XperimentalDM |
The door opens and a series of nozzles lined up along the walkway spray it with freezing cold liquids,
durlock reflex save please
DC 13 reflex for half: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 4) = 15
The now open door reveals a server room.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
The dwarf is nearly frozen to death.
XperimentalDM |
It looks like the cooling pipes were deliberatly modified to function as a trap. It seems to be inactive now and the server room is open.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu looks toward their companion and asks “Can anyone do something for Durlok, he seems to be unwell.”
Once that’s taken care of, they will be ready to move in the room.
Kadef |
The quorlu looks toward their companion and asks “Can anyone do something for Durlok, he seems to be unwell.”
Kadef hands Durlok two Mark 1 healing serums.
Hey, XperimentalDM, Inspiring Boost's description implies it's an in-combat ability. Can I use it on Durlok out of combat to recharge some of his Stamina?
XperimentalDM |
With the nozzles discharged the door is easily opened.
This austere room contains computers, supplies, and large banks of servers lined up along the walls. The hum of electronics seems loud compared to the silence of the rest of the facility.
XperimentalDM |
ʀːi˧i˩ro wrote:The quorlu looks toward their companion and asks “Can anyone do something for Durlok, he seems to be unwell.”
Kadef hands Durlok two Mark 1 healing serums.
Hey, XperimentalDM, Inspiring Boost's description implies it's an in-combat ability. Can I use it on Durlok out of combat to recharge some of his Stamina?
** spoiler omitted **
I going to go with no. Mainly because I don't think traps and hazards count as significant enemies. I'll be looking into it in the future. You certainly could inspiring boost with in 1 round, so I'm not concerned about not being in combat, but I'm iffy on the traps considered enemies as significant enemy calls out creatures. Hopefully it won't matter this time.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Am I correct that we had time to rest and that Durlock can spend the RP to regain Stamina?
Durlock injects himself with one of the serums offered by Kadef.
Heal: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Not feeling effect, he reluctantly takes the second.
Heal: 1d8 ⇒ 5
"Thanks," he grumbles. His oft dour expression somewhat less so.
This austere room contains computers, supplies, and large banks of servers lined up along the walls. The hum of electronics seems loud compared to the silence of the rest of the facility.
Then, upon seeing the computers and electronics, the state of dourness returns. The dwarf retrieves his assault hammer, takes it in hand, and looks prepared to unleash it in an effort to relieve some of his pent-up frustrations.
XperimentalDM |
Well a series of 3 computers/engineering checks can get the data downloaded safely or an athletics check can yank the drive out of the serve.
"The Darkness" |
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Inspired Boost is exclusively meant to be used in combat, that's the whole significant enemy thing in the text. Starfinder has a lot of abilities that specifically work only in/out of combat.
The Darkness squeezes through the door and glides silently into the room.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Kadef |
kinda what I thought. No harm asking for a ruling. Thanks.
Also I'm -1 on computers, +7 athletics. If we can't finesse the drive, I'll try to rip it out.
"You are most welcome, Durlok."
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu after looking for physical traps, starts typing on the keyboard to gain access.
Computers: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
They change tactics and give a try at disabling some security by fiddling with the electronics.
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
XperimentalDM |
After some inital difficulty with the OS, ʀːi˧i˩ro is able to connect the drive to your storage device and initiate a data transfer. You have the data you came for.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
Satisfied of their work, Rree-eelo replies “I would prefer to check the whole place, we might be able to learn more. I’m still curious what happened there.”
"The Darkness" |
"I guess we might as well. When else are we going to get the chance to come back?"
The Darkness starts to check the rest of the rooms, opening the doors from a distance to reduce the chance of getting caught up in another trap.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"I guess we might as well. When else are we going to get the chance to come back?"
"Curiosity nearly got me frozen t'death. But, if you want go right ahead," says Durlock as he follows the sarcesian.
XperimentalDM |
The remainder of the unexplored rooms are more personal quarters and a communal restroom. There are two areas that appeared to have been used for some kind of research.
For the first research point,
You can tell that the team was performing geological surveys on the asteroid, analyzing age and mineral composition.
For the second research point,
You review the leftover equipment and workstations
and determine that the team here performed biological experiments examining how different microbes survived on the asteroid’s surface.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Durlock shrugs. "Not much here t'find."
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
Physical Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
“The team was performing geological surveys here, I recognize those charts and equipment.”
Profession (miner) could have been used there too I guess.
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
“I’m less familiar with this but it looks like equipment used to see how microbes fare on the surface.”
Zint |
Zint stares at he info The Quorlu is messing with. He squints at it. Turns his head sideways, crosses his eyes and says, "OK. I trust you on this. Microbes on the surface? Sounds... like science fiction to me!"
Kadef |
Life Science: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
"I believe ʀːi˧i˩ro is correct. These instruments are designed to monitor microscopic biological activities. Remarkable that anything like that could exist on such a small barren rock so far from the sun. What would such an organism do if exposed to a rich planetary environment? Would it breed uncontrollably , or would it be overwhelmed by too many resources ? "
XperimentalDM |
With that their remains little reason to stay.
During the trip back to Absalom station you can attempt to analyze the data you recovered yourself.
Sanson-56 was about to publish new findings on several asteroids when Astral Extractions bought the company. The data indicates that one of these asteroids was a prime candidate for mining and filled with valuable minerals, but was also home to microbial life. Pact World protocol, enforced by the Stewards, requires a full environmental study on any microbial life present before an asteroid can be mined to determine if the life is native to the asteroid or a result of contamination from an outside source. If native, the asteroid is protected and can’t be mined so that the novel lifeforms can potentially develop. Astral Extractions suppressed the data about the asteroid, likely to set up a mining operation without consideration of the microbes present.
When you arrive back on the station, Celita asks for your report.
Kadef |
Life Science: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 We'll see if anyone can crack the analysis. It'll make our report look much better than 'we found the hard drive and brought the data back.'
"The Darkness" |
The sarcesian brushes back some hair from his eyes and says, "I wrote a song about what we found. I call it "Green Sludge in a Desolation Refridgerator on an Abandoned Station at the Edge of the Galaxy." The Darkness unhooks the bass guitar from his back and plays a two minute long solo.
"I hope that clears things up."
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
Physical Science DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
“I think I need more time to figure this out; and we’re are already at Absalom Station.”
Rree-eelo gives the information about the team discoveries, including that there was a trap.
XperimentalDM |
Celita is happy to have the data and is particularly impressed that you copied it without removing the servers.
“Well done, Starfinders. You have performed admirably, and I look forward to working with you on future assignments.”
She connects the drive to her work station and beings looking at the data, "Hmm, let's see what we have here... It looks like one of their employee's, Sanson-56, was about to publish new findings on several asteroids when Astral Extractions bought the company. The data indicates that one of these asteroids was a prime candidate for mining and filled with valuable minerals, but was also home to microbial life. Pact World protocol, enforced by the Stewards, requires a full environmental study on any microbial life present before an asteroid can be mined to determine if the life is native to the asteroid or a result of contamination from an outside source. If native, the asteroid is protected and can’t be mined so that the novel lifeforms can potentially develop. Astral Extractions suppressed the data about the asteroid, likely to set up a mining operation without consideration of the microbes present.
You seem to have uncovred a bit a of a corperate coverup. We'll have to decide what to do with this information. Thank you again."
She provides you with a set of jump jets as thanks for your efforts.
XperimentalDM |
That leaves the current leader of the Exo-guardians, Ixthia.
The Exo-Guardians maintain a presence on Absalom Station in a remodeled warehouse in the poor but trendy Downlow neighborhood. They have an additional headquarters on Sangoro’s Bulwark. Ixthia is currently setting
up their office after taking over as head of the Exo-Guardians faction.
The office is filled with armor and weaponry of all kinds. A tall copaxi speaks into an intercom unit.“Yes, the nameplate on the door looks lovely, but I’m afraid I need it changed. It’s ‘Ixthia’ now. Yes, with an ‘Ix’ at the front. No, no, you did great work, I just need it to be updated. I know you were working off old information. Next week? That will be fine, thank you.”
They quickly greet everyone. “I apologize for keeping you waiting; I had been on hold for almost an hour. Hello and welcome, new Starfinders. I am so pleased that you have all joined the Society. I myself am new to this role, so I suppose we’ll figure out our new jobs together. I do have an assignment for you that just came up, so your timing is excellent.We’re trying to build up our relationship with the Stewards after the last couple of years. It would be helpful to be on their good side, and they’ve just asked for a favor. They need some help investigating ships seized from smugglers. They’d like to contract extra personnel to go through and inventory the stolen goods on board, as they need to build their case in
a hurry.”
Kadef |
"We will be happy to help any way we can. Where are the stolen goods being held?"
Kadef tries to sound enthusiastic.
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
XperimentalDM |
"The Stewards have the ship impounded and orbiting Aabsalom station. They can explain more about exactly what they need done and should provide you with a shuttle out to the ship."
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"Another shuttle? Another ship?" Durlock sulks.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu wonders if they should point out that absalom is a giant ship of some sort, thinking “Does the size of the ship or the lack of propulsion is important to him? Maybe that’s because its constructed?”
They ask before living, in response to the space cops mention of The Darkness, “Unless mistaken, the stewards role only applies to the Pact Worlds, am I correct?”
"The Darkness" |
"You know, it doesn't really matter much whether you're on a planet, an asteroid, a space station or a ship. All you have to do is just go up a little bit and you're dangling in the weightless nothingness of space. Solid ground is just an illusion, man," the sarcesian quips as Durlock complains about going on yet another starship voyage.
Culture?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
"Yeah, the Pact Stewards got no authority out in the Vast. Nobody really does, I guess."
XperimentalDM |
"Yes that is correct the Stewards only operate within pact worlds territory, for the most part."
Ixthia hires a shuttle to take you into orbit and reach the Armada. There, you meet with Steward Officers Famdok Athret (male half-orc) and Tramiola Lojten (female human).
Famdok addresses the contractors with a professional nod. “Hello, Starfinders. Thank you for your assistance. As your commander probably informed you, the Stewards recently seized over two dozen ships from a major organized crime operation. Pact World policy dictates that we only have a limited time to search the ships before they have to be returned, so we need to inventory their contents quickly. For that, we need extra personnel. Board the ship assigned to you and search for anything that seems strange or illegal. If you find any evidence about their operation, that would also be helpful to our case.”
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu nods “Illegal? You mean illegal in the Pact World? I’m not that familiar with all the local laws but I’ll do my best to catalog and search for anything hidden.”
XperimentalDM |
The sumgglers are currently in custody so there shouldn't be anyone on the ship. It's ok if you're not sure if something is illegal or not, just document everything you find throughly and we'll be able to determine which things their carrying would result in additional charges. They could just be trying to avoid local import duties, but I doubt it. We’ve found all kinds of things on the other ships: forged artwork, animal hides from endangered creatures, and even precious metals. Just keep your eyes open and document whatever you find."
Kadef |
"That seems straight forward enough. Thank you, Officers Famdok Athret and Tramiola Lojten."
The kasatha turns to his companions. "Shall we proceed?"
I'm assuming that the shuttle Ix hired is still available to us, and the Stewards gave us the name and coordinates of the ship we are to search.
XperimentalDM |
You are directed to the The Evening’s Solace. It has been parked in a docking bay. After entering through a port side airlock, you find the lights on and the ship filled with breathable atmosphere. You are free to move about the ship. [ooc]see slide 6[/occ]
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
“I wonder if we could modify the ship sensor to scan the inside of the ship. We will have to look through the whole ship. Keep a look out for smuggler’s caches.” As they say that, the advance slowly toward the forward of the ship.