Star Trek: Shackleton (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek 2d20
Shackleton Expanse Campaign

USS Atocha

Nebula class ships are named after famous historical ships, and the Atocha named after the Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The Atocha was initially launched in 2361, the third Nebula-class vessel commissioned from the Regulus Prime Orbital Construction Yards. Her initial five-year mission was studying the anomalies of the Briar Patch.

Following that, the Atocha was refitted with better sensors and given a further mission studying the Rolor Nebula. In 2369, it was thought destroyed in The Badlands, but in late 2370, it was discovered by a Ferengi Vessel, intact and drifting close to the Quinor System.

The Ferengi Vessel's Captain, Melishor, returned the vessel to the Federation for a considerable reward and sizable influence over any contract negotiating trade between the Federation and The Cardassian Empire. Regrettably for Melishor, the tensions of the region are considerably reducing the profit he might have otherwise seen.

The Atocha has been thoroughly examined and diagnosed and has been declared fit for re-deployment, this time to the Shackleton Expanse.

Mission Profile: Multirole Explorer
Trait: Federation Starship




Phaser Arrays (Energy, Medium Range, 7D, Versatile 2, Area or Spread)
Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long range, 5D, High Yield)
Tractor Beam (Strength 4)

Advanced Sensor Suites
Improved Power Systems
Improved Warp Drive
Saucer Separation

Construction Notes:

Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 09 Computers 10 Sensors 08 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science -- Conn -- Engineering +2 Medicine --
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Mission Pod*, Saucer Separation

The Mission Pod has 2 Talents and may be easier retrofitted at a Starbase for a different mission than normal pods.

The Atocha is currently undergoing mission pod refit at the Narendra Station. It is being fitted with an Astrometrics and Navigation Pod, in order to properly navigate the Expanses' many gravimetric distinctions.

Multirole Explorer
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Improved hull integrity, Improved power systems, Rugged design, Redundancy systems, Secondary reactors

Improved Power Systems- the Atocha is designed to face the unknown far away from civilized space, and has been streamlined to divert power as needed for any given situation.

Nebula class: 1 refit (+1 to any System) +1 to Sensors The ship has had its sensors upgraded to modernize them and deal with some of the phenomena in the sector.

Arc Milestone: Lost in the Badlands +1 Structure

Command crew:

Kalos Komin - CPTN

Woghrun - CMDR

Ada'em Ojo - LCDR

Zamal Imolko - LEUT

Vrek Graal-Ker - LTJG

Sunshine Talenna, Daughter of Vohk -ENS

Julian Thames "JT" Thorinson - LTCD

The Shackleton Expanse by Modiphius Entertainment wrote:

Despite all we know, now in early 2371, and with all the areas of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants we have surveyed and mapped, there are still huge swaths of space still unknown to us. Even with the looming Dominion threat and the potential for another Borg incursion, exploration remains Starfleet’s primary mission. We look toward the uncharted regions of space and investigate them to push the boundaries of our knowledge, one sector at a time.

The Shackleton Expanse, located far beyond the outer edges of Federation space and the Klingon sphere of influence, is one such region full of mystery and potential. The Federation, along with our firm allies the Klingon Empire, look toward exploring the Expanse together. To that end, we are launching a coordinated venture into the Expanse in order to gain knowledge, to seek out new allies, and to scout out candidate planets for colonization.

Captain, your ship and crew have been assigned to Starbase 364, also known as Narendra Station, as part of that coordinated expedition. Like pioneers of old, you and your crew will boldly venture forth into the unknown reaches of the Expanse, with little more to rely on than your fellow crewmates, your wits, and your starship. Fair winds and following seas to you and your crew.


Free Quickstart Rules
Free Character and Starship Sheets
Character Creation

Step One: Species:

Starting Points
All characters begin with a score of 7 in each Attribute and 1 in each Discipline. These will increase as you move your character along their lifepath, up to a maximum of 12 for Attributes and 5 for Disciplines (only one Attribute may be a 12 and only one Discipline a 5, all others must be below this.) If you end up with scores above this, you will fix it during Step Seven.

Choose one of the following Species or Roll a d20 for a Random Species.
d20.. Name..........+1 to these Attributes.....................Available Talents (Choose one from Species or General Talents)
1...... Bolian..........Control, Insight, Presence...........Warm Welcome, Born Near a Warp Core
2...... Benzite........Control, Insight, Reason............Meticulous Analysis, All Fingers and Thumbs
3...... Caitian..........Daring, Fitness, Insight............Disarming Nature, Prehensile Tail
4...... Denobulan...Fitness, Insight, Reason............Cultural Flexibility, Parent Figue
5...... Betazoid......Insight, Presence, Reason............Empath, Telepath
6...... Bajoran.......Control, Daring, Insight................Orb Experience, Strong Pagh
7...... Andorian......Daring, Control, Presence...........Proud and Honorable, The Ushaan
8-13. Human.........choose three..............................Resolute, Spirit of Discovery
14.... Tellerite......Control, Fitness, Insight..............Incisive Scrutiny, Sturdy
15.... Vulcan........Control, Fitness, Reason...............Kolinahr, Mind-Meld, Nerve Pinch
16.... Trill..............Control, Presence, Reason...........Former Initiate, Joined
17.... Efrosan......Fitness, Presence, Reason............Visual Spectrum, Oral Scholar
18.... Klingon ......Daring, Fitness, Presence............To Battle!, Brak'Lul,R'Uustai
19.... Ktaran........Control, Reason, (Fit OR Pre)...........Deep Determination, Negotiate From Strength
20.... Zakdorn.......Insight, Presence, Reason............Tactical Voice, Master Strategist

Each Species adds +1 to the listed Attributes. Your Character gains a Trait for their Species (Andorian for an Andorian, etc.: These give specific benefits based on Species) and may choose 1 Talent from general Talents or the talents available to their Species.

Step Two: Environment:

Randomly determine the environment you grew up in from the following table.
1 Homeworld (Increase one Species Attribute +1; Increase Command, Security, or Science +1)
2 Busy Colony (Increase Daring or Presence +1; Increase Command, Security, or Science +1)
3 Isolated Colony (Increase reason or Insight +1; Increase Engineering, Science, or Medicine +1)
4 Frontier Colony (Increase Control or Fitness +1; Increase Conn, Medicine, or Security +1)
5 Starship or Starbase (Increase Control or Insight +1; Increase Command, Conn, or Engineering +1)
6 Another Species' World (Randomly roll a Species from Step One and then choose 1 of that Species' Attributes to increase +1; Increase any 1 Discipline +1)

Each Environment gives a Value, +1 to a single Attribute, and +1 to a single Discipline. The Value should reflect how the character fits in or doesn't fit in to the society they grew up in.

Step Three: Upbringing:

Roll on the following table to determine your character's Upbringing:
1 Starfleet
2 Business or Trade
3 Agriculture or Rural
4 Science and Technology
5 Artistic and Creative
6 Diplomacy and Politics

A character's Upbringing can have a deep impact on their lives, whether they embraced or rejected it.

An Upbringing gives a character three Attribute points spread between two Attributes determined by whether they accept or reject their Upbringing. It also provides a single point to add to Disciplines from among a specific set. The Character receives a Talent from the list of General talents. Lastly, the player may select a Focus for their character which reflects their Upbringing.

Accept: Control +2, Fitness +1
Reject: Daring +2, Insight +1
Disciplines: Any

Business or Trade-
Accept: Presence +2, Daring +1
Reject: Insight +2, Reason +1
Disciplines: Command, Engineering, or Science

Agriculture or Rural-
Accept: Fitness +2, Control +1
Reject: Reason +2, Presence +1
Disciplines: Conn, Medicine, or Security

Science and Technology-
Accept: Control +2, Reason +1
Reject: Insight +2, Daring +1
Disciplines: Conn, Engineering, Medicine, or Science

Artistic and Creative-
Accept: +2 Presence, Insight +1
Reject: Fitness +2, Daring +1
Disciplines: Command, Engineering, or Science

Diplomacy and Politics-
Accept: +2 Presence, +1 Control
Reject: +2 Reason, +1 Fitness
Disciplines: Command, Conn, or Security

Step Four: Starfleet Academy:

Your character gains some control over their lifepath when they join Starfleet Academy.

Choose one of the following Academy Tracks.: Command, Operations, or Sciences

You can choose to have a four year track, graduating as an Ensign, or a longer path for an advanced degree (such as a doctorate), taking an additional 2 years, and graduating with a rank of Lieutenant (junior grade).

Each Character gains a Value, reflecting the shaping of their thoughts wrought from their time at the academy. They also gain a Talent from the general Talent List, or from the list of Talents related to their Track.

Attributes: The character gains three points, which must be split between two or three Attributes.

Focuses: The character gains three Focuses, at least one of which must be related to their Track.

Command Track
Disciplines: Choose either Command or Conn as a major; increase this Discipline by 2, then select two other Disciplines to increase by 1 each. No Discipline may be higher than 4 at this point of the character creation.
When negotiating an offer with someone during Social Conflict, you may re-roll a d20 on your next Persuade Task to convince that person. If the Social Conflict involves an Extended Task, you gain the Progression 1 (page 91 of the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook) benefit when you roll your Challenge Dice.
REQUIREMENT: Command 3+, Security 3+
Upon assisting a character making an attack (using either the Assist Task, the Direct Task, or some other means), the helped character generates one point of bonus Momentum if they succeed; bonus Momentum cannot be saved to the group pool.
In a Conflict, a character may use the Prepare Minor Action to grant one ally a Minor Action of their choice (performed immediately) if they can communicate with that ally.
Succeeding at a Task during Social Conflict generates one bonus Momentum which must be used for the Obtain Information Momentum Spend to gain knowledge about an individual on the other side of the interaction. If the Social Conflict involves an Extended Task, the character gains the Scrutinize 1 benefit (see page 91 of the Star Trek Adventurescore rulebook) when rolling Challenge Dice.
During an Extended Task, an assisted character may gain either the Scrutinize 2 or Progression 1 benefits (see page 91 of the core rulebook) when they roll their Challenge Dice.
In a Conflict, whenever the character performs the Assist Task and would then pay two Momentum to keep the initiative, the cost to keep the initiative is reduced to 0.
Commanding a vessel during a fleet action reduces the Difficulty of a Task to grant a bonus to your vessel or group by 1, to a minimum of 1. Aboard a vessel during a fleet action, the character may treat the vessel as having a Command Department of 4+, regardless of the actual
REQUIREMENTS: Command 3+; Not Commanding Officer or Admiral
The character may select one additional Role, but not Commanding Officer or Admiral.
When an ally succeeds at a Task that was made possible
or had reduced Difficulty because of an Advantage created by the character, if that Advantage represented a plan or strategy, they generate two bonus Momentum. Bonus Momentum cannot be saved into the group pool.
During any Challenge, Extended Task or other activity under time pressure, the character may attempt a Control + Command Task with a Difficulty 3. If this Task succeeds, reduce the total number of intervals the Players have taken by 1; for every 2 Momentum spent (Repeatable) reduce by a further 1. The character has managed to minimize lost time. If the Task fails, add one additional interval as the character’s efforts actually waste time.

Operations Track
Disciplines: Choose either Engineering or Security as a major; increase this Discipline by 2, then select two other Disciplines to increase by 1 each. No Discipline may be higher than 4 at this point of the character creation.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 2+ and Medicine 2+
The character’s abilities in field medicine and battle triage are exceptional and their presence inspires allies to continue any fight. Whenever the character attempts the First Aid Task (Star Trek Adventures core ruebook p. 174), they may spend one Momentum to cause the recipient to regain points of Stress equal to the numaber of the character's Medicine Discipline. A character may only regain Stress in this way once per scene.
REQUIREMENT: Security 3+
By imagining they are a suspect, and thinking in the same way, the character gains insight into a criminal’s thought processes or actions. Whenever a character succeeds at a Task to interpret information about a suspect using Reason, a character generates 1 bonus Momentum which may only be used for the Obtain Information Momentum Spend.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 3+ or Command 3+
Small squad tactics can mean the difference between life and death in a dangerous, hostile situation, and the character excels at coordinating action in battle. The character may make use of the Direct Task (Star Trek Adventures core rulebook p. 173). If they already have access to the Direct Task, they may do so twice per scene instead of once.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 3+ and Control 10+
The character has spent time at the target range every day, working on their aim. When the character takes the Aim Minor Action (Star Trek Adventures core rulebook p. 172), they reduce the Difficulty of their next Attack by 1, in addition to the normal effects of the Aim Minor Action.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 2+ and Daring 9+
The character is capable of tracking multiple targets and making attacks against them with great effect. Whenever the character makes a ranged weapon attack, and then uses the Swift Task Momentum spend to make a second ranged attack, they ignore the normal Difficulty increase from Swift Task.
REQUIREMENT: Security 3+
The character is skilled in setting up torpedo attacks. In addition to the normal benefits of a Salvo, the attack also gains the benefit of the Devastating Attack Momentum Spend as though 2 Momentum had been spent. The Devastating Attack Momentum Spend may not be selected again for this attack.
REQUIREMENT: Security 2+
Making good use of the surroundings for protection is one of the hallmarks of a skilled soldier. Whenever the character rolls Cover Dice (Star Trek Adventures core rulebook p. 171), they may add +1 Resistance to the total for each Effect rolled.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 3+ and Conn 2+
The character has a mind intrigued by mystery and investigation, and is often called upon to review and coordinate response to lawbreaking. The character generates two bonus Momentum after a successful Task to investigate a crime.
REQUIREMENT: Security 4+
There are countless forms and styles of hand-to-hand combat, and the character has mastered several of them. The character’s Unarmed Strike attacks gain the Intense Damage Effect. If the character also has the Mean Right Hook Talent, then both Damage Effect apply when Effects
are rolled.
REQUIREMENTS: Security 4+ and Conn 3+
Having extensive knowledge of ship systems and operations, the character can easily target specific systems when attacking an enemy vessel. When the character makes an attack that targets a specific System they may reroll 1d20 in their dice pool, and the attack gains the Piercing 1 damage effect.

Sciences Track
Disciplines: Choose either Medicine or Science as a major; increase this Discipline by 2, then select two other Disciplines to increase by 1 each. No Discipline may be higher than 4 at this point of the character creation.
Requirements: Command 3+ and Medicine 3+
When the character succeeds at a Medicine Task to heal another’s Injury, the character may immediately remove a personal Complication from the patient, even if that Complication was unrelated to the treated Injury. In addition, whenever this character attempts a Reputation Check, they
are considered to have one additional positive influence.
Requirements: Medicine 3+ and Command 3+
When using the Medicine Discipline to provide assistance to another character attempting a MedicineTask, all characters providing assistance may reroll one d20 in their dice pool.
Requirements: Engineering 3+ and Medicine 3+
Whenever the character attempts a Task to work on, install, or remove a cybernetic device from a patient, they add a d20 to their dice pool.
Requirement: Medicine 4+
Select a Focus. When you succeed at a Medicine Task where that Focus applies, the cost of the Create Advantage Momentum spend is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Requirements: Medicine 3+ and Security 2+
Through experience and training, the stress of battle fades when there’s a patient in need. When attempting a Medicine Task while in the midst of combat, you may ignore the first Complication that would increase the Difficulty of this Task.
Requirements: Medicine 3+ and Control 9+
When attempting the Control + Medicine Task to heal Injury-related Complications (core rulebook, p.177), reduce the Difficulty by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Requirements: Command 2+ and Medicine 3+
Whenever you Assist a character with the Recover Combat Task, you gain 1 bonus Momentum that can only be spent on the active character to recover Stress.
Requirement: Medicine 3+
When this Talent is purchased, select a Discipline with a score of 1. Once per scene, before attempting a Task using the selected Discipline, a point of Determination may be spent to substitute the character’s Medicine Score in place of that Discipline. This does not have to be linked to a Value.
Requirements: Command 2+ and Medicine 3+
Whenever you Assist a character, who is in a Social Conflict, using your knowledge of psychology or emotional states, that character is considered to have an Advantage in addition to the normal benefits provided by your Assist.
Requirements: Ship’s Counselor role, Medicine 3+ and
Presence 9+
You have a special skill for filling others with confidence and self-assuredness. Once per mission, you may attempt a Presence + Medicine Task with a Difficulty of 3, while providing emotional or mental treatment for another character. Success creates a personal Advantage for your patient that lasts until the end of the mission. In addition to
the normal effects of the Trait, that character can reroll their dice pool, as if they’d spent a point of Determination, once until the end of the mission. If the Task that the character used their reroll on fails, they lose the Advantage created by this Talent.
Requirements: Medicine 3+ and Reason 8+
Once per scene, after the character has succeeded on a Medicine Task relating to the treatment of a patient, reduce the Difficulty of the next Medicine Task relating to that patient by 1.
Requirements: Medicine 3+ and a psychology related Focus
When you use the Medicine Discipline during a Social Conflict you may increase the Complication range of your Task by a number of steps. For each step you may ask a single question as if you’d spent Momentum on Obtain Information. Any Complications generated from this Task results in the individual you are interacting with becoming offended or upset with being “analyzed.”
Requirement: Medicine 4+
When attempting a Medicine Task during an Extended Task relating to surgery, the character gains the Triumphant Effect (core rulebook, p.91).

Step Five: Career:

Choose one of the following:

Young Officer
Defined more by your potential than by your skill, you're a recent graduate from SFA.
You gain a Value that reflects your inexperience or naiveté in some way.
You gain the Untapped Potential Talent. The character cannot obtain a rank higher than Lt j.g. while possessing this Talent.

Experienced Officer
(Default) You've been in Star Fleet for a number of years, performing the duties of a Star Fleet Officer and exploring the universe, and have some experiences that have shaped your career and life.
You gain a single value and a single talent, both chosen freely.

Veteran Officer
With decades of experience under your belt, you've seen more than your fair share of stellar phenomena, inscrutable aliens, and god-like beings of pure energy.
You gain a Value that reflects your age, experience, or beliefs shaped by your years of service.
You receive the Veteran Talent. Your rank is a minimum of Lt. Commander.

Step Six: Career Events:

The character's life in Star Fleet before the campaign begins is marked by events that have left their marks on the character. Some events fade from importance or memory, but some leave a mark that help or haunt the character for the rest of their lives.

Roll at least twice on the following chart. You can choose to combine two or more results into a single element of your backstory, or treat each one rolled as a separate element. Young Officers (see Step Five above) had these events occur either during their Academy days or early career (perhaps even right before the campaign begins.)

Each event lists an Attribute and a Discipline. If rolling more than two events, a player gains choices from among all those rolled, but, regardless, the character increases Attributes by a total of 2 and Disciplines by a total of 2. A character also gains two Focuses which should reflect the impact of these Events. Some Events grant optional Traits- the player decides whether or not the Event caused the development of the Trait.

d20...Career Event................................Attribute.........Discipline.......... Trait
1.....Ship destroyed..............................Daring........Security
2.....Death of a friend...........................Insight........Medicine
3.....Lauded by another culture..........Presence........Science.........Friend to the ()
4.....Negotiated a treaty.......................Control........Command
5.....Required to take command.........Daring........Command
6.....Encountered a truly alien being..Reason........Science
7.....Serious injury.................................Fitness........Medicine.........Pros thetic or Disability
8.....Conflict with a hostile culture......Fitness........Security
10....Transporter accident......................Control........Conn
11....Dealt with a plague.........................Insight........medicine
12....Betrayed ideals for a superior.......Presence........Command
13....Called out a superior......................Reason........Conn
14....New battle strategy........................Daring........Security
15....Learned a unique language...........Insight........Science
16....Discovered an artifact....................Reason........Engineering
17....Special commendation...................Fitness........Any
18....Solved an engineering crisis...........Control........Engineering
19....Breakthrough or invention..............Any.............Engineering
20....First Contact.....................................Presence........Any

Step Seven: Finishing Touches:

The character receives a final Value, defined by the player.


No Attribute may be above 12 (or 11 for a Young Officer)
Only one Attribute may be at 12.
If any Attributes exceed these limits, reduce them until they no longer do, moving the points to any other Attributes while still following the above guidelines.
Add 1 more point to each of two Attributes, following the above guidelines.

No Discipline may be higher than 5 (4 for Young Officers.)
Only one Discipline may be at 5.
If any Discipline exceeds these limits, reduce them until they fall within the limits, adding the points to other Disciplines while still following these limits.
Add 1 more points to each of two Disciplines, following the above guidelines.

Yay! Math!

Final Check: Attributes should add up to 56, Disciplines to 16. The character should have 4 Values, 6 Focuses, and 4 Talents.

Stress equal to Fitness + Security

Damage Bonus equal to Security

Personal Details and Backstory
Give your character a name, personality, description and write up a backstory using elements from their Upbringing, Track, Events, etc. and indicating their Values and what events inspired these Values.

Department, Rank, and Role

Your character begins their Star Fleet Career as either an Ensign or Lieutenant, junior grade, depending on whether they took the normal or extended Academy Track.

The Ranks of Officers are as follows:
Lieutenant, junior grade
Lieutenant Commander

After academy, follow these steps:

1. If your character took the Command Track, increase their Rank 1 Grade.
1. If your character is a Veteran Officer, increase their Rank to Lieutenant Commander.
3. If your character had any of these Events, increase their Rank by 1 (to a maximum of 2 Rank increases from Events): Lauded by another culture, Negotiated a treaty, Required to take command, Mentored, Betrayed ideals for a superior, New battle strategy, Special commendation, Breakthrough or invention, or First Contact.
4. If your character had any of these Events, reduce their Rank by 1 as they set your career off-track (minimum Ensign, or Lt. Commander if Veteran Officer): Ship destroyed, Death of a friend, Serious injury, Called out a superior

The GM may give further promotions based on Role.


Assign 11 points to your top three picks for your character's Role in the ship to indicate how much you want that role.


Marcia wants their character to be Captain really badly, but would settle for being the Executive Officer, but only wants to be the Flight Controller if it's the only way to get into the campaign. To indicate this, she assigns the following:

6 Commanding Officer
4 Executive Officer
1 Flight Controller

Tommy took the operations track and mostly just wants a place on the ship in engineering or security, with a slight preference for security or tactical work.

5 Chief of Security
3 Operations Manager
3 Chief Engineer

Sam wants to focus on medicine and science.

5 Chief Medical Officer
4 Science Officer
2 Ship's Counselor

The Available Roles are:
Commanding Officer (Command Department)
Executive Officer (Command Department)
Operations Manager (Engineering Department)
Chief Engineer (Engineering Department)
Chief of Security (Security Department)
Chief Medical Officer (Medical Department)
Science Officer (Science Department)
Flight Controller (Conn Department)
Ship's Counselor (Medical Department)

Character Creation Roll format:

Copy this format, remove the quote marks and post in recruitment thread.

Step One: Species
Chose or roll ["dice]1d20[/dice]

Step Two: Environment
Roll ["dice]1d6[/dice]

Step Three: Upbringing
roll ['dice]1d6[/dice]

Step Four: Star Fleet Academy Track
Choose One:
[] Command
[] Operations
[] Science

Choose One:
[]Regular Course (Ensign)
[] Extended Course (Lt, jg)

Step Five: Career:
[] Young Officer
[] Experienced Officer
[] Veteran Officer

Step Six: Career Events
Roll a minimum of Two
Extra Rolls (copy as many times as desired)

Starship Creation

1. Service:

The year is 2371.

2. Spaceframe:

There will be a vote on the Spaceframe, with 11 points being assigned by each player like the Roles in Character Creation for which chassis you want from these three:

Akira- Class
Ship named USS Stormbringer
Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 11 Computers 09 Sensors 09 Weapons 11
Command -- Security +2 Science -- Conn -- Engineering -- Medicine +1
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Quantum torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Ablative Armor, Extensive Shuttle Bays, Rapid-Fire Torpedo Launcher

Intrepid- Class
Ship named USS Mariana Deep
Base Stats
Comms 10 Engines 11 Structure 08 Computers 11 Sensors 10 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science +2 Conn +1 Engineering -- Medicine --
Scale: 4
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
Talents: Advanced Warp Drive, Advanced Sensor Suite, Emergency Medical Hologram

Nebula- Class
Ship named USS Kiseki
Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 09 Computers 10 Sensors 08 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science -- Conn -- Engineering +2 Medicine --
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Mission Pod*, Saucer Separation

* The Mission Pod has 2 Talents and may be easier retrofitted at a Starbase for a different mission than normal pods.

The votes will be tallied from among those selected for the campaign, and the top vote-getter wins.

3. Mission Profile:

Using the same 11-point system as the Spaceframe, players will vote on three Mission Profiles. The highest scoring profile wins.

Strategic and Diplomatic Operations
Command 03 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 01 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Command ship, Diplomatic suites, Electronic warfare system, Extensive shuttlebays

Pathfinding and Reconnaissance Operations
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 01
Talents (Choose 1): Improved reaction control system, Improved warp drive, Rugged design

Technical Test-Bed
Command 01 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 03 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Advanced shields, Backup EPS condiuits, High resolution sensors, Improved power systems, Improved warp drive

Tactical Operations
Command 02 Security 03 Science 01 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Ablative armor, Fast targeting systems, Imporved damage control, Quantum torpedoes, Improved impulse drive

Scientific and Survey Operations
Command 02 Security 01 Science 03 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Advanced research facilities, Advanced sensor suites, High resolution sensors, Modular laboratories

Multirole Explorer
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Improved hull integrity, Improved power systems, Rugged design, Redundancy systems, Secondary reactors

4. Refits:

Akira class; No refits
Intrepid class no refits
Nebula class: 1 refit (+1 to any System)

5. Putting It All Together:

Trait: Federation Starship
Systems: Spaceframe + any refit bonuses
Departments: Total Spaceframe bonuses + Mission Departments
Talents: Number of Talents equal to Scale from Spaceframe and Mission
Scale: determined by Spaceframe
Resistance: Scale + any modifiers due to talents
Shields: equal to Structure + Security, modified by Talents
Power: equal to Engines, modified by Talents
Crew Support: equal to Scale, may be modified if a PC takes the Supervisor Talent
Weapons: Energy Weapons damage equals Scale + Security, plus any weapon factors. Torpedo damage based on torpedo type + Security

Character Sheet Template for Profile:

Copy this and format to put your character sheet on your character's profile, deleting the quote marks.

["bigger] Attributes [/bigger]
["b]Control[/b] ["b]Fitness[/b] ["b]Presence[/b]
["b]Daring[/b] ["b]Insight[/b] ["b]Reason[/b]

["bigger] Disciplines [/bigger]
["b]Command[/b] ["b]Security[/b] ["b]Science[/b]
["b]Conn[/b] ["b]Engineering[/b] ["b]Medicine[/b]
["bigger] Values [/bigger]
Determination [][][]
["bigger] Talents [/bigger]
["bigger] Focuses [/bigger]
Other Equipment