GM Neirikr's "Academy of Secrets" (Inactive)

Game Master Neirikr


Each year, as spring turns to summer, the Acadamae—Korvosa's prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival: a carnival-like day on which a group of hopefuls try to enter the famed magical university's Hall of Wards by whatever means they can. Testing their luck against the abjurers' strongest defences, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance to earn extravagant wealth, magical might, and the praise and admiration of an entire city. Yet no one has emerged victorious from the Breaching in over a century and a half, and a great many contestants have gone missing entirely after bypassing the school's defences. This year's festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known, and the school's headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest's long-standing traditions. Is it possible that they will uncover the secrets of the Breaching's long stretch of years without a victor? Or will they simply fall victim to the Acadamae's unseen guardians?

Hello! This is the recruitment thread for my iteration of Academy of Secrets, a 13th-level adventure module for PF1. My plan is to have a total of five players, and I already have two lined up, so I'm looking to add three more. The aforementioned players are going to be building an elven diviner (LG) and a tiefling cleric of Asmodeus (LE). Obviously, in addition to other criteria, builds and character concepts that complement these choices will have a better chance of making it in.

The adventure is set in Korvosa, a former colony of Cheliax in south-eastern Varisia, now a de facto independent city state. This is the same city in which the bulk of the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path takes place, though Academy of Secrets is set before the events of that campaign. While King Eodred still technically rules Korvosa, he is on his deathbed, leaving much of the day-to-day administration in the hands of his young queen, Ileosa Arabasti. Most of this adventure will take place within the Acadamae, so the wider political situation won't be all that relevant, but this might preclude some character concepts which rely on post-CotC content.

Full guidelines for character creation can be found in the spoilers below. As 13th-level characters, the PCs have no doubt already made names for themselves. When you're planning your character's backstory, think about what successes they've already had in their careers—the sorts of exploits that might have led the headmaster to consider them for the Breaching Festival. They could be a local celebrity (either from Korvosa itself or elsewhere in Varisia), a prominent member of a local faction (e.g., a burglar from the Cerulean Society, a soldier from the Korvosan Guard or the Sable Company, a Hellknight from the Order of the Nail, a student or a staff-member from the rival Theumanexus College), or even a graduate of the Acadamae itself. Characters that fit well in the setting will be favoured over others.

Due to both the milieu and themes of the adventure, magic and planar stuff (especially of the hellish variety) will have a strong presence. However, the Breaching isn't solely a test magical aptitude, but also cleverness and resilience—there is a reason the usual invitees tend to consist of burglars and lock-breakers from the local underworld. There'll be need for both muscle and wit. A total meathead of a barbarian might seem hard to fit in, but the headmaster is (for his own reasons) gathering a group of invitees who are allowed to work together, so it's not out of the question that some of the contestants were scouted out as muscle.

Ability Scores: purchased using the High Fantasy point-buy (20 points)
Classes: all classes are allowed, though some might require more justification than others*
Races: Core is preferable, but all races are allowed with the proper justification*
Hit Points: PFS style (max HP at first level, ½ + 1 thereafter)
Traits: two traits, with the option of taking a drawback for a third; if a drawback is chosen, it should be something that actually hinders your character
Alignment: no restrictions, as long as you know how to behave yourself**
Starting Wealth: standard WLB for 13th level characters (140,000 gp)
House Rules: background skills, unchained disease and poison rules, stamina points (free for fighters), and PFS style scrolls (no distinction between arcane and divine)
Third Party Materials: none (period)

*While I don't outright exclude any options, I encourage you to create characters that fit the setting and themes of the adventure as tightly as possible. Obviously, a multiclass gunslinger/ninja catfolk might not be the best fit for this particular module, whereas a Chelaxian wizard or a Hellknight would be very much on brand.

**The module is not especially geared towards any specific alignment, and sensibly evil (read: cooperative) characters should fit right in. However, this will need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis. I don't expect any of you to use your alignment as an excuse to act like a jerk, but I feel like it can't be overstated that such behaviour is not at all acceptable. PvP will not happen without the full, enthusiastic consent of everyone involved.


It would be preferable if everyone posted at least once a day. I understand if you can't, but I will do my best to stick to that schedule, as well as attempt to keep things moving by botting people who are holding things up too long.

If you know you'll be unable to post for a longer period of time, please let me know. I know I'm just a random dude on the internet, but I will worry about you if you disappear on me without an explanation. For botting purposes, you should also give me a general idea of what you would like your character to do in your absence, even if you don't have time to come up with an elaborate in-character post.

Before we start playing, I'll want both character sheets and background info to be easily accessible. Create an alias and either type everything in there, or link to a sheet elsewhere. Just try to make the formatting as clear as possible, for my sanity.


There's a lot of info in the two spoilers below, but you are under no compulsion to memorise the entire lore-dump (especially so if your character doesn't have a previous connection to the university). However, I wouldn't recommend reading the wiki when it comes to the Acadamae—there are a lot of potential spoilers in there. Please use this as your primary source on the institution in question, and if you can't find an answer below, feel free to ask me!


Tourists and residents to Korvosa cannot hope to ignore the presence of the Acadamae: since its founding in 4473 AR by Lord Volshyenek Ornelos, the school has grown from a lone manse atop Citadel Crest to a miniature city, capable of supporting the needs of its students and faculty without much need for them to leave the grounds. Those who exit do so in groups as part of their studies or to shop at the Gilded Orrery, a magic shop mainly catering to Acadamaeans. Visitors are not welcome on the grounds except during the Breaching Festival or if they have direct business with the school. Messengers, deliveries, and even repairs are watched with the utmost scrutiny, for fear that the secrets of the school might somehow leave its grounds—or worse, that the many wards protecting the outside world from centuries' worth of concentrated magic-use might somehow be damaged by the wrong person wandering into the wrong corner of the campus.

Prestigious and highly esteemed, the college attracts students from as far away as distant Geb, and even from Cheliax itself—to the annoyance of the far-more ancient colleges there. Korvosa benefits greatly from the Acadamae's fame. As such, the city helps sponsor the college with tax funds, and instructors in the school receive exemptions based on the recognition they bring. Though technically still under the dominion of the Crimson Throne, in practise the monarch has no power to enforce their authority over the goings-on in the campus, which is ruled over by the school's headmaster, who holds absolute control over the school and how it is run.

Originally a universalist institution, with the death of Aroden and the rise of diabolism in the motherland, the school became heavily involved in the summoning of devils. While it does not actively promote an evil agenda, the college nonetheless tolerates diabolism and devil-worship. Despite this lenience towards evil, the college remains a truly Chelaxian and Korvosan institution, and as such it does not allow for wanton destruction or chaos. The evil it embraces is precise, organised, and regimented. Most of the faculties work together in relative harmony, and those that cannot frequently interact only in the most formalised ways possible. However, there has been an increasing animosity between students of conjuration and necromancy, which has recently led to multiple spell duels, both formal and informal.

Despite its shift towards the infernal (or perhaps because of it), the Acadamae is a very conservative institution: it focuses exclusively on wizardry, and each student is required to specialise in a school of magic. In accordance with the ancient traditions of Azlant and Thassilon, divination is considered a universal school, taught to all students but restricted as an area of focus. All students must likewise receive instruction in conjuration, and face a gruelling examination in that field before they can graduate. Failing or and dropping out are not options—students either graduate or die trying. During the first three years of their studies, the apprentices are used as slave labour by the staff and the senior students, and they are taught next to nothing. Two of every ten apprentices at the Acadamae do not survive these first years—being slain by magic traps, wayward spells, or murderous imps, or simply dying from exhaustion or carelessness. The remaining eight advance to full studentship, though in the end only seven in ten pupils survive their full decade of instruction. Of these alumni, roughly half become conjurers, with evokers and necromancers tying for the second most-common specialisations. However, the Acadamae also seems to produce a disproportionately high number of powerful enchanters.

The school makes no attempt at contacting the bereaved of recently dead students. Since few people unconnected with the Acadamae know what happens within its walls, the college births abundant (and sometimes ludicrous) rumours: it is said, for example, that those attempting to quit the school become test subjects for their prospective necromancers, but to date no one has verified these horror stories. Despite its strict isolation, the university's presence still affects the locals indirectly. Due to failed summoning rituals by hapless pupils, there is a great number of unbound imps which make their homes on the Acadamae's campus. These little devils frequently take to the air, flitting about above the campus and across Korvosa. Their sky-bound battles with the native pseudodragons are a local spectacle.


One of the Acadamae's greatest traditions is the yearly Breaching Festival, first held in 4544 AR. The event is a competition: a group of top pupils and a small ensemble of hand-picked outsiders (usually members of Korvosa's underworld) seek to prove their skill by breaking into the supposedly impregnable Hall of Wards, which houses the Acadamae's practitioners of abjuration. So far there has been only a single person who has managed to breach the hall: Dyson Fordyce succeeded where all others have failed as early as 4551 AR, winning on a technicality, with no one managing to repeat the feat since. In addition to the invited participants, the annual event draws hundreds of onlookers, who fill the Acadamae's grounds and stare in wonder at the secretive college's otherwise closed campus. Tiefling guards and senior students manning the gates prevent beggars and riff-raff from entering the grounds, and as a rule no human child shorter than a dwarf is allowed to enter.

Beginning at sunrise and continuing until sunset, the contestants attempt to penetrate the defences of the Hall of Wards and to step foot anywhere within the building. Two-dozen Korvosan Guards patrol the interior as impartial observers, looking for a victor. The rules dictate that only a single wizard may stay within the Hall to defend it against its potential invaders. For the most part, this young abjurer (selected by the head of the school) has little to do but watch, as the building's magical and mundane wards and protections prove more than sufficient. There is no doubt many of these defences are highly lethal: all contestants must sign forms ratified by the local temple of Asmodeus, which release the Acadamae of any liability for any misfortune suffered as a result of the contest, and multiple invitees have perished or even disappeared entirely. However, the deadly and mysterious nature of the competition has only increased its popularity amongst Korvosans.


The deadline is for submissions is Wednesday, September 1st at 5 p.m. EST.

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"I will not give you counsel, saying do this, or do that. For not in doing or contriving, nor in choosing between this course and another, can I avail; but only in knowing what was and is, and in part also what shall be."

Viridel enters the ring. A support specialist diviner wizard, he can support with a foretelling (luck bonuses), more often than not act first on initiative with a defensive spell, and can support with telekinetic charges for the front-liner to close the distance quick and zip around the battlefield. This does not include classic high-level wizardry like hastes, slows, dispel magics, prismatic sprays, legend lore, and the most powerful spell of them all--Grease.

Viridel enters the academy to discover the meaning behind the portents and dreams he has been having, and to discover what lies beyond even his far sight, learning the fate of some students who entered the Breaching Festival but never survived it.

Interesting. I’ll look at some concepts. Probably something gish-y; a magus, a Bloodrager, a Dragon Disciple, etc.

I was toying with the idea, perhaps, of a half-elf or tiefling alchemist. We'll see what I can make up.

I've always wanted to run a dimensional disruption magus, but we'll see what I can whip up!

Characters with a mix of martial and spellcasting ability would certainly fit in nicely! However, I can't promise there'll be enough enemy summons to make Dimensional Disruption worthwhile—it might be better not to overspesialise.

Definitely interested, I'm thinking about an investigator, probably an elf but I'll see if another race really jumps out at me, probably a cerulean society member.

Dotting in

Thank you for the heads up! I very much appreciate it.

How do crafting feats work in character prep? Can we craft items for reduced impact on our WPL?

Also, Viridel's build is a reflection of his personality; preferring to support instead of taking center stage. So a big beefy fighter can expect a nice Pounce spell to zip them around the battlefield.

I also would like to know about crafting. I'm interested submitting a Brawler (Shield Champion/Winding Path Renegade) that can craft armor and weapons at 8th lvl. But if crafting's not allowed I'll drop the Winding Path archetype.

Are you ok with the standard rule of combining items in the same slot for 1.5x the lesser items price? Strength based throwing builds are tough to make work in pathfinder as the character requires 2 belt slot items, Belt of Mighty Hurling Lesser 14k and a Blinkback belt 5k, but almost all combat builds end up needing a 3rd belt to boost dex and con.

14k Mighty Hurling,lesser +2str
5k x1.5 Blinkback
10k x1.5 Physical Might +2 dex and con

Viridel of Ashel'delore wrote:
How do crafting feats work in character prep? Can we craft items for reduced impact on our WPL?

Well, first of all, there'll be no time to craft during the adventure—just so that we're clear on that.

As for your actual question, I find that allowing players to create items pre-campaign (i.e., to buy their magic items at half price) encourages them to optimise their purchases to the point where they'll essentially have double their intended WBL, which is never the situation in a running campaign with limited time for crafting.

So, here's my (kind of experimental) RULING ON ITEM CREATION FEATS: for your first item creation feat (including bonus feats, like Scribe Scroll or Brew Potion), instead of crafting at half price, you'll receive an extra 30k to spend on the associated items—for your second and third feat, this increases by 20k and 10k, respectively. This way, you'll get something tangible out of having one or more item creation feats, without being incentivised to pick out every item based on that option.

(This ruling does not apply to a wizard's bonded item, which can still be crafted at half price, since that's part of the class ability.)

WabbitHuntr wrote:

I also would like to know about crafting. I'm interested submitting a Brawler (Shield Champion/Winding Path Renegade) that can craft armor and weapons at 8th lvl. But if crafting's not allowed I'll drop the Winding Path archetype.

Are you ok with the standard rule of combining items in the same slot for 1.5x the lesser items price? Strength based throwing builds are tough to make work in pathfinder as the character requires 2 belt slot items, Belt of Mighty Hurling Lesser 14k and a Blinkback belt 5k, but almost all combat builds end up needing a 3rd belt to boost dex and con.

14k Mighty Hurling,lesser +2str
5k x1.5 Blinkback
10k x1.5 Physical Might +2 dex and con

I think we have slightly differing views on what's "required," but yes, thrown weapons are somewhat underprivileged in many regards. I have nothing against the rule in question—the added cost more or less balances things out. However, do note my general ruling on item creation pre-campaign, as outlined above.

An antiquarian investigator could easily be a tomb raider. I'll try that.

Are you opposed to setting aside time in the adventure for crafting? What if, for example, we had a ring of sustenance and we only needed 2 hours to craft, would you be opposed to it then?

I am very interested in playing this, but if there is zero time to craft items, no matter what, even if setting aside time to do so, I'm going to, unfortunately, step back or consider playing a different class, as mine inherently comes with brew potion and I don't want to purchase everything right now.

I would like to adapt crafting said potions to the situation, world, and experiences we are going through and if that's a no, I understand, but then that won't work for this build.

SmooshieBanana wrote:

Are you opposed to setting aside time in the adventure for crafting? What if, for example, we had a ring of sustenance and we only needed 2 hours to craft, would you be opposed to it then?

I am very interested in playing this, but if there is zero time to craft items, no matter what, even if setting aside time to do so, I'm going to, unfortunately, step back or consider playing a different class, as mine inherently comes with brew potion and I don't want to purchase everything right now.

I would like to adapt crafting said potions to the situation, world, and experiences we are going through and if that's a no, I understand, but then that won't work for this build.

You should be able to set aside some hours for crafting low-level potions and scrolls—just don't expect a full week of downtime or anything. The Breaching Festival is a day-long affair, though the entirety of the adventure might take slightly longer than that (probably 2-3 days max).

Ah, okay, that's fine then.

Now working on a mage-breaker dwarven fighter. No archetypes, just a standard dwarf with a hammer, who bats rays out of the sky. I finished a feat list for them, if anyone wants to see. Hopefully I should be done with the sheet in a day or two!

Fighter Combat Stamina
1st Power Attack
1st Hurtful
2nd Steel Soul
3rd Breadth of experiance?
4th Torag's Divine Fighting Style
5th Cut From the Air
6th Weapon Focus Warhammer
7th Shield Focus Buckler
8th Cornugon Smash
9th Spellcut
10th Skill unlock intimidate
11th Smash From the Air
12th Intimidating Prowess
13th Unhndering Shield

@Item Creation: Fair 'nuff. In this case it'll be +50k gp for me (Wondrous item and scrolls).

@Kazmanaught. Oh, a target for my buffs? :D Got any preferred spells you want to have cast on you?

Also a general question for the rest of the party: anyone interested in forming connections in backstory? Being friends or acquaintances or rivals?

Viridel is fairly friendly when he can pay proper attention to the Now and not Yesterday or Tomorrow, and isn't much for elven arrogance.
He spent some time as an emissary for his family to the dwarven realms and had many exploits in Taldor, Andoran, Galt, and the River Kingdoms, and recently (as in the last 13 years) spent time in Varisia (mostly in Riddleport and Kaer Maga), counseling many, solving ancient mysteries, giving prophecies for aspiring heroes, and mentoring some of the shorter-lived races in magic. Since the 150ish old elf can teleport (and almost always has Overland Flight active, levitating slightly), you can believe he passed over so many lands that it is very possible he has met any of your characters (or even helped them).

When one too many students spurn his prophetic warnings and omens that studying in the Acadamae (and attending the last breaching festival and never coming out), he decides to confront the misty images of his dreams inside the Festival, and save as many of his students' as he can.
Elven magic is known to pierce the magic of others. If the Acadamae's victims are soul-bound (as he fears in a school shrouded with devilish magics), maybe human magics are just not enough. This requires a more masterful touch of the mystic arts.

And the Master is here to save his Students.

I definitely would want backstory with one person in the selected group at the very least. I'm okay with friends, acquaintances, rivals (as long as it doesn't cause too much drama), romantic interest, or ex-romantic interest (also, as long as it doesn't cause too much drama to subtract from the storyline).

A half-elf alchemist could be a good idea for a colleague (or even student) for Viridel; he has a lot of ranks in Alchemy. If you're interested, maybe we're looking for an NPC colleague or a student who studied under both of us. A kind of respectful professional relationship kind of thing.

I definitely think having background links fits high-level campaigns more than low-level ones. Every guy would've already had a lot of achievements under their belt, or would have been born with especially great power or talent to attract attention of the other characters.

I am still sculpting her backstory, but I believe she sought out a tutor for the purposes of learning some basic arcane magic, but they first awoke her elven bloodline and enabled her to grasp the concepts of the arcane. With a whole new world opened to her, she explored instead of following the standard path to wizardom. By experimenting in nature and maintaining the study of what they awoke within her body, she became an alchemist. That capability to grasp magic from within her and infuse it was one of the first things she learned. But anyways, this is why she has been so devoted to them there, and possibly your character. If both of us got in, I wouldn't mind your character having been one of her early teachers. Perhaps he gave her a copy of his Ancestral Arcane Family Workbook (already on her sheet)? Who knows? I believe I have most of the crunch done. I'm just working on backstory today.

Here is my submission for Laree An, a half-elf Bramble Brewer/Clone Master/Visionary Researcher Alchemist.

I can keep up with one post a day, as requested, as well as on weekends. Just letting you know, for transparency, I will be going to San Diego in early to mid-October, as well as on a cruise later in the month. I will be occupied most of the day during that month, but in the evenings I should have the freedom to post--even on the ship due to the wifi package.

I hope you enjoy the build and feel free to ask me questions. That includes from those players who are already in.

I'm not intimidated by anything you are wishing to know about her. Send me a message (it can be a 20question format if you want, I don't care). I am willing to build potential connections (should I get accepted) if you enjoy the character.

Could we possibly submit multiple characters (understanding that only one per player would be chosen, I don't want to play two characters). I'm having a super hard time choosing between playing the city executioner, a paladin of Damerrich who's long been suspicious of the Acadamae's diabolism, and an elven Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, who teaches at Theumanexus and dislikes them for their discrimination against sorcerers (and also because he's friends with a lot of the local pseudodragons and has lost friends to unbound imps).

If one or the other of those would work better with the current party (I can see how a paladin would get along uneasily with a cleric of Asmodeus...), let me know. But I'd be happy to submit both.

Gregor Miststalker (or so he's called) is a member of the Cerulean Society with a bit of a mixed reputation - despite his association, there are a number of rumors floating around that he's done work for the king in a more official capacity, with exaggerated stories of heists and reconnaissance conducted around Varisia and the rest of the Inner Sea. He is rarely seen, more often heard of in whispers and wild speculation.

Which is why his letter to the headmaster was a touch unusual - someone like that, who clearly prizes sublety and anonymity, requesting to participate in a public event, was rather unusual. However, having secured his invitation, he seems quite confident that he'll be able to easily breach the wards and enter victoriously.

... Right?:

"Kaz, are you insane?"

"I don't seem to recall ever getting unduly mentally influenced by a foe we encountered, unlike someone I know." The roguish mage balanced the tip of a dagger on his finger, smirking.

"That was ONE time, when we just met! Give it a break. Look, I know we're trying to deal with this Acadamae idiot, but that doesn't mean going to Korvosa to try and bust into their school is a good idea." The more traditionally robed of the pair tapped his wand impatiently on the table.

"Oh no, it's encouraged, actually. They have a whole thing where they let people try to break into the Abjurer's dormitory."

"Still! It's dangerous and you damn well know it! And that's assuming they'd let you try, it's not like you're a local or anything."

"Oh, they'll think it's a local, alright."

"... Huh?"

"What? It's not hard to disguise yourself, especially if the person is a thief with a reputation for limited public appearances. And you guys can hold him for me while I assume his identity."

"Oh, yeah, kidnapping a local figure and masquerading as him deep in the devil-summoning academy, I'm sure nothing will go wrong."

"Look, let me put it to you this way, Franz. Point one: I am our primary means of transportation." With his free hand Kaz traced the outline of a portal, briefly shimmering with a glimpse of home. "Point two: When we all banded up to handle the warband that got us started on this globe-trot, we agreed we would allow our fellows time for personal matters."

"... I don't like where this is going." Franz crossed his arms, grumpy.

"Point three: I have not taken any of my personal time." Kaz had a very punchable face when he smiled like that. "So I go, you guys are basically stuck, yeah? Unless you wanna shell out a LOT of cash. And don't get me wrong, I hear Elysium is lovely this time of year, but wouldn't you rather I do something productive with my off days?"

"Don't get yourself killed."

"I mean, if something DOES kill me, then it would be doing that, as opposed to me doing something."

"You are so insufferable sometimes."

"Love you too, Franz!"

Kazren Fei has something of a reputation as part of the Starry Company, a group led by a devout priest of Desna who have worked tirelessly to ensure peace and provide protection to those in the more far-flung rural settlements of Varisia which might otherwise be vulnerable to the predation of horrors and warlords. He tends to downplay his own accomplishments to better suit his role as the group's infiltrator and mundane reconnaissance expert - he never had the patience for intense Divination, entrusting that to his friend Franz.

More recently, they have been away from home due to the activities of a diabolist graduate of the Acadamae who they have reason to believe has serious, world-spanning ambitions. Kaz had the idea to infiltrate at the Breaching Festival for just that reason - perhaps he could learn something that would assist them against their hated foe, or even just stealing a couple quality goods from the school grounds as a tax on allowing their students to cause so much trouble. If nothing else, he hasn't gotten to go on a good heist in over a year, and the prospect of a good challenge is very enticing to him.

Kazren is a Rogue 1/Conj Wizard 3/AT 9. I'm not completely sure on build at the time of writing, but considering the opening to this adventure, a magical rogue with enough skill points to help cover a caster-heavy party seemed like the perfect fit!

Other than the classics like haste, displacement, and fly? I like bonus's to hit, AC buffs, and anything to increase number of attacks of opportunity a round! Here's my (almost) complete submission, I haven't decided if I want to go for additional traits or not yet!

Ironsoul, LG Dwarven Fighter[favored class HPx12, Skillx1]
HP:133|BaB:13|AC:36 T:14 FF:33|Fort:15 Ref:8 Will:15(+4 vs magic)|Init:+7
Str: 16+1+1+4 6
Dex: 10+2 1
Con: 13+2+1 3
Int: 10 0
Wis: 14+2+2 4
Cha: 12-2 0

Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Perception 13 4 Y 0/2 20/22
Intimidate 13 6 Y 10 32
Spellcraft 1 0 N 0 1
Profession: Mercenary 13 3 Y 2 21
Linguistics 13 0 N 0 13
+2 to all knowledge and profession checks, and can try them untrained(+4 profession if related to metal or stone)

Racial Features
+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Desert Delver(Replaces defensive training) cold/fire resist 1, treat temperature as 20 degrees more favorable
Stability: +4 to CMD against bullrush and trip when standing on the ground
Craftsman(Replaces Greed): +2 to craft and profession when related to metal or stone
Stonecunning: +2 to perception checks to notice unusual stonework, automatically makes checks.
Fey Thoughts(Replaces Hatred): Perception and sense motive are class skills
Weapon familiarity: Basically useless

Fighter Abilities:
Combat Stamina, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th bonus combat feats
Bravery: +3 on will saves vs fear

Armor Training 1:
Advanced Armor Training:
Armored Confidence: +5 to intimidate
Armor Specialization Fullplate: +3 AC

Weapon Training Hammers: +3[5] to hit and damage with hammers
Advanced Weapon Training:
Armed Bravery: Bravery to all will saves, +2xbravery to intimidate checks
Trained initiative: +Weapon Training bonus to initiative

Fighter Combat Stamina
1st Power Attack
1st Hurtful
2nd Steel Soul
3rd Breadth of experience?
4th Torag's Divine Fighting Style
5th Cut From the Air
6th Weapon Focus Warhammer
7th Shield Focus Buckler
8th Cornugon Smash
9th Spellcut
10th Skill unlock intimidate
11th Smash From the Air
12th Intimidating Prowess
13th Unhndering Shield

Reactionary: +2 to imitative checks
Spellcaster's Anathama: +1 damage vs arcane spellcasters

+3 Mithral Buckler (10005)
Duelist Gloves (15000)
Sash of the War champion(4000)
+3 Fullplate(10650)
+2 Ring of Protection (8000)
+2 Amulet of Natural Armor (8000)
+4 strength belt, +2 Dex Belt (16000+6000)
+3 Cloak of Resistance (9000)
+5 Intimidate Mask (2500)
+2 Wisdom band (4000)
Boots of Striding and Springing (5500)
+4 Warhammer (32312)
Dusty Rose Prism(5000)
Cracked Pale Green Prism(4000)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750)
Sling (0)

Murder Table:
Hammer: 30/25/20(1d8+26)

[spoiler=Backstory]How is it that a Dwarven follower of Torag, with no real magical ability became a contender for one of the most famous contests at one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world? Ironsoul (although Gareth is his first name) has had a history working with and against wizards; for the right amount of coin of course. Ironsoul is a mercenary, and a quite capable one at that. He boasts that the armor that his father made for him is the strongest, best made armor that anyone could ask for. His skills combining a warhammer and shield are quite impressive on their own, especially considering the dwarf's lack of agility. Often, he can break the morale of his foes with a single blow, allowing him to make further attacks upon them. However, what really makes him stand out is his ability to use said hammer to smash enemy projectiles, including the effects of spells, from the air. He's currently working on a technique to return them to their sender, but the timing needed to merely deflect the spell is difficult enough, let alone attempting to bat it back. This talent, coupled with his natural resiliency to most forms of magical attacks, makes him an excellent selection for any group who is afraid they might come across a mad mage, and are worried about their warrior types getting mind controlled. Gareth has gone against necromancers, enchanters, and even illusionists, and come out on top in the past. He grudgingly works with the Asmodean's, as their coin glitters just as shiny as anyone elses, and they often recruit him to fight what are in his mind greater evils. When they try and pay him to do their dirty work though, he often says that he has a previous engagement that he must attend to first. However, the breaching festival, at least on the surface of it, looks to be a way for Ironsoul to gain even more recognition for his abilities. If selected to attend, he plans on giving it everything he has.

SmooshieBanana wrote:
Here is my submission for Laree An, a half-elf Bramble Brewer/Clone Master/Visionary Researcher Alchemist.

Looks good, for the most part. All of the archetypes seem to stack surprisingly well. However, Visionary Researcher—or rather, Oenopion Researcher—doesn't really fit in with your backstory. In this particular case, I don't mind you using the archetype (a Nexian connection is not hard to work in there), but I would prefer if you used Archives of Nethys as your primary rules source, rather than d20PFSRD, which I assume caused the confusion.

One minor nit-pick: Lore (Breaching Festival) and Lore (Hall of Wards) are sufficiently narrow in scope for the skill, but Lore (Academy of Secrets [= the Acadamae, I assume?]) is too broad.

Also, do you have stats for your helper?

Ouachitonian wrote:

Could we possibly submit multiple characters (understanding that only one per player would be chosen, I don't want to play two characters). I'm having a super hard time choosing between playing the city executioner, a paladin of Damerrich who's long been suspicious of the Acadamae's diabolism, and an elven Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, who teaches at Theumanexus and dislikes them for their discrimination against sorcerers (and also because he's friends with a lot of the local pseudodragons and has lost friends to unbound imps).

If one or the other of those would work better with the current party (I can see how a paladin would get along uneasily with a cleric of Asmodeus...), let me know. But I'd be happy to submit both.

You are free to submit more than one character, if you're confident it won't be a detriment to either submission. I think the paladin might be a better fit, mechanically, and would have less thematic overlap with our elven wizard than the dragon disciple. I also happen to think Dammerich is a really cool deity, so I might be biased. :P

Vylraz wrote:

Gregor Miststalker (or so he's called) is a member of the Cerulean Society with a bit of a mixed reputation - despite his association, there are a number of rumors floating around that he's done work for the king in a more official capacity, with exaggerated stories of heists and reconnaissance conducted around Varisia and the rest of the Inner Sea. He is rarely seen, more often heard of in whispers and wild speculation.

Which is why his letter to the headmaster was a touch unusual - someone like that, who clearly prizes sublety and anonymity, requesting to participate in a public event, was rather unusual. However, having secured his invitation, he seems quite confident that he'll be able to easily breach the wards and enter victoriously.

Very interesting. We could use some roguishness to round out the party, and I do find the concept quite engaging. The roleplaying sample was a nice touch. :)

Kazmanaught wrote:
Here's my (almost) complete submission, I haven't decided if I want to go for additional traits or not yet!

The build seems very solid, in every sense of the word. Does Mr. Ironsoul have any local connections, maybe to Janderhoff?

I will certainly address all of these. Thanks for looking it over.

I would say almost certainly, although I suspect that Janderhoff's policy of defensive action, instead of offense would rub Ironsoul the wrong way. He prefers to be on the attack instead of the defensive, a somewhat uncommon trait for a dwarf. Still, he is proud of his dwarven heritage, enough that in the case of a Darkland's incursion on the Sky Citadel, he'd offer his services in defense for free. Depending on what year it is, (I'm always a little unclear on it, but I'm assuming it's sometime around 4704-4708ish?) he could possibly have participated in the amendment to the treaty of Crystalrock in 4532 that allowed trading between the two cities? In any case, it would be neat if he is descended from the dwarves who helped found the academy.

Kazmanaught wrote:
I would say almost certainly, although I suspect that Janderhoff's policy of defensive action, instead of offense would rub Ironsoul the wrong way. He prefers to be on the attack instead of the defensive, a somewhat uncommon trait for a dwarf. Still, he is proud of his dwarven heritage, enough that in the case of a Darkland's incursion on the Sky Citadel, he'd offer his services in defense for free. Depending on what year it is, (I'm always a little unclear on it, but I'm assuming it's sometime around 4704-4708ish?) he could possibly have participated in the amendment to the treaty of Crystalrock in 4532 that allowed trading between the two cities? In any case, it would be neat if he is descended from the dwarves who helped found the academy.

Sounds good! Our adventure would take place in 4807 AR, so if your character is more than 176 years old, he could absolutely have been there when the treaty was amended (and perhaps even affected the proceedings in some manner, if he was old enough). That would also make him old enough to have lived when the founder of Acadamae, Lord Volshyenek Ornelos, was still alive (as he lived to be 209 years old; thus his moniker 'The Immortal Lord').

This is WabbitHuntr's submission of the Shield Champion brawler I proposed. Hope you like him


Grym is not a handsome fellow. He wears his scars proudly, earned in service to his God and his Clan. His most notable item is his obviously magical, mirror bright heavy shield with Torags holy symbol in the center. The bright mithral shield stands in stark contrast to his dull adamantime Fullplate that he’s as comfortable in as some are in their pajamas.


BAH! Cheliax, a stinking pit of devil worshippers! Grymwold Shieldstorm has (HAD) no desire to ever go to that Good Gods forsaken place til the letter/invitation from the Headmaster of the Acadamae inviting him to participate in this years Breaching Festival. Not interested in that at all! Let the mages have their twisted entertainment at someone else s expense and Chelaxian Mages even worse.

Grym moves to tear up the invite when a subtle sensation stays his hand and calms his mind. Grym knows and REVERES this feeling this sensation, the subtle guiding touch of his God TORAG! It’s a feeling he knows best in the midst of battle when his God, the Master of Strategy and Tactics guides him to adapt to the changing opponents or battle conditions, and adapt new tactics (Martial Flexibility), sometimes things he’s never heard of in any tales told in long nights of drinking by fires with fellow accomplished warriors.

Grym, though not a Paladin of Torag, has traveled and trained with the Toragadins and follows THE Code of Torag. His belief and service to Torag and His church has been rewarded over a lifetime of battle with a greater understanding of his faith than is typically found outside of Clerics and Paladins.

It is that faith that stays his hand before any tearing damages the letter. Grym starts once again from the top reading slowly and intently and at the bottom of the letter reads the following sentence

And should you succeed in this years Breaching, you will be rewarded with an item that I recently acquired. Through painstaking divination I’ve determined it to be the long lost Hammer of the ForgeFather from the founding of your Clans home many centuries ago.

Grym’s hands shake while reading this last line. The HAMMER has been found Every dwarf in the Clan knows the tale of how the Clan Founders hammer was transformed into the Fathers Forgehammer as a sign of Torags approval on the year anniversary of founding their new home. The loss of the Hammer was a great blow to the pride of the Clan and to be able to return it to it’s rightful place in the forges of his Clan would cause momentous joy to his people.

All thoughts of loathing Infernal Cheliax vanish from Grym’s mind as he sets out on the road hurrying to make it in time for the Breaching Festival.

Dropping out, I couldn't put together a character I liked in time.

I should finish mine Monday some time.

Viridel is mostly complete, but needs some more polish in terms of spells. I need to fix the number of spells he has.

Also, what's the policy on Planar Binding?

Viridel of Ashel'delore wrote:
Also, what's the policy on Planar Binding?

I don't see any reason to limit its use, since there are already a bunch of risks and costs involved. In-game time limits will likely prevent days-long negotiations. We might also need to abstract the negotations to a degree, so as not to spend multiple IRL days on the back-and-forth.

Ok. Here's Ouachitonian's submission. Background, stats, etc are in the alias. Mechanically, he's a Tortured Crusader paladin. Charisma? That's for people who have the luxury of not bearing burdens. The "I've seen some **** man" archetype seems so right for the executioner-paladin, I couldn't pass it up. He can do all your typical "Big Stupid Fighter" stuff, and also some healing/status removal. And also Cornugon Smash, because wouldn't you be intimidated if a 6'8", 300+lb. half-orc in full plate just power attacked you with a greataxe? (If you were even still alive, I mean.)

Bayard the Axeman wrote:
Ok. Here's Ouachitonian's submission. Background, stats, etc are in the alias. Mechanically, he's a Tortured Crusader paladin. Charisma? That's for people who have the luxury of not bearing burdens. The "I've seen some **** man" archetype seems so right for the executioner-paladin, I couldn't pass it up. He can do all your typical "Big Stupid Fighter" stuff, and also some healing/status removal. And also Cornugon Smash, because wouldn't you be intimidated if a 6'8", 300+lb. half-orc in full plate just power attacked you with a greataxe? (If you were even still alive, I mean.)

Ugh, he's so edgy—I love it! Tortured Crusader is a great fit. However, I'm not sure you can use your mercies on anyone but yourself, since that would count as using lay on hands to heal others, right...? At least I assume that's what you mean by "status removal."

Whoops, forgot about that. At least the cleric won't ever need to heal me (unless I fall unconscious). That actually works with is background: no wonder he couldn't save his beloved from the Linnorm's death curse.

Bayard, have you considered the tenacious survivor orc feat, for extra extra durability? I also very much love the flavor of it.

lol what an HONOUR!!!

Zephyr has no question why he was chosen: corruption. For 12-15 hours Korvosa would be unprotected. For 12-15 hours the city wouldn't have its staunchest defender swooping in to save anyone, or anything. What could be better ... if you were mired in filth and deceit. No hero, no compassion, no competition. He did wonder how big the bribe was though.

The Hero of the People had no intention of letting any of them get away with it though. He might die, for sure; but he also founded the Consortium of Justice to act in his stead. As the Breaching Festival started, The Five would make themselves known. Hopefully that wouldn't leave time enough for the headmaster to cheat any more than everyone said, but at least the city would know it was protected.

While the whole city had seen the marvels he was capable of, rescuing not just people, but lifting entire vessels as they sank; there was also a lot they hadn't seen though. Good luck Headmaster! They didn't know that he would be able to speak to his compatriots without ever making a sound. They didn't know the elements made him practically clairvoyant. Divine THAT! He had spent a lifetime becoming a champion of Korvosa: he certainly wasn't going to end up some basic takedown, by a mage of all people.


Human (Varisian) Aerokineticist
NG Medium humanoid

Special Attacks kinetic blast, metakinesis (empower, maximize, quicken)
Kineticist Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +16)
. . Constant—feather fall, fly
Kineticist Wild Talents Known
. . Defense—enveloping winds, force ward
. . Infusions—bolt, chain, extended range, extreme range, focused blast, foe throw (DC 21)
. . Blasts—aetheric boost (), electric blast (7d6+2 electricity), telekinetic blast (7d6+12)
. . Utility—air cushion, air's reach, basic aerokinesis, basic telekinesis, body of air, celerity, expanded defense (force ward), telekinetic finesse, telekinetic haul, telekinetic invisibility, telekinetic maneuvers, voice of the wind, voice of the wind, greater, windsight, wings of air
Str 20, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+11 to jump), Appraise +15, Fly +18, Heal +15, Intimidate +19, Perception +15, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +15, Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +15
Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Varisian

Dark Archive

I am going to toss my hat into the ring with

Thraag Brighteyes:

Thraag Brighteyes
Male Orc Occultist 13
N Medium humanoid (Human, Orc) 13
Init +3 ; Senses Perception +20
AC 35, touch 17, flat-footed 31 (+10 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +4 Natural Armor, +3 Deflection, +4 Shield)
hp 133 (13d8+65)
Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +13
Defensive Abilities:
Speed: 30 Ft [40 ft if not in armor]
Melee: +1 Adamantine Holy Falchion +19 / +14 [2d4+12; 15+ x2]
Ranged: None
Special Attacks:
Spells Memorized (CL 13rd; concentration +17)
Level 0 (-): Resistance, Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue, Open/Close
Level 1 (6): Shield, Lead blades, Inflict Light Wounds, Burning Hands, Unseen Servant
Level 2 (6): Resist energy, Darkvision, False Life, Gust of Wind, Ablative Armor
Level 3 (5): Magic Circle Vs -, Cure Serious Wounds, Invisibility Purge, Bestow Curse, Haste
Level 4 (4): Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Fire Shield, Death Ward, Echolocation
Level 5 (1): Greater Dispel Magic, Teleport, Wall of Force, Suffocation, Communal Air Walk
Str 26, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +9/+4 ; CMB +14; CMD 26

Racial Abilities:
Rock Climber: Half-orcs from mountainous regions are excellent climbers, and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.
Sacred Tattoos: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Skilled: Second- and third-generation half-orcs often favor their human heritage more than their orc heritage. Half-orcs with this trait gain 1 additional skill rank per level. This racial trait replaces darkvision.
Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.

Class Abilities:
Spellcasting: Intelligence Based.
Implements (5): 19 points
Implement(s): Belt [9 points]
Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a transmutation implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Physical Enhancement (Su)
The implement enhances its bearer’s body. When you invest mental focus in the implement, select a physical ability score. The implement grants a +2 temporary enhancement bonus to that physical ability score for every 3 points of mental focus invested in the implement (to a maximum of +2 at 1st level, plus an additional 2 for every 6 occultist levels you possess).
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use transmutation implements gain the following focus power.
Legacy Weapon (Su)
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a weapon to grant it an enhancement bonus. The bonus is equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). Enhancement bonuses gained by this ability stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5.
You can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from legacy weapon) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.
Abjuration [0 points]
Implement(s): armor
Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an abjuration implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Warding Talisman (Su)
The implement wards against adverse effects. Whoever wears (or holds, for bells) the implement gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use abjuration implements gain the following focus power.
Mind Barrier (Sp)
As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a shield of mental energy around you that protects you from harm. The shield prevents a total of 2 points of damage per occultist level you possess.
It lasts until the start of your next turn or until exhausted.
For example, if you are 5th level, the mind barrier protects you from 10 points of damage; if you are hit by an attack that would deal 12 points of damage, the mind barrier is exhausted and you take 2 points of damage. You can activate this ability as an immediate action, but doing so costs 2 points of mental focus instead of 1.
Evocation [6 points]
Implement(s): Gloves
Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an evocation implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Intense Focus (Su)
The implement channels and enhances the effects of damaging evocations. A spellcaster who bears the implement can add the implement as an additional focus component for any of his damaging evocation spells that have an instantaneous duration or focus powers with an instantaneous duration. If he does so, the spell or focus power deals 1 additional point of damage of the same type to each creature for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum of 1 + 1 for every 2 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use evocation implements gain the following focus power.
Energy Ray (Sp)
As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to unleash a ray of pure energy as a ranged touch attack. This ray has a range of 30 feet. The ray deals an amount of energy damage equal to 1d6 points + 1d6 points for every 2 occultist levels you possess beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd level, 3d6 at 5th, and so on, to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). When you unleash an energy ray, you must decide what type of damage it deals (acid, cold, electricity, or fire).
Implement(s):coin [0 points]
Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a necromancy implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Necromantic Focus (Su)
The implement grants its possessor greater power over the undead. Whoever possesses the implement can control an additional 2 Hit Dice of undead for every point of mental focus invested in the item (to a maximum number of Hit Dice equal to 4 × your occultist level). Any spellcaster who bears the implement can add it as an additional focus component for a necromancy spell he casts to create undead. If he does so, he can create an additional number of HD of undead equal to the additional HD the implement allows him to control (apply this effect after doubling the HD of undead for desecrate, if applicable).
Undead creatures take a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells cast by the bearer of this implement for every 4 points of mental focus invested in this implement.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use necromancy implements gain the following focus power.
Mind Fear (Sp)
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to cause a living creature to succumb to fear.
The target must be within 30 feet of you, and it can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. If the target fails the save and has a number of Hit Dice less than or equal to yours, it is frightened for 1d4 rounds. If the target fails the saving throw and has a number of Hit Dice greater than yours, it is instead shaken for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Implement(s): figurine [4 points]
Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a conjuration implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Casting Focus (Su)
The implement empowers the bearer’s ties to the worlds beyond, allowing his spells to maintain their power for a longer period of time. The bearer can add the implement as an additional focus component to any conjuration spell he casts that has a duration measured in rounds per level. If he does so, he adds 1 to his caster level for every 2 points of mental focus stored in the implement (to a maximum bonus equal to your occultist level). This increase applies only when determining the duration of the spell. Apply this increase after other effects that adjust a spell’s duration, such as Extend Spell.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use conjuration implements gain the following focus power.
Servitor (Sp)
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to summon a servitor.
This ability functions as summon monster I, but you can use it only to summon a single creature, and the effect lasts for 1 minute. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1, to a maximum of summon monster VII at 19th level. You can’t have more than one servitor in effect at a time. At any time, you can expend 1 point of mental focus as a free action to extend the duration of an active servitor by 1 minute.

Knacks: An occultist learns one knack, or 0-level psychic spell, each time he selects an implement school (including when he again selects a school that he has already learned to use). These spells are cast like any other spell, but they can be cast any number of times per day. Knacks cast using any other spell slots because of metamagic feats applied to them, for example, consume spell slots as normal.
Mental Focus: An occultist can invest a portion of his mental focus into his chosen implements for the day, allowing him to utilize a variety of abilities depending on the implements and the amount of mental focus invested in them.
An occultist has a number of points of mental focus equal to his occultist level + his Intelligence modifier; these points refresh each day. He can divide this mental focus between his implements in any way he desires. If an implement is lost or destroyed, the focus invested in it is lost as well, though the occultist still refreshes those points of focus normally.
Once mental focus is invested inside an implement, the implement gains the resonant power of its implement school, and the occultist can expend the mental focus stored in the implement to activate the associated focus powers he knows. If a resonant power grants a bonus that varies based on the amount of mental focus invested in the implement, the bonus is determined when the focus is invested, and is not reduced or altered by expending the mental focus invested in the item. Once all of the mental focus in an implement has been expended, it loses its resonant power until mental focus is once again invested in the implement.
The implement grants its resonant power to whoever possesses it; the occultist can lend the implement to an ally to assist that ally, but if he does so, he has difficulty casting that implement’s spells (see Implements) and can’t expend that implement’s focus on focus powers until he retrieves the implement or refreshes his focus.
The occultist refreshes his mental focus once each day after receiving at least 8 hours of sleep. After refreshing his mental focus, the occultist must spend 1 hour preparing his implements and investing them with this power. Mental focus that is not used before the next time the occultist refreshes his focus is lost.
The occultist can choose to save generic mental focus inside his own body instead of investing all of it, but expending this focus comes at a higher cost.
Any focus power the occultist activates with generic focus costs twice as much mental focus to use (and to maintain, if applicable). The occultist can expend his generic focus through an appropriate implement on any focus power he knows, but an implement he didn’t invest any focus in at the start of the day grants no resonant power.
Magic Item Skill: At 2nd level, an occultist’s knowledge of magic items grants him a bonus when attempting to use them. He gains a bonus on all Use Magic Device checks equal to 1/2 his occultist level.
Object Reading: At 2nd level, an occultist learns how to read information from items he examines.
Examining an item in this way requires him to spend 1 minute handling the item. If the item is a magic item, the occultist learns its properties and command word as if he had successfully examined the item using detect magic and succeeded at a Spellcraft check. This ability does not reveal whether the item is cursed unless the occultist’s class level is equal to or greater than the caster level of the item. If the item has any historical significance, the occultist learns one piece of information about its past (as determined by the GM). Finally, if the item was last used no longer than 1 day ago per the occultist’s class level, the occultist learns one piece of information about the last creature to use the item. This information might be a glimpse of the creature’s appearance, a brief vision of what it saw while using the item, or perhaps its emotional state when it last used the item. The GM determines what information is gained in this way. This functions like the psychometry occult skill unlock, but doesn’t require a skill check and can be used at will.
Focus Power:
(2):Sudden Speed: As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to grant yourself a burst of speed. This increases your land speed by 30 feet for 1 minute. This ability does not stack with itself.
(3) Aegis: As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a suit of armor or a shield to grant it an enhancement bonus. The bonus is equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum bonus of +4 at 18th level). Enhancement bonuses gained via this ability stack with those of the armor or shield, to a maximum total enhancement bonus of +5. You can also imbue the armor or shield with any one armor or shield special ability that has an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus granted by this ability by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount.
The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from aegis) to gain an armor or shield special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.
(3) Quickness: As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to grant supernatural quickness and reflexes to yourself or a willing living creature you touch.
This functions as haste, but the bonus to AC and on Reflex saving throws increases to +2. This effect lasts for 1 round per occultist level you possess. You must be at least 5th level to select this focus power.
(4) Energy Blast: As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 2 points of mental focus to unleash a blast of energy. This blast has a range of 100 feet, and deals 5d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional 1d6 points for every 2 occultist levels you possess beyond 5th (6d6 at 7th, 7d6 at 9th, and so on, to a maximum of 12d6 at 19th level). The blast deals damage to each creature in a 20-foot-radius burst, but each affected creature can attempt a Reflex save to halve the damage. When you unleash an energy blast, you must decide what type of damage it deals (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). You must be at least 5th level to select this focus power.
(4) Mind over Gravity: As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to give yourself a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability. This effect lasts for 1 minute per occultist level you possess. You must be at least 7th level to select this focus power.
(5) Flesh Mend: As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to heal a living creature with a touch. The creature is healed an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your occultist level. For every 4 occultist levels you possess beyond 3rd, the creature is healed an additional 1d8 points of damage, to a maximum of 5d8+19 at 19th level. This has no effect on undead creatures. You must be at least 3rd level to select this focus power.
(5) Side Step: You can create a temporary fissure in space by expending 1 point of mental focus. You can use this ability as part of a move action taken to move. The fissure begins in any square you designate and allows you to teleport to any other square you can see within 10 feet per occultist level.
Stepping between these locations requires you to expend 5 feet of movement, and the movement through the rift does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This otherwise functions as teleport. You must be at least 7th level to select this focus power.

Shift Focus: At 4th level, an occultist gains the ability to shift his mental focus from one implement to another, though some of the focus is lost along the way. Shifting mental focus removes a number of points of mental focus from one implement and adds the same number – 1 to another implement; this takes 1 minute of quiet contemplation while touching both implements. The occultist can shift his mental focus only from one implement to another implement; he can’t shift generic focus into an implement. Unlike expending focus normally, this shift can reduce the effect of a resonant power in the implement from which the mental focus was taken. It does not, however, add to the resonant power of the implement to which the focus is added.
Aura Sight: At 5th level, the occultist can read the auras of creatures around him as a standard action. This functions as the aura sight spell with a duration of 1 round.
Magic Circles: At 8th level, an occultist learns how to draw magic circles. To draw a circle, he must have chalk, salt, blood, powdered silver, or some other appropriate substance at hand (although he can press a magic circle into a softer surface such as dirt or clay). Drawing a circle takes 1 minute and requires the occultist to expend 1 point of mental focus (either generic focus or focus from any one of his implements). Once completed, this circle functions as a permanent magic circle against any alignment of the occultist’s choosing. The circle can’t be against a component of the occultist’s alignment (if he is lawful good, for example, it can’t be a magic circle against good or law). The circle remains until its form is physically broken (for example, if the lines are smeared or the salt is scattered).
Only a living creature can break the circle; environmental effects can’t break it. An occultist can have only one circle created in this way at a time. If he creates a second circle, the first one loses all its magic powers. This type of magic circle can’t normally be focused inward to bind an outsider.
Outside Contact (2): At 8th level, the occultist learns the true name of one particular outsider. This outsider can have no more than 3 Hit Dice. Whenever the occultist creates a magic circle, he can expend 1 additional point of mental focus to focus the circle inward and lure that outsider to the circle (similar to using lesser planar binding). The outsider is bound for up to 10 minutes. During this time, the occultist can bargain with the outsider for one piece of information.
This requires a payment of at least 20 gp (or items of at least that value that are of interest to the outsider). The bargaining requires the occultist to attempt a Diplomacy or Intimidate check opposed by the outsider’s Sense Motive check. Succeeding at the check by 5 or more reduces this cost to 10 gp. Failure increases the price to 30 gp, whereas failure by 5 or more allows the outsider to escape without giving any information (or receiving payment). The information gained can be anything that might be learned through a divination spell. The information is always correct but is frequently cryptic. It typically takes the outsider 1d3 hours to gather the information, at which point it returns of its own accord to deliver the information as promised. The outsider always resents being used in this way, even if the occultist and the outsider share an alignment component. After the occultist bargains with the outsider, the magic circle loses all power and the outsider is sent back to its home plane.
At 12th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the occultist learns to contact one additional outsider of the same type or a different type. Although he can call only one outsider in this way at a time, the occultist can ask such an outsider one additional question per calling for every 4 occultist levels he possesses beyond 8th (to a maximum of four questions at 20th level), all for the same bargaining price. The questions must be in some way related to one another.
Binding circles: At 12th level, whenever the occultist creates a magic circle he can expend 1 additional point of mental focus to make it a binding circle. A binding circle is invisible and counts as a trap. If a living creature of the corresponding alignment steps inside it, the trap triggers and binds the creature inside the circle. While it can move freely within the circle, it can’t leave the circle, make attacks against targets outside the circle, cast spells that cross the circle’s boundary (the circle blocks line of effect from the inside), or use any ability that would allow it to leave the circle or disturb the circle in any way. When the circle traps a creature in this way, the creature can attempt a Reflex save to dive out of the circle before the magic takes hold (DC = 10 + 1/2 the occultist’s level + the occultist’s Intelligence modifier).
A creature that can see the circle gains a +4 bonus on this save. If it fails its save, the creature must remain in the circle, although it can attempt a Will save at the same DC at the end of each hour of imprisonment to escape. A binding circle can be spotted with a successful Perception check (DC = 25 + 1/2 the occultist’s level). It can also be disarmed using Disable Device, with the same DC. Anything crossing the boundary of the circle from the outside, such as a weapon, spell effect, or special ability, immediately breaks the circle and frees the creature trapped inside.

Simple and Martial weapons/ Light and Medium Armor and non-Tower shields
Weapon Focus: Falchion
Power Attack:
Extra Mental Focus:
Improve Critical: Falchion

Fate Favored: Double Luck Bonuses
Trap Finder: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue.

Skills: Acrobatics +14 (13), Disable Device +22 (13) Fly +17 (13), Knowledge [Arcana] +19 (10), Knowledge [Engineering] +12 (5), Knowledge [History] +12 (5), Knowledge [Planes] +12 (5), Knowledge [Religion] +12 (5), Linguistics +17/22 (12), Perception +20 (13), Spellcraft +19 (10), UMD +22 (13)

Languages (16): Orc, Common, Varissian, Draconic, Necril, Ancient Osirian, Azlanti, Thessalonian, Kalish, Infernal, Abyssal, Ignan, Terran, Necril, Auran, Aquan, Shoanti, Tian


Combat Gear : Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (18000) Eyes of the Eagle (2500), Cloak of Resistance +4 (16,000), Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (16000), +1 Holy Adamantine Falchion (21375), Agile Breastplate +4 (16550), Belt of Physical Might Dex/Con +2 (10000), Ring of Prot +2 (18,000), Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (5200), Boots of Striding and Springing (5500), Lesser Rod of Extend x3 (9000), Everburning Torch (110)

[Total 138,235 gp]

Gold: Silver: Copper:
Tracked Resources
-------------------- Weight
Traveler's Outfit 1/1 5
Rations 7/7 7
50 ft rope Silk 1/1 5
Pitons, Silent 10/10 5
Waterskin 1/1 4
Backpack, Common 1/1 2
Bedroll 1/1 5
Belt Pouch 2/2 1
Spell Component Pouch 1/1 2
Grappling Hook 1/1 4
MW Thieves Tools 1/1 2
Bolts 20/20 2
Whetstone 1/1 1
Speed Sheath 1/1 1
Crowbar 1/1 5

Total Weight total lbs light/ medium / heavy


Here is his


Thraag is a half orc of largely Shoanti heritage. His psychic powers developed young as he was able to impart psychic impression onto his toys as he played that he was a shaman like those who helped lead the tribes.

When his abilities were discovered the Shoanti took him to the Acadamae who turned their backs on him as he was not a wizard. This meant that much of Thraag's abilities were self learned as he studied the wisdom of the Shoanti and Varissians that he was able to get his hands on.

When he became an adult Thraag adventured around the city and made a name for himself as he did several feats that helped ease tensions between the city and the surrounding Shoanti tribes. As Thraag's power and fame grew he remembered the way he was treated by the Acadamae in his youth and the members of the Acadamae felt that he did not treat them with proper deference.

When the Breaching Festival was announced, some of the leading people in the Acadamae who did not like Thraag or his powers put him forward as a potential participant in the hopes that he would die like so many before him. The Shoanti thought it would look good for one aligned with them to participate and win so they encouraged him to join in the festivities. With the advice of his elders Thraag agreed to join the Breaching Festival.

There is a lot to an Occultist so here is a quick

Thraag is designed to be a front line member of the party. But he has the skills to find and deal with mundane and magical traps. He has a variety of psychic spells which include buffs and backup healing. He also has a wide variety of knowledges that might prove useful.

Kazmanaught wrote:
Bayard, have you considered the tenacious survivor orc feat, for extra extra durability? I also very much love the flavor of it.

I hadn’t, really, but that’s not a bad idea. I’ll think about it.

@Zephyr & Thraag Brighteyes: Thank you for your submissions! Always interesting to see occult classes in play.

@EVERYONE: There's ~7 hours of recruitment left, in case someone still wants to submit their character.

Okay, time is up! I'll let you know my final picks ASAP, hopefully during the next day or so.

and the unbearable tension begins! Good luck everyone

Thank you again for your submissions, everyone! Unfortunately, I only have room for three new players.

My final picks are Bayard the Axeman, Laree An Everglow, and Grymwold the Shieldstorm. Please hop in the discussion thread.

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