Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convence me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: purchased using the High Fantasy point-buy (20 points); if you really wanna roll you can. But you are stuck with the three dice you get
Classes: No Anti-paladin
Races: Core, standard, and advanced are all fine by me. You will be in a big city so some races like goblins, drow, gnoll, ect will get some weird looks and some people might be mistrustful.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, ½ + 1 thereafter or you can roll if you want to
Traits: two traits, with the option of taking a drawback for a third; if a drawback is chosen, it should be something that actually hinders your character
Alignment:/[b] no restrictions, so long as you are able to play nice with the other players and not be a murderhoobs
[b]Starting Wealth: 33,000 gp
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: You all can know each other or not, that up to you. But you should have a reason Asheron Coyl, an art collector in the Ivy Distrect in Absolom. He frequently sponsors adventuring expeditions to faraway ruins and lost civilizations in pursuit of ancient art, jewels, and relics to add to his collection. Along with being the patron to various artist in Absolom. He could be a family friend or a family member. If you do not wanna know him then being part of the city guard or someone who does free lance work for them. Ect. Mostly you need a reason for him to contact you or to be sent to him.

Neirikr |

Since the adventure deals with art, I suppose a Shelynite would be a good fit? Perhaps a cleric or an oracle, if the group is in need of a healer—likely a bookish art historian/conservator-restorer type (in this case, one who views humanoid bodies as works of art worth preserving).

Anethra Katal |

Thanks for the invite! Thinking of playing a monkey goblin wit.
Rough backstory is that she was a cruel sorcerer's pet for many years in his private menagerie, and escaped one night when the sorcerer was killed by adventurers. She quaffed a bunch of potions on her way out, but the only one that stuck was a potion of Intelligence. Ever since then she's claimed to be a sage who was polymorphed into this form, and inveigled herself into a variety of salons where she's the source of much curiosity and amusement.

Anethra Katal |

Btw, is there a cap on the max gold we can spend on a single item?

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Btw, is there a cap on the max gold we can spend on a single item?
Limit is half.
And the Wit sounds fun! Not familiar with the verbal duals though.
Ate you ok with npcs gawking, being suspicious, or rude due to being a monkey goblin? That way I know what I can do or should avoid.

Anethra Katal |

I'm skipping the verbal duels stuff, basically. And absolutely fine with being gawked at, or any other reaction.

![]() |

Hmm, thinkering... maybe Tortured Crusader Paladin?
It's an Urban campaign I'm guessing going off being in an art gallery/museum (OF EVIL) so Dungeon Rover/Deep Walker Ranger could work depending on when exactly a building stops being Urban and starts being Dungeon.
Or for laughs since it does feel like a horror campaign there is this 3pp class, Survivor. I have zero idea if it would be any good or not XD
But yeah I know nothing about this module so just throwing random ideas out there.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And it is a very urban module. Unless ya'll go off the in an unforeseen direction, which is a players prerogative.
Just gotta have a reason to be contacted by Asheron Coyl. And he is an art collector who loves sending adventurers places so there are various ways that can happen.
Besides the setting being urban. There are social stuffs, some mystery and all that entails, and some fun combats.

Anethra Katal |

Hey guys, apologies, gonna have to withdraw. Have a blast!

Gemariah Morgethai |

Gemariah's bio is still under construction, so things might change. I'll try to finish him tonight.
As Coyl is an art collector, he might well have called on Gemariah to appraise, conserve and/or restore pieces as needed. Assuming he is a human, the relationship is likely to be congenial but strictly professional on Gemariah's part. As an 8th-level character, I assume Gemariah has a modestly reputable workshop, a few apprentices, as well as an established network of contacts in Absalom's art scene (or the Ivy District's, more specifically).

Gemariah Morgethai |

Bladed Brush is a pretty cool Shelynite combat feat, in case you haven't looked at it already.

Gemariah Morgethai |

I think I'm all done, save for picking a drawback. Would Sheltered be acceptable? Gemariah isn't much for violence.
Also, I have a question about marvelous pigments. The item description is pretty loose on how much you can create with one pot, so how exactly do we track uses? I have trouble picturing cubic feet.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Sheltered should be fine.
the marvelous pigments are one of my favorite items even if the math is a hassle. "One pot of marvelous pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000-cubic-foot object by depicting it two-dimensionally over a 100-square-foot surface."
thats the only math given. I am ok playing it by ear as this is a module. Cause the math seems hard to figure out. So we can guess at how much whatever you create uses.

Valtyra Harakore |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Coming along. Skills and equipment (plus any ability adjustments) and spells. Next. Ties to everything is that an aasimar (alternate trait: perfectly proportioned) she's a physical work of art, both in appearance and the condition she keeps herself. As a result, and through the devotion to Shelyn, she's a favorite of the art community, having mod3eled for many a painting, drawing, or statue.
She also embodies art in combat.

Gemariah Morgethai |

the marvelous pigments are one of my favorite items even if the math is a hassle. "One pot of marvelous pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000-cubic-foot object by depicting it two-dimensionally over a 100-square-foot surface."
thats the only math given. I am ok playing it by ear as this is a module. Cause the math seems hard to figure out. So we can guess at how much whatever you create uses.
The description also specifies a 2,000 gp limit for produced items, though this doesn't seem to limit the amount of said items one can create. This is sort of a weird double metric. Could I make a thousand 1-cubic-feet items worth 2,000 gp each for the same amount of paint as one 1,000-cubic-feet 2,000 gp item...?
Of course, I have no intention of abusing this vagueness. Can I then assume that unless I want to paint, like, a chariot or a small house, there'll be enough paint to last the adventure? Really, I'm mostly going to be using it to manufacture tools and other adventuring gear that I would have otherwise had to purchase separately. :P

Valtyra Harakore |

Not so far. The person I reached out to was a bit swamped but would look in when they had a chance.

Valtyra Harakore |

You should be able to use the one already associated with the campaign