GM Imperius' Skull & Shackles

Game Master Robert Henry

Combat Map...spreadsheet
Important numbers: Infamy: 33, Disrepute: 33, Plunder: 5, Sub-officers 9, crew 78
Ships watch/Bells ...Port Peril Map...The Isle of Empty Eyes

3,251 to 3,279 of 3,279 << first < prev | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | next > last >>

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

"Fall back!"

MacLaren will retreat out of the building into the courtyard. Is Tucci the slowest of our group? Will not leave him behind, but otherwise double move.

Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

"You heard Mac. We fall back, for now."

Veronica follows Mac out of the building and into the courtyard.

Double Move as well

M Human HP 48/48 ; AC 22, TAC 16, FFAC 17 | F:+6, R:+13, W+8| Init +5; Perception +12| Spells: 1st: 5/5 2nd: 0/5 3rd: 0/2|Active: Heroism, Protective Luck

Eric nods, and follows along too.

Double move out of the building as well

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

To speed things up, Tucci swift mounts and rides Kasin out.

Swift Mount: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 13 + 2 = 22 vs DC 20

(double move: 30'+30')

Combat over

After several tense seconds, it seems the animated dreams are not comfortable in the daylight, away from the protection of walls, floors and ceilings.

Where to?

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

Tucci HP: 56/57; AC: 23, tch 14, flat 21 (protective luck active)
Kasin HP: 60/60 (+16/16) DR 5/evil; AC: 28, tch 18, flat 21 (protective luck active) (not included: +3 dodge when moving); SR: 14
Tucci Conditions = Focus: None (sw, +4, 7/9), Deadeye Lore (+4 survival, full), Shared Training (outflank, bonded mind, full), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time 2/2r)
Kasin Conditions = Focus: Tiger (+4dex) & Bear (+4con), Smite (sw, 1/1d, +7dam), Magic Fang (+2, full), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time)
Weapon Equipped = Pike (10’)
Boarding Pike: Att: BAB +6/1, Size +1, Str +4, Attu +2 Dam: Str +6, Attu +2 Crit: 20/x3 DR: magic
Kasin’s Bite: Att: BAB +6/1, Str +5 Dam: Str +5(+7) Crit: 20/x2 DR: magic
Svingli’s Eye (1/1, mv, Perception DC20 for true seeing 1r)
Re-roll profession sailor (1/1w, recharging days: 7/7)
Touch of Good (7/8, +4 att/skill/ability/save (sacred) 1r)
Lucky Halfling (0/1, w/in 30’ I roll a save)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1, cast from scroll list)
Featherscale Cloak (1/1 feather fall)
Rod of Extend Lesser (0/3 heroism, shared training x2)
Spell Storing Armor (vampiric touch)
Spells Known (Caster Level 9, Concentration +13, DC 14+lvl)
. . 0: Create Water, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark
. . 1st (2/6): Cure Light Wounds, Deadeye’s Lore, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Protection from Evil, Summon Nature’s Ally, Touch of the Sea
. . 2nd (2/5): Align Weapon, Aquatic Trail, Barkskin, Shared Training, Summon Nature’s Ally, Wind Wall
. . 3rd (2/4): Aerial Tracks, Life Bubble, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Fang Greater, Resist Energy Communal, Summon Nature’s Ally
- - -

Tucci heads out to the beach asking, ”OK if we poke around a little at the fringes before settling in for the day? We shouldn’t go too far I should think.”

I’m assuming our ‘full dungeon’ spells expire when we leave the fortress. So Tucci will cast a few spells to search the beach and surround if the party agrees.

If they search, Tucci will cast:
- Deadeye's Lore (full dungeon) (1)
- Shared Training (MacLaren, Veronica, & Eric; full dungeon; Outflank & Bonded Mind) (2 - rod)
- Magic Fang Greater (+2 Kasin’s bite, full dungeon) (3)

He'll check for tracks as they muck about.
Survival: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (17) + 33 = 50 and move at full speed.

Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

"Yeah, we still have time, we can spend some of it exploring a bit more around here. I've still got most of my spells ready, as well, in case we run into any trouble."

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

I don't have so many of my spells left, but I have my healing and one powerful combat option.

Brother MacLaren follows along.

No active effects other than Shared Training.

Having investigated the wall around the fort, the intrepid officers of the 'Charm.' Investigate the near jungle and south towards the beach. The island is teaming with wildlife, though the wild creatures seem to be familiar enough with humanoids to keep a safe distance.

Inland on the southwestern peninsula a plateau is visible rising from the jungle. While the larger plateau to the north dwarfs the smaller one on the peninsula, taking up over half the island.

Edit: I beileve this would be visible c.
Rocky hills and ridges rise from this elevated plateau. No trails provide access to its lofty heights, though a 90-foot-high waterfall descends from its northern face.

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

Tucci is happy to just secure the beach and surround. He doesn't want to go too far inland while Brother MacLaren is so low on resources.

Still, when he sees the waterfall he comments, "That is beautiful! Let's check for caves behind it."

He wishes he were a bit more powerful and could ride Kasin up into the air to see the view from the top.

Finding their way along the pleasant beach toward the waterfall, it only takes a few minutes to swim under the fall and find nothing but rocks and cliff face. As the officers of the 'Charm' return to the lovely sandy beach, the notice the sun if beginning to crest the plateau, Ambrose is probably serving dinner back on the ship. Where has the time gone.

What's the plan for the late afternoon and evening?

Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

"I say we call it a day, and get back to the ship, while there's atill dinner to eat. Get some rest, and go back to the fort tomorrow. I'll prepare some spells to make dealing with those things easier. I'm not sure about our mad friend, though. Mac, any idea on spells that could help him?"

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

"Hmmm... There might be, Veronica. Nothing immediately comes to mind, but I'll think about what I can do.
Destroying any remaining animate dreams would be a priority. I don't know much about them. If they are just dreams, can they come back overnight even when seemingly defeated? Hopefully not."

Hiking back to the beach and signaling the 'Charm' to send the ships boat, the officers eventually return to their ship. Ambrose greets them, informing they were just in time for dinner in the 'officers' mess.' He had prepared some of the 'octopus' they'd killed and there would be plenty, for several days. As the sun set, after fielding several questions from both sub-officers and crew alike, the Captain and her senior officers finally had a little time for some peace and quiet.
After a quiet, restful, night and a simple breakfast of porridge, bacon and coffee, the report from the 'night watch' was heard. While there was nothing out of the ordinary to report on the ship or its activities, the seaman in the crow's nest had a disconcerting report about the island, specifically the fort. Initially it was just a fog rising from the fort itself, but eventually there was flashing of lights, and he could see the movement of figures through the open gates, withing the fort itself. The watchman couldn't verify anything specific, but it had all seemed ghostly in nature and had started at the stroke of midnight, lasting several hours. After hearing the report, Ambrose decided to 'not' ask about sending crew to the island to gather supplies.

The report isn't directly from the 'AP' but I'm trying to give a reveal of the events it describes in the GM's information portion.

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Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

Spells Prepared:

Prepared Spells (CL 9; (5/6/5/4/0/0/0), concentration +18(+20 to cast defensively))
3rd (4/day)- Haste, Tactical Adaptation, Dispel Magic, Channel Vigor
2nd (5/day)- Force Anchorx2, Force Sword, open
1st (6/day)- Rime Frostbite x2, Deivon's Parryx3, Blade Tutor Spirit
0th (at will)- Brand; Detect Magic; Ghost Sound; Light; open

Used 2 points from the Arcane Pool for Knowledge Pool: Force Anchor and Force Sword.

"Ah, ghosts... Lovely." Veronica says with a grim face as she hears what transpired during the night. "I'm sure we all missed trekking through a deserted island and being attacked by unliving things. I say we try to take care of those dream things during the day and see if we can explore the rest of the ford, and then decide what we'll do about the ghosts."

She turns to Tucci. "Speaking of those dream things, I'll be creating some longswords made of pure force for me and Eric before we enter the mess hall again. I could make one for you, too, Tucci, but it will be sized for me, so it might be a bit awkward to use. Let me know if you want one, and I'll prepare the spell." She looks from Tucci to Mac and Eric as well "Aside from that, I think I might be able to prevent them from moving through the walls and floors, too. Should make things much easier."

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

Tucci HP: 57/57; AC: 27, tch 14, flat 25 (barkskin included, protective luck active)
Kasin HP: 60/60 (+16/16) DR 5/evil; AC: 28, tch 18, flat 21 (protective luck active) (not included: +3 dodge when moving); SR: 14
Tucci Conditions = Focus: None (sw, +4, 7/9), Deadeye Lore (+4 survival, full), Barkskin (+4 AC, full), Shared Training (outflank, bonded mind, full), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time 2/2r)
Kasin Conditions = Focus: Tiger (+4dex) & Bear (+4con), Smite (sw, 1/1d, +7dam), Magic Fang (+2, full), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time)
Weapon Equipped = Pike (10’)
Boarding Pike: Att: BAB +6/1, Size +1, Str +4, Attu +2 Dam: Str +6, Attu +2 Crit: 20/x3 DR: magic
Kasin’s Bite: Att: BAB +6/1, Str +5 Dam: Str +5(+7) Crit: 20/x2 DR: magic
Svingli’s Eye (1/1, mv, Perception DC20 for true seeing 1r)
Re-roll profession sailor (1/1w, recharging days: 7/7)
Touch of Good (8/8, +4 att/skill/ability/save (sacred) 1r)
Lucky Halfling (1/1, w/in 30’ I roll a save)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1, cast from scroll list)
Featherscale Cloak (1/1 feather fall)
Rod of Extend Lesser (0/3 barkskin, heroism, shared training)
Spell Storing Armor (vampiric touch)
Spells Known (Caster Level 9, Concentration +13, DC 14+lvl)
. . 0: Create Water, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark
. . 1st (5/6): Cure Light Wounds, Deadeye’s Lore, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Protection from Evil, Summon Nature’s Ally, Touch of the Sea
. . 2nd (4/5): Align Weapon, Aquatic Trail, Barkskin, Shared Training, Summon Nature’s Ally, Wind Wall
. . 3rd (3/4): Aerial Tracks, Life Bubble, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Fang Greater, Resist Energy Communal, Summon Nature’s Ally
- - -

"Ghosts?!" Tucci cries out in alarm before calming himself, "Well, if we can take on dreams, surely we can take on ghosts."

"Thanks captain, but I'll stick to my pike. Might not do as much damage, but it'll be easier for me to hit, and from behind Kasin with luck."

Before re-entering the fort, he casts the usual spells, and requests a heroism which he'll give the use of his rod of extend for.

- Deadeye's Lore (full dungeon) (1)
- Barkskin (+4 natural armor, full dungeon) (2 - rod)
- Shared Training (MacLaren, Veronica, & Eric; full dungeon; Outflank & Bonded Mind) (2 - rod)
- Magic Fang Greater (+2 Kasin’s bite, full dungeon) (3)

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

"And I should be able to pull ghosts or spirits out of walls, Veronica."
MacLaren will prepare Ghost Whip in one of his slots.

Spells for the day:
Purify Food and Drink, Grasp, Create Water*, Light
Remove Fear, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Sure Casting, Enlarge Person (D)
CMW, Instant Weapon, Ghost Whip, Spiritual Weapon, Instant Armor, Bull's Strength (D)
Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle Against Evil, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Fly (D)
Anti-Incorporeal Shell, Death Ward, Dimension Door (D)
Communal Spell Immunity, Righteous Might (D)
CMW is in the Sipping Jacket
Last Call holds:
Shield of Faith
Enlarge Person
Death Ward

"I can also ward us all against two specific spells also works against spell-like abilities. If I select Phantasmal Killer and Confusion, we will be warded against some of the enemy's most powerful attacks."

MacLaren will cast Communal Spell Immunity before entering the mess hall again, selecting those two spells, and will use a point from his brew reservoir to Extend it. That will make it last 3 encounters (3 for 10 min/level, reduced to 2 for being the Communal version, increased back to 3 for Extend).

Once the officers are ready, Owlbear puts together a group of rowers. Dropping the ships boat into the water, the 'Charms' officers climb down the cargo net to the small ships boat.

Rowing the officers to the beach, once they unload Owlbear waves. "Owlbear wait on ship, signal Owlbear when ready." He then motions for the oarsmen to row back to the 'Charm Where Ambrose had told them they should be safe.

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

"Let's pick up where we left off with the dreams last." suggests Tucci. "We can take that pair on and see about the ghosts."

He'll march up with Kasin just in front, sniffing for trouble. Tucci tries to spot the dreams before they see the party.

Perception: 1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 24 + 2 = 30 (heroism)

Starting off with B11 I think?

Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

Veronica will make sure to cast Protective Luck on the group before they leave the ship. As they near the mess hall, Veronica proceeds with her magic preparations, creating two longswords of force and handing one to Eric, before activating her Flight Hex and casting an extended Channel Vigor right before heading inside, focusing on her spirit +6 to will saves, 2 encounters

Active Buffs, assuming they don't attack us outside:

Flight (1 encounter?)
Force Sword (2 encounters, +2 longsword)
Extended Channel Vigor (+6 competence on Will, Bluff and Intimidate) (2 encounters)
Extended Good Hope (3 encounters)
Moment of Greatness (2 encounters)
Shared Training (Outflank, Bonded Mind) (full dungeon)
Spell Immunity (Phantasmal Killer, Confusion) (3 encounters)

M Human HP 48/48 ; AC 22, TAC 16, FFAC 17 | F:+6, R:+13, W+8| Init +5; Perception +12| Spells: 1st: 5/5 2nd: 0/5 3rd: 0/2|Active: Heroism, Protective Luck

Eric prepares as well before the group enters the mess hall, casting extended Good Hope on the party and following it with another casting of Moment of Greatness from his wand.

Active Buffs, assuming they don't attack us outside:

Protective Luck (2 rounds after triggering)
Force Sword (2 encounters, +2 longsword)
Extended Good Hope (3 encounters)
Moment of Greatness (2 encounters)
Shared Training (Outflank, Bonded Mind) (full dungeon)
Spell Immunity (Phantasmal Killer, Confusion) (3 encounters)


Mac: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Tucci: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Veronica: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Average: 10
Blue Animated Dream: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Red Animated Dream: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Average: 7

As the officers of the 'Charm' move towards the fortress, Owlbear has his crew push off and begin rowing back to the ship.

Following the brave Capybara the officers again return to what had been the mess hall for the fort. As they enter there are no whispers this time. But the two Animated Dreams, arrogantly move from the walls where they'd been harassing the insane man's dreams from the night before.

Guess who won initiative :)
Round 1 Bold may go.


Animated Dream blue -HP 90, AC 20, t 20, f-f 15 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12 Defensive Abilities incorporeal; SR 19
Animated Dream red HP 90, AC 20, t 20, f-f 15 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12 Defensive Abilities incorporeal; SR 19

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

Brother MacLaren casts Spiritual Weapon. A floating rapier appears and attacks one of the Animate Dreams!

SR Check vs Blue: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Crit?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

It is a force effect, so it does full damage to incorporeal foes and I believe can crit them. Not on a Nat 1, however.

M Human HP 48/48 ; AC 22, TAC 16, FFAC 17 | F:+6, R:+13, W+8| Init +5; Perception +12| Spells: 1st: 5/5 2nd: 0/5 3rd: 0/2|Active: Heroism, Protective Luck

Eric starts his magical performance and casts Mirror Image, his excitement for the coming battle making him completely forgotten about properly strengthening his defenses before the group entered the mess hall.

Images: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Starting IC +3 (18/19 rounds)

Active Buffs:

Protective Luck (2 rounds after triggering)
Force Sword (2 encounters, +2 longsword)
Extended Good Hope (3 encounters)
Moment of Greatness (2 encounters)
Shared Training (Outflank, Bonded Mind) (full dungeon)
Spell Immunity (Phantasmal Killer, Confusion) (3 encounters)
Mirror Image (2 encounters, 6 images)
Inspire Courage +3

Female Human Magus 9 | HP 75/75+8; AC 20, TAC 12, FFAC 19 | F:+12, R:+7, W+8 | Init +1; Per +15 (+17 with BB); Low-light | AP 4/7, BB 0/3| Spells: 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 4/4 |Active: Defending Bone, False Life, Shared Training(Outflank), Heroism

Veronica flies above the table in front of her, to get a good view of her target, and conjures an anchor of pure force that she launches at the Animate Dream being attacked by Mac's conjured rapier.

SR Check vs Blue: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Ranged Touch Attack(Good Hope, Inspire Courage): 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 14
Damage (Force): 4d4 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 4) = 11

Cursing as the anchor completely misses her target, Veronica focuses on the force longsword in her hand and gets ready in case they decided to close in.

Swift Action: Arcane Pool for +3 (force longsword is now ar +5)

Flamboyant Arcana if attacked:

Parry (Inspire Courage, Good Hope): 1d20 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 30
If successful
Riposte (Inspire Courage, Good Hope): 1d20 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 37
Damage (Force) (2h, Inspire Courage, Good Hope): 1d8 + 5 + 9 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 9 + 3 + 2 = 24

Active Buffs:

Flight (1 encounter?)
Force Sword (2 encounters, +2 longsword)
Extended Channel Vigor (+6 competence on Will, Bluff and Intimidate) (2 encounters)
Extended Good Hope (3 encounters)
Moment of Greatness (2 encounters)
Shared Training (Outflank, Bonded Mind) (full dungeon)
Spell Immunity (Phantasmal Killer, Confusion) (3 encounters)
Inspire Courage+3
Arcane Pool for +3 (1 encounter)

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

Tucci HP: 57/57; AC: 27, tch 14, flat 25 (barkskin included, protective luck active)
Kasin HP: 60/60 (+16/16) DR 5/evil; AC: 28, tch 18, flat 21 (protective luck active) (not included: +3 dodge when moving); SR: 14
Tucci Conditions = Focus: None (sw, +4, 7/9), Deadeye Lore (+4 survival, full), Barkskin (+4 AC, full), Shared Training (outflank, bonded mind, full), Good Hope (3), Moment of Greatness (2), Spell Immunity (phantasmal killer/confustion, 3), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time 2/2r), Inspired
Kasin Conditions = Focus: Tiger (+4dex) & Bear (+4con), Smite (sw, 1/1d, +7dam), Magic Fang (+2, full), Good Hope (3), Moment of Greatness (2), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time), Inspired
Weapon Equipped = Pike (10’)
Boarding Pike: Att: BAB +6/1, Size +1, Str +4, Attu +2 Dam: Str +6, Attu +2 Crit: 20/x3 DR: magic
Kasin’s Bite: Att: BAB +6/1, Str +5 Dam: Str +5(+7) Crit: 20/x2 DR: magic
Svingli’s Eye (1/1, mv, Perception DC20 for true seeing 1r)
Re-roll profession sailor (1/1w, recharging days: 7/7)
Touch of Good (8/8, +4 att/skill/ability/save (sacred) 1r)
Lucky Halfling (1/1, w/in 30’ I roll a save)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1, cast from scroll list)
Featherscale Cloak (1/1 feather fall)
Rod of Extend Lesser (1/3 barkskin, shared training)
Spell Storing Armor (vampiric touch)
Spells Known (Caster Level 9, Concentration +13, DC 14+lvl)
. . 0: Create Water, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark
. . 1st (5/6): Cure Light Wounds, Deadeye’s Lore, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Protection from Evil, Summon Nature’s Ally, Touch of the Sea
. . 2nd (4/5): Align Weapon, Aquatic Trail, Barkskin, Shared Training, Summon Nature’s Ally, Wind Wall
. . 3rd (3/4): Aerial Tracks, Life Bubble, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Fang Greater, Resist Energy Communal, Summon Nature’s Ally
- - -

With Good Hope coming, Tucci waits on Heroism as Good Hope is even better and they don’t stack.

Tucci and Kasin ready attacks for when the opposition closes, but they don’t break the wall with their captain!

10’ Reach AoO if needed:

Pike: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 13 + 5 = 23 (good hope, inspired)
damage (P): 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 5 = 15 (good hope, inspired)
Half damage due to incorporeal.
- - -

Readied Actions:

Pike: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 13 + 5 = 29 (good hope, inspired)
damage (P): 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 5 = 14 (good hope, inspired)

Kasin Bite (magic): 1d20 + 12 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 7 = 27 (fang, good hope, inspired)
damage (B/P/S): 1d8 + 7 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 7 = 22 (fang, good hope, inspired)

Half damage due to incorporeal.
- - -

Round 1
Quickly getting the action started, Mac's flying blade strikes the Blue animated dream, causing it's eyes to widen. Inspiring the others Eric creates multiple images of himself, frustrating the other red animated dream, who thought the bard would make an easy target. Veronica, taking to the air, mis times her spell and misses her target, While Tucci anchor's their defense.

The Blue animated dream, clearly not enjoying the assault from the spiritual weapon, moves away from it to the other side of the room. Focusing it's attention on Mac, it casts 'Confusion.' Meanwhile the other red animated dream, offended by the multiple Eric's attempts to put them all to sleep.

Everyone Will save DC 19 vs. Confusion for eight rounds
Eric will save DC 18 vs deep slumber as well
Round 2 Bold may go.


Animated Dream blue - 7 HP 90, AC 20, t 20, f-f 15 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12 Defensive Abilities incorporeal; SR 19
Animated Dream red HP 90, AC 20, t 20, f-f 15 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12 Defensive Abilities incorporeal; SR 19

Blue confusion (Will DC 19) 8 rds
Red Deep slumber effects 10 HD of characters (Will DC 18)

M Human Cleric 5/Brk4 | HP 66/66 | AC 23 (T 14, FF 20, CMD 24) | F +10 R +8 W +10 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +12 Spells 4/6/6/5/3/2 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Magic Circle, Fly, Divine Favor, Outflank, FoM, Heroism

Fortunately, everyone is immune to Confusion thanks to Communal Spell Immunity!

Not so for Deep Slumber, however.

Brother MacLaren's ghostly rapier continues to attack.
Attack, IC +3, Good Hope: 1d20 + 9 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 3 + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 3 + 2 = 14

It does not need to check SR a second time. I am not sure if the weapon gets multiple attacks if its target moves. I know it only gets one attack if I have to use a move action to redirect it, but that isn't the case here. If it does get the iterative:
Iterative: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 3 + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 3 + 2 = 11

Brother MacLaren casts Ghost Whip, spending a point from his reservoir to Extend it (so 2 encounters, reservoir now at 5/7). He drinks Death Ward from his tankard (2 encounters).

Male Halfling Hunter 9 | AC: 23 tch 14 flat 21 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10 | CMD 21 | Initiative +2 | Perception +24 | Sense Motive +4 | Helm

Tucci HP: 57/57 (+18/18); AC: 29, tch 16, flat 25 (barkskin & tiger included, protective luck active)
Kasin HP: 60/60 (+16/16) DR 5/evil; AC: 28, tch 18, flat 21 (protective luck active) (not included: +3 dodge when moving); SR: 14
Tucci Conditions = Focus: Tiger & Bear (sw, +4, 8/9), Deadeye Lore (+4 survival, full), Barkskin (+4 AC, full), Shared Training (outflank, bonded mind, full), Good Hope (3), Moment of Greatness (2), Spell Immunity (phantasmal killer/confusion, 3), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time 2/2r), Inspired
Kasin Conditions = Focus: Tiger (+4dex) & Bear (+4con), Smite (sw, 1/1d, +7dam), Magic Fang (+2, full), Spell Immunity (phantasmal killer/confusion, 3), Good Hope (3), Moment of Greatness (2), Protective Luck (roll twice to hit first time), Inspired
Weapon Equipped = Pike (10’)
Boarding Pike: Att: BAB +6/1, Size +1, Str +4, Attu +2 Dam: Str +6, Attu +2 Crit: 20/x3 DR: magic
Kasin’s Bite: Att: BAB +6/1, Str +5 Dam: Str +5(+7) Crit: 20/x2 DR: magic
Svingli’s Eye (1/1, mv, Perception DC20 for true seeing 1r)
Re-roll profession sailor (1/1w, recharging days: 7/7)
Touch of Good (8/8, +4 att/skill/ability/save (sacred) 1r)
Lucky Halfling (1/1, w/in 30’ I roll a save)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1, cast from scroll list)
Featherscale Cloak (1/1 feather fall)
Rod of Extend Lesser (1/3 barkskin, shared training)
Spell Storing Armor (vampiric touch)
Spells Known (Caster Level 9, Concentration +13, DC 14+lvl)
. . 0: Create Water, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark
. . 1st (5/6): Cure Light Wounds, Deadeye’s Lore, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Protection from Evil, Summon Nature’s Ally, Touch of the Sea
. . 2nd (4/5): Align Weapon, Aquatic Trail, Barkskin, Shared Training, Summon Nature’s Ally, Wind Wall
. . 3rd (3/4): Aerial Tracks, Life Bubble, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Fang Greater, Resist Energy Communal, Summon Nature’s Ally
- - -

Tucci swiftly takes on the tiger and bear before brings the fight to them, shifting up and attacking blue.
Pike: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 13 + 5 = 28 (good hope, inspired)
damage (P): 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 5 = 14 (good hope, inspired)
Half damage due to incorporeal.

Kasin also sidles forward. He also attacks blue.
Kasin Bite (magic): 1d20 + 12 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 7 = 20 (fang, good hope, inspired)
damage (B/P/S): 1d8 + 7 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 7 = 21 (fang, good hope, inspired)
Half damage due to incorporeal.

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