Classes/Levels |
Female NG Aasimar Warpriestess (Shelyn) 9 | HP 47/72 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | CMB +6, CMD 19 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +9(+11 emotion/fear/pain) | Init: +3 | Perc: +13, SM: +12 | Fervor 6/7 (3d6) | Blessings 7/7 |Sacred Weapon (+2) 8/9 rounds |
About Valtyra Harakore
Max HP:47 (8d+24 Con) Current HP: 72 Non Lethal:
STR 13 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 14 (+2)
AC:21 (10+7 Armor +3 Dex +1 Nat) Touch: 13 : Flat footed: 17 CMD:19
+1 Deathless Mithral Agile Breastplate
Speed: 30
Fort: +8 Reflex: +6 Will: +9 (+11 vs emotion/fear/pain)
Defensive abilities
acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5.
25% chance to ignore negative levels from any attack. Neg energy res 10
Senses: Darkvision 90ft
BAB:+6/+1 CMB:+6 Initiative +3
Melee: +1 Silversheen Glaive +12 1d10+2 x3 sl Reach/ Lunge (15 ft)
Melee: (Enlarged) +1 Silversheen Glaive +12 2d6+3 x3 15/20ft reach
Ranged: Masterwork Longbow, composite (+1) +9 1d8+1 x3 (40 arrows, 10 Cold Iron, 5 adamantine)
Special attacks: Searing light +9 ranged touch (4d8/ undead 8d6/ undead vulnerable to light 8d8)
0-level (5)
Enhanced Diplomacy, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mending
1st level (5+1)
Weapons against Evil, Bless, Command, Tap Inner Beauty, Aspect of the Nightingale, Moment of Greatness
2nd level (4+1)
Weapon of awe, Visualization of the Body, Lesser Restoration, Calm Emotions, Fear the Sun
3rd level (3+1)
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Channel Vigor, Holy Javelin, Blindness/Deafness
Special Abilities
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A warpriest is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the favored weapon of his deity, and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields). If the warpriest worships a deity with unarmed strike as its favored weapon, the warpriest gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Cleric under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Spontaneous Casting
Spontaneous Casting: A good warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that he did not prepare ahead of time. The warpriest can expend any prepared spell that isn’t an orison to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower. A cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name.
Aura (Ex) Good
A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil).
Blessings (Su) 7/day
A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains). A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. If a warpriest isn’t devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. The restriction on alignment domains still applies.
Each blessing grants a minor power at 1st level and a major power at 10th level. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day (in any combination) equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (to a maximum of 13 times per day at 20th level). Each time he calls upon any one of his blessings, it counts against his daily limit. The save DC for these blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier.
If a warpriest also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class. Subject to GM discretion, the warpriest can change his former blessings or domains to make them conform.
Charming Presence (minor): At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant an entrancing blessing. For 1 minute, the ally becomes mesmerizing to her opponents, filling them with either abject admiration or paralyzing fear. This effect functions as sanctuary, except if the ally attacks an opponent, the effect ends with respect to only that opponent. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Increased Defense (minor): At 1st level, you can gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws and a +1 sacred bonus to AC for 1 minute. The bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 20th level.
Focus Weapon
At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (he can choose any weapon, not just his deity’s favored weapon).
Sacred Weapon (Su) +2 bonus (brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, shock, ghost touch and holy.)
At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table 1–14; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon’s base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn’t apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage.
At 4th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of his sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 4 levels beyond 4th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). If the warpriest has more than one sacred weapon, he can enhance another on the following round by using another swift action. The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his warpriest level, but these rounds need not be consecutive.
These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the weapon might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance a weapon with any of the following weapon special abilities: brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, and shock. In addition, if the warpriest is chaotic, he can add anarchic and vicious. If he is evil, he can add mighty cleaving and unholy. If he is good, he can add ghost touch and holy. If he is lawful, he can add axiomatic and merciful. If he is neutral (with no other alignment components), he can add spell storing and thundering. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added.
Fervor (Su) 7/day 3d6
At 2nd level, a warpriest can draw upon the power of his faith to heal wounds or harm foes. He can also use this ability to quickly cast spells that aid in his struggles. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his warpriest level + his Wisdom modifier. By expending one use of this ability, a good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) can touch a creature to heal it of 1d6 points of damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 3 warpriest levels he possesses above 2nd (to a maximum of 7d6 at 20th level). Using this ability is a standard action (unless the warpriest targets himself, in which case it’s a swift action). Alternatively, the warpriest can use this ability to harm an undead creature, dealing the same amount of damage he would otherwise heal with a melee touch attack. Using fervor in this way is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. This counts as positive energy.
An evil warpriest (or one who worships an evil deity) can use this ability to instead deal damage to living creatures with a melee touch attack and heal undead creatures with a touch. This counts as negative energy.
A neutral warpriest who worships a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) uses this ability as a good warpriest if he chose to spontaneously cast cure spells or as an evil warpriest if he chose to spontaneously cast inflict spells.
As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of this ability to cast any one warpriest spell he has prepared with a casting time of 1 round or shorter. When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The warpriest does not need to have a free hand to cast a spell in this way.
Bonus Feats (3)
Channel Energy (Su) 2 uses of Fervor, (DC 18)
Sacred Armor (Su) +1 Bonus 9 min/day
At 7th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance his armor with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the armor a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 3 levels beyond 7th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level). The warpriest can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to his warpriest level. This duration must be used in 1-minute increments, but they don’t need to be consecutive.
These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the armor might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance armor any of the following armor special abilities: energy resistance (normal, improved, and greater), fortification (heavy, light, or moderate), glamered, and spell resistance (13, 15, 17, and 19). Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost. For this purpose, glamered counts as a +1 bonus, energy resistance counts as +2, improved energy resistance counts as +4, and greater energy resistance counts as +5. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The armor must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added.
Adventuring Skills: 2+0 Int mod +1 FCB= 3 per level
Acrobatics +4
*Climb +0
Diplomacy +5
*Heal +7
Escape Artist +
*Intimidate +14
*Knowledge (arcane)
*Knowledge (religion) +5
Knowledge (history)
*Knowledge (martial)
Knowledge (occult)
Knowledge (planes)
*Linguistics +
Perception +13
*Profession +
Ride (Dex)
*Sense motive +11
*Spellcraft (Int) +5
*Stealth +3
*Survival (Wis)+4
Background skills:
Perform (dance)+12
*Lore (Art)+8
Artistry (Live art/modeling) +7
Common, Celestial
Weapon Focus (Glaive)*, Bladed Brush, Heavenly Radiance, Greater Weapon Focus (Glaive), Dazzling Display, Weapon Finesse, Angelic Blood ( +2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the evil descriptor/stabilize. All undead take 1 damage when taking bleed), Lunge, Combat reflexes
Darkest before Dawn
Benefit(s): You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells with the emotion, fear, or pain descriptor. Once per day, you can increase this bonus to +4 for a single save, but you must make this decision before you attempt the saving throw.
Inner Beauty
Benefit(s) Once per day when you manifest your faith in your deity, you gain a + 4 trait bonus on a single Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, or Perform skill check. You must choose to use this trait immediately after rolling the skill check but before the result is revealed by the GM.
• Ability Score Modifiers: Aasimars are insightful, confident, and personable. They gain +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma.
• Type: Aasimars are outsiders with the native subtype.
• Size: Aasimars are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Aasimars have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Aasimars begin play speaking Common and Celestial. Aasimars with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defense Racial Traits
• Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Magical Racial Traits
• Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Aasimars can use daylight twice per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar’s class level).
• Searing light (1 use of Daylight)
Senses Racial Traits
• Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)
Variant Physical Features: (7) Beautifully proportioned.
Languages: Common, Celestial
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Equipment/Gear (lbs)
Warpriest’s Kit: This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol, Silver holy symbol, Dancer's Garb, perfume, standard clothing, Adventurer's sash.
Magical Gear
Armor +1 Deathless Mithral Agile Breastplate
Feet: Boots of the Cat
Neck: Amulet of Nat Armor +1
Waist Belt of Physical Might (Dex/Con)
Slotless items
Remove Curse
Water breathing
Owl’s Wisdom
Cat’s grace
Resist energy (fire)
Mage Armor
Enlarge person
Born and raised in the Ivy District, Valtyra was marked from birth as someone special. Her bloodline carrying a strong touch of the divine, likely strengthen by her cleric mother, the girl carried a strong celestial trait of what was hard to describe as anything other than perfection.
Raised staunchly in the faith of Shelyn, her father a skilled sculptor of moderate renown, she was brought up with a great appreciation for all art forms, though as she grew older, developing in athleticism, skill, and grace, her attention turned to the beauty of martial expression, drawing her interests to the Art of War and the beauty that could be achieved in combat, her skill at dance easily translating to the more deadly forms of armed movement.
Her demonstrations were known for the beautiful expression, and with her own beauty and near-perfect form, she became a favorite model of painters, sculptors and others in the artist community, becoming a bit of a darling among those of the city's art world, and protecting their interests in turn, often joining one of Asheron Coyle's expeditions to recover some centuries-old work of art, or to facilitate the save transfer of a valuable art piece.
In studying the innate beauty of the movements of combat, the young Aasimar developed a special relationship wth her goddess, taking on the mantle of a warpriestess, something quite unusual for one devoted to Shelyn, becoming a living expression of all that could be beautiful about the arts of war, culminating in the mastery of her goddess' fearsome yet dazzling signature weapon.
Valtyra posing for an artist
pp 3000gp sp cp