Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Shrike nods at Audria in return, then twitches at the flash and feathers — she missed this part before, being asleep — as the bird suddenly transforms into a girl. She waits with every evidence of patience while Audria and Talanaliel negotiate among themselves who will go or not and the two human boys get their coats and boots on.
In response to Dal and Pockets, she mutters, "Sure he could do it too. If he felt like it." It's unclear if this is meant as a joke.
Shrike maintains her usual watchful silence on the way back down through East Shore, though she notes and approves of Charlo and Rello bonding with the two ex-Lambs. It will be good for them to have friends. This lasts until they are actually in sight of the Horse Shop. Then she draws the two gnome children aside and kneels down by them, speaking quietly and with less of her usual harshness. "Listen. If these folks don't treat you right, or you need help, you go straight back to the Sanctuary. Audria'll get me. We'll find you a better place.
"This is for you. Not your folks. Understand?" She hands off one tiny pouch to Diver and one to Pug. Inside each is an amount of gold representing about three months' work to an ordinary laborer. "Hide it and save it for a rainy day. Or spend it on sweets, I'm not your mother."
Giving 10 gp each to the children. Marking -20 gp from Shrike's gold.
She pauses, and then nods briskly. "Right."

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella looks on wide-eyed as Tallyfeather turns into a person. ”That seems rather…atypical.” She advances on Tally and begins looking her over with an analytical eye. ”I thought you were a familiar. But have you been a person this whole time? Some manner of outsider? A shifter?”
What would she roll in this case to figure out what Tallyfeather is?

Talanaliel |
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Not 100% on this, but Knowledge(Planes), I think.
"I guess it's a trick-- Wait! You mean that infernal furball can change too? How can you tell?!" Talanaliel asks Shrike before Abella starts asking questions and closes in a little too close for her comfort.
"I-I d-d-dunno. Things are a little... fuzzy," she admits while scooching back.

Audria |
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At the Soldados'
"You can grill her after we get everyone where they need to be, Abella," Audria sighs before trying to herd her doppelganger out the door.
"Apologies, Ms. Tayce. She's harmless, unless your a pastry," Audria says, trying to calm any potential negative reactions. "We'll make sure your boys make it to the wainwright's safely."
The Horse Shop
"She's right," Audria says as she sits on her heels and looks the gnomes in the eye. "And I'll come by as often as I can to check on you."
She pulls them into a hug and whispers into their ears.
"I'm sorry it took so long to get you out from under Lamm's thumb. You two take care of yourselves."

GM Harrow |
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With Pug's experience, he doesn't need to open the pouch to know how much is inside. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open in surprise. Suddenly, he throws his small arms around what he can reach of Shrike in a hug. She can hear him sniffling and can feel him surreptitiously wiping his nose on her shoulder, and when he comes away he shyly offers her the remains of the second honey treat. "You're very nice, even if you were a bit scary at first. Other people were nice at first, but very scary after," he declares with sagacity. Diver looks like she wants to join in the hug, but offers her tiny, sticky hand for a shake instead, while she makes a fist with the other and thumps it over her heart. Pulling away from the hug, the gnome boy adds "Thank you."
One of the owners comes out to see why there's a crowd outside their stables, and her eyes widen in surprise just as Pug's had. "Goodness! We thought you were dead! Did the service in the Grey and everything." She looks at the adults in the group, especially Grau Soldado. "Are they in trouble?" As the sergeant assures her that the siblings are only being returned after being rescued from unpleasantness, the woman's face softens. "Must've been hard for them. Thank you for getting them back to us. Well, go inside and wash up, Marta has some cheese pie from lunch." The last part is directed at the gnome kids, who wave farewell at everyone before disappearing inside the Horse Shop.
Rello and Charlo watch them go, and one of them turns to tell Shrike and Audria. "Don't worry, miss, we'll keep an eye on them." The twins say their goodbyes as well, heading next door into the wainwright's workshop. Grau says, "Well. That's was nice. Head back to the Citadel now, or do you still have business here?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

For a moment it seems Shrike isn't quite sure what to make of being hugged by the gnome boy, but then her arms come around him carefully and she not only returns the hug, but takes the offered bit of honey-nut treat, only lightly chewed. "Thanks, kid. Be good." She shakes Diver's small and sticky hand with a solemnity appropriate to the occasion.
And then it is out of her hands, and what a relief that is. She nods to the twins in acknowledgement of their promise as they head next door.

Audria |

Audria thanks the twins before they leave for the wainwright's shop.
"I think it's back to the Citadel," she replies to Grau's question.
"Feeling better," she asks him after a moment.

Pippip Ooray |
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Before the twins can part, the halfling takes an emergency piece of smoked fowl from his pouch and presses into Pug's hand.
"A snack for the road!! I say the legs are the best!!"

GM Harrow |
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The return of Diver and Pug successfully completed, the group retraces their steps through East Shore towards Citadel Volshyenek. The streets are largely empty, dominated by law-enforcement patrols, yet there is an undeniable tension in the air. Slight movements here and there behind drawn curtains betray people watching. The few shops that are opened have at least one guard standing in the doorway, and the townhouses of the wealthy have at least three guards posted outside.
Back at the Citadel, recognition and the presence of Sergeant Soldado expedites the passage through the gate and into the Field Marshal's office. Cressida Kroft doesn't look any more rested than a few hours ago as she gestures for everyone to sit as best as they can, dismisses Grau and closes the door.
"Thank you for coming back. As you might have guessed, we're a bit desperate." She looks at the closed door, then lowers her voice. "Things are bad enough without my own guards losing their way. Many have deserted their posts, more concerned about friends and family than the city. I am not unsympathetic to this, if they are harmless like Grau, and willing to see reason and return to the fold."
She pauses, drumming her fingers softly on the top of the desk. "I wish that was the case for all of them. If you are willing to undertake another stray herding operation, there is someone worse than a lone deserter. His name is Verik Vancaskerkin. He has convinced a small group of fellow guards that Queen Ileosa is going to ruin the city, and they have all departed without leave. Whether she does or doesn't isn't the point - right now, we've got a city-wide crisis on our hands, and I need all of my guards working with me to see us through. A deserter is worse than a lost resource - it's an infection. I can't afford to pull any of my other patrols off duty to deal with Vancaskerkin, and I'd rather not expose any of them to him anyway, since I don't want Vancaskerkin to infect more guards with his talk of secession, nor do I want some overly patriotic guard killing Vancaskerkin outright. I need impartial, skilled talent like you to bring him in. What do you say?"

Audria |
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I'm not so sure about either of those where I'm concerned, Audria thinks as she subconsciously rubs her left arm where Embercat's arrow had gashed it.
"Wh-what about the others with him," she asks. "Do you want us to bring them in too?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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"And what happens to them then," the croaking voice not-quite-asks after Audria. The emotionless black void of the shrike mask's elf-shaped eye-coverings do not betray Lania's narrowed eyes. She doesn't want to go round up any robins whose only crime is that they decided they don't want to be robins anymore and didn't get permission. No one should have to be in the Guard who doesn't believe in it. No matter how stupid or selfish their reasons. Even if they bring in this Verik Vancaskerkin without killing him, what good is that if he and his cronies will later be executed for desertion? If Kroft plans to offer them a similar deal to Soldado, though, that would be another thing entirely.

GM Harrow |
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"What happens to them depends on the answers they give." The Field Marshal sets her forearms on the desk, leaning forward. "I would very much prefer them brought in alive, but if you are in mortal peril and need to defend yourselves... well. Still, I would really like to talk to Vancaskerkin myself, find out why he deserted - if there’s more to it than simple personal politics." She taps a finger on a scuffed and much-used map of Korvosa, half-hidden by sheafs of paper and covered in scribbles. "They're holed up in an abandoned butcher shop in Northgate. The place is called 'All the World's Meat'. See what you can find out - and try to bring all of them in alive." Her right hand moves to twist a signet ring on her left. "You will be compensated, of course. I cannot ask people to put their life in danger for free, and this is not the first time the Guard has employed freelancers." She pauses, perhaps making mental calculations. "Five hundred sails for Vancaskerkin alive, half that for dead. Hundred sails each for his companions, preferably alive."

Audria |

"Do you know who went with him," Audria asks.
I hope Shrike knows where to find something that can knock them out.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike preserves her silence for now. None of the things she can think of to say are especially diplomatic, and it would be unwise to refuse Boss Robin to her face. But she is not a bounty hunter. And she does not see how doing the Guard's dirty work will protect any of her people.

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella is rather tickled by the offer, smiling to herself with her typical lack of filter. ”Not my usual line of work, but that is some good money on offer. Rare for a copper to pay you to rough up another copper. Even rarer for it to be for a good reason. I will do my best not to inflict any lasting injury upon them.” Abella muses to herself on whether they will be lucky enough to find any juicy material in the Queen with these outlaws. She has already been lucky once with the broach, so why not be lucky again?

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

“I can honestly say that I never thought I’d be agreeing to help the watch wrangle their own,” Dal mused. “But, I get where you’re coming from, Marshal. Korvosa is still in a bad way and if the guards all start to disappear to form their own little gangs, things will only get worse.”
Dal pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh, “Yeah…yeah, I’m in. Let’s head out to Northgate and find this butcher shop.”

Audria |

Seeing the others agree, Audria nods at Field Marshal Kroft.
"We'll bring them back," she promises.

GM Harrow |

It is evening by the time the group reaches the area of Northpoint indicated by Cressida Kroft. The butcher shop is on 22 Stirge Street, a large one-and-a-half story building with a wooden stockade to one side. The stench of manure, blood and rotten meat is heavy once one approaches the shop. The front door is closed and the large window is shuttered, but a faint light is visible through the two windows on the upper floor that face the street. On the left, a narrow alley delineates the eastern side of the building, while on the right stands a boarded-up shop. A faded sign hangs above the door, bearing the image of a fat smiling cow, with the name of the shop in rounded, blood-red letters - All The World's Meat.
Roll20 map updated.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Just outside Citadel Volshyenek, Desnus 13, 4708
About a block from the Citadel, Shrike stops walking. "I won't bring them back. Not if they just quit." She folds her arms. Dal's words had stuck with her. If all they wanted was to pursue other work, why were the ex-Guards all holed up together instead of dispersing to their families? "But it's worth investigating if they're acting like a gang. Later tonight maybe. We're too obvious like this."

Audria |

"But they took an oath," Audria blurts out, clearly surprised and dismayed at Shrike's words. "They gave their word and this isn't like with Sergeant Grau from what Marshal Kroft was saying."
She looks towards the direction they were going. She didn't want to fight with Shrike, not now, nor did she want to just let this go.
"Maybe I can convince them to come back," she says slowly.

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella shrugs, finding the moral scruples of her allies uninteresting but not remotely distressing. ”Any of them would happily chase us down were the situation reversed, I am sure. No point in angsting about it until we meet them anyways. If they are truly just misunderstood darlings, they will be happy for a chat. Or we could walk in and have them all jump us in ‘I am a crooked copper’ tunics. Wouldn’t we all feel silly then?”

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

“Like I said before, helping the city guard bring in their own is not something I ever thought I would agree to,” Dal reiterated. “My concern is what they may end up resorting to for a few coins. You can’t exactly get a job slinging ale when you have Kroft and the rest of the city watch looking for you.”
Dal looked up at the darkening sky before continuing. “I think you’re onto something though,” Dal said to Shrike. “If they are up to something, we probably would be best to wait until it’s fully dark out. That could give us some time to ask around, maybe see if anyone comes or goes from the shop they're hanging around.”

Audria |

"Didn't the Field Marshal say she didn't want the other guardsmen being exposed to Vancaskerkin. Why would she have them looking for him and the men that left with him," Audria asks before shaking her head. "Never mind. If we're going to keep a lookout, we should make sure they're staying there. If we are going to do that and ask around to learn more, I think I need to change into something less threatening. Could we stop by the Sanctuary? It's not far out of our way."

Talanaliel |

"Audrie, you're not about to do something wreckless again, are you? Sister Jenelyn and Brother Theolan aren't going to like it," Talanaliel, now a bird again having changed back before meeting with the Field Marshal, says from her perch on Audria's shoulder. "I think she's still miffed about the ettercap when you brought that group of kids in on your own."
She frowns as only a fluffy ball of feathers can before continuing.
"Besides, you promised you wouldn't do stuff like that on your own anymore!"
Shrike's the only one who's heard about the ettercap encounter, but she didn't know or realize that it happened when we were looking for the lost Lambs. :)

Audria |

Despite the concern and disapproval coming through her link to Talanaliel, Audria smiles at her friend.
"But I won't be alone as long as you're with me, will I?"
Seeing the frown deepen and feeling the annoyance Talanaliel is feeling through their link, Audria sighs and her expression turns more sober.
"Alright, What if we borrow some robes and Abella, Pip, or Dal comes with me?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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"Their oaths aren't my business. Nor is hunting people for pay." Shrike's croak is even. "But I don't like the sound of this group. And 'Come back and face jail or the noose if the boss doesn't like your excuses' is a tough sell, canary. Better have backup if you try it."
Perhaps unconsciously, her hand strays to the hilt of the sap she nicked off the greasy man. She nods at Dal. "If we're doing this I have things to get first. Meet you there around midnight."

Audria |

Opens her mouth to protest, but the words die, stillborn, on her tongue. The part of her, the not quite as small as she would be comfortable admitting cynical part of her, that had been nurtured, if the word isn't too bizarre, under Lamm tells her that Shrike was right while the part of her that Brother Theolan, Mister Bartholomew, and everyone else that's helped her along this calling she's been chosen for rails against the idea. She deflates, her eyes falling to the toes of her boots.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
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"Midnight gives us plenty of time to ask around. No point in burning that scroll then,"[/] Dal said. He could feel the disappointment coming from Pockets.
He knelt and scratched the cat behind both ears at once. [b]"It was a good idea. We just don't need it right now, bud."
Dal stood up straight, his back cracking a bit as he did, and gave a halfhearted wave to Shrike. "See you in a bit. We'll see what we can find out before then."
Rolling that Local check that was mentioned in the discussion
Know. Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

GM Harrow |
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The locals are all too eager to talk about the butcher shop, especially the poorer ones who mark Dalmano as someone sympathetic. They say that Verik and his four fellows are calling themselves the Cow Hammer Boys, and that they give out free meat in the morning - something which has kept many families from going hungry during the unrest. While most people are happy - and a little bewildered - by this generosity, others are more cynical and suspicious; the latter share that the five also hire themselves out as mercenaries and thugs, and if one wishes to employ their services in this manner they must ask about 'the night's special cut'.

Audria |

As the group splits up, Audria looks to Abella and Pip.
"It seems that Dal and Shrike are going to be busy. Do either of you mind helping me make sure Vancaskerkin and his men are at the shop," she asks.
Plan posted below to speed this along.
- Audria changes into her robes then brings her armor, adventuring clothes, and weaponry to the rendezvous point.
- She also borrows a set of robes for Abella to wear.
- Pip keeps an eye on her stuff at the rendezvous. (Side note, Pip's player is probably busy. I know what he does for a living, but I'm not sure how much he would be comfortable with me sharing. I figure this would be a good way to have him still be involved even if he can't post as often.)
- Audria, Abella, and Talanaliel go to All the World's Meat to see if the gang's there, and if they are, find out what they can and try to convince them to come with them peacefully. (I realize this is likely doomed to failure, but Audria doesn't know that.)
- If trouble happens Abella and Talanaliel go for help while Audria tries to delay or mislead the others.

Pippip Ooray |
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Pip agreed to the plan, deciding to keep an eye on Audria. As an avid fan of meats, he also moves to the butcher shop to keep a sharp eye on those that hang out there as he replenishes his diminished stock of chicken.
He knew how to roast the chicken himself, but he was going to engage the butcher shop in conversation on how to prepare his chicken.
Pip decides to be his friendliest as he asks those around the shop about the occupants, trying to get a picture of their routine.

Merula Antius |

Merula, who changed at Zellara's abandoned house again before hurrying to the New Korvosa Theatre in Ridgefield, finds herself distracted for the entirety of the rehearsal. It doesn't help that the company's leading man, Lennick Imlios, was apparently injured in the riots — "Not killed, thank the gods, but he'll be out for weeks!" His understudy Gaekhen, that shy Shoanti boy who even roped in his uncle or grandfather or something to help Director Florescu with the costumes and historical accuracy and so on, is younger and physically better suited to the role of Hommel, but clearly rattled by the idea of performing on opening night and bearing so much of the weight of their success or failure on his shoulders. He makes mistake after mistake in their two numbers together.
Merula tries her best to be patient with him and joke him through it despite her own nerves. Gisela, who will be opposite him as Brekka through practically the entire show, has less tolerance and makes several pointed corrections that leave the air of the theater practically creaking with strain. But he redoubles his efforts, and is noticeably improved by the end of the night. Aylos steps in to haul him off for drinks afterward, but it is still a relief to be able to wave them off and find an upstairs closet to change in, then slip out a window into the night air of the slick-shingled rooftops. The Dock Trade in Mainshore will have what she needs in some darkened corner, and then it's not far to the abandoned butcher shop — down in Five Corners near the wall, as Dal described it.

GM Harrow |

The butcher shop is closed in the evening as Audria and the others knock on the door. A lantern burns at the corner of the building, illuminating the front of the shop and the sign, and this close they can see an old, faded notice nailed to the door, partially torn but still legible. It would appear that this shop had been seized over a year ago when its previous owner was arrested for tax evasion. Looking closely, the frames around the door and window are freshly splintered where the boards that were used to nail shut the shop have been ripped away recently.
After much insistent knocking, heavy footsteps are heard within, and a gruff voice shouts through the door. "We're closed! Come back in the morning!"
is Dal with Audria, Abella and Pip as well?

Audria |
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Talanaliel paced the small room as she argued with Audria about her plan.
"I still don't see why you think you have to do this," she said grumpily. "Haven't you learned anything from the past couple of weeks?"
Audria finished pulling on her robes as she thought about her guide's question. She wasn't going to do this alone, that much she'd promised Merula, but neither did she need to do it. No, she didn't need to, but in a very real sense, she did.
"I'll have you and Pip with me," the young paladin said as she tied the belt around her waist. "If things turn bad, we'll just run. I'm pretty sure I can carry Pip, and you can turn into a bird and fly. I think we'll be okay, especially if Abella is keeping any eye on us from a distance."
"I still don't like it," Talanaliel grumbled as she stopped pacing and pouted at the door. She started when she saw something silver drop in front of her face. It took her a moment to recognize it as Audria's holy symbol. She wondered why Audria wanted her to wear it given how important it was to her.
"Audrie," she started to say while she felt the young paladin work the clasp at the back of her neck.
"For safe keeping," Audria explained. "I should have gotten you one when we were out, so until I can fix that, just wear mine. Seeing as I want it back, I'll be sure to keep myself safe so I can get it back from you."
"You'd better keep that promise," Talanaliel said as she turned around and gave Audria a hug. "No more being reckless."
"Alright, Tally. I promise," Audria reassured her friend as she returned the hug.
With Abella volunteering to watch Audria's gear and Pip agreeing to come along, Audria feels that she's as ready as she can be for this. She, unfortunately, wasn't able to find a robe that would fit Pip, but the ever cheerful halfling seems not bothered in the least with any chances that it might make this more difficult. Now that she's at the door and knocking, Audria can't help but feel her heart racing as she waits for someone to answer the door. The gruff voice isn't exactly encouraging, but that isn't something that two cute girls (With Tally being in her humanoid form) couldn't overcome, right?
"Uh, P-Pardon sir. I'm not here to buy anything. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment. I'm with the Sanctuary of Shelyn and I'd heard that you were handing out meat to those in need. I was hoping I could learn more about what you are doing and see how we could help," she says, trying to pick her words careful to avoid lying without giving away what she's really up to.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Bluff (If needed): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Welp, I'm pretty sure that Doubt's going to kick in if that roll's needed.

GM Harrow |
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The man who opens the door is tall, with a bushy unibrow and a large, flat nose. His scowl melts a little when his eyes fall on Audria and Talanaliel, practically ignoring Pip.
"Look, Malder, it's some sisters from the temple," he calls over his shoulder. A second man, whose chainmail strains to contain his ample girth, wheezes his way over from somewhere within the darkened interior of the shop to look at them.
The first turns his attention to the visitors. "It's very late for you to be out and about, sisters. The city ain't safe. Malder and I would be happy to escort you home... for your safety." There's no threat in his tone, but his bushy moustache twitches with the beginning of an anticipatory grin. Malder elbows him in the ribs, sharply. "We're not to leave the shop!" the second man hisses, then he turns to Audria and Talanaliel. "Look, sisters, we have no coin to spare for donations. We're practically a charity ourselves. Like you said, we give out free meat to those down on their luck. Because we want to be of assistance in these trying times. As for how you can help, we always need more money. To buy the animals. And such." His sentences are short and punctuated by his wheezing breath.
1d20 ⇒ 6

Audria |

Just a note, Audria is wearing the Abalone holy symbol out in the open.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Audria tries to squash the sick feeling in her stomach as the realization that she's badly misjudged these men begins to set in.
"Oh, forgive me, sir," she says. "We're not looking for donations. We wanted to see how we could help, and well..."
She looks up and down the street before leaning in and lowering her voice.
"Is it true you used to be guardsmen," she asks.

GM Harrow |
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The two men visibly tense at the question, and stay silent for a moment as if working out how to answer.
"We, uh, retired," answers the tall one, just as Malder says "Where did you hear that?", slowly and low.
They probably won't attack unarmed clergy of Shelyn in the middle of the street, even at night. Probably. But they are suddenly very on edge.

Audria |
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Oops. That was a little too direct.
Sensing the growing tension, Audria realizes that she's put herself on the spot. She tries to hide the nervousness she now feels and hopes that Talanaliel isn't getting as anxious as she is now.
Bluff (Trying to play it cool): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
"R-retired? Is it because of everything that happened after the King's death," she asks, praying that her nerves weren't showing too badly, but a sinking feeling in her belly tells her that she isn't doing nearly as well as she is hoping.
I shouldn't have done this. Why did I think I could do this? Every time I try to do something to make things better, I wind up making things worse.

GM Harrow |

"Look, miss, it's late and we have to get up early tomorrow to open the shop. Can't stay and chit-chat. If you want to help, we take coin. Otherwise, have a good night." Malder is getting rather curt, and he is pulling back his companion in preparation for shutting the door.

Audria |
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"Right! Sorry! Good night," Audria says as she ushers Pip and Talanaliel away.
Later, when they meet back up with Abella, she grabs her things and finds a more private place to get changed. Once out of sight she curls up in a ball and begins to shake.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I think that was a good idea. I just made things worse," she mumbles to herself. "Now if they see me again, they'll know something is up. I shoulda just waited. Dal and Shrike know what they're doin'."
She's glad that her back's to alley with the others. No on can see her tears that way.

Audria |

After a little while, Audria comes back wearing clothing more fitting for an adventurer and her armor. She uses her pack, now filled with her robes, as a cushion on one of the crates sitting in the alley.
"I guess Dal's still out," she asks in a husky voice.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Now seems like as good a time as any to skip ahead to midnight to keep us moving.
When Shrike finds the others in an alley a block or so from All The World's Meat, just before the midnight hour, she carries a cloth-wrapped bundle of three blackjacks similar to the one she wears at her waist, but slightly better-made: their tops are stiff leather stitched around a core of lead. Two are clearly sized for humans, one for a smaller hand.
"What's the word?" She looks from Dal to Audria, Talanaliel, Abella and Pip. The girl seems a bit deflated compared to earlier. Probably the attempted peaceful conversation didn't go well. But she is still here and not obviously injured, which is a win in Shrike's book, considering what a group of combat-trained men might have done when confronted by a five-foot-nothing girl in priestly robes who presented a credible threat to their new lives.

Audria |
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Leaving All the World's Meat and a botched attempt[ooc]
"Not even that good at being good," Audria mutters under her breath.
"Useless brat," she hears the half-elf from her nightmare say to her in her head. "No wonder the only one that wanted you was that old geezer Lamm." [ooc]Shrike's Arrival
Abella pats Audria on the shoulder as they head back. "It was an earnest try, Canary, really. I think this will need something craftier or meaner most likely. And that's what you keep me around for." She grins. "I'll always be the bad girl so you can stay the good girl."
"They seemed more concerned with money than charity," Audria says. "They also got really anxious when I asked if they used to be guardsmen. One of them, Malder, is a fat man who seemed suspicious of me from the start. The other one, I didn't get his name, he seemed eager to get me and Tally alone at first. I don't think they even noticed Pip."
Audria's eyes fall back to her toes as she leans on her halberd.
"I probably just messed everything up and got pathetically little in return. I'm sorry. I should have just waited."

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
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“The money thing checks out,” Dal said. He thumbed over his shoulder at the street behind him, “Word is Verik and the others call themselves the Cow Hammer Boys. Not exactly the most creative name but it has a charm, I guess.”
Dal eyed the blakjacks. “If we’re really going to try to take them in, we need to be prepared that they won’t give us the same courtesy. I kept hearing that the ‘Cow Hammer Boys’ have been hiring themselves out-” Dal snapped his fingers as if remembering something.
He reached for a scroll case on his belt and pressed a hidden button. A moment later, a scroll shot into Dal’s hand. Dal slipped the scroll into his pack and rolled a different one into the scroll case. A few seconds, and a few wound gears later, he nodded and turned back to the others.
“Sorry, I needed to do that before I forgot again. They’ve been hiring themselves out as bully-boys to do people’s dirty work. They have a code word and everything. Just ask for ‘the night’s special cut.’ I think that’s our way in.”
Swapping out the scroll of burning hands with a scroll of shadow trap

Abella Tribastarion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Abella frowns at hearing about how despondent Audria has gotten. This is a problem, and Abella does so very much enjoy solving problems. Audria is thinking the wrong thing, so all Abella has to do—in her mind—is tell her the right thing to think and the problem is resolved. She steps in front of Audria, pulls her chin up, and holds up a declarative finger. ”Do you want to know how you get better at it then, Canary? I will tell you what I told Cainabeth. If you simply must insist on being a goodie-goodie, your results will always be half as good as the people who just care about winning. So just need to learn to be more than twice as good as them to begin with. The way to be good is to get good.” She then pulls back and shrugs, a disinterested look on her face. ”Or you could feel sorry for yourself. Guilt feels very virtuous, doesn’t it? Not very productive, though. And, perhaps this is just me, but I would think producing good is better than feeling good, no?”

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"I probably just messed everything up and got pathetically little in return. I'm sorry. I should have just waited."
"She's been like this for a while. I'm starting to get worried," she whispers.
"You confirmed they're the deserters," Shrike points out harshly to the girl. Her hand had tightened on the haft of the curious new polearm she bears when Audria mentioned one of the men wanting to get her and Talanaliel alone. "And got away clean. Take the win."
Going to act on the information in this GM post.
When all has been fully explained, Shrike has one important question. "Who's paying?"
She does not pace, but the mask tilts away and toward the ground in thought. "Meat's expensive. Farmers don't just donate animals. The Cow Hammer Boys clearly aren't rich or altruistic. Who's the money here. And what's their lay?"
It would not have been impossible for a group of guards to have 'mysteriously' come into possession of some money or valuables in all this confusion, and to have taken it as an opportunity to 'retire.' But rich men wouldn't need to play hack-ruffler on the side, and altruists wouldn't want to. It seems clear now that taking the nascent gang back to Kroft is in fact the right thing to do. But if these Cow Hammer Boys are the tools of someone bigger, interfering in whatever game they're playing could draw attention the five of them aren't prepared to handle.