Curse of the Crimson Throne.
Game Master
Patrick Levasseur
Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11
I am still here.
Had problems posting the past couple days.
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
It has been a long time since we have heard any news on the DM. Has anyone been in contact?
Male Half Elf Investigator (Empiricist) 9 | HP72/72 | AC: 22 T: 13 FF: 20 | CMB: +13 CMD: 24 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +8, +4 ilusions, +2 vs enchantments and immune to sleep | Init: +2 Perc: +24 + Heightened Awareness of +2
I sent a PM about 8 days ago. No response so far.
Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
I hope as well that all is well with them.
I am not sure what we should do?
Any suggestions?
M Elf Wiz 9 Init +4/ HP 65/65// AC: 22 18/T:17/FF:14 - Percep: +11/ F 8/R 9/W 8 /CMB 4 - CMD 17
If someone wants to start another game, I'm game. It's been almost 2 months.
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
Do we want to try and find another gm to take over.
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
I want to try again with another DM.
If you have any ideas on whom to recruit, let 'er rip!
Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11
I'm game for it. We've had 3 so far, but maybe a 4th can get us through.
Male Half Elf Investigator (Empiricist) 9 | HP72/72 | AC: 22 T: 13 FF: 20 | CMB: +13 CMD: 24 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +8, +4 ilusions, +2 vs enchantments and immune to sleep | Init: +2 Perc: +24 + Heightened Awareness of +2
M Elf Wiz 9 Init +4/ HP 65/65// AC: 22 18/T:17/FF:14 - Percep: +11/ F 8/R 9/W 8 /CMB 4 - CMD 17
Still rarin' to go. I have no idea who to talk to about this though.
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
I will post a recruitment thread for a new dm.
I really liked the one we had.
Male Half Elf Investigator (Empiricist) 9 | HP72/72 | AC: 22 T: 13 FF: 20 | CMB: +13 CMD: 24 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +8, +4 ilusions, +2 vs enchantments and immune to sleep | Init: +2 Perc: +24 + Heightened Awareness of +2
Just heard from Rannik. He says he will post here soon. He is still ill but on the road to recovery I believe.
Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)
That is AWESOME news.
I am so glad to hear that.
Hello people, I am finally about to come online. I've just spend all of the Holidays in the ICU and didn't see much of January. The only good thing about this is that I lost weight.
I'm getting better every day, but will never get back to full health. My pneumonia got mixed with Covid and did a number on my lungs. I now have a friend next to my bed called an O2 tank.
I only have my phone at the moment, and I'll try to make a post to at least finish the event going on. After that, if you want to try to get a new GM, I will fully understand.
M Elf Wiz 9 Init +4/ HP 65/65// AC: 22 18/T:17/FF:14 - Percep: +11/ F 8/R 9/W 8 /CMB 4 - CMD 17
Glad you're feeling better. Take all the time you need to recover. We'll be here when you're ready.
That is a lot to juggle. Hope the adjustment is not too onerous.
Alika Karela wrote: That is a lot to juggle. Hope the adjustment is not too onerous. Canadian health care system and insurance, so it is not costing me a dime.
Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11
Pneumonia + COVID? Oh, yikes, that's quite the double whammy. I have a friend who had pneumonia about a decade ago and cracked a rib from coughing because of it. It probably would have been even worse if he'd had to worry about getting COVID, as well. I hope that your recovery to as good a point as you can get goes well.
M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 53/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |
Rannik wrote: Alika Karela wrote: That is a lot to juggle. Hope the adjustment is not too onerous. Canadian health care system and insurance, so it is not costing me a dime. I'm in the US. That would bankrupt me. Glad you're OK.