XperimentalDM |
Durlock gets the gates open easily. You may place yourselves on the map on slide 5. The enterence to the research station has several small hover vehicles parked outside. Each has an inventory sticker labeled
“Sanson-56” that has been sloppily covered by another sticker reading “Astral Extractions.”
"The Darkness" |
The Darkness slips his spark knife out of his sheath and with a flick of his other wrist a mass of icy darkness covers up his other hand.
"I guess I should scout ahead." The Darkness slinks past the motor bikes, stepping over them with his long legs.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock follows, looking for any trouble.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
XperimentalDM |
No one spots anything out of the ordinary so far. It also continues to seem as though the location is deserted.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"Doors?" Durlock responds, heading towards them. "Let's see if they still work."
Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
XperimentalDM |
"Doors?" Durlock responds, heading towards them. "Let's see if they still work."
They are functional.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock tries to open the door.
XperimentalDM |
Durlock tries to open the door.
It opens easily and reveals what seems to be the staff mess.
"The Darkness" |
The Darkness also moves through the complex, using the reach of his long arms and his ability to move surprisingly silent to scout out the doors.
The Darkness will sneak up to doors, check out the door with Perception, then open them up at the end of his 10 foot reach until he finds something interesting.
Stealth +7, Perception +0
Durlok Stonegrinder |
The Darkness also moves through the complex, using the reach of his long arms and his ability to move surprisingly silent to scout out the doors.
Durlock retrieves his hammer and keeps watch as The Darkness sleeks off.
XperimentalDM |
These living quarters are cleared of all personal belongings. They
have modifications for the low-gravity environment, such as straps and loops on the beds to secure sleepers. There are no signs of violence and it seems like they were very deliberatly and carefuly packed up.
"The Darkness" |
I forgot that Gravity Hold gives the Darkness psychokinetic hand at will, which lets him manipulate objects up to 30 feet away, including opening and shutting doors.
"Just empty beds, the sleepers are not here," the Darkness whispers to Durlok before silently slinking away to inspect more rooms. After checking the doors, he steps back and with a wave of his hand opens the doors telekinetically.
XperimentalDM |
Rree-eelo looks around in case they did not bring all the computer equipment.
Rree-eelo does not see anything like that outside or in the personel quarters. What your looking for must be in one of the larger buildings.
XperimentalDM |
I forgot that Gravity Hold gives the Darkness psychokinetic hand at will, which lets him manipulate objects up to 30 feet away, including opening and shutting doors.
"Just empty beds, the sleepers are not here," the Darkness whispers to Durlok before silently slinking away to inspect more rooms. After checking the doors, he steps back and with a wave of his hand opens the doors telekinetically.
Towards the center of the map is the mess area. The mess area is mostly cleaned out, though there are still several posters on the walls marked with the Astral Extractions logo. These posters detail the procedure for moving out of the facility, reiterating several times, on pain of criminal
prosecution, that no company-owned equipment or data is to be removed from the facility. Tables and chairs are fastened to the ground because of the low gravity. The mound in the center includes food-preparation appliances and a refrigerator.The top right corner appears to be a research area.
The door the Darkness is headed towards appears to be an airlock into the building.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Durlock, having already cast life bubble back on the starship as is his custom, approaches the airlock confidently. "Shall I go first?"
Unless, there is an objection, he enters.
Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Kadef |
"No sign of a fight. Astral Extractions pushed them out with paperwork. And has apparently not taken up residence. The first seems like standard corporate procedure; the second, less so. "
XperimentalDM |
The Darkness opens up the fridge telekinetically, out of curiosity. Then he heads over to the airlock.
A viscous green goo flows out, the remains of long forgotten foodstuffs.
XperimentalDM |
The airlocked antechamber leads into several living quarters and a medical bay. These rooms can be filled with breathable air and kept at normal atmosphere. A copy of a move-out checklist sits on one of the beds, listing all employees and their assigned rooms.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
A viscous green goo flows out, the remains of long forgotten foodstuffs.
"Can anyone identify this?" he asks, determining only that the goo is not any form of fungus or ooze that he has ever encountered.
The airlocked antechamber leads into several living quarters and a medical bay. These rooms can be filled with breathable air and kept at normal atmosphere. A copy of a move-out checklist sits on one of the beds, listing all employees and their assigned rooms.
"It would seem that the decision to leave was no surprise to those here and that they had time to make lists before they did," notes Durlock. He scans the room for anything of interest.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24Unless, he spots anything of note, he heads back through the airlock and approaches another door.
XperimentalDM |
The medical bay contains a cabinet with 4 mk 1 serums of healing, 2 brown nanite hypopens (Starfinder Armory 106), and an advanced medkit.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"Junk," snorts Durlock, pointing out the items found in the cabinet. He exits airlock and approaches another door.
XperimentalDM |
"Junk," snorts Durlock, pointing out the items found in the cabinet. He exits airlock and approaches another door.
Durlock finds another set of personal quarters, this time graffitied with Anti Astral Extractions slogans.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"Could it be there was an employee walkout?" Durlock asks as he looks around, looking at the slogans and the conditions. "Can't say, I'd blame them."
He continues inspecting the area.
I think he is now next to a door.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Engineering, if needed for lock or trap: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
Does the note give any indication to where they were moved to?
The quorlu grabs the item if no one else does.
“So far it looks like they’ve been either fired or relocated.”
Kadef |
XperimentalDM wrote:A viscous green goo flows out, the remains of long forgotten foodstuffs."Can anyone identify this?" he asks, determining only that the goo is not any form of fungus or ooze that he has ever encountered.
"Let me see. " Kadef moves to the refrigerator and examines the goo.
Life Science: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Kadef looks up from the slime. Seeing ʀːi˧i˩ro move to pick up whatever Durlok had dismissed, Kadef nods, and asks the quorlu, "What have you there?"
Kadef will suggest splitting the med supplies for more flexibility. He'll take 2 serums and a brown nanite hypo
"Could it be there was an employee walkout?" Durlock asks as he looks around, looking at the slogans and the conditions. "Can't say, I'd blame them."
Zint will follow behind Durlock, looking around as well.
"Who knows. No sign of violence or really anything so far.."
Does the note give any indication to where they were moved to?The quorlu grabs the item if no one else does.
“So far it looks like they’ve been either fired or relocated.”
"Seems more likely some employees were upset by the buyout, and their subsequent redundancy. Hopefully nothing worse than grafitti was involved."
XperimentalDM |
The goo appears to be the decayed remains of foodstuffs.
Durlock that section is actually elevated. Hard to tell from the description with the map partially concealed. Those are all windows . I moved you over towards the steps up to the rooms.
There is no indication in the records of where the things were sent.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
Though he prefers his boots be on solid rock, Durlock takes a breath and then begins up the steps, stopping at the first door. He checks to see if it is trapped or locked.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Engineering to Disable: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
"The Darkness" |
The Darkness follows behind Durlok, staying down below the balcony. Despite being below the dwarf, the sarcesian is still looking down at his shorter companion. With a flick of the hand, he telekinetically opens up the two cabin doors within view, ready to take on any horror that comes slithering out.
ʀːi˧i˩ro |
“I just didn’t want it to go to waste; sure go ahead and take everything if you thinks that will be useful.” They gladly accept sharing the burden of carrying it.
“With the reputation of Astral Extractions, I was expecting something fouler that what we have found so far.”
XperimentalDM |
You see more of the same as two more sets of quarters open. In the othre direction, you can see into another research area.
Durlok Stonegrinder |
"Looks like we'll have to access the rest from outside. Might as well check the southeast, while we are here." Durlock moves past what appears to be a stack of crates to another door, which he checks for traps and tries to open.
Perception re crates: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Perception re door for traps: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Engineering to Disable any lock or trap he finds: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15