Weapon and Armor Proficiency
An astral deva is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield.
Natural Armor (Ex)
At 1st level, an astral deva gains a +1 natural armor bonus to its AC. This bonus increases by +1 at 2nd level and every level thereafter (to a maximum of +15 at 15th level).
Slam (Ex)
At 1st level, an astral deva gains a slam attack. This is a primary attack that deals 1d4 points of damage plus 1-1/2 times the astral deva’s Strength modifier. At 8th level, the damage die of this slam increases to 1d6, and at 15th level, it increases to 1d8.
Spell Resistance (Ex)
At 1st level, an astral deva becomes resistant to magic, gaining spell resistance equal to 10 + its Hit Dice.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp)
Starting at 1st level, an astral deva gains limited spell-like abilities. The exact abilities gained depend on the astral deva’s class level, as Table 1-1: Spell-like abilities. In each case, the caster level equals the astral deva’s class level. The DC for a saving throw against an astral deva’s spell-like ability is 10 + the spell level + the astral deva’s Charisma modifier.
When the same spell appears multiple times on the table, the astral deva gains the higher-level ability. Otherwise, these spell-like abilities are cumulative.
Racial Traits +2 to Str, +2 to Cha; Medium, Outsider (Good), Normal Speed, Darkvision (Ex), Low-Light Vision (Ex), Divine Blood (Ex), Languages
Traits(Social) Charming and (Faith) Birthmark
Items Backpack, Belt pouch, cheap holy text (Placard of Wisdom), flint and steel, tankard, rope, explorer's outfit, soap, empty gallon barrel
Combat Gear Chainshirt armor, rapier
Wealth (44 gp, 12sp, 9cp)
Carrying Capacity
Light (58 lbs or less); Medium (59-116 lbs.); Heavy (117-175 lbs.)
Current Load: 54
Height 6'6", Weight 220 lbs., Eyes Sapphire, Hair Brown
Have a Goal To discovery why Xef was placed on the Material Plane without any way back to Elysium.
Have a Reputation Xephkiel is known in Olfden as The Silver Bulette's most handsome waiter. Coming to Golarion, the astral deva had to find a way to make a living, and chose the closest place to a holy temple to Cayden Cailean to do it.
Have a Friend Shelia Varias, a waitress at the Silver Bulette in Olfden. The varisian woman and caydenite found Xephkiel in the nearby forest, naked inside a newly-made crater. She's the only one in town, outside the Hall of Sarenrae, who believes Xephkiel is an astral deva, and has done her best to help set up his new life on the Material Plane. Xef and Shelia has had a physical relationship.
Have a Home The Silver Bullete Inn in Olfden, Darkmoon Vale, Andoran.
Have a Signature Item Xephkiel's masterwork tankard. This mug could easily be found in any dragon's hoard. Believed to be from Elysium itself, this tankard is made with gold and platinum inlays, decorated with rubies and sapphires, and made with some unknown upper planes metal.
Have a Problem So much about Xephkiel's past is unknown. The astral deva knows he's a devotee of Cayden Cailean, and before he was an angel, Xef had a live as a mortal. But that's about it.
Have a Secret Xephkiel knows he's not as powerful as he should be. For some reason, when the astral deva came to Golarion, many of his powers were weakened or removed.
Have a Reason to Be Brave Although so far Xephkiel loves Golarion, the astral deva strives to one day return to Elysium for Good.