Gallery of Evil
Game Master
Deaths Adorable Apprentice
roll20 battle map
That was the only fully made character. Couple of concepts. Also if anyone knows anyone wanting to join a module.
Ill give a chance for votes and if not Ill message Ciapha Cain in the morning. Sorry for the delay. Wanted to make sure everyone has a chance to chime in if they want.

Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
Hi there, finalizing ciapha, also need to look at other people for synergies etc.
She will be a fairly social and mobile beatstick, with some little extra tricks bolted on top.
Quick notes skillwise:
Face skills:
We are lacking bluff,
Diplomacy: Talan 19, Valtyra 5
Intimidate: Martin 17, Valtra 14
Sense motive: Martyn 14 Valtyra 11
Handle animal: Not very relevant at this level
Talan has the important kn. skill covered, with 20s or 15s.
Quick question, Valtyra has background skills in her sheet, are these on?
Nobody has stealth, that could be something I will pick.
I do want UMD because its just too good so:
Design goals:
--Full ranks in bluff so we have the option
--3 ranks in diplomacy bringing me to +8, for a very likely succesfull assist.
--Full ranks UMD (9 points)
--Full ranks Stealth (9 points)
--Enough sense motive to not fall for everything (5ish points, I do have a free skill focus in it)
A smattering of Kn. Skills and spellcraft to enable me to assist.
Issues: Perception will be low, thankfully, rest of the party has pretty high here.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
I think I am done. Ready to but in.
Charlize is going to be botted out for now. I don't know enough about the character to run her and that is a really long time. If the player comes back I can use that to bring her back in.
Feel free to do interactions and introductions. I'm here but limited to my phone since I need to buy a new cord for my laptop. I'm hoping that fixes UT as u don't want to buy a new one just yet
roll20 invite
Got my new charger. Thank you for your patience. Ciapha and Martin hop on over there for the map
Oh and th new folks are humans so the hallway is very dark.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
Ciapha has dimdweller for darkvision 60. Its a pretty good alternate racial trait, although it costs skilled.
Female NG Aasimar Warpriestess (Shelyn) 9 | HP 47/72 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | CMB +6, CMD 19 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +9(+11 emotion/fear/pain) | Init: +3 | Perc: +13, SM: +12 | Fervor 6/7 (3d6) | Blessings 7/7 |Sacred Weapon (+2) 8/9 rounds
So two of us can see in the dark and two of us can't.
I missed that. Ill adjust the map for darkvision.
Yeppers. The sun isnt up and so far there have been no lights
All pc's are up first since Im not getting the suprise round. There is an image in the monsters folder and a new map on roll20
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
Awesome sauce, I dont currently see the bad guy, and I dont have control of my token, but lets show our might :).
Also, is the floor high enough for a large creature, or would I be squeezing?
I had the babbie on the wrong layer. and you should have control of your tokens. And it would be a squeeze in the hallway
Martin due to the darkness you will have limited fields of vision. The foe is around the corner so at the moment are Ciapha and Valtyra
to account for Ciapaha getting so big I moved her to the stairs. Val is graceful enough to slip past her.
Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot
Ciapha said she was staying behind me.
narrow space but you are welcome to move yourselves around.
Ciapha you still hit him. And that would be an arcana check.
Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7
ill get a post first thing in the morning. may or may not add bonuses to rolls already made depending on how initiative and dms desires roll.
I never roll that well. two 20s in a row!
Ciapha if you are rolling do so to see if you negate any that as the first meets her AC
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote: I never roll that well. two 20s in a row!
Ciapha if you are rolling do so to see if you negate any that as the first meets her AC
Just did so, I did negate the first, no amount of aid another stacking would negate the second.
I put next rounds aid into a GM only spoiler.
Mechanically for the party: It triggers as soon as an ally is attacked, but before the dice is rolled, so it goes off immidiatly, against the enemies first 2 attacks, Ciapha can not interfere with the third one currently (only has 2 AoOs while enlarged), but may be able to do so in other fights (if I distribute my urban bloodrage differently I can boost dex, or I can not enlarge). It does fail on a nat 1, so it is not 100% certain.
Martin the dice roller is often quiet evil. And the second attempt did work on the disarm. High CMD on this piece of angry art.
Female NG Aasimar Warpriestess (Shelyn) 9 | HP 47/72 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | CMB +6, CMD 19 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +9(+11 emotion/fear/pain) | Init: +3 | Perc: +13, SM: +12 | Fervor 6/7 (3d6) | Blessings 7/7 |Sacred Weapon (+2) 8/9 rounds
If not for your bodyguard action Ciapha, I'd be at -7hp right now.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
Valtyra Harakore wrote: If not for your bodyguard action Ciapha, I'd be at -7hp right now. Happy it worked! I thought you were at full hp before, which is why ciapha was like "nah you would have lived" :).
Glad you survived Val. The exploration of this house just started.does the glaive stay lit up?
On the map if you enter a room it will light up.
Female NG Aasimar Warpriestess (Shelyn) 9 | HP 47/72 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | CMB +6, CMD 19 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +9(+11 emotion/fear/pain) | Init: +3 | Perc: +13, SM: +12 | Fervor 6/7 (3d6) | Blessings 7/7 |Sacred Weapon (+2) 8/9 rounds
The weapon enhancement is measured in rounds so no, I drop it as soon as combat ends.
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VAlI moved your token and the light into the room on the left.
My bad Martin. And combat imitative is more relaxed in PBP than in IRL cause it would take to long to follow the order to closely. But I fixed it in my group roll list.
Migraine so ill post tomorrow. I apologize
Male Orc Expert 5
Ill have a post in a bit later today.
Martin and Valtyra are next then a new round will start.
Ciapa we can have that be your action next round.
Combat in PbP is to slow if we follow imitative order exactly. I will try to specify more clearly to avoid confusion.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
That being my next action is fine!
Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot
Sorry for the delay, dealing with hurricane effects at the moment.
Real life always comes first. I can bot you or if everyone is amenable pause the game. Stay safe!
.y laptop has kicked kicked the bucket. I have a new one but I don't have access to my pdfs just yet. I should get it resolved in tge next few days. I'm very sorry for a delay.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
No need to apologize for things outside of your control!
On an unrelated sidenote:
Ciapha and Val are both models and know each other from that. Are there other people knowing each other?
Ciaphas TLDR background is that she is a Callistria worshipping Model-Mercenary who has a crazy powerful demon grandmother. She is at beast opportunistically attached to the concept of observable reality, pretty fun at most parties, likes barbecue and hates hags, especially of the barbecue ruining variety. She also holds the Absalom record for farthest distance a grabby halfling bard got thrown.
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im sorry for the delay. 1600$ later, waiting for shipping, and a trip back to the store for issues with the new laptop was a frustrating experience. Thank you for your patience. Hopefully everyone is still here.
If no one responds I'll try messaging them again later today
Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot
I'm still here, just not sure what to make of the conversation going on currently.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
As far as I understand it:
1: We were fighting the Barb painting
2: Then we minus Telias went into the room with 2 creepy paintings and 2 paint servants. Ciapha is mildly suprised that the rug hasnt tried to smother her yet.
3: While Telias was still in the floor
4: Then new person came up from the stairway we came from
5: There was some stabbing and talking, if Telias has an idea on wether that guy is a painting or a living person, he hasnt told us that yet.
6: Ciapha and Val are rolling sense motive to figure out if he is.
7: He hits really wimpy btw.
8: New guy claims its his house, just murdering him would arguably be actual murder, assuming he is who he says he is.
Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7
Like a cheesy detective flick all will be revealed in the end, columbo style.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
I am at least pretty sure the guy is not Ciapha's evil grandma!
Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7
I only wish i had yime to cast glibness so i can dance on my bullshit pony all night long.
Honestly that sounds delightful
dont want to overrun you all with a cutscene so im trying to give chances for you to interrupt if you want
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Mr. Paintfellow had me giggling far more than it should have.
Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1
I post to make people laugh :).
Horrible Horrible puns await him should he turn on us!