Dungeon Master S's "War for the Crown" AP

Game Master Chris Marsh

Roll20 Tactical Map | Strategic Maps | Campaign Tracker | Handouts | Places | Dramatis Personae | Items of Power
| Relics | The Story Thus Far





Sene Motive:

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Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
Per Diem:
Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

Xavien makes sure to clear his throat before joining in.

Using my this-evening-only reroll: Perform (Song): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Xavien's performance allows him to truly mingle. It all adds up to a tremendous show by the agents, making yourselves recognizable and entertaining to the elite of Taldor. Each PC gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks to influence NPCs until I say otherwise. Addiotnally, each agent earns 67 XP.

Social Round 4 of ?

Aurelia: Work the Room (Gallery) Success
Corran: Work the Room (Courtyard) Success
Ianthe: Go
Kenton: Go
Leo: Mission Complete!
Xavien: Work the Room (Courtyard) Success. Courtyard is now Captivated

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

Ianthe continues talking with the Marquess, trying to draw out some stories from her Pathfinder work.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Ianthe knows what she's doing. The Marquess is intrigued enough to start talking shop. "I like the insight and curiosity which you possess Lady Ianthe. I'll tell you what... if you ever need to source something hard to find, let me know." For building the contact, Ianthe unlocks a boon. So long as the Countess is accessible, the base rate for finding a magic item is 80%, not 75%. Additionally, each agent earns 33 XP.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Kenton's stomach sinks a bit as he watches a scene unfold in slow motion. As Martella predicted, Malphene Trant Shoots a whiskey drink and
makes her way to the upper gallery alongside a few of her sycophants. Kenton follows and due to your vigilance can summon the party. There she corners the young Senator Dou, and shoves him into the "Beldam II Waiting Room". It's a large room, but out of the way. Whatever she's up to, is going to happen out of sight without intervention.

The Beldam II Waiting Room is located on the upper floor of the senate building, in the gallery area. When the party catches up, an inebriated Trant is laying into the the young senator, "Lissen her ye little s%!~. Ye do what I say because yer never gonna get it better'en me. You hear me you pissant?"

You each catch up to Kenton as he gets to the door. This is about to get bad as the Dame is picking up her fists for a fight....

To continue, I need to get pogs on THE MAP

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Dame Trant and three men who look like "privilege elementals" have the young senator backed into a corner. Currently no weapons are drawn, but they mean business.

When you open the door she turns an looks at you, "If you know what's good for you, turn around, shut the door, and walk away."

Round 1:
Xavien: Go
Corran: Go
Aurelia: Go
Ianthe: Go
Leo: Go

Senator Dou: TBD
Trant: TBD
Kenton: TBD
Sycophants: TBD

Trant: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
Sycophants: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Senator Dou: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Aurelia: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
Corran: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Ianthe: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Kenton: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Leo: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Xavien: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
Per Diem:
Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

Xavien makes a show of not really listening to Trant as he walks in. "Ah, Lady Aurelia, I believe you are right! This is an excellent place to practice acapella. The acoustics are wonderful!"

He moves to the center of the room (4 squares directly SE) and bursts into song.

"We're the friends that fear no noise,
Whilst the thundering giants roar!
And long we've toiled on the rolling hills,
And now we're safe at home, dear...

The song fills the young Lord with adrenaline, and his grin gets ever wider.

Do you listen to the Raging Song?:

If you accept the Inspired Rage as a FREE ACTION at the BEGINNING of your turn:
+2 Str
+2 Con (+1 hp/lvl, +1 on Fort saves)
+1 Will saves
-1 AC
Cannot use Dex-, Int-, or Cha-based skills (except Acro, Fly, Intimidate, Ride)
Cannot use abilities that require patience or concentration
No fatigue generated afterward, can choose to cycle in and out round by round

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran claps to the rhythm set by Xavien and supports his performance, not knowing the song, but he's able to pick it up and harmonize easily enough. Singing backup, he puts up his dukes and assumes a brawlers stance with a wicked smile. He skip-hops along to stand by Xavien and screen the others, preparing for fisticufs.

Round 1: Does NOT accept the rage song and begins his own bardic performance. Inspire Courage +1 to everyone. (+1 Morale to saves vs. Fear; +1 Competence to Attack Rolls and Damage). Move.

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

"Dame Trant, if you mean to be violent, I suggest you stop," Aurelia says, working to block out the adrenaline-filled song from Xavien. She takes several steps forward, readying to weave some magic. "You'll quickly find yourself on a slippery slope if you do."

Ready action to cast Grease if she moves to strike at her allies or Senator Dou. Basically, if she gets within melee range of a party member or makes ANY move towards Dou.

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

Ianthe moves forward to back up her brother.

Dame Trant, I would listen to my friends. It's best if you just left. You're outnumbered and quite capable of handling you and your friends. Even if it were otherwise, you couldn't hope to defeat us without this becoming very messy.

Intimidate to Demoralize: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Xavien and Corran begin to inspire the heart, playing off of each other. Ianthe's words definitely land like a blow. Trant nearly puts her fists down... Nearly.

Aurelia's spell hovers at the edge of her mind, ready.

Round 1:
Xavien: Skald
Corran: Bard
Aurelia: Arcanist
Ianthe: Bruiser
Leo: Go
Senator Dou: TBD
Trant: TBD
Kenton: TBD
Sycophants: TBD


Trant: Demoralized until Round 4

Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2
Dungeon Master S wrote:

Dame Trant and three men who look like "privilege elementals" have the young senator backed into a corner. Currently no weapons are drawn, but they mean business.

When you open the door she turns an looks at you, "If you know what's good for you, turn around, shut the door, and walk away."

Leo begins to untie his short sword from the honor bonds. "I've been running errands all night. I'm due for a bit of exercise." Leo lets the cord dramatically hit the floor. "Shall we dance?"

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Leo ups the ante as the tie falls from his blade. Trant snarls, but she's clearly gritting her teeth to keep her fear at bay, "You think you're tough? I'll show you who's tough.... next time. Next time. You better not show yourself again. And you better HOPE I don't see you on the street. You're lucky!"

She looks at her sycophants, "Come on. These losers aren't worth it. Let's go."

The Intimidation check was above the morale threshold, so for your semi-literal saber rattling, each agent earns 101 XP.

Senator Dou eagerly thanks his rescuers, "Thank you! Thank you. Please drop by my office in the morning for a reward. I'll not forget this!" Before anyone can really talk to him, he seeks to hide the embarrassment of his weakness by running out back into the gala.

Persona Phase | Campaign Tracker

"Everything okay? I don't see any of you, and I don't see Dame Trant."

Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
Per Diem:
Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

"Indeed," replies to Martella. "She tried to get a little rowdy in private, and we have convinced her that such an imbroglio would be unhealthy."

Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

"We are fine. We just ran Trant out of the building with her tail between her legs."

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

"All is well. We had a run-in with Trant, who was pressuring Dou. Stopped it, and he's thankful."

Persona Phase | Campaign Tracker

"Excellent! Go enjoy yourselves! The Grand Prince should be here within the hour."

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

"You look great tonight. Do I get a dance?"

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Summary of Remaining Dramatis Personae:

  • Kalbio of Breezy Creek: 0 Successes
  • Wyssilka the Fantabulous: 0 Successes

    Summary of Uncaptivated Senate Locations:

  • Courtyard: Favorable
  • The Gallery: Favorable
  • The Imperial Archives: Neutral
  • The Servants' Wing: Favorable

    Social Round 1 of 3-5

    Aurelia: Go
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Go
    Kenton: Go
    Leo: Go
    Xavien: Go

  • | Male Human (Taldan) | L5 (Cav4/Rgr1) | hp 50/50 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +7, CMD 24 | F +7 R +7 W +4 | Prcptn +9, SM +10 |

    Kenton, pleased at the intervention they've made on Senator Dou's behalf, glides back to the Senate floor, giving a pleasant nod to Baron Okerra as he makes a beeline to Kalbio, chatting amiably about the Avin Prefecture in northwestern Taldor and how dangerous it must be to reside in the shadow of blood-soaked Galt! He tries to track the man's reactions closely.

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

    Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

    Corran takes Martella's silence to mean that she's working. He makes his way to The Gallery and is struck by Wyssilka The Fantabulous! He has to talk to her. ​

    If she's performing, he HAS to watch her. What is she? Some kind of actress or performer? What's with the raccoon makeup?! Everything about this is enchanting.

    Truly, truly Fantabulous. I like your look--if you've got time for a break, I'd love to ask you about it. I'm a performer--nothing like you, though.

    I don't want to be that kind of performer, one who's always networky and schmoozy but Corran is genuinely excited and curious about her and her technique. He'll talk about his own skills only if asked, and may be inclined to drop that he wants to open his own theatre company.

    Diplomacy:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12


    Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

    Xavien decides that it is time to be seen in the Servant's Wing, but fastidiously avoids any areas near the wine rack. He quickly gets into a conversation with the evening's maitre d'hotel about fine-tuning seat assignments for the dinner.

    Knowledge (Nobility), Work the Wing: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

    Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
    Per Diem:
    Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

    Ianthe heads back to the Archives, hoping for some intelligent conversation. She nods to Duke Centimus when she enters and easily inserts herself into a discussion of magical theory some young nobles are having.

    Know:Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

    With very little time left to her disguise, Aurelia continues to mingle. Her presence is innocuous, the magic doing most of the work.
    Disguise vs Gallery: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Kenton, being genuinely kind and not treating Kalbio like an oddity, finds a welcome conversant. The man is extremely easy to read, and quickly attaches himself to the man, now excited to have a "real actual true big city friend!" This accompaniment is endearing to Princess Eutropia and Baron Nicolaus Okerra, granting you a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks while Kalbio follows you around. The yokel’s presence is a stain on the your’ reputation with more traditional politicians, however, imposing a –2 penalty on Charisma-based checks against Countess Pace, Duke Centimus, and Maxillar Pythareus. You can gracefully part ways from him as a free action without upsetting him. Regardless, each agent earns 17 XP.

    Lord Xavien finds someone eager to talk. He catches the eye of head cook Dedrien Nos. She flirts playfully with the skilled noble. "You're going places m'lord, but Taldor can be a tricky place. Here, we keep some of this on hand. May you never need it." She hands you two potions of delay poison in case you prove less popular with others. Additionally each of you earn 33 XP.

    Lady Ianthe quickly finds a guide leading a group of nobles over to an old blueprint of the senate building. The guide explains that "the current structure was built atop the ruins of several older senate constructions." To keep the attention of the crowd, the guide goes on to describe how "some levels of the old senate involved the intentional immurement of workers—a grim reward from the nobles of the time." This boon is currently redacted, but the XP is immediate. Each agent earns each agent 67 XP.

    Lady Aurelia actually attracts quite the crowd actually. Her ability to inspire causes people to listen.... and donate. All told, the disguised lady accumulates a number of donations from grateful parents, including 238 gp, a bottle of fine brandy (75 gp), and a wand of eagle’s splendor (5 charges) from a particularly passive-aggressive earl. Captivating the Gallery earns each agent 67 XP.

    Social Round 1 of 3-5

    Aurelia: Work the Room (The Gallery) Success
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Work the Room (The Archives) Success
    Kenton: Influence (Kalbio) Success
    Leo: Go
    Xavien: Work the Room (Servants' Wing) Success

    Summary of Remaining Dramatis Personae:

  • Wyssilka the Fantabulous: 0 Successes

    Summary of Uncaptivated Senate Locations:

  • Courtyard: Favorable
  • The Imperial Archives: Favorable

  • Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

    Leo Tags along with Corran. "Ma'am, I must know the secret of your makeup technique. They are most Fantabulous!"
    disguise: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    While Corran stumbles over what he wants to do, perhaps because he's too fascinated by the strange halfling. Leo, however, uses a good approach, making comments about some of the finer details of her make up! 1 Success.

    Social Round 2 of 3-5?

    Aurelia: Go
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Go
    Kenton: Go
    Leo: Go
    Xavien: Go

    Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
    Per Diem:
    Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

    Ianthe tries to remember as much as she can of the blueprints and takes a mental note of where those blueprints were pulled from. You never know when having a secret way in to the senate building might come in handy.

    She continues on the tour with the other nobles, offering insight where she can to compliment the guide's knowledge.

    Know:History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Ianthe continues to impress on the tour. She thinks she's got her head wrapped around the tenor of this area, but isn't wuite there yet.

    Summary of Remaining Dramatis Personae[/i]:

  • Wyssilka the Fantabulous: 1 Success

    Summary of Uncaptivated Senate Locations:

  • The Imperial Archives: Favorable

    Social Round 2 of 3-5?

    Aurelia: Go
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Work the Room (Archives) Success
    [b]Kenton: Go

    Leo: Go
    Xavien: Go

  • | Male Human (Taldan) | L5 (Cav4/Rgr1) | hp 50/50 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +7, CMD 24 | F +7 R +7 W +4 | Prcptn +9, SM +10 |

    Right you are, Master Kalbio! Kenton assures his new friend. We shall become good friends, sir! Now, to guide you in your new world: you'll want to use the terms "Lord" and "Lady" with their family name when addressing those soon to be your peers.

    He leans in closely. And, as my uncle is fond of saying: don't ever forget that everyone sh!ts behind their boots. Even self-important, stuffed-shirt nobles.

    Pulling away, he continues. I can see by your authenticity that you were well chosen for this honor. I am led to understand that you are something of an artist!

    Kenton will chat pleasantly for a bit, listening to Kalbio speak but making sure to catch Baron Okerra's eye and give him a slight, visible nod. After a few moments he will politely disengage — I've taken enough of your valuable time, sir. I trust you will indulge me and allow us to speak again — I'll be sure to see you again after the Exaltation!

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

    This guy is totally the first to die in this game of thrones. Dead.

    Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

    Xavien thanks Dedrien for her kindness with a wink and smile, then heads over to the Imperial Archives in search of some witty repartee on matters esoteric. While he finds plenty, he seems unable to contribute much himself.

    Work the Room: Linguistics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia drifts over to the archives herself, finding herself mingling near (but not with) Xavien. She naturally gravitates towards those who have an interest in the arcane, using much of what she learned at the Arcanamirium.
    Work the Room: Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Xavien's approach clearly misses the mark, while Aurelia is on point, but doesn't bring much in the way of new information.

    Kenton extricates himself without causing any kind of embarrassment.

    Social Round 2 of 3-5?

    Aurelia: Work the Room (Archives) Success
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Work the Room (Archives) Success
    [b]Kenton: Go

    Leo: Go
    Xavien: Work the Room (Archives) Failure

    Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

    Leo continues to ask about the makeup.
    disguise: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Leo's conversation continues, and he finds Wyssilka a ready conversant. During the conversation, a few nobles make their way in to check on children. Wyssilka engages the parents and kids alike for a bit. The boon for this achievement is moot, as they are all fully influenced, and now so too is Wyssilka the Fantabulous. For the achievement, each agent earns 67 XP. Considering this achievement, I recommend checking THIS POST out. Congratulations, you earned your second level without ever making an attack or damage roll.

    Social Round 2 of 3-5?

    Aurelia: Work the Room (Archives) Success
    Corran: Go
    Ianthe: Work the Room (Archives) Success
    Kenton: Go
    Leo: Influence (Wyssilka) Success
    Xavien: Work the Room (Archives) Failure

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

    Corran is actually crestfallen for a moment. Leo is having a great talk with Wyssilka The Fantabulous and the two barely notice him. He smirks ruefully to himself and gently excuses himself, playing on his lute as he leaves, giving himself the added challenge of playing with one broken string. He smirk grows into a smile and a gentle chuckle as he laughs at his own absurdity.

    Aw well. And so our hero withdraws. The Lady Raccoon won't talk to me. Martella is busy. My work is done. Fie--I need them not I have my... BOOKS! And he makes his way back to The Imperial Archives, where he sees Ianthe and Aurelia in their element, which also makes him smile. The Future of Taldor looks bright indeed, if not his own social futures at the moment.

    He smells the old books and documents and enjoys it, making a show. He exaggerates a deep breath and exclaims Ye Gods I love the smell of History! garnering some looks. Then he happens upon a shelf with completely mis-shelved manuscripts. He clicks his tongue with disapproval and begins to properly sort the items in this part of the stacks.

    Work the Archives: Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

    Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1


    After bidding Kalbio adieu, Kenton finds himself the courtyard near Princess Eutropia. He listens for a while, trying to get a sense of what motivates Taldor's would-be ruler.

    Discovery Check (Sense Motive @ Eutropia: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 welp

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Corran's work is just what the doctor ordered. His enthusiasm is infectious. It captures the attention of one Pabrus Telecoum , who offers Corran a dog-eared and crumbling journal donated to the library but considered unsalvageable. The text itself is "a somewhat compelling tale of a young wizard’s growth to womanhood and inheriting her family business in Cassomir 250 years ago." Though large portions are missing or damaged by water Corran makes an interesting discovery when the docent walks away. Tucked into the back of the book is a scroll containing a half dozen spells!

    Detect Magic or Spellcraft DC 22:

    The scroll contains: animate rope, blur, flaming sphere, hypnotism, mount, and web

    For the achievement, each agent earns 33 XP.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Earlier than expected, though late in the evening, a silence falls over the gala, and the crowd parts as servants unroll a red carpet through the Arcade of Triumphs and the senate floor. Grand Prince Stavian III and a host of his Ulfen Guard are arriving early! They ascend the 100 steps to the building. Guests quickly flock to catch a glimpse of Taldor’s leader, who briskly moves toward the Emperor’s Hall (which is now closed for the remainder of the night.)

    The arrival of the Grand Prince causes some turmoil among the assembled guests. Maxillar Pythareus retreats to convene with the Grand Prince in the Emperor’s Hall, while Princess Eutropia recuses herself to partake in several private meetings before her father’s expected speech.

    Persona Phase | Campaign Tracker

    "Curses! The night is moving faster than expected. Still, it seems like you have all done splendidly thus far. I commend you all. In fact, I've got 15 platinum coins for each of you. Come grab them. I expect dinner to begin soon."

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Following the Grand Prince’s arrival, servants begin to bring out a light supper, placing various expensive cheeses, fruits, pastries, and wines out on tables or carrying platters to offer momentary repast. The food placates the masses left confused by Stavian’s abrupt arrival and sudden disappearance with the High Strategos, and soon conversations return to normal.

    Socializing becomes easier, as interested parties jockey for positions in food lines to speak with important dignitaries. You would gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all checks to influence an area or NPC because the food makes social encounters easier to engineer... but you've maxed out all opportunities!

    A century-old bottle of wine donated by the Lotheed family is opened and served at this point. The senators sampling it react in disgust, and it's really quite embarrassing. An uncharacteristic giggle comes through your aide badges... and it's not lost on you that the item doesn't accidentally broadcast.

    You have one hour of downtime. You can find privacy without much issue. There are no locations or NPCs you can influence, so feel free to use this time to prepare spells, and to "narratively level up." By all means post something flavorful, or post here/in Slack that you're ready for me to move on.

    Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

    My Lady Martella! I'm shocked--SHOCKED!

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Corran doesn't get a response, but when he passes her in the crowd, she winks.

    Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

    Xavien chuckles, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. "Ha-hah! I do enjoy seeing all those puckered faces through their polished crystal goblets... Fortunately, I have no reason to expect that the remaining fare will be quite so sour. I am famished!"

    Xavien finds himself a plate and piles it high, cordially inviting his new friends to join him for an hour of simple pleasures: fine cooking,
    strong libations, witty humor, and tall tales.


    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Finally, the Taldan senate convenes to vote on various issues while guests watch from the gallery above. The hall spends 30 minutes arguing and voting on formalities and spending bills before reaching the event all of Taldor has been waiting for: whether to abolish the long-standing law of primogeniture.

    The political ruling body of Taldor spreads out twenty feet below the observation deck of the gallery. Dozens of senators and their immediate aides scurry below. The cacophony of voices is almost deafening, and it seems like the ceaseless chatter will continue endlessly. Suddenly, the magically amplified voice of the senate speaker interrupts the noise.

    “Thank you all. I would ask that our observers please be silent and seat themselves. We will now begin voting on addendum number twenty-two thousand eighty-seven: the repeal of the ancient law of primogeniture, the issuance of inheritance and aristocratic title solely through male heirs.”

    Following this proclamation, the speaker begins calling on individual senators one at a time to support or oppose the repeal. Early declarations split evenly between the options, with many senators abstaining entirely, and only halfway through the process do votes begin to favor Princess Eutropia’s bid to end primogeniture. By the end of the tabulations, the repeal passes with roughly 60 percent of the senate’s backing!

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    The speaker takes a moment to compose himself, seemingly shocked by the results, before continuing to formally announce the initial results in a distant monotone.

    "And so, the final tally for addendum twenty-two thousand eighty-seven, the repeal of primogeniture, with thirty-six abstentions, the final tally stands at one hundred and seven for, seventy-nine against. The addendum passes. Among other business tonight, the senate recognizes Princess Eutropia Stavian I as the new heir to the Primogen Crown, and the first heir the empire has seen in twenty years."

    With the declaration made, the chamber explodes in a riot of applause and condemnation. It takes several minutes for the cacophony to die down. The speaker declares that a closed senate recount is to take place, an event signaled by the speaker declaring a temporary recess of the senate to outsiders.

    Following the vote, Martella Lotheed summons asks to meet in the Gallery, just as ushers begin announcing Grand Prince Stavian’s speech and exaltation to begin in 30 minutes....

    Persona Phase | Campaign Tracker

    "By the gods! Could this night have gone any better‽ It's done! It's really done! And...." she kisses her fingers, then opens her hand as she pulls it away, "Is there anything you six cannot do? Marvelous. simply marvelous!"

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Martella surmises that Stavian’s speech will be a concession to Eutropia’s bid for the throne. While the vote does not replace Stavian, he has made no secret of his opposition to the repeal, and she expects the aging emperor to show no amount of restraint in lambasting his daughter.

    Before letting you find your seats, Martella hands Lady Aurelia a letter, neatly folded and sealed with wax embossed with a simple heart.

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