Star Trek: Shackleton (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek 2d20
Shackleton Expanse Campaign

USS Atocha

Nebula class ships are named after famous historical ships, and the Atocha named after the Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The Atocha was initially launched in 2361, the third Nebula-class vessel commissioned from the Regulus Prime Orbital Construction Yards. Her initial five-year mission was studying the anomalies of the Briar Patch.

Following that, the Atocha was refitted with better sensors and given a further mission studying the Rolor Nebula. In 2369, it was thought destroyed in The Badlands, but in late 2370, it was discovered by a Ferengi Vessel, intact and drifting close to the Quinor System.

The Ferengi Vessel's Captain, Melishor, returned the vessel to the Federation for a considerable reward and sizable influence over any contract negotiating trade between the Federation and The Cardassian Empire. Regrettably for Melishor, the tensions of the region are considerably reducing the profit he might have otherwise seen.

The Atocha has been thoroughly examined and diagnosed and has been declared fit for re-deployment, this time to the Shackleton Expanse.

Mission Profile: Multirole Explorer
Trait: Federation Starship




Phaser Arrays (Energy, Medium Range, 7D, Versatile 2, Area or Spread)
Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long range, 5D, High Yield)
Tractor Beam (Strength 4)

Advanced Sensor Suites
Improved Power Systems
Improved Warp Drive
Saucer Separation

Construction Notes:

Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 09 Computers 10 Sensors 08 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science -- Conn -- Engineering +2 Medicine --
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Mission Pod*, Saucer Separation

The Mission Pod has 2 Talents and may be easier retrofitted at a Starbase for a different mission than normal pods.

The Atocha is currently undergoing mission pod refit at the Narendra Station. It is being fitted with an Astrometrics and Navigation Pod, in order to properly navigate the Expanses' many gravimetric distinctions.

Multirole Explorer
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Improved hull integrity, Improved power systems, Rugged design, Redundancy systems, Secondary reactors

Improved Power Systems- the Atocha is designed to face the unknown far away from civilized space, and has been streamlined to divert power as needed for any given situation.

Nebula class: 1 refit (+1 to any System) +1 to Sensors The ship has had its sensors upgraded to modernize them and deal with some of the phenomena in the sector.

Arc Milestone: Lost in the Badlands +1 Structure

Command crew:

Kalos Komin - CPTN

Woghrun - CMDR

Ada'em Ojo - LCDR

Zamal Imolko - LEUT

Vrek Graal-Ker - LTJG

Sunshine Talenna, Daughter of Vohk -ENS

Julian Thames "JT" Thorinson - LTCD

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"Ensign: are you aware of what a slingshot is? The terran game of billiards? I want to pull the biggest piece of debris to a position where we can then reverse the tractor polarity to push it into a collision with the Orion ship. When we confirm damage, we can proceed with rescue operations."

Sunshine had played a few rounds of pool both on her home starbase as well as at the academy. "Sir, do you want to do this before or after we enter the storm? Or are you trying to knock the ship into a 'corner pocket'? That is to say, out of the geomagnetic field?"

"Sunshine" wrote:
Sunshine had played a few rounds of pool both on her home starbase as well as at the academy. "Sir, do you want to do this before or after we enter the storm? Or are you trying to knock the ship into a 'corner pocket'? That is to say, out of the geomagnetic field?"

"To be very direct Ensign, I want to be able to attack the Orion ship without any kind of energy signature ... and YOUR idea is a level up from that. If we can fling hard debris at the Orions, and then use a vectored impact on the trapped ship to eject it into the "corner pocket", we will have achieved the near impossible."


Control+Science 2d20 ⇒ (14, 13) = 27
1 success

"Sir, I can't tell you why the ship's power failed. But I'm reading a strange fluctuation..." JT pauses, frowning, "er, declination in the number of Orion life signs aboard the Orion Ship. A ship that size should have a crew around one hundred personnel. I'm only reading seventeen Orion life signs. Just a few seconds ago, there were twenty."

Lt Commander JT Thorinson wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

"Sir, I can't tell you why the ship's power failed. But I'm reading a strange fluctuation..." JT pauses, frowning, "er, declination in the number of Orion life signs aboard the Orion Ship. A ship that size should have a crew around one hundred personnel. I'm only reading seventeen Orion life signs. Just a few seconds ago, there were twenty."

"Hailing frequencies, weapons hot, RED ALERT!"

"Orion ship, this is Captain Kalos Komin of the USS Atocha; immediately clarify declination of life signs aboard your vessel: are you under attack in some way?"

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Sunshine has begun the calculations to manipulate the polarity of the tractor beam when the lights go red and the alarms go bwwwwooOOp! She curses.

"Stations!" she barks. She continues the calculations in case they need them to defend themselves.

Engineering 5 + Reason 9: 2d20 ⇒ (1, 14) = 15
That's 3 successes

She sends the results to the science and navigation stations on the bridge so they can calculate the positions and angles necessary to do the corner pocket shot.

Male Tellarite

At Sunshine's bellow, Vrek readies for evasive actions

Sunshine has the calculations made and transferred to science and navigation. Additionally, she calculates an adjustment to the ship's engine that will add at least sixty seconds onto their shield power in the geomagnetic field.


JT relays the calculations to tactical and continues to check his readings. "Fourteen Orion lifesigns, Captain. The Orions are not responding. I'm not sure they're able to. I read no power at all on the Orion ship."

Reason + Science Starship Sensors Focus 2d20 ⇒ (10, 5) = 15 Three Sucesses.

"Sir, I am reading a power signal coming from the unknown vessel just before the declination in Orion life-signs. I think that ship is beaming the Orions out of their vessel... But I'm reading no Orion lifesigns on the unknown ship." He checks his readings "No life forms at all, actually."

"In that case ... Sick Bay, stand by for casualties; Security, full detail will report to Sick Bay immediately with Phaser Rifles deployed. Sunshine, prepare to beam all remaining Orion life signs directly to Sick Bay, use a disrupting carrier wave to ensure that our transporter scan displaces any other transporter activity within their ship. Helm, get us into transport range at a maximum distance from the g-storm!"

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Sunshine moves over to the power controls for transporters and sets up the carrier wave. She sends word to the the transporter chief: if life signs show wounded, they go straight to sick bay, otherwise to a secure, environmentally supported cargo hold. She is ready to help beam over the life signs as soon as she is told "Go."

Set Up Carrier Wave, Engineering 5 + Reason 9, Transporters and Replicators focus: 2d20 ⇒ (5, 20) = 25

I believe that's 2 successes because of the focus. Does the nat 20 mean a complication?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
"Sunshine" wrote:

I believe that's 2 successes because of the focus. Does the nat 20 mean a complication?


Moving the ship further away, you begin transporting the unconscious Orions directly to sickbay.

Sunshine notes that the carrier wave, while effectively blocking the small vessel from transporting any more Orions, seems to be draining the Atocha's energy alarmingly quickly.

Lights throughout the ship dim briefly with each transport cycle.

"Engineering, standby to cycle power production, go weapons cold to maintain our rescue operation, then back to full Red Alert when transporter operations are complete. Sickbay, report!"

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Captain, until we have additional information, transporting a large party of Orions to this vessel is... ill-advised," chimes Commander Worghrun. His warrior instincts cannot shake the sense that the Starfleet vessel is succumbing to some sort of complex trap.

"However, if you... insist... on this course of action, a security detail should be dispatched to Sickbay immediately."

Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Captain, until we have additional information, transporting a large party of Orions to this vessel is... ill-advised," chimes Commander Worghrun. His warrior instincts cannot shake the sense that the Starfleet vessel is succumbing to some sort of complex trap.

"However, if you... insist... on this course of action, a security detail should be dispatched to Sickbay immediately."

"Commander, you can set up a mine field outside of Sick Bay if it seems prudent, we're rescuing the Orions. Yeoman, report to Sick Bay, stat."

Kalos looks at Brevik, "I need to know the condition of the casualties immediately and also whether I need to go down there to increase their ability to cope with the wounded. Maintain contact with me until the situation is contained please. Tell the ranking security officer they are ordered to remain with you until I order otherwise."

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Note Sunshine programmed the transport to send any unwounded to a secure cargo hold, which I believe is Starfleet SOP. Sending unwounded to Sickbay would interfere with proper triage and crowd things unnecessarily.

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Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Kalos Komin wrote:
"Commander, you can set up a mine field outside of Sick Bay if it seems prudent, we're rescuing the Orions. Yeoman, report to Sick Bay, stat."

"A mine field on a starship would hardly be...," The klingon begins to address the impracticality of the Captain's response. He then stops himself. "Ah, I see. Humor."

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Listening to the frenzied conversation, Ojo takes the initiative to coordinate security teams being sent to sickbay and to the hold the uninjured Orions are being transported to.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

The transporter chief relays that nine of the Orions suffered some sort of injury or debilitation due to the lack of life support on the Orion vessel. The other five have been transported to the cargo hold. The injuries are minor, and sickbay should be able to handle them.

Security deploys rapidly as well.

"Sir, we can have the senior-most uninjured Orion brought forward for questioning."

Ada'em Ojo wrote:
"Sir, we can have the senior-most uninjured Orion brought forward for questioning."

"Yes ... but I can also meet Yeoman Brevik in Sick Bay and address the entire group after they are moved to accomodations. They aren't prisoners, yet. How is the group in Cargo Hold 1 doing?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

As you are discussing what to do with the Orions, the small vessel begins dismantling the Orion vessel... transporting medium-sized sections of the ship one at a time.

"Commander, status report! Communication: signal vessel to cease 'salvage' operations. Weapons: Prepare to fire warning shots, phasers & photons at the ready."

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Kalos Komin wrote:
"Commander, status report!"

"Fourteen Orions have been transported. Five to Cargo Hold One. Nine to Sick Bay for minor injuries." Commander Worghrun reports. "Security is en route."

"The Orion vessel is being dismantled by a secondary vessel. Phasers banks are charged. Photon torpedo launchers standing by for launch." A toothy grin forms on the klingon's face. "Shall I give the order to fire?"

"Yes Commander. Fire warning shots at the secondary vessel, we've hailed them enough. When they don't respond, destroy the Orion vessel. They may be more likely to respond after that ..."

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

A warning shot!?! The Commander swallows a klingon curseword and then orders.

"Ready phaser banks to fire a ... warning shot," barks Worghrun.

He pauses a few moments for compliance with the order, then commands."Fire."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

The shot across the bow seems to get the small vessel's attention.

It begins scanning the Attocha.

Male Tellarite

"Oh NOW they notice us." A snort

"Engineering here. What's the status? Computer shows transport was a success. The longer we stay here, the more we expose our ship to the field."

Having fired the warning shot when commanded, Ojo takes the initiative to target the smaller vessel and ready a torpedo for a far more lethal shot.

Not firing until commanded to do so, however.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
"Sunshine" wrote:
"Engineering here. What's the status? Computer shows transport was a success. The longer we stay here, the more we expose our ship to the field."

"I would expect a status report to come from Engineering, Ensign," Commander Worghrun snaps back over the comms. "But, I assure you, the ship will not need to be exposed to the field for much longer."

The klingon looks over at Ojo, then gives the command. "Destroy them."

". . . Acknowledged."

Since the Bridge gave her no information, Sunshine simply keeps an eye on what the systems is showing her and sees more power going to weapons. She orders her team to watch the power to propulsion to be sure they can exit even if battle delays them.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Going to move things forward in the hopes of kickstarting things again.

The Atocha fires at the smaller vessel with its torpedoes and a cascade of explosions obliterate it.

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Insight + Science, Sensors 2d20 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

"Sir, the ship's destruction has caused a massive surge in the magnetic activity within the geomagnetic storm front. I would suggest furthering our distance." the Lt. says calmly to Worghrun. "I estimate we have two minutes to get out of range."

Banked 2 momentum.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Understood." nods Commander Worghrun. "Navigate the Attocha out of range of that storm front."

The klingon eyes the newly-created debris field on the viewscreen. "Their trap was not as clever as they thought. They will not trouble us again," he growls.

Male Tellarite

"Affirmative, Commander. The tellarite says, his digits moving smoothly along the helm and getting them the hell out of there.

Control plus Conn, so 15 or less on two d20 I think. His focuses include : Astronavigation, Evasive Action, Subspace Physics, Small Craft, Gravity Use, Improvisation if any of those help
2d20 ⇒ (17, 16) = 33

"Maintain range to scan, we need data on that destroyed ship. Commander, with me."
"Yeoman, meet the Commander & I in the cargo bay please."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

As you arrive at the cargo bay, you note the security guards stationed outside.

Inside are several Orions, trying to make themselves somewhat comfortable on any available crates or other surfaces available for sitting. While none of them have injuries, they all look very weary as well as wary.

One of the Orions, a muscular bald man with a small scar on his left upper lip, stands when the Captain, Commander, and Yeoman arrive.

"Ah, visitors. Perhaps now we can get to the bottom of things. Where are the other crewmembers who were beamed aboard?" the Orion directs his question to the Captain, but eyes the commander with a gleam of challenge in his eyes.

"You sir, can stand down. You can introduce yourself, and you can wait until a time I designate to ask questions if I choose to allow it. Two telepaths and a Klingon is a lot more than you are prepared for at the moment, save the bravado and prepare the thank you that you owe my crew."

Kalos smiles ...

"I am within my rights to treat you in absolutely any way I choose given that this mission has oversight from both the Federation & the Empire. You will address me as Captain, you will address my First Officer as Commander, and you will address my aide as Yeoman."

"Tell me why you were being attacked."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

"Ah, yes, Captain. Has the Federation authorized piracy now? No? Kidnapping, perhaps? I don't suppose that either. That means we are your guests, having been transported here in response to our distress call. I have always realized there were racists among Starfleet, but I was unaware they were being promoted to Captain these days. Tsk. Such a shame." the Orion shrugs

"If we are to be treated as prisoners, perhaps the brig would be a more appropriate place to hold us. Of course, then you would have to report your reasoning to your commanders, and I cannot imagine a world where they would share such prejudices. Publicly, at least." His tone and smirk are perhaps among the most annoying things Komin has ever experienced, as are the waves of confidence well over the border of arrogance emanating from him empathically.

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Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

Commander Worghrun glares at the Orion, but manages to stifle a growl. Through gritted teeth, he speaks. "You would be dead, if not for our... intervention."

The klingon continues, trying to keep his composure. "Unless we know who it was that was attacking your vessel, we cannot ensure that your life is not still in danger. It is within the interests of your survival to cooperate with the Captain and to answer his questions."

"Though, if you are suggesting that the brig would make for more appropriate accomodations for you, I would personally be quite...happy... to honor your preference. Surely, my superiors within Star Fleet would approve of such hospitality."

Commander Worghrun wrote:

Commander Worghrun glares at the Orion, but manages to stifle a growl. Through gritted teeth, he speaks. "You would be dead, if not for our... intervention."

The klingon continues, trying to keep his composure. "Unless we know who it was that was attacking your vessel, we cannot ensure that your life is not still in danger. It is within the interests of your survival to cooperate with the Captain and to answer his questions."

"Though, if you are suggesting that the brig would make for more appropriate accomodations for you, I would personally be quite...happy... to honor your preference. Surely, my superiors within Star Fleet would approve of such hospitality."

"Interesting view of piracy ... but racism? Did someone mention a race? I think I mentioned that you were facing pretty poor engagement odds against 2 telepaths and a Klingon, but that wouldn't really be racism would it?" Kalos pauses ... "Truth be told, you could be right. My view of the superiority of my Klingon & Vulcan crewmembers might very well be classified as racism, not really classically, more like racial bias or supremacy, but I see that. Good point."

Kalos turns and heads towards the cargo bay door, "Commander Vrek, please report to Shuttle Bay 1. Prepare a shuttle for transfer of our 'cargo' - please disable warp drive & communication & computer access. We will beam an encoded distress signal to the shuttle after launch. Lt Ojo, report to Sick Bay to take charge of security there, I will join you shortly. Dr. Komin out. "

Komin turns back to everyone in the cargo bay

"Thankfully, I have had some time to think: I'm going to go ahead and doubledown on the 'racism' I guess someone displayed to our 'cargo' --- Commander, Yeoman, you are more than equipped to handle this. I will go to Sick Bay where we may, in fact, have guests. If we do, I will happily seperate our guests from our cargo. Keep me apprised."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

The Orion turns to the rest of his crewmembers in the bay with a chuckle "Ah, slavery then. Did you hear that, then, we are nothing more than cargo, property. I thought that was what he meant when he said he had the authority to do whatever he wanted to us. It seems Starfleet has finally evolved to the point our people will be able to do real business with them. I guess it was an act of piracy after all, stealing such precious cargo from our captain."

"This captain is reluctant to admit his behavior stems from a racist attitude towards our people. I wonder, Captain, would you treat a group of humans you rescued in the manner you have treated us?"

Male Tellarite
Kalos turns and heads towards the cargo bay door, "Commander Vrek, please report to Shuttle Bay 1. Prepare a shuttle for transfer of our 'cargo' - please disable warp drive & communication & computer access. We will beam an encoded distress signal to the shuttle after launch. Lt Ojo, report to Sick Bay to take charge of security there, I will join you shortly. Dr. Komin out. "

"Aye, Captain." Vrek finds his substitute and moves with haste.

Reckless wrote:

The Orion turns to the rest of his crewmembers in the bay with a chuckle "Ah, slavery then. Did you hear that, then, we are nothing more than cargo, property. I thought that was what he meant when he said he had the authority to do whatever he wanted to us. It seems Starfleet has finally evolved to the point our people will be able to do real business with them. I guess it was an act of piracy after all, stealing such precious cargo from our captain."

"This captain is reluctant to admit his behavior stems from a racist attitude towards our people. I wonder, Captain, would you treat a group of humans you rescued in the manner you have treated us?"

Captain Komin smiles, broadly, and turns directly to the Orion, but speaks to Worgruhn & Brevik, "Now that I have maneuvered Orion Cargo Unit #1 into admitting that the Orion crew members were, in fact rescued, AND sharing with us that he is not their captain, I really do need to go to sickbay. If you would, see if the others might want to share anything with you. With any luck, the only one that we will need to strand in deep space with a distress beacon aimed at Quo'nos is Unit #1."

"Yeoman, maybe the senior staff should have a poker night ...

Kalos then exits the cargo hold and makes for SickBay.

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Ojo echoes Vrek, and then turns to whomever is the most senior officer on the bridge. A bit unnecessarily, he says, "Alert us if anything happens," and he tilts his head to the main monitor displaying the area around Avoila 2A-B. He hurries to sick bay.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Arriving at the sickbay, you see several Orions being treated for minor injury and oxygen deprivation. No one seems to be seriously hurt.

Kalos arrives at Sickbay and looks for Ojo; "You're with me Lt."
The doctor goes patient by patient, looking at their charts and treatment plans. After having looked at several patients, he addresses the room, "I am so very sorry for the circumstances that brought you here. I am Dr. Kalos Komin and I need to know if your Captain or any of your command crew survived the encounter with the alien vessel."

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Where the Captain gives each individual Orion personal attention, Ojo does his best to keep them all in sight at the same time, prioritizing his attention on those closest to the pair as they walk through sick bay.

He notes if any of them are still armed now that they've been beamed aboard.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

The doctors have stripped any weaponry the Orions may have been carrying unless it is concealed.

A middle-aged Orion woman steps forward, silky black hair framing her high-cheeked, aqualine-nosed face. Her deep brown eyes catch the captain's without a hint of the arrogance the "cargomaster" showed. "Doctor." she nods "I am Commander Brannim Velv. Our captain, unfortunately, did not survive the encounter. That would make me the senior-ranked surviving crew member. I should thank your people for your timely assistance and the fine medical work of your team here in your sickbay. A few more moments and I doubt any of us would have survived the encounter."

Reckless wrote:

The doctors have stripped any weaponry the Orions may have been carrying unless it is concealed.

A middle-aged Orion woman steps forward, silky black hair framing her high-cheeked, aqualine-nosed face. Her deep brown eyes catch the captain's without a hint of the arrogance the "cargomaster" showed. "Doctor." she nods "I am Commander Brannim Velv. Our captain, unfortunately, did not survive the encounter. That would make me the senior-ranked surviving crew member. I should thank your people for your timely assistance and the fine medical work of your team here in your sickbay. A few more moments and I doubt any of us would have survived the encounter."

"No thanks are needed Commander, this entire crew scrambled to preserve Orion life signs when we saw you were under attack." Kalos smiles, "Kalos Komin, Son of the Fourth House, Herald of the Light of Rixx, Expectant of the Crown of Lords ... very much at your service. I am also acting Chief Medical Officer and Captain of the USS Atocha." The Captain bowed slightly to the Orion officer.

"With your agreement, I would like to have both groups of your crew join each other. Those who were not injured were transported directly to one of our cargo bays, but we should bring everyone together as soon as the medical staff clears your injured."

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