GM NovelEnigma's 1-04 Bandits of Immenwood
Game Master
Map Slides
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Discussion here. Make sure you have Signed up here.
Please put your tokens and perceptions on the slides.
B19 Grim Tidings ||
We have five players, so we can go ahead and get started! It looks like we are low-tier for now, but a 6th player should push you to high-tier if they join.
male Human Champion 1 Ini +5 HP 20/20 AC 16 Fort +7 Ref+3 Will +7 spd 25 per +5
I'm interested.. champion L1, fresh of his first adventure a week ago
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Cassimon Dohl wrote: I'm interested.. champion L1, fresh of his first adventure a week ago Grab that last signup spot on the sheet and feel free to post in gameplay! The game has begun!
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
It seems that according to the new Organized Play Foundation Downtime rules, Players are responsible for rolling and recording their own downtimes...
So to make it official and put it on the record, here is Mimi's Earn Income roll whose result I will add to the chronicle I receive for this adventure.
Performance (Earn Income) vs DC 14: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Nice! According to this table a crit success is good for 16sp.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
Downtime Lore; Earn Income: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
This is what happens when I don't check for a day! I will post in game play shortly!
B19 Grim Tidings ||
No problem! You're signed up as a Grand Archive character but TBD; let me know if you (or anyone else) are part of this faction as you have additional dialogue and goals.
Also, if you're playing a level 1, you'll be getting level bumped!
Increase every DC the PC has by 1.
Increase the attack modifiers, attack damage, spell damage, saving throw modifiers, skill modifiers, Perception modifiers, and AC of the PC by 1.
Increase the Hit Point totals of the PC by 10 or by 10%, whichever is higher.
If anyone has a mentor boon, feel free to let Mr. Tea know. I believe you can benefit from two different mentor boons at once.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
here's hoping there aren't any kitty cats in this one... I almost had my face eaten by a leopard last time!!
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
I'm playing as my new fighter character as the PC (Oracle) I was going to play is in a scenario that is at 505 posts and counting!
F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Itka's been invited to give a talk on her knowledge of the Shadow Plane to help train some research assistants at the Grand Lodge.
Earn Income: Shadow Plane Lore, DC 15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Success. 16 sp
male Human Champion 1 Ini +5 HP 20/20 AC 16 Fort +7 Ref+3 Will +7 spd 25 per +5
Craft doll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 (not sure if level bump counts)
Cassimon will work on his new doll a figure of Mimi de Valence
But he mights have the proportions wrong...
@Mimi: I'm french IRL ;-)
Perc +14 | 30 feet | Class DC 25 | Active Conditions: Fire Resistance 5, Slashing/Piercing Resistance 7 CN Male Gnome(Sensate) Barbarian 9 HP 160/160(173/173) | AC: 26(28) | F +20 R +16 W +15
Legal Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Zabu helps some old pals escape the long arm of the law with some clever lawyering. usual...fails.
I believe that gives me 4cp per day or 3.2 sp for the 8 days of downtime.
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
Cassimon Dohl wrote: @Mimi: I'm french IRL ;-) Oh là là ! You'll find Mimi's accent particularly offensive then. He he :)
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
Tiger grabs a minor healing potion as his consumable.
Downtime roll was successful - 4sp; Tiger was invited to talk about Warfare and Scouting. He particularly emphasizes that it's not a good idea to try to outclaw feline adversaries...
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
Crafting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Rafe will craft some camping supplies for sale.
I think that's a crit for my level :)
B19 Grim Tidings ||
You're welcome to hero point the roll! The DC is only 12 but I rolled a nat 1 for you
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
Nah. too early to burn a hero point... :)
F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Itka's consumable is a scroll of Mage Armor.
She has a scroll of Soothe that she'd like her familiar to consume. If there's at least an hour of downtime on the boat, she'd like to work on that.
Perc +14 | 30 feet | Class DC 25 | Active Conditions: Fire Resistance 5, Slashing/Piercing Resistance 7 CN Male Gnome(Sensate) Barbarian 9 HP 160/160(173/173) | AC: 26(28) | F +20 R +16 W +15
Zabu will take the healing potion...and will no doubt need it.
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
Rafe will have a lesser Antidote potion as a consumable (level 1, Generalist)
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
GM NovelEnigma wrote: You're welcome to hero point the roll! The DC is only 12 but I rolled a nat 1 for you Two nat 1's? I'd like to see your dice please :)
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
I've finally remembered to add a token! Having now read Guns and Gears, I'm either going to make Rafe MC Inventor at 2nd, or restat him as an Inventor after this scenario.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
I don't know if Paizo sanctioned Guns & Gears yet though. If they haven't, you won't be able to use it.
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B19 Grim Tidings ||
It has not yet been sanctioned, but it will be on this page when it is. It's almost certainly going to cost AcP to play a Gunslinger or Inventor.
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
I thought they might as they're uncommon. I can certainly wait and see. It won't matter for a little while.
F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
@GM NovelEnigma: Itka's token is on the ground beside the wagon, even though she'd be sitting on the seat in the wagon, per our earlier arrangement. This makes a difference in what she's going to do this round, so what's your ruling on her placement? Thanks!
B19 Grim Tidings ||
For simplicity, I will say that it doesn't cost any extra movement to get off of a stopped wagon. If you were sitting on the wagon to direct/control the horses, act as if your token was on the wagon for distance.
F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Then I'll move her onto the wagon to start her turn, as I wanted her to stay seated there for now.
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
The halfling druid is still in the same square next to Mimi as before. Since he turned and fled, I assume he's moved elsewhere by now, but where?
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Mimi de Valence wrote: The halfling druid is still in the same square next to Mimi as before. Since he turned and fled, I assume he's moved elsewhere by now, but where? Updated! The druid is going to keep running away from you, but I know you're faster. You'll catch him if you focus on him, but that will leave your party to deal with the squirrels without you.
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
GM NovelEnigma wrote: The druid is going to keep running away from you, but I know you're faster. You'll catch him if you focus on him, but that will leave your party to deal with the squirrels without you. If Mimi is convinced that the druid is running away and will no longer be an immediate danger to the party, then she will turn her attentions to the swarms.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
btw, I just realized -- am I still sickened?
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Yeah, but I definitely forgot about that. You're supposed to be sickened for the entire scenario since it only takes 1 day. Kind of harsh for only a single saving throw at the beginning of the scenario.
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Paging Zabu; Zabu, please report to the combat.
Will bot in the next few hours!
◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |
GM NovelEnigma wrote: Yeah, but I definitely forgot about that. You're supposed to be sickened for the entire scenario since it only takes 1 day. Kind of harsh for only a single saving throw at the beginning of the scenario. Kinda doesn't matter really, since most of my rolls miss outright. The only question is whether a 15 or a 21 hits the swarm. A 13 definitely won't :)
B19 Grim Tidings ||
This scenario is just "they walk down the road and then get attacked! Then they walk down the road some more and get attacked!". The next post is, once again, a combat encounter.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
When I was looking for a scenario for my IRL group to play, someone recommended this -- since all my group wants to do is fight and fight and fight and fight... based on what you're saying, the person appears to be right...
Perc +14 | 30 feet | Class DC 25 | Active Conditions: Fire Resistance 5, Slashing/Piercing Resistance 7 CN Male Gnome(Sensate) Barbarian 9 HP 160/160(173/173) | AC: 26(28) | F +20 R +16 W +15
I don't hate it. Especially for this character.
NG Pathfinder Agent 2 | AC 19(21) | HP 30/30 | P +6 F +7 R +8 W +4| Def. Expl.: Defend| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: none | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
It lets me speculate what night come next! Also, playing a low level fighter, it could be a lot worse.
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
I pretty much figured it would be like that from the description, which is why I picked my swashbuckler for the scenario. I was hoping for a little more Bon Mot action against actual bandits, but Tumble Through works fine in a pinch against animals. Too bad my Jayma was otherwise occupied or we could have gotten the Bobbsey Twins back together for an encore.
Perc +14 | 30 feet | Class DC 25 | Active Conditions: Fire Resistance 5, Slashing/Piercing Resistance 7 CN Male Gnome(Sensate) Barbarian 9 HP 160/160(173/173) | AC: 26(28) | F +20 R +16 W +15
I've been wondering whatever became of Jayma. I haven't seen her in a goblin's age.
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
where'd you get that spinning image?
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B19 Grim Tidings ||
I took the Avatar air bender symbol, saved it, rotated it, saved it again, and rotated it one last time and saved that. I put those three images into a gif maker that just cycles through them. Inside google slides, I increased its transparency to allow you to see through it.
CN Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ♥️ 73/73 | AC 23 (Dueling Parry) | F+11 R+13 W+9 | Perc +9 | Speed 35' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +11 (Init +13) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier | Status:
Rafe Thoresby wrote: I don't see where it says difficult terrain? I saw it HERE (see OOC in middle of post).
I'm assuming it still holds.
B19 Grim Tidings ||
Yes, I should have been a better GM and put it in the initiative trackers well. Sorry about that!
male Human Champion 1 Ini +5 HP 20/20 AC 16 Fort +7 Ref+3 Will +7 spd 25 per +5
will be offline Saturday morning to Monday evening, bot me as needed
2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
Sheesh... I just realized that I never updated my statblock for the level up... Not that it matters, because it hasn't made a major difference...