Kingmaker: Varnhold Vanishing (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven


The Greenwatch Wardens


Combat Map

Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince motions to a table with various equipment on it. A variety of potions and some small items are on it. "Please include these in your gear. We have a few healing potions, lessor restoration potions, and a couple packs of 'Dust of Dryness'."

6 potions of cure moderate
5 potions of lesser restoration
Pouch holding 2 packets of dust of dryness

Quince Medvyed wrote:

Prior to the festival when Lord Gurev first arrived

Plans for the upcoming Midsummer where in full swing. Still several wardens, many of the castle staff and Elizabeth stand with Quince in the castle courtyard as the Medvyed caravan pulls in. Quince smiles as he sees Lord Gurev ride in on horse back rather than sit the wagon. Quince steps forward to welcome the man right away. Quince comes up and puts a calming hand on Gurev's horse giving the mand a chance to dismount. "Lord Gurev. Greeting from Greenwatch. Be welcome here. I hope your trip has been kind to you." He shifts to introduce Elizabeth as well, Duchess Elizabeth Silvertail Medvyed." Quince smiles warmly as Elizabeth greets the man.

After the formal welcome starts to settle Quince inquires, "If you are hungry we can of course take a meal. Or I can show you to your rooms." He smiles, "I know you to be a hunter. I hope that we can take to the trail while you are here."

Lord Gurev greets both of you with kindness and a gentle smile. Once dismounted he greets you both civilly. Then he replies, "Yes let us see what accommodations you have procured for us. You know I always enjoy a good hunt!"

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

Doughnuts with the Duke

He speaks his mind, "Quince it looks like you have a capable squad to go with you. Name those that you want beside you."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Prior to the festival when Lord Gurev first arrived

GM Wolf wrote:
Lord Gurev greets both of you with kindness and a gentle smile. Once dismounted he greets you both civilly. Then he replies, "Yes let us see what accommodations you have procured for us. You know I always enjoy a good hunt!"

Quince takes them to the appointed room for their stay pointing out various features of the castle. "Here are your rooms. Perhaps you will both want to take a meal this evening. I would love to hear of home. Otherwise an early rise and early in the saddle tomorrow for the hunt."

Quince arranges a small hunt the next morning.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18 Any change when alone.
Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Sulvanii wrote:

Doughnuts with the Duke

He speaks his mind, "Quince it looks like you have a capable squad to go with you. Name those that you want beside you."

Quince nods, "Yes. Kevros has been growing soft with all of his administrative duties." Quince winks at Kevros and a number of folks laugh at the obvious jest. "It will be nice to have in the saddle again." Quince looks to Dinenen, "Dinenen our resident monk will want eyes on the possible site for a monastery." He looks to Lykan, "Lykan who has been appointed to look after Varhnold will both want to be seen by the people who look to Varnhold and he will likely runaway to the wild anyway if we don't give a chance." He chuckles. "Vesi Medvyed my dear cousin is well acquainted with the wild and would be helpful. Yes I am trying to convince to spend more time here in the south." He looks to Kendryl, "And Kendryl has offered his unique skill set as well. Giving us a birds eye view of things. He has also mentioned lost . . .areomancers." He looks toward Jorne, "And Jorne has been with us throughout of days in area around Varnhold."

Quince looks back toward Sulvanii, "What is the status of the 'stone' that allows for the 'Town Portal' spell? I know that we have scrolls." He hands a scroll to Vesi, Kevros and Kendryl. "But they require scribing which limits their utility. But I am sure we all see the value in being able to return swiftly or even returning each night. At least once we have the resources that can handle that."

Town Portal:

School conjuration (teleportation); Level wizard/sorcerer 5
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V
Range 200 Miles
Target you and touched objects or other willing creatures
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none or Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance no or yes (harmless, object)
Town Portal teleports you instantly back to a Greenwatch Obelisk Gate when the spell is cast. You can be transported any distance within a plane but cannot travel between planes. You can transport, in addition to yourself, any objects you carry, as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. Exceeding this limit causes the spell to fail.
An unwilling creature can’t be teleported by Town Portal. Likewise, a creature’s Will save (or Spell Resistance) prevents items in its possession from being teleported. Unattended, non-magical objects receive no saving throw.
When the spell is cast it creates an invisible marker at the site where the spell was cast allowing you and those with you (subject to the same conditions as above) to transport back to that location within 12 hours of the spellcasting. To make the return trip you must use a Greenwatch Obelisk Gate which will return you to the invisible marker. After 12 hours the invisible marker dissipates.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

During a moment where he can speak with Kendryl directly Quince looks to the man. "So you can fly. What else are you capable of? There is some magic to you I am certain. I ask because there maybe unused assets that would benefit you, and the rest of us if you can make proper use of them while you are with us. You mentioned 'Areomancers' are you a sky mage?"

Sure its small talk and it would be great for you to respond. I also realized that Quince wasn't aware that you were an Arcanist in character. Out of character I had forgotten. Your first version I think was a Kinesist . . . something or other. But seeing that you are an Arcanist. It let's us share a few things with you.

Assuming Kendryl reveals he is an Arcanist:

Quince smiles, "Well you might be a little busy before we leave. But we have a number of spells that you can add to your spellbook if needed. " After the meeting breaks up Quince takes him to the copies of the recent acquisitioned spells from Varnhold. "My wife is an arcanist as well. When the lich Vordakai was defeated his spellbook was among the items found. These are copies. Some of these spells are quite potent and may be beyond your current skill but they are here if you wish to add them to your list."

Vordakai’s spellbook copy
7th-Limited Wish, Reverse Gravity
6th-Guards and Wards,
5th-dominate person, waves of fatigue
4th-bestow curse, dimension door, phantasmal killer
3rd-dispel magic, displacement, suggestion, tongues, vampiric touch
2nd-blindness/deafness, detect thoughts, false life, ghoul touch, resist energy
1st-charm person, chill touch, comprehend languages,
grease, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, shield
0-arcane mark, bleed, detect magic, read
magic, touch of fatigue

Spellbook from Zombie Wizard:
4th—fire shield
3rd—fireball, fly
2nd—acid arrow, glitterdust, mirror image, scorching ray
1st—burning hands, mage armor, magic missile, shield

"This is a gift that is BEYOND princely sir! When you had offered it earlier, I was going to let you know that I would love to use your hole ... to store my library. To be honest, I brought more books with me than clothing, given that they're more rare and more valuable. I will happily share mine with you as well." Kendryl bows to the Duchess "It would be a pleasure to study together!!!"

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

"You are planning to travel with a portable hole-sized library? If choose to indulge me, that could simplify my packing for the road. Irori expects me to spend at least 20 minutes a day reading something I have never read before. That kind of library should trivialize finding something new . . .. If you are willing to share, of course."

Dinenen wrote:
"You are planning to travel with a portable hole-sized library? If choose to indulge me, that could simplify my packing for the road. Irori expects me to spend at least 20 minutes a day reading something I have never read before. That kind of library should trivialize finding something new . . .. If you are willing to share, of course."

"I am indeed -- Aeromancy is an incredible part of human culture, and it would be extraordinary to share it with you. It isn't simply the ancient Shory either, I have many texts on flight, both magical & non-magical. Happy to be your librarian as well."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince smiles as Kendryl and Dinenen start to hit it off. He points to Dinenen, "he flies too but lands a solid kick at the end."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

The elfin aasimar looks confused for a second. "I don't fly. It is just a jump. If you were willing to spend the time, you could learn to jump as far . . .."

Dinenen can jump 38' forward on a Take 10, and 58' on a Take 10 by spending a Ki point (from a flat-footed start). That translates to his feet 9.5' off the ground for a simple high jump or 14.5' off the ground with the Ki point. We should forgive the baron for thinking he can fly. <wink>

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince chuckles, "When I asked for faster boots Sulvanii made the jumpy too. Though I am not opposed to actual training. I am like the only Erastialian to never shoot a bow until I moved here."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Sulvanii wrote:
Quince looks back toward Sulvanii, "What is the status of the 'stone' that allows for the 'Town Portal' spell? I know that we have scrolls." He hands a scroll to Vesi, Kevros and Kendryl. "But they require scribing which limits their utility. But I am sure we all see the value in being able to return swiftly or even returning each night. At least once we have the resources that can handle that."

Sulvanii looks at Quince suspiciously, he replies with a question, "I gave you the Town Portal Stone, I still have the Motherbox for mass transit."

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He asks a pointed question, "Shall we get heading to Varnhold? Get this exploring done?"

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Sulvanii wrote:
Sulvanii looks at Quince suspiciously, he replies with a question, "I gave you the Town Portal Stone, I still have the Motherbox for mass transit."

Not Quite. Bearik implied it was not fully ready. It was more ready than the box but still had a 1% chance of failure. At which time Quince said:

Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince smiles, "We have scrolls for now if you think the stone needs further testing. And the box sounds like it needs more testing but it will help more people travel at the same time."

Quince looks at Sulbanii, "Last we spoke of it was before the festival the first morning after we left Varnhold. Bearik sounded like it still had a chance of failure. Certainly not as high as the box but neither sounded ready at the time."

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |

His eyes get a little big as he replies, "Oh its ready but includes that one percent chance of bad stuff. It will probably take a few months to get rid of the one percent to tenth of that."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince takes the stone. He smiles and thanks Sulvanii "Very well. You amaze me as always. " He looks back at his councilor "What is the status of the Motherbox?"

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Jorne Fyrestone Stavian wrote:
He asks a pointed question, "Shall we get heading to Varnhold? Get this exploring done?"

"Yes." Quince smiles and rubs his hands together.

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince takes the stone. He smiles and thanks Sulvanii "Very well. You amaze me as always. " He looks back at his councilor "What is the status of the Motherbox?"

He cautiously states, "There has been very little progress with it. It is still at ten percent. We made a few more of them using different materials, some of them were catastrophic failures. No success of improvement."

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He takes the response and quickly gets up and leaves, saying as he goes, "Final preparations will be settled, please meet in the courtyard in front of the stables."

He rushes down the hallways back to his room. Collecting his bag and a few more odds and ends. Then out the window and down to the courtyard the quick way with a whistle. After he lands on his feet and arms, he gets up and heads to the stable. With two quick sharp whistles most of the stablehands are ready. He gives the orders and your mounts will be ready once you get to the stable.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Sulvanii wrote:
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince takes the stone. He smiles and thanks Sulvanii "Very well. You amaze me as always. " He looks back at his councilor "What is the status of the Motherbox?"
He cautiously states, "There has been very little progress with it. It is still at ten percent. We made a few more of them using different materials, some of them were catastrophic failures. No success of improvement."

Quince smiles, "Understood. I trust you and Bearik. What the two of you are doing is beyond most of us. With all the work that has gone in with the new Obelisks in Varnhold and Restov, I am not pushing a deadline." He looks away but then turns back. "Sulvanii, you have done much for me. Personally. As well as for Greenwatch. Is there anything I can do for you? I can't grant wishes, but not all needs are met with eldritch string pulling."

Quince says good bye to Elizabeth, "You will be missed I will be home soon. Sulvanii is still working on a box that will make all of us and the animals move safely via the . . . he is still working on getting us all home each night. I don't want to leave folks in the field in danger. Risk is part of the job." He kisses her good bye.

Quince gathers with the others before the stables and he makes sure that the bard Penrod is among them so that they can get him back to the woman from his old college who is looking for him.

He takes a moment to check on Scram his old horse. He speaks to the horse in the creatures own language. He also checks on the other horses and elk whom he also is able to converse with in their strange animal language.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince notes Vesi's Lizard mount, "Is this one friendly. I haven't learned to talk to these yet." He chuckles. "Interesting way around the allergies. Still the rest of us have furry ones." He winks, "Heck I am covered in fur part of the time." He hands her a several folded handkerchiefs.

My cousin is allergic to me!!!! LOL!!!!

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |
HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince smiles, "Understood. I trust you and Bearik. What the two of you are doing is beyond most of us. With all the work that has gone in with the new Obelisks in Varnhold and Restov, I am not pushing a deadline." He looks away but then turns back. "Sulvanii, you have done much for me. Personally. As well as for Greenwatch. Is there anything I can do for you? I can't grant wishes, but not all needs are met with eldritch string pulling."

"I have nothing of wants or needs. Though a day trip back to the Brass City would be nice."

Quince Medvyed wrote:

Quince says good bye to Elizabeth, "You will be missed I will be home soon. Sulvanii is still working on a box that will make all of us and the animals move safely via the . . . he is still working on getting us all home each night. I don't want to leave folks in the field in danger. Risk is part of the job." He kisses her good bye.

Quince gathers with the others before the stables and he makes sure that the bard Penrod is among them so that they can get him back to the woman from his old college who is looking for him.

She grabs you in a loving embrace and after a few kisses, she calmly replies, "Love you will be missed too. Come back quickly!"

In the past few weeks, Lykan, do you do any exploring or just focus on Varnhold?

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:
In the past few weeks, Lykan, do you do any exploring or just focus on Varnhold?

I know this question was directed at Lykan. There was one thing I wanted to do in Varnhold and it dropped off my radar when the festival happened. But the prep for the festival was a week or more so Quince would have arranged for it.

Before the Festival back in Varnhold

Quince got an early start to his day once the Obelisk was set up in Varnhold. He visited with some of the officials of the city and Lykan touching on things that were in dire need of repair or great need in the city.

Quince pulls out his lyre and begins to play singing hymns to Erastil as he does. As he plays the magic of the lyre begins to take effect. As he sings and plays repairs and improvements to buildings begin to take effect; mis-hung shutters straighten, damage from battle with the spriggans is repaired.

30 minutes of playing is equivalent to 100 workers for 3 days.

HP: 13/37 | AC: 17_ T: 12_ FF: 15 | Perception +13, Initiative: +2 | Fort: +9 _ Ref: +6 _ Will: +10 (+14 vs. fey) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15, Speed: 30
Non-binary NG Undine Druid (feyspeaker) 7
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince notes Vesi's Lizard mount, "Is this one friendly. I haven't learned to talk to these yet." He chuckles. "Interesting way around the allergies. Still the rest of us have furry ones." He winks, "Heck I am covered in fur part of the time." He hands her a several folded handkerchiefs.

Vesi's face is already puffy and their eyes bloodshot, even with the veil wrapped over the mouth and nose. Quince's cousin looks up at him from their seat on their giant lizard, reaching to scratch the creature under its neck folds. "Ob course 'e'z briendly. Bozzum, zay..." The undine sneezes violently, and reaches out to accept the handkerchiefs. "Zang you."

Possum has four short, powerful legs ending in clawed digits that splay out from its sinuous body. The long, thick neck is draped in loose folds of scaly skin, with a crown of frills behind the triangular head. Its tail extends several feet, making up almost a third of the entire length of the animal. At the moment it is wrapped around its front paws, like a cat's. The scales are a gradient of oranges and yellows, with splotches of black.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Sulvanii wrote:
"I have nothing of wants or needs. Though a day trip back to the Brass City would be nice."

Quince looks at him, "You . . . you haven't been back huh. If you want some time take it. When you feel we are secure."

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed wrote:

Vesi's face is already puffy and their eyes bloodshot, even with the veil wrapped over the mouth and nose. Quince's cousin looks up at him from their seat on their giant lizard, reaching to scratch the creature under its neck folds. "Ob course 'e'z briendly. Bozzum, zay..." The undine sneezes violently, and reaches out to accept the handkerchiefs. "Zang you."

Possum has four short, powerful legs ending in clawed digits that splay out from its sinuous body. The long, thick neck is draped in loose folds of scaly skin, with a crown of frills behind the triangular head. Its tail extends several feet, making up almost a third of the entire length of the animal. At the moment it is wrapped around its front paws, like a cat's. The scales are a gradient of oranges and yellows, with splotches of black.

"Wow that's really bad." He smirks. "Dure wellcun." He looks at the lizard and rubs its neck like Vesi did.

Quince nods to Jorne, "I think we are all here. Lots of folks tightening straps and getting set. Let's get through the gate so we can see what's up in Varnhold and get on the trail."

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M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

"Are we looking to take any ethereal jaunts or other forms of special travel? If not, I'll be fine on foot. I've been getting less exercise since joining your efforts, and need to get back into better habits if I am going to work myself into a better me. Besides, elk aren't really THAT fast."

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince looks at Dinenen, "We have mounts and will set out from Varnhold after we move through the Obelisk Gate." He points to an obelisk that they are gathered near.

Sulvanii cooked up a network of teleportation gates between the cities. So we are leaving Elkheart to go to Varnhold and then get on the road.

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

Yeah, but Dinenen is as fast on foot as the normal mounts . . .. Unless there's cause, he really does need to work on his cardio. 8 hours of walking is still a workout!

"I understand that you're using mounts. I'm trying to ask if you mind if I walk with you instead of using one of the animals?" He grins as he tussles his own hair. "Or am I not furry enough?"

Dinenen wrote:

Yeah, but Dinenen is as fast on foot as the normal mounts . . .. Unless there's cause, he really does need to work on his cardio. 8 hours of walking is still a workout!

"I understand that you're using mounts. I'm trying to ask if you mind if I walk with you instead of using one of the animals?" He grins as he tussles his own hair. "Or am I not furry enough?"

"Ah, so, I am not furry, which means I should ask permission to fly instead of riding a very slow horse? I am glad to learn this, thank you!"

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He responds to Dinenen's words with kindness in mind, "You want the exercise and can keep up, I don't see why you would need a mount. If you have any extra equipment I can store them in my Handy Haversack. It feels like we are missing a few people..." He then jumps up and mounts his elk. Leading the group to the obelisk far outside of the proper town of Elkheart. Beyond the gate you can see the large obelisk and waypoint beside it. Also a simple but sturdy stone and wood building sits nearby.

He also speaks in response to Kendryl's words, caution is evident in his words, "You should not speak so derivative of our proud mounts. Also they are much faster than most land base mounts, I believe 80 feet is their movement speed. Am I correct Quince?"

HP: 13/37 | AC: 17_ T: 12_ FF: 15 | Perception +13, Initiative: +2 | Fort: +9 _ Ref: +6 _ Will: +10 (+14 vs. fey) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15, Speed: 30
Non-binary NG Undine Druid (feyspeaker) 7
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16

Vesi tries to whistle, but they sneeze instead. "Wow, dat vazt? Bozzum, you'll need do geeb ub." The undine gives Dinenen and Kendryl a thumbs up for foregoing their mounts - no doubt that meant less sources of allergens for the unfortunate druid.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|
GM Wolf wrote:
In the past few weeks, Lykan, do you do any exploring or just focus on Varnhold?

He wasn't one for staying still. While waiting for teh rest of get by and resupply after that party, he's being putting his skills and getting back to his beloved wilds to good use.

Exploring as much as he could without engaging in pointless fights nor starting one.

Gonna throw up a bunch of checks to represent this red haired elf exploring by himself.
Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Stealth 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Survival 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Knowledge (Geography) 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince brings over one of the Elk to Lamaar, "This should be fun for you. Its a bit different than a horse. If you have even been on a horse that jumps its like that but a lot. When they are at speed its leap to leap."

Male LN Warpriest 7 of Erastil | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 56/56 | AC 20, T 16, FF 14 | CMD 22 | F +11 R +11 W +14 | Init +6 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +10, Diplomacy +16 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 7/7 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions:
Quince Medvyed wrote:
Quince brings over one of the Elk to Lamaar, "This should be fun for you. Its a bit different than a horse. If you have even been on a horse that jumps its like that but a lot. When they are at speed its leap to leap."

Lamaar is clearly honored.

"I will take very good care of this sacred animal Duke! Thank you for your trust!" he says with a bow.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince smiles and looked at Lamaar, "You two will get on fine. That's almost exactly what he said when I spoke with the elk."

Male LN Warpriest 7 of Erastil | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 56/56 | AC 20, T 16, FF 14 | CMD 22 | F +11 R +11 W +14 | Init +6 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +10, Diplomacy +16 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 7/7 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions:

Lamaar seems surprised but definitely smiles.

Lykan you can tell Quince of the hexes you explored, you may pick how many you explored between 3 and 7. Let us know which ones.

HP: 13/37 | AC: 19_ T: 14_ FF: 15 | Perception +5, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +7 _ Ref: +4 _ Will: +5 (+6 vs. fear) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +7, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Craft +10, Dip +4, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Initimidate +6, K (Eering) +6, Ride +6, Stealth +1, Survival +8, Swim +7

Saren is actually not at Varnhold when you arrive. Looking at your map you can see he is out and about. He has been busy as many of the hexes are marked as explored. Magical tracers and all that. You can see where all the Wardens are on the map! Sulvanii likely improved the map without you knowing.


A. Fort Serenko (Standard)
This wooden fortification has stood for years on the
southern border of Brevoy, but with the growing tensions
between Rostland and Issia, the soldiers and scouts
stationed here have been recalled to Restov. The fort itself
is abandoned—an examination of the fort reveals evidence
that it was abandoned in a swift but orderly manner.

B. Nivakta’s Crossing (Landmark)
The southernmost village in Rostland, Nivakta’s Crossing,
is an alert town of tradesmen, hunters, fishermen, and
trappers. The village itself is surrounded by a wooden
palisade and is set on the northeastern bank of the Shrike
River. A low bridge allows access over the river here to the
wilderness to the south—the southwestern side of the
bridge being fortified by well-manned guard towers.
The people of Nivakta’s Crossing are sturdy, down to
earth, and possess stunted senses of humor. Serious to a
fault, they are somewhat suspicious of visitors from what
they call “the South,” but they’re willing to take the PCs’
coin for trade nonetheless. This is the point at which
Maegar Varn and his mercenaries crossed the Shrike to
head into the Nomen Heights some time ago, and it is an
excellent place for the PCs to rest, shop for minor bits of
equipment, or gather rumors on the region.

D. Crooked Falls (Landmark)
The Shrike River cascades over a series of waterfalls here,
each of which drops down 10 to 30 feet. There are five
cascades in all over the course of a mile—the Crooked
River tributary f lows into the Shrike at approximately the
midpoint of the series of waterfalls. These cascades (and
the larger Shrike Cascade at area G) make the Shrike River
a poor choice for trade between Brevoy and the south—all
river trade normally f lows along the East Sellen through
Hooktongue Slough to the west.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He takes the lead on his elk and keeps a very loose hold of the reins. He makes a fee clicking sounds with his tongue and the elk goes straight once again. Leaving the town and riding his elk to the obelisk. He dismounts and touches his ring to the obelisk. It response with swirling colors and runes, then he clearly states, "Varnhold!"

He and his elk dissipate or dissappear.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Quince smiles, "Here we go." He nods to the others indicating that they should do as Jorne had. He moves to the obelisk touches it with his ring. "Varnhold."

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

"Simple enough." Dinenen moves his elk forward, touches the ring to the stone and says "Varnhold"

HP: 13/37 | AC: 17_ T: 12_ FF: 15 | Perception +13, Initiative: +2 | Fort: +9 _ Ref: +6 _ Will: +10 (+14 vs. fey) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15, Speed: 30
Non-binary NG Undine Druid (feyspeaker) 7
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16

With a click of the tongue, Vesi gets Possum moving forward, the lizard's body undulating as it approaches the obelisk. The undine hesitates for a moment before reaching out to touch a hand to the stone.


The next person through the portal finds themselves falling to the ground, your mount no where to be seen.

A few minutes pass and the others come through as well with the missing mount.

HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

He holds his elk's reins loosely in one hand and asks, "Now that we have all arrived what is the plan. Straight to exploring or check in upon Varnhold first?" He casually points to the walled fort of Varnhold.

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Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

"Oops . . . I never went through as a guest. It won't let your mount through without a ring." Quince looks to Jorne with a look of embarrassment. "Anyone hurt?"

After a moment he dismounts and goes back through the gate helping bring the rest of the mounts through.

"Now we are all here." Quince looks to Jorne, "Let's check on the status of things here."

Quince catches up with Lykan and the other city officials. He asks around for the woman Jemanda Orlarshen.

Male LN Warpriest 7 of Erastil | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 56/56 | AC 20, T 16, FF 14 | CMD 22 | F +11 R +11 W +14 | Init +6 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +10, Diplomacy +16 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 7/7 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions:

Lamaar looks at little amused.

"All good." the man of little words says.

HP: 13/37 | AC: 17_ T: 12_ FF: 15 | Perception +13, Initiative: +2 | Fort: +9 _ Ref: +6 _ Will: +10 (+14 vs. fey) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15, Speed: 30
Non-binary NG Undine Druid (feyspeaker) 7
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16

Vesi brushes some dirt off their trousers.

"Vordunadely I didn't vall vrom very high ub!", the undine jokes, then promptly sneezes. Keeping their distance from the other mounts, Vesi takes in the new sights, spinning around as they try to capture everything all at once.

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