Star Trek: Shackleton (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek 2d20
Shackleton Expanse Campaign

USS Atocha

Nebula class ships are named after famous historical ships, and the Atocha named after the Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The Atocha was initially launched in 2361, the third Nebula-class vessel commissioned from the Regulus Prime Orbital Construction Yards. Her initial five-year mission was studying the anomalies of the Briar Patch.

Following that, the Atocha was refitted with better sensors and given a further mission studying the Rolor Nebula. In 2369, it was thought destroyed in The Badlands, but in late 2370, it was discovered by a Ferengi Vessel, intact and drifting close to the Quinor System.

The Ferengi Vessel's Captain, Melishor, returned the vessel to the Federation for a considerable reward and sizable influence over any contract negotiating trade between the Federation and The Cardassian Empire. Regrettably for Melishor, the tensions of the region are considerably reducing the profit he might have otherwise seen.

The Atocha has been thoroughly examined and diagnosed and has been declared fit for re-deployment, this time to the Shackleton Expanse.

Mission Profile: Multirole Explorer
Trait: Federation Starship




Phaser Arrays (Energy, Medium Range, 7D, Versatile 2, Area or Spread)
Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long range, 5D, High Yield)
Tractor Beam (Strength 4)

Advanced Sensor Suites
Improved Power Systems
Improved Warp Drive
Saucer Separation

Construction Notes:

Base Stats
Comms 09 Engines 10 Structure 09 Computers 10 Sensors 08 Weapons 09
Command -- Security -- Science -- Conn -- Engineering +2 Medicine --
Scale: 5
Weaponry: Phaser Arrays, Photon torpedoes, Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Talents: Mission Pod*, Saucer Separation

The Mission Pod has 2 Talents and may be easier retrofitted at a Starbase for a different mission than normal pods.

The Atocha is currently undergoing mission pod refit at the Narendra Station. It is being fitted with an Astrometrics and Navigation Pod, in order to properly navigate the Expanses' many gravimetric distinctions.

Multirole Explorer
Command 02 Security 02 Science 02 Conn 02 Engineering 02 Medicine 02
Talents (Choose 1): Improved hull integrity, Improved power systems, Rugged design, Redundancy systems, Secondary reactors

Improved Power Systems- the Atocha is designed to face the unknown far away from civilized space, and has been streamlined to divert power as needed for any given situation.

Nebula class: 1 refit (+1 to any System) +1 to Sensors The ship has had its sensors upgraded to modernize them and deal with some of the phenomena in the sector.

Arc Milestone: Lost in the Badlands +1 Structure

Command crew:

Kalos Komin - CPTN

Woghrun - CMDR

Ada'em Ojo - LCDR

Zamal Imolko - LEUT

Vrek Graal-Ker - LTJG

Sunshine Talenna, Daughter of Vohk -ENS

Julian Thames "JT" Thorinson - LTCD

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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2


Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Commoner 2

Opening Scene One:

Captain Komin is meeting Commander Wogrun and Lieutenant (jg) Grall-Ker in the station's hanger deck.

Currently, Lt Grall-Ker is chatting with Master Chief Tiene, who manages the flight deck and overall cargo operations.

The captain is arriving from the station's operations deck, or more specifically the station commander's office where he was just briefed on his mission by Admiral Herbert.

Commander Wogrun is arriving from the lower levels officially known as the "Klingon Training Facility" where he had been asked to meet with General Kargan, the Klingon co-commander of the station and region, in the Bloodwine Hall.

[ooc]There will be flashbacks to these prior conversations a bit later, for now, let us focus on your first meeting. Captain Komin and Cmdr Wogrun have been briefed on the staff, but Lt Grall-Ker only knows he's been told to report to the operations deck to fly important crewmembers to the Atocha using the runnabout Platte.

Opening Scene Two:

Lieutenant Amolko and Ensign Sunshine are working on recalibrating some of the bridge's systems, in particular the ship's tactical station, which seems to have had a few sluggish moments during the testing after the sensor and warp refit. The two have been working closely together in getting the ship ready for its relaunch over the past few months.

Across the bridge, Lieutenant Commander "JT" Thorinson is busily studying the information available on the Shackleton Expanse's phenomenon known as "The Washboard", a gravimetric distortion field with space-time distortions that can damage vessels travelling through the expanse at warp speeds. It seems even with the refit to the ship's warp drive, the phenomenon could be a problem, especially the closer the ship travels to the Washboard Triplets, an odd trinary system consisting of three white dwarf stars.

Lieutenant Commander Ojo has the conn and is overseeing the operations while waiting for the ship's commander and xo to arrive.

Male Tellarite
Reckless wrote:

Opening Scene One:

Captain Komin is meeting Commander Wogrun and Lieutenant (jg) Grall-Ker in the station's hanger deck.

Currently, Lt Grall-Ker is chatting with Master Chief Tiene, who manages the flight deck and overall cargo operations.

The captain is arriving from the station's operations deck, or more specifically the station commander's office where he was just briefed on his mission by Admiral Herbert.

Commander Wogrun is arriving from the lower levels officially known as the "Klingon Training Facility" where he had been asked to meet with General Kargan, the Klingon co-commander of the station and region, in the Bloodwine Hall.

[ooc]There will be flashbacks to these prior conversations a bit later, for now, let us focus on your first meeting. Captain Komin and Cmdr Wogrun have been briefed on the staff, but Lt Grall-Ker only knows he's been told to report to the operations deck to fly important crewmembers to the Atocha using the runnabout Platte.

Lt jr grade Vrek Grall-Ker is all smiles, by Tellerite standards, anyway. It wasn't that long ago he earned a commendation for some out of the cube thinking in a high stress situation and for someone so new to service, it's quite the high. Currently he's chatting with Master Chief Tiene.

"Apparently I'm supposed to be flying some very shiny brass to the Atocha? Sounds pretty cut and dry, Master Chief, if lacking in details. I guess they'll tell me what i need to know when I need to know it but a tellarite gets curious." In truth he's just glad to be flying again, even if it's just a runabout passenger job.

If he sees 'the brass' in question approaching towards him, he stands smartly at attention

[quote=Lieutenant Amolko and Ensign Sunshine are working on recalibrating some of the bridge's systems, in particular the ship's tactical station, which seems to have had a few sluggish moments during the testing after the sensor and warp refit. The two have been working closely together in getting the ship ready for its relaunch over the past few months.

Across the bridge, Lieutenant Commander "JT" Thorinson is busily studying the information available on the Shackleton Expanse's phenomenon known as "The Washboard", a gravimetric distortion field with space-time distortions that can damage vessels travelling through the expanse at warp speeds. It seems even with the refit to the ship's warp drive, the phenomenon could be a problem, especially the closer the ship travels to the Washboard Triplets, an odd trinary system consisting of three white dwarf stars.

Lieutenant Commander Ojo has the conn and is overseeing the operations while waiting for the ship's commander and xo to arrive.

Sunshine is kneeling, looking into a depaneled section of the station, reconnecting tiny fiber cables somehow deftly with her large, long fingers. "I do not know what is making you so stubborn..."

She glances up at Amolko. "I do not mean you, sir."

Reckless wrote:

Opening Scene Two:

Lieutenant Amolko and Ensign Sunshine are working on recalibrating some of the bridge's systems, in particular the ship's tactical station, which seems to have had a few sluggish moments during the testing after the sensor and warp refit. The two have been working closely together in getting the ship ready for its relaunch over the past few months.

Across the bridge, Lieutenant Commander "JT" Thorinson is busily studying the information available on the Shackleton Expanse's phenomenon known as "The Washboard", a gravimetric distortion field with space-time distortions that can damage vessels travelling through the expanse at warp speeds. It seems even with the refit to the ship's warp drive, the phenomenon could be a problem, especially the closer the ship travels to the Washboard Triplets, an odd trinary system consisting of three white dwarf stars.

Lieutenant Commander Ojo has the conn and is overseeing the operations while waiting for the ship's commander and...

JT sat at the console, scrolling through the known information about the Washboard and sighed as he kept feeling like they really didn't know all that much about it after all. He'd seen some of the new upgrade designs for the Atocha's engines and he had been impressed as he hadn't seen any issues off the top of his head. "Computer. Remind me when we get under way to schedule some time with Ensign Talenna to go over some possible stress testing of the warp engines." JT knew from experience that what looked good on paper sometimes failed to hold up in practical trials.

*I still can't believe we've got an Ensign for a chief engineer. they must have some skillset* About the time he finished that thought, the ensign commented about something stubborn and he couldn't help but smile.

Reckless wrote:
Lieutenant Commander Ojo has the conn and is overseeing the operations while waiting for the ship's commander and xo to arrive.

Ada'em Ojo is deliberately paying little attention to Lt. Amolko and Ensign Sunshine as they work on the ship's tactical station. It has been concerning to him that a key component of the ship's most important system is having problems, but he understands that this is not the sort of situation that will be improved by hovering over the specialists' shoulders while they work. He knows that he'll undoubtedly ask for an update in the very near future, but he can keep that impulse under wraps for now.

"Lieutenant? Ensign? How's tactical looking?"

Or maybe not.

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Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Reckless wrote:

Captain Komin is meeting Commander Worghrun and Lieutenant (jg) Grall-Ker in the station's hanger deck.

Commander Worghrun is arriving from the lower levels officially known as the "Klingon Training Facility" where he had been asked to meet with General Kargan, the Klingon co-commander of the station and region, in the Bloodwine Hall.

It was good to speak with the General, thinks Commander Worghrun. Though, by way of happenstance the Klingon had been raised on a Federation world, he had long admired the relative "simplicity" of Klingon hierarchy and command. Despite having risen through the ranks of Starfleet, which recognized the value of honor in its own way, the views of the Klingons on the subject seemed better aligned with his own.

Even before rising to his current rank, Worghrun had learned that a Klingon first officer was expected to kill a superior office who had become weak or unable to perform their duties. He wished he had been able to put such a lesson into practice during that one, previous assignment. Since then, he has altered his view all of each of his superiors, been prepared to continually question and push them in order to satisfy himself that his superior was fit to lead and would not force him to betray his ideals.

Death will come, Worghrun vows to himself, before that occurs again.

Spying Captain Komin, Worghrun heads across the hangar deck to join him.

"Greetings, Captain Komin," the executive officer says, exhibiting a formal politeness that he has observed throughout his Starfleet career, even as he sizes up his superior.

M Trill

”Even if you did mean me, I prefer you to speak your mind,” Lt. Imolko says while squatting at another panel. ”It is puzzling,” he adds running a diagnostic tool over the cables and circuits.

He stands and looks across to Lt. Commander Ojo. ”Sir, we’ve eliminated some problems, but have not resolved all of them. Fortunately a critical system like life support or warp drive isn’t giving us problems. Estimated time to finish this...” he shifts his gaze to Sunshine the chief engineer and raises an eyebrow. ”An hour?”

The fun part of finding this character’s voice commences.

Sunshine's internal estimate to completion was about 40 minutes. Thereby, by the engineer's code of conduct, which her mentors had to assure her was standard practice and not deceptive in the traditional sense, stating aloud an estimate of an hour sounded correct. As such, she grunted and gave a firm nod to Lt. Cmdr. Ojo in support of Imolko's response.

"I have connected the additional relays to the power supply, what does the diagnostic say now?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Going to have Sunshine roll a Difficulty 1 Control + Engineering Roll. Zamal can Assist by rolling one die against either Presence + Command or Control + Engineering. Any Momentum earned can either be banked (any amount), turned into an advantage for later use with the Tactical Systems (2 momentum) , or used to reduce the time it takes to fix the system (1 momentum), in any combination.

Control 11 + Engineering 5, Computers focus: 2d20 ⇒ (20, 7) = 27

I think that's a success but also a complication?

ETA: Oops, I forgot: I also have "I Know My Ship" which gives me an extra d20 to determine a source of a technical problem on the ship, so I'll roll that now; I know I succeeded but I assume I should still roll it

1d20 ⇒ 11

Commander Worghrun wrote:
Reckless wrote:

Captain Komin is meeting Commander Worghrun and Lieutenant (jg) Grall-Ker in the station's hanger deck.

Commander Worghrun is arriving from the lower levels officially known as the "Klingon Training Facility" where he had been asked to meet with General Kargan, the Klingon co-commander of the station and region, in the Bloodwine Hall.

It was good to speak with the General, thinks Commander Worghrun. Though, by way of happenstance the Klingon had been raised on a Federation world, he had long admired the relative "simplicity" of Klingon hierarchy and command. Despite having risen through the ranks of Starfleet, which recognized the value of honor in its own way, the views of the Klingons on the subject seemed better aligned with his own.

Even before rising to his current rank, Worghrun had learned that a Klingon first officer was expected to kill a superior office who had become weak or unable to perform their duties. He wished he had been able to put such a lesson into practice during that one, previous assignment. Since then, he has altered his view all of each of his superiors, been prepared to continually question and push them in order to satisfy himself that his superior was fit to lead and would not force him to betray his ideals.

Death will come, Worghrun vows to himself, before that occurs again.

Spying Captain Komin, Worghrun heads across the hangar deck to join him.

"Greetings, Captain Komin," the executive officer says, exhibiting a formal politeness that he has observed throughout his Starfleet career, even as he sizes up his superior.

"nuq'neH Commander ... it seems that we should ask Lt. Vrek if we are as 'shiny' as he expected."

The warmth of the Betazoid's smile disarmed the Klingon briefly; he quickly realized the Captain treated him as a colleague and peer.
He also realized this may have been telepathic humour.
"When we arrive, I will log transfer of command, and I would like you to take the conn from Commander Ojo to continue ops review. I will join you on the bridge shortly thereafter. Also, from now on, be authentic, and that's an order. You may practice polite Starfleet protocols with the crew, not with me."

Continuing forward to the young Lt., "At ease mister ... you'll never be able to steer if all your muscles are contracted. Well met Vrek, let's see what you've got."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
"Sunshine" wrote:

I think that's a success but also a complication?

ETA: Oops, I forgot: I also have "I Know My Ship" which gives me an extra d20 to determine a source of a technical problem on the ship, so I'll roll that now; I know I succeeded but I assume I should still roll it


Right. You always want extra successes to develop Momentum. So we'll want Imolko's assist too, in case we get two Momentum.

Sunshine discovers the problem- a microscopic variance in the system's equalizing program. The system's redundancies are catching the error and correcting before finalizing commands, which is the source of the "sluggishness". Fortunately, it seems isolated to the tactical system on the bridge. Unfortunately, it means a complete recalibration of the station's programing. (Complication: Faulty Bridge Tactical System)

If Imolko's assist is a success, you can spend the two Momentum gained to eliminate the Complication and complete the repairs in the time frame you gave.

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Male Tellarite
Kalos Komin wrote:

"nuq'neH Commander ... it seems that we should ask Lt. Vrek if we are as 'shiny' as he expected."

Vrek sees the brass, and pops to attention, and winces just a bit, glaringly so to an Empath's senses, at having been overheard by the brass in question. When will I learn to keep my big snout shut?

He was actually more worried about the Commander being offended more. Kingons had a reputation for being offended a might too easily by Tellarite standards; damn hard workers though.


Continuing forward to the young Lt., "At ease mister ... you'll never be able to steer if all your muscles are contracted. Well met Vrek, let's see what you've got."

Whether the Commander is disarmed or not, Vrek is. The Captain seems easy going and personable, and he dares a bit of his people's contrary nature "I could fly a run about in my sleep, Captain, no worries there. You and the commander will have a smooth ride to the Atocha."

M Trill

Control 11 + Engineering 4: 2d20 ⇒ (13, 20) = 33
Bonus die: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Can two Talents come into play on one role? I have I Know My Ship (thus the bonus d20) as well as Maintenance Specialist. Is this considered “day-to-day maintenance and repairs on Starfleet equipment”?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Zamal Imolko wrote:

Can two Talents come into play on one role? I have I Know My Ship (thus the bonus d20) as well as Maintenance Specialist. Is this considered “day-to-day maintenance and repairs on Starfleet equipment”?

When you're assisting, you only roll one die. You may apply a Focus if you have one, but most Talents only apply if you're the one performing the task. I'll count your first die, so a success. Two Momentum total.

Zamal Imolko wrote:
He stands and looks across to Lt. Commander Ojo. ”Sir, we’ve eliminated some problems, but have not resolved all of them. Fortunately a critical system like life support or warp drive isn’t giving us problems. Estimated time to finish this...” he shifts his gaze to Sunshine the chief engineer and raises an eyebrow. ”An hour?”

"Mmm. Tactical may not seem critical, Mr. Imolko, but unlike warp or life support, we may never fully be sure of its readiness until we're in a situation where we face a hostile entity. We need to have it at least meeting operational standards before we depart.

"An hour you say? That would be excellent." Ojo makes an effort to relax his antennae, hoping that the non-Andorians on the bridge aren't aware of his agitation.

"Speaking of warp, Mr. Thorinson? Looking good?"

Sounds like we can overcome the complication and get the job done, so we shall proceed!

"Well, sirs, all things being equal..." Sunshine trails off, and then loudly, "Ah ha!" She slaps the removed panel with her prosthetic hand, resulting in a loud KLANG! Which seems like she was not quite expecting as much as anyone else (she is still getting used to her new hand).

"Apologies. It is the equalizer. It is still trying to account for the old system while working with the new, and while the program is compensating, it is the source of the slowed processing speed..." She gets up and stands at the nearby console, tapping in new commands.

"Sir, if you can just check the variables there..." She asks Imolko, and then looks up at Ojo. "I would never allow anything to be less than functional under my watch, sir."

M Trill
Ada’em Ojo wrote:
"Mmm. Tactical may not seem critical, Mr. Imolko, but unlike warp or life support, we may never fully be sure of its readiness until we're in a situation where we face a hostile entity. We need to have it at least meeting operational standards before we depart.

”I understand Sir, tactical isn’t critical but necessary,” Lt. Imolko says. ”As you will see during our ship’s inspection, I believe routine maintenance is essential to our survival.”

”Sunshine” wrote:
"Sir, if you can just check the variables there..." She asks Imolko

”Of course Chief,” the trill says as he focuses on assisting the chief engineer.

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet

"Shall me be departing for the Atocha then, Captain?" Commander Worghrun says. His tone, though polite and professional, provides only the thinnest disguises over the Klingon's impatience.

Commander Worghrun wrote:
"Shall me be departing for the Atocha then, Captain?" Commander Worghrun says. His tone, though polite and professional, provides only the thinnest disguises over the Klingon's impatience.

"Indeed, the time has come. Lieutenant, let's see what you've got! Take us out."

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Male Tellarite

"Right away, sirs," Vrek says with enthusiasm and assuming all is loaded aboard, gets behind the helm console of the Platte ready to get them to the Atocha!

Every ship has a personality, Vrek believes it. Runabouts tend to be skittish about surprises and prefer if you play it safe. But the Captain just told him to show what he could do... and so the Platte will just have to wake up a little .

Vrek takes them out with enthusiasm and expertise, flying is where he feels most at home!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Commoner 2

As Vrek takes the helm of the runabout and signals the station command his readiness for departure, he is greeted by the always cheery voice of Ensign Meradith Daphne. "Confirmed, Platte, you are cleared for the Atocha. Give them a smooth ride, Vrek. And Vrek, one more thing....."

A brief moment of silence is interrupted by a chirp from the computer as a file is transferred from Narendra Station. As Vrek opens it, he sees that it is a new set of orders, assigning both him and the Platte to the Atocha. There is no explanation for the unexpected change, but there is a personal note attached.


"I don't know what you did, but it looks like you've got a new assignment. Don't ask me how I found out before you did, but I took the liberty of packing up your quarters and loading your belongings into the Platte. I'm going to miss her. Your jokes, not so much. -Tiene

PS-I'd pay a week's salary to see your face now. Stay alert and fly straight, bud."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tellarite
Reckless wrote:

"Confirmed, Platte, you are cleared for the Atocha. Give them a smooth ride, Vrek. And Vrek, one more thing....."

Vrek is ready to respond when the chirp catches his attention. Of course, he looks at it, and his nostrils widen, an expression of surprise for his people, then it processes, and he reads the personal note too.

And grins as he responds, "Message received, Base Control. Condolences for your loss" He almost chortles it. Can't help but give a light if friendly tease in.

Then he speaks to his passengers, "Well, Captain and Commander, it appears the Platte and I will be sticking around on the Atocha for awhile. You won't regret it,sirs."

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Commoner 2

On the bridge, as the repairs are completed, Lt. Cmdr. Ojo receives notification that the Platte and its passengers are requesting permission to dock, per standard protocol.

He is aware of this being the captain and xo.

"Excellent work, crew. And just in time."

Ojo taps a few icons on his screen before verbally responding to the notification.

"Request to dock acknowledged and approved for dock #4. Welcome aboard, Captain. Commander."

And... Lieutenant? Hmm. Last minute transfer. Non-standard...

Ojo peruses Vrek Graal-Ker's personnel file while he waits for the Captain to make their way to the bridge.

Sunshine replaces the console panels and then stands. She is silent, but shifts from one foot to another for a moment. "Should I return to Engineering?"

She was given a great position of responsibility relatively early in her career--an honor reflecting her conduct on her prior ship, to be sure, but she's still a little unsure of the details.

While checking the settings of the newly corrected tactical systems, Ojo glances at Ensign Talenna and absently replies, "You and Mr. Imolko should stick around in case there are any questions about your repair. It will be a good opportunity to meet the new captain.

"In the meantime, walk me through this diagnostic. I'm not seeing where it's compensating for sensor redundancy from the station."

He steps aside and motions to his display, inviting one or both of them to come up and spout technical jargon at him.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Tellarite

Getting the go ahead, Vrek marks the message as received, sees if the commander and /or captain have a comment, then flies in and docks smooth as a Tibarian silk worm going through Glim fruit.

Ada'em Ojo wrote:

Ojo peruses Vrek Graal-Ker's personnel file while he waits for the Captain to make their way to the bridge.

If Reckless approves, otherwise ignore:

Name: Vrek Graal-Ker
Born 2346 (? not sure as Tellarites may age differently) Origin: Tellarite
Place of Birth: Tellar Prime, Bollsawn City
Assignment: USS Atocha NCC-66187
Last Assignment: The very starbase they just left. Further more, he's only graduated from the academy a year before that.
Academy Record: Top Marks in Flight Control, noted expertise in evasive action. Handled Stress tests well. Above average in sciences with almost intuitive grasp of Gravimetrics.High marks in Astronavigation and Sub space physics. Approached for Nova Squadron membership but declined due to then illness in family. Was part of the Nova Squadron rebuilding efforts in 2369 for his final year before graduating.

Career Notations: Star Date 2370, Saved Diplomatic delegation through evasive maneuvers and externalizing shuttle's artificial gravity (Tractor beam had been disabled) to drag planetary ring particles to hinder and cripple pursuit. Promoted from Ensign, given commendation of Valor, and use of gravity both natural and artificial documented for further study (Maneuver may not work on most particles)

M Trill

”Aye Sir, I’m anticipating meeting the captain,” Imolko says. ”As you requested,” he touches the controls and brings forth an abstracted 3D diagram of the sensory redundancy of the tactical system.

”This nodule,” a cube glows among a labyrinth of lines and Platonic solids, ”is responsible for coordinating and synthesizing the multiple sensory readings that are passed to tactical. This nodule,” a pyramid begins to glow connected by a line to the cube. ”is augmenting the processing speed of the sensor redundancy.”

Sunshine's eyes flash at Ojo, an impatience shooting past her veneer of calm. "It is working now." Imolko then pulls up the diagram and begins talking Ojo through it, and she swallows hard, forcing herself to stand back.

Sir." She adds belatedly.

I think we're in a holding pattern until the captain appears on the bridge.

The boatswain's whistle sounded precisely as the airlock seal was broken on the Platte ... and Kalos smiled at the Deck Chief.

"At ease mister. Captain Kalos Komin taking command of the USS Atocha at Zero One Hundred hours."
"Chief, note the transfer of command in the Ship's Log."

Kalos turns, "Commander, take the conn, I will be be with you shortly. Lieutenant, yes, I knew. Report to the bridge with Commander Woghrun. He will instruct one of our yeomen to log your arrival, tranfer flight command to you, bring your new rank insignia, and log your promotion."
The Captain smiled a touch more broadly.
"No, a junior grade Lt. isn't going to be the Head of my Flight Crew ... congratulations!"

The Captain walked away, heading for the turbolift as quickly as he could. He had a stop to make, and he could already feel the anxiety and anticipation up on the bridge. But he needed to quickly make one other command visit.

--- SICK BAY ---

The doors slid open ... and he realized he would never be called doctor on this ship.
"Doctors, at ease, and don't try parade rest either. I know you are busy. This visit is a touch outside of protocol, but so is leaving spacedock with a ship's captain as acting Chief of Medical. We won't keep it that way for long. I will assign a command rotation shortly after we are underway. My thanks to each of you for your cooperation, I am proud to serve with you."
"Duty notes, Atocha Medical Log: Dr. Kalos Komin reporting as Chief Medical Officer, 01:05. Komin out.
"I know you know where to find me ...

--- THE BRIDGE ---
Somehow, in the minutes which pass between decks, Kalos arrived looking like his tailors came with him. Every crease, every tuck, every hair on his head "just so" ... and the Captain arrives on deck.

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Male Tellarite
Kalos Komin wrote:

The boatswain's whistle sounded precisely as the airlock seal was broken on the Platte ... and Kalos smiled at the Deck Chief.

"At ease mister. Captain Kalos Komin taking command of the USS Atocha at Zero One Hundred hours."
"Chief, note the transfer of command in the Ship's Log."

Kalos turns, "Commander, take the conn, I will be be with you shortly. Lieutenant, yes, I knew. Report to the bridge with Commander Woghrun. He will instruct one of our yeomen to log your arrival, tranfer flight command to you, bring your new rank insignia, and log your promotion."
The Captain smiled a touch more broadly.
"No, a junior grade Lt. isn't going to be the Head of my Flight Crew ... congratulations!"

The Captain walked away, heading for the turbolift as quickly as he could. He had a stop to make, and he could already feel the anxiety and anticipation up on the bridge. But he needed to quickly make one other command visit.

Vrek like all tellarites is ready to debate if allowed , "Respectfully Captain, there are perfectly good reasons to..." Then something hits him. "Aye, Captiain." He says a bit confused Did I.. just get promoted?

He'll check his files when he can to verify.

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Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Vrek wrote:

Vrek like all tellarites is ready to debate if allowed , "Respectfully Captain, there are perfectly good reasons to..." Then something hits him. "Aye, Captiain." He says a bit confused Did I.. just get promoted?

He'll check his files when he can to verify.

Klingon promotions are so much more... direct, concludes Commander Worghrun.

"Come," is all the klingon says as he heads for the turbolift, clearly expecting the tellarite to follow.

"Bridge," he instructs the ship's controls, as the doors to the turbolift close behind the two. As the droning hum of the rising turbolift begins, Commander Worghrun draws upon his Starfleet training and experience to find the right words for the present situation. Finally, he breaks his silence.

"Congratulations, Commander Vrek," he says bluntly. "Though I was not consulted on the decision, I must agree that your shuttle capabilities have proven to be most..." Worghrun pauses for a moment as if trying to find the right word, before settling upon, "adequate."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tellarite
Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Come," is all the klingon says as he heads for the turbolift, clearly expecting the tellarite to follow.

"Aye, Commander," The tellarite does indeed follow and steps to it in fact.

I'm promoted. I'm going to the Bridge. I'm going to be on the Bridge regularly. This, Vrek, is the dream! Don't grin too much. Klingons hate grinning on duty unless you're blowing someone up. Well, most klingons. Wait, I don't know THAT many Klingons, got to watch that. Anyway, Commander Worghun doesn't look like a smiler.


"Congratulations, Commander Vrek," he says bluntly. "Though I was not consulted on the decision, I must agree that your shuttle capabilities have proven to be most..." Worghrun pauses for a moment as if trying to find the right word, before settling upon, "adequate."

"I believe the Captain was more impressed by my commendation and prior if brief record, Commander. Otherwise such a promotion wouldn't make much sense," It's the tellarite way to disagree just a bit, sometimes even when it's not in their best interest. He realizes what he's doing and course corrects, "But thank you, it's an honor to serve Star Fleet. I've wanted to fly such a ship as this since I was very young..." Nevermind that he's only a year or so out of the academy. Another realization If he wants your life story he'll look it up in the files, Vrek. He can't help but look about the bridge with pleasure before finishing up, "Pardon, Commander. Suffice to say I'm honored and delighted to serve here."

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Vrek wrote:
"Pardon, Commander. Suffice to say I'm honored and delighted to serve here."

"You need not be concerned, Commander," replies the executive officer as the turbolift doors open, "For I did not think otherwise."

The klingon turns and steps on the bridge and heads directly for the captain's chair. "You are relieved, Commander Ojo," he says matter-of-factly to the andorian. "I am now assuming command of the bridge."

"Commander Vrek is assuming flight command," he continues, remaining on his feet.

"Yeoman Brevik," he motions to the vulcan carrying a datapad. "You have duties to fulfill." The klingon then relays the captain's orders and confirms the vulcan knows of the necessary logging procedures and promotional protocols.

Human Lieutenant Commander

JT focused on the readouts before him, almost missing the arrival of Commander Worghun. He still had to get used to serving with a Klingon, but even though there had been endless conflicts with them, he had nothing personally against their kind. The were a different culture, a warrior one at that, which acted much as humanity themselves had when confronted with opposition to their way of life.

"All sensors and science systems operational at full efficiency, Commander."

Male Tellarite
Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Commander Vrek is assuming flight command," he continues, remaining on his feet.

"Thank you, Yeoman, I'll take my station" Wild Snarg on Stimuliants would have to drag me away. This is what he hoped for all his life. His fingers glide over the control console he'll be working from Every ship has a personality. Let's find out who you are.

Ensign Sunshine stands at attention as the Commander and a Tellarite she does not recognize enters the bridge. As her eyes set upon Commander Woghrun for a moment before looking away, a cool, unpleasant feeling trickles down her spine that she does not like. She hasn't been with many of her own kind since her parents died. And yet she is Klingon enough to know that the anxiety that passes through her is most unwelcome.

ETA: BTW occurred to me should do a physical description since not all might read my character sheet:

Sunshine (Tahlenna, Daughter of Vohk) stands at 6 feet tall with an angular frame and taut musculature. Her skin is a light tan; her dark hair is pulled into a topknot/bun. Notable burn scars etch into the right side of her face and go down her neck beneath her uniform. Her right arm is a metallic-looking prosthetic. She keeps her engineering tools in a black belt that blends in seamlessly with her uniform.

"Nemaiyo Brevik-kam, eh tonk'peh! Your honour in the filing of a Telepathic Accord with me is a gift only my heart will repay."
"Well met Daughter of T'Ariis."

There seemed to be a minute, uncharacteristic curvature to the Vulcan's lips, as she stood very much at attention: "Captain on the bridge!"

"Kalos Komin, Son of the Fourth House, Herald of the Light of Rixx, Expectant of the Crown of Lords ... reporting as Captain of the Atocha."
"Our ship's log will be the first Starfleet has heard of about half of that, but custom is at least one of the cements of civilization. Like courtesy ... and protocol, right Commander?"

The Captain smiled at his XO as he continued.

"Telepathic courtesy is a superlative concern for Starfleet and for the Federation, and as such Betazed & Vulcan designed a process whereby officers and crew can file a Telepathic Accord allowing non-vocal speech. Please speak to me or Yeoman Brevik if you would like to understand this better."

"Medical courtesy is another thing, and while I am in charge of its observance at the moment, I might struggle from time to time, especially so far from Sick Bay. Especially right now in fact: it's a TK421 isn't it Ensign!?

The Captain had walked over to Ensign Tahlenna with a look of absolute wonderment.

The Vulcans had a proverb, "ONLY Nixon could go to China."
The entire Federation had an axiom, "Blunt as a Betazoid."
Both, largely, were accurate.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Commoner 2
Kalos Komin wrote:

--- SICK BAY ---

The doors slid open ... and he realized he would never be called doctor on this ship.
"Doctors, at ease, and don't try parade rest either. I know you are busy. This visit is a touch outside of protocol, but so is leaving spacedock with a ship's captain as acting Chief of Medical. We won't keep it that way for long. I will assign a command rotation shortly after we are underway. My thanks to each of you for your cooperation, I am proud to serve with you."
"Duty notes, Atocha Medical Log: Dr. Kalos Komin reporting as Chief Medical Officer, 01:05. Komin out.
"I know you know where to find me ...

The men and women of the sickbay seem truly proud of their own record as well as the promotion of one of their own to the captaincy. As Cpt Komin signs off and prepares to leave, he is greeted by a round of smiles and applause.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Vrek wrote:
Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Commander Vrek is assuming flight command," he continues, remaining on his feet.

"Thank you, Yeoman, I'll take my station" Wild Snarg on Stimuliants would have to drag me away. This is what he hoped for all his life. His fingers glide over the control console he'll be working from Every ship has a personality. Let's find out who you are.

The console is not unlike many others in the fleet, and certainly not that much different than the simulators at the academy.

He does notice that the ensign he has replaced at the station had it set up to a left-handed configuration, easily reverted with a few toggled buttons. He also notices when he sits that the chair seems to adjust to a better lumbar support, contouring to his needs with inflating and deflating pouches in the cushions.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2
Commander Worghrun wrote:

"Yeoman Brevik," he motions to the vulcan carrying a datapad. "You have duties to fulfill." The klingon then relays the captain's orders and confirms the vulcan knows of the necessary logging procedures and promotional protocols.

The Yeoman snaps to attention and makes the notations in the logs. "Aye, Sir."

Male Tellarite
Reckless wrote:

The console is not unlike many others in the fleet, and certainly not that much different than the simulators at the academy.

He does notice that the ensign he has replaced at the station had it set up to a left-handed configuration, easily reverted with a few toggled buttons. He also notices when he sits that the chair seems to adjust to a better lumbar support, contouring to his needs with inflating and deflating pouches in the cushions.

He makes a note to make sure the configuration can be auto returned for the Ensign's use should that come up soon, as well as set up. A brief diagnostic is run on the station. He's sure it works well but there are nuances , slight differences from the academy simulation 'standard' and he wants to know the ship better. This is one way.

As he works, he says to the Ensign, "What's your name, Ensign? I'm Lt. Commander Vrek Graal-Ker." The Tellarite can't quite keep the pleasure in his tone out as he says the new rank, but he doesn't puff up or rub it in anyone's face, "And I get the feeling we'll be meeting a lot at shift change."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sunshine looks up. She holds herself firmly to attention, but her eyes light at the recognition. Fascinated by the makings of her own prosthesis, she had studied as much information as she could about cybernetics as applied to extremity trauma while she was in physical therapy, and actually felt delighted to share. "A TX-1138 sir, but with custom joint servos installed from a TK model. You recognized the actuator casings, no doubt."

Please pardon any ridiculous technobabble I make up that will make no sense to a person who actually understands how machines are put together.

Commander Worghrun wrote:
The klingon turns and steps on the bridge and heads directly for the captain's chair.

"Officer on the bridge," Ojo announces when he sees Commander Worghun step out of the turbolift.

"You are relieved, Commander Ojo," he says matter-of-factly to the andorian. "I am now assuming command of the bridge."

"Aye, sir," Ojo replies, already at his station at tactical from where he was reviewing its operations with Lt. Imolko.

"All systems operational and pre-flight checks completed. There was a slight issue with tactical's software, but it has been resolved as of a few minutes ago."

Surely a Klingon will express some concern that this issue wasn't addressed prior to the last minute...

Com. Worghrun Character Sheet
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
"All systems operational and pre-flight checks completed. There was a slight issue with tactical's software, but it has been resolved as of a few minutes ago."

"What is it that you mean by 'slight issue', Commander?" Worghrun inquires. The stern-faced Klingon begins heading to the security station with clear interest.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 2

Flashback: Captain Komin and Admiral Herbert, Narendra Station's Commander's Office:

The admiral's office is sparcely decorated an functional. Aside from a series of shelves near the door displaying a series of pots, urns, and other such containers from around the galaxy, and a display of models of the ships she commanded in her thirty year career as a Star Fleet captain, there is simply a console/desk and chairs for herself and guests.

The trim, short cropped grey-haired admiral's sharp grey eyes assess Captain Komin as he approaches, and she offers a friendly sweep of her arm towards one of the chairs. "Sit, Kalos."

Once the captain is seated, she does likewise. "Welcome, Captain.You have been assigned the Atocha as part of the 20th Fleet under my command. I brought you here to tell you that you will not be added to the regular fleet rotation. I have a greater purpose for the Atocha and her crew for the Shackleton Expanse.

"We’ve sat on the edge of that region of space for too long without formally sending in a ship to properly explore, and Starfleet’s decided that now is as good a time as any. I suspect our erstwhile resident civilian chief of sciences, Doctor Taliaferro, fired up some political kindling under the Federation Science Council to get Starfleet moving into the Expanse. Whatever she said to whoever she said it to, it worked, and now I have orders to send someone in.

"That being said, you won’t be going alone. I pulled the strings I needed to pull to ensure I got not one, but three vessels assigned to this mission. And, within a few months, our Klingon allies will be sending at least one warship. I expect they’ll make the appropriate
noises about supporting our exploration efforts, but, let’s be honest, they’ll be looking to further their own goals as well. But our alliance with the Empire is more important than ever with the rising tensions with the denizens of the Gamma Quadrant. You've been assigned to exemplary Klingon officers. Their presence, and their records, are representative of the kind of benefits we may reap with cooperation with the Klingons.

"Make no mistake, however. This isn’t going to be just a deep-space exploration mission. Traffic in and out of the Expanse and the station has ramped up in recent months. We have more independent vessels
and merchant freighters coming and going than ever before, which has kept security on their toes. Further, if Taliaferro’s latest research is accurate, something is happening within the Expanse that warrants a closer look. I want you and the rest of the exploration flotilla to
be my eyes and ears within the Expanse.

"You, of course, have my support, and the support of the 20th Fleet, should you need to call on either." She finishes her speech with a smile and a nod, allowing for any questions or statements at this time.

Flashback: Commander Wogrun and General Kargan, Bloodwine Hall:

The Bloodwine Hall is as one might expect, fitted with tapestries and bulkhead fixtures worthy of the Great Hall of Qo'noS itself.

The General waves you over to his table. As you approach, he stands, gruffly saying "Commander, as the co-administrator of Starbase 364, I am expected to welcome you to the service of this station and region of space.

"Welcome." he says, contempt of protocol barely hidden behind steely brown eyes.

He sits, waving offhandedly for you to do the same. "There, that task is complete. Now I will be direct with you.

"I do not know you or your ship. I do not know what battles you have fought or what glory, if any, you have gained for yourself or your crew. But, I am not so far removed from the command chair of the Pagh that I have forgotten the thrill of a new assignment and the challenge of being among the first into the unknown reaches of space. I have sat where you now sit and believe I know what you are thinking, for your heart is that of a Klingon.

"The Expanse is not for the timid. This assignment is not for the weak. Your Federation scientists believe there are disturbances and phenomena within the Expanse that require closer study. Fine. Let Starfleet send their ships to poke and prod at the cosmos.

"I have no interest in such things unless they prove to be a threat to this station, the Empire, or to our alliance. In that order. Do not forget these words." he pounds the table with his forefinger for emphasis.

"I have issued a request to Chancellor Gowron to send me a proper warship and captain to support the exploration of the Expanse. While your little vessels manage the scientific portion of the mission, we will defend you and fight whatever Ha’DIbaH dare to interfere. Rest assured we will defend you like an alpha targ defends its newborn, mewling brood.

"Enough of introductions." he waves to a server and indicates for him to pour to flagons. "A toast! To your success! To victory!" he raises the metal cup.

M Trill

Lt. Imolko stands at attention when the captain and other officers arrive on the bridge. He exhales slowly, doing his best to prevent his mouth from smiling. In many ways the activity on the ship before leaving on a mission was his favorite time. There were the preparations for the ship in addition to the complex social dynamics trying to find equilibrium and establish hierarchies. People to meet and memorize names.

When Commander Worghrun queries Commander Ojo, Lt. Imolko prepares himself to answer, the display still rendering the labyrinth of lines and solids.

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