XperimentalDM |
None of these guys seems to think stopping to fight is a good idea so they keep running with their stolen items. All three of them withdraw.
Bad Life Choices Round 1
The Darkness
Ree eero
Bold PCs may act.
"The Darkness" |
Did Red make his DC 15 Fort Save? Gravity Hold prevents him from moving if he fails the save. It would actually lift the guy five foot off the ground and hold him in place, so he could still attack or do other actions, but just wouldn't be able to move.
The Darkness uses his incredible reach to swipe at one of the fleeing thieves.
I think he would still get an AoO against one of the ones that he was adjacent too, because withdrawing only protects you from moving out of one square and The Darkness happens to have reach.
VS KAC: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Slashing/Shock: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Zint |
"Hey! You on camera! Why steal when you gonna get caught?"
He then uses his extra arms torun faster than anything that looks like a skittermander should and closely follows the thieves.
On comms:"No kill them, cameras and people are watching!"
XperimentalDM |
Two of the thugs are running away as qiuckly a they can, but can't seem to outrun Zint.
Bad Life Choices Round 2
The Darkness
Ree eero
Bold PC's may act.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu slowly moves toward the thieves and grab one of their explosives, one that should prevent them from fleeing.
Drawing one of the grenades from Experimental Explosives and choose it to be a Stikybomb grenade.
Aiming at the teal enemy to catch him and purple.
60 ft away so −4 to hit
DC 5: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 2 - 4 = 4
direction: 1d8 ⇒ 8
distance: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Put a cross where it should land, it is probably stopped by the building walls.
Unfortunately thier aim is off and the grenade explode in a couple of trees.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
With one of the thieves nearby, Durlock punches them.
Spending 1st level spell per wrecking fists.
Melee (unarmed strike) v. red: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Damage (B), wrecking fists: 1d3 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (2, 6) = 14
"The Darkness" |
The Darkness strides forward and pointing his hand at the one in teal, he closes his hand into a fist.
"You cannot escape from the gravity of a black hole," he murmurs as he attempts to lift the thief off the ground with his stellar abilities.
[ooc]Attuned 2 points, Fort DC 15 to negate The Darkness strides forward and pointing his hand at the one in teal, he closes his hand into a fist.
XperimentalDM |
ok weird form code is weird. My post did some odd stuff and ended up split in two
Blue begins to float up off the ground. With no combantants nearby he is unable to do much. He draws a pistol with his free hand and fires at Kadif
vs KAC: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
P damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Purple swings at Zint with his gloved hand and then steps away.
vs KAC: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
P damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Bad Life Choices Round 2 continued
The Darkness
Red (down)
Ree eero
Bold PC's may act.
Zint |
Almost forgot the EP. +1 EP for the double move last round.
Zint shakes his head.
You should just give up now. Please."
He then steps up and returns the favor.
entropic strike: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
damage: 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu draws their laser pistol before tweaking his weapon, and aiming toward one the closest thief.
Using Overcharge. Ammo 17/20.
vs Turquoise’s EAC: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (1) = 3
XperimentalDM |
ʀːi˧i˩ro and Zint both connect with their targets, but do not hurt them enough to make them reconsider their actions.
Bad Life Choices Round 2 continued
The Darkness
Red (down)
Blue -3
Purple -4
Bold PC's may act.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock gives pursuit of the thieves.
Double Move
"The Darkness" |
The atmosphere around the Darkness starts to get heavy and the light bends towards him before disappearing into him. Raising his hand, he begins to pull both the remaining thugs off their feet and towards him.
Using his Zenith Revelation, Black Hole, to pull both foes ten feet closer to the Darkness. They get to make a Fort DC 15 check to negate.
XperimentalDM |
blue Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
purple Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
The two theives are dragged amidst the pack of Starfinders.
Kadef |
Kadef watches with satisfaction and a little bit of awe while the two thieves glide back toward the party. He readies his staff and takes a hard roundhouse swing at the closer one.
Staff, Battle v KAC, blue : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 ... damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 S 0 0.1 Analog, knockdown, block
XperimentalDM |
Kadifs swing goes wide missing the theif.
Since they can't seem to simply get away both enemies swing with their gloves hands
Pruple goes for Kadif
vs KAC: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage(B): 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Blue swings at Zint
vs KAC: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage(B): 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Bad Life Choices Round 3 continued/Stat of roud 4
The Darkness
Red (down)
Blue -3
Purple -4
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock swings at one of the thief's in reach.
Full attack; spending 1st level spell per wrecking fists.
Melee (unarmed strike) v. blue: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 - 4 = 6
Damage (B), wrecking fists: 1d3 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (3, 2) = 11
Melee (unarmed strike) v. blue: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 4 = 10
Damage (B): 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
XperimentalDM |
Blue catched a strong hit from Durlock, he drops the equipment and shoutts, "I suren-", before Zint knocks him out.
XperimentalDM |
Bad Life Choices Round 3 continued/Stat of round 4
The Darkness
Red (down)
Blue (down)
Purple -4
"The Darkness" |
This time the solarion draws upon solar energy, and little motes of light flicker across his black armor. Then The Darkness fires a blast of cold over his allies heads.
Solar Flare, VsEAC,cover: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Cold, solar attuned: 1d4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
While getting closer to the would be thief, Rree-eelo tweak their laser pistor before firing it toward the remaining thief.
Move then Overcharge. Ammo 14/20
vs Purple AC, cover: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (1) = 5
Kadef |
Seeing the damage wrought upon the latest thief, Kadef mercifully raises his pulsecaster and fires at the last one.
Pulsecaster Pistol v EAC : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 ... damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2 E, nonlethal 30' 1 charge/use 20 charges
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock thinks about smashing the accursed camera equipment, but then reconsiders.
XperimentalDM |
You are able to stabalize the would be thieves and make sure they are properly handled by the authorities.
The vidstreamers are grateful to get their equipment back and give a special thank you shout out to you all in their edited version of the interview. Radaszam, who watched the livestream, sets up a video call with the you afterward.
“Excellent work, Starfinders. You’ve made the Society look good to hundreds of thousands of viewers across the Station. We’ve had a large uptick in inquiries about joining the Society.”
“The hosts and crew were quite grateful that you were able to save their equipment, and they’ve issued an invitation to have you back
on the show in a few months to talk about your latest adventures.”
Radaszam is grateful to you for doing the interview, and he sends them a video camera scanner (Starfinder Armory 107) and a shotgun microphone scanner (Armory 107) to practice for their next interview. He also includes a set of clearweave 1 armor (Armory 69) to look more fashionable on-screen. Station Buzz pays the Starfinders an honorarium
of 50 credits each for appearing on the show. In thanks for you stopping the theft of the expensive AV equipment, the show staff gift you merchandise branded with the show’s logo. In addition to t-shirts, notepads, and sunglasses, this collection includes a limited-edition set of figurines of various Absalom Station celebrities worth 300 credits.
You can now decide which faction leader you wish to assist next.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"The Big Croc says 'thank you' by giving us our own pile of junk?" Durlock grumbles. The dwarf does, however, looked rather pleased as he in artfully pulls one of the t-shirts over his head and across most of his stout frame.
"Who do you want to see next?" he asks his comrades, before adding, "And don't you dare say, 'Celita'."
I am fine visiting whichever next (even over Durlock's complaints). How long between faction leader visits? Durlock has used most of his level one spells already.
XperimentalDM |
"The Big Croc says 'thank you' by giving us our own pile of junk?" Durlock grumbles. The dwarf does, however, looked rather pleased as he in artfully pulls one of the t-shirts over his head and across most of his stout frame.
"Who do you want to see next?" he asks his comrades, before adding, "And don't you dare say, 'Celita'."
I am fine visiting whichever next (even over Durlock's complaints). How long between faction leader visits? Durlock has used most of his level one spells already.
I think it is safe to say you have at least a full days rest between most assignments.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
Rree-eero is relieved to see that the thieves have been stopped but not killed.
The quorlu is happy to carry the technical equipment provided by Radaszam for now. They asks around if anyone is interested in the armor or need it to be adjusted to their physiology. They could use it as it is slightly more interesting than their current Lashunta Ringwear but there’s probably someone else that can make better user of it.
They keep one of the notepad with the show logo as the clothing needs to be adapted to their morphology.
Rree-eero is surprised at the continued show of dislike of technology from Durlok, so unlike all the dwarves they’ve encountered so far. Despite their surprise, they do not mention it. “I do not have any preferences. Maybe we could go see Fitch?”
Kadef |
Kadef considers. Celita is the closest, and so most logical choice, but it would not do to alienate Durlock. ʀːi˧i˩ro might be right. Start farthest away with Fitch on the Master of Stars and work towards home.
"Fitch is an acceptable choice."
Regarding Radaszam's bounty, the kasatha quietly demurs, "Someone more likely to stand in combat would benefit more from the clearweave." And it's not really his style.
He graciously accepts the show staff's gifts. Perhaps the clothing could be distributed to the indigent. Also not his style.
XperimentalDM |
You send a message to Fitch that you are ready to see you and she sends a chearful comm back instructing you to meet her aboard The Master of Stars and to bring what you will need for a trip of several weeks.
You take a shuttle out into the armada orbiting Absalom Station and dock aboard The Master of Stars. When the shuttle docks on the Master of Stars, staff stationed to the ship quickly crowd around to receive their packages and other mail from home. Fitch’s office is just across the hallway, clearly labeled. Inside, Fitch carefully paints a small model of the Master of Stars. “Oh, hey, it’s the newest recruits! Thanks
for coming out here to the Armada! I love it here on the Master of Stars. I get itchy feet back on the station. I was just painting my model to be consistent with the latest updates on the ship’s exterior, but that can wait for later.”
Fitch moves the model to a cabinet containing dozens of model starships: every model ever owned by the Starfinder Society as well as other styles from all over the galaxy. Her office walls are covered with blueprints of various starship models and many photos of young ysoki. “Anyway, I have excellent news! We’ve identified four new planetoids in the Vast that are part of a solar system we’ve never been to! That is, no one in the Pact Worlds has been there. Or at least, no one in the Pact Worlds has written about it. The star is named Estokine, and I’d like you to head out there and take some scans of each planetoid. Don’t land your ship on any of the planets, since we want to analyze all the data and images before we decide whether to send a ground team. I’m assigning a Pegasus to you for the mission; you’ll need its upgraded sensors. I’m also sending along one of my other Wayfinder agents who does a lot of this kind of work, in case you need any help.”
Durlok Stonegrinder |
When Durlock realizes that the journey to see Fitch requires a trip on a shuttle followed by time aboard a starship, he grumbles aloud, "I'd rather we had gone to see Celita."
Before boarding the shuttle where only a few inches of metal alloys and transparisteel stand between one and the cold, lifeless vacuum of space, the dwarf casts life bubble upon himself as he declares, "No need to take more chances than nec'ssary." He maintains an irascible frown for the remainder of the journey and into the briefing.
“Anyway, I have excellent news! We’ve identified four new planetoids in the Vast that are part of a solar system we’ve never been to! That is, no one in the Pact Worlds has been there. Or at least, no one in the Pact Worlds has written about it. The star is named Estokine, and I’d like you to head out there and take some scans of each planetoid.
The frown on Durlock's face begins to fade with the prospect of a mission on solid ground.
[b]"Don’t land your ship on any of the planets, since we want to analyze all the data and images before we decide whether to send a ground team. I’m assigning a Pegasus to you for the mission; you’ll need its upgraded sensors. I’m also sending along one of my other Wayfinder agents who does a lot of this kind of work, in case you need any help.”
The frown promptly returns as Fitch continues. "So, ye don't really want to know much 'bout the planet, then, do ye? 'Cause until ye put boots on the ground--or better yet, under it--ya canna really know 'bout a place, I say."
"So who is this 'agent' ya wish ta yoke us with?" he asks Fitch, looking the ysoki straight in the eye. "The one's that too 'fraid to get their boots dirty by puttin'em on the ground?"
Zint |
Just looked, the clearweave is +3/+3 so.. good armor. Zint is more of an up front guy, is anyone else? Would give me +1 more EAC but take away one KAC...
Zint listens raptly, wondering how he might help out on a starship at this point in his career.
He nods at Fitch. "Sounds straightforward!"
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu looks at Fitch’s collection with interest while listening to the briefing. They are mentally thinking of which of those ship they have encountered so far.
Once she replies to Durlock, they asks “Do you have details on the star? And how did the Society found about the system?” They are about to ask more on the planetoids but wonder if their is any information if they are being sent on such a long journey.
"The Darkness" |
The sarcesian almost perks up when Fitch let's the team know they are heading out to the Vast. "The emptiness of the void is the only place where I've ever belonged," he murmurs as he strikes a wailing note on his black guitar. "My cold heart yearns for the endless, lightlessness of the Vast."
The Darkness is ready to go!
XperimentalDM |
When Durlock realizes that the journey to see Fitch requires a trip on a shuttle followed by time aboard a starship, he grumbles aloud, "I'd rather we had gone to see Celita."
Before boarding the shuttle where only a few inches of metal alloys and transparisteel stand between one and the cold, lifeless vacuum of space, the dwarf casts life bubble upon himself as he declares, "No need to take more chances than nec'ssary." He maintains an irascible frown for the remainder of the journey and into the briefing.
XperimentalDM wrote:“Anyway, I have excellent news! We’ve identified four new planetoids in the Vast that are part of a solar system we’ve never been to! That is, no one in the Pact Worlds has been there. Or at least, no one in the Pact Worlds has written about it. The star is named Estokine, and I’d like you to head out there and take some scans of each planetoid.The frown on Durlock's face begins to fade with the prospect of a mission on solid ground.
XperimentalDM wrote:[b]"Don’t land your ship on any of the planets, since we want to analyze all the data and images before we decide whether to send a ground team. I’m assigning a Pegasus to you for the mission; you’ll need its upgraded sensors. I’m also sending along one of my other Wayfinder agents who does a lot of this kind of work, in case you need any help.”The frown promptly returns as Fitch continues. "So, ye don't really want to know much 'bout the planet, then, do ye? 'Cause until ye put boots on the ground--or better yet, under it--ya canna really know 'bout a place, I say."
"So who is this 'agent' ya wish ta yoke us with?" he asks Fitch, looking the ysoki straight in the eye. "The one's that too 'fraid to get their boots dirty by puttin'em on the ground?"
"I actually agree with you Durlock, but if a planet is inhabited by flesh eating megafauna or has corrosive atmosphere that will melt through environmental protections is 10 seconds, or an emerging civilization we need to worry about contaminating, I'd rather we find that out from orbit so our ground team can be prepared. Rest assured once we have some idea of what to expect I hop to put boots on, or even under, the ground."
"Sakashi has done these kinds of planetary scans before and is quite adept with the scanning systems you will need to use to take readings. If you feel you're able to do the job better, I'm sure she is willing to observe your methods."
"If there are not other questions the Pegasus class ship Sanos is preped and ready for you."
Everyone should probobly choose starship roles now for when that happens
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock gravitates to the crystal ball.
Magic Officer, I guess.
XperimentalDM |
Your drift journey takes 9 days.
Estokine is a yellow star with 4 planets orbiting it. It will take several hours for each planetary survey and you can complete the scans in whatever order you see fit. Taking the scan requires a computers check. The ships sensors give a +2 to the check. Sakashi has a +6 Computers skill
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Not to out done by some compilation of silicon and lithium, Durlock gazes into the crystal ball, trying to summon a view of the closest planet.
Assuming that he can attempt a scrying action since it functions as the scan science officer action...
Mysticism: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
XperimentalDM |
That seems reasonable for now
Durlock brings up assorted images of the 4th planet from the sun, a cold and barren looking surface. Someone can attempt a physical Science check to interpret the scrying.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
The quorlu looks at the data, trying to make sense of it, trying to focus on what the Society would be interested rather than their usual search of mining opportunities.
Physical Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Rree-eelo also has Profession (miner) +9 in case there’s something linked to that.