Shane Driscoll |
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He relates that, perhaps a bit pedantically, "The leathers are enchanted, minor if solid abjuritive resonance, meant to strengthen the layers and add cohesion. Ah, this potion I know well, rendering one invisible for a moderate duration. Solid work. Always had trouble with potions but I recognize them easily enough. And yes, a curative of middling efficiency, no makers marks on either potion that I've noticed." The whispered identifications do more than provide information to Shrike and anyone else listening nearby. They are rational, logical, and controlled: So Shane can focus on the myriad of feelings he has about the bastard being dead, just like that. There is delight, almost fiendish delight, that the man who arranged his mother's execution by falsehood is dead. There is worry that they'll never find evidence that links it to his father's wife. There is also a bit of awe at how smoothly this group he's assisting has performed. Were he a more experienced adventurer, he'd know better to risk jinxing it by even mentally commenting on how easy it had been.

Audria |

Perception (Does Audria hear Barvasi's death throes?): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Probably not.
Audria keeps up her vigil, unaware of what's going on in Barvasi's bedroom or that the man is now dead. She can feel her nerves winding tighter and tighter as the time passes without them being discovered or hearing anyone patrolling. She wants to finish looking for what they came from and get out of here. She misses Talanaliel's warm, fluffy weight on her shoulder, but she thought it'd be better for her to wait back at the watchtower and go for help if things went badly for them.
She takes in a deep breath and tries to push the worry away. She knows she needs to focus on the task at hand, but it is proving harder than she thought it would to sit and wait on the others as she tries to watch for any dangers that could come at their backs.
Maybe I need to act more than I thought I did, she thinks to herself as she watches and waits.

Elric Rivers |

Walking softly, Elric slides into position next to Audria.
”It won’t be much longer. We found Barvasi in his cabin. Shrike took him out before he could react. They are searching for the letters now.” he whispers, eyes and ears primed for any sign of approaching guards.

Audria |

Audria stiffens at the news. Just like that, Devargo Barvasi is gone. A numbness settles over her. She doesn't feel anything, at least not yet.
"Do you think they'll find anything on Halvara in there," she asks, the only thing she could bring to mind in that moment. She can hear her and Lamm talking in her head, even if she has pushed them back enough to not let them get to her.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

When Barvasi has stopped moving, Shrike wrenches her spearpoint free and stands still with it poised over him, as though waiting to stab downward again. It seems impossible that a figure of such dread could be dead, just like that. But he is. After a frozen few moments with her breathing drowning out all other sound in her ears, half-expecting him to lunge upward, she lowers the spear and wipes it clean on one of her weapon-rags.
Do the next thing.
Elric is gone, but she did distantly hear him whisper to search the room. Then Shane adds specifics of his own. "Driscoll," she confirms in a harsh whisper. Yes. They came here for other purposes. There is still much to do.
Keys around his neck. Those could be important. She slips them free and looks around in the dim slivers of light from the portholes. One could go to the sea chest that's the only furniture in the room besides the low table, chair and dresser. Second, she looks for and takes any weapons on Barvasi's body and nearby. Spiked gauntlets, hand crossbow. The frogmaker says his leathers are magic. She should take that before they leave. It isn't odd to her that he slept in his armor — if she had magic armor, she would too. Two magic potions, but there are four more vials too. Probably poison or drugs. Shrike looks one over through the glass, then uncorks it and sniffs it. She does the same for any that appear different from the first.
Perception, vials, low light or darkness: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 = 22
She lights the candle-lamp again, sets it on the table so it will help others in their search, and examines the chest to see if it is locked and if so will open for one of the keys. If she can, she opens it and starts going through it, looking especially for papers and letters related to Amprei or framing this Driscoll Shane knows. The dresser also gets a thorough rifling.
To Abella she whispers, "You see more than me. I miss anything, you grab it."

GM Harrow |
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Abella finds no secret compartments or hidden stashes, save what is already visible - the bed, dresser, sea chest, table and chair. She does spot a pouch on the table, filled with gold sails. The dresser contains several changes of clothes, spare footwear, a shaving kit and a couple of cheap bottles of cologne, unused.
One of the keys fits the sea chest lock, which opens with a soft click. Inside is a somewhat haphazard pile of what must be Devargo's favourite treasures - unique-looking jewellery and goods, bags of coin, potions and scrolls. There is also an oiled leather folder plump with sheets of paper, as well as a scruffy-looking notebook.
The papers in the folder are various promissory notes (some of them signed with a bloody thumbprint), agreements made with the owners of the other vessels moored next to Eel's End, the employment contracts of Barvasi's guards, and the grand prize - two rather explicit letters addressed to Ambassador Amprei, from someone named Verania.
Loot: a jasper studded amulet (worth 500 gp), a gold necklace fitted with emeralds (worth 600 gp), a mother-of-pearl horn (worth 50 gp), a ring of feather fall with cameo of a dragonfly worked in jade, a scroll of blur, an elixir of love, two pouches of dust of appearance, 600 gp in six pouches, 79 gp from the table pouch.

Shane Driscoll |
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Shane moves to one of the money pouches, He mutters in recognition "The Drake and Peacock, rather singular device. Hello, Gissperia. It's not as good as a signature, but it is an arrow pointing towards you." He does look within anyway, hoping for yet more clues.
And yes, he keeps up his detecting of magic, "The ring is magical, that scroll, the elixir, the bag of dust...all magical. Give me a bit longer and I should be able to identify more details. I think I'm going to want the scroll for my book."
Knowledge Nobility 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
The name catches his attention, "Verania? Isn't Verania Tvastiox is the young wife of one of Amprei's superiors back in Cheliax?"

Elric Rivers |

As the minutes tick by, Elric maintains a sharp watch. He's calm, but alert, confident that they can handle any stray guard that might wander by but hoping to avoid any further bloodshed.
After about 10 minutes, he pops his head into Barvasi's cabin and asks "Did you find the letters he was using to blackmail the ambassador? If so, I'd say we're about done here. How about we slink out the way we came in, nice and easy?"

Pava / Nips at Heels |

"Can't say as I mind nice and easy. Anyone know if the ettercap chap is just going to go about eating the civiies if we leave them here?"

Audria |

Hearing the others whispering, Audria carefully moves back to the others.
"Shouldn't we be sure he wasn't keeping any hostages before we leave," she asks. "There might also be more information that we could get on who was working with him."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"Found the letters. Still want to look for Dal." There's no guarantee the brig they found is the only prison cell on this ship. Abella and Shane between them seem to have collected the magic items and valuables, and Pava is holding the letters.
Shrike herself is done stripping the weapons and bloodstained magic leather armor from Devargo Barvasi, and, having given the armor a quick swipe with a clean part of the blanket, she has perused the rest of the contents of the leather folder and the notebook by the light of the candle. Now she hoists Barvasi's corpse to her shoulders without fuss, hooking one hand behind one of his knees and using the other to steady his dangling arm. "And give him to his monster."
She starts toward the door with the painting of the spider, heavily laden but intent.

Audria |

"W-wait!" Audria grabs Shrike's arm before she can open the door.
"Wouldn't the trap door be safer for us," she asks. She really doesn't want to feed Barvasi's corpse to a monster, but she knows she isn't likely to convince Shrike otherwise.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike pauses at Audria's objection before trying the spider door. "Fine." That does seem wiser. If the door is locked, as she suspects, it's as much to keep the ettercap in as anything else.
But she doesn't want to enter any new rooms that potentially have hostile creatures inside while weighed down by the corpse, so she sets it on the floor instead — carefully, so it won't make a thump. "Doesn't deserve holy water." But she makes no other objection to Shane's suggestion either.
Shrike isn't going to do better than Shane's Dungeoneering roll to know about ettercaps, but do we know the answer to Pava's question. That is, will an ettercap keep on eating people if we leave it here? Should we fight it, or maybe somehow send it back to the Vaults where it can live out its ettercap life without threatening Korvosans?

Audria |
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"The holy water's probably to keep him from coming back as a ghoul," Audria guesses.

Elric Rivers |
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Elric’s eyes narrow when he sees Shrike hoist the limp body over her shoulders and hears the suggestions to further search the ship.
Not the easy way, then. So be it. They have a point that innocents may still be held captive.
”Audria is right. Trapdoor is safer. It also makes the ettercap the guards’ problem. If we leave the trapdoor open and Barvasi missing, they are likely to enter the door with the spider to look for him. They have enough force to dispatch it, but the ensuing tussle should go along way to cover our tracks.” he says quietly.
He motions to the other doors on this deck of the ship.
”Wait here while I go have a listen at the other doors. If they are all empty, we can haul him up to the throne room and dump him, then leave. Just remember, we’re one alert guard away from this turning from a break-in to a brawl. Let’s avoid that if we can,” he adds.
Using take 10 for 16 stealth, Elric will move to each door and listen carefully for breathing and other signs of movement, with Take 20 Perception for a result of 30 (32 vs humans).

Audria |

"Hold on! We shouldn't go alone in this place," Audria says as loudly as she dares, which isn't much above the whisper she's been using since this whole thing started. She moves quietly behind Elric, her halberd at the ready should the indeed find themselves in a brawl.
Stealth (Taking 10): 10 + 6 = 16

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike leaves the leather armor in a neat pile next to Barvasi's body and follows Elric and Audria in her customary quiet way. Audria is right: if an alert guard does discover Elric, it would be better if he had backup.

Pava / Nips at Heels |

Sliding along nearly soundlessly, Pava whispers almost to themself, "Don't mind doling out a few memorable lessons, but the hostages should've been back in the shackles, eh?"

GM Harrow |

This level of the ship seems deserted outside of Barvasi's quarters and the ettercap lair. Behind the closed doors it is quiet, and only the sounds of water and ship can be heard, with the occasional thump of patrolling boots on the deck above.
The western door leads to what seems to be the kitchen at a first glance - until one notices the absence of cooking materials. Two large wood-burning stoves are built into the curving wall of the ship's hull, each fitted with an iron bar on which dangle several cauldrons. Dozens of empty glass vials sit atop the mantle on each stove. A strange, bitter smell permeates the room, stronger near the cauldrons.
Loot: Among the empty glass vials there are six full ones, each containing a dose of shiver (worth 25 gp each).
By the smell, the eastern door leads to a privy. The double doors at the northern end of the corridor open into the forward hold, a cramped space piled high with crates, barrels and furniture in need of repair. The barrels and crates seem to contain mostly food, water, firewood and materials to repair the hull and sails.
This leaves only the western branch of the corridor, which ends in a curving flight of stairs ascending to the upper level.

Elric Rivers |

Elric grabs the vials of shiver, unstops them and pours the content onto the deck planks.
Then he motions for Shrike to follow him with Barvasi's body and moves carefully up the stairs.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike makes no sound when Elric pours the shiver away, though she does consider telling him that the robins will apparently compensate people for turning in doses of the stuff, at a rate equivalent to the street price. Maybe it was only a one-time thing anyway. She doesn't see how they could long afford such a program otherwise.
She does take the nearly-empty vials to give to Kroft later, in case the Field Marshal needs any more convincing that Barvasi was a truly ugly customer. Why his business in shiver manufacture should be more important than all the actual blood on his hands she isn't sure, but the law seems to rate them about equally important.
Shrike goes back to get Barvasi's body, but leaves it at the base of the stairs before quietly ascending just enough to see into the upper layer and ascertain if any guards are there. If it seems deserted, she returns to the bottom, hoists Barvasi's body once more, and carefully climbs one step at a time. The stairs are steep, and the load is heavy. Once again taking 10 for 24 Stealth at first. Heavy load gives a -6 armor check penalty to Stealth (among other things) and makes her much more vulnerable should combat start, so she's being cautious.

Elric Rivers |

I’m ok with a retcon to confiscate the Shiver, if Elric knows about the reward program. Basically, he just wants the stuff off the street.

GM Harrow |
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The stairs ascend into a large room that might have been the captain's cabin once. The walls are thick with spider webs, and dozens of small spiders scuttle away as light shines into the room. To the left of the stairs are two sturdy oaken tables surrounded by chairs. Against the southern wall, a semicircular dais supports a large, high-backed chair upholstered in faded leather. A brass birdcage hangs from the ceiling like a chandelier.
A soft voice half-whispers "Hello?"
Inside the brass cage, a purple house drake with silvery-blue wings watches the group intently, its yellow-orange eyes glinting in the half-light.

Elric Rivers |
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Moving carefully up the stairs, Elric is ready to respond to any threats.
In the pale light of Shrike's lantern, he carefully scans the room.
Take 10 on both Perception checks for 20
Silently, he points out the outline of the trapdoor on the floor, then the switch on the chair.
Then the voice draws his attention to the cage.
"Hello there. Looks like we have found a captive after all. Who are you, little one?"

GM Harrow |
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The tiny draconic creature clutches at the bars of its cage as Elric answers, then tries to do a flip - only to crash to the floor of the cage that is not large enough to allow it to spread its wings.
"Majenko! I'm Majenko! Please please please let me out of here! Hurry-hurry, before the king comes back - oh, he likes to poke and torment Majenko, he does."
The house drake shoots anxious looks at the large double doors to the north, trying to keep its voice to a whisper. Indeed, a fist slams on the door from outside, and a muffled voice growls.
"Quiet, you little freak!"
2d20 ⇒ (20, 17) = 37

Audria |

Audria freezes as she hears the voice of the guard. She tightens her grip on her weapon and looks to the others. She waits to see if the guards enter the room.
Just go on. No reason to come in and check on the little dragon, she thinks to herself as she holds her breath.

Elric Rivers |

Elric quickly holds a finger to his lips, indicating to the tiny dragon to stay still. Very carefully, he moves next to the cage, in a position that lets him cover both doors.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
GM, can you add the outline of the trapdoor to the map?

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Perception, low light or darkness: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Shrike would have missed the trapdoor and its switch if not for Elric. She nods to him and prepares to go back down the stairs for the body, but freezes at the sound of the whispered voice. Her gaze behind the mask darts to the bright yellow-orange eyes of a house drake in a hanging cage much too small for it, and black anger quickens her heart even before the little creature pleads for release.
If it matters mechanically, taking 10 on Knowledge (Local) for 15 to know about house drakes.
House drakes were widely considered to be good luck, as they did a better job of driving away imps and smaller pests than even the fiercest dog or cat, and were clever and mischievous but never really malicious. Fordyce Manor had never had a house drake living in its roof while Lania was alive, but she had often heard Mamma lament their last, elderly drake Rollo, who despite his independent ways had been a particular friend of hers while he lived, and had sometimes liked to come down and bask in the sun in the bowl of a dry fountain, or accept offerings of eggs, cheese and fish.
To cage and torment a drake for fun is exactly what she would expect of a man like Barvasi.
Brass cage. Brass key?
Stepping with near-silent care, Shrike moves past the oaken table and chairs to the hanging cage. Elric has the doors covered, which is good. She raises one hand in a reassuring, quieting gesture to the drake, and in the other lifts the tiny brass key she found around Barvasi's neck so it can see it. Working as swiftly and silently as she can, she unlocks the cage and opens the door.
Take 10 for 24 Stealth to move with no body. Supposing here that the brass key does indeed go to the brass cage, and that it is hanging low enough that Shrike can reach it — if not, she will start looking for some way to lower the cage.

GM Harrow |
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Majenko whimpers quietly as he sees the brass key, and while Shrike can tell that he is doing his best to hold still, his tiny body is vibrating with anticipation. Stretched on her tiptoes, the half-elf reaches the door of the cage, which unlocks easily enough with the small key. The house drake immediately launches itself out of the cage, landing on Shrike's shoulder and burrowing in the folds of her hood.
Majenko Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
2d20 ⇒ (7, 10) = 17
The guards outside are apparently content with the silence inside, as they make no further comment or move.

Audria |
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Audria sighs in relief as it appears that the guards aren't going to come in to investigate. She's happy that they had managed to save one of Barvasi's victims, but she hadn't expected to see a small dragon. She waits for Shrike and Majenkp to come back down the stairs before saying anything.
"Don't worry, No one's going to torment you again," she promises the house drake. "Just promise that you won't try to eat Tally when you meet her."

Shane Driscoll |
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When Shane sees the House Drake, a smile creases his features that looks positively boyish despite his gaunt features. He has so many questions, but now might not be the time to get caught up in asking them. Instead, he wiggles his fingers in greeting to the creature. Domus Draconis! What a marvelous encounter. Let the Acadamae have their damned imps, I prefer a sky filled with these fine fellows.
I'm assuming a Take 10 on Knowledge Arcana (20 total) would definitely let him recognize it

Elric Rivers |

Breathing a small sigh of relief as Shrike frees Majenko, Elric moves next to the throne and prepares to flip the switch to activate the trapdoor.

Audria |

Seeing Elric by the lever for the trapdoor, Audria has a thought.
"How loud is it going to get if we pull the lever?"

Elric Rivers |

Hearing Audria’s whispered question, Elric holds up his hand and mimes a trapdoor opening, then a running motion and points in the direction of the bilges.
Yeah, dropping Barvasi is definitly our cue to exit. he thinks to himself.

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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"'Barvasi' pulling his favorite trip when there's not even any visitors should get competent guards to come looking. If you can't move fast, move first."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Shrike twitches in surprise and reflexively puts up a steadying hand when the little drake lands on her shoulder and burrows into her hood, but she relaxes after a moment. She quietly descends the stairs again and only then, when Audria and Shane have greeted Majenko, does she turn her head and say with relative gentleness, "Hello Majenko. I'm Shrike. Up there was Elric. This is Audria, Shane, Abella and Pava.
"Barvasi's going down with his pet. Then we're gone. Hole in the lowest level. In the side of the ship. In case you need an exit."
Since Majenko is on her shoulders now, Shrike lifts the dead weight of Barvasi's corpse in the much more difficult bridal carry, and slowly but doggedly moves up the stairs with it. She carefully sets it down on top of the trapdoor, lowering it gradually so it will not thump all at once, and then backs away. Pava had a good point that the slower people should move first. To Elric, waiting by the lever, she whispers, "Give it one minute. Then pull the lever and run for the boat."
Taking 10 Stealth should still be 18 here with a -6 encumbrance penalty. Just figuring we get out faster if only one person has to go down the stairs and rope etc., and the boat is readied and waiting at the bottom like a getaway car with everyone else already in. Shrike would willingly stay up here and pull the lever herself, but it seems Elric wants to do it? He is a bit slower in his armor than most of us though. Let us know what you want to do, Elric.

Elric Rivers |
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Elric nods and gives Shrike an ok-signal.
"Get clear. I'll come running." he says quietly.
Counting the seconds after everyone else he have gone down below, he takes a deep breath and flips the switch.
"Dinner's served, spiders. Hope you choke on him." he mutters as he dashes for the stairs.
Before the heavy thump of the body hitting the planks below can be heard, he's running for cover at full speed.
Flip the switch, then down the stairs as fast as he can, jumping down the hatch to the bilges.

GM Harrow |
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Majenko pokes his head out of the hood with a low chirp. "Hello, Shrike Elric Audria Shane Abella Pava. Thank you for freeing me. Can I stay with you for a bit? I don't think I can fly properly just yet." Shrike can feel his tiny claws gripping the back of her shoulder through her armour - not painful, just points of pressure.
2d20 ⇒ (5, 12) = 17
Moving very carefully, Shrike deposits Barvasi's corpse over the trapdoor. The floorboards creak a little with the added weight, but the guards outside do not seem to notice.
The others begin to backtrack towards the flooded underbelly of the ship and their getaway boat. Once he judges them well clear, Elric activates the switch and the trap door swings open with a bang that resounds in the pre-dawn quiet. There is a moment of startled silence outside the door, then a muffled voice. "Boss?"
Elric is already on the lower level and turning the corner towards the hatch as he hears the door above open, a few footsteps, then shouts of alarm.
Soon, many booted feet are making a racket above on deck as the guards scramble to investigate, but by the time they make their way belowdecks Elric has already climbed down the rope and is wading through the flooded bilge towards the hole.
Elric climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Now you just need to boat away unnoticed.

Elric Rivers |

After taking a moment to catch his breath, Elric turns to Shane.
”Can you cast another illusion to cover our escape? They should be quite busy up there, but better safe than sorry.”
He holsters his hammer and pulls out his bow, ready to return fire in case they get spotted.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Majenko pokes his head out of the hood with a low chirp. "Hello, Shrike Elric Audria Shane Abella Pava. Thank you for freeing me. Can I stay with you for a bit? I don't think I can fly properly just yet." Shrike can feel his tiny claws gripping the back of her shoulder through her armour - not painful, just points of pressure.
So Barvasi had injured Majenko's wings, or maybe just being unable to spread them fully had left him cramped. Shrike's jaw tenses, but with an effort she relaxes it and keeps her croak calm. "'Course you can." Her voice is brusque, brooking no objection, though she doesn't really expect anyone to make one.
"Can you cast another illusion to cover our escape? They should be quite busy up there, but better safe than sorry."
Shrike, who barely remembered to grab the magic leather armor from the middle level before descending the rest of the way and tossing it into the boat, waits tensely at the oars again. She is ready to row away quietly again as soon as they have some kind of cover or illusion.

Shane Driscoll |
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Shane has followed everyone quietly, and is ready to get on that boat and leave.
Majenko pokes his head out of the hood with a low chirp. "Hello, Shrike Elric Audria Shane Abella Pava. Thank you for freeing me. Can I stay with you for a bit? I don't think I can fly properly just yet." Shrike can feel his tiny claws gripping the back of her shoulder through her armour - not painful, just points of pressure.
"I've got a little place on loan after this, and you're welcome to share it there if it is to your liking." Shane assures.
"Can you cast another illusion to cover our escape? They should be quite busy up there, but better safe than sorry."
His brow knits. In truth, he came prepared for combat. The utter efficiency of his comrades had been a surprise to him. But best not admit that. He had spent his only silent image spell, but where there is a wizard, there is a way,"Fortunately, a communal hallucination is still in my purview. After this, all I have for group cover is a darkness effect. We may need Abella's own fog if she has it after this to save our proverbial bacon." He holds up one gloved hand, and feels the power of the bond he has with the ring beneath it. For a moment, his pale blue and white features seem to flicker with arcane words that run all along his skin, a spell in his book made manifest.
And a new fog appears between them and the sound of boots. This one is even more realistic than the first, and there is a sound with it. One of soft shallow waves to create a whitenoise effect. Or so the wizard hopes.
Using Arcane Bond with his ring to invoke 2nd level spell Minor Illusion from his spell book. Will save against that is DC 17.
Another thought occurs to him, and once they're all on the boat, he coats the surface they just left with a layer of grease. Anyone going into his illusion to take shots at them is going to have an unsteady surface. This time there is no odd writing momentarily on his flesh, just a soft mutter of arcane words as a small bit of butter is mashed even as a gesture is made.
Leaving a grease spell for anyone who sees through the illusion and comes to the nearest 'dry area' they just left. 10 ft square. DC 10 on acrobatics checks. It should last 3 minutes

Audria |

Audria wants to protest going first, but she can't deny her armor slows her. She makes her way down to the boat as quietly as she can (Taking 10 on stealth for a 16), but decides she'll wait for Elric before getting into the boat. She follows the marine once he's in and helps push the boat off. Seeing Elric go for his bow, she does the same.
"I hope you're a better shot than I am," she whispers to him.

Pava / Nips at Heels |

Pava unlimbers their crossbow, but doesn't look too concerned. "They'll have a lot of questions with the mess they just walked into. It's be a hell of a guess for them to find our dinghy."

GM Harrow |

Apparently the toughs are too busy figuring out how their boss ended up as breakfast for his own arachnid pets, so the fog-shrouded group is able to get away cleanly.