GM Zoomba |

Since first encountering the copaxis of Tabrid Minor, the Starfinder Society's Exo-Guardians faction has aided in reclaiming dangerous portions of the world. But with one of the copaxi's outposts gone silent, are the Starfinders ready for what they might find?...
Feel free to introduce yourselves, or just dot and delete for now. We'll be launching off on Friday 10/30

GM Zoomba |

As your last missions from across the galaxy wrapped up, each of you were hoping for a little R&R time. But unfortunately the Forum's mission assignment scheduling can sometimes get a bit...wonky as it tries to adjust for travel times and time zones across multiple sectors of space. As a result, each of you found your time off cut short by a brief yet insistent summons to the Near Space planet of Tabrid Minor. The instructions were brief - only that the society was partnering with the government and required experienced agents to assist - but when the Forum calls, Starfinders answer!
Now each of you stands and sits waiting in the coastal region of Yihil, one of the more prestigious landmasses on Tabrid Minor. The sound of waves crashing against the shore echo from not distant beaches, but direct access to the nearby waterfronts in blocked from you by several large buildings and roadblocks. The copaxi - Tabrid Minor's predominant sentient species, complex colonies of coral-like polyps that have developed into anthropomorphic forms - nearby have greeted you warmly but at a remove, advising that your 'leading officer' will be with you shortly. For now, you have nothing to do but wait, and to see who else was called in for this.
And we're off! Feel free to introduce yourselves to each other.

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DuQuesne is an older halfling, with a gentle smile and calm demeanor, wearing casual clothing. “Hello, everyone! I’m doctor DuQuesne and it’s a great pleasure to be working with you all. I joined the society only a couple of months ago, so, after a lifetime of work in a corporation, this is all quite fresh and exciting!”
He seems distracted by the sounds of the ocean. “You know, after so many decades in Akiton, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this much water just sitting there - no plants processing it, no extraction facilities… it almost seems…. wasteful!”

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After arranging transport on a freighter from Absalom Station, the android Kat5e joins her assigned crew on the coastline. She is dressed casually, dark leggings and a black band t-shirt under a worn leather jacket. Only the faint shimmer on her exposed skin reveals her transparent clearweave armour. You might even miss it entirely if your eye is drawn to her extensive tattoo work, both in ink on her synthetic skin, and the glowing patterns of android circuitry. The designs extend up over her sharp and stern looking face and across her scalp, obscured only by her mirrored sunglasses and her brightly coloured mohawk, which is currently lazily brushed over to one side. Her only possessions are strapped to her. An old and well used pawn-shop laser rifle, and a baton hanging at her hip.
"Hello Doctor, My designation is Kat5e. Most just call me Kat. Pleasure to met you."
She leans against the roadblock by the crew and makes herself comfortable while they wait. "I did a job on Akiton once. That's where I picked up these glasses, actually. I'm from lower Absolom, so I've never seen an ocean before either. I guess I still haven't."

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A young wide eyed human that has four sidearms strapped to him, stands on his toes, still trying to find a glimpse of the ocean. He turns toward the group.
"Hello, I am Deloran. I hope we get a chance to be on the beach, it sounds so wonderful. I was born and raised on a freighter, so I spent most of my life in space. So I have never walked on a beach before. I wonder what different types of lifeforms live there?
Doctor DuQuesne, it is so nice to meet you. I have a medical background as well mostly in Xeno-biology. But it's not as grand as being a Doctor, I am just more of a medic that like to discover new life forms. Isn't the Copaxi amazing, a race based on living rock.
Did you also take the oath of doing no harm to living creatures like I did? That is why I carry stunners and needlers."
Looking over to the android
"And hello to you too Kat. Maybe if there is time we could all take a trip to the beach. I have heard stories that some people take a plank of foam board wrapped in a harden skin that they use to stand on so the water can push them along from the ocean to the beach. Wouldn't that be a sight. What type of work do you do?"

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"Hello fans, while I know there is no need to introduce myself, I don't want you all to feel the need to call me Billy. It is I, Mustachio Marino, and surely you've seen me as Billy the Red Ranger from Space Rangers Ultra Paradox. I am no mere actor but an on call Starfinder, thankfully for you all. It's been a while, but I couldn't say no when they called me and begged for my leadership in this expedition. Ok, first things first; this is all old hat to me now. Everyone get your insults out quick and let's hasten to the bonding part where you stop pretending to hate me and shower me with rightful and friendly praise."
The lashunta gives you all a big smile. He is quite handsome, despite the ridiculous plumed hat he insists on wearing.

GM Zoomba |

Before you've been left alone for too long, a bulky military transport trcuk slowly approaches you from a distance. As it reaches you, the vehicle turns and skids to a stop in front of your party, kicking dust up into the air. A heavily armored shirren figure walks toward the railing of the truck's covered bed, and waves out to you below a covered canopy - it's Zigvigix, the current leader of the Exo-Guardian organization!
Hello friends! And welcome to the world of Tabrid Minor! they telepathically chatters to you as they brace against the transport’s rail. More specifically, welcome to Yihil. Please, come aboard with me! Oh, and our friend and liason Therseis; I'm not sure if any of you have met them.
At this the host shirren waves back towards the other figure on the truckbed - a copaxi dressed in a professional suit who raises their arms out to their sides with palms facing you before giving a slow spin around in place. If any of you have played 1-24 the Protectorate Petition (or read the Starfinders report on it) you would recognize Therseis as the copaxi who helped guide the Starfinders' first exploratory team to Tabrid Minor.

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"Ah, Tabrid Minor. I've never been here myself, but I am keen to learn of the troubles that would make you pull me, Mustachio Marino, A-list actor, doctor, and starship captain extraordinaire, out of Starfinder retirement."

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"And hello to you too Kat....What type of work do you do?"
Kay considers the concept of surfing for a moment before responding. "Fascinating. We should try if the opportunity presents itself. I should be waterproof." If the last bit is an attempt at humor, it's hard to tell.
"My work lately is primarily private security, for some establishments in the Downlow on Absolom, as well as some VIP work. It has kept me quite busy between Starfinder operations."
She greets Mustachio, and her eyes flicker as she scans back in her memory for his credits. "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with your work. I don't watch much of the vidscreen, just whatever sports or races I catch in the background at the clubs."
When the truck approaches, she greets their contacts with a nod, and wordlessly climbs aboard the truck to take a seat against the railing.

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She greets Mustachio, and her eyes flicker as she scans back in her memory for his credits. "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with your work. I don't watch much of the vidscreen, just whatever sports or races I catch in the background at the clubs."
"Why does everyone say that? DOES NO ONE WATCH CHANNEL 461 AT 7:30 AM EVERY OTHER THURSDAY??"

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"Looks like duty calls! Enough chit-chatting, companions, and let's get on board!" DuQuesne climbs aboard the truck and sits nearby Zigvigix.
"I have never been here, venture-captain, please tell us all about this place - and the mission, of course!”

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Walking up to the big Shirren "Hello sir, I am Deloran Starrunner. I am sorry to say that I have never been on this planet before. Is Therseis a multi-life form in a single body, since you are using the pronoun 'Them'? I only see one person up there. This is so exciting, I can't wait to get started."
And Deloran steps into the transport.

GM Zoomba |

Of course, the mission at hand! 'Ziggy' says as they help you aboard the truck. And please: I'm no venture captain. I just am doing my best to keep the exo-guardians going into their new stage. Which is why I was so excited when Therseis and the Coenocopi Foundation reached out to us!
As soon as the last of you hop aboard the trcukbed, the vehicle lurches into motion again. The host shirren looks at each of you, antennae wiggling. So, I know intergalactic politics can get a bit dry for most Starfinders, so for those who haven’t kept up with the latest news in the Pact Worlds, Tabrid Minor applied for protectorate status about two years ago. That application is still pending, which means that since then, their application has been running around the bureaucratic hamster wheel.
At this, Therseis speaks up from the bench they have sat down on. An ongoing application process would not normally be a barrier for a petitioning world to request needed assistance they state. However, the Coenocopi Foundation has received information from the Yihil regional government that requires discretion. A military zone off the coast here, Zone 78, has been radiating environmental anomalies. Originally, the zone’s border contained these anomalies, but now, these borders contain only the worst effects and the destruction continues to spread. As one of the newer members of the Coenocopi Foundation, I determined it appropriate to investigate the region.
Within range of Zone 78 is an island that hosts a military installation and a beacon to monitor the zone’s interior. This beacon ceased sending information several months ago. Without this data, it is no longer safe to navigate to and within the zone. This is the task I request of you: determine what happened to the beacon and complete any necessary repairs.
At this time, the Yihil governing council does not want to reveal the existence of Zone 78 to the Pact Worlds. They are worried about negative repercussions on our protectorate application. Given that your Society proved itself capable and honest in the past, I determined that contacting you would be the best option. It’s unclear what dangers you’ll face, so prepare yourselves to be as flexible as possible. If you can reactivate the beacon, you’ll be able to use its data to make the return journey easier.

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"Oopsie! Sorry, faction leader!" then he turns to Therseis "Radiating environmental anomalies, you say. Could you elaborate on that?"

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Last on the truck board rather tall and well-built kasatha. From what you know kasathas never look to packed with muscles but this person is a bit wider in shoulders. He shake each agents hand and bows his head speaking a treating in his native tongue.
His clothing is of dark red with a symbol of a four-armed dragon. His grey skin is almost entirely covered with clothing including his face. But his long hair-less head is kept uncovered. On his back, he carries a shield, near his belt hangs a long chain.
Next to his head floats a mote of blackness looking like it sucks all the light from nearby. The mote is constantly collapsing which could be mesmerizing, but from what you noticed it does not interfere with its surrounding.
"My name is Vecro Asynti from the House of Khadil. I almost missed this briefing. Accept my sincerest apology."
As he listens to Therseis he takes a couple of notes
"What sort of military zone was it? Training grounds? Offices? Or a secret area designated for working on new weapons?"

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Enjoying the ride, Deloran quickly looks up what a Coenocopi is, since he never encountered one before today.
"You say that the zone is radiating environmental anomalies? Are they biological in nature, is it radiation, or perhaps chemical? I am with DuQuesne, I believe we need more information to prepare ourselves for this mission. How will we get to this island, by water craft or by another form of transport? Will we use the same transport to get off the island?
Sorry for saying, but wouldn't this mission be handled by locals? Just fly over a repair team and fix the beacon? Or has that been tried already?"

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Kat's tactical overlay flashes updated mission parameters across her vision.
>Proceed to beacon
>Recover Intel from zone and investigate.
She considers Vecro's questions about the zone and expresses the same concern.
"Yeah, what's up with this zone that it needs to be so secret? Is it some kind of test site?"

GM Zoomba |

The anomalies are not the result of military testing. Therseis clarifies. Instead the military has set up the Zone specifically to monitor, study, and potentially contain, the abnormalties within. Other citizens and travelers are diverted around and away from the Zone for their own safety. As for the anomalies themselves? Gravitational shifts, rapidly changing weather patterns, mutated animals and plants, and stranger things have all been observed within Zone 78. Copi naturally regulate much of our environment, so their large-scale destruction in this region affects nearly every aspect of the ecosystem. While small environmental effects have begun emerging across Tabrid Minor, Zone 78 is the only area where such major fluctuations are not sporadic, but 'the norm'. It is very likely that even with a brief journey you will encounter at least one anomaly wave.
Deloran's last question seems to giver Therseis pause for a moment. The copaxi replies, but hesitantly at first as though trying to choose the correct words. While our scientists, both in the military and the Coenocopi Foundation I represent, have been researching the region for some time, the cesation of broadcasts from this beacon is a troubling new development. It could be a result of unexpected storm damage, or instead it may be a result of a new and unknown threat within the Zone. The anomalies we know of have caused significant destruction and damage to the region's copi: a new environmental shift may prove particularly dangerous to us copaxi due to our symbiotic relationship with those creatures.
Zigivix pipes in to try and give Therseis a bit of relief. Which is why they reached out to us! I guess the local governing council is worried that asking the Pact Worlds for help directly about a new dangerous spot of the planet might make it less likely the Wolds would think a good idea to grant Protectorate status to Tabrid Minor. But We've been working with the copaxi before, and helping people by handling unknown threats is exactly what the Exo-Guardians are for!
Oh, and you won't need to swim there! The military has some submersibles they're providing us. A perk of having a government as our benefactor in this!

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Vecro nods to the answers that they get. He is a bit concerned with the mutated animals as he hopes he will not mutate himself. He likes the structure of the DNA just the way it is right now.
Also from his experience only in comic books, you get powers by being bitten by radioactive animals. In reality, you get radiation sickness, infection, and a curse related to a haunting spirit.
"In that case, I am ready to go in."

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"Sounds like the Copaxi are a tad paranoic, aren't they? You really think a single zone would complicate the case for protectorate status? Have you seem some of the planets that are members of the Pact? My homeworld is no paradise, but please read up on Aucturn when you have the chance!" DuQuesne tries to defuse Therseis worries.
"I'm absolute rubbish when it comes to fixing mechanical things, but I'm quite the crack pilot - I got plenty of training flying away from desert pirates back in the day! How many submersibles are we talking about?"

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My understanding is that the relevant parties believe that minimizing any possible unease or complications with our application would be best to avoid any delays in Protectorate status being granted. Therseis explains. I should note and re-emphasize that Zone 78 is also not officially recognized even amongst the majority of Tabrid Minor. Your companion they wave a hand towards Ziggy has given assurances that you can be trusted to show discretion in this. In fact...
The copaxi turns and digs into a bag laying on the bench beside them. From it, they produce six polymer badges, each one bearing one of your names, your photo, and the words “Affiliation: Coenocopi Foundation". These badges confirm that you are authorized to enter Zone 78. Keep them displayed on your armor at all times. they also contain tracking bugs implanted within them, which will allow you to be located and potentially rescued if you run into trouble that you cannot handle
As for your transportation, our government has requisitioned a state-of-the-art scouting sub for your use. There are also minisubs available if you would like to split amongst multiple raft, though those are not currently fitted with an automated piloting system. Given that the area around the beacon's island often experiences storms, it would be safest to approach beneath the surface.
They will provide you with a submarine large enough to carry all of you, and/or multiple minsubs that can hold 2 people each. Stats are in the Slide in my profile and at the top of the page.

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DuQuesne equips one of the badges. “How charming! This almost seems like we are about to do some corporate espionage… not that I would know anything about that!” he laughs it off.
He examines the submarines’ specs. “Wow, these must be really sturdy. Because if one of those “mutated animals” of the aquatic kind attacks us, our only option is to smack the vehicle against it. No underwater missiles or anything, huh? I’ll pilot one of these Torpedo Minisubs, just in case!” He double checks the environmental protections on his armor, making sure they are filled up to the brim.

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Mustachio is about to say... Wait a minute... "if your secret military base is leaking radioactive fluids or whatnot, maybe you SHOULDN'T be trusted to join the Pact Worlds, even as just a protectorate..."
...and then he is ABOUT to say... "This is really fishy and you are just using the Starfinders to cover up some suspicious ass shit...."
...but then the guy offers us a scouting sub and Mustachio is like...
"A scouting sub! Yarrr! Sign me up, laddie. Tis the perfect chance for I, Captain Mustachio Marino, to try out his pirate persona. They say if you can do a pirate, you can do anything. Shiver me timbers and hoist the mainsail, the Captain is here!"

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Kat looks the badge over with a scowl.
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
... but is distracted by her picture. "Ugh, where did they get this photo?" she asks herself quietly.
She takes a moment to consider their options for underwater travel. "I would be comfortable using either option."
She briefly recalls her earlier conversation with Delorian; I sure hope I'm waterproof

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Vecro picks up the badge and pins it into his armor. The picture shows a kasatha with a covered mouth. He wonders how well copaxis recognize others by the shade of the grey skin and the shape of the eyes. His face not showing any emotions.
"Ready to go."

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Excellent! Zigvigix's antennae twitch with excitement. Since this is potentially our only chance to see inside Zone 78, try to collect samples of any anomalies you find. It’ll help us determine what danger Zone 78 poses.
I know this is a lot, so I’ll repeat what Therseis said. Find out what happened to the beacon and do whatever you need to repair it. Bring back samples of any weird stuff you find. Got it?
If any last questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, just need to confirm if you'll all be in the big Sub or some want to instead take one or more of the smaller ones too.
It is also possible that some of you may have been able to pick up info about Tabrid Minor already by poring over the infosphere during your journey (Computers check) or through conversations with the copaxi after you got planetside (Diplomacy to Gather Information)

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
DuQuesne will take one of the Torpedo Minisubs to go along with the big one.

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FYI: Vecro knows copaxi laguage I played the first copaxi scenario and got access to the language which Vecro picked. He does not have piloting so he goes to the big sub. And he would try to chat with locals whenever possible to get some knowledge
Vecro listens in and simply says
"I never got proficient in driving vehicles so I would go with the big submarine."
As he was on the ground Vecro practices his copaxi language skills trying to ask about the Tabrid Minor.
Diplomacy, Gather information: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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"Dibs on Captain, mates!" Entering the larger sub, Mustachio sits at the most important looking seat he can find.
Those that can't do... manage.

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When we get the badges
Looking at the fancy badge. he searches of the tracker.
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
"Oh, I see the tracking devices in the badges. What a great idea, we better not loose these. And there is a little microphone in there as well. I bet that is there so we can call for help if need be. What is the range of these badges? Does anything block it's signal?"
Later when Mustachio decides to become a pirate.
"Samples, what type of samples do you think we will find? Do you have something that we can put the samples in?"
Hearing Mustachio rave about wanting to be a pirate. And getting concerned that he might want to go raiding other ships.
"How hard is it to...what the term ..swim a sub? I can fly many space craft and was curious if they were the same? If we want to go outside the sub do you any special gear we could use? I am not sure if my vac-suit would work under water."
Deloran will go on the big sub if no one else can drive it, if someone else can drive it and no one joins DuQuesne on the smaller one. Deloran will join DuQuesne on the small one.
Computer check for looking up about the Tabrid Minor: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

GM Zoomba |

The range should be planetary, for locating purposes. Therseis says. But, I apologize: a microphone? They looks at you quizzically. those are not standard for identification badges...
As for the submersibles, the controls are not dissimilar to most of your Pact Worlds vehicles. And swimming is, well swimming? Unfortunately we copaxi do not have much in the way of aquatic suits prepared to offer.
Driving the subs would be a Piloting check. The big one has an AutoPilot, or you can override it and make your own check for it if you'd like (though it is likely better than you at this level). The minisubs do not have that feature, and thus someone would need to use their own mod to Pilot each.
Prior to Zigvigix and Therseis arriving, DuQuesne and Vecro had been able to make some amicable conversations with some of your copaxi escorts and greeters. You learned that Tabrid Minor’s use of Drift travel began only a few decades ago. The planetary government has begun focusing on off-planet diplomacy in recent years. Yet despite only appearing in Pact Worlds and inter-system politics recently, copaxis began industrial development centuries ago and have advanced technological infrastructure.
This industrialization helped advance the copaxi, but it also damaged much of Tabrid Minor’s ecosystem and the planet continues to degrade. The coral-like copi, which copaxis have a symbiotic relationship with, have been hit hard by over-harvesting and the changing planetary temperature, oceanic currents, and wind systems.

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"So those badges contain microphones that are not from your Therseis?"
Knowing well that whoever did it hears their conversation, he brings the badge close to his covered mouth and says
"Whoever you are buddy, we will most likely track you while we are here, and the conversation might be unpleasant to you."
"Should we remove the microphones?" asks kasatha
As Vecro speaks with others copaxi he clearly gets sad as he tries to explain to the others
"Kasathas destroyed their world just like you are doing. Progressing industrialization and not protecting the environment brought the whole planet to a state where it could not be stopped. Most of my brethren boarded a ship and live in space from then on. Do not repeat our failures, my advice."

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"Microphones? Good! Perhaps our mighty deeds will be recorded and distributed throughout this world and beyond. Testing...testing... It is I Captain Mustachio, leading this team to great deeds and beyond. Yarrr! We be gettin' on the sub now, the quest awaits!"

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“I’m sure our wonderful and amazing hosts at the Coenocopi Foundation have everything under control! DuQuesne approaches the badge to his mouth as he says this.
Back in Akiton we had similar environmental, uh, challenges, and we have adapted quite well!

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Just noticed my last post is absent, strange! I will paraphrase...
Kay regards Vecro, and tells him "I'm glad someone else is concerned we were going to be spied on"
She takes a closer look at the ID tag and attempts to remove or disable the microphone.
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Same roll, maybe I got distracted and didn't submit my last post
She scowls at it when she doesn't seem to have any success. Instead she tosses the badge on the ground and drives the heel of her black leather boot down into it with a loud thud.
She then calmly retrieves the badge, wipes it off and affixes it to her coat.
"Alright. I'm ready to move then. Let's just be mindful of the information we share out loud until we discover who'se listening in, and why"
If I keep rolling like this, maybe autopilot is the safest bet for Kat.

GM Zoomba |

Kat5e tries to figure out how to deactivate the microphone function of the badge, but is unable to do so without tearing the whole thing apart. Her stomp on it evinces a wince from Therseis, who responds as she reattaches the badge Be careful: while I cannot speak to why audio devices are included in the badges, if you destroy them you won't be able to get through the checkpoints to continue with the mission and reach Zone 78.
Which is the whole reason we're here! Ziggy chimes in as he hands Deloran several vials and tubes for sample collection. So good luck Starfinders. the shirren adds as the truck slows as it approaches a line of buildings near the coastline. I am sure you will be up to the task!
So, just let me know who will want to go out in one (or more) of the minisubs as opposed to the PumpJet. DuQuesne is interested I see: is Deloran or someone else being a passenger along with them?

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Seeing everyone uncomfortable with being lessoned on Deloran offers up.
If you want I could add a micro switch so it would only transmit when you turn it on if you would like." And he takes a look to see if he can make the change.
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
He pops open his hacking tool kit and and starts to make the adjustments to his badge.

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Deloran finds a way to short out the microphone in his own badge, though Kat's prior tinkering and stomp means her badge is a bit too fragile now for him to replicate the trick.
Deloran can disable the mic function on the rest of your team's badges as well, but the prior failed check from Kat5e means that her badge can't be tinkered with any further without being too obliterated to serve as a valid ID.
While Deloran finishes up his work, your transit truck finishes up its deceleration and comes to a final stop at an entrance gate. Zigivigix gives you all a final wave and blessing of luck as the six of you climb down and are approached by a trio of copaxi guards in uniforms. The three check each of your ID badges before letting you through the entryway, with one of them splitting of to lead you towards the compound's docks. Behind the metal walls and canopies is a feast of technology. You pass a line of vehicles made from novel polymers as they approach the dry dock, where a series of raised yellow lines mark the end of the concrete floor. There, a submarine shines with fresh coating and waits to be lowered for launch.
A stocky copaxi mechanic reviews the submarine’s features for you as he points to the ship, saying You the guys signing this out? Well, enjoy. This baby is the newest model. Handles beautifully, even when surfaced. Seven passengers, max speed of 50 miles per hour. Updated with the newest autopilot and a planet-wide comm unit. No weapons, but it looks like you’ve brought your own. Should pretty much steer itself, and darn good too. There's a manual override too in a pinch of course, but if you flip that switch, just try to get it back without too much scratches, all right?
Of course, if you need the extra maneuverability, like I see in your eyes some of you do, I can pull out some extra minisubs over here. Just be sure to leave the the big tub with enough crew in case you get into trouble.
True to the mechanic's boasts, the submersible is indeed quite advanced. Fine, almost organic-looking polymers shine in the sunlight as you take in its powerful engine and sizable fore viewing window. Several hatches and mini-airlocks also allow for quick entrance or exit from the vessel.

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Perking up when the mechanic talks about the smaller subs.
You say that the little ones are fast, How fast?
DuQuesne, maybe we could have a race. I heard of this race where they speed around a track while shooting at each other. Let's not shoot at each other, ok. But we could use the smaller ones to scout ahead of the bigger sub and if the bigger sub gets attacked we could...." and trails off before talking to the mechanic.
Deloran turns to the mechanic. "What would happen if we ram something with the little sub, will we have to pay for the sub?"

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Vecro greets the mechanic and looks at the subs.
"Really astonishing vehicles!" kasatha comments as he looks at the presented vehicles.
Later on he goes into the big sub finding a spot for himself with a good view through the viewing window.

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NOW Mustachio finds the most important seat on the big sub and sits down. He hunches over a bit to talk into his badge.
"Captains Log. We are in the vessel MSS Mustachio, ready to set sail to parts unknown. Yarrr. Morale is high, as there seems to be a ready supply of grog. The crew do have an abundance of oranges so we be no fearin the bouts o scurvy that do be takin' the expeditions before us. Surely there will be a kraken or two before we pass the high seas."
Covering his microphone, Mustachio winks at his crewmates. "Don't be likin' being taped, me laddies? Join me play and we'll give the listeners good drama. Tis good for your soul."

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Deloran turns to the mechanic. "What would happen if we ram something with the little sub, will we have to pay for the sub?"
The copaxi bleaches. You got any idea how many clams these things cost? I know the Foundation you guys're here with has some solid backing, but lets just say it'd put as big a dent in their budget as it would the hull.
And they ain't bad: can get up to 22 mph in the open water. 'Course the real draw's the handling and acceleration: can turn a hell of a lot quicker than the bigger tub, and rev up to top speed more'n twice as fast.

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"I doubt this situation should be taken so lightly... the big vehicle seems lovely, but I really prefer to be behind the wheel, so to speak!" DuQuesne boards one of the smaller submarines, tries the controls, looks for a tutorial.

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As DuQuesne (and Deloran?) hop into one of the nice and snug minisubs, the rest of you pile into the main PumpJet. You spend a few minutes familiarizing yourselves with the controls, and then launch out from the dock into the wide ocean!
The sky is bright by the coast as you depart, and the the clear water gives you a good look at all sorts of animals swimming past your ships as you move. At first all of the creature seem normal - one planet's fish isn't too dissimilar from most others'. But are you get further away from the Yihil coastline you start to notice abnormalities among the wildlife: a single fish with duller colors than its schoolmates here, a strand of kelp that repeatedly forks into ever-smaller strands there. Before long more obviously mutated animals pass by, including turtles with misshapen coral shells, miniature sharks whose fins are stunted fins hides are splotchy, and an octopus with dozens of arms of varying sizes.
If any of you want to try and get some samples from the mutated creatures here, you cold try exiting the submarine's escape trunk and swimming out to them with an Athletics check - after activating your armor's environmental protections to breath of course!

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"Well, that doesn't look very healthy! I... have... heard... of companies that experimented with unethical genetic manipulation, but this is at a whole new level! Can anyone check those things for radiation?"
With my +3, I'll skip the swimming challenge, thank you very much

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Being on a smaller sub Deloran gets ready to swim out there to get a sample.
"This is so exciting you sure you don't want to join me? Just imagine what new life forms are out there."
He double checks his armor to make sure every thing is water tight before going in and taking swim. He makes sure his needlers and knife are tethered to him, while leaving most of his gear back to keep dry.
Athletics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

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Vecro join Deloran in the water. He leaves most of his belongings in the sub keeping only his starknife. Before he goes into the water he reaches for his mote of solar energy that spills on his armor. Putting on Solar Armor, gives 5 electric resistance thanks to Constructive Interference
Then he turns on environmental protection.
As he leaves the sub he uses his four hands to swim and collect some samples.
Athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

GM Zoomba |

With DuQuesne keeping a hand on the proverbial wheel, Deloran exits the sub to try and get a better look at the mutated animals. Nearby, Vecro joins him (after engaging some additional protections). The currents in the water are a bit stronger than either expected, but the pair are able to get some scale scrapings and gather warped plant life that Zigivigix should be thrilled to analyze further once you return.
You're able to get some good samples for Ziggy.
The two then return to their ships and your party continues forwards. The copaxi wasn't lying about their tech: each sub's engines make good time as they propel you through the sea and towards the island base holding the downed beacon.
Then your scanners start to ping. Ahead of you, a swift-moving line of clouds abruptly marks a stormfront on the open water. Past the front line of the storm, the waves and choppy seas make the travel more dangerous. Visible in the distance, acidic lightning forks through the sky.
An unnatural storm is approaching. And while its roiling the water's surface, the seas below the waves aren't going to be smooth sailing either.
Each of you who is not piloting a sub can attempt either an Engineering or a Perception check to try and determine just how deep the submarine should submerge to avoid damage in the storm.
Duquesne: you need to make a Piloting check to try and continue to steer your minisub, and to potentially give Deloran some help on his own check. None of you on the larger PumpJet are required to make a Piloting chekc (instead of the Engineering/Perception roll), but if you want to try and surpass that ship's autopilot it might give a bonus to your crewmate's checks.

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"Finally, some action! Exciting, isn't it?"
Piloting: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 2 = 34
"Well, that was pretty easy..."

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Kat settles into the larger sub and watches out a port at the water and the scenery.
As they approach the stormy weather, she has a look around at the construction of the submarine and attempts to find a placard with design tolerances and specifications.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20