Star Trek: Shackleton (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek 2d20
Shackleton Expanse Campaign

USS Atocha

Nebula class ships are named after famous historical ships, and the Atocha named after the Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The Atocha was initially launched in 2361, the third Nebula-class vessel commissioned from the Regulus Prime Orbital Construction Yards. Her initial five-year mission was studying the anomalies of the Briar Patch.

Following that, the Atocha was refitted with better sensors and given a further mission studying the Rolor Nebula. In 2369, it was thought destroyed in The Badlands, but in late 2370, it was discovered by a Ferengi Vessel, intact and drifting close to the Quinor System.

The Ferengi Vessel's Captain, Melishor, returned the vessel to the Federation for a considerable reward and sizable influence over any contract negotiating trade between the Federation and The Cardassian Empire. Regrettably for Melishor, the tensions of the region are considerably reducing the profit he might have otherwise seen.

The Atocha has been thoroughly examined and diagnosed and has been declared fit for re-deployment, this time to the Shackleton Expanse.

Mission Profile: Multirole Explorer
Trait: Federation Starship




Phaser Arrays (Energy, Medium Range, 7D, Versatile 2, Area or Spread)
Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long range, 5D, High Yield)
Tractor Beam (Strength 4)

Advanced Sensor Suites
Improved Power Systems
Improved Warp Drive
Saucer Separation

Construction Notes:

Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 09 Computers 10 Sensors 08 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science -- Conn -- Engineering +2 Medicine --
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Mission Pod*, Saucer Separation

The Mission Pod has 2 Talents and may be easier retrofitted at a Starbase for a different mission than normal pods.

The Atocha is currently undergoing mission pod refit at the Narendra Station. It is being fitted with an Astrometrics and Navigation Pod, in order to properly navigate the Expanses' many gravimetric distinctions.

Multirole Explorer
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Improved hull integrity, Improved power systems, Rugged design, Redundancy systems, Secondary reactors

Improved Power Systems- the Atocha is designed to face the unknown far away from civilized space, and has been streamlined to divert power as needed for any given situation.

Nebula class: 1 refit (+1 to any System) +1 to Sensors The ship has had its sensors upgraded to modernize them and deal with some of the phenomena in the sector.

Arc Milestone: Lost in the Badlands +1 Structure

Command crew:

Kalos Komin - CPTN

Woghrun - CMDR

Ada'em Ojo - LCDR

Zamal Imolko - LEUT

Vrek Graal-Ker - LTJG

Sunshine Talenna, Daughter of Vohk -ENS

Julian Thames "JT" Thorinson - LTCD

51 to 100 of 214 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | next > last >>

Commander Worghrun wrote:
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
"All systems operational and pre-flight checks completed. There was a slight issue with tactical's software, but it has been resolved as of a few minutes ago."
"What is it that you mean by 'slight issue', Commander?" Worghrun inquires. The stern-faced Klingon begins heading to the security station with clear interest.

"A software incompatability, sir. They can explain it better than I could," Ojo motions to Lt. Imolko and Ensign Talenna.

"While I think that that mere hours before we are set to depart is far too late for this sort of issue to arise for such a crucial system, it does seem to be corrected now. Every diagnostic I've run comes back green."

Sunshine inhales slowly, the front of her mind willing herself to remain silent. But the rest of her hears not so much an attack on herself or Imolko per se, but an attack on every entity on this ship wearing a yellow uniform, and she barks out, "The operations crew was ensuring the refitting work on the ship had not affected life support first, before addressing what was an extremely minor processing speed issue that was"--her eyes flash at Ojo--"If you are capable of understanding something more complex than "the green light is on"--she takes a hair of a breath and continues, "caused by the very redundancies programmed into the system to keep it operational in emergencies because they were, in fact, working correctly. Next time, shall I take it that we must prioritize tactical over your ability to breathe?!"

She has started to lean forward in an aggressive pose, catches herself, and stands back to attention. "Sir."

Well, this will be a short lived assignment. I'll be back to crawling in Jeffries tubes at 0200.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"We must prioritize the well-being of all of those under our protection, Ensign," Commander Worghrun replies with a growl, stressing the rank. "Not just my 'ability to breathe', not merely the breath of one single individual. To that end, we must maintain the effective defensive and combat capabilities of this vessel as they serve not just this crew, but the whole of Starfleet and the Federation. We must be willing to place ourselves in harms way, if necessary, in order to protect the services and institutions to which we have pledged ourselves. That is not simply what is demanded by our oath to Starfleet. It is also what is dictated by honor."

It is clear from the way that klingon emphasized the words "my", "ourselves", and "honor", that his annoyance or ire had been brought to the surface by something more than simply some "processing speed issue".

"Is that understood?"

Sunshine steels her jaw and turns her burn-scarred face to Woghrun. She speaks as calmly as possible. It is my honor, sir, to have made sacrifices for all my fellow crew, and I take every action necessary to protect them in all ways, at all times."

Typical. All bark and no brain. To lecture me about putting oneself in harm's way! He's supposed to be executive officer of this ship and he's not even read my service profile. He'd cry to his mother before holding onto a burning power relay unit to save his crew and still boast of his 'honor' afterward.


Same smile ... very different tone.
Several crewpersons looked concerned.

"Can you tell me Amanda Gordon's last words?"
On Qo'noS his glare would be considered an attack, an attack by an adversary who didn't consider you worthy of being struck. He barely paused.
"Let me help: no, you cannot. No one can. Well, I can. I haven't, but I will now."
"She reached across the stars to me on Betazed to say, "You need her Kal, finish this for me."

"So if you would please, discontinue despoiling my cousin's memory, I would appreciate it. You are confined to quarters. For 60 minutes. Only. Go there, address your need to act in reverence to Lt. Gordon, and then come to my ready room."

"I will have a critical assignment ready for you. Be on time."

Ojo turns to face Sunshine as she speaks out, clearly re-appraising his opinion of her. What his conclusion may be is not readily apparent. Since Commander Worghun replied to his fellow Klingon, Ojo deems it unnecessary (and unhelpful) to do so.

He turns from Sunshine and returns to his duty without comment.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Commoner 2

All duty stations report their readiness to the bridge. The Atocha has been given clearance to depart Narendra Station.

Flashback Conclusion, Captain Komin and Admiral Herbert:

"Your first assignment will be to the Avoila System. Long range sensors have detected an unique phenomena, a double class M planet we have designated Avoila 2A-B. These planets are orbiting each other within the same solar orbit. Just one of the many wonders the Expanse has to offer. From there, you'll continue to scan the sector for other interesting phenomena to study. We'll expect regular updates, but you should have a pretty free hand. Let's get back to discovering, shall we?" she says, smile breaking her otherwise controlled face.

The Captain is given the coordinates, some 11 days journey at the Expanse's recommended Warp 5 cruising speed, or 5 days at the recommended maximum Warp 7. You could make it there in a day at Warp 9, but even on the edge of the Expanse, the Washboard is enough to cause extensive drain on the warp core.

The Washboard; Information everyone should know:

The entire volume of the Shackleton Expanse has strange gravimetric distortions and ripples in space-time that can be a danger to vessels traveling at warp speeds. The overall phenomenon is known as “The Washboard.” Near the edges of the Expanse, vessels at warp have their warp field compressed and expanded as space-time distorts around the vessel, making the crew feel as though the ship was accelerating and decelerating, or swaying from side to side.

This effect is so pronounced that warp systems from the 23rd century and earlier were prevented from operating in all but the furthest reaches of the Expanse, damage often occurring to the warp systems of the vessels. This restricted most exploration of the area until the 2360s. Even with modern warp systems capable of adapting to the subspace and gravimetric distortions, this effect can still be felt at high warp velocities, and becomes stronger the closer a vessel comes to the Washboard Triplets, the cause of this effect.

The first colony, a tale of caution:

One of the first Federation starships to enter the Shackleton Expanse was U.S.S. Umbra, a Miranda-class vessel, in 2308. With the scale and danger of the Washboard then unknown, Umbra did not slow its warp velocity when it detected a Class-M world. Logs show that as the vessel turned toward the system, it began cutting against the gravimetric shear and suffered immediate catastrophic damage to its warp nacelles.

The vessel dropped out of warp half a light-year from the planet, with most of its power systems burnt out. After drifting under low impulse power for 1.5 standard years, the survivors of Umbra made planetfall on the world they called Finally, unwillingly becoming the first Federation colonists in the Expanse. Finally is used as a waypoint and for shore leave, the decedents of Umbra having built a small Starfleet outpost on the shores of Lake Here’s Fine.

What are the Washboard Triplets?:

gravimetric waves that have made exploration of the Shackleton Expanse fraught with danger are the Washboard Triplets. This strange system consists of three massive white dwarf stars that orbit around each other in a complex dance. Few probes to the Triplets have been launched due to the extreme spacetime distortions caused by frame dragging within 10 light-days, but certain data has made the Triplets a high priority for the Federation Science Council. Scans show that each of the white dwarf stars are exactly the same mass, down to the error range housed within the probes’ sensors. While this similarity in mass would be sufficient to interest the Council, these same scans show that each of the white dwarfs mass enough to overwhelm the ability for electron degeneracy pressure to prevent the collapse of the dwarf into a neutron star. In the volume surrounding the Triplets, there is a high density of gaseous tritanium, particulate dilithium, and complex carbon chains. All of this evidence points to one of the many ancient civilizations of the Galaxy engineering this system, for reasons unknown.

How do we even get there? Through The Endurance Divide!:

The Endurance Divide is a massive complex of interstellar dust, cold gases, and brown dwarf stars. Located along the Federation border with the Expanse, the Divide wraps around the spinward edges of the Expanse like a blanket, preventing accurate sensor scans and increasing the amount of power needed for warp systems to maintain a stable subspace bubble. Ranging between one and three light years thick, current theories suggest that the Divide is the remnant gas and debris from the supernovas that formed the Washboard Triplets. While passing through the Divide and into the Expanse proper, Starfleet recommends vessels to drop to low warp speeds to reduce wear on the subspace coils and to maintain a detailed sensor sweep for dangerous obstacles or large conglomerations of dust and gas that may tax the ability of the primary deflector array to protect the vessel from harm. Inside the Divide, the skies are dimmed by the high concentrations of dust, and often the brightest stars are the nearby brown dwarf star systems that are accompanied by few icy dark worlds. While devoid of Class-M worlds, the Divides’ strange environment is host to a complex ecosystem of space-borne lifeforms ranging from single-celled chemosynthetic organisms feasting on ammonia ices, to the five-hundred meter wide wingspan of the nimrod schooner, an asexually reproducing animal resembling a cross between a solar sail vessel and a Terran woodlouse.

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Male Tellarite

Finding the Ensign preferred not to talk, Vrek let it slide. No point in bullying someone.

When he learned of the Washboard, he realized there was one more reason he was picked for this. The Commendation got their attention, but I did score well in gravimetrics... and that sure can't hurt.

Whenever a higher ranking officer dismisses Sunshine from the bridge, she goes down to to Engineering. Reviewing the mission brief, she reads up on, not for the first time, the potential gas, debris, and other elements that may hinder the ship's propulsion and affect power systems and discusses with her crew plans to increase the number of systematic checks since sensors may not always pick up on every potential problem.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Sorry for not picking up that thread, Vrek.

As the tension on the bridge breaks and people return to their duties, everyone begins to settle into their stations, awaiting further instructions from the Captain or XO.....

Male Tellarite
Reckless wrote:

Sorry for not picking up that thread, Vrek.

As the tension on the bridge breaks and people return to their duties, everyone begins to settle into their stations, awaiting further instructions from the Captain or XO.....

Ah, no worries. A lot going on.

Vrek settles into something of a routine, like all Tellarites he has an opinion on everything, and more than a few things are complaints but one meant to provoke a little debate, or improve something that can be improved.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Lieutenant Imolko, we have our orders. Chart a course for the Avoila System," Commander Worghrun instructs. The klingon snorts pensively, then adds, "Then, notify Engineering to be prepared to get underway."

"Lieutenant Graal-Ker, I trust you are comfortable at your assigned station?" Though phrased as a question, the klingon relays it more as a statement, not waiting for a response.

"Bridge to Captain Komin, your presence is requested." Worghrun's words follow the chime emitted upon activating his communicator. Being one who favors protocol begins, he declares, "The Federation Starship, USS Atocha, is ready for departure."

Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Lieutenant Imolko, we have our orders. Chart a course for the Avoila System," Commander Worghrun instructs. The klingon snorts pensively, then adds, "Then, notify Engineering to be prepared to get underway."

"Lieutenant Graal-Ker, I trust you are comfortable at your assigned station?" Though phrased as a question, the klingon relays it more as a statement, not waiting for a response.

"Bridge to Captain Komin, your presence is requested." Worghrun's words follow the chime emitted upon activating his communicator. Being one who favors protocol begins, he declares, "The Federation Starship, USS Atocha, is ready for departure."

"On my way Commander, Komin out."

The Captain appears on the bridge, pleased that everything seems to be very much in hand at the moment. "Yeoman, if you would please, send Mission_Expanse_01 to all crewmembers."

Komin heads to The Chair, taking his seat as the Commander gets up; "Lt. Imolko, course is laid in and ready? Mister Vrek ... you remember how to steer?" "Commander Ojo, signal Narendra Station the Atocha is ready to depart."

"All hands, this is the Captain speaking. You have just been sent compiled briefing notes on our mission, along with what we know about the Expanse. The Expanse represents civilization's greatest adversary, the unknown, and together we will stand face to face with it. Your entire careers have brought you here, and I am very proud to serve with you. Komin out."

"Helm, prepare for Warp 7, on the Commander's mark."
"Mister Wordhrun, take us out!"

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Male Tellarite

"Lieutenant Graal-Ker, I trust you are comfortable at your assigned station?" Though phrased as a question, the klingon relays it more as a statement, not waiting for a response.

"I've adjusted the chair properly, commander and..." It occurs to the Flight Navigator that the klingon wasn't expecting an answer, and he simply says "Aye, Commander. Flight Station is a go."

Komin heads to The Chair, taking his seat as the Commander gets up; "Lt. Imolko, course is laid in and ready? Mister Vrek ... you remember how to steer?" "Commander Ojo, signal Narendra Station the Atocha is ready to depart."

"I thought I'd mash buttons and see how she wiggled, captain," A grin escapes him, but he nods.


"All hands, this is the Captain speaking. You have just been sent compiled briefing notes on our mission, along with what we know about the Expanse. The Expanse represents civilization's greatest adversary, the unknown, and together we will stand face to face with it. Your entire careers have brought you here, and I am very proud to serve with you. Komin out."

"Helm, prepare for Warp 7, on the Commander's mark."
"Mister Wordhrun, take us out!"[/b]

Vrek prepares for just that, eager to 'make it so'.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Vrek wrote:
"I thought I'd mash buttons and see how she wiggled, captain," A grin escapes him, but he nods.


"What did you say?"

The klingon recites the tellarites words in Federation common."'Mash buttons and see'?"

Worghrun stands confused for a moment, before reaching a realization. "'Ah, an attempt at 'humor'."

Kalos Komin wrote:
"Mister Wordhrun, take us out!"

The klingon fixes his eyes straight ahead upon the starfield on the forward viewscreen, raises . "Engage."

Male Tellarite
Commander Worghrun wrote:

The klingon recites the tellarites words in Federation common."'Mash buttons and see'?"

Worghrun stands confused for a moment, before reaching a realization. "'Ah, an attempt at 'humor'."

The Tellarite flushes a bit and assumes a more somber look and sits up straight.

Kalos Komin wrote:
"Mister Wordhrun, take us out!"
The klingon fixes his eyes straight ahead upon the starfield on the forward viewscreen, raises . "Engage."

"Aye, Commander" And he engages.

Kalos Komin wrote:
"Commander Ojo, signal Narendra Station the Atocha is ready to depart."

"Aye sir."

Ojo relays the station's response as concisely as possible.

M Trill

”Avoila System, aye Commander,” Lt. Imolko sits at his station and charts the quickest course to the Avoila System. He messages the Engineering department: Be prepared for warp speed. Departure to Avoila System commencing.

He looks up and meets Commander Worghrun’s eyes. ”Course plotted, Commander.”

Sunshine orders crew to prepare for warp and inputs the necessary commands.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Commoner 2

With a flash, the starfield blurs and the Atocha begins its journey towards the Avoila System.

The crew is a able to start settling in to their new duties and begin the journey of coming to know each other.

After a day at warp seven, you reach the edge of the Shackleton Expanse proper, and can immediately feel the draining gravimetric waves wash over the ship.

Vrek can make a Control + Conn check. Your Gravity Use focus applies to the task, so any roll of 4 or less generates two successes.

Either Sunshine (Reason + Engineering, Warp Engines Focus applies) or JT (Insight + Science, Astrophysics Focus applies) can assist. Only one person may assist, and when you assist, you roll one die.

The difficulty (number of successes) we're looking for is One, and the complication range is 2, meaning any die of 19-20 results in a complication.

Shortly thereafter, you enter the Endurance Divide and the ship needs to make a Engines + Conn (14) roll with a difficulty 4 (because of the ship's Improved Power Systems and Improved Warp Drive, the Difficulty is) 3. Any momentum gained by Vrek and his assistor may be need to be used on this roll to get the extra dice needed. The ship's Power will be reduced by the amount, if any of successes the ship fails to get. Captain Komin will roll this check and make decisions regarding momentum spends or any Resolve used.

Male Tellarite

"Entering the Shackleton Expanse... gravimetric waves incoming... adapting ..." His fingers fly as he adjusts and handles the Atocha. Easy, we got this.

Okay, that's Control plus Con for 15 target number or less, I'm assuming 2 twenty siders to roll? if so..

2d20 ⇒ (19, 11) = 30

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Vrek wrote:

Okay, that's Control plus Con for 15 target number or less, I'm assuming 2 twenty siders to roll? if so..


Right, you almost always use 2d20 unless you use something (Momentum, Resolve, adding to the Threat pool, etc.

Your result is 1 success, 1 complication. Whoever assists you may gain additional successes to add to the Momentum Pool, which could then be used to add dice to future rolls. (1st extra die costs 1, the second 2, etc.)

Reckless wrote:
Vrek wrote:

Okay, that's Control plus Con for 15 target number or less, I'm assuming 2 twenty siders to roll? if so..


Right, you almost always use 2d20 unless you use something (Momentum, Resolve, adding to the Threat pool, etc.

Your result is 1 success, 1 complication. Whoever assists you may gain additional successes to add to the Momentum Pool, which could then be used to add dice to future rolls. (1st extra die costs 1, the second 2, etc.)

Is it possible that JT & Sunshine could both make their rolls, we could see which one is better, and then go with that as the assist? Ala Spock & Scotty or Data & Geordi? (or Tuvok & B'Lanna)

Just wondered; it's very very Trek for Science and Engineering officers to banter their way to finding a solution, and they both have great skills.

Sunshine directs her crew to various stations and then reports to the bridge, "Initiating the sarium krellide adaptation subroutine."

Engineering assist, Reason 9 + Engineering 5: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Vrek adapts to the Expanse's gravimetric waves, with the help of Sunshine's subroutine, and the transition is smooth, although everyone can feel the ship strain against the waves initially.

Ship roll, Captain Komin?

"Helm, slow to Warp Factor 4."

SHIP: 3d20 ⇒ (17, 1, 20) = 38
There was a point of Momentum that could be used, correct? Not entirely sure what nat1 & nat20 would mean at the same time ...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Kalos Komin wrote:

There was a point of Momentum that could be used, correct? Not entirely sure what nat1 & nat20 would mean at the same time ...

So a Nat 1 is 2 successes, and the nat 20 results in a Complication. The 17 is just a failure.

The result is that while in the divide, the ship's power is reduced by 1 and something else happens as a complication.

When a complication happens, you can choose not to have the complication happen and instead add 2 points to the threat pool. The threat pool starts the game at 2x the number of players, and the GM can use it like players use Momentum and a few special ways.

Complication #1 (From Vrek's roll): All the Bolians aboard the Atocha start to experience a type of motion-sickness over the next few days. While there are only 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 Bolians aboard, it causes a little bit of a disruption in the efficiency of the ship, giving the ship the Bolian Motion Sickness Trait. This Trait can be removed with an extended task. If you'd prefer to avoid it, I can add 2 to the Threat Pool.

Complication #2 (from Ship Roll): Further Engines rolls for the ship in the Endurance Divide have their difficulty increased by 1. If you'd prefer to avoid it, I can add 2 to the Threat Pool.

Male Tellarite

Lt. Vrek mutters "Nice Subroutine."


"Helm, slow to Warp Factor 4."

"Aye, Captain," He does so. "The engines probably felt that."

Would the ship's doctor be allowed a roll to alleviate the Motion Sickness for the Bolians?

Vrek wrote:

Lt. Vrek mutters "Nice Subroutine."


"Helm, slow to Warp Factor 4."

"Aye, Captain," He does so. "The engines probably felt that."

Would the ship's doctor be allowed a roll to alleviate the Motion Sickness for the Bolians?

The ship's ranking doctor happens to be the Captain, but he can certainly assign Medical to this extended task. We could also just accept the 4pts to the Threat Pool.

"Nice flying," she chirps over the comms.

In Engineering she looks over the displays. "T'kad, monitor the output. The Hazine Projection was correct, she's using more power to push against the gravimetric waves... Check at these intervals, maybe we can figure out a way to balance things out..."

How big can the threat pool get?

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

The klingon gives a look at the betazoid captain, but says nothing.
Complication #2 looks like it may be worth the 2 Threat to avoid.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
"Sunshine" wrote:

How big can the threat pool get?

While Momentum has a cap of 6 points, Threat does not have a cap.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Kalos Komin wrote:
Vrek wrote:

Lt. Vrek mutters "Nice Subroutine."


"Helm, slow to Warp Factor 4."

"Aye, Captain," He does so. "The engines probably felt that."

Would the ship's doctor be allowed a roll to alleviate the Motion Sickness for the Bolians?

The ship's ranking doctor happens to be the Captain, but he can certainly assign Medical to this extended task. We could also just accept the 4pts to the Threat Pool.

There are a couple of different approaches we could take here:

Option one. The general medical crew tries to work out the problem. This would be the Ship's Computers plus Medicine (13) to represent the crew's efforts in sickbay.

Option Two. Introduce a support character. This character could be the ship's nurse or someone who is likely to be promoted to CMO since the Captain has vacated that position. This character could be created by any player, or if there's interest, several players could make a bunch of either NCO or ensign medical personnel and we could do a scene where they work together to solve the problem. This may even give the captain a few choices to choose between for who to promote. Supporting characters are sometimes passed between players, such as when a player's character is not involved in a scene, and are less complex than standard characters. This character would use control or insight + medicine

Option Three: a support character, aided by the rest of the medical crew. This would essentially be # 2 with and assist roll from the ship crew (one die trying to get 13 or under to aid.)

In either case, as it is an extended task, This is a Base Difficulty 2 Trak with a work track of 10. If the ship crew is rolling, it needs 2 successes (13 and under) to generate work, and will roll 4^ to determine the amount of work accomplished with each success. If a support character does the work, they will roll 2+their Medical ^ to determine the amount of work accomplished.

The following day, upon receiving a message, the young Klingon engineer reports to the Ready Room. "Ensign Sunshine here to see the captain," she says to the yeoman on duty.

"Sunshine" wrote:
The following day, upon receiving a message, the young Klingon engineer reports to the Ready Room. "Ensign Sunshine here to see the captain," she says to the yeoman on duty.

It was a good morning. He needed help, and he knew the engineer could do this. Not only did they need to ensure they moved space exploration ahead, they needed to move Starfleet Science ahead as well.

"Yeoman Brevik please send the Ensign in as soon as she arrives." It would probably take the better part of the century for him to truly mute his passive psychic senses, but it wasn't something he could really focus on. He'd ask Troi for her notes one of these days ...

"Good morning Ensign, thank you for joining me."
The Captain stands and indicates Sunshine should be seated.
"Can I get you anything? I've programmed a recipe I call "Klingon Coffee" ... it's really only Terran coffee with Chech'tluth, but if you add a touch of bloodsugar from Qo'noS, it's very close to what they call "Irish" on Earth."

Sunshine enters, perhaps a tad tense, uncertain what is to come, but relaxes a bit with the captain's relaxed tone. She sits at his invitation. "Thank you sir. That sounds intriguing, sir, but perhaps I ought to stick to straight coffee before starting the workshift. A good Klingon wouldn't admit it, but Chech'tluth goes straight to my head."

"I'm pleased to report we have adapted the engines successfully to operate in the Divide at maximum efficiency. Is that what you wanted to discuss?"

"Sunshine" wrote:

Sunshine enters, perhaps a tad tense, uncertain what is to come, but relaxes a bit with the captain's relaxed tone. She sits at his invitation. "Thank you sir. That sounds intriguing, sir, but perhaps I ought to stick to straight coffee before starting the workshift. A good Klingon wouldn't admit it, but Chech'tluth goes straight to my head."

"I'm pleased to report we have adapted the engines successfully to operate in the Divide at maximum efficiency. Is that what you wanted to discuss?"

The Captain smiles, "I think it's safe to say your reputation as a good Klingon will remain intact. That was not what I wanted to discuss, but certainly it is glad to hear; I want to push the boundary of peak efficiency so that we produce results out here faster than Starfleet is expecting. I know you will keep the team focused, thank you."

"What I wanted to discuss is actually a secondary project, one which I envisioned quite some time ago. When I worked with Dr. Zimmerman on creating and implementing the EMH protocol throughout the fleet, I began to wonder what it would be like if it were online more routinely; a DMH if you will, a Dedicated Medical Hologram."

"Several things would be accomplished by our success, the most important of which is that we could increase the research capacity and focus of the current medical staff if they were not constantly interrupted by minor medical tasks. The process though, largely dependant on your feedback, should also help us identify the best candidate for Chief Medical Officer. What do you think?"

Sunshine straightens, not expecting such a proposition at all, but smiles as she considers it. "That is... a most intriguing idea! In rehabilitation, I began deepening my appreciation for the complex design that goes into medical technology, something prior I had not much of an opportunity to explore." She pauses. She is thinking aloud, to some extent. "But while I have begun to study the area, it is vast, and I have never explored holographics in any setting. But... I expect the larger challenge is less the holographic design, as we already have the emitters in ample supply on the Atocha... and more about protocol programming. Yes," She nods enthusiastically at the captain. "I would very much like to work on this. Perhaps we should also ask Lt. Imolko if he would recommend any other personnel to assist, perhaps among the operations crew who include in their responsibilities holodeck maintenance."

"Sunshine" wrote:
Sunshine straightens, not expecting such a proposition at all, but smiles as she considers it. "That is... a most intriguing idea! In rehabilitation, I began deepening my appreciation for the complex design that goes into medical technology, something prior I had not much of an opportunity to explore." She pauses. She is thinking aloud, to some extent. "But while I have begun to study the area, it is vast, and I have never explored holographics in any setting. But... I expect the larger challenge is less the holographic design, as we already have the emitters in ample supply on the Atocha... and more about protocol programming. Yes," She nods enthusiastically at the captain. "I would very much like to work on this. Perhaps we should also ask Lt. Imolko if he would recommend any other personnel to assist, perhaps among the operations crew who include in their responsibilities holodeck maintenance."

"Excellent thinking Ensign, I hadn't thought of that actually. Engage other specialists as needed, and let me know if there are resources you need, including changes to duty rosters. I will brief the medical staff, but they know to check with me if there is a need as well. I think this will be an amazing project."

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"I agree, sir. I will begin to outline protocol design after I speak to Lt. Imolko. I don't suppose you'd be willing to share your research from when you worked with Zimmerman?"

Once their conversation is finished, she will seek Imolko to recommend personnel to support the project.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Commoner 2

The captain, engineer, and operations manager of the Atocha begin working on the captain's side-project as the ship continues its journey.


A few days later, Commander Worghrun is has the command, when JT turns to him, saying. "Sir, I am picking up a distress signal. The signal is Orion."

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Orion?" repeats the Commander Worghrun, unable to mask his surprise. He directs JT, "Ascertain the nature of the signal, whether it is automated or does it appear that the Atocha has been singled out for the broadcast."

The klingon's ridged brow furrows further."Given what we know of the Syndicate, it is quite possibly a trap. Nevertheless, I believe we are... obliged... by Starfleet protocols to respond to a distress signal, regardless of its source."

"Lieutenant Imolko, utilize the long-range sensors to ascertain the signal's point of origin." The klingon barks, before turning to the conn. "Lieutenant Graal-Ker, calculate a course for navigation accordingly."

Worghrun taps his comm badge and reports, "Bridge to Captain Komin. We have received a distress signal. It is Orion in origin." The klingon pauses for a moment, whether for clarity or simply for drama is unclear. "Shall I order the alteration in course?"

"Acknowledged Commander, affirmative, alter course to intercept."

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Understood, Captain," Commander Worghrun responds.

He turns to the bridge crew. Upon receiving confirmation of the new course and any additional details the crew are able to provide, he gives the order to engage.

"I do not like this." The klingon mutters to no one in particular as he takes a seat in the center chair. "Command Ojo, I trust you have a set of security protocols for responding to distress signals that may be... suspect?"

Human Lieutenant Commander

JT muttered under his breath "And Orion distress signals definitely qualify..."

He began the task of focusing the sensors on the area of the signal to see if he could pick out what might be the cause.

Male Tellarite
"Lieutenant Imolko, utilize the long-range sensors to ascertain the signal's point of origin." The klingon barks, before turning to the conn. "Lieutenant Graal-Ker, calculate a course for navigation accordingly."

"Aye, Commander." Vrek does so Orion? Huh.

He engages when ordered Never a dull moment.

"Yeoman - please gather all available intelligence on Orion operations in the area. Prepare to brief me when I arrive on the bridge. We will create an appropriate sub-briefing for Medical; you will deliver it and help ready Sickbay for Orion casualties."

"Komin to bridge: enhance forward sensor array and begin long-range scans for lifesigns; I want confirmation of Orion lifesign scans well in advance of our arrival. We also need our debris scans to be sensitive enough to detect trace chemical compounds; the Orions sell a great deal more than slaves. Komin out"

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Acknowledged, Captain." The executive officer confirms over the comm system. He then conveys the orders to the bridge crew.

After doing so, he says to JT, "If we can ascertain from long-range scans whether the vessel in distress was transporting dangerous cargo or has succumbed to some space faring hazard, such advance information could prove... useful."

The Klingon pauses for a moment, ad if hesitant, then further suggests, "You may wish to... consult.. with engineering regarding the enhancements."

Commander Worghrun wrote:
After doing so, he says to JT, "If we can ascertain from long-range scans whether the vessel in distress was transporting dangerous cargo or has succumbed to some space faring hazard, such advance information could prove... useful."

"Agreed Commander"

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