Dungeon Master S's "War for the Crown" AP

Game Master Chris Marsh

Roll20 Tactical Map | Strategic Maps | Campaign Tracker | Handouts | Places | Dramatis Personae | Items of Power
| Relics | The Story Thus Far





Sene Motive:

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MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran quickly concludes that the prism doesn't fit into the floor slot.

It takes some trial and error, but after spreading out, the party concludes that the switches have strange, but predictable effects.

SW -> switches NW and NE

NW -> switches NE

NE -> switches NW and SE

SE -> switches SW and NW

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Okay... Someone check me...

But if we start with all lights OFF

1. Flip SW.
NW and NE are ON.

2. Flip SE.
SW is ON, NE is ON, NW is now OFF.

3. Flip NE.
NW is ON, SW is ON, SE is On, and NE is ON


Let's try it.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

OH, Wait... The Big Ornate Key. I got a reminder from Rich Offline.

After we try getting all the lights to on, Corran tries the big ornate key in the floor slot.

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

Aurelia agrees with Corran's approach and helps him to enact it. She occasionally whispers the words to a simple spell as they do so, seeking magic as they work. Also casting Detect Magic

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Sadly the combination of lights all on doesn't reveal anything, and the key does not fit the slot.

Aurelia doesn't detect any new magic.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

With all the lights on, what happens when we put the prism in the crystal ball?

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

"Corran, can we put the prism where it is best served? After all, it doesn't seem we need it for turning on the lights," Aurelia suggests, trying to figure out this puzzle. "Regardless, I think it's enough if we leave the lights on for now."

Aurelia then heads over to the slot in the master bedroom. "Does anyone have a gold coin they don't mind parting with? As you can probably imagine, this dress is not really designed for carrying wealth. A true failing of the fashion designers of our era, I would say."
I'd like to slot a gold coin into that slot.

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Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran smiles and tosses a coin to his Arcanist.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Sadly, Lady Aurelia's coin experiment doesn't work.

BUT when Corran places the prism in the crystal ball, something does. The ball apparently scries the southeast room. Before it seemed to have shown nothing because the lights were off and there were boxes in the way of the sensor. The crystal ball shows the massive fresco in the room.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

There's no reason to look at that Fresco... Unless... Maybe that's the door.

Corran begins searching the fresco for anything out of place. I'll be gentle with everything but get my hands on all of it.

Then... He'll touch the brass plaque with the ornate brass key.

Perception is +5 if you want a roll.

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

Aurelia appreciates Corran's valley of plenty, but shrugs when her experiment doesn't pay off.

"A fresco? I wonder what of," she says, heading over to inspect it in more detail.
Knowledge Arcana/History/Local/Planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Add +3 for Nobility.

Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

" I knew it!" LEo laughs with a smile. He heads to help Corran look the fresco over.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran doesn't notice anything out of place or interesting in the room. When he touches the plate (touching with the key), nothing happens.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*
Dungeon Master S wrote:
Corran doesn't notice anything out of place or interesting in the room. When he touches the southeastern switch (touching with the key), he turns the lights off in the two western rooms.

No, not the switch. We have a big brass ornate key. I was touching the key to the brass plaque that entitles the fresco.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran makes sure the boxes are not obscuring the sensor in the SE room. He enlists Xavien and Leo and Kenton to help if they are.

With the view clear, he clicks switches to get the SE room in darkness and returns to the bar to look at the fresco in the dark. Maybe something is only visible through the crystal ball.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Aurelia, waiting for the lights to switch, takes a look at the crates in the room. She finds find three daggers, two longswords, a halberd, a masterwork rapier, 12 masterwork darts, and a masterwork suit of studded leather armor!

Once the lights go out in the southeast room, Aurelia sees nothing.

But in the room with the crystal ball, Corran sees something new! In the crystal ball, the scabbard of the great general glows.

Aurelia still sees nothing, nor does it detect as magic.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran, excited, runs to the SE room, casts Light and investigates the scabbard on the fresco.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran runs into the room, but sees no glow. He examines the scabbard, and even runs his hand over it, but sees absolutely nothing of note in person...

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran and Leo investigate the scabbard again.

-Is it, or the sword that goes into it, pointing at anything interesting?

-Is the General's weapon drawn? What kind of weapon is it?

You don't happen to have a handout of the fresco do you?

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

I'm also of a mind to press the corresponding type of physical weapon to the image of the scabbard.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Given the current configuration of the roll20 map...

Leo, Kenton, Ianthe:

When Corran left the room to look at the fresco, you didn't see anything, but the instant the rays from his light spell entered the room, the glow within the crystal ball vanished.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran dismisses the light spell and re-enters the darkened SE Room with the Fresco.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran dismisses the light spell, hoping that it helps. It does not....

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

....Until Ianthe and Kenton speak up. The scabbard no longer glows, but the shield of a fellow knight glows in the crystal ball.

Those in the fresco room see nothing different.

Persona Phase | Campaign Tracker

“Out of the senate. Stavian’s soldiers still pursuing. Fighting throughout the entire senate building. Wherever you are, keep your heads down!”

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Right after the message comes through, there's a flash from your senate badges. Unsure of what it means, everyone quickly checks their badge, to find that the magic has stopped working!

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran kicks something nearby in frustration.

Ianthe, what exactly do you see? The Shield now appears in the crystal?

What if... What if an additional person comes in the SE room in the dark?

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

They confirm that the only glow is now the shield. Xavien comes in to the fresco room, but nothing changes. Nothing changes on the fresco, nothing changes in the crystal.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Wait a second...

Corran waits for instruction from Ianthe. He touches the shield, then waits to see if another item in the fresco glows and will then touch that one. And so on.

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

Yes, the shield. Would someone else like to join Corran in the room? I'll keep an eye on the ball.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran touches the shield in the dark room.

His sister immediately reports back that the glow vanishes and now the helmet of another crusader glows. Corran still sees nothing.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*
Dungeon Master S wrote:

Corran touches the shield in the dark room.

His sister immediately reports back that the glow vanishes and now the helmet of another crusader glows. Corran still sees nothing.

We keep doing this. I'll touch what glows with guidance from Ianthe, then onto the next item.

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

Touch the helmet of the crusader to the left of the one you just touched, Corran!

Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 5 (HP: 32/32) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +6 | CMB: +1| CMD: 11 Spells: 1st 2/5 2nd 1/4| Arcane Reservoir 2/8 | Consume Spells 2/3 | Active conditions: None

Aurelia takes one of longswords. "Could be useful if we come across any feral rats."

She then joins Corran, dismissing her own light spell before arriving. "What else needs to be touched?"

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

The party starts. The helmet gives way to a saddle, then to a holy symbol of Aroden, and finally to a key hanging from the general's belt.

When the final light is touched, they all go out. A breeze hits the rooms and stale are rushes out. A door somewhere opens! Based on the map no one sees the new door from their current position.

Taldan Fated Champion 5 | HP 48*/58* | AC 15 Tch 11 FF 14 | F+9* R+4* W+6* | CMD 16 | Perc +14* SM +14* | Init +4 | Tracker
Per Diem:
Spells 2nd 2/3 1st 3/5 | Raging Song 7/13 | Reformer 0/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: Magic Missile 1/1, Neg. Energy 1/1

"A sturdier jacket than I deigned to wear to the ball," Xavien smiles sheepishly, eyeing the studded leather. He dons it.

* * *

"Looks like we are truly on our own now," he says, frowning, when the badges stop working. "I hope Martella is alright. She knows how to handle herself though." This last bit sounds more apprehensive than hopeful, however.

* * *

"Well done!" Xavien exclaims, clapping his hands as the puzzle comes together. He does a circuit with his floating lights, looking for the exit.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran follows the breeze, looking for whatever, "door", made the sound.

Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

perception to find the door: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Someone should take the MW Rapier. Leo?

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

A quick walk doesn't reveal a door out.... but once light again shines in the fresco room, the source of the breeze is revealed. A small closet, too large to walk into, appears in the wall. You're all absolutely confident that it wasn't there before. Within is a haversack laden with coins. The coins within are twenty in number, and each is substantially bigger than a normal coin. Looks like one of these coins is made of 5 gold coins.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Corran takes down the haversack and searches it, looking for particulars in the appearance or construction. He will use Detect Magic as well.

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

What did you find there, brother of mine?

Ianthe casts Detect Magic and takes a look at the haversack and closet.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Gold. Someone's emergency I-need-to-escape-Taldor nest egg, I suspect.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

The twins look over the items. Corran reports that they're not magical, but his sister can tell that their construction makes them prime candidates to be foci of a conjuration spell...

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Aurelia? Do you know of any conjuration spells that use something like this as a focus?

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

I'm not trained in Spellcraft, but... Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 30/37) | Init: +7 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +6 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +6 | CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

I'm standing right here, Corran.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*
Lady Ianthe Clement wrote:

I'm standing right here, Corran.


Yes, and I trust you to know what you're looking at and tell me what you know without being told.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Corran knows that some spells require props called a "focus." Unlike a material component, a focus is not consumed when the spell is cast and can be reused. Most spell component pouches include numerous foci. Spellcasters who channel divine magic often use a holy symbol for a focus. Spell that require expensive foci are often, though not always powerful.

Male Taldan Bard 4 (HP: 24/16) | Init: +3 | AC: 15*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +7 | F: +2, R: +4*, W: +4 | CMB: 5| CMD: 15*

Blast! I really thought we'd found the door.

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