper looks to Fiona. "We running ahead of everyone??"
Tacitus Freeling |
If we are still in rounds that won't affect Tacitus's actions. Once the immediate threat of orcs is gone, he'll try to wake Maff up for one round, and then begin creating water to try to control the blaze.
"Ms. Coin! Creat the water along the edge of the fire, a few gallons in the middle will be steam before it does any good, we aint savin the center of the is conflagration but we may hope to save the forest!" Tacitus roars, hoping to soak the perimeter of the flames to prevent them from spreading.
Érme Coin |
ROUND 4 Buffs: +3 on attacks, +1 on damage, +1 on AC,+1 on saves, +1 on saves vs Fear & Charms AND +1 vs extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities
Érme advances to support both her sister and Master Freeling. Spear levelled, she imposes herself between them and the two wounded orcs as she hails them in their own tongue;
"Leave now. Fight again. Or die here. I care not."
(20ft Move) & Intimidate
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Drektan |
"You were, yes." the cat answers Jasper. "Sounds like they are heading towards the swordsman, though, so I think we should move to support. Let's go!"
The cat moves out into the cleared trail.
GM Tribute |
The chase down the trail leads to a crafty deadfall trap that trigger a series of alarm bells. Good news is it convinces the retreating orcs to keep running. Bad news is Jasper and Drektan uncover a 30 foot deep pit the hard way.
Reflex save DC20 or 3d6
Jasper REF: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Jasper nimbly dodges aside, Drektan tries the same.
The scout had a potion, two sets of caltrops, a signal whistle, nasty rations, javelins and a falchion.
His leather armor and soft leather boots are in good shape.
Combat is over except for pit trap
GM Tribute |
The other orcs besides the scout are searched and many suits of leather armor, many falchions, many javelins, four sets of caltrops, and many pairs of soft leather boots are found. One orc has a drawing of Malin, Jasper, and Emerald in order with bounties by them. 400, 200, and 100 respectively. Emerald scoffs "I am worth less than anyone it seems."
The fire rages out of control and the caravan prepares to mount up. Jasper, Malin and Emerald continue the funeral. Jasper tears up as Malin is laid to rest with Jasper's twin.
"What do we do with these orcs??"
Mangled, burnt corpses of the orc raiders litter the roadway. The surrendered orcs say "The priests of Hanspur promised us rich rewards to raid this caravan. Two more bands are looking for you."
Kunala |
The scout takes a swing with a hand axe at the obviously superior fighter...
Since it's not in his gear, may I assume the scout lost his grip on the hand axe and tossed it into the woods :)
Hearing the sound of talking and someone approaching, Kunala looks up seeing Drektan coming round the bend. Smiling, he nods to the catfolk asking "How'd we do?" As he began to strip the things of value from the dead scout.
Tossing the scouts gear in the back of one of the wagons, Kunala raises an eyebrow as he realizes the other had 'taken' prisoners. Hearing that there were two more bands looking for them Kunala frowns, gesturing towards the road then the two 'prisoners.' "We need to be underway, what do we do with these two?"
Tacitus Freeling |
Seeing that they have no chance of containing the blaze, and that the orcs seem to be retreating and the battle is over, Tacitus will wake Maff and head down to Check on Kunala.
"We need to be underway, what do we do with these two?"
"The same thing House Lebeda always does with bandits.... uh... well I guess this is the first time I've actually encountered them. What does House Lebeda do to bandits?" Tacitus asks Kunala as him and Maff walk up to the young man and catfolk.
tacitus will take 2 sets of caltrop is no one else seems to care.
back at the wagons, speaking to Emerald and Malin,
"this is nicer gear than I would have thought from roving Orc raiders... will it cover the loss of the other cart?" he asks with concern for the caravaners wellbeing. "And what's a Hanspur?"
Érme Coin |
Érme (having retrieved her crossbow) keeps it levelled towards the orc prisoners. She shrugs at Tacitus' question;
"I am unfamiliar with House Lebeda's laws on such matters. Punished they must be, but the punishment must fit the crime."
Am presuming Knowledge (Local) would help us glean what Lebeda's stance on banditry is
Tacitus Freeling |
"I am unfamiliar with House Lebeda's laws on such matters. Punished they must be, but the punishment must fit the crime."
"theres one punishment I can think of fit for attempted murder. Same thing he planned to do to us." Tacitus says grimly, staring at the prisoner.
Amelia Coin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Seeing the cause is hopeless, Amelia retreats from the fire and nearly topples from Plumbum as a twinge of white-hot pain reminds her that she's running on adrenaline and grit at this point.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Golden light spills from the wound as it seals up and leaves behind smooth, pink skin.
"Is anyone else injured," she calls out.
Going ahead and rolling, though I think Amelia was the only one that got seriously hurt.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Justice and Prisoners
Know(Religion) on Hanspur: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
"True, but maybe they'd be willing to offer knowledge for clemency," Amelia says to Tacitus after he answers Emre.
She turns to the orc prisoners, and smiles.
"As you can see, my good fellows, my companions are eager to see justice done. I, however, think you could be of great help to us. You wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?"
Diplomacy(Trying to shift the orcs attitudes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Drektan |
Ref: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
As the trap pit opens under his feet, the cat manages to leap to the left even as Jasper leaps to the right, both staying on solid ground above the hole. He looks over to Jasper. "I think the phrase is 'Better lucky than good,' isn't it?"
As the discussion begins about what to do with the orcs, Drektan looks confused, really. "Bandits, if convenient enough, might be taken to a settlement for formal judgement. If not, they normally find frontier justice less forgiving than they might hope. These orcs? Interrogate them if we have time, but their lives are forfeit. At least, that's how I remember the policy."
Know (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Fiona Hallowswift |
As the initial conversation is happening, the half-elf assists Kunala in gathering the various weapons and armor, dumping them on one of the caravans.
Spellcraft (unidentified potion): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Tossing the scouts gear in the back of one of the wagons, Kunala raises an eyebrow as he realizes the other had 'taken' prisoners. Hearing that there were two more bands looking for them Kunala frowns, gesturing towards the road then the two 'prisoners.' "We need to be underway, what do we do with these two?"
"Theres one punishment I can think of fit for attempted murder. Same thing he planned to do to us." Tacitus says grimly, staring at the prisoner.
"True, but maybe they'd be willing to offer knowledge for clemency," Amelia says to Tacitus after he answers Emre.
She turns to the orc prisoners, and smiles.
"As you can see, my good fellows, my companions are eager to see justice done. I, however, think you could be of great help to us. You wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?"
Fiona clicks her tongue and crosses her arms over her chest, staring at Amelia. "Don't give them false hope! We should slit their throats now before they do worse in our sleep!"
What?! Is this chick an idiot or just ignorant? Like they think we'll spare them after we got attacked, ha!
Amelia Coin |
"Do you have a way to speak with the dead," Amelia asks, a bit of anger sharpening her tone. "You may be fine with stumbling about in the dark, blind and dumb. I like to be a bit smarter than that. "
They're probably dead either way, but wooden coins! This girl's going to ruin any chance we might have to learn more.
GM Tribute |
Emerald explains: ”We can execute these bandits using our merchant charter. Making them go away is better for everyone involved. Our lost wagon team puts space at a premium.”
With the loss of four horses, a driver, and the equipment to pull a wagon, the teamsters will be stashing a wagon to recover later.
Those who served under the Swan and Abadar know the penalty for banditry is typically death.
Kunala |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
There are two prisoners right?
As he approaches the conversation with Tacitus and .... the catfolk, Kunala realizes he' not asked the creature it's name, nor heard it referred to by one. Making a mental note to inquire later, he turned to the conversation at hand. Even though he'd acted like he had no idea of the punishment his father would have given these bandits, he'd not spoken true.
Nodding in agreement with the hafllings observation, he pauses, wanting to tell Miss Coin, the pretty elvish one, that his pride was hurt a little. But instead, he commented "I'm fine." Standing beside her, he gives pause as she attempts to diplomatically convince the orcs to give them information. Resisting the urge to shake his head, he didn't think these type of hardened criminals would go for it. The catfolk spoke true, 'frontier justice' was exactly what happened most of the time. Raising an eyebrow as Fiona quickly speaks her mind, he resist the urge to chuckle at Amelia's response. He held a straight face, not wanting the war of words to turn into an all out cat fight.
Turning to the bold orc, Kunala had to admit, the fellow had sand asking to be healed as well as released. Nodding in agreement with Emerald, Kunala stepped forward. They had already told them the priests of Hanspur were involved, maybe he could get a little more information. Looking from one prisoner to the other "I'm sure the priests of Hanspur didn't have to remind you of what would happen if you were caught, and they're not here to help you now are they?" Shaking his heads, he looks squarely at the one who spoke up. "We all know the punishment for banditry." Looking towards the second, "Death is never pretty, but it can be quick, or it can be slow. Suffocation by hanging is bad, Drawn and quartered is worse." He pats the handle on his blade. "We'll split you up, each of you give us the name of your leader, you get a quick death." Shrugging his shoulders. " if not you'll hang. It's up to you, I recommend you think about it."
intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 grrrr
Tacitus Freeling |
Tacitus was silent while the taller folk discussed the finer points of frontier justice. Justice would hanging them from the trees along the path as a warning... but Kunala's suggestion is the most advantageous me thinks.
Seeing the boy struggle to be convincingly menacing towards the Orc he adds, "If you give us the same name, I might even be willing to let you go without a spray from the Skunk, if you give us different names.... well, smelling bad as you die will be the least of your concerns, savvy?"
Intimidate assist: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Maff intimidate assist: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
but threats from a 3 foot tall halfling riding a drowsy skunk just arent...threatening; Tacitus realizes too late and scowls at the orc hoping he doesn't laugh at him.
Érme Coin |
Érme listens to the others, and her sister engage with the orcs.
She remains impassive, only reacting at the mention of frontier justice.
"These lands may not be civilised, but we are. Our foes may not be, but we are. That is a cost I'll not pay. "
The inquisitor's jaw hardens and she nods at Emerald's words;
"We have not the capacity for prisoners. These brutes are marauders who would turn on us again if they had to... something we can ill afford."
She turns to her sister with regret in her voice;
"I am sorry Sister. Be they orc, human or elf. The penalty for banditry is death. They'll see no clemency, but their deaths should be without ceremony or cruelty. I fear hanging them as warning will not cow their kin, merely fire the flames of hate."
GM Tribute |
Malin allows the decision of the prisoners to be deferred a single day as by then you will be in a fort..
The orcs are secured as the caravan prepares to move out. The forest will probably burn a while, and Jasper blames the orcs for making him set the forest ablaze. Remis leads an attempt to create a firebreak, but the caravan does not seem to want to stay and risk being cut off by the fire or attacked by more orcs. Tibold IDs the potion as a cure light wounds potion.
A careful watch is set that night as Malin explains they are going to push hard to make the fort by the next day. Luckily the night is uneventful and the path begins to head towards the Sellen River. The single gate to the fort is opened as your wagons enter an outpost with the a set of coins engraved on what appears to be a large lake. This appears to be a somewhat unofficial symbol with a link to both the church of Abadar and House Lebeda. This outpost of about thirty men under arms seems to be at an extremely high alert.
A large man wearing a helmet with a large white swan on it approaches your group as the wagons are secured and the horses are stabled.
"Orcs surround us and constantly harass us. You must stay inside the gates."
You realize you left two weeks ago, and Pharast is almost over. The nights are still chilly, but not uncomfortably so.