Into the Stolen Lands (Kingmaker Book 1) (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

The Kingmaker Campaign!! It is 19 Phar 4710
Area map with Greatwall
Greenbelt Exploration Map
Marching Order 1 Antonio 2 Erme 3 Amelia

You have faced the challenges and defended Brevoy's interests along the Sellen River. You averted a plot to kill a trusted agent of Brevoy and saved a vital stronghold from a siege and breach assault. You have removed the entire top level of a secret base near Sarah Jean's druidic sanctuary.

Can you succeed in taming your own kingdom? Is the Aldori fighting style and dueling way going to be a part of this kingdom?

15 pt buy, average wealth, no 3 party, max hp, bonus trait w/ drawback, one campaign trait, consult Player’s guide, 7 min/ 18 max before racials, 1 background skill/ level (3 if rogue)