Fascili the Exterminator
Male CG human inquisitor of Desna 1 | AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 | Hit Points: 10/10 | Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 4; +4 vs. disease, nausea, and sickening effects Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) | Judgement 1/1 | Spells 1st--2/2 | Languages Common, Halfling
Small Female Wayang N Alchemist 2 (Mind Chemist) Buffs: HP 19/19 | AC 15 T 14 FF 12 | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +5 R +6 W -1, +2 vs poison, shadow school| INIT +5| PER +6 Darkvision 60'|SM -1| Speed 20' |Condition:
Re-roll 1/1|Light and Dark 1/1, Dissolution's Child 1/1, Cognatogen: 1/1, Bombs: 9/9, Extracts 1st 4/4