GM Doug H |
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I don't know how but I missed Torrent's post yesterday. I just saw it because I checked the thread to post a reminder!
Busy this afternoon… I will update you tonight or if I get a moment this afternoon.

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Hey gang - back to back crazy weeks for me.
Travelling again but bringing a device - meaning I will be active but my posting quality will be limited by not playing from a desktop.
Appreciate you GM for your post-formatting - makes it easy to recalibrate upon visiting most recent posts - and apologize that my slight overcommit to Gameday has affected my PbP jam. I am learning this lesson the hard way and I'm sure it's painful to watch...

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Of all the NPCs to run into, Salka "Silver-Fist" runs into someone with exactly the same metallic accents as herself. Incredible.
I love that.

GM Doug H |
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Hero point to Salka. maybe she can change her luck on Overdrive

GM Doug H |

Hero point to Don, because I am/will be enjoying the interaction between his character and the creature type here.

GM Doug H |

We just started this combat. Do you guys want to try to finish it or wait to move on? Finishing it won’t help the house etc, it would just be an extra combat.

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I have no strong opinion and am fine either way GM/rest of table decides ^^

GM Doug H |

Let’s hold till the last part then. The creatures can disfigure you to give a semi-permanent penalty to charisma; this might negatively affect some PCs' abilities for the rest of the scenario.
That was what Don’s fort save was needed for.

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I was finally on a roll with my abilities and had a cold iron weapon so I'm a little sad but not enough to strongly disagree or anything. And that curse is nasty so probably good to avoid.

GM Doug H |
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Hero point to Interi for pre rolling fighter AOOs.

GM Doug H |

The special is slated to finish around Oct 25. We can run an encounter of more Aspis (weaker, similar to the first ones you fought) if you like; you would have a little over 10 minutes between the encounters.

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If we have 10 days anyway, then I vote for another round.

GM Doug H |

Looks like saves were malformed. On preview #3 made it and the other failed.
Sorry about that!

GM Doug H |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Game is submitted for reporting. I will close down the thread tomorrow.
Thanks all! This was a very easy game… probably the most relaxing special I've run.

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Thanks for GM'ing! Had a lot of fun thanks to a great GM + party!
Chronicle looks good!
Also, the RNG Gods looked favorably on Torrent. Average result on the die
Skill Check - 9.27 (11 rolls)
Save - 12 (2 rolls)
Strike - 16 (4 rolls)
Thunderous Strike - 10.75 (4 rolls)
Spell Strike - 14.7 (10 rolls)
Overall - 12.26 (31 rolls)
I think I should've entered the lottery with this luck. I'm a bit scared to play another session now...