Eberron Official Campaign

Game Master EltonJ

This campaign is one where we go through the published adventures for 3.5e.

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Sean went into the bank. And in ten minutes later, he comes out with a certificate. "That hardly took any time at all," said Sean. "I just had a notary notarized it so I'm the only one that can use it."

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"Let's get you back to the skydock then."

"It seems like a very very long time since we found you adrift my young friend, I am glad we got you to this moment. Safe skies to you. Send word to me of your safe arrival? House Sivis will find me in Sharn, and I will hope to see you soon."

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"With our adventures in this city so far I won't count young Sean here safe until he is on that ship."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Jacen d'Orien wrote:
"It seems like a very very long time since we found you adrift my young friend, I am glad we got you to this moment. Safe skies to you. Send word to me of your safe arrival? House Sivis will find me in Sharn, and I will hope to see you soon."

"I'll send word of my arrival in Stormreach, sure," said Sean.

Lia eberron wrote:
"With our adventures in this city so far I won't count young Sean here safe until he is on that ship."

"Thank you."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"but it's not needed, I bought a belt of Forceshield from the Kundaraks," explains Sean. "The belt prevents any pickpocketing. The worst they can do to me is capture me."

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"Will your belt stop a knife or mace? Will it pay your ransom if captured?" We will take you back to the skyport."

and I'm completely willing to handwave dropping Sean off and getting on with our business.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Karsh'e wrote:

"Will your belt stop a knife or mace? Will it pay your ransom if captured?" We will take you back to the skyport."

and I'm completely willing to handwave dropping Sean off and getting on with our business.

So am I.

You escort him back to the Lyrandar port. He pays his fair, and gets on the skyship. He waves to you as he gets on. That just leaves you getting on with your business.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"Well. glad to see he's off and hopefully safe. Now, where were we going?"

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"North to the Mournlands. What do we need for the trip?"

Karsh'e wrote:
"North to the Mournlands. What do we need for the trip?"

"We probably need to sit down, have food, have drink that won't muddle our thinking, and make a plan for the last leg of this journey. We also probably need to discuss a "designated shopper" --- this marketplace is NOT Sharn."

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

Lia laughs at that last point.
"True. Good thinking. We purchased arcane healing. other than food, what will we need from here?"

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"I have always walked, and have walked far. But someone had mentioned mounts."

Lia eberron wrote:

Lia laughs at that last point.

"True. Good thinking. We purchased arcane healing. other than food, what will we need from here?"
Karsh'e wrote:
"I have always walked, and have walked far. But someone had mentioned mounts."

"First and foremost food, of course, always. We might consider water as well, and which of us may be able to conjure it. I said "may" be able not as a question of capability here, where all is well and all is normal and magic is magic. This is very much NOT that."

The Scion of Orien purses his lips slightly

"No, we must be prepared to be quite physical on this journey, as magic doesn't keep to its natural laws in the Mournland; magic itself was attacked when Cyre was struck down, and we need to think that way. I will dust off my fencing skills ..."

Jacen's brow furrows slightly also

"The question of mounts is tough, as I would not choose to force the ravages and mutations of that land on any creature. Would that we could find some old clockwork mounts at a blasted foundary. We can decide that together, knowing that the mounts may need to be put down when they become a liability."

"Let's look for an inn, maybe even one that would benefit from helping us provision. There is a great deal to think about."

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

Esher nods with Jacen "I agree. We might be able to get mounts to bring us near the area, but I suspect that only a master horseman could keep an animal from panicking in such an environment. Even if we could, I'd argue we shouldn't expose an animal to that."

"But perhaps a wagon or small cart that one of us could pull might help with supplies. I've seen several street vendors with them. Eventually we might find terrain that would force us to leave it behind, but we would be at a full load."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

There are a couple of inns you can choose from. Most are small, mom and pop bed and breakfast inns. However, there is a tavern ran by House Gallanda that isn't far away.

"Let's head to the Tavern we saw on our way to Lyandor? We can probably get the best food and the best leads on supplies from Gallanda."

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"Lead on."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Going to the tavern, you see many goblins and hobgoblins outside. They are talking about many things, discussing many things -- like politics.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"Well, shall we?"

"Let's go in ..."

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

As they enter, Escher will listen to the talk of politics.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Escher. wrote:
As they enter, Escher will listen to the talk of politics.


The politics have to do with the rise of the kingdom of Dak'kaan. While they had lost manpower during the Mourning, this was a slight set back. The humanoids are talking about breeding more warriors. This means that the institution of Marriage is taken a back seat to creating more goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear warriors in service of Dak'kaan. Darguun is the first step to goblinoid supremacy.

Jacen d'Orien wrote:
"Let's go in ..."

Entering the inn, you find a lavish courtyard maintained by House Ghallanda. The coat of arms of House Ghallanda is the first you see upon entering. "Ah, new visitors," said a halfling waiter as you enter. He's a hairfeet halfling (which means that he resembles a hobbit from Lord of the Rings), and he carries a least dragonmark of Hospitality. The inn was built for something the size of a bugbear.

"We usually cater to goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears," he says. "I can take you to a table where you can be waited on by the staff here. What else are you looking for?"

m LN human Gunslinger 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +3 CMD 16 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Perc +7 | Grit 2/2 | Ammo 5/5

Beren lights a cigarette right at the entrance and frowns around the tavern. Lots of good wine. It's been a hard day that feels like a few months. We were hanging out with some young klutz with a dragon mark, and the locals were constantly trying to pick on us or rob us, however unsuccessfully... Anyway, I need wine.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Beren Lonn wrote:
Beren lights a cigarette right at the entrance and frowns around the tavern. Lots of good wine. It's been a hard day that feels like a few months. We were hanging out with some young klutz with a dragon mark, and the locals were constantly trying to pick on us or rob us, however unsuccessfully... Anyway, I need wine.

"I can give you the wine list." said the halfling waiter.

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

Wine is not Karsh'e's usual tipple, but Beren's comment puts the half-orc in a nostalgic mood for something from home. "Do you have any rice wine?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Karsh'e wrote:
Wine is not Karsh'e's usual tipple, but Beren's comment puts the half-orc in a nostalgic mood for something from home. "Do you have any rice wine?"

"What kind? Regular rice wine or mirin?" asks the waiter.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

Lia will peruse the wine list with Beren. It has beena day.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"If you all just follow me," says the halfling waiter. "I'll set you down at a table where you can look at the wine list and our menu."

He leads you inside the tavern where you can sit down near the door. On stage there is no one yet. But you are led to a table that is far away from the goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. The table is big enough for all of you to sit.

Lia eberron wrote:
Lia will peruse the wine list with Beren. It has beena day.

If anyone deserves wine, it's us

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Another, different Halfling waiter comes to your table. He's bearing the wine list a long with menus. "I'm Sam, and I'll be your waiter this evening," he says. "We only have goblinoid food here, I hope it agrees with your stomach."

The wine list includes:
* Fireburst wine
* Dark Orla-un wine
* Windshire rainbow wine
* Iltrayan
* Elderberry wine
* Chokecherry wine
* Thranish spirits
* Eberron rum

Menus include:
* goblin chili
* Quesadilla
* Tacos -- chicken, goat, or beef
* Burritos
* The special (made with rat meat)
* Nachos -- mild, medium, or spicy
* Fajitas
* Tamales -- chicken, pork, beef, or rat
* Tinga -- with rat, pork, or chicken.

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