Omens Better Left Lost: An Age of Worms Campaign

Game Master Kobold Catgirl

It has been over a hundred years since Aroden's death, since the ravaging of Absalom. The Age of Glory is over before it began, almost all prophecies shattered and tossed to the winds. But the Age of Lost Omens may already be nearing its own end. What age comes next?
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Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

”D..Dunchad, Sir,” Broccan replies, still uncomfortable, but knowing he should respond when his betters asked him a question. He gently waves his hand to decline the cake. ”Thank y’sir, but I’m not ‘ungry.”

Truth be told, the cake smelled delicious, but Broccan had no idea how to eat it without getting crumbs and icing all over the floor and himself. He felt out of place enough as it was in the great wizard’s home. It took everything in him to not simply get up and run to the door.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk reaches for the funnel cake and shoves it into the miner's hands, brooking no argument. "Yer a 'ero, remember? Ye don' 'ave t' 'pologize t' no one fer who y' 'r."

To the room at large, he offers, "Mayhap th' lad 'n I c'n be fer askin' 'round t'gether. Don' want anyone t' be snoopin' 'round 'bout this group by themselves."


To Broccan, "You are a hero, remember? You don't have to apologize to anyone for who you are."
To everyone, "Maybe Broccan and I can ask around together. I don't want anyone asking around about this cult alone."

N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2

Kata nods, a small sign of approval. "Asking around the miners is a good idea. I can grab a spot at The Emporium tonight, sing a ballad about the uknown and mysterious, and times being out of sorts. Then ask around discreetly after the mood is set, as if looking for material. May be another avenue for uncovering rumors?"

Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5
Dungeon Madam wrote:
"Indeed." Allustan wrinkles his nose as he retrieves the last of the funnelcakes and takes them into the focused kitchen area. "How do you mean to get access to these mines? There is little I can do, but..." His eyes dart towards the ancient grandfather clock. "My brother will be visiting in less than an hour. I could beg him to pull a few strings here and there for you, but I first need to know which strings to pull. Do you intend to confront the six mine managers directly, speak with their employees, enter their mines...?"

Gently, gently, Alaïs thinks, considering the delicacy of the cat’s-cradle of connections and influences the Ebon Triad is exploiting to manipulate their, er, catspaws, to labour the metaphor. As much as she might be amused to drop a convenient owlbear chick into said cradle, as it were, that probably would only make matters more difficult.

She wonders how well Allustan and his brother get on, too. As the baby in her family, Alaïs shamelessly exploits her position to wheedle favours out of her own brothers, but not everyone’s family dynamics allow the playing of the frustratingly adorable brat card.

“I wouldn’t dream of asking you to actually pull any strings,” the aristocrat says glibly (and very much stretching the point for politeness’ sake), “but if you and your brother are on gossipy enough terms, might I that you discreetly inquire to see if any strings are particularly worth pulling? If the Triad’s lurking in one of the mines, I suppose business as usual would slow or change as miners have to be kept from whatever shaft the cult is occupying, unless they’ve been pressed into service. So … declining profits, perhaps, or a new vein being explored…? Or just any interesting new developments, I suppose.”

As other ideas starts to pop up around the table, she adds, resignedly, “And I’ll try to talk to that Moonmeadow mite. I doubt it will be very cordial actually, but by the same token perhaps that leaves an opening to tempt his vanity into betraying something useful.”

If Edrukk’s worried about folks being isolated and picked off, I guess maybe Moonmeadow would be least snotty about it if Briar tagged along with Alaïs, on the basis that it would be a bad look for an elf to turn their nose up at someone blessed by Calistria?

Dungeon Madam wrote:

"A very apt observation, Mr... ah..." Allustan slowly nods to Broccan. He holds up the plate holding the first funnel cake he made, drizzled in pale icing. "Funnel cake?"

Whether it's accepted or not, he quickly returns to the matter at hand. "I shall defer to your expertise on the matter of the mine owners. I think speaking with the miners is a very sensible strategy." He looks around. "Is there anything further you require from me?"

Turning back to Allustan, she asks, “If you have a moment, we’d appreciate it if you could take at the look at this crown, and … hmm, this odd little lorgnette? Or whatever it is. If it once had a lens, it seems to be missing now. I’m sure they’re magical, but they seem to have defeated my ingenuity for the moment. Turning it over in the back of my mind overnight – and with a divination or two into the mix – might help, but I thought, why not ask a more experienced scholar?”

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Venelle is still technically with the group right now and can serve as Alais's informal bodyguard if Briar wants to go with Kata. Or she can go with Kata. Basically, she can be the "even number" for a buddy system.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

"We can'ave'eh chat wi' th' boys down't th' Feral Dog," Broccan says to Edrukk, focused on the task at hand and momentarily forgetting he was speaking in Allustan's house without his leave to do so.

He suddenly realizes his gaffe, and blushes, lowering his eyes. He turns in Allustan's direction, but does not look up. "My 'pologies, sir. I dinn'eh mean t' presume t' speak out like that. M' thanks for yer time'n fine"

Broccan appears flummoxed and very uncomfortable for a moment, then reaches back to unfasten the petrified opal wood staff he found down in the cairn. He holds it out to Allustan, giving it a slight shake to indicate that he should take it.

No one seemed interested in it when we found it, but maybe Allustan could use it either as a personal weapon or as the basis for a really cool magic item. The gift might also serve to help keep him on friendly terms with the party. If anyone objects, feel free to role-play it.


"We can have a chat with the boys down at the Feral Dog."

"My apologies, sir. I did not mean to presume to speak out like that. My thanks for your time and fine"

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM
Alaïs Thalanassa wrote:
“I wouldn’t dream of asking you to actually pull any strings,” the aristocrat says glibly (and very much stretching the point for politeness’ sake), “but if you and your brother are on gossipy enough terms, might I that you discreetly inquire to see if any strings are particularly worth pulling? If the Triad’s lurking in one of the mines, I suppose business as usual would slow or change as miners have to be kept from whatever shaft the cult is occupying, unless they’ve been pressed into service. So … declining profits, perhaps, or a new vein being explored…? Or just any interesting new developments, I suppose.”

Allustan's brow wrinkles. "Neff can be... challenging, but I am his brother, and he will help if I talk to him. I can certainly ask. How long do we suppose this cult has been in operation?"

Filge didn't say, though he did indicate Smenk called him down here after encountering the cult and needing an "undead expert".

He takes the diadem and "lorgnette" and draws a detect magic spell into being. His eyes narrow, then widen in understanding. He touches his tongue to the tip of the tchotchke and smacks his lips. The wizard makes a face as if he has tasted something horribly sour. "Oh, my. Yes, indeed, I am not mistaken."

He holds up the diadem. "This I will explain in a moment, but it is a fascinating trinket that has lain mostly dormant over the last few millennia, and it may take time, or some other great occasion, to come into its full power."

He holds up the device. "This is a talisman of the sphere. They are very rare, and no two look quite alike. The things these talismans control are ancient and... terrible creations of magic. They are mistakes in reality given the simplest of shapes, burnt nerves in the eye of existence. Only creatures of pure oblivion can create them, although it is said that a wizard of great power might delve into the Void and reach the great structures from which they are harvested. No spheres are currently known to be in circulation in our world, thank goodness. But this talisman." He places it delicately on the table. "This talisman is designed to control them. It is worth little now save as a curiosity, although I suppose you never do know when a sphere of annihilation will fall into your lap. So-to-speak."

He looks up at Broccan, and annoyance is clear in his gaze. "Speak up, man. You are clearly an intelligent fellow, and the only things you have said here that are no value to me have been your apologies."

When Broccan offers him the staff, though, his frustrated look vanishes. Allustan Neff takes and regards the curious weapon. He gives it a sniff. "There is no magic on it, but this is nonetheless a remarkable find in its own right. Is this for me to identify, or...?"

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk elbows Broccan and gives me a told you so look and a wink.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Allustan wrote:

He looks up at Broccan, and annoyance is clear in his gaze. "Speak up, man. You are clearly an intelligent fellow, and the only things you have said here that are no value to me have been your apologies."

When Broccan offers him the staff, though, his frustrated look vanishes. Allustan Neff takes and regards the curious weapon. He gives it a sniff. "There is no magic on it, but this is nonetheless a remarkable find in its own right. Is this for me to identify, or...?"

Broccan looks up and meets Allustan's gaze, an amount of steel infusing both his spine and his gaze.

"It's'eh gift. Fer you. Sir," he replies in an uncharacteristically clipped tone. "'s thanks f'yer 'ssist'nce."

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk is enjoying this. He looks at the mage, one eyebrow raised, grinning. That's me boy!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5
Dungeon Madam wrote:
Allustan's brow wrinkles. "Neff can be... challenging, but I am his brother, and he will help if I talk to him. I can certainly ask. How long do we suppose this cult has been in operation?"

As Allustan asks about timelines as he turns to examine the adventurers’ finds, Alaïs thinks over what Filge said and what she’s been able to piece together from his notes and morbid treasures, realizing that that was something she forgot to consider. “Smenk’s creature wasn’t particularly talkative about where he came from, but long enough for some correspondence to go to and fro before he was summoned here. He had … aspirations, and seems to have run afoul of Hellknights, so perhaps from Korvosa? Or Magnimar? I would think by way of one of the larger cities in Varisia, at any rate, so … as for the cult, at least a couple of months? Long enough to get comfortable and start causing trouble for their hosts.”

She’s obviously guessing wildly, betraying the attitude to time and space of a lady of leisure whose people have access to a portal network when they need to travel quickly. (Bad enough asking an elf about ordinary mortal timeframes, but an elf like Alaïs ... ;)

“He also seems to have thought they’re in the Dourstone mine, but that could have been misdirection or a misconception on the part of someone who’s about as well-versed in local affairs as I’m,” Alaïs says ruefully, before quieting as Allustan signals his satisfaction with his inspection of the royal treasures. She pales as her friend identifies the talisman of the sphere, blurting out, “So that’s what it was in the reliefs! I had thought it might be some sort of spell, but in that case… I’ve heard of something similar back home, the legacy of a terrible tragedy, but a sphere of annihilation sounds even worse. Thanks be to the Guiding Hand, but there wasn’t any sign of the sphere itself in the Cairn. I can only hope the weight of ages has claimed even such a thing as that.”

She’s wondering if Allustan would care to visit the Whispering Cairn himself to see the enspelled reliefs, when Broccan shyly produces the staff they found in the lower levels. It’s a generous gift, and the aristocrat’s brow furrows as it occurs to her, not for the first time, that they really need to get the young man to be less bashful, though that’s easy for someone like her to say, and less easy to guide him to it.

Broccan Dunchad wrote:

Broccan looks up and meets Allustan's gaze, an amount of steel infusing both his spine and his gaze.

"It's'eh gift. Fer you. Sir," he replies in an uncharacteristically clipped tone. "'s thanks f'yer 'ssist'nce."

“Mhm,” she hums with a nod of agreement and encouragement as Broccan finds his confidence, chiming in, “We’d be at quite a loss without your help, and you are so kindly assisting us with freeing the poor elementals bound so long in a place forgotten to boot. I can think of no sage worthier to steward an artifact from the first days of Kho, and only hope that it won’t prove all too useful if we can’t stamp out this infiltration of the Ebon Triad before they can work out we’re coming for them.”

Alaïs sits up a bit more purposefully in her seat at that, the warrior (or at least the sportswoman) in her responding to the thought of quarry.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM
Broccan Dunchad wrote:
Allustan wrote:

He looks up at Broccan, and annoyance is clear in his gaze. "Speak up, man. You are clearly an intelligent fellow, and the only things you have said here that are no value to me have been your apologies."

When Broccan offers him the staff, though, his frustrated look vanishes. Allustan Neff takes and regards the curious weapon. He gives it a sniff. "There is no magic on it, but this is nonetheless a remarkable find in its own right. Is this for me to identify, or...?"

Broccan looks up and meets Allustan's gaze, an amount of steel infusing both his spine and his gaze.

"It's'eh gift. Fer you. Sir," he replies in an uncharacteristically clipped tone. "'s thanks f'yer 'ssist'nce."

"Ah." Allustan raises an eyebrow. "Then this gift, I will take, as it is a kind and honorable gesture. As thanks, though, I will not. I do not act for quid pro quo, Mr. Dunchad and Miss Thalanessa." He leans against the wall with a dry chuckle. "I realize this may make me sound rude, but I mean it in good humor: I am not your 'pet wizard', as our local community leaders keep their necromancers and bribed priests on their books.

"My loyalty is not bought with gold or toys or trinkets, but with bonds of shared ideals, friendship, trust, and family. I do as I do because I share your concerns, because I trust those of you I know, and because I find that I like those of you I am getting to know."

He gives a weary sigh. "I say this because I have to, because of the town we live in and the wicked masks this town has learned to wear. So, to be clear, you have not offended me, and you have not angered me, and you have made no fool of yourself. But please, for future reference, do not offer me favors for favors. Do not ever offer me payment in these endeavors."

Sense Motive 18:
While it may be fairly obvious, this is a very sore subject for him.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk makes a point of drawing forth an imaginary pencil and paper, "Dinnae be offerin' Master Allustan money fer 'is work. Got it."

He looks up at the mage with a grin. "'tis good t' 'ave friends 'n I'm 'appy t' count ye as one. If'n I can aid ye - as a friend - jus' let me know."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Allustan gives a small smile. "Thank you, friend. I shall remember that."

So, to summarize:

Broccan and Edrukk are planning to visit the Feral Dog and ask around there. You previously did some roleplay/rolls there.

Alais and either Briar or Venelle are planning to visit Moonmeadow, I think? Alais wrote about it previously as well.

Kata and either Venelle or Briar will be swinging by the Emporium, assuming that's still the plan.

I'll segue into these sequences properly as soon as I make sure I have everything pinned on the right spot on my wall.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM
Edrukk Thorvirgunson wrote:

Edrukk makes a point of drawing forth an imaginary pencil and paper, "Dinnae be offerin' Master Allustan money fer 'is work. Got it."

He looks up at the mage with a grin. "'tis good t' 'ave friends 'n I'm 'appy t' count ye as one. If'n I can aid ye - as a friend - jus' let me know."

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20 + 6

For the Exceptional Roll:
Allustan glances at the funnelcake as he says this, which you suppose, from context clues, must be for his brother's impending visit. His brow furrows in weariness.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5
Dungeon Madam wrote:

"My loyalty is not bought with gold or toys or trinkets, but with bonds of shared ideals, friendship, trust, and family. I do as I do because I share your concerns, because I trust those of you I know, and because I find that I like those of you I am getting to know."

He gives a weary sigh. "I say this because I have to, because of the town we live in and the wicked masks this town has learned to wear. So, to be clear, you have not offended me, and you have not angered me, and you have made no fool of yourself. But please, for future reference, do not offer me favors for favors. Do not ever offer me payment in these endeavors."

Oh gosh, and now I’m thinking all sorts of fun stuff about gift economies and how they might factor into elves’ cosplay feudalism if they like dressing up like lords and ladies but run around being chaotic all over the place. And with Calistria so important to them, so much potential for subtle, fine-grained calculations about appropriate exchanges without being so crude as actually saying it out loud... XD

The colour that left Alaïs’ cheeks at the realization that Kho had a bloody sphere of annihilation to play around with rushes back as she realizes belatedly that the little compliments and effusive niceties that pepper the conversation in some of the circles she knows best might be a bit much for Allustan, especially hard on the heels of a gift.

“Oh, certainly not, perish the thought!” she exclaims. “We wouldn’t dream of it! I’m sorry to have spoken so carelessly as to give rise to any such misapprehension. But –”

If any finger-jab could be described as languid, the gesture the elven poet makes toward her wizard friend with the hand not occupied with a bit of funnel cake can. “– in the interests of avoiding such, if ever you have occasion to visit us in Kyonin - tricky with the passports, I know, but nonetheless - you should be prepared to be showered with little gifties, just because. That’s the way it works, and that applies to all of you.”

The ferocity of her nod around the table is rather undercut by her smile and the bit of sweet she still has to nibble on. Oh, we could have a tea party with Amariss and all our friends in town at some point! It would be fabulous!

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:
Dungeon Madam wrote:
Edrukk Thorvirgunson wrote:

Edrukk makes a point of drawing forth an imaginary pencil and paper, "Dinnae be offerin' Master Allustan money fer 'is work. Got it."

He looks up at the mage with a grin. "'tis good t' 'ave friends 'n I'm 'appy t' count ye as one. If'n I can aid ye - as a friend - jus' let me know."

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20 + 6

** spoiler omitted **

Dungeon Madam:
The funnelcake on Broccan's plate? Or funnelcake that wasn't handed out? Do I get the vibe that I should step up to the stove and start making confections?

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

No, he's giving you the first funnelcake. You know, like how the first donut or waffle in a batch is always the worst, ugliest one. He probably would have just munched on it himself if he hadn't had someone to serve it to.

I realized I wrote that spoiler very vaguely, in hindsight--"as he says this" meant his whole shtick about not wanting to handle things as favor-for-favor, money-for-loyalty.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk catches Allustan's and suspects the thought behind the glance. With a knowing wink, the dwarf happily munches on the treat. "'s very good, thank ye."

N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2

Sounds like a plan to me, GM DM!

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan leans the proffered staff against the wall. 's yours'f y' wan'it," he says, matter-of-fact. "Sell'it'f y' don't."

He looks to Edrukk. "We bes' be get'n t' th' Feral Dog. Chat wi' some'eh th' boys'n see what we can findout."


"it's yours if you want it. Sell it if you don't."

"We best be getting to the Feral Dog. Chat with some of the boys and see what we can find out."

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

"Aye, le's leave 'r stuff somewhere else, go 'n like we jus' need a drink. Not like we be comin' from a delve, y'know."

Translation: Let's leave our delving somewhere else, just go in like we want to quench our thirst.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Time updated: It is the 16th of Arodus (August), 8:00AM.

After saying their goodbyes, the party bids Allustan farewell.

They notice a carriage drawing up to the house on the way out. A tall man in a beige suit, pinstriped black tie, and black bowler hat steps out, flanked by two intimidating-looking officers. He looks at once to be Allustan's spitting image and very little like him at all. With a bland smile, he orders the guards to mind the carriage as he makes his way to Allustan's door. Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff doesn't even look at the party on his way in.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Time updated: It is the 16th of Arodus (August), 8:00AM.

After saying their goodbyes, the party bids Allustan farewell.

They notice a carriage drawing up to the house on the way out. A tall man in a beige suit, pinstriped black tie, and black bowler hat steps out, flanked by two intimidating-looking officers. He looks at once to be Allustan's spitting image and very little like him at all. With a bland smile, he orders the guards to mind the carriage as he makes his way to Allustan's door. He doesn't even look at the party.

Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5

After everyone’s had their sweet breakfast and they’ve exchanged their farewells with their host – if Alaïs focuses on these things to not think about what it means that they’ve found a talisman to help control a horrifically destructive device, and possibly been embroiled in a prophecy about the end of the world, she thinks she can hardly be blamed for that – Alaïs braces herself for trying to deal with Ellival Moonmeadow, and starts strategizing for a confrontation that she would enjoy more if he weren’t such a piece of work as he is.

She hardly notices Allustan’s brother as their paths briefly cross outside. (“Mayor of where, now? Oh, how quaint!” XD ) Instead, she rejoices in how even Diamond Lake can’t entirely deprive the morning of its glory, and takes her leave of the others to stretch her legs and gather her thoughts until such time as it’s a reasonable hour to see about getting hold of her chosen mine owner.

* * *

In the interval, remembering how much better she would have felt in the battle with the armoured elementals, or if she ever faces skeletons again, with a crushing weapon that fits in one hand, to allow her to keep her shield, Alaïs browses among the offerings of the weaponsmiths in town, and eventually finds a morningstar that meets her requirements in weight, handling, and acceptable aesthetics. She also stops by the general store, where she is pleasantly surprised to find a letter waiting for her, addressed in her youngest brother’s familiar hand. It is an agreeable distraction from overthinking her forthcoming investigation: at least, until, among the expected news from home and priestly prattle, one particularly startling passage leaps out at her:

From Ascyron’s letter:
“… which reminds me, dearest sister, I have a tiny boon to crave of you. Do you know Calanthielle, high priestess of the House of Autumn Veils, between the branches of the K.--- River? I can’t recall if you’ve ever met. In any case, one of the under-priestesses of one of her people – well. I’m sure you can imagine, given what happened there, and it would be a favour to me to let me do a favour to Calanthielle, and between the two of us, we decided, since you’re still in the barbarian vastnesses (or fastnesses – regardless, will you be in the Mierani soon, incidentally? I can't see you enjoying too long away from civilization), that it would be lovely if you could be a friendly face for a bit on her way to Magnimar, rather than sending her there directly or - Goddess forbid! - to Riddleport.
Don’t look at me (fine, my letter) like that. She’s perfectly charming, by all accounts. Just dabbles a bit in singing, but she’s a fine dancer, and she knows a bit about your profane hocus-pocus. An even better theologian and historian, and by rights by now – but anyway, for reasons of her own, I gather, she has resumed the rank of one of the Courtesans of her House. One of your tribe, and very good at her work, I hear, though, since you know I wouldn’t dream of transgressing into your ladies’ privities, the details escape me. I would say you could ask her, and even better – if you and your Hyalinnea weren’t content to yearn so revoltingly for one another. (For the sake of all our sanities, are you planning on making it official any time soon? The two of you would make a ruddy Shelynite blush, may the Sting come to us gently! I’m glad that I’m only your brother and you’re not in my cure. But I digress.) Anyway, again, I’m sure you’ll get on like a house on fire. Oh! Where have my wits gone? Her name’s Adonara Strixis, and Calanthielle tells me that she’ll be sending her off as soon as…”

There’s an irony that Alaïs is sure Calistria appreciates that the offending brother is the person in her circle best-placed to tell her under what circumstances the goddess would approve of fratricide, as a commensurate act of vengeance. From what the aggravated aristocrat can infer from the rest of the letter’s gossip, Ascyron must have sat on the letter for a while before sending it (admittedly, adding a few more delightful anecdotes), such that, assuming no unexpected delays, this … this Adonara person will be arriving in Diamond Lake any day now, with her trunks in tow and innocently expecting that her colleagues in the church have oh-so-thoughtfully arranged for a contact and welcoming party for her in the depths of Varisia.

Alaïs carefully gathers herself so she’s not glowering, before she draws herself up to her full height and swoops off to beard Moonmeadow in his den. At least her irritation with her brother has given her the energy to resist any nonsense on the part of the parvenu miner.

Just laying some groundwork towards introducing a possible alternative PC for when we switch to the new edition. In the meantime, let’s see what Moonmeadow’s got! ;)

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

"We c'n leave'r gear'n th' cab'n, 'r wi'm'mum," Broccan offers to Edrukk. "The cab'n's likely safer. Thieves'r rife'n th' flop'ouse."


"We can leave or gear in the cabin or with my mum. The cabin's likely safer. Thieves are rife in the flophouse."

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

”Aye, ‘s fine. Takin’ a pocket blade?”

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan nods. "I'll keep Suck'rpunch w' me," he replies, slapping the shortsword on his belt. "Nev'r though'I'd ev'r 'ave anythin' made wi' magic, much less'eh sword. I'm not leav'n it lie'n somewhere where some'n c'n come pick't up."[b]


[b]"I'll keep Suckerpunch with me. I never thought I'd ever have anything made with magic, much less a sword. I'm not leaving it lying somewhere were someone can come pick it up."

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk considers his personal arsenal and opts to keep a throwing axe on his hip. Hopefully all they will need is a bit of deterrent and he’ll not regret leaving his greatsword behind.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

14th of Arodus, 1:47PM - 51 hours ago

Amariss nibbles on a lock of her hair as she thinks hard. "Well, then. If you take advice from me, here's what I think we should do."

She clears her throat. "Mr. Dunchad, Master Thorvirgun, you will be visiting the Feral Dog first. It's quite a bit less risky than infiltrating the mines, and I imagine you shall find a broader range of employees there. Focus on strange disturbances. Perhaps a rash of mysterious disappearances or sudden retirements at one of the mines. A cult could not possibly infiltrate any of the mines with no witnesses."

Time updated: It is the 16th of Arodus (August), 9:00AM.

The Feral Dog is exceptionally quiet this morning, which is to say, Kullen and his gang appear to be taking the day off, and most of the day employees are already laboring in the mines. This is not, however, to say no miners are in attendance. Injuries are common, and many miners work night shifts--or, worse, are trapped working only odd jobs, spending the rest of their time sleeping, looking for work, or drowning their anxieties.

Edrukk rolls a 12 on Knowledge (Engineering). Broccan rolls a 21 on Profession (miner). Feel free to roleplay your exact direction with this investigation to help guide the results--Edrukk has existing RP that seems better-suited to an attempt to infiltrate the mines themselves.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan leans against the bar, and orders an ale. He then approaches one of the injured miners and asks, "Wha' didja' in? A collapse'r sumthin' like? I'd 'eard one o' th' bosses was mak'n bad decisions wi' tunnel rou's...'sat what 'appen'd?"


[b]"What did you in? A collapse, or something like that? I'd hear one of the bosses was making bad decisions with tunnel that happened?"

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Briar and Alais:

High Priestess Amariss wrote:

14th of Arodus, 1:49PM - 51 HOURS AGO

"Now, Miss Thalanessa, darling. You know Moonmeadow much better than I, but I daresay you're quite right--I can't imagine him giving us much pillow to fluff if it's anyone but you talking to him."

16th of Arodus, 9:00AM.

Alaïs Thalanassa wrote:

Instead, though it rankles, she tries to put on a suitably humble face and knocks on Moonmeadow’s door, ready to spin a tale of acknowledging that he knows better and that she could really use his help about certain of her tenants back home, all in the effort to find out what she can about the operations of his mines. If she can palaver her way all the way into a tour, so much the better.

In the meantime, she also makes a note of the faces of Moonmeadow’s staff, and keeps an ear open for any conversation she can overhear among them about where they might spend their time off. If Moonmeadow himself keeps his door closed, maybe she can work her way into the confidence of the poor souls who have to work for him with a sympathetic ear and a glass or two of wine someplace that isn’t the Feral Dog.

Moonmeadow dwells in grim opulence, a towering gothic manor standing in stark contrast to the tasteless manager houses, dingy slums and crumbling flophouses of Diamond Lake. 'The Village', as he describes it, encircles his property, a cluster of cottages built against and into relatively young maples and elms.

Knowledge (local) 17:
The houses here all seem to be in excellent condition, to an extent that is almost unnerving. They don't look lived in. There are no decorations, no yard litter, not even cracks in the amber resin apparently used instead of paint.

Alais or Knowledge (local) 22:
These houses are built in a style reminiscent of Kyonin's, but without the towering banyan trees that make such grand architecture possible, the effect is a little underwhelming.

The three house servants, all elves, are finely-dressed. The elderly elven man and woman, evidently, a couple, greet Alais with jovial good humor, while the maid, closer to Alais's age, is extremely stiff and seems reluctant to say anything to her. After she makes her explanation, the couple show Alais--and, after some murmuring between one another, Briar--to Moonmeadow's office.

Although he claims his door is always open to 'family', Ellival Moonmeadow is not a pleasant person to share a room with.

The elf is drawn like someone spilled water on ink. He has a pale, stretched look, in the way very old elves sometimes get, standing easily eight feet tall in dark, austere clothes. If Diamond Lake is a town clinging to life with all its might, time has pulled Ellival thin as taffy.

Alais sits before him, dwarfed by Moonmeadow and his desk--a great construction, said to be hewn from one of the great trees of the old world. It has large hinges that suggest the whole thing could be opened, but nobody’s ever seen him do so. There’s all kinds of rumors about what’s inside.

He taps the desk rapidly with double-jointed fingers, an uneasy drumbeat, as he listens to Alais's wheedling.

You rolled a 21 on Bluff, which I'll allow you to apply to your attempt to get some information out of Moonmeadow. Anything in particular you're asking? You don't have to roleplay out a 21 Bluff, obviously, but the mine managers are tricky and I'm gonna ideally look for specificity in this.

You rolled a 23 on Diplomacy to gather information from his employees--are you focusing your attention first on his house servants, or the miners themselves?

= = = =

The miner, a sharp-looking older woman the other miners call Widow Tam, spits on the ground and gestures to her leg in a splint. "Agh, I'm one o' th' lucky ones, lad. This weren't even any gift from Gozreh. Tha' great bas'lisk Smenk, 'e's cut our packs again, an' upped with the store price. We bin eatin' half as what we used to. An' that's before two other cuts o'er the last few years. This's a gift from old Toddle for makin' t' much noise ab't it."

"A gift from Droskar, then!" calls a dwarven miner from across the room, earning jeering laughs and a rueful grimace from Widow Tam.

"Oh, I consider myself to be quite fortunate when my situation is compared to that of others. This was no cave accident. That repugnant and insidious serpent, Balabar Smenk, has once again reduced our rations. Additionally, the prices at the company store have greatly increased. Of late, we have eaten half of what we formerly considered an adequate meal, which is already greatly reduced from what it was before he began reducing our rations several years ago. My broken leg is the consequence of Todrik, whom I contemptuously nickname 'Toddle', punishing my protestations."

Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5

Bard shenanigans! Know (local), untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Nope! Outsiders we remain! Although I guess (hat tip to Ms. Hinton) Alaïs can hardly pretend to be anything other than a Soc. XD

Walking into Moonmeadow’s domain feels rather like stepping into a trap, knowing that, for all her scorn, he is an influential figure about town, while Alaïs – isn’t. As such she keeps her brows leveled and her nose unwrinkled – despite her Findeladlaran sensibilities – at what can generously be described as an … ambitious attempt at emulating the architecture of her homeland.

Both the gothic pile itself and the creeping claustrophobia match his name, at least, unless it’s the other way around: certainly, if anyone she’s met could live up to the slanderous stories other people tell of elves hunting outsiders through the fields of nights, it’s the unnerving wraith she gets ushered to.

Taking him in her last opportunity for choosing her words, it’s brought home to Alaïs that even people as long-lived as theirs eventually need to move on from this world: whether to Sovyrian, or elsewhere in the planes, or, if they’re seekers after the Brightness, rebirth. If she clings too long herself, what will she look like? Like the sparkle on wine and of laughter, as evanescent and immaterial as both, in contrast to Moonmeadow’s sombre adornments?

With Moonmeadow:
“Your highness,” she begins, humouring his pretensions with a straight face and even tone, though her body language indicates her confidence in her own standing, before launching into the tale she’s planning to weave with what she hopes he’ll take as fellow aristocratic frankness, “I know we haven’t got on well, since we met, but I’m not too proud to admit when I’ve been wrong, or when I need help. The fact is, I’m in a bit of a bind, and I’m not sure what to do. I recently came into a share of the company managing our extractive interests in the Hold of Elistia, and I’ll admit that mining is more complicated to manage than I thought. So many things going on at once, as you well know! Mishaps at the face, and the ensuing delays, rivalries among the pit gangs… The latest news I’ve just had from my people! How do you do it? I throw myself upon your better nature, sir, for any advice you can offer. I’ll gladly make it known that I was wrong, and if you have any affairs in Kyonin that could benefit from the good offices of a Thalanassa, I’m the woman for you. Here and now, if it means going down into the depths of your operations to learn from your workers, to emerge blinking and besmirched in the light of the sun so you can show me owning my mistake, ‘See, the Lady Alaïs, humbled, learns the truth of the work from the dust, and confesses the ignorance of her previous boasts!’, so be it.”

Putting on a show aside, since it seems that the Ebon Triad are lurking in the depths of one of the mines, if I read Filge’s note right, and that’s causing some tensions and troubles, Alaïs will try to steer the conversation to see if that’s the sort of thing that Moonmeadow’s got going on right now, or knows that one of the other mine managers do. If she can talk her way into a personal tour that might let her see for herself – at the expense of smuts on her cheek, making a fright of her hair, and some sucking up to Moonmeadow – that’s probably not the worst thing.

With his staff:
After making her appeal to the master of the place, and hearing his reply with as much composure as she can, she lingers for a moment with his staff on the way out, trying to be friendly – and to spin whatever they might have overheard of her interview as sympathetically as she can. In any case, she offers a night of tales and to stand them all a bottle either the next time they have a night off on the town, or to come visit them downstairs. Baroness Ceri-Moel she may be, but that’s also very far away as she gallivants about Varisia, and she’s not a complete snob. Is that what’s set the maid’s nose out of joint? Does she have family in Moonmeadow’s pits? The aristocratic poet treads as carefully as she can.

Everyone ignores servants to their peril, right? I guess Alaïs will start the house servants, in case they might know something about the miners, or rule out that there are shenanigans between them and anyone who might be the Triad. If there is something there and it sounds like they might have contacts they could introduce her to, she’ll try to win them over so she doesn’t have to sift through all Moonmeadow’s miners and risk slipping up keeping her story straight.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk shakes his head, "Ye cannae dig n' tunnel 'r mine n' ore wit' no folk t' swing th' pick. What're they think 's gonna 'appen if'n they starve th' lot o' ye t' death. Who's gonna work their cursed mine when 't gets out they be killin' th' workers? Fools, th' lot o' them."

You can't dig a tunnel or mine any ore with no workers to do the digging. What to they think will happen if they starve the miners? Who's going to work their mine with it gets out that they're killing the help? Fools, every one of them.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

"Any'yof'th' other mine-bosses act'n 'ornery of late?" Broccan asks. "I mean, if you 'ad yer pick, who'd y' dig for these days?"


"Any of the other mine-bosses acting ornery of late? I mean, if you had your pick, who would you dig for these days?"

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Briar and Alais:

High Priestess Amariss wrote:

14th of Arodus, 1:52PM - 51 HOURS AGO

"Now, my sweet Kata. I think you had better head to the Emporium. As you say, all manner of miner pokes his head into the Veiled Corridor, and the people there trust you. Keep your ears as peeled as Urgathoa's grapes, but do be careful. Not everyone in there will respect Zalamandra's rules, and if we take it as given that someone has seen what happened, likewise it stands dollars to donuts that someone, has up til now, found ways to keep those prying eyes' mouths shut."

16th of Arodus, 9:00AM.

Kata Coszma wrote:

Kata winds her way back to town, finding herself lingering at her sometimes night haunt, The Emporium. Now, however, it is the middle of the day; the crowd is different, less celebratory, sparser, more destitute. But there was no music, so Kata sets up at a table and using her hand drums, spends some time singing miner's shanties, the repetitive, mournful, and sometimes profane songs that the mining folk use to celebrate their success and express their anger, and of course, to pass the time in the dark, doing their backbreaking, monotonous work.

Afterwards, she lingers and speaks to the patrons wiling away their day, trying to suss out of any of the suspect mine managers' operations have recently been closed off, or if other circumspect activities have made the gossip rounds.

Kata and Venelle arrive at the Emporium, and it is, indeed, a quiet afternoon at the establishment--quiet enough that Kata can feel Zalamandra's eyes on her. The customers are friendly to Kata and Venelle, who are, after all familiar to them, even though Venelle clearly rarely comes to pubs and mostly stays back and plays lookout for Kata. Miners applaud Kata's shanties, charmed by the way she adapts something they know into a new atmosphere.

Diplomaid: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 Bring's Kata's Diplomacy up to 21.

It isn't long before Kata's gentle approach begins to bear fruit. She gathers an assortment of rumors.

There are rumblings that Balabar Smenk is thinking of reopening 'the Pit', the infamous mine that earned him his status in Diamond Lake. Surely the deathtrap is bled dry. Certainly it bled the miners enough when it was open.

One very tired-looking porter lets slip to Kata that her team's been handling bigger and bigger shipments between the mine managers over the last few years. She's proud of her team's reputation for neutrality (which is why she won't say who's been shipping goods), but also clearly a little puzzled. Lately two managers in particular have been buying and trading an awful lot of provisions in bulk--and often between one another. It just seems inefficient to her, but what does she know?

Word is that Luzane Parrin's people have been stockpiling arms lately, and possibly even looking for allies. Most people brush this off--Smenk's too entrenched for the old money widow to stand a chance--but nobody laughs at the toll a war between the mine managers could take on everyone else.

Widow Tam nods furiously at Edrukk's remark, and several other miners strike the sides of the bar with their knuckles, a local gesture of agreement.

"Well," a younger miner pipes up, his accent tinged with the more urbane trill of Magnimar, "everyone knows Smenk's been losing his mind lately. Apparently that Goshawk's gone and set himself missing, or something. No one knows who did it."

An older miner chortles. "That Goshawk never could keep his mouth shut. Probably went an' pissed off those mad flower-eatin' gravediggerss 'cross th' lake."

Goshawk is Smenk's right-hand man, an erudite mercenary who speaks loudly, laughs with gusto, and smiles when he's about to start hurting people. Even Kullen doesn't talk back to Goshawk.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Smenk, Smenk, and Smenk again. It all keeps coming back to Smenk! Broccan thinks to himself, sighing in frustration.

He makes his way over to Edrukk, knocks mugs with him, leans-in and whispers, "I hate t' think'f't, bu' we're gonn'eh have't talk t' Smenk."


"I hate to think of it, but we're going to have to talk to Smenk."

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM


1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 61d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

You notice a young elven woman throwing knives at the darboard nearby. Little scrolls have been sewn into the leather, like little decorative talismans. She hurls her knives with remarkable accuracy and an almost concerning air of casualness, rarely bothering to check the result of a given throw.

An elf's solid amber-brown eyes always do make it a little difficult to tell where her eyes have settled, but she is definitely watching you. She doesn't seem to have noticed you've noticed.


"Stay out of my affairs in Kyonin," Moonmeadow says sharply. "I promise you that they are well beyond your station, Thalanessa, and you would only make a fool of yourself." His long fingers steeple on the desk, and his lips curl in a smile. "As for running a mine... that is a simple enough matter. I won't go on long about it, save for a short, simple piece of advice.

"The greatest mistake any mine owner makes is in undervaluing their employees. The managers of Diamond Lake treat their miners like the gravel beneath their cheap shoes. They are little more than kings of the dung heap, and what they gather from their employees is more dung. They send their workers into the ground already treating them like corpses. And for what? To harvest something dead. Something so soundly dead that it is only fit to burn. Death is not an industry that grows, and for all the fire coal provides, it brings no light. Their employees will betray them the first chance they get. See how they are always on their guard! The last time Balabar Smenk came to visit me, that fat, stupid man stared like a dead fish to see me wander among my workers with no bodyguards. And don't get me started on the tasteless, repulsive 'trade' of the Emporium. A commoner perversion of higher arts." He isn't looking at Briar when he says this, but his refusal to look at her may speak for itself.

"But here at the Moonmeadow Silver Mine? Here, we follow the values of a common good. We are less a business so much as a community. We gather not for wealth, but for family. I know you, for all your shortsightedness, understand the value of class and distinction." He straightens in his seat. "Well, I myself consider it the obligation of those with distinction to uplift those without. You have seen the little village outside, yes? A little 'home-away-from-home', as they say here. Heh.

"Of course, it is a balance. Overpay a worker and they forget the lessons you are trying to teach. They try to save up so they may return in wealth to their squalor. They become spoiled and spread gossip to anyone who will listen. People like that begin to see weakness--any apology, any mistake, any secret--like kindling, Thalanessa, and money like a match." His nails tap the desk. "It's about the little things, Thalanessa. Hold feasts for Reclamation. Show up in person. Make sure everyone always has enough to eat, and make yourself close to them. That is how you uplift people."

The door swings open, and a delicate hush enters the chamber, just briefly, before chatter returns even louder as if to hide that there was ever silence at all. Kata looks to see a new arrival--a woman with long, wispy black hair, a long black dress, and jade jewelry that clinks with every motion. She walks with a distinct forward lean, reminiscent of a nearsighted animal probing for a safe path, but her green eyes look bright and alert.

Kata recognizes this woman instantly. It would be more accurate to say she recognizes the negative space the woman creates around her, the slight air of unease that causes passersby to hurry out of her way. That tells Kata all she needs to know.

The town's been making you nervous lately. You've heard tell of a strange pale-skinned sorceress with jet-black hair who's been clinging to Balabar Smenk like a lamprey. Ilthane the Black.

Image. (source)

I'll get to the 23 Diplomacy for the house servants when I can!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk whispers back, "Aye, but first, we 'ave a watcher. Lassie 't th' knife-board seems t' be keepin' 'er eye 'n ye."

He nods solemnly in that way that drunks do when they've imparted the most important thought they've had all day to the unfortunate listener before leaning back and taking another swallow from his mug.

"I agree, but before we go anywhere, we have someone watching us. The elven woman throwing knives at the target appears to be watching one or both of us closely."

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Broccan can make another Perception check. On a 15 or higher, he notices without his noticing being noticed. Otherwise, he notices, but not subtly.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Go ahead and read Edrukk's spoiler.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan turns his head away from the knife-thrower, and whispers to Edrukk, "Shou' we walkou't'n see'f she'll follow'r jus' walkup t'er'n see what 'app'ns?"

Broccanese whisper:

"Should we walk out, and see if she'll follow, or just walk up to her and see what happens?"

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

The dwarf grins and points a stubby finger at the miner, making a funny observation between friends, he says in a low voice, "'r a third thin'. Ye keep talkin' 'ere while Ah 'ead out 'n we see if'n she chooses one 'r th' other. Ah'll wait outside fer ye - mebbe go fi'teen minutes 'n follow me. 'f she follows me, follow 'er. If'n she causes trouble, give a 'oller - she's good wit' those blades. Don' mess wit' 'er."

"Or a third option. You stay here talking to folks while I leave. We'll see if she chooses to talk to one or the other of us. I'll wait outside for you where I can hear inside - give it fifteen minutes or so and follow me if she doesn't come up to you. If she follows me, come on out. If she comes to talk to you and causes trouble, give a shout, don't pick a fight, she's good with those knives of hers."

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan nods, clinks his mug with Edrukk's and returns back towards the bar. He begins talking, though not to any one in particular.

"M' old Pa used t' say't th' world wen't'th'byss when Aroden died. E' said th' other gods jus' couldn' keep th' evil down like e' did. I'm no priest, but'e migh'ta had'eh point."


"My old Pa used to say that the world went to the Abyss when Aroden died. He said the other gods just couldn't keep the evil down like he did. I'm no priest, but he might have had a point."

Female Elf Skald 3 HP 15/21 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +4| Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Untrained Knowledge/Lore +4 | Raging song: 10/10 rounds | Goodberries: 3 | Action points: 5

With Moonmeadow himself:

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9 Yeah, saw that one coming. Like certain other princesses, Alaïs is "far too trusting." XD I do have vague plans for addressing that skill gap, but in the meantime poor Alaïs probably needs a chaperone/babysitter.

“Hmm. I think see what you mean,” Alaïs says equably. It sounds pretty good to her, though she’s not sure whether he actually believes it, even if it outmaneuvering all the other mine owners must be a very sensitive, long-term project. Maybe she was wrong about him? She can extend the benefit of the doubt. Still. “ – though I think we’ll have to cordially disagree about the Emporium. Not quite to our tastes, to be sure, but not every vintage can be exceptional, and I suppose there must be some place even for small beer in this world, as it were, goddesses help us.”

The oenophile tries to sketch her metaphor delicately, feeling she ought to say something, but not wanting to offend Briar either by being too snobby or by mouthing off like a would-be champion of a world she knows nothing about, really. A wicked part of her wonders if she could introduce her brother’s friend’s colleague to the question, and see what a nest of Calistrians putting their heads together might do to disabuse Moonmeadow of his misapprehensions.

This Miss Strixis sounds like a handful in all the best ways, she thinks, before refocusing on matters at hand with a smile. “But as I said, the thrust of your argument is well taken. Family, as you say, and I’ll do my best to remember that. I’m the youngest, you see, so my experiences, as far as extending the idea to keeping everyone happy in other contexts… So on that note, how do you defuse disagreements so resentment and gossip don’t … turn sour?”

Inwardly, she’s rather pleased with herself for finding a word that she thinks fits both wining and mining, though even Alaïs would admit that poisonous air down a shaft is much worse than drinks gone off.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk nods, downs the remains of his mug, and slams the vessel onto the bar. ”Be seein’ ye, lad.” Raising a hand to acknowledge the others in the bar, he heads for the door, taking up a position nearby to listen for any commotion within.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM


The elven woman watches Edrukk leave. She looks toward the door, then towards the bar.

Broccan feels the impact on the wooden counter as she takes Broccan's seat and strikes the bar with a tankard. "Fill it up with my regular, doc." To Broccan, she says, "Say, that's a good point. Clever blood, your pa. I've been in this town for just two weeks, and lemme tell you, Broccan, it ain't anything like my own da used to tell of. It's like the whole continent is splittin' open without old Last of the First holding it all together, eh?"

She gets her drink and takes a hefty drought. From the smell of it, she's drinking from the old expensive barrel of Kaer Stout that the bartender keeps behind the bar for show. Nobody ever really orders it to Broccan's knowledge--it's bitter, strong, and widely believed to be a bad batch. "Now, mind you, my da took his turn at farming back then. And you know what I learned? Cracks in the earth can reveal some glittering potatoes down in the dirt. 'Specially in these hills, eh, Broccan?"

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

"What'r y'ask'n, Miss? Cou' ye speak more plainly? I'm jus'eh miner, not'eh man'eh fancy school'n," Broccan replies. Remembering the reproach he received from Allustan, he makes a point not to look down or away from her gaze, but he likely can't do much about the involuntary flush of embarrassment at being addressed so an elf-maid, no less!


"What are you asking, Miss? Could you speak more plainly? I'm just a miner, not a man of fancy schooling."

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