Kingmaker: Varnhold Vanishing (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven


The Greenwatch Wardens


Combat Map

Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince adds after a moment of thinking. "When we free the villagers, I mean to identify the tanner first. I have not forgotten what we learned of the tanner's crimes and if we are bringing safety and stability to these lands justice will need to come as well."

Quince looks to Sulvanii not forgotten his question, "There maybe more to this tomb. It looks as perhaps we have killed the lich that might be hopeful reading of the evidence. I would prefer us getting a rest in before continuing to check the premises to recharge those of us who are sorely tapped."

Is anyone physically injured in need of healing. I am sure Katrina might help with that but Quince can as well.

HP: 13/37 | AC: 19_ T: 14_ FF: 15 | Perception +5, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +7 _ Ref: +4 _ Will: +5 (+6 vs. fear) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +7, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Craft +10, Dip +4, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Initimidate +6, K (Eering) +6, Ride +6, Stealth +1, Survival +8, Swim +7

He states nodding to those around, "Rest then, we will watch out for you."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

"Yes some of us don't sleep," He summons a couch to sit upon and pulls out a book to peruse.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

As the impromptu camp is raised in the tomb Quince pulls out his cauldron and sets it up for feeding those gathered.

I think with all the traveling we have done its been more than a week since I used the Heroes Feast feature. It feeds 36 and will Heroes feast 12.

Quince spends time checking with each of Sulvanii's team asking about issues with the Dutchy. He goes first to Saren, "Thank you for the assistance. I hope things are well with you brother. Check on Elizabeth for me. Let her know I miss her greatly."

He then moves to Krazok and reaches out his arm for a forearm shake grateful the last moments of his enlarge spell are still in effect. "Grateful that you were on hand. Thank you. How are things among the lizard folk?" He takes the time to check on any standing issues and overtures that the Dutchy has made to their neighbors.

Quince smiles and greets Selena, "Thank you help against the lich. These tablets and spells are a true resource. Some are quite powerful allow Sulvanii a chance to scribe any if he needs before sharing it with the colleges."

Quince gives Katrina a hug like a sister and smiles warmly, "How is Kevros?" He spends time touching on issues of faith and parsing the difficulties of being both rescuer of the people of Varnhold but also holding them accountable for their behaviors prior."[/b]

Quince speaks with Sulvanii, "Hello my friend. I have missed Donuts over the last few days." He spends time going over a few things that concerned him within the kingdom. Once dinner is going and the moments of catch up are complete Quince regales the events of the last few weeks to those that have come to their aid and recounts the prowess of Lykan and Dinenen.

HP: 46/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30, 1 non-lethal damage
Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +11, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +3, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +1, Ride +9, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +11

He smiles his toothy grin gald to be here, "You are very welcome! The lizardfolk are finally accepting my rule with no resentment. Saren and Katrina have been helping with some major renovations. Most of the walls are gone and docks have replaced them."

HP: 46/25, AC: 29 _ T: 20 _ FF: 19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +5 _ Fort +2 _ Ref +8 _ Will +7 (+9 vs. Ench) CMB +5, CMD 20, Speed: 30 _ Perform (Dance) +7
Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disable D +12, Animal +7, Heal +6, Escape +9, K(local, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +8, Ride +9, Spell +8, Sleight +9, Stealth +16, Surv +5, Swim +10, Use Magic+8

She nods to Quince, then offers, "Will do."

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She gushes about Kevros about his doting love. The poems he makes weekly and grand gestures show his love. She nods with understanding but offers, "Don't be quick about doling out judgement too quickly, make sure you know both sides of the story and the justifications."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince nods and smiles at the mention of his friend and chuckles. With the serious turn he nods knowing Katrina's wisdom. "Its a tense question of rule even if it wasn't a tense question of ethics. I will hear all sides and try to get to the bottom of it, but the tanner had centaur skins on his drying racks." He winces at the idea. "We dealt little mercy for murderous bandits but we didn't rack them for leatherworking." He sighs, "Perhaps poverty and hunger played a part but that might tell part of the tale its not one that will lead to pace with neighbors. Who have lived these lands for years. We rescued the centaur leader's daughter. I hope that will go a long way."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

He quickly replies with a solemn attitude, "I have missed spending time with you over the last few days. The work with the lumbermill and the lumberjacks has been settled with only some minor intervention. The lumbermill will increase its prices to give their workers and the lumberjacks a better wage. We are the primary consumer of wood at the time and the monetary difference will not affect the kingsom as a whole."

He watches and listens to Quince's story. He eats but let's others gain the feast's bonuses.

He asks the group but looks at Dinenen and Lykan, "I have two more wishes today. Feel free to make a wish."

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She offers with a look of concern, "Does anyone need healing or have another ailment?" As no one speaks up she helps Quince with the cauldron and food adding some spices and a few more vegetables, a few moon radishes to say the least. She sips from the ladel and nods to Quince, "I think it is ready now!"

cook: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

Heroes Feast:
Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all sickness and nausea, receives the benefits of both neutralize poison and remove disease, and gains 2d8 temporary hit points + 15 point after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food grants each creature that partakes a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects for 12 hours.
Added d8 and +1 boost is from Katrina's cooking and the special vegetables.

Heroes Feast bonus taken 1/12.

HP: 13/37 | AC: 19_ T: 14_ FF: 15 | Perception +5, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +7 _ Ref: +4 _ Will: +5 (+6 vs. fear) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +7, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Craft +10, Dip +4, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Initimidate +6, K (Eering) +6, Ride +6, Stealth +1, Survival +8, Swim +7

As the call for dinner comes he comes over pulling out his mess kit always ready to eat. He slurps and sips the broth first, saying, "I love your cooking Katrina, Quince thanks for providing!"

Heroes Feast bonus taken 2/12.

She solemnly sits away from the group in her silent vigilance listening for threats.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He digs in once his bowl in his mess kit is full. Taking a bit more composure eating the stew than Saren. After Saren says his thanks he states, "I agree very good as usual, thank you both!"

He waits his turn, one of the last to get food, and if there is a chance he would get the heroes feast bonus. He thanks them simply and sits next to his brother, Jorne.

HP: 46/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30, 1 non-lethal damage
Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +11, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +3, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +1, Ride +9, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +11

His mess kit is twice as large as he is large. His two massive draconic wings tucked as best as he can behind himself. He takes only one helping to get the bonuses but once everyone is done he comes back for 5ths. He quietly eats unless someone prods him.

HP: 46/25, AC: 29 _ T: 20 _ FF: 19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +5 _ Fort +2 _ Ref +8 _ Will +7 (+9 vs. Ench) CMB +5, CMD 20, Speed: 30 _ Perform (Dance) +7
Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disable D +12, Animal +7, Heal +6, Escape +9, K(local, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +8, Ride +9, Spell +8, Sleight +9, Stealth +16, Surv +5, Swim +10, Use Magic+8

Once the cauldron was being rolled out she slipped away.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

The red haired Elf is graeful for being offered the choice of treasures and wishes but there is something weighting heavily on his mind.

The hunter approaches Quince and waits for the man to notice and acknowledge him.

"Is there a way to find out if the one I hunt is among the soul jars? If he is I want him to know that his actions have brought severe consequences on himself but if he is indeed in one of the jars. With such and evil deed perpetuated on him. I have no need to hunt him any further and instead turn him over to you and yours for judgement."

It depends on how you approach the conversation with the accused.

5d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 3, 3) = 9

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince nods at Lykan's question, "I see. When I held the bottle of the child I was able to speak with him in my mind. Just thinking it. The boy asked where his parents are. I would assume questions might give you insights. Once we are in a place of safety we can start to figure who the people and what to do. Can I ask who it is you hunt and what . . . crime? . . . drives its need?"

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince does speak with the soul jar with the boy once again. Trying to gauge if the child is in a state of active suffering.

I. E. in pain, haunted, terrorized. If the soul jar is just boring and a little lonely it might be better to wait till we are not in a tomb and where we don't have days of hard travel to bring a small village through the wilderness.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince approaches Jezebel, "Well fought. Thank you for your aid. You are welcome to eat with us if you need such sustenance. You spoke of being here for more than a thousand years. As I said before you are free if you wish to go home. If you are able."

No the boy is just lost and can't seem to find anyone. You get the feeling he doesn't understand his situtation.

She opens her eyes and rotates so she can look at you. She calmly states, "I don't need to eat, though it is nice to sometimes." She nods her head in understanding at your words and offers up flametongue to Quince. Once he takes it she dissipates leaving behind a pile of dust and a large opal. The same kind that was embedded in her forehead.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince thanks Jezebel and then has a slight jump scare response as she collapses into dust. He looks around to see if anyone saw his embarrassing start. He starts a cast of detect magic and looks at the opal a moment before picking it up (if he thinks its safe).

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

"Sulvanii, do you have any insight into this opal." He takes a moment and explains Jezebel's involvement in things how she helped and the results of his detect magic and what his own mind is telling him.

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

After the eight hours of rest and research he comes from the stone tablets and offers, "Selena has cleared out the rest of the tomb. She has collected loot along the way. I have stocked the two portable holes with most of the stone tablets and the loot. I will take them to our castle and return, any questions?"

With no questions or soon after they are answered he moves the last two tablets into the portable hole. He closes the portable holes then he dissipates leaving behind a smoke cloud.

He comes back in about an hour. Walking up to the group he opens the portable holes which are now empty and offers, "If you would enter we can go to Varnhold, unless you want to visit the plane of fire first?"

He analyzes the opal for a bit taking it from Quince. He then states, "It is a material component for summoning... likely a stone maiden. If you clench it as you use the spell Jezebel would be summoned."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

"We can hear what she found once we get safe. Are you thinking of bring us to Varnhold or back to Elkheart?"

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

It takes about 30 minutes before Sulvanii opens the portable holes. You see that you are indeed within Varnhold. Several fires are dying down. Sulvanii offers, "I thought it would be best to sanitize the area of death."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Do we have enough food on hand to feed everyone. Does it look like the village would sustain itself during the time it would take for supplies to arrive from Greenwatch. Trying to gauge the logistical problem. I know the town is run down. Having built 3 cities and seen a number of ventures take off. Will this place last till help arrives?

Taking the 42 soul jars and opening them one by one you find that most of the people rescued are simple commoners. One Maestro Ervil Pendrod, male human bard is notable.

By breaking or opening a soul jar, the jar becomes nonmagical and disgorges its trapped soul in a plume of smoke, reforming into the trapped victim’s body physically in the same condition he or she was in when he was captured.

The prisoners are extremely grateful for being rescued and very confused about how they got here. While mournful for those among their number who have already been slain, particularly their leader Maegar Varn.

This is far from a minor accomplishment—not only do the surviving villagers of Varnhold swiftly pledge their loyalty to you, but the Nomen centaurs are impressed as well and vow to live peacefully with the human settlers in deference to the great work you have accomplished. All they ask is that they be left the Dunsward itself as their own territory.

When you meet with the Nomen tribe. Aecora thanks you for your aid and rewards you with a gift of potions—6 potions of cure moderate
wounds and 6 potions of lesser restoration. Aecora is overjoyed
and offers the group a coffer of coins as thanks—symbolically accepting them into the Nomen tribe. This action has the additional effect of allying the Nomens with the PCs’ kingdom, which increases their
kingdom’s Stability by 2.

Annexing Varnhold:

With the rescue of 40-odd citizens of Varnhold and the defeat of both the
Culchek spriggans and Vordakai, you have earned more than the gratitude
of an entire village. Before the vanishing, Varnhold had established a sizable territory of its own, including a road along much of the Kiravoy Bridge and a fair amount of farmland. By rescuing Varnhold and gaining the allegiance of her citizens, you gain not only a new village but gain control of all of the lands surrounding Varnhold for two hexes in every direction (with the exception of the hex containing area P—this area remains under the control of the Nomen centaurs). These 18 hexes can be immediately added to your kingdom once their own kingdom extends to an adjacent hex, increasing their kingdom’s statistics as appropriate for such a sudden expansion. This sudden expansion increases Unrest by 1d6 if the PCs’ kingdom fails to make a Stability check, but no further Unrest is generated from the expansion (Varnhold is willing to be annexed and
so doesn’t come with the usual Unrest cost of annexing a town).

When you create Varnhold’s city grid, they can place the following buildings for free: a brewery, an exotic craftsman, a garrison, a granary, an inn, a smith, a tannery, a temple, 3 tradesmen, and 8 houses. All four of Varnhold’s borders are land borders, despite the fact that the Kiravoy River flows through town.

4d8 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 8) = 18

Two of Lykan's quarry are alive. The tanner is a middle aged man who seems to have a sour disposition.

HP: 46/25, AC: 29 _ T: 20 _ FF: 19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +5 _ Fort +2 _ Ref +8 _ Will +7 (+9 vs. Ench) CMB +5, CMD 20, Speed: 30 _ Perform (Dance) +7
Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disable D +12, Animal +7, Heal +6, Escape +9, K(local, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +8, Ride +9, Spell +8, Sleight +9, Stealth +16, Surv +5, Swim +10, Use Magic+8

Missed Loot:

silver raven figurine of wondrous power,
a platinum and ruby ring of freedom of movement.

689 gp minted in the ancient cyclops empire and bearing
the image of an all-seeing eye on the obverse and a clenched
fist on the reverse. Buried among the spilled coinage is
another jade “bracelet” just like the one described in
Maestro Pendrod’s notes—this piece of jewelry (actually a
ring for a particularly large cyclops) is worth 200 gp.

2 Wyverns bodies
a complete set of Ustalavic silverware worth 75 gp,
a pouch holding 37 gp among other odds and ends,
an old +3 greatsword stamped with the Issian coat-of-arms,
and a messenger’s parcel containing 5 green spinels worth 100
gp each.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince nods at Lykan's question, "I see. When I held the bottle of the child I was able to speak with him in my mind. Just thinking it. The boy asked where his parents are. I would assume questions might give you insights. Once we are in a place of safety we can start to figure who the people and what to do. Can I ask who it is you hunt and what . . . crime? . . . drives its need?"

Lykan gives the names of those involved.

"These felons defiled the forest and lands. They wantonly kill for sport and leave the carcasses lying around. They even threw some into the river streams poisoning the waters and burned large swaths of forest because they wanted to smoke out their quarry. I have being the land's protector for tens of decades. I would see them hanged or in the place of one that can dispense justice be tried."

As for Quince's reaction to Jezebel's transformation, the red haired elf says not a word.

Sam Venrick and Devin Crom. You easily find their bottles before opening them

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He nods in agreement with Lykan and states, "Lykan get your rope ready with a noose on the end. They won't get away. Plus we are the closest thing to a judge in these lands. Quince do you pardon them? I mean that is the only way they would get out of it."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

He offers, "I could take them with me to the elemental plane of fire. That would be more tortuous than hanging. Also I won't leave until they have died. What do you say?"

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She just walks away letting them settle it as she helps the grieving townsfolk.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Wow that's a lot to respond to. LOL.

If we are able to identify the bottles before opening them. Do we have an inkling of who was in charge before things went to crap. Local leaders, town council, mayors, Varnhold charter holders? Trying to figure what we know. Beyond Megar Varn being killed.

Quince looks to Lykan, "Sounds like they are a menace. What was their quarry, and did their despoiling burn only forest or where folk caught up in their savage carelessness? Please don't hear my question as devaluing forest or animals but I want to understand fully what they have done."

Quince introduces himself to the folks as they are released from the soul jars. He also points out those that have come to Varnhold aid. He inquires among the people who was in charge prior to their troubles.

Are the boy's parents among the survivors?"

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince speaks with the villagers and let's them know the date. "When was the last day you were here in the village?"

Quince is matching the time they remember still being in the village with the fact that the Centaur hides that the tanner had hanging up were at least a month old. How long did the Spriggans say they had been in the village when they found it empty? I think we spoke to them?

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:
Taking the 42 soul jars and opening them one by one you find that most of the people rescued are simple commoners. One Maestro Ervil Pendrod, male human bard is notable.

"Maestro Pendrod, I am Quince Medvyed. Once you are settled I would love to hear of your version of these events and of your travels in these lands. I am sure we could share some stories with you as well." He smiles warmly.

GM Wolf wrote:

By breaking or opening a soul jar, the jar becomes nonmagical and disgorges its trapped soul in a plume of smoke, reforming into the trapped victim’s body physically in the same condition he or she was in when he was captured.

The prisoners are extremely grateful for being rescued and very confused about how they got here. While mournful for those among their number who have already been slain, particularly their leader Maegar Varn.

This is far from a minor accomplishment—not only do the surviving villagers of Varnhold swiftly pledge their loyalty to you, but the Nomen centaurs are impressed as well and vow to live peacefully with the human settlers in deference to the great work you have accomplished. All they ask is that they be left the Dunsward itself as their own territory.

Quince is pleased with theses exchanges but is careful to watch the villagers of Varnhold at these exchanges looking for signs of strife toward the Nomen. "Peace between our peoples is the start of what I hope is a long era of friendship. Our maps, words and laws will mark the Dunsward as the Nomenward from this day forward. Unless there is a name that the tribe finds more fitting."

GM Wolf wrote:

When you meet with the Nomen tribe. Aecora thanks you for your aid and rewards you with a gift of potions—6 potions of cure moderate

wounds and 6 potions of lesser restoration. Aecora is overjoyed
and offers the group a coffer of coins as thanks—symbolically accepting them into the Nomen tribe. This action has the additional effect of allying the Nomens with the PCs’ kingdom, which increases their
kingdom’s Stability by 2.

"You honor us. The Nomen will stand as equal before our laws as well."

You do find the boys parents.

Once everyone is free the bard is helping keep a list of those missing which include the wizard Cephalus, Megar Varn, his captain of the guard Kepresh, and the high priest. There is a handful of other mothers and fathers that are missing. There are four families unaccounted for.

It has been two months.

The Spriggans moved in about two to four weeks ago.

Maestro Pendrod offers his recount, "There was a beautiful song, that enraptured people by the dozens. I was able to carve the word Nomen into the side of the door before I was taken too."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

Once the people of Varnhold are settled, he asks the group, "Who needs to return and who will stay?"

He asks the group but looks directly at Quince, "I will leave one of the portable holes, who wants to hang onto it? Okay the rest of you returning please enter. Quince if you need me for anything give it a good rub. Selena, Arthur, Krazok, luckily we don't have any orphans or such otherwise we would likely take them too."

HP: 46/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30, 1 non-lethal damage
Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +11, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +3, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +1, Ride +9, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +11

"I should probably return, it is lots of work with the lizardfolk."

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He states pointing out tid bits, "I will stay, since Elizabeth is acting leader Quince should be able to stay. Arthur you going to stick around?"

He works with another group of townsfolk gathering information.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21

He offers, "I have been working with the army, especially on the excursions. Saren I can take charge if you want to stay?"

HP: 13/37 | AC: 19_ T: 14_ FF: 15 | Perception +5, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +7 _ Ref: +4 _ Will: +5 (+6 vs. fear) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +7, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Craft +10, Dip +4, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Initimidate +6, K (Eering) +6, Ride +6, Stealth +1, Survival +8, Swim +7

He quickly replies obviously wanting to find a fight, "Yes Arthur I would like to stay, please take over while I am away. We can gather from the townsfolk where some locations for us to explore."

Once the others leave he works the crowd to his best ability looking for any locations nearby that should be explored.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Likely it would be better I someone else did it.

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She seems concerned for the group's health, "If you don't have a dedicated healer maybe I should stay? My flock will be fine with the priests while I am away."


Seeing Saren falter she walks over and takes the lead having him assist her.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 11 + 2 = 24

1d4 ⇒ 1

HP: 46/25, AC: 29 _ T: 20 _ FF: 19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +5 _ Fort +2 _ Ref +8 _ Will +7 (+9 vs. Ench) CMB +5, CMD 20, Speed: 30 _ Perform (Dance) +7
Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disable D +12, Animal +7, Heal +6, Escape +9, K(local, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +8, Ride +9, Spell +8, Sleight +9, Stealth +16, Surv +5, Swim +10, Use Magic+8

She offers, "I should return, I wonder how my agents are doing while I am gone."

With the help of your group and the survivors you help them clean up the messes and removing of any bodies.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Varnhold Business Before Everyone Leaves

Quince sets up and holds court in the fortress. He asks Katrina to prep for a Zone of Truth. He summons the tanner. "You have been a cause of deep concern for me. A twist in the pit of my stomach. I was here to rescue the people of Varnhold. One of my first sights was your drying racks. Do you recall the skins you had laid out before the song pulled your people away? Horse by all account. Though nearly 2 square feet of leather missing where any competent tanner would have saved the skin of the creature's neck." He leans forward in his chair his elbows resting on his knees he looks up toward the man. "Centaur. Did you hang centaur skins on your racks? Were these your own hunt? If not speak the names of the hunter that brought them."

This seems a great place and time to deal with Lykan's Quarry.

Sulvanii wrote:
Once the people of Varnhold are settled, he asks the group, "Who needs to return and who will stay?"

Quince looks at Sulvanii, "If one left now. Could you get them back by morning." His question began somber but by the end of the sentence he bore a wry grin.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Varnhold Business Before Everyone Leaves

To Quince, the red haired elf looks ashamed.
"Their quarry." he looks ashamed.
"Was apparently an old woodcutter living in the forest where he made a living selling deadwood. He denied them their 'request'. he spits out the last word.
"To spare them coin for a tankard or two. That rejection lead them to their deeds. I......I came too late to save the old man. Not even a single piece of him I could find in the aftermath."

With the matter of that done, Lykan looks or Sulivani.
"You mentioned that you still had wishes available. Could I make use of one to obtain an equipment?"

HP: 33/33, AC: 22 _ T: 16 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +10, Sense Motive +14, Low light vision, Initiative: +4, Fort +4 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Speed: 30
Acro +13, Appraise +7, Bluff+14, Climb +8, Diplomacy +11, Escape +12, Heal +14 (w/ kit), Handle Animal +6, Inti +10, K(A, H, Na, R) +9, Ling +8, PerformSing +14, Ride +4, P:cook+11, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Spell +8, Swim +2, UsMag+10

She pulls out a scroll and prepares the Zone of Truth.

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