[PFS/Shifty] 50: Fortune's Blight (Inactive)

Game Master Nik B.

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The Exchange

Male N Dwarf from Qadira - usually talking business or about the past | Flame Spirit Shaman (Speaker for the Past) 9 | HP 98/98 + 12/12 Temp HP | Resistance Fire 10 | Now: AC25 / AC 27 vs evil, Normal: AC 22 T 10 FF 22 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +11, R: +6, W: +17 | Init: +0 | Perc: +20, SM: +19, Dipl.: +24 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira trait reroll 1/1 | Knowledge 8/8 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active condition: heroism, barkskin, magic vs evil, heightened awareness

GM, are these magical missiles? Don't they need line of sight to cast that spell? I am not casting any spells currently where I need to see them.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Walla Kosvan wrote:
With the wall being 15' would Walla be able to draw the rapier and attack since she only had 5' left to climb?

Perception check to pick the square the creature is in though, as noted by Toral :)


GM, are these magical missiles? Don't they need line of sight to cast that spell? I am not casting any spells currently where I need to see them.

Yes. Using flyby attack they are able to move into position - as you are on the edge of the cloud which is not providing you total concealment - attack (or standard action), then continue moving back into concealment themselves using your cloud as cover.


Orst pushes forward, the stairs do not look trapped, and in relatively good (quite stable) condition.

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Walla looks around for a harpy.

Attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 Damage: 1d6 + 9 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 7 = 18

VC - Sydney, Australia

20% miss chance :)

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 12

VC - Sydney, Australia

The harpy is saved by the confusing mist as Walla's blow is stymied.

Fox -
Lissa -
Walla - acted
Orst - acted
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Liberty's Edge

Female LG Halfling Paladin(Chosen One) 9 | HP: 55/76| AC: 27(Tch 14, Fl 26) | CMB: +7, CMD: 24 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Trill: +10), SM: +4 (Trill: +2) | Speed 20ft | Lay On Hands: 6/11 | Adaptable Luck: 3/3 | Smite Evil 1/3 | Active conditions: smite evil

Lissa moves back toward the building and readies an arrow for when she can spot the harpy.


Concealment, high hits: 1d100 ⇒ 96
Shortbow: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 5 = 33
piercing: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

VC - Sydney, Australia

Lissa waits in the mist to spot the black feathered harpy, hoping it comes close.

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf from Qadira - usually talking business or about the past | Flame Spirit Shaman (Speaker for the Past) 9 | HP 98/98 + 12/12 Temp HP | Resistance Fire 10 | Now: AC25 / AC 27 vs evil, Normal: AC 22 T 10 FF 22 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +11, R: +6, W: +17 | Init: +0 | Perc: +20, SM: +19, Dipl.: +24 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira trait reroll 1/1 | Knowledge 8/8 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active condition: heroism, barkskin, magic vs evil, heightened awareness

Toral moves into the cloud.

"Guys, come into the cloud and let them come to us!" Toral says.

Ready action: In case he sees any of them when they come to attack he will slumber hex them. DC 22 Will save or falls asleep.

Silver Crusade

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

"What? Me too? I just got to the stairs. Looks like it heads up a ways. Might be a tower. Good shooting from a tower."

Orst hesitates slightly torn between looking of an advantage and staying to help his friends.

Is that the plan? Group in the mist and ready attacks for them as they fly by. I have started for the stairs twice. I really don't want to split up or bring another monster into play. But I don't like waiting around, as it feels like I am doing nothing. Though it may be the most effective way to battle here. Orst is a good soldier though and would follow Toral's plan if asked.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Toral readies up and heads into the mist - calling his allies to come in for protection.

Orst awaits further clarification.

Orst and Fox up

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

Perception, distance to harpy?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Pff XD

VC - Sydney, Australia

The Fox knows there are Harpies flying about, but all they can see is mist.

Silver Crusade

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

Orst has no chance of shooting things in the mist. +0 perception. Anyway, he will heed Toral's request to regroup in the mist."

"Holy Heck!" "I am coming."

Orst makes his way back through the rubble double moving and drawing his sword again as he goes.

As he gets close, "Don't shoot! I am not a harpy."

VC - Sydney, Australia

Toral rejoins the group.

Fox action?

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

Fox heads for the group too. It was still hurt, and fighting one on one would be suicide.

If possible, move to a square near my allies, hips.
Intent is to set up readied actions from next round on.

VC - Sydney, Australia

The group retreats into the deeper coverage of the mist and away from the periphery. Walla sees the (annoyed) harpy slip into the mist and can hear one fly past over her head.

ENEMY - Acted
Fox -
Lissa -
Walla -
Orst -
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

If possible, fox readies an action to 5ft fly into a hapry's square if it does a flyby attack.

The plan, if plausible, is to 5ft move into their square, then aoo as they move in flight. If this is impossible, is it possible to get a hunch of their fly trajectory when they are close, and move to obstruct
their flight after the flyby attack?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Parsing this out - You could ready a move action to fly into their square (10' of movement for ascending), and attempt an AOO as they begin moving out of your shared square, but you would then be visible at the conclusion of the AOO and unable to utilise a swift action to Vanish.

Fox gets ready to counter-attack.

ENEMY - Acted
Fox - (Readied)
Lissa -
Walla -
Orst -
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

That's ok. I've got to try something, right? :) The moving will be for after they made an attack against an ally.
I would utilize hips between such actions, if my allies cast any form of shadow to hide in.

VC - Sydney, Australia

You can't ready that many actions. I'll adjust your action to 'Readied to move after a Harpy has attacked an adjacent ally. You can ready a move action (and you'd score the AoO as a bonus), but you then can't also have other actions readied for once you broke invis.

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

Acrobatics to Fall safely: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Walla drops down off the roof and prepares to strike at a harpy. Move- drop, Standard Ready- Strike at harpy if it moves adjactent to me.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Walla also moves into position with a blade at the ready!

ENEMY - Acted
Fox - (Readied)
Lissa -
Walla - (Readied)
Orst -
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

Orst will put away his bow and ready to two-handed chop any crazy harpy that comes into his striking range.

readied chop:

Swift action smite through the mist
sword chop with smite and PA: 1d20 + 14 - 3 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 14 - 3 + 3 = 27
Pa and smite dmg: 1d10 + 8 + 9 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 9 + 8 = 28
concealment high hits: 1d100 ⇒ 35

VC - Sydney, Australia

Orst also readies his blade.

ENEMY - Acted
Fox - (Readied)
Lissa -
Walla - (Readied)
Orst - (Readied)
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Liberty's Edge

Female LG Halfling Paladin(Chosen One) 9 | HP: 55/76| AC: 27(Tch 14, Fl 26) | CMB: +7, CMD: 24 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Trill: +10), SM: +4 (Trill: +2) | Speed 20ft | Lay On Hands: 6/11 | Adaptable Luck: 3/3 | Smite Evil 1/3 | Active conditions: smite evil

Lissa moves over and readies her own strike.

Readied attack:

Attack: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 13 + 5 = 31
Damage: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

VC - Sydney, Australia

Lissa also readies...

Toral up

ENEMY - Acted
Fox - (Readied)
Lissa - (Readied)
Walla - (Readied)
Orst - (Readied)
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

VC - Sydney, Australia

Just waiting on Toral?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Toral readies a Slumbering curse...

Gm stuff:

9d8 ⇒ (8, 5, 5, 1, 1, 7, 6, 8, 4) = 45

Party up!

ENEMY - Acted
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent


Fox will prepare the same action sequence.

Silver Crusade

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

"This waiting is terrible. I am ready to sink my sword into these flying chickens." "If they get near me, I'll knock them into next week."

readied attack with Pa and swift smite:

swift action smite the passing harpy
2-handed sword swing with pa and smite: 1d20 + 15 - 3 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 15 - 3 + 3 = 29
dmg slashing: 1d10 + 8 + 8 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 8 + 9 = 28
concealment high hits: 1d100 ⇒ 80

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

Walla continues to wait for the harpies. Same ready action

Liberty's Edge

Female LG Halfling Paladin(Chosen One) 9 | HP: 55/76| AC: 27(Tch 14, Fl 26) | CMB: +7, CMD: 24 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Trill: +10), SM: +4 (Trill: +2) | Speed 20ft | Lay On Hands: 6/11 | Adaptable Luck: 3/3 | Smite Evil 1/3 | Active conditions: smite evil

Lissa picks up her glaive and stows it.

"Toral, come under the overhang." she advises.

VC - Sydney, Australia

GM stuff:

6d8 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2) = 21

Toral repositions.

Party up!

ENEMY - Acted
Toral -

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

I'm getting an uneasy impression they are damaging something, i don't see them on the map.

Fox thinks this whole thing silly, as the harpies stay away.

I have no idea what to do. If they keep flying or away, this becomes a stale mate. :/

VC - Sydney, Australia

Your protective mist wont last forever either...

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

Let's just torch the place and be done with it. Smoke them out. :P

Silver Crusade

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

Orst will make for the stairs again. "Lissa, I can't wait like this forever, I'm trying the stairs. This waiting is not working."

Orst moves to the base of the stairs. double move

VC - Sydney, Australia

Fox readies for any more swooing, meanwhile Orst heads for the stairs.

ENEMY - Acted
Fox - (Readied)
Toral - Acted

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

"I'll assist you Orst." Double move

Liberty's Edge

Female LG Halfling Paladin(Chosen One) 9 | HP: 55/76| AC: 27(Tch 14, Fl 26) | CMB: +7, CMD: 24 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Trill: +10), SM: +4 (Trill: +2) | Speed 20ft | Lay On Hands: 6/11 | Adaptable Luck: 3/3 | Smite Evil 1/3 | Active conditions: smite evil

"Stairs it is," Lissa agrees as she follows behind.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Lissa and Walla move towards the stairs through the mist and over the broken terrain, they feel the bitter cold as they enter the edge of the ice storm, but the portion of roof above protects them from the worst of it.

Party up!

ENEMY - Acted

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Ice Storm fades end R16

Silver Crusade

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8

Orst moves cautiously up the stairs. If they are difficult terrain, he makes it to there barring any traps or collapses.
"Good thing I have my ioun torch. That thing is worth its weight in gold."

VC - Sydney, Australia

Orst pushes up the stairs, they more resemble 'death trap' than trap due to the aged and weathered condition, but they are surprisingly solid. Orst can see a closed door at the top.

Sovereign Court

F Vishkanya
bot me:
[dice=Rapier]1d20+15[/dice] [dice=Damage with precision]1d6+15[/dice] [dice=Damage w/o precision]1d6+9[/dice]
charmed life 0/4 Swashbuckler 7|HP 69/69| AC 25 (26 engaged w/ 1 enemy), FF 18, T 17, CMD 21 (23 vs Disarm) | Fort +4 (+10 vs Poison) Ref +10 Will +1 | init +9; Perc +5; SM +3 | Pan. 3/3 ||low light, spd 30 Conditions- 2 str damage

Walla continues to follow Orst up the stairs. If its difficult terrain that is a double move for me

VC - Sydney, Australia

Double move, your climbing a stairwell in less than ideal conditions

Walla slides past Orst up the rickety stairs.

ENEMY - Acted
Walla - acted
Orst - acted

B 36 (Lissa smite)
G 34 (bow 9)
W 21

Ice Storm fades end R16

Liberty's Edge

Female LG Halfling Paladin(Chosen One) 9 | HP: 55/76| AC: 27(Tch 14, Fl 26) | CMB: +7, CMD: 24 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Trill: +10), SM: +4 (Trill: +2) | Speed 20ft | Lay On Hands: 6/11 | Adaptable Luck: 3/3 | Smite Evil 1/3 | Active conditions: smite evil

Lissa stows her bow, then draws her glaive as she starts up the stairs.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Fox & Toral up

HP: 61/61, AC 23/23/23, F+5, R+15, W+4, speed 40ft, Perception +10, init +9, Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, scent

Fox looks at Toral, somewhat letting its head hang slightly, making an uneasy sound, making a motion as if to pounce something edible, before heading up the stairs.

Unsure what DC sense motive goes with body language of animals.

Sense motive 10?:

It is worried for a sprung surprise...

VC - Sydney, Australia

Feel free to move yourself on the map :)

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