GM of Rust |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@The Lobster
A very strange lineup of feats but it looks like it works.
@Souls At War
Core aging, no young characters.
So it was mentioned and then it got stuck in my head (something that happens fairly often, let me assure you) and I've come up with a few early access questions about your characters and the House of Fate and Fire.
Feel free to answer at your leisure. Be as detailed as you want, and feel free to take some liberties. I don't have every guild npc fleshed out, so you can add what you like and I'll slide them into the game as I see fit.
Guild Questionnaire
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
I hope those of you who celebrate have a very happy Thanksgiving today!

Norad 3 |

Yo, hey peeps. I'm a friend of the DM's from off site, and I've been itching for some DnD/Pathfinder for a while now, so I had to get in on this. Here's my storyfluff, and my questionnaire.
Byron Drake is an Occultist--kind of like a sorcerer if you don't know. He can cast almost any kind of spell, but he's limited in usage and a bit limited in variety within each spell school. I'm planning to start him off with Cure magic to help with healing duty, since I saw someone remark that there aren't many healers applying. Beyond that I'm going to make sure he has some decent offensive spells, and then a grab bag of supportive spells that seem useful, interesting, or both. He'll also have moderate melee capabilities, but by no means will he be a front-liner. All in all he's gonna bridge the gap between melee, healer, and offensive caster.
I went a little overboard with this intro I think, but don't worry--once we start actually playing, I'm not going to write multiple pages per post. I'm fully aware that would be unhelpful and inconsiderate for this kind of thing.
“I’m gonna be honest buddy” Byron Drake leaned forward in his seat, scraping at the stubble along his temples with the backs of his fingernails. “I don’t really wanna sell any of this. Not to you, not to anyone. But I’m on the verge of making a major purchase here, so I’m willing to part with one of my curios if you make a good offer, and make up your mind right now.” He placed his elbows on the table, and rested his hands in meshed fingers, fixing the gnome in front of him with eyes the color of red leather, a gaze like a fading fire.
The little man scrunched his nose and squinted hard--not a flattering expression given that he already looked like a troll had pinched his face between forefinger and thumb. “I dunno. Is this stuff even worth anything?” He scanned the makeshift market stall, and Byron’s leg began to bounce. “It just looks like junk.”
Junk. Byron reached into his desert-colored robes, extracted a glass pipe, struck a match, and took a long drag from the smoke it produced. He held it in, longer, longer, longer, letting the mild narcotic fill his mind with fog, dulling his agitation and buying time to think. At last he parted his thin lips and let a river of milky smoke flow out, offending his patron at least as much as the J-word had offended him. Without breaking eye contact with the chinless little rat, he picked up a small bell from his table. It was copper, green now, and a little fuzzy, but it must once have shone like a setting sun. “Do you know that this once belonged to the lead elephant from a sultan’s escort? A man who once ruled a kingdom wouldn’t leave his f@#+ing house without an animal covered in these things.”
“Yeah.” The gnome sniffed. “Once. Where is he now? Dead.”
“Look buddy. Do you know what I could do with this? An object like this has such latent power that I could make a legion of the dead dance to its chime.”
“Yeah, you could. You’re one of those mystic types. I’m an artificer. This is only worth its weight in copper when I melt it down to make components.” Sensing Byron’s discomfiture, he licked his lips and crossed his legs on the rickety stool. “Why you selling it anyway?” The gnome sniffed again. Snotty nose. Snotty attitude. Gross. “To make a purchase? Of what? Drugs I bet. I think you’re a junkie.”
“I think you’re an a*@+!!#.”
The gnome shrugged. “Ten gold. And we both know I’m doing you a favor.”
Byron took another hit from his pipe and stuffed it back in his robes. “Fine.” He practically threw the bell at the gnome, who literally threw the gold at the Occultist before scampering off into the market square. He muttered and swept the rest of the objects on the table back into his pouch. Awful, awful to sell such things. He had half a novel written about that sultan’s exploits, and now he was going to have to make up the rest, or go by memory. His work was always a far cry from its full potential when he couldn’t live those memories himself. But whatever. It would do, and he needed the ten gold--wait no eight, the little prick short-changed him--today more than he needed another best-seller six months from now. His pipe was almost empty and. . .
But it was the only thing that kept the dreams away and the addiction seemed to interfere somehow with his sisters’ telepathy. Invaluable.
“Eight gold. . .f&+%.” He stood up from his makeshift stall and made his way back towards the guild hall. Rumor had it there was something interesting cooking, and that tingly little feeling in the back of his head told him it might lead to a good payout. Maybe enough this time. Maybe.
He strolled in the late afternoon sun, enjoying the warmth, enjoying the noise, enjoying the high. Something about being in a city like this had an almost addictive quality of its own. Compared to the cultish isolation he had grown up with in that dark, bloody, graveyard house, even a small town felt like a haven of life and light to him. A major metropolis was a proper paradise in some ways, full of sounds, and smells, and people. There were many things to enjoy here, and many opportunities to make money and acquire surprisingly powerful artefacts that the more standard-issue vagabonds--fighters, monks, wizards, and the like--overlooked as kitschy garbage but that he could use to access powerful magical forces or, at the very least, perform a reading of to write a decent short story about the original owner. There were plenty of perils too, but within the first few years of working for the guild he had made connections and developed his street sense enough to avoid the worst of situations. Mostly.
All in all, urban life was pretty sweet. He could even afford to let his guard down and get laid once in a while.
“But you know we can’t stay here, right?”
Byron started, and looked around. Eventually he spotted Kat, across the street though her voice had seemed to come from somewhere much closer. Okay. We’re good. Just another hallucination. Means the milkweed is really kicking in. Still, he knew he had to answer her--when you had psychic powers it was best to play along with any and all hallucinations, visions, or waking dreams you had. Otherwise things could get. . .distressing. He crossed the street as casually as possible and embraced his kid sister, in all her rigid early-teen ‘don’t touch me’ glory. “I know kid.” He said. “We won’t be here much longer. I just need another good score or two, and then I need to find you, and then we can head out.”
The Kat-lucination didn’t respond right away, simply regarding him skeptically with the intense, red-brown eyes that were characteristic of their family. Finally she smirked a little. Sassy, even when she wasn’t actually here. “You do know Leigh and Anita are looking for me too, right?” She used their sister Annabelle’s middle name, just the way she hated them to. That was Kat though, always the antagonist. “I think dad even has Hayden out and about.”
“Hayden’s an oaf.” Byron said with a roll of his eyes. “A big stupid beast. I wouldn’t want to run into him, but he hasn’t got the brains to even know how to start a manhunt. He’ll follow the Twins’ orders to the letter, but won’t so much as fire a synapse beyond what they tell him to do.”
Kat giggled. She always loved the insults Hayden leveled at their brother. “You’re right. Hayden’s dumb. But what about Kiegan? I dreamed about him the other night for the first time since we left.”
Kiegan? The mention of their eldest brother made Byron’s blood run cold. Hayden, the youngest, was a dangerous moron, capable of extreme violence but unable to act constructively on his own. The twins Annabelle and Anita were forces of nature--devastatingly powerful psychics, ice-cold and organized, but so obviously evil they practically left a trail of black grease everywhere they went. Byron was frightened of them, true, and so much so that they appeared in his dreams any time he went to bed sober. Sometimes he even worried it was intentional on their part, that they were trying to scry for him, or even just messing with him to get him to make a mistake. But if they had their fingers in something, he was sure he’d puzzle it out before they ensnared him. Kiegan though. . .
Kiegan Drake was a charmer, through and through. He was their father’s favorite, the most powerful of his children and capable of achieving just about anything without even looking like he was trying. He was intelligent, likable, and suave. Even someone like Byron could forget his remorseless menace if they spoke for more than a few minutes. In the past five years Byron hadn’t sensed even an iota of interest from his oldest sibling. But if Kat was dreaming about him. . .
Hayden shook his head. This wasn’t Kat. This was a hallucination. He was tripping, and talking to himself in public. That this particular daytrip had mentioned their eldest sibling by name when that had literally never happened before was obviously just a sign of his own anxieties.
“Right Kat?” He shook his head. The hallucination melted away, but Kat was still there, about two feet too tall and staring him dead in the eye. “Uh.” He shook his head again, squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed until he saw stars. When he opened them again she was still there, her but not her--it was a missing persons poster plastered against the side of some restaurant. In his effort to avoid drawing attention to his plight he had never once relied on public announcements to look for his little sister. That meant. . .
“Ah. S$$+.”
1. For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
Lookin’ for work, simple as that. Byron struck out on his own, not wanting to live like a leech off his rich daddy’s money. His whole family is a pack of gifted psychics, and his talents in particular--those of the Occultist--allowed him to make use of himself as a detective/archeologist/author of some renown. Eventually he decided to try something a little riskier. Hence, Adventurer for Hire.
2/3. How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire? Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
Recruiters. They were active in one of the regions he was wandering through and, being pretty naive about the adventuring business, he asked them a few vague questions and figured they seemed good enough. For reasons he refuses to elaborate on, he seems to believe the guild owes him something and is known to use House resources for personal endeavors, often pushing the limit of what would be considered acceptable.
When he isn’t being a salty, cagey weirdo he finds it genuinely pleasant that his guildwork often puts him in positions of being able to find new artefacts for his collection.
4. The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Being an occultist, and therefore a person who draws great power from seemingly mundane objects, Byron is pretty possessive of his things. He dislikes it when people touch anything in his space, but he is aware that this is an annoying behavioral habit and so, to try and facilitate peace, he keeps said things meticulously organized in clearly-labeled shelves and drawers. Once, some lower-ranking House members thought it might be funny to rearrange his things as a prank. He disagreed and, while he did not harm them, he did respond in the most Byron way possible: he put together a very well-organized, well-worded complaint to House leadership and ended up getting one of the pranksters expelled while the other got latrine duty for half a year. This is a well-known story in the guild, and now only the brashest of guild members would repeat such a stunt.
Other than that, he tends to be easygoing. His milkweed habit keeps him laid back and friendly--so much so that he seems like a totally different person if he’s in a fit about his things. If he likes you well enough, and you’re game, he may even share a hit from his pipe. He tries to act like an open book, but he has some very abrupt boundaries and at times he’ll tell obvious lies to explain away gaps in his personal narrative, seemingly nonchalant about whether or not the person he is talking to is aware of his deceit (read: he may not even feel the need to attempt a check when lying about himself, considering the obviousness of his dishonesty to be fair warning that you shouldn’t press him about whatever you were talking about).
He has a lot of writing materials in his personal room. He doesn’t like to talk about them, and has never been seen using them. Like. At all.
5. While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Byron is an author. He has always had an artistic tendency, and learned at an early age that he could use his Occult powers to write all manner of texts, drawing inspiration from the objects he handled. He has published textbooks, poetry collections, short story collections, and novels all based on historical events and derived from visions received during deep meditative sessions with select objects from his collection. He does not discuss this openly, and only writes in secret. None of his guildmates know that he is the true identify of the successful author L. C. Geschichtsschreiber. He is also a bit of a scholar, and enjoys studying the historical works of others, even if he himself often feels he “knows better” about certain subjects or figures.
He is socially withdrawn, but can be persuaded to party it up a little from time to time. No one can seem to figure out what causes him to decide when it is and isn’t appropriate to do so though.

hustonj |
Guild Questionnaire:
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
Thrill. Freedom. The ability to free the oppressed and make some coin while doing it. All of the positive reinforcement Dinius has received from outside of his family has been for doing adventuring kinds of things, for following the example of Cayden Cailean in how to approach life. He's never truly considered being or doing anything else, though this whole guild thing is kinda new and constraining.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
While out and about, he encountered Lavinia Mirga in a tavern. He was smitten, and decided to chase her. She is a member. While this sort of motivation would normally be sufficient for a quick dismissal, Teladora Whizzlefizz couldn't ignore the prospect of having a Caydenite Sentinel on the team, even if only for a brief period of time.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
Lust. His nimble, hard-hitting combat style, dedication to finding and doing "the right thing", and irrepressible positive attitude did far more to gain him membership than his actual motivation, of course. There aren't as many missions focusing on helping the little people as he would like, and that's starting to wear on him, but for now, continuing to chase Lavinia is enough to keep him present and involved.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Dinius' space is normally trashed. Dirty clothes, dirty dishes, unmade bed, the works. He's the roommate everybody else gets mad at, but once the displeasure is made clear to him, he cheerfully cleans everything up. And then it starts building back immediately. Of course, he "spontaneously" cleans if he thinks there's a chance Lavinia could visit.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
See, here's one of those points others miss. Drinking, singing, and otherwise carousing in a bar are actually responsibilities for Dinius, as much as everyone else thinks of them as simply a way to blow off some steam. He enjoys doing so, of course, but some of that, every day, is actually meeting an obligation he has to Cayden Cailean. Beyond that. he enjoys time spent relaxing in the great outdoors, whether lounging, or walking idly, or drifting through a marketplace, etc. Singing to express his mood, and to help others improve theirs also lifts his spirits. As people expect, though, he has built his existence around emulating Cayden Cailean. You have to love being that person, relaxing into the role instead of reaching for it, or you will never manage to stay in it for long.
And, of course, he chases Lavinia. <grin> That counts as unwinding, right?

Damon Van Brandt |

I'll do this IC. Voice is on the deeper side, with just a hint of gravel in it.
Whaaat, I gotta answer all these questions? Ahhh, sure, whatever.. lets see.. well, for one theres the little fact that, if I didn't, I may well be stuck back in that stuffy monastery. Sure, it wasn't terrible, some of them old dodgers really could fight. But, the rest of it? Just not for me man.
Secondly, See, I've got this wanderlust, had it since I can remember. What better way to scratch that itch than sign on with an "adventurer guild". Get sent to places all over. Sure its no society lodge, but uh, well. Plenty of reasons to be here than there. Anyway..
Then there's the little fact that I've got my own style, and what better way to push it further than life or death situations? Only so much training and sparring can do for you. You gotta put yourself on the line, make or break. That's when you truly push past your limits and make breakthroughs.
Finally, I don't know a better place to make some cash for food and booze! Haha!
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
I didn't, well, not until I'd already been.. what would you call it.. scouted? Suppose I impressed someone during one of my daily spars in the old temple. Or maybe one of the acolytes just wanted me out of their hair. Who knows. Either way, I ended up here.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
Well, it was either that or spend an unknown amount of time longer in that old temple. So, I took the obvious answer. Though, to be honest if I had the choice to just up and leave I doubt I would. Not a bad deal around here, all things considered.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Heh, man, my rooms a mess. But, there's a style to it I suppose. Hell I got a bed, a table a chair and everything in there haha. Though I suppose if I had to describe it, the word colorful would come to mind. Gotta keep those Varisian roots showing after all. As for roomate.. well, ask anyone, they love me! And if anyone says otherwise, I'll just kill em. Heheh. But no, No boundaries is the only way to live with people that put their lives into each other hands... Lets you sniff out the ones you gotta watch out for easier.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Oh, well, half the time I'm training, the rest of it I'm either sleeping, drinking, eating, or relaxing in a really hot bath. Man, I've been to some hotsprings before, really outta get one going here. Nothing relaxes ya like simmerin' in a hot bath with a drink in hand.

TheWaskally |

Tamaran has a new Guild Questionaire tab at the bottom of his character page, answering the questions posted.

Crow Irontouched |

Popped this in Crow's profile too, and like others figured turning this into an in character scene would be a good way to show off the character.
Rarely was it his words they wished. How intriguing.
Ducking beneath the door frame of the doorway - rarely were such things sized for such as he, and when they were he was usually too busy fighting the owner to appreciate the convenience - Crow entered the recruitment hall of the Guild. He looked around. It seemed...homely, comfortable. Some of the furniture was smaller, sized for the smaller races. Hm. Interesting.
He moved over to the table and sat down, noting the way the chair groaned and creaked in protest as his weight, and his armour’s weight, eased into it. It was, he noted, not as bad as many - chairs collapsed beneath his bulk more often than he was happy with. After a moment he pulled off his helmet and placed it on the table.
”Your name, please?” the interviewer asked in a voice that said they had asked that question a lot today. Another good sign, in a way. It suggested the place was popular.
”Crow Irontouched,” he gave the names he had been given.
The scratch of a quill on paper followed. ”Alright, Master Irontouched. We just wanted to ask some questions so we can get a better idea of how you would fit in within the Guild, if we may? It should only take a few minutes.”
Crow nodded, ”Of course. I am happy to answer,” he replied honestly, and with a tnge of curiosity to his voice.
The interviewed nodded, dipping the quill in ink before continuing. ”For what reason did you become an adventurer? What motive keeps you going? How did you first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?”
Pausing for a moment to think, Crow responded, ”Adventure is a whetstone, to sharpen my skills, to make me a better warrior. I am an adherent of Our Lord in Iron, so fighting is a religious rite for me. To perfect my art is what keeps me going, and to search deeper into the mysteries of Gorum. Adventuring, it is better that soldiering or guarding for such, because each job is different. One week you guard, the next you hunt, and after you search through the dungeons of an ancient giant’s castle.”
Recalling, he added, ”I heard about this House when searching for jobs. I was intrigued that an interview would be needed. This is rare - normally I simply go to a job, and am hired or told it is already taken. I liked the idea.”
Scritch, scritch, scritch, dip. ”Why did you decide to join the House over other options available to you? How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?”
The Warpriest considered the matters once again. ”When I heard of these interviews, I asked around about this place. I heard good things. That the masters care about their people. That they don’t simply herd a bunch of low recruits into a job and see what survives. Maybe use them to soften something difficult up. I have seen such, and it is not my way. I believe Gorum demands war between equals, that simply crushing weaklings is no victory. I feel like this Guild will suit my views.”
Another sheet of paper came out as the scratching of the pen finished. ”The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What will your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?”
Crow blinked, black eyes caught in surprise as the question. ”I, uh, it has been sometime since I lived with another.” He wasn’t sure he liked the idea, even if he felt the wisdom. He preferred privacy, and to not feel judging eyes on his twisted flesh. Yet living together, training together, eating together and working together - these things would make a group one cohesive unit.
”Neat,” Crow said after a moment. ”I am too big, too bulky, for things to have a place and not be in it when not in use. Tidy is good. I can cook, somewhat. Enough that few complain and fewer get sick from my cooking, so I can take my turn in the kitchen. The places I sleep are...mostly bed,” Crow said with a small smile, gesturing to his massive bulk. ”Sleep is a luxury for the times when I am not on a task. A stand for my armour, so I can work on it, weapons. Trophies I do not wish to adorn my armour. We worship Gorum in conflict and victory, so anywhere can be his shrine.”
The interviewer nodded, acknowledging the answer without judging. ”While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?”
Lamia? Interesting. He’d heard the Guild was more accepting of monstrous beings, and that one such was high within their ranks. It was a part of why he felt his own, obviously not entirely human, heritage would not be an issue as it sometimes was. ”Pray. Train. I maintain my armour, my sword.” He paused, considering - but his interviewer did not seem a dedicant of Gorum. ”Sometimes I take lessons, and learn. I read books - I speak six tongues. I feel...the mind is another weapon that must be kept sharp.”
The interviewer nodded, the pen ceased its scritching, and the pen went down. ”Alright, thank you. We’ll send a messenger to your inn when as decision has been made.”
Crow nodded and rose, picking up his helm and putting it back on. ”My thanks,” he said, extending one massive hand. After a moment the interviewer reached out, taking it - or rather two of the fingers - and shaking it gently. Crow nodded again, turned and head back to the inn - with its tiny, scratchy bed, to await word.

Edmund Gwenn |

For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
Edmund became an adventurer both to honour his lost son, whom he presumed to be dead, and as a means of finding out what happened to him. He’s been at it for a few years now, and though he’s moved beyond showing every person he meets the faded charcoal sketch he has of his son, every few months he hits upon another small clue or hint, which re-energizes him once again. He also has to admit that he likes it: both the good he’s doing and the power his improved spell casting gives him. His secondary personal goal is to advance himself to the highest levels of spells.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire? Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild)
This was his son’s adventurer’s guild, so when he came to find out what had happened to him, it made sense for Edmund to join up. The pay he gets from the jobs he’s done helps to fund his own personal search for answers. He’s also quite intent on keeping a close eye on Verulla Mae, another member of the guild. The young half-elven bard reacted strangely the first time Edmund arrived and started asking around about Kris, so much so that Edmund feels certain she knows something. Verulla insists that she and Kris were lovers and that there’s nothing more to her reaction, but Edmund isn’t so sure.
How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
Making a living, doing some good, and staying close to the last people who had known his son all fit Edmund’s motives well, plus the guild’s library is not abysmal.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
The dozens of books in Edmund’s own sleeping chamber give the room a musty old smell, which wars with the sweet tobacco of his carved walnut pipe. His mattress is firm, his headboard padded to facilitate sitting up in bed to read, and a small armoire contains his small wardrobe (a few tweed slacks and coats, with a larger wool overcoat and hat, plus his fancy clothes for when he’s required to attend a more formal gathering. He has one overstuffed wingback chair facing the small fireplace, and every surface is covered in books, scroll tubes, and leather parchment folders. A small potted daisy sits on his windowsill.
Though his books sometimes spill over into the common area, Edmund is a considerate roommate, quite happy to undertake his share of the cooking and makes ready use of prestidigitation to keep the area spotless clean. Being a bit of a night owl, and recognizing that younger men still have their passions, he’s quite open to spending some time down at the Wooden Hog pub throwing dominos while his roommate entertains some companionship. He’s even been known to take the widow Jacklins, a local florist, out for dinner and dancing: to date, his been a perfect gentleman and proper suitor, much to Mrs. Jacklins’ continued frustration.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Assuming he doesn’t currently have a new clue or lead about Kris to track down, Edmund will unwind with a book. Edmund obsesses over learning at all times on a variety of subjects, some mundane and others fantastical. During the day, he can often be found at a nearby abandoned shop he rents out, teaching local orphans and street urchins to read and write and do numbers.

The Lobster |

Alright, thanks! With those combos allowed I'm going to pivot from my earlier planned goblins and work on having a swarm of my own hand climbing all over.
Maggart Craft, Maggs for short, Maggoty behind her back, NE Swarm Monger Druid.
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
Maggs is purely motivated by survival. All things must fight to live, claw and climb over each other for a chance at the next meal, and in the House of Fate and Fire, she can not only survive, but grow, increasing in power and skill. She also delights in creation and destruction, and thru the guild, does both and often.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
Raised by rats in the streets and sewers of Zimar, she spent most of her life as a gofer for Gulreesh, oytugh ruler of the undercity, even learning to speak thru their interactions. The self-proclaimed "Lord of Filth" often raved about the political goings on in the world above, and while he may have seldom been accurate, he harbored an intense jealousy for the guild, viewing the House and his "kingdom" as strong rivals.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
On the day Maggs decided she would never work for the oytugh king again, the rats of Zimar urged her to reconsider. "He will eat you," they warned, "not worth it, not worth it! Whatever it takes to be alive is the only option!"
He did not take the news well. Grasping her in his tentacles, he brought her slowly to his mouth, only for the rats and mice to swarm across his figure, and pull Maggs to safety. They raced through narrow tunnels and towards the guild, Gulreesh's enemy. There she would seek asylum.
In Zimar, waste is poured into the sewer by way of narrow brick tubes dug into the basement. The rats, having stolen from all the kitchens in town, knew exactly where to bring her, even as Gulreesh pulled himself after them down the narrow tunnels. They instructed her to climb up the s$@#-slicked pipe and to safety, helping her where and how they could. With her meager strength she fell again and again, but as Gulreesh finally rounded the corner and locked eyes with the young woman, she managed to scramble her way up the tube.
But as she climbed in haste, she jammed her fingers too far into a crack, and though she flung her body over the lip of the pipe, her hand did not come free the way she expected. She screamed in pain as she pulled and pulled, but no progress could be made. As Gulreesh promised that if she returned, no harm would come to the girl, the rats gave her their last gift, tearing her hand off her arm with their claws and teeth.
She was discovered hours later, delirious and wailing, covered in mud, blood and excrement. The House took her in, and she has been there now twenty years.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Maggs' room is dimly lit at all times, tightly packed with clutter, half-finished projects and long forgotten meals. There is a string of severed and preserved right hands hanging across the room and wrapping once around the wall, her own missing hand, regrown and removed again and again. She keeps her workspace cleaner than her bedroom, although stacked high with books on poisons, tonics and ringlore.
As a roommate, Maggart is, well she's called Maggoty for a reason. When she cooks, she cooks buckets and leaves the kitchen a mess. She'll eat the same meal for weeks after, seemingly not noticing even as it spoils and rots in her room. She can be unpleasant to talk to, oft caught staring or murmuring privately to herself, fond of asking inappropriate questions, not excusing herself to belch or scratch. It is rare that she bathes.
Despite all this, she can be kind and congenial with the people she respects, and when reminded, will even pick up after herself (but she never remembers on her own). She enjoys being useful, so will often try to aid people in their tasks until told to go away. She likes animals.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Maggs loves creation, and will spend hours forging rings and rods and crafting poisons and tinctures and tonics. If no one is interested in her help in their own tasks, she'll often hole herself up in her workshop, and create.
She has some help (sometimes heaps of it) in the form of her own severed right hand.
After the rats helped her escape by guiding her through the sewers and gnawing off her stuck hand, Gulreesh swore a vendetta against the rodentia of Zimar, granting members of the undercity favors in exchange for the tails of rats and mice. Today rats are significantly less common in Zimar than in similarly sized cities, but the restless spirits of the dead linger, even when they were never people.
It is those same spirits that inhabit her hand now, still squeaking and chittering away, using the hand's strange mouth to gnaw at baseboards and books and steal cheese from kitchen cabinets. The hundreds and thousands of rats that raised her, that sacrificed themselves to save her, their minds rest now inside her resurrected right hand.
Though she has oft tried to kill the hand, remove it entirely from her life, take away the guilt, the many voices that tell her she is at fault, it always returns. But because it possesses many minds, it can also possess many forms.
When she locks herself in her workshop, when she needs an extra hand or two (or ten or eight dozen), they'll come. Hands will crawl out the woodwork, duplicating themselves and climbing over each other, they'll come to help by writing down her ideas, flipping through pages of books, scratching her back, or even scuttling off to fetch her a snack.
When Maggart Craft's got your back, you'll never find yourself short a hand.

GM of Rust |

Ah man. That's a lot of entrants. I've compiled everything that has been submitted Here for anyone curious. If I missed anything, please let me know.
I also decided that I'm going to run two games side by side. The first adventure is going to be the same, though how the characters handle it is different, and after that we'll see more variation. So instead of 4-5 players, I'll be selecting 8-10 and deciding the different parties according to my whims on a whim with shenanigans
I'll be deciding teams based on what should be the most dynamic team compositions and definitely not whatever strikes my fancy.

Hyacinth |

After Ambrus was reborn as Hyacinth, she realized her new strange new body was hardier than a human's and well-suited to manipulating others. She's positioned herself as an adventurer to garner goodwill from the public and help her acquire fame and fortune. Those who pay close attention though might realize that the ghoran doesn't actually do a lot of the work when adventuring, largely supporting her companions and letting them take the brunt of the danger.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
Hyacinth learned of the guild shortly after arriving in Zimar. She quickly schemed how she could become a part of the guild.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
The House of Fate and Fire's roster contains an electic mix of people from strange ancestries. One of their leaders is a lamia! A ghoran is very rare sight in Taldor, and Hyacinth wanted to belong to a group where she wouldn't stand out as much.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Though typical ghorans don't need much in the way of possessions, Hyacinth enjoys acquiring material wealth. Several trophies from her adventures are on display, and her closet is full of fancy outfits that accentuate her feminine form. There is a large picture window to allow plenty of nourishing sunlight into the room. She is friendly and gregarious to her roommates, the better to lull them into a false sense of security while she plots how it might benefit her to take advantage of them.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Hyacinth generally tries to keep abreast of happenings in the city of Zimar, as well spending time with the other members of the guild, wanting to be everybody's friend. When not being a social butterfly, she often spends long stretches of time standing in the sunlight, swaying gently to some unheard rhythm.

Herkymr the Silly |

Final submission. Tiefling monk. I like it better as a whole that the duergar ninja.
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going? How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
I learned early that I was the only one I could trust ...or so I thought. Left alone as a child with only a passing knowledge of my heritage. I knew I was born of mischief and hated it. The dislike for my thickened spiny skin, elaborate horns, hoofs, and tail set me a part from other “civilized” humanoids. Soon the mistrust and obvious dislike from others for my heritage, and thus me, turned my lack of trust and compassion to disdain. I learned to mock others both physically and verbally. My tongue wrote letters of writ that only my quick feet, tail, hands, and head could sign. I thought I was on top of my game. The auburn skinned Tiefling, Tiziirie, tells the curious youngling. I met my mentor when my tongue wrote a check my body couldn’t cash. I was awash with anger at some slight directed at my personage. I intended only to knock the youngster over but my tail made no connection with the hapless waif. I lashed a second time thinking that the stupid boy had stepped beyond the reach. This time I was met with a foot, firmly planted on the base of the tail. Being no stranger to pain, this still caught me off guard and I cried out. Turning swiftly, I came face to face with Samara. She said nothing and in fact I learned later that she had taken a vow of silence.
The rumor had it that her tongue was sharper than most blades and after wounding a friend with a casual comment, she vowed never to speak again unless she could guarantee it would cause no harm. That however is her story and I will allow her to share if she decides.
I had become so enraged over being thwarted that I attacked the small halfling standing on my tail. Each of my formidable and rough skilled attacks was blocked and returned on me. In anger I drew my short sword intending to end this humiliation. Before I could do much though, the sword was lying 10 feet away and I was lying on my face. I had not only been tripped but disarmed. This rough and tumble lesson continued for quiet some time with no blow of mine finding purchase. Every weapon was removed from my grasp almost the moment it entered it.
Finally, my humiliation drew to a close. I lunged with full force at the annoying, infuriating female. Her back was turned and I learned that it didn’t matter. She dodged my attack and hit me. Electricity arced from her hand into my body, stunning me long enough for her to pick me up and twirl me over head. Then, as I was discombobulated from the movement, she threw me into the nearest mud puddle to cool off.
Her companion, I had not noticed him in the process of the engagement. Reached his hand out and offered it to me. Begrudgingly I took it and pulled myself up out of the liquified dirt.
Darus was an elf of highborn status who had taken up the road of a wandering minstrel to spite his austere and snooty family. After helping me up, he turned to Samara and spoke in what I guess was elven. After a conversation of words, nods, and gestures to articulate the opinions of a silent halfling and a talkative elf, Darus turned back to me. If you would like the opportunity to learn what was just demonstrated then Samara has agreed for a price. You must commit to the following statutes: Don't intentionally kill humanoid without giving it a chance to surrender.
You won't steal from or fight children or those he perceives as children
You won't deny someone a warm place to sleep or a full belly.
If you agree, and I did, then Samara will train you in the ways of the monastic methods of fighting and life. So, my training began. I have since finished the instruction part of the training and Samara has introduced me to some of her previous colleagues at the House of Fate and Fire. I have taken to employment there to help keep myself fed and to test my skills and prowess through work that satisfies my need for perfection. My need to seek the good in others is paramount to my progression as a monk and as a person of value. I fight my heritage because of the trust that Darus and Samara place in me. This fight comes daily with each breathe I take and choice I make. I am called motherless, whelp, evil, abomination, cursed, and reject; and to those that matter, trusted friend.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Tiziire takes a room at the top of the dormitory apartments. He piles his things in a corner where he can grab them in a moment and then sleeps and spends most of his time on the roof of the compound, or in the training grounds. He still feels some guilt over his deformities and dislikes people staring at him so when he can he avoids most. He currently rooms with a wizard who likes the room covered in his little piles of books where he researches one thing or another. His “roommate”, for Tiziirie calls few friends, is amenable to this arrangement. Tiziirie has learned that his stuff is safe enough in the corner out of the way. The wizard prefers the silence to study and Tiziirie prefers the lack of confining walls.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Tiziirie rarely takes the week unless seriously injured or in need of serious physical renewal. When he does, the time is spent in meditation of form, commonly called Katas, and sparing with Samara and Darus if possible. He also spends much of his time learning from Konishi, when he can get the elder tiefling alone or find a place to just observe. He also studies poisons and the application of them with in the context of his ideals. He has collected a few over the years.
Male qlippoth-spawn tiefling unchained monk (lifting hand) 8 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 23, Pathfinder Player Companion: Martial Arts Handbook 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init 0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
AC 20, touch 19, flat-footed 20 (+2 monk, +1 natural, +7 Wis)
hp 76 (8d10+24)
Fort 8, Ref 6, Will 9 (+2 vs. charm, compulsion, and fear effects); +2 vs. enchantments, +1 resistance bonus vs. inhaled poisons and other airborne effects that require breathing.
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune disease; Resist electricity 5
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +12/+12/+7 (1d10+4 B plus 1d4 bleed)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), style strike
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 24, Cha 9
Base Atk +8; CMB 11 (+13 disarm, +14 grapple); CMD 30 (32 vs. disarm, 33 vs. grapple)
Feats Belier's Bite, Electric Eel Style, Elemental Fist[APG], Hammer The Gap[UC], Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Savage Slam, Whirling Hold
Traits faith unshakable and unassailable
Skills Acrobatics +0 (+8 to jump), Bluff -3, Craft (poison) +3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist +2, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Survival +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist, +2 Survival
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ fast movement (unchained), ki pool (11 points, cold iron, magic, silver), ki powers (burst of adrenaline, furious defense, mental barrier ii), prehensile tail[ARG], savage toss, style strike (spin kick)
Combat Gear black adder venom (2), cloudthorn venom[UW], deathblade, draughtcap fungus[UW], fiddleback venom, giant wasp poison (2), ossivane; Other Gear amulet of mighty fists +1, belt of superior maneuvers +1[ACG], gloves of bony power, handy haversack, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of mind shielding, bedroll, belt pouch, bottle (5), canvas (sq. yd.) (5), crowbar, darkwood ancestry plank, efficient tent[UW], fetters, masterwork (barbed)[ARG], filter scarf[UW], fire carrier, flag, small (personal signal), flask (2), flint and steel, insulated flask[UW], manacles, masterwork (barbed)[ARG], marbles[APG] (2), mirror ball, mug/tankard, periscope[APG], sack, sack, sack, sealing wax, string or twine[APG], tattoo[UE], thread (50 ft.), waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, 2,803 gp
Special Abilities
Belier's Bite When you damage an opponent with an unarmed strike, you deal an extra 1d4 bleed damage.
Burst of Adrenaline Costs 1 ki point to activate.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Electric Eel Style Elemental fist is electrical. If deal elec dmg gain +4 bon to grapple for 1 rd.
Elemental Fist (1d6) You can add 1d6 energy damage to an attack.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Fast Movement (Unchained) (+20 ft.) The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Furious Defense (Ex) As imm action, 1 ki to gain +4 AC until end of next turn. Combo with formless mastry for 3 ki.
Hammer the Gap With a full-attack action, each hit against the same opponent deals extra damage
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Pool (11/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Mental Barrier II Costs 1 ki point to activate.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Savage Slam If grappling at start of turn, replace maneuver to maintain, check to release, damage, and knock prone.
Savage Toss (Ex) When using Savage Slam, throw creature additional 5 ft. per 5 exceeding the CMD.
Spin Kick Kick attack targets flat footed AC, unless foe has uncanny dodge.
Style Strike (1/round) (Ex) During flurry of blows, one or more unarmed strikes has an extra effect.
Whirling Hold (3 rounds) Gain option to spin opponent when maintaining a grapple, sickening them.
Personal Code:
Won't intentionally kill humanoid without giving it a chance to surrender.
Won't steal from or fight children or those he perceives as children
Won't deny someone a warm place to sleep or a full belly.
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Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Ah hah, writing prompts! Just what I needed, thank you!
Dr. Castle took to the adventuring life easily when his warren was exterminated and he was left to wander and fend for himself. He's since learned that healers are always in demand and that good skills can be worth a lot. He also wants to prove that people can take care of themselves without the gods.
He was a young thief in Taldor when he drew the guild's attention with his thievery. He saw a chance to steal an easy meal from an inattentive tiefling. It turned out that tiefling was a founding member of the guild. It also turned out the meal was a trap, but Jeb saw through it and made off with the meal anyway. What he didn't know was that as he made his escape he was being shadowed...by a cockroach.
He was cornered and caught, not by Konishi, but by Layla; instead of dragging him to prison, she chose to empathize with a lone goblin and arranged an amnesty that saw him in guild custody. Jebediah agreed because in the moment, his only other halfway palatable option was prison. After a probationary period and some adjustments on both his part and theirs, Jeb decided he liked his new home and decided to pitch in and work on it. The House is home to Jeb; what's good for the House is good for him.
Goblins don't need much space but Jeb revels in how much room he has compared to a goblin warren. His area is mostly occupied by bookshelves filled with various volumes, jars and vial racks, all filled with unidentifiable things and a modified coat rack with a hook for his backpack. Jeb is fastidious with his space so the area is usually clean and organized. Though he used to be a voracious eater, ever since acquiring his ring of sustenance he eats only occasionally and mainly just to be polite or to try something new.
If he's not working with the guard treating injuries or administering aid to a patient in town, Jeb fills his time reading whatever he can get his hands on and attempting to expand his alchemical repetoire. From time to time he can be found sharing a game with someone to keep his wits sharp. On rare occasion, he might enjoy visiting the tavern to play a harmless prank on a rowdy taverngoer or two. Every once in a great while though, he does enjoy indulging that old fashioned goblin urge to blow something up or set it on fire--though in a controlled environment and NEVER with anything important to anyone...EVER.

hustonj |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ah man. That's a lot of entrants.
Far fewer GMs than players, so nearly any Pathfinder offering finds potential players.
25 point buy is high-powered enough that that choice always draws additional players.
Positive indications that traditionally monster races are playable brings the people who want to play monsters out of the woodwork every time.
Combines to a greater-than-average set of submissions for a roughly outlined homebrew.
If you were offering to run a popular AP, you would have twice as many applicants with this rule set.

Kevan Nimblefingers |

I'm all updated I think.
Kevan Nimblefingers Male Halfling
Unchained Rogue (Shadow Walker) 8
Kevan is a happy go lucky Halfling. He has a good heart but feels that the laws are really only guidelines that usually apply to other people. Therefore, he flaunts the laws and follows his heart. He is prone to exaggerating events or sometimes spinning them out of whole cloth. He is convinced that people are treated the way that they act. Therefore, he shifts the story of who he is and what he has done continuously depending upon his mood and situation.
He has always been on the lookout for an opportunity to improve his lot in life and has taken advantage of these opportunities as he has grown up. Gavin Dodger (a gnome) moved Kevan in off the street and taught him how to survive and how to use some illusion magic. Together they took numerous odd jobs usually as a front for a con so that they picked up a multitude of skills. Many would see this as a bad influence, but coming from nothing, Kevan was extremely appreciative.
Kevan often writes letters to his sister. It is typically unclear if he ever sends them, bringing into question if she even exists. Kevan never talks about his parents. He doesn’t really know who they are. On a rare occasion he will spin a story about them but his heart is never really in it and those listening can tell it’s not quite true. Inside, he wonders what kind of people they were and imagines they were murdered or imprisoned, otherwise why would they leave their little bundle of joy. He has fleeting memories from when he was four of them but nothing concrete.
Kevan tells lies as easily as he breathes. His good natured attitude and willingness to help people is the only thing that keeps him his friends. He also has a penchant for petty larceny. He typically “trades” for what he wants but obviously the item he “trades” away is by far less valuable than the item he “traded” for.
Kevan is as fickle in religion as he is with the truth. He tends to pray to the deity that seems to be the most pertinent at the time. Since he is good natured he avoids the evil deities, they just do not appeal to him. A little mischief is fine but no one should get hurt.
Guild Questionnaire
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going? Kevan is always looking for what he sees as fun, plus, he likes to collect things. Running around with adventurer’s gives him the best opportunity to experience the world and collect interesting stories and items.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire? Kevan picked the pocket of some fellow who happened to have a House of Fate and Fire letter to be delivered. After reading it, he thought it would be useful information for the adventuring house to receive so he returned it, only slightly used. He thought it looked like a cozy place and asked to sign up. After finding out whose pocket he picked they seemed rather amenable to the request.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer? Kevan is rather whimsical in his choices. As shown above, it was happenstance that brought him to the House of Fate and Fire.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you? Kevan is an excellent roommate if he does say so himself. Luckily, all of his roommate’s have been willing to share their stuff with him. His room tends to have a rotating collection of unmatched things hanging on the walls or placed haphazardly on shelves. Conveniently, they often match things which others have lost. Being the generous fellow he is, Kevan is more than happy to let them have this similar item.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind? Kevan walks the town, meets people, collects interesting items, listens to stories, and tells many of his own.
Initiative +5 (Dex +5)
AC 26, touch 18, Flat Footed 19 (+5 Dex, +6 armor, +2 shield, +1 def, +1 nat armor, +1 size)
HP 59 (8+2; (5+2)*7)
Fort +7 Ref +14 Will +5
+2 saves vs mind affecting
+2 vs fear
Speed 30ft
Dagger +13 (1d3+5/19-20x2)
Light mace +13 (1d3-1/20x2)
Dagger +13 (1d3-1/19-20x2, range 10')
Sling +9 (1d3-1/20x2, range 50')
Str 8 Dex 20 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 16
BAB +6, CMB +4, CMD 20
Starting Stats
Init Str 10 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 14
Cost Str 0 Dex 10 Con 3 Int 5 Wis 0 Cha 5
Race Str -2 Dex +2 Cha +2
Level Dex +2
Total Str 8 Dex 20 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 16
1. Skill Focus: Bluff; +3 to bluff
RT2. Certainty (Honeyed Words if allowed)
3. Deceitful: +2 bluff and disguise
RT4. Trapfinding
5. Improved Feint: feint as a move action
RT6. Ninja Trick: wall climber (20’ climb speed on vertical surfaces)
7. Free Spirit: +2 saves vs mind affecting and escape artist rolls
RT8. Expert Leaper
Skill Points = 88 (64 class + 16 Int + 8 FCB)
Acrobatics* 16 (8 rank, 3 class, 5 dex)
Appraise* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Bluff* 20 (8 rank, 3 class, 3 Cha, 5 feats, 1 trait)
Climb* 10 (8 rank, 3 class, -1 Str)
Craft* Alchemy 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Diplomacy* 14 (8 rank, 3 class, 3 Cha)
Disguise* 9 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 cha, 2 feat)
Escape Artist* 16 (8 rank, 3 class, 5 Dex)
Know: Local* 9 (4 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Know: Dungeoneering* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Perception* 13 (8 rank, 3 class, 0 Wis, +2 race)
Sense Motive* 11 (8 rank, 3 class, 0 Wis)
Sleight of Hand* 17 (8 rank, 3 class, 5 Dex, 1 trait)
Stealth 20 (8 rank, 3 class, 4 size, 5 Dex)
Use Magic Device 14 (8 rank, 3 class, 3 Cha)
Background (16)
Know Nobility: 3 (1 rank, 2 Int)
Perform* oratory: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Cha)
Perform* comedy: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Cha)
Profession* Cook: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Profession* Sailor: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Profession* Brewer: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Common, Varisian
Finesse training: At 1st level, a rogue gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll.
Sneak attack: 4d6
Expanded sight: At 1st level, a shadow walker gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If she already has darkvision, the range of her darkvision increases by 10 feet.
When the shadow walker reaches 3rd level, and every 2 rogue levels thereafter, the range of her darkvision increases by 10 feet..
Evasion: 0 dmg vs area effect spells/attacks with successful save.
Illumination Control: At 3rd level, a shadow walker can manipulate nearby illumination. At the start of each day, a shadow walker gains a number of illumination points equal to half her rogue level and can spend illumination points to use certain spell-like abilities. As long as she has at least 1 illumination point, she can cast light at will. She can spend 2 illumination points to cast darkness, and 3 illumination points to cast daylight, deeper darkness, or motes of dusk and dawn. These spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the shadow walker’s rogue level. Using these spell-like abilities does not hamper the shadow walker’s vision; for example, she can see through the deeper darkness she creates, and does not take penalties for light sensitivity in the area of her own daylight.
Debilitating Injury:
> bewilder: The target becomes bewildered, taking a –2 penalty to AC. The target takes an additional –2 penalty to AC against all attacks made by the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty to AC against attacks made by the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
> disorient The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
> hampered All of the target’s speeds are reduced by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). In addition, the target cannot take a 5-foot step.
Rogue's edge: 5th level – bluff only half the penalty to try and bluff again after failure if within 5.
Favored Illumination: At 4th level, a shadow walker chooses one illumination level: bright light, NORMAL LIGHT, dim light, or darkness (including supernatural darkness). While she is within her chosen illumination level, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Acrobatics, Perception, and Sleight of Hand skill checks, and can take 10 on any Stealth check attempted within that illumination level.
When the shadow walker confirms a critical hit with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage while in her chosen illumination level, she regains 1 illumination point (to a maximum of half her rogue level). Confirming a critical hit on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the shadow walker’s character level doesn’t restore illumination points. When the shadow walker reaches 6th level, and every 3 rogue levels thereafter, the bonuses she gains within her chosen illumination level increase by 1. Replaces uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.
Fleet of Foot: Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this racial trait move at normal speed and have a base speed of 30 feet. This racial trait replaces slow speed and sure-footed.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Size: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Weapon familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Witty repartee: +1 to bluff, bluff is always a class skill
Child of the streets: +1 to sleight of hand, sleight of hand is always a class skill
Handy haversack (Caltrops, chalk x10, small steel mirror, whetstone, flint and steel, candles x5, rations x3, silk rope 50', pitons x3, 5 fish hooks, string 50', sewing kit, waterskin, ioun torch, alchemist fire x3, oil flask, tangle foot bag, thunderstone, MW thieves tools, platinum pieces go here) 5#
Mithral chain shirt +2 10# (AC 6 Max Dex 6 ACP 0)
Cloak of resistance +2
Buckler +1 2.5#
Dagger (silversheen) +1 .5#
MW Cold iron Dagger .5#
MW Cold iron light mace 2#
MW Dagger x3 1.5#
Ring of protection +1
Amulet of natural armor +1
Cloak of resistance +2
Wand of cure light wounds (50 chgs)
Heavy load belt
Bag of Holding I (250#) 15#
Wand of endure elements
Wand of shield (50 chgs)
Wand of drench (50 chgs)
Wand of dancing lights (50 chgs)
Wand of ghost sound (50 chgs)
Wand of mage hand (50 chgs)
Wand of comprehend languages (50 chgs)
In bag of holding:
Cooking kit, medium tent, firewood, shovel, sledge hammer, bedroll, soap, common coffee 10#, hooded lantern, 5 flasks of oil
Light Load 78, Medium Load 155, Heavy Load 315
Total Gear Weight: 33 pounds, Light Load
PP 318 GP 11 SP 8

hustonj |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Also, Kevan:
That's a no to background skills.
Alright, expanded ruleset in no particular order
Pathfinder 1
level 8
Standard gold.
25 point buy.
Hit points after 1st level are roll or take average. (But as this wasn't clear, for those who have already rolled, you can choose)
Elephant In The Room.
First party sources only (No outrageous things but I'm open to most stuff)
VMC, sure why not?
No background skills
Two traits, or two traits and a drawbackthat may be exploited later in various ways
I'm not sure you really mean to have them, but you have some background skills listed under skills, but not spending as many ranks as you would get for 8 character levels. <shrug> So, just a reminder that you are showing them, I guess, because I think you caught that we don't get them.
Edit: And, honestly, I was looking at your character's mechanics because the background write-up strikes me as him being very compatible with my submission, so I wanted to see how they might complement each other in the field.
Double Edit: You also didn't build using the Elephant in the Room feat tax rules. Weapon Finesse is a freebie that everybody gets, so Rogues get Deft Maneuvers instead, which INCLUDES Improved Feint. Might be more to look at, there.
Also, the authors of Elephant in the Room rules have published a 3rd Edition of the rules (definitive and final, they claim), with a few clarifications, that is a downloadable PDF. I don't have the URL handy, because I downloaded it earlier . . ..

Joanna Whitehall |

Josephina Annabella Whitehall
Female half-elf fighter (unbreakable) 3/paladin 5 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 49)
LG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
Aura courage (10 ft.)
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+10 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex)
hp 67 (8d10+24)
Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +11 (+1 vs. mind-affecting effects); +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities unflinching +1; Immune sleep, disease, fear
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 greatsword +15/+10 (2d6+8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 2/day (DC 15, 3d6), smite evil 2/day (+3 attack and AC, +5 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +8)
. . At will—detect evil
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—cure light wounds (2)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 26
Feats Boon Companion[UW], Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness, Weapon Focus
Traits highlander (hills or mountains), intense artist
Skills Climb +6, Craft (painting) +5, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +7, Heal +4, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +13, Perform (dance) +8, Perform (oratory) +7, Perform (sing) +8, Perform (string instruments) +7, Perform (wind instruments) +7, Profession (cook) +4, Ride +5, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +9 (+11 in hilly or rocky areas), Survival +4, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, highlander (hills or mountains)
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ armor training 1, divine bond (mount), elf blood, finesse weapon attack attribute, lay on hands 5/day (2d6), mercy (sickened)
Other Gear +1 mithral full plate, +2 greatsword, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +1, handy haversack, headband of vast intelligence +2, ring of protection +1, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket[APG], cutting board, wooden (2 lb), flint and steel, knife, cutting (0.5 lb), ladle (0.5 lb), mess kit[UE], painting tools, pot, seasonings, local (0.5 lb), silk rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol of Shelyn, skewer (1 lb), skillet[UE], soap (2), Tin Whistle, tinder packet (0.5 lb), trail rations (5), tripod, iron (3 lb), Violin, waterskin (2), winter blanket, 54 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Armor Training 1 (Ex) Worn armor -1 check penalty, +1 max DEX.
Aura of Courage +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. fear.
Boon Companion (Animal Companion) Companion or familiar abilities are treated as if you were a higher level.
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -3/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Lay on Hands (2d6 hit points, 5/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mercy (Sickened) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the sickened condition.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (2/day, DC 15) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +3 to hit, +5 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Unflinching +1 (Ex) Gain +1 bonus to Will saves vs. mind-affecting effects
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons from the selected group. The bonus only applies
Halli CR –
Female wolf
NG Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 67 (7d8+35)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3 (+4 morale bonus vs. enchantment effects)
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +12 (1d8+10 plus trip)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 24, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +13; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Tricks Attack, Attack, Attack Any Target, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Sneak
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 to jump), Escape Artist +4, Perception +9, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +7, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent); Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
SQ attack any target, combat riding, devotion, fetch, finesse weapon attack attribute, sneak
Other Gear carnivore feed (per day) (10), dandy brush, exotic riding saddle, saddlebags
Special Abilities
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Devotion +4 (Ex) +4 morale bonus on Will saves vs. enchantment effects.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Sneak [Trick] Creature stays hidden.
Trip: Bite (Ex) You can make a trip attempt on a successful attack.
Weapon Focus (Natural Weapons) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons from the selected group. The bonus only applies
The paladins of Shelyn are peaceable promoters of art and beauty. They see the ugliness in evil, even when cloaked in the form of beauty, and their mission is to defend those who devote their lives to the creation of beauty, bring it forth themselves, and prevent the weak and foolish from being seduced by false promises. Their tenets include the following adages.
Joanna is a kind person. She tries to see the best in everybody and help those down on her luck when she can. Her first choice is to talk, but she isn't afraid to use her blade when necessary. Even then, she tries to incapacitate her opponents rather than kill them. Against fiends and undead, however, her usual restraint vanishes in a burst of radiant light as she seeks to end their corrupting influence on the world. She's prone to being silly and delights in telling stories to children and singing whimsical songs while travelling. She has a childlike wonder when learning of new things and trying new dishes.
Halli is a curious and cuddly floofball most of the time. She is fond of playing and bellyrubs, both of which Joanna gives her in spades. Like her partner, Halli likes to help where she can, often cheering up children with play and cuddles. When someone is in danger, however, Halli turns into a guarddog from hell. More than one thug has lost a hand to Halli's fangs since she and Joanna bonded.
Joanna is a short woman of fair and freckled skin and raven-black hair. Her eyes are a blue-gray that shines like silver when divine power flows through her. Her pointed ears are a legacy of her great-grandfather who was the illegitimate child of the previous Duke Whitehall and passing elven songstress. Joanna is a modest person, and while she loves dressing in vibrant and flowing outfits, she doesn't like to show much skin. While adventuring, practicality and comfort reign, and her clothes tend to be muted and rugged in both color and construction.
Halli is a large wolf with gray and white fur that is shot through with some black markings on her back. Her eyes are an artic blue. Her fur is quite soft, and Joanna curls up next to Halli when sleeping on the road.
Joanna's birth was a bittersweet occasion for the Duchy of Whitehall. While a new baby girl in the Whitehall was cause for celebration, her mother's death shortly after naming her was cause for lament and grief. Lady Anna Whitehall had been a kind woman, even by the standards of the lords and ladies of the Duchy of Whitehall. Her loss was mourned by all, her husband, Duke Jospeh Albus Whitehall, most of all.
Joanna's childhood was lonely. Her father was away on business, and after his marriage to Lady Narrsicia Teccirosa, younger sister of an earl near the city of Oppara, it only grew more so as she was isolated from friends and family. The one person who always was there was Titus Cailean, a priest of Shelyn with a past as colorful as his paintings. He treated her as a daughter of his own, and thanks to his close friendship with Duke Whitehall, was called Uncle Titus by Joanna.
Things only took a darker turn when Joseph returned from a business trip pale and withered. Whatever ailment he possessed refused the ministrations of priest, mage, and herbalist alike. He died only a few weeks later on the same day as Joanna's thirteenth birthday. Rumors of poison whispered through the halls and courts of Taldor's elite, but nothing could be proven, and few dared challenge Narcissia, especially after her appoint as regent to the newly named Duchess Josephina Annabella Whitehall.
Worried for the girl, Titus taught her how to defend herself and how to survive the wilds on trips into the foothills of the Fog Peaks. During the breaks of these lessons, Joanna asked about his faith in Shelyn. Over the next three years she learned swordplay and how to move quietly and unseen alongside the arts of music, painting and drawing. Still, Titus worried and when he learned of Narcissia's plans for Joanna, he made his own.
On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Titus woke Joanna in the middle of the night and hurried her to the riverdocks that serviced the Whitehall. He gave her two things before ushering her onto the boat, a signet ring that he told her to always wear and a silver holy symbol of Shelyn that had been his when he first joined the clergy. He told her of the arms and supplies he had stowed away and bade her well before telling the captain of the boat to shove off. Among the supplies was a letter he had written, telling her how much he loved her and that the best he could do was to send her to some friends from his earlier years in Zimar.
"Find the House of Fate and Flame and ask of Darius Felder. He will know to expect you."
Weeks passed as Joanna made her way to Cassomir, then from there to Zimar. She found Darius, a mountain of a man with appetites to match, and was swiftly brought into the guild under his sponsorship. Her first adventure was nearly her last, but pluck and grit were something Joanna had in large reserves, and when the others caught up to her, they found her bloodied but standing amid a pile of goblin corpses. With her first assignment complete, she was named a full member.
Over the next four years, Joanna grew and acquired a number of items with special properties. A cloak with a minor protective enchantment was her part of the spoils won after defeating a vexing trickster that was embarrassing citizens of note around town. She was called to greater service with Shelyn and was blessed with extraordinary abilities after her party found and captured a heretic defiling one of Shelyn's temples. A belt that gifted her with more grace and agility and a pack that held more than it should she took off an art thief when the guild had been called in by an increasingly nervous collector.
A few months ago, she nearly met her end again. It was while she and her party were in the World's Edge Mountains. The weather was terrible, and the ground gave way under Joanna as they traveled along a deep ravine after barely surviving a fight that ruined the sword and armor that Titus had given her. The others, unable to save her or get down to her, left her for dead.
It was thanks to a strange, large wolf that Joanna survived after losing consciousness from the fall. The wolf dragged her to a cave where she could recover. After waking, Joanna was startled to find herself in the den of a wolf, but quickly relaxed as the wolf nuzzled her and lay beside her to keep her warm. While they waited for the weather to relent, Joanna learned the wolf had a name, Halli, and a bond formed between them as the storm passed.
Halli lead Joanna to a forgotten tomb where she found a magnificent suit of mithral armor and a greatsword that glowed with the very pride of the craftsmen that had forged it so long ago. Joanna hesitated, unsure of why Halli had brought her here. Halli then bumped into the back of her legs and sent her towards the armor and the sword.
Joanna met with her party at their camp a few days later wearing the armor and carrying the sword she'd been blessed with. After her reunion and the trip back to Zamir, Joanna has taken some time to rest and relax. The pull of adventure is tugging at her again, and she knows that it won't be long before she and Halli head out once more to see what lays beyond the next horizon and vanquish the evils they find.
The House of Whitehall is an unusual one. Less than a thousand years old in an empire that has lasted for manyu times that, it is one of the few noble houses to rise without ties to the existing nobility. Their title was won the hard way, with grit and steel, blood and sweat. A dragon threatened the heartland of Taldor's mighty empire from the Fog Peaks, and the Emporer rode out to slay the beast. When all but one of his men fled, he thought his doom was upon him. His life was spared that day thanks to the lone man-at-arms that stood by him and landed the killing blow on the wyrm. The man, Alstarius, was given a duchy at the headwaters of the Brokenbridge River in the Fog Peaks for his heroism and was given the title of Duke.
Alstarius was a shrewd man and knew well the excesses that noblity was prone to. Determined to avoid being a despot, he began trading metals, stone, nad gems mined from the Fog Peaks south to Cassomir and beyond. The profits supported a comfortable lifestyle while taxes were reinvested into improving his lands. One of Alistarius' last acts as duke was to build his family a grand keep of shining stone, the Whitehall, from the profits of his enterprise. The keep gave its name to both the ducal house and the duchy they ruled.
Duke after duke grew the small trading company and reinvested heavily into their lands and subjects. The Whitehall Mercantile Company grew to scores of riverbarges, over two dozen sea-going galleys, and offices in several major cities all over the Inner Sea. Their reputation as honest, if eccentric, businessmen and nobles granted them a certain respect among the Taldane aristocracy. They kindness and generosity they showed their subjects and factors only helped to cement their position, as any efforts to remove the Whitehalls would like result in a revolt that, especially after Galt's fall into anarchy, the aristocrats of Taldor most feared.
Two centuries ago, the Duke of Whitehall died a bachelor with no legitimate children of his own. It was only thanks to the quick thinking of the Whitehall's seneschal and the network of informants and favors owed that the duchy was not ripped apart by greedy and envious nobles. It was also thanks to the seneschal that the next Duke of Whitehall was a half-elf, the child born from a dalliance between a traveling elven songstress and the previous duke. While not legitimate, which caused a fairly large scandal, he was the only surviving child of the duke. With favors called in and more than a little coaching from the seneschal, he navigated the turbulent waters and by the time of his death had cemented the Whitehalls' position once more.
Around two decades ago, however, the furture of the House of Whitehall began to look less certain. The wife of the last duke, Joseph Albus Whitehall, died giving birth to his only child and daughter. He remarried, but had not fathered any more children before his death seven years ago. The dowager duchess, Lady Narcissia, was named regent for the young Lady Whitehall, but her position has grown more and more teneous since the young lady is of age, yet has not made a public appearance in four years.
Titus Cailean (Cleric 4/Fighter 1/ Rogue 1)
Titus grew up in a Caydenite run orphanage with no knowledge of his mother nor his father. In his youth, he was a wild one, fighting and getting into trouble all of the time. He fell in with a group of rakes in his teenage years and it seemed that he was one more unfortunate destined for an early grave in a shallow gutter.
That may have been the case if it were not a chance encounter with an elderly priestess of Shelyn. When he broke into her house with the intent of robbing her, he was offered some pastries and tea. Confused, he accepted the offer and started to talk. The priestess answered his questions kindly, telling him that he was beautiful on the inside, if only he would let it show. He never returned to the gang he was with and soon became an acolyte in the church.
It was as a travelling priest that he met and befriended then Lord Joseph Albus Whitehall. Always great patrons of the arts, the Whitehalls had a chapel dedicated to Shelyn that was in need of a new chaplain. Joseph offered the position to Titus after they returned to the Whitehall, and Titus accepted. He officated Joseph's wedding to Anna, and was just as devisated as his friend at her death.
Titus is a irrascible fellow that loves to paint in big, bold strokes. While more traditional artists tut at his brash use of color and unrefined technique, there's no denying his style protrays an energy and character lacking in the more refined protraits of nobility that many courtly artists create. He is a loving man with a quick temper and a short way with fools.
Narcissia Teccirosa (Sorceress ??)
Narcissia's name could not be more fitting. She desires power and influence, and sees the House of Whitehall as only a mere stepping stone to greatness. She is vain, using magic to appear as young as ladies half her age. A manipulative woman to the core, even those that are wary of her find it difficult to resist her reasoning and charm.
She has grown more desperate in recent months as questions about Joanna's whereabouts and health become more pointed. Whispers of dark folk meeting with her in the dead of night have been slowly spreading from the Whitehall. Rumors of even darker dealings have been fearfully uttered by those plied with enough drink, but even then in only the most hushed of tones.
Donovan and Violet Coin (Experts)
The husband and wife team that runs the Whitehall Mercantile Company, the Coins are two of the few people that know of Joanna's current whereabouts. They are a jovial pair with several children and a few grand children from their eldest.
Darius Felder (Fighter 10/Rogue 2)
A massive man of herculean appetites, Darius is one of the few members of the gang that Titus ran with that kept on good terms with him after he left. Perhaps inspired by the way Titus had cleaned up his act, Darius joined the House of Fate and Flame shortly after it opened its doors in Zimar. While age may have slowed him a little, he certainly hasn't mellowed much, though he has a soft spot for Joanna that he hides by teasing her.
For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going?
Mainly to get away from Mother Dearest, but i realized I could do some real good, even if only a little bit. Besides. I like seeing new places, trying new foods, and learning new things. It's fun!
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
My Uncle Titus. He told me to find Darius and he'd help. He was the one that got me in and well, here I am now.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
I could say that it was because I thought I could help, but honestly, I wanted a home. I've been feeling alone for a long time. It doesn't hurt that we often leave things better than we found them or that I get to see all sorts of places that wouldn't otherwise. Still, it's having a place to call home that I like the most.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
My room is really pretty! It has paintings of the most beautiful places I've been on the walls and a starscape overhead that I saw on a clear night in the high peaks of the Edge of the World. My bed's covered in soft, fluffy blankets and pillows. It's gotten a little crowded with Halli in there, but she's well behaved. I'd like to think I'm a good roommate but Odessa's sigh the last time she saw me painting the walls makes me think otherwise. At least my cooking is decent enough to not get me tossed from the kitchen.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
I like to paint and draw when I can. My letters to Uncle Titus, Uncle Donovan, and Aunt Vivian have sketches of things that I've seen. Mister Darius asked if he could have the ones of monsters that I fought, so I've done a few of those for him. I'm learning how to cook, so I've been trying to get some more practice in with that. I love to sing, dance, and play, so I'll spend a few nights at a tavern enjoying myself, though there was that one time I started a bar fight. The owner still laughs whenever he sees me.

hustonj |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm not otherwise going to name names, but looking at the backgrounds provided so far, I see roughly 6 PCs that I think should be very compatible outlook-wise with Dinius Rullus. Having no idea how GM of Rust is going to pick characters or build parties, I don't know if that even matters. Realistically, my thoughts about who will work well together don't have to match his in the first place!
Interesting distraction looking through the rest, though. Not something I do with very many recruitments, honestly. Must just have too much time on my hands having taken most of the week off from work . . ..

Dr. Jebediah Castle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A chance for tables to mingle during downtime could be quite entertaining indeed. You'd have to be careful about allowing anything more than just RP convos though; allowing parties to share crafting, research and all that would just be a hilarious powercreep exploit.
Potions! Mixtures! Concoctions made to order! Alchemical items on the cheap! Come one, come all to Dr. Castle's Castle of chemistry! One week only!

Today is a good day to... halp |

Also, the authors of Elephant in the Room rules have published a 3rd Edition of the rules (definitive and final, they claim), with a few clarifications, that is a downloadable PDF. I don't have the URL handy, because I downloaded it earlier . . ..
Didn't realize that the folks behind the Elephant in the Room rules have already come out with an updated 3rd version pdf of their rule-set; thank you for the heads up on that, hustonj. :)

GM of Rust |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Everyone's updated on the Sheet now (that I noticed.)
Mixed tables definitely sounds interesting, I'll have to see what I can come up with. There's a lot of things that have to align to have it work, though, so we'll have to see if it comes up naturally.

hustonj |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I forgot elephant in the room but think it wont affect my toon. If picked we can look again to make sure.
It will, but only by giving you more.
Unarmed Combatant covers both Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Grapple, so you'll get to take another option for that bonus feat.
Improved Disarm is now part of Deft maneuvers, which is available as a 6th level bonus feat for monks. So, that opens up more combat maneuvers without provoking AoOs.

Kevan Nimblefingers |

Thanks for catching that, fixed my languages and modified the Rogue Finesse to include Deft Maneuvers. Did not see that in the EITR but good to know. My apologies about the background skills, was unsure based on the original post. I must have missed it. I kept all of the professions and dropped some regular skills. Pondering what feat to replace the improved feint with.
Found it: went with Deft Hands.
@GM: Would using the regular Rogue Honeyed words rogue talent be available instead of taking certainty?
Also, when doing average, I did the standard average round up per die.

CampinCarl9127 |

Drask was forced to be an adventurer by the circumstances of his birth and childhood. The only skills his tortured youth taught to him was how to kill and how to survive. He is kept going by his survivor's guilt when his twin brother Kuvar sacrificed himself so that Drask may live and experience more of the wider world. He still carries Kuvar with him, in a much more literal sense than most would think, and lives not only for his brother's sacrifice but also for his brother to experience the wider world with him.
How did your character first hear about the House of Fate and Fire?
Drask was referred over upon being arrested. When he originally came to the city he lived like he did in the wild, just taking whatever he needed and anybody who tried to stop him was shoved aside. He was confronted by local guards who found his combination of uneducated barbarism and calm disposition confusing, luckily allowing them to understand that he was simply too ignorant to understand how civilization works. When Drask inquired what he may do to earn 'money' so that he didn't upset anybody, he was referred over to the House of Fate and Fire.
Why did your character decide to join the House over other options available to them? (Feel free to come up with some liberties on this one, whether they were recruited or tried out for the guild) How does the House fit into your motives as an adventurer?
Drask isn't one to obsess over decisions. He heard about the House of Fate and Fire first, so he went to them. They've treated him well and he's seen no reason to leave. Drask doesn't make anything more complicated than it needs to be.
The adventuring parties live in dormitory-style apartments. The rooms are quite spacious, and the living/kitchen area is shared. What does your room look like? What kind of roommate are you?
Drask's room is messy, although he has learned to at least to keep his mess in his own space. However much clutter accumulates he does keep his space sanitary, i.e. no leftover food or anything else that may lead to smells. Drask is a quiet and unabashed roommate. He does walk around butt-naked a little too much for some people's liking, but he's pretty quiet as a roommate while being at least passingly friendly to anybody that wants to talk, so as long as one isn't put off by his appearance he makes a fairly good roommate.
While Teladora insists that adventurers don't need as much rest as normal people, Layla disagrees. The lamia makes sure that all parties get at least a week of downtime between adventures unless they ask for less. What does your character do to unwind?
Drask spends about half this time training and keeping in fighting shape, as well as volunteering his time to the guild to train other less experienced fighters. But when his training is taken care of, he likes to travel around and experience more of the city and the surrounding areas. Trying out food he has never had, looking at art, going sailing, watching street shows. It's almost uncanny how somebody who looks like such an uncultured barbarian spends so much time consuming the local culture.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

AdamWarnock |
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For me it depends. In this case, the Elephant in the room rules are the only thing that's different, there's a community pack that has the rules, and I didn't want to spend a week making a character. If there's a lot of house rules or I'm just not feeling like busting out Hero Lab, I'll do it by hand.
Now 5e's simple enough that I've done just about all my characters by hand.

AdamWarnock |

AdamWarnock wrote:There’s an elephant int the room package for hero lab.I have it and installed but it doesn't complete everything needed for deft manuevers and the power attack switch
Ah, I haven't run into that issue. then again, I really haven't gotten into the unchained rogue at all.