[SFS] GM Zoomba's 3-07 Strike at Zone 78 (Low) (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba


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Male Kasatha Tempered Pilgrim Solarian/7 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 51/53 | RP: 5/6 | EAC:20 KAC:20 | Fort +6/Ref +7/Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +6

"So for now it seems that there is nothing wrong with the beacon? That is a bit disappointing, as the planet is clearly over-exploited. We don't know what was it with that illusion of factories processing copi, was it also Fallen Hand doing? But then why did they let us come here if the beacon is perfectly fine... " thinks out loud Vecro.


Lashtuna Envoy 4 | SP:24/24 | HP:28/28 | RP 5/6 | EAC 16 KAC 16| F +2 R +6 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +5| Ammo 4/6 attack rolls:
[dice=hutchket rifle]d20+5; d10+4

"Yarrr, Swabbie DuQuesne. Enough of the negative talk of these folk. While some of their demands are outrageous, there is no doubt that the political elite of this planet are dragging them down a path that is bad for the poor and bad for the environment. They have a right to be angry. Stop calling them a cult, aye."


Male NG Halfling Corporate Agent Envoy 6/Biohacker 2 | SP 48/48 HP 50/50 | RP 5/7 | EAC 19; KAC 20 | Fort +6; Ref +12; Will +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15, SM: +11+1d6+1 | Speed 30ft | +3 vs. fear effects, Clever Attack, Get'em, Inspiring Boost (15), +1d6+1 SM, Medicine and Bluff, Biohacks 4 rounds |

"Aye aye, captain! But I wouldn't say "there is no doubt" - I would actually say the opposite - there is no evidence! As far as we can tell, this all might just be a cyclical occurrence! These copi are unlike anything we have in the Pact Worlds, we have no basis to make any assumptions about it. But I'm sure the rebel group is compiling all the evidence and theories and ideas and opinions and hearsay they have on the matter, for us to bring back to the proper authorities!" DuQuesne snorts.

One thing is for sure - the government should be down here, studying all these monstrosities! Look at all this wasted potential!


Android Exocotrex Mechanic 7 | SP 42/42 : HP 46/46 : RP 5/5 | EAC 25 : KAC 26| F+6 : R+13 : W+2 | INIT+8 | Speed 40ft | Resist Fire 7| Low Light & Darkvision| Arc Rifle 40/40
Acro +6 : Ath+15 : Bluff 0 : Comp +16 : Cult +5 : Dip +10 : Disg 0 : Eng +16 : Intim +10 : LSci +5 : Med +8 : Perc +12 : Phy Sci +8 : Pilot +16: Prof+4 : Se Mot -2 : Stealth +10 : Surv 0

Kat processes for a moment. "We have insufficient data, but we have orders. Let's do what we came to do, and then bring all of the information we have to the society."

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Kat and Deloran are able to reinstall the second core with little issue.

On the return journey back through the run-down military structures you look around and call out for Cas Trainaii and the other copaxi, but they are nowhere to be found. It seems the Fallen Hand members have moved their positions after they let you pass.

By the time the you five return to your moored subs, you see that the vehicles' navigational systems have begun once again receiving data from the beacon's broadcast. As a result, even your slower and cracked ship is able to avoid any dangerous hazards on your return journey back to Yihil. When you re-dock at the military base, both Therseis and Zigivigix are waiting for you as you disembark.

We have begun getting readings from Zone 78's beacon Therseis expresses with relief. Thank you. I hope the trip was not too dangerous.

Yes, yes Starfinders Ziggy excitedly exclaims. How did it go? What did you find? I'm excited for your full report!


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

"Yarrr...ahem... Ziggy sir... I, Mustachio Marino, wish to lodge a complaint against the Starfinder Society for taking on this mission. Are we mercenaries who just take money from the rich, or do we stand for a higher calling? You just sent us against a band of dissidents who seem to have defensible complaints against the government, and we were NOT warned about them, and could have even murdered them all were we not able to talk them down. This mission was an embarrassment against the Society. Are we to be used a political pawns by whoever is rich enough to afford us?"


Male Human Xenoseeker Operative / 4 Sta 24 / 24 HP 28 / 28 RP 5/5 EAC 18(22), KAC 18(22), AC vs. CM 25, Init +6, Fort +3(+5), Ref +8, Wil +4

"But on a happier note. Look at all the odd life samples we came across. And here is some video I took, aren't they cute."
Deloran show the samples to any who might listen.


Male NG Halfling Corporate Agent Envoy 6/Biohacker 2 | SP 48/48 HP 50/50 | RP 5/7 | EAC 19; KAC 20 | Fort +6; Ref +12; Will +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15, SM: +11+1d6+1 | Speed 30ft | +3 vs. fear effects, Clever Attack, Get'em, Inspiring Boost (15), +1d6+1 SM, Medicine and Bluff, Biohacks 4 rounds |

All is well again! An insane cult of xenophobic copaxi sabotaged the beacon, but we scared them away. They had all these kooky claims of conspiracy theories against the government, but when we returned to collect their evidence - guess what? They had vanished! Like any proper politically motivated mad person, when confronted with reality they just turn tail and run to the nearest hole in the ground. Might want to send some security down there, Therseis, and smoke them out! This time was just a beacon, but who knows what else they might do in this crazy crusade to keep all aliens outside of Tabrid Minor!


Later on DuQuesne pulls Therseis to a side and gives him the contact information for VitariTech Industries. “I have managed plenty of biological projects in my time, and I’m sure Zone 78 is brimming with potential. These are my former colleagues, give them a call and I’m sure a very profitable research initiative can be set up around that area.” DuQuesne gives him a wink before moving away.


Lashtuna Envoy 4 | SP:24/24 | HP:28/28 | RP 5/6 | EAC 16 KAC 16| F +2 R +6 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +5| Ammo 4/6 attack rolls:
[dice=hutchket rifle]d20+5; d10+4

Mustachio pulls out a little notebook and jots down a note. "Always has been vesk up to this point. Oh, first time for everything."


Male Kasatha Tempered Pilgrim Solarian/7 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 51/53 | RP: 5/6 | EAC:20 KAC:20 | Fort +6/Ref +7/Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +6

Vecro is glad to be back.

"There is definitely something unclear here. Someone did set up the microphones in our badges. The local flora and fauna were altered by whatever is happening there, we have samples and recordings. On top of that before we found a safe place to park our subs we saw a powerful illusion of factories processing copi. The zone needs more investigation that is for sure." shares kasatha


Android Exocotrex Mechanic 7 | SP 42/42 : HP 46/46 : RP 5/5 | EAC 25 : KAC 26| F+6 : R+13 : W+2 | INIT+8 | Speed 40ft | Resist Fire 7| Low Light & Darkvision| Arc Rifle 40/40
Acro +6 : Ath+15 : Bluff 0 : Comp +16 : Cult +5 : Dip +10 : Disg 0 : Eng +16 : Intim +10 : LSci +5 : Med +8 : Perc +12 : Phy Sci +8 : Pilot +16: Prof+4 : Se Mot -2 : Stealth +10 : Surv 0

Kat recalls the groups demands to Therseis and Zigivigix. "They were called the Fallen Hand. They demanded we withdraw from Tabrid Minor. Their concern was that our support "lended credence and legitimacy to the government's position at a time when there is no moment to be spared to act and avert catastrophe." What's more troubling is what I discovered at the beacon, that there is a connection to the local infosphere to actively deter people away from the zone. I know we discussed the need for discretion about the zone during the briefing, but I just wanted all information we uncovered to be on the table for the societies consideration."


Male NG Halfling Corporate Agent Envoy 6/Biohacker 2 | SP 48/48 HP 50/50 | RP 5/7 | EAC 19; KAC 20 | Fort +6; Ref +12; Will +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15, SM: +11+1d6+1 | Speed 30ft | +3 vs. fear effects, Clever Attack, Get'em, Inspiring Boost (15), +1d6+1 SM, Medicine and Bluff, Biohacks 4 rounds |

"Let's be more precise: they asked for "an immediate end to all off-world diplomacy and trade" and "destruction of all starships". When I say it out loud it sounds even more crazy! Why are we wasting time discussing this? It's nothing but a separatist rebel group that wishes to completely shut down the planet from any exterior influences, nothing short of an extremist xenophobic policy." DuQuesne is amazed.

"Oh yeah, they were spying in on us through the badges. You can assume they have moles in the government, Therseis. You better get your stuff together before they mess up Tabrid Minor royally! It's unbelieavable!"

DuQuesne is obviously pro-business/pro-government, but the Hand were severely lacking in the evidence area of their accusations. Too much crackpot, too little facts


Lashtuna Envoy 4 | SP:24/24 | HP:28/28 | RP 5/6 | EAC 16 KAC 16| F +2 R +6 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +5| Ammo 4/6 attack rolls:
[dice=hutchket rifle]d20+5; d10+4

"I am not sure it was this group spying on us through the badges. Where is the proof? And yes they had some ideas that were outlandish, but you wish to throw out the baby with the bathwater, agent DuQuesne, and ignore all of their legitimate arguments and overlook the irregularities here.."

Mustachio goes back to jotting in his notebook. "...seems very close minded..." he mutters to himself.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Whoops! Had a post last night, or so I thoguht, but doesn't seem to have gone through.

Therseis and Zigvigix listen intently as you describe your experiences. The shirren's antennae twitch, while the copaxi shakes their head. I apologize for any difficulties. Had we known you would have encountered other sentients on the island we would have informed you. I assure you that the beliefs of the Fallen Hand are not indicative of the attitudes of all copaxi. They will also accept DuQuesne's business card with appreciation.

Yes - I had thought this would be a simple mission to help out this world with dealing with a strange disturbance. Ziggy tries to reassure you. They broadcast their thoughts publicly I didn't expect negotiations to be a part of it! If I had I would likely have brought in some more specialized agents...

The shirren moves to looks over the samples Deloran displays, publicly quite pleased. Each of you then hear the exo-guardian's voice in your heads, though you sense this telepathic conversation is only amongst you six. {There is clearly much more to learn and understand about copaxi politics than we believed. The Society always tries to be neutral in such matters, but what that means in this context may be more complicated. How do you feel about it?}

They are asking your opinions on if you think the Starfinder Society should continue to work on Tabrid Minor, or if the Society should halt its work here for the time being. Obviously you can each have your own opinions on the matter. (It won't affect any rewards, chrocnicle info, etc, but will affect some Reporting)


Male NG Halfling Corporate Agent Envoy 6/Biohacker 2 | SP 48/48 HP 50/50 | RP 5/7 | EAC 19; KAC 20 | Fort +6; Ref +12; Will +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15, SM: +11+1d6+1 | Speed 30ft | +3 vs. fear effects, Clever Attack, Get'em, Inspiring Boost (15), +1d6+1 SM, Medicine and Bluff, Biohacks 4 rounds |

"They knew way too much about us, my captain! They were ready for our arrival! Well, call me old fashion, but I believe planets are richer by having contact with as many alien cultures as possible - if you think they would be better behind a planetary wall, there's nothing else I can say, Mustachio." DuQuesne shakes his head.

Wait, the badges had our photos and names, perhaps they could identify DuQuesne from that - that's one hell of a perfect sight though


"Tabrid Minor has a rich and unique enviroment - it would be to the detriment of the Pact Worlds to not welcome them into our midst! Not only we should keep them close by, we should consider setting up a lodge here!" he answers Ziggy.


Lashtuna Envoy 4 | SP:24/24 | HP:28/28 | RP 5/6 | EAC 16 KAC 16| F +2 R +6 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +5| Ammo 4/6 attack rolls:
[dice=hutchket rifle]d20+5; d10+4

"The Society was pulled into a delicate political situation by the government and I believe was done so with bad intentions, as if they set us up to murder these dissidents. I would vote to avoid Tabrid Minor in the future." thinks Mustachio back to Ziggy.


Male Kasatha Tempered Pilgrim Solarian/7 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 51/53 | RP: 5/6 | EAC:20 KAC:20 | Fort +6/Ref +7/Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +6

Vecro listens to his allies

"I believe we should continue with what we are doing, while keeping our eyes and ears open for any signs of abuse or bad will. It is clear that this planet is dying, and actions should be taken to stop environmental damage. The only way to have a saying in all that is to keep relations with the government."


Android Exocotrex Mechanic 7 | SP 42/42 : HP 46/46 : RP 5/5 | EAC 25 : KAC 26| F+6 : R+13 : W+2 | INIT+8 | Speed 40ft | Resist Fire 7| Low Light & Darkvision| Arc Rifle 40/40
Acro +6 : Ath+15 : Bluff 0 : Comp +16 : Cult +5 : Dip +10 : Disg 0 : Eng +16 : Intim +10 : LSci +5 : Med +8 : Perc +12 : Phy Sci +8 : Pilot +16: Prof+4 : Se Mot -2 : Stealth +10 : Surv 0

"I only urge caution in your dealings here. There may be more going on here beneath the surface. I would describe a lot of the details here as suspicious. But we can only report on the facts at hand. I make no assumptions based on our findings." The android responds in her cold, calculating manner. "As Vecro suggests, we can only investigate further by continuing negotiations"


Male Human Xenoseeker Operative / 4 Sta 24 / 24 HP 28 / 28 RP 5/5 EAC 18(22), KAC 18(22), AC vs. CM 25, Init +6, Fort +3(+5), Ref +8, Wil +4

"I as well advise caution here. I believe that there are wheels with in wheels at work here. There are far to many questions than answers about that island. investigation by a more experienced team would be most wise." Deloran responds

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

{Understood Starfinders} I will take your thoughts to the Forum} Because these specimens are excellent! Zigivigix expresses publcily once more. Studying these could give us interesting insights into not only Tabrid Minor, but similar worlds as well

It may take time for a full analysis, but I will keep you informed! But for now you deserve some rest Starfinders. Hopefully tomorrow will give you a quieter mission!

That is to be seen, but for now you have successfully Struck at Zone 78!

Please confirm your character info and let me know if there are any other things I should be aware of regarding chronicles/reporting. I hope to have chronicles up for each of you soon!

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