Curse of the Temple of Elemental Evil (Inactive)

Game Master Plastic Dragon

"Many years ago, brave heroes put the denizens of the infamous Temple of Elemental Evil to the sword and sealed the entrance for what they thought would be forever. Now dark forces whisper again in the shadows of the once deserted temple...forces far more insidious and dangerous than any sane person could ever dream. Evil has risen again to threaten the village of Hommlet, and if left unhindered, the world!"

Official Theme Song for the Game

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Ok, people, everyone check in! Roll Call!

Sovereign Court

Cheers, PD. I'd better put together an avatar!

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

And here she is!

A quick gender switch based on finding an avatar I like.

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

PD, would you start the gameplay thread?

Even if it's nothing much, it will let us dot-and-delete (make a post and then delete it instantly) which adds this campaign to our gameplay tabs.

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

Waiting for a crew worth the time to arrive.

I was just going back through the recruitment thread, and saw the note about the size of the Greyhawk pantheon. The big thing to remember is not how many there are to choose from, but that (almost all) relate back to specific ethnicities (for humans) or races. There are multiple deities for most specializations, because multiple ethnicities considered that area worth worship. There are a couple of deities that have become so powerful, so commonly worshipped, that their origins are lost.

The Deities mentioned in my profile, for example, are probably NOT the best mechanical fit for my character, but they are the best fit from the pantheon he was raised with.

In case that still matters for anybody.

very cool Plastic Dragon, thanks for the invite!

Sorika, any recommendations for a chaotic good hobbit halfling?

What's everyone's opinion on the icon? I know we all love "order of the Stick" but is it real enough for everyone to relate to?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

Well, the OOTS baggage doesn't make one think of CG . . ..

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

Without more to go on than race, class, and alignment . . .. And alignment is a harder match.

Brandobaris - Hobbinz god of thievery
Charmalaine - God of keen senses and narrow escapes

There's stuff on Brandobaris EVERYWHERE. Charmalaine is far less well known.

Sorika Zan wrote:

Without more to go on than race, class, and alignment . . .. And alignment is a harder match.

Brandobaris - Hobbinz god of thievery
Charmalaine - God of keen senses and narrow escapes

There's stuff on Brandobaris EVERYWHERE. Charmalaine is far less well known.

thanks I will keep them both in mind, I also like Yondalla because of the "Dallah Thaun, the Lady of Mysteries," angle.

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

That aspect of Yondalla is new to me.

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Stomps in and surveys the room. *huuurm* well looks like the groups gatherin

*Waves at Dread*

We're about there :)

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

*Waves at Robert*


Melenthe Elberion wrote:

PD, would you start the gameplay thread?

Even if it's nothing much, it will let us dot-and-delete (make a post and then delete it instantly) which adds this campaign to our gameplay tabs.

Your wish is my command.

Feel free to dot & delete. :D

Plastic Dragon wrote:
Melenthe Elberion wrote:

PD, would you start the gameplay thread?

Even if it's nothing much, it will let us dot-and-delete (make a post and then delete it instantly) which adds this campaign to our gameplay tabs.

Your wish is my command.

Feel free to dot & delete. :D


M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

*Rickrolls in*

First thing's first. I'm going to offer you guys a choice. A vote...just like I would if I were running this as a tabletop game for my friends back in the old days.

Because I have a problem.

I honest to god can't decide if I want to run this as the Original AD&D 1st edition game OR to run it as the 3.0 Return to the Temple version.

The basic premise is the same, regardless, and the starting point, Hommlet, is the same. The difference is that the original is a 1st - 8th level game and the other is 4th - 14th. Quite a difference, eh? I have copies of both, and while based on the same adventure, and both are quite good, they are really pretty dissimilar in storyline.

The second version, while technically a sequel, is set many years after the first, and it's not intended to be a follow up, but rather a replacement for running the first. The biggest issue is the commitment required, on this one. It's set up as a much longer and epic adventure...which, considering the nature of Play-by-Post games, makes it a bit more daunting on all sides.


I've changed my mind several times, and I'd really like your input. I know this isn't how these games usually start, but I figured, I'm not the usual kinda GM anyway, so why not ask, you know?

Lemme know what you think. I'm honestly interested.

Would you rather:
1. Play the Original
2. Play the 'Return to...'

So...Vote. :D

I like the idea of going to 14th level or higher, but would you start us out at fourth or run something else to get us there?

Do you have anything you would want to run, after either of them where we could keep playing?

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

i like the idea of you choosing which one youd rather run that would be more fun for you. When we finish if we all want you could go to a different module (s) for 8th-14th ;)

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

No help here.

Run the one you think will be more fun. YOU have to enjoy this more importantly than any of us.

Either way, we're all gonna die, so . . ..

I think that I've made up my mind after just those three responses. lol
Sounds wishy-washy, but the comments clarified what would be more fun in the long run, especially if the party wants to stay together at that point.

I'm going to go with the Original, keeping your start at 1st level, and maybe toss in a couple elements from the Return that I like. If all goes well, and we make it through, there are several classic adventures I could run that were staples back in the day. (Giant series, Drow series and Slave Lords, etc)

I appreciate the input, guys.

I'll get the opening post up in the next day or two, and so until then, please finalize your character sheets for review.

As you get done with the characters, I'm going to completely steal this next bit from a game I'm in run by Dread. ;D Please cut and paste the combat stat block, filling in yours.

Name AC:??(FF:??/T:??)CMD:?? HP:??/?? Saves-FO:+? RE:+? WL:+?
1st Class M Race Defenses: Special Abilities, etc. Hero Points:1

As an example:
Kilain AC:15(FF:14/T:11)CMD:14 HP:10/10 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+1 WL:+6
1st Cleric M Dwarf Defenses: +2 vs poisons and spells
Limited Abilities: Channel:4/0 Acid Bolt:7/0 Hero Points:1

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Thanks for the the nod. I think you'll find it speeds your combat up about 50% if not more.

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

I never know what to include or exclude when people ask for the Defenses/Special Ability lists to be included.

I think spell lists in the statlines (especially not in spoilers) will get unwieldy after only a couple of levels.

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

I dont ask for spell lists just spells per day. primarily to help remember

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Kilain AC:15(FF:14/T:11)CMD:14 HP:10/10 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+1 WL:+6
1st Cleric M Dwarf Defenses: +2 vs poisons and spells
Limited Abilities: Channel:4/0 Acid Bolt:7/0 Spells: 1st-3/0 Hero Points:1

like that.

Exactly. The basics is enough...don't need your whole character sheet there, obviously.

Official Theme Song for This Game

my, that's curious....

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Love that game!!!

'None shall see me, though my battlecry may give me away'

If you've never played the game, it's amazing...or at least it was, for it's time. The soundtrack still holds up. :D

Kilain Gravendak wrote:

Love that game!!!

'None shall see me, though my battlecry may give me away'


hmmm, never played Baldur's gate, played all the neverwinter nights though.

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

you truly should. though Id download the 'enhanced edition' and play though I and II.

hmmm, the 'enhanced edition' I might, it's been years since I've played the others.

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

When I am GMing PbP, I usually get my players to fill out something like the second and third slides of this.

I quite like the idea of playing the original, so that works out.

Prep stuff: The original adventure, written primarily by Gary Gygax, assumes the party is traveling together already when they arrive in Hommlet.

Tell did you all meet?

Boram was raised in Rockhall by Harsk, maybe he was traveling with one or both of the dwarves?

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Kilain, 3rd born in House Gravendak, of Clan Quarrymaster of the Hammer Halls, in The Lortmil Mountains. As is normal, The First born carries the Family Name as heir, 2nd goes in the military and 3rd goes to the church. Kilain went to the church. He has been training in his prayers to The Soul Forger and follows the tenants of the Dwarven Faith as close as possible. He is eager to serve the church and awaits their first assignment.

The Church Elders determined that Kilain was to travel to a previously unknown set of ruins and explore them in the hopes of discovering any relics or heirlooms to be brought back

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

Spent a lot of time playing at Baldur's Gate. I have no idea how much of it I ever worked through. I kept putting it down for extended periods while I focused on the family or job, depending on when. Once I no longer remembered what was going on, I would just start over.

I have the same problem with Owlcat's Kingmaker, actually. Developed the best chance I've had since I got a computer, and only get about an hour a night, which I spend on my pbp games first.


As for how we met . . .. Sorika was looking for a group of adventurers to join. Literally. The big central points for organizing groups in the immediate area are the cities if Dyvers and Greyhawk. Dyvers is closer by a few days. Dyvers is also very lawful, and all adventurers are required to join the Adventurer's Guild, which has a large tavern internal, private meeting rooms, bulletin boards, and even group match-making services (big part of the explanation for how Living Greyhawk worked in Dyvers). Greyhawk is just a tad less organized. A tad. Source of the stumbled on each other in a tavern less organized.

There's also the Kingdom of Furyondy, to the N of Hommlet, which has a long history of providing people to address problems in and around the ToEE. And should have fairly easy to find info suggesting the area to explore, including details of battlefields for potential scavenging, if they haven't already been picked clean, of course.

The Kron Hills and Hommlet are both in the Viscounty of Verbobonc, though, with the City of Verbobonc being the closest city of significant size to where the adventure starts.


So, the Cleric was sent to explore ruins? By himself? Where would he go to find help, to build a group?

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

Hed be sent to a city to recruit others or join others. Probably to Verbobonc.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

You met me in a tavern!

Boram could have traveled to Verbobonc, is that where we met in the tavern? One needs a good burglar and muscle for exploring ruins.

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

lol why not. old school game old school meeting.

So which one of you two were in a drinking contest with the elf?

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

I was! With every elf!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

Melenthe was not in the bar.

She was in the yard out the back, beating all comers in an archery contest.

Kilain saw her shooting and liked what he saw.

A bit of a Magnificent Seven vibe.

When one of the contestants accused her of cheating (she wasn't, but she was sober) she stood her ground and things got tense. That's when Kilain stepped in - I'll let you decide how he intervened.

Nice. A perfect meeting of companions. :)

I've added a bit of history everyone in the region commonly knows about the Temple and Hommlet, where our story will begin. Feel free to peruse and use it or not in character.

I copied it directly from the module, and so had to adjust the layout quite a bit, so I apologize for any quirkiness you spot. I think I got all the typos, but if not, be kind. LOL

M Suloise Human Monk 1 | Init+3 | AC17/T17/F13/CMD18+ | HP10/10 | F+3/R+5/W+5 | Perception+7; Sense Motive+3 | Agile Combatant; Combat Reflexes; Martial Manuscript; Stunning Fist; Unarmed Combatant

Silly people.

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