Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
Yes, that's true. My intention, which I didn't express clearly enough, is that anyone who provokes from Shrike while upright gets a trip attempt, and anyone who provokes by standing up from prone gets a nonlethal-damage attack attempt.
But the modifiers are the same, since the +4 from prone cancels out the -4 from trying to do nonlethal damage with a regular weapon. So that AoO was still not a hit. Shrike tried to smack him with the butt of her weapon or the flat side of its point and missed. :)
Abella Tribastarion |
Yes, that's true. My intention, which I didn't express clearly enough, is that anyone who provokes from Shrike while upright gets a trip attempt, and anyone who provokes by standing up from prone gets a nonlethal-damage attack attempt.
But the modifiers are the same, since the +4 from prone cancels out the -4 from trying to do nonlethal damage with a regular weapon. So that AoO was still not a hit. Shrike tried to smack him with the butt of her weapon or the flat side of its point and missed. :)
Oh i got your intention! I was directing that more at the GM, who didn’t
Spirit of Pinvendor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce wrote:Oh i got your intention! I was directing that more at the GM, who didn’tYes, that's true. My intention, which I didn't express clearly enough, is that anyone who provokes from Shrike while upright gets a trip attempt, and anyone who provokes by standing up from prone gets a nonlethal-damage attack attempt.
But the modifiers are the same, since the +4 from prone cancels out the -4 from trying to do nonlethal damage with a regular weapon. So that AoO was still not a hit. Shrike tried to smack him with the butt of her weapon or the flat side of its point and missed. :)
I'd honestly never considered a repeating Trip action wouldn't be possible. In RL it definitely can be done, so I did not realize until you mentioned it, and I looked into it that RAW with FAQ had been issued stating patently disallowed.
I would have totally allowed triplock. Lol!
Spirit of Pinvendor |
Another Charge special attack rules question. I have a feeling these are going to come up a lot.
I'm willing to discuss this one and hear your opinions.
Charging a fleeing target:
Obviously, this flies in the face of realistic action as we know that the runner does not "freeze" in place as another character realizes and reacts to the running character's actions.
In our current gameplay scene Shrike is reacting to the sight of Greasetrap running. RAW dictates Shrike's actions should happen exactly as stated despite that a realistic approach should have Greasetrap and Shrike running at approximately the same speed with approximately the same distance between them as when Shrike reacted to the start of Greasetrap's initial movement. Realistically, this should immediately translate into a Chase Rules sequence and presumably end Shrike's involvement in any further combat time for this scene.
What are your thoughts on this? Strict RAW or give way to some realism within the rules structure?
EDIT: Keep in mind whatever we end up agreeing on will be applied to you and enemies in the future. It may seem advantageous now, but you may not like it when it's the other way around. :P
Pippip Ooray |
The problem is spell ranges and spell AOEs as you would say as the spell is cast, in the time to complete it people may be out of range.
Dragon is trying to breathe fire while everyone is dispersing. You see the dragon inhale, should you be able to disperse before everyone is in the cone?
Wargames have the same I go you go mechanic that is somewhat unrealistic, but the alternatives seem worse.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
The problem is spell ranges and spell AOEs as you would say as the spell is cast, in the time to complete it people may be out of range.
I'd argue that's already an existing problem for spellcasters if they have spells which take a longer time to cast.
If you're talking about reacting to the action of casting a spell, any spell which allows that already includes a Reflex save in its description. My comments about Charge above are not in reference to a "reaction" allowing special movement, but rather describing objects which should be in relative motion with each other.
Dragon is trying to breathe fire while everyone is dispersing. You see the dragon inhale, should you be able to disperse before everyone is in the cone?
Same comment as spells. Breath weapons allow a Reflex save. However, dragon breath also doesn't list a speed, so if the dragon starts to gather their breath and a character begins to run, whether they can outrun the breath traveling at speed of GM fiat is entirely within the outcome of dramatic storytelling, in my opinion.
Wargames have the same I go you go mechanic that is somewhat unrealistic, but the alternatives seem worse.
The alternative here is moving from one set of rules (Combat) to another (Chase). Given CoCT introduced Paizo's concept of Chase Rules—which you will all get to experience quite soon—choosing that route is not at all unimmersive.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
I would tend to stick to the RAW here, just because doing otherwise raises awkward questions about many, many other situations in turn-based combat, including those brought up above. A round is the same six seconds for everyone, but we can and indeed must react to everything in the round that has already happened before our turns as though it has already happened. That, presumably, is why he chose to start running away, in fact - he saw his allies hurt.
In thinking about it and imagining how it would look cinematically, I am remembering that it cost him time to draw and throw the dagger before trying to get away. He was described as holding a wrapped cudgel, with the dagger hanging from his waist; he drew the dagger, then threw it, then started running away all in the same turn. (RAW, unless he has the Quick Draw feat, this should already not be possible, but I wasn't going to ask about it; he could certainly have that feat.) If we imagine everything is happening at once, Shrike is already charging him as he is throwing the dagger. It catches her in the shoulder, but she doesn't stop. He turns to run, but has no built up momentum yet, and she catches up with him after a few steps.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
Your votes are noted.
Again, I would like to point out that we are discussing a very specific example where a set of actions by the nature of their realistic comparison trigger the beginning of another existing set of rules defined by Pathfinder 1st Edition.
We are not discussing altering Pathfinder Combat to include evaluations of realism for every action requiring discussion and potential retcons as the order of entry now has to be taken into account.
Combat RAW: 2/6
Realism - Combat to Chase: 0/6
If we imagine everything is happening at once, Shrike is already charging him as he is throwing the dagger.
Incorrect, Shrike would have been in the middle of tripping the big man if "everything happened at once." She would not have begun running until after Greasetrap had moved an entire Move action away from her. The only reason she can even catch him is because in Round 2, she "goes before" him and the distance is not greater than Shrike's Speed x2.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
In an effort to make certain there's no misunderstanding or ill will, I mostly got to thinking about this due to boning up on the Chase Rules for the impending chase sequence which will require the very rules to which I refer. It felt like a possible fit for the intentions of the scene, so I wanted to feel you guys out.
Also, I want to be clear that the upcoming events which will likely immediately follow this combat are pre-planned, and are not meant as some type of punitive action if people choose one way or the other for this discussion.
Edit: added hyperlink for Chase Rules in case anyone is unfamiliar.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
I see what you're saying, but 'going before' him is significant, since initiative is exactly a representation of how fast characters can react to things. The example I gave is just how I could visualize things happening in real time to produce the same outcome as the turn-based system. But, I don't want to argue; it depends on what everyone wants to do I suppose. I've only ever used the Chase Rules once, I think, so I'll re-familiarize with them.
Audria |
I'd say RAW with the option to give chase using the chase rules.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
@Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce: You are correct, and, as I conceded in my initial post, RAW supports this conceptually.
The main problem with relying strictly on RAW for these situations is given enough distance and at least a matching Speed, any fleeing character is immediately safe. At that point the PCs would have to hope and pray that some kind of difficult terrain appears to force a roll from the fleeing character, or that they have some type of ranged option (most likely at the furthest range bands) that can slow or bring down the fleeing target.
Combat RAW: 3/6
Realism - Combat to Chase: 0/6
Pippip Ooray |
And chase scenes use initiative. So a combat round can fluidly be started as a chase scene.
In initiative order characters move through cards and attack when appropriate.
But I vote we keep RAW initiative, and I like the chase mechanic.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
I have to admit the only one of the looters who had misgivings among the group being the first to reach negative HP was quite the twist.
Of course, as NPC motivations are entirely obscured from PC eyes, I make no judgements naturally. I want your PCs to make the decisions you think they will make. I'll leave you to sort out the emotional impact and morality among yourselves.
Audria |
Audria was trying to scare them off and was really hoping to avoid a fight. This incident is definitely going to leave an impression on her and not a good one.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
It's true, our group was the first to jump to lethal damage, and we should probably have an IC conversation about that afterward. Shrike herself was overtly pulling her punches, with the missed nonlethal attack when the first guy was getting up from prone. But she didn't exactly get everyone on the same page about it. And she's still not going to let someone go who responded to being caught in the act of trying to rob a shop with first attacking the interrupting party instead of running away, and then using lethal force.
Garrett Goodbarrel |
Garrett needs to get some blunt arrows. But I just think we need to be careful. If people pull out lethal damage first then we may start to get a reputation if not out right arrested.
Audria |
Yeah, there's definitely going to be a conversation about that. I think Pip and Lina are the only ones that really went for lethal unprovoked.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
To be fair, most gamers play to be heroic and magical, and most fights are against evil villains and scary monsters. Having to pull punches and think through consequences is not generally the hallmark of adventure modules and campaigns. I don’t think we should vilify any of our players for what happened. :)
CoCT is definitely a campaign that blurs the lines. It starts in moral hard mode by placing the probably good-aligned PCs into a likely fatal confrontation with a really, really bad man Gaedran Lamm. Everyone has to pick a trait which, let’s be honest, justifies deep hatred and all the bad things which can from vengeful obsession. Then immediately places the PCs into a citywide riot where good people may be behaving badly even with possibly noble purposes.
While I personally do not have any actual life experience with such circumstances, I surmise that placing oneself in the mindset of someone in these extraordinary situations can be a difficult roleplay, and we’re not all likely to get it right. But fortunately, it’s just a game, so we don’t have to place blame on any players if things didn’t quite go the way they did in our minds.
I won’t lie, I didn’t actually expect this encounter to go to combat. I figured there would be some conversation and threats of bluster and bravado, and end somewhere in the nature of your party running them off, or you deciding getting to the kids is more important especially after seeing the kinds of things going on the streets.
Full disclosure: I whet my teeth on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, a very dark and bleak world where 9 times out of 10, survival was literally the goal of the gaming session, heroics be damned. I do have a tendency to put morally ambiguous encounters and NPCs into my games as well as decision points where no choice will really feel like the obvious “good guy” move. CoCT as a campaign and many of the characters both NPC and enemies feel right in my wheelhouse if that makes sense.
I know very well that Golarion is a high fantasy world that all-in-all is not a dark place, but has been carefully curated to have a lot of epic storytelling waiting in the wings and any one of such stories ending badly could lead things to a grim and dreary world. If any of you ever feel I am not doing my best to highlight the lighter side, please don’t be afraid to remind me.
Audria |
I'm well aware that CotCT can fall into a moral gray area. I have both the original 3.5 and the PF1e versions. I do like playing unambiguously good characters, even if they are flawed. That said, putting those characters into morally ambiguous situations does lead to some interesting character moments.
Audria's introduction into the game was her being prodded into joining the others by Talanaliel. It's an inversion of how I originally saw their relationship in that Talanaliel was supposed to be more Audria's voice of reason. However, as I've played her, Talanaliel's turned more into a motivating force for Audria. I think that's partly because Audria isn't a naturally vengeful person. Perhaps things will swing back the other way as Audria finds her feet again or gets more worried about Eliana.
But yeah, as long as you don't beat us over the head with moral greyness and give us a chance to actually be the good guys, I think I'll be fine.
Lina Derexhi |
As far as the chase, I would stick to the rules as much as possible, mainly to avoid perspective based arguments in the future. Also, there are usually tricks to get away or to stop someone from fleeing. Also, the withdraw action usually lets someone keep running, even if the pursuer has caught up to them.
Lina may have inflicted lethal damage, but she doesn't have a whole lot of nonlethal options available at first level. She also wasn't trying to kill anyone by doing lethal damage, just showing that she wasn't going to be intimidated and could hold her ground. There's also the reality of a city-wide rebellion and the inherit dangers with it.
I also don't believe Inspire Courage imparts the damage bonus to spells as the wording specifies weapon damage rolls.
She also has the penumbra cantrip to negate the blindness and dazzled penalties. I'll try to mention casting it, but it can get tiresome and bog things done a little by trying to remember to cast it every 10 minutes, and asking the GM if it's been 10 minutes to know if I need to recast it.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
Let me know if Shrike needs to make some kind of check to drag Greasetrap over, GM. She would also be perfectly willing to pummel him unconscious first, hence the threat.
Pippip Ooray |
We will see if they will take honest work. The influence attitude through diplomacy is probably a waste of time. Pip offered them work when they first started talking. Now he is offering them work, but Pip is probably a liberal. If he is refused again, his alignment won't change, but his values will move two steps to conservative.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
To be clear, Greasetrap's just stupid and has no idea what 'amnesty' means. It's not an intentional joke or innuendo by him beyond what he thinks Pip said.
As I approve of Audria's big heart, I'm going to suspend realism regarding Dendren's condition. Any medical professional would tell you not to move a patient who just had unrequested surgical action lest you reopen wounds, etc. As I have no desire to traumatize our little angel further (at least, for now), we'll assume he's reached a stage of care where being carried over one's armored shoulder like a sack of flour does not represent a problem.
Garrett Goodbarrel |
I do have it. It was also listed on the items sheet that was floating around a bit ago.
Audria |
Thanks for that! Chalk it up to Audria not being trained as a healer. I just figured his chances of surviving were better if Audria brought him along instead of leaving him there.
Audria |
No worries. Moving is always a pain.
Garrett Goodbarrel |
I hope you like the new place and that moving goes smoothly!
Spirit of Pinvendor |
If you're really intent on Dendren accompanying you, its going to be a Diplomacy DC 25 or Intimidate DC 10, but whichever you choose also dictates how he will feel about the party. Intimidate is lower because he's already afraid of you. Plus, the clock is ticking. You really don't have much time to convince him before other complications will arise.
Audria |
Giving it a hail-mary since I can't make the check even with a 20, which I didn't roll.
Garrett Goodbarrel |
I don't want to collect random NPC's. I just wanted to stop future trouble.
Audria |
I get it, and to be honest I'm not really trying to collect NPCs like they are Pokemon either, but Audria's got a big heart, and besides feeling bad for what happened, she genuinely believes that he doesn't want to live a life like this and is trying to help him get to a better place. Well, at least she's trying to get him on the right path to get to a better place.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry, been a bit busy at work. New gameplay post should happen sometime this afternoon at the latest.
About Dendren and the looters: Literally an off-the-cuff encounter I generated. They weren't even going to have names. However, there's been some great interactions, so expect to see more of them later on.
The funny thing about GMing to me is all the backstory that players never see. The likelihood you would be able to convince Dendren to "change his ways" is extremely low. The odds are very, very stacked against you because of why he's here doing what he's doing...information you may never know.
Still it's cute that players and their characters always believe the way they see the world is how the NPCs and other enemies should as well. Abella is pretty much right on point with her post. ;-)
Spirit of Pinvendor |
So...funny thing.
We're going to be heading right into another combat scene avoidable only be leaving the kiddos to their fate (an option I fully suspect is not really an option for some of you). I went to get started setting up the Roll20 board when I realized not everyone has changed their identity to reflect either their Paizo alias or their PC alias, so I don't know to whom to assign control of some of the player tokens.
If everyone would be so kind as to update their Roll20 Display Name as one of those two, I will get all of that sorted. :)
Edit: Should be the first thing under the Gear icon.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
This Dendren fellow does need to get better friends, but I liked all the color added by that encounter. My Roll20 name is the same as my Paizo username, so that should be okay.
Audria |
Got it changed.