Kalos Komin wrote:
Thank you all so much, good luck. Best,
"Yeoman, if you would be so kind as to enlighten the Lieutenant: 'The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.' Also, the Orion commanding officer & I should be there shortly. "Commander, would you be so kind as to walk with me to our cargo bay? The balance of your crew, all of whom scanned as uninjured, were transported there until we had stabilized everyone. One of your crewmembers seems ... out of sorts." Brevik turns to Vrek, "The Commander is quite wise in this: the 48th Rule of Aquisition states 'The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.' by which the Commander also infers that this Orion probably wouldn't be quite so beligerant if there weren't something to be gained from it, something that it seems his cohorts are not aware of given their fear of the Commander's forthcoming attack. Fascinating."
Reckless wrote: "Well," she swallows "You know how when you're transported normally, there's a kind of containment field which briefly sparkles around you as you are beamed? With their transporters, you started glowing from within and then you disappeared in a bright sparkling flash spread out in about a three meter radius, and sparkling particles fell to the floor before dissipating. It honestly had a very weapon-like feel to it." "Weaponized transporter scans!? That is horrific. With an energized particulate byproduct of the disintegration. Wow. It's unlikely this would even have been discussed at Khitomer ..."
Reckless wrote:
"No thanks are needed Commander, this entire crew scrambled to preserve Orion life signs when we saw you were under attack." Kalos smiles, "Kalos Komin, Son of the Fourth House, Herald of the Light of Rixx, Expectant of the Crown of Lords ... very much at your service. I am also acting Chief Medical Officer and Captain of the USS Atocha." The Captain bowed slightly to the Orion officer. "With your agreement, I would like to have both groups of your crew join each other. Those who were not injured were transported directly to one of our cargo bays, but we should bring everyone together as soon as the medical staff clears your injured."
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
She could, yes. If I dig I could find some examples. There were a few others; a smarmy negotiator who was like 1/4 Betazoid, a telepathic savant who Deanna was engaged to at one point. This is a pretty good discussion: https://neoencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Betazoid
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
I think it would be more active than passive, but that was part of what I was thinking about. Lwaxanna would make casual remarks about people's thoughts, but also said they were "practically shouting" so at least it seemed like nothing invasive had happened. In our current situation, I am trying to think if it is appropriate for Kalos to 'read' our guests; I know that Klingon Intelligence would say "go for it" but I am not sure that Starfleet would be okay with it. I may need to dig around a little more on Betazoid culture.
Soooooooo how about a fun topic here in Discussion? A little Star Trek perspective maybe? How familiar is everyone with Lwaxanna Troi? The reason that I ask is that she was one of the most indescriminately telepathic characters ever, and I am trying to decide if Kalos should be somewhat more like that, or if he maybe developed a field discipline not to be reading surface thoughts of everyone around him. Let me know what we think :)
Kalos arrives at Sickbay and looks for Ojo; "You're with me Lt."
Reckless wrote:
Captain Komin smiles, broadly, and turns directly to the Orion, but speaks to Worgruhn & Brevik, "Now that I have maneuvered Orion Cargo Unit #1 into admitting that the Orion crew members were, in fact rescued, AND sharing with us that he is not their captain, I really do need to go to sickbay. If you would, see if the others might want to share anything with you. With any luck, the only one that we will need to strand in deep space with a distress beacon aimed at Quo'nos is Unit #1." "Yeoman, maybe the senior staff should have a poker night ... Kalos then exits the cargo hold and makes for SickBay.
Commander Worghrun wrote:
"Interesting view of piracy ... but racism? Did someone mention a race? I think I mentioned that you were facing pretty poor engagement odds against 2 telepaths and a Klingon, but that wouldn't really be racism would it?" Kalos pauses ... "Truth be told, you could be right. My view of the superiority of my Klingon & Vulcan crewmembers might very well be classified as racism, not really classically, more like racial bias or supremacy, but I see that. Good point." Kalos turns and heads towards the cargo bay door, "Commander Vrek, please report to Shuttle Bay 1. Prepare a shuttle for transfer of our 'cargo' - please disable warp drive & communication & computer access. We will beam an encoded distress signal to the shuttle after launch. Lt Ojo, report to Sick Bay to take charge of security there, I will join you shortly. Dr. Komin out. " Komin turns back to everyone in the cargo bay "Thankfully, I have had some time to think: I'm going to go ahead and doubledown on the 'racism' I guess someone displayed to our 'cargo' --- Commander, Yeoman, you are more than equipped to handle this. I will go to Sick Bay where we may, in fact, have guests. If we do, I will happily seperate our guests from our cargo. Keep me apprised."
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
She is the Captain's Aide, named by Wogruhn actually in our arrival scenes; she has committed to a Telepathic Compact with Kalos which was something I threw out there in the beginning in case any of the other officers would be interested in being communicated with telepathically. No takers ... but the ability to have untraceable communication is a benefit that would be good for everyone. Neither the Federation or the Empire can be taping these communications. The Admiral surely knows this and knows it can be leveraged. That said, I can do a better job of engaging Ojo and Vrek. That is totally on me, my apologies. LOOK AT: Mar 13, 2023, 07:23 am
"You sir, can stand down. You can introduce yourself, and you can wait until a time I designate to ask questions if I choose to allow it. Two telepaths and a Klingon is a lot more than you are prepared for at the moment, save the bravado and prepare the thank you that you owe my crew." Kalos smiles ... "I am within my rights to treat you in absolutely any way I choose given that this mission has oversight from both the Federation & the Empire. You will address me as Captain, you will address my First Officer as Commander, and you will address my aide as Yeoman." "Tell me why you were being attacked."
Commander Worghrun wrote:
"Commander, you can set up a mine field outside of Sick Bay if it seems prudent, we're rescuing the Orions. Yeoman, report to Sick Bay, stat." Kalos looks at Brevik, "I need to know the condition of the casualties immediately and also whether I need to go down there to increase their ability to cope with the wounded. Maintain contact with me until the situation is contained please. Tell the ranking security officer they are ordered to remain with you until I order otherwise."
"In that case ... Sick Bay, stand by for casualties; Security, full detail will report to Sick Bay immediately with Phaser Rifles deployed. Sunshine, prepare to beam all remaining Orion life signs directly to Sick Bay, use a disrupting carrier wave to ensure that our transporter scan displaces any other transporter activity within their ship. Helm, get us into transport range at a maximum distance from the g-storm!"
Commander Worghrun wrote:
Commander, we will see you when you're ready. So very sorry for you and your wife and your family.
Lt Commander JT Thorinson wrote:
"Hailing frequencies, weapons hot, RED ALERT!" "Orion ship, this is Captain Kalos Komin of the USS Atocha; immediately clarify declination of life signs aboard your vessel: are you under attack in some way?"
"Sunshine" wrote: Sunshine had played a few rounds of pool both on her home starbase as well as at the academy. "Sir, do you want to do this before or after we enter the storm? Or are you trying to knock the ship into a 'corner pocket'? That is to say, out of the geomagnetic field?" "To be very direct Ensign, I want to be able to attack the Orion ship without any kind of energy signature ... and YOUR idea is a level up from that. If we can fling hard debris at the Orions, and then use a vectored impact on the trapped ship to eject it into the "corner pocket", we will have achieved the near impossible."
"Sunshine" wrote: I am going away for a couple days. I will post after that. Please bot as needed. Sunshine isn't really crucial to the ongoing situation at the moment anyway. If she needs an Engineering check to support the power systems, note she has the "A Little More Power" talent and focuses in Power Systems and Warp Engines. She is absolutely crucial - she's about to create the Komin Maneuver with the Captain. He wants her to create an algorithm which allows the tractor beam to grab and throw giant pieces of debris like a sling shot. In principle, enemy damage will appear to be physical AND the enemy won't have a single traceable energy signature on them. So ... we will look forward to your return!
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
"A great question: we should tell them that Starfleet expects us to make and leverage allies of all types for this mission to succeed. We should tell them that I am not Klingon ... we should tell them that you ARE Klingon ... and we should tell them that every member of this crew will do their utmost to ensure our success." "If I didn't trust you my friend, you would not be here, and I certainly would not use this strategy. But I do trust you. A great deal more than I trust Section 31 or Klingon Intelligence, that is for sure. Like I said a moment ago, our portrayal of that trust needs to send a message: that you & I work well together and that we are prepared to use every resource at our disposal. Please remember, Klingons are Klingons, and I am not Klingon; I am NOT a reknowned Federation warrior either, I am a doctor from a telepathic culture that KI can't help but hold suspect." "So until something extraordinary happens, like a human being named Arbitor of Succession, I cannot simply place calls to Klingon Intelligence and expect any kind of real cooperation: you can."
Commander Worghrun wrote:
"You are correct Commander, and I appreciate the forward thinking in these matters. Admiral Herbert echoed my concern about the Orions. She also indicated that if we wanted the most complete details of their activities to date, we should contact Colonel Ch’rill of Klingon Intelligence; he has been the lead officer on joint operations exploring the Orion activity in the Expanse." Komin looks his XO in the eye, "I would like you to make contact with me. I would like you to conduct the call in Klingon; the computer will NOT translate the call, or transcribe it. No UT tech will be used here either. Our portrayal of trust and respect for each other, and the Empire, is as important to convey to Klingon Intelligence as our need for information regrding the Orions. I want to make sure that High Chancellor Gauron hears that this is a successful partnership. Please work with Ensign Tahlenna to ensure that the sub-carrier which KI will piggyback onto their subspace transmission is allowed to arrive unchallenged in my office, but is restricted from travelling beyond it. Let me know when we are ready."
Reckless wrote:
"Direct, practical, succinct; Admiral, I look forward to our work. Commander Woghrun & I will contact Klingon Intelligence at once. Komin out." "Yeoman, would you ask Commander Woghrun to join me in my Ready Room?"
Reckless wrote:
"Greetings Admiral Herbert, a pleasure; in our briefing we discussed heightened independant activity in the region, we did not however, specifically mention Orions. I am responding to a distress signal from an Orion vessal and wanted to request whatever additional information Starfleet Intelligence might have, including whatever they may have withheld as they do. I want to know what we might be stepping in ..."
Ada'em Ojo wrote:
"No argument Mister Ojo, do your utmost in this. Velocity is at your command: Commander Vrek, if Lieutenant Ojo's scans produce concern regarding our rate of engagement you will immediately reduce speed at his discretion and ask Commander Worghrun to review the data. The safety of our crew is a significantly higher priority than an Orion distress call." Komin turns to his XO, "I need to call Narendra on this, and I would like to ask you a favor; if there were anyone you could reach on Qo'noS, or even personally, we need all the intel we can get. Anyone could be ahead of us out here, but the Orions weren't what I was expecting. Also: could you point Brevik in the right direction to review crew records for Orion affinity? Could be that we don't have anyone familiar, but it could be that we do. I want to know as soon as possible." Kalos turns and heads into his Ready Room, "and reel in Engineering too. Ask Sunshine for an evaluation of Medical's capacity to handle complex alien casualties."
"Yeoman - please gather all available intelligence on Orion operations in the area. Prepare to brief me when I arrive on the bridge. We will create an appropriate sub-briefing for Medical; you will deliver it and help ready Sickbay for Orion casualties." "Komin to bridge: enhance forward sensor array and begin long-range scans for lifesigns; I want confirmation of Orion lifesign scans well in advance of our arrival. We also need our debris scans to be sensitive enough to detect trace chemical compounds; the Orions sell a great deal more than slaves. Komin out"
"Sunshine" wrote: Sunshine straightens, not expecting such a proposition at all, but smiles as she considers it. "That is... a most intriguing idea! In rehabilitation, I began deepening my appreciation for the complex design that goes into medical technology, something prior I had not much of an opportunity to explore." She pauses. She is thinking aloud, to some extent. "But while I have begun to study the area, it is vast, and I have never explored holographics in any setting. But... I expect the larger challenge is less the holographic design, as we already have the emitters in ample supply on the Atocha... and more about protocol programming. Yes," She nods enthusiastically at the captain. "I would very much like to work on this. Perhaps we should also ask Lt. Imolko if he would recommend any other personnel to assist, perhaps among the operations crew who include in their responsibilities holodeck maintenance." "Excellent thinking Ensign, I hadn't thought of that actually. Engage other specialists as needed, and let me know if there are resources you need, including changes to duty rosters. I will brief the medical staff, but they know to check with me if there is a need as well. I think this will be an amazing project."
"Sunshine" wrote:
The Captain smiles, "I think it's safe to say your reputation as a good Klingon will remain intact. That was not what I wanted to discuss, but certainly it is glad to hear; I want to push the boundary of peak efficiency so that we produce results out here faster than Starfleet is expecting. I know you will keep the team focused, thank you." "What I wanted to discuss is actually a secondary project, one which I envisioned quite some time ago. When I worked with Dr. Zimmerman on creating and implementing the EMH protocol throughout the fleet, I began to wonder what it would be like if it were online more routinely; a DMH if you will, a Dedicated Medical Hologram." "Several things would be accomplished by our success, the most important of which is that we could increase the research capacity and focus of the current medical staff if they were not constantly interrupted by minor medical tasks. The process though, largely dependant on your feedback, should also help us identify the best candidate for Chief Medical Officer. What do you think?"
"Sunshine" wrote: The following day, upon receiving a message, the young Klingon engineer reports to the Ready Room. "Ensign Sunshine here to see the captain," she says to the yeoman on duty. It was a good morning. He needed help, and he knew the engineer could do this. Not only did they need to ensure they moved space exploration ahead, they needed to move Starfleet Science ahead as well. "Yeoman Brevik please send the Ensign in as soon as she arrives." It would probably take the better part of the century for him to truly mute his passive psychic senses, but it wasn't something he could really focus on. He'd ask Troi for her notes one of these days ... "Good morning Ensign, thank you for joining me."