Izomandakus |

1d100 ⇒ 68
As the spell finishes a shorter and more hairy version of Koba coalesces where the cinders and diamond where, now gone.
Pachemu is quick to approach the new being and sniff at him/her.
"Well, that did work actually. And not that bad" Izomandakus nods proud of the job done "Koba? Do you feel good? Welcome back to Varisia"

GM Euan - Rise |

A much shorter paladin graces your presence. He sits up a bit. ”That dying process was brutal, but coming back isn’t too bad! I’m even younger than I was, but, ah, rather shorter.” He shrugs and hands Seamus his bow. ”Well, I won’t be able to use this now.” he chuckles, still having a sense of humor about it.
Composite Long Bow (+2), magic +2, adaptive
”I’ll have to get a smaller one. So, ah, where are we? Rather a dank place.” he says as he looks around. He takes his old shirt and wears it as a dress, belted in the middle - for now. He takes his other gear too, though he’ll need to sell it all and re-equip.

Kast Phaer |

Wow! It is a halfling! And I was hoping for Huskie. But also, no need for that medium sized bow now is there!?
"Welcome back, Koda," Kast welcomes his new/old friend. "Yes, things are no doubt different for you now, and I would invite you to be patient with yourself as you get acclimated to your new...uh...stature. You're welcome to come stay with me in Sandpoint if you'd like...until you get your new feet under you. It's a lovely town and all, and many beautiful lasses about," Kast mentions, totally not thinking about a certain lass at all.

GM Euan - Rise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

”Yeah, I’d like that, thanks for the offer. I’ve got to re-kit and figure out what I’m going to do next. I’m younger now than I was, and I seem to have my mind intact, so the world is my oyster as they say! Just need a new bow…” Koba joins you to Sandpoint, which now that you’ve raised him, is a bit of a walk as he’s not wind walked and you can’t carry him alive that way.
But you’ll reach Sandpoint by supper, instead of lunch and, I expect, make your way to the ‘Dragon for drinks and dinner! It’s late on a Sunday, so there are more than a few folk taking advantage of the last waning hours of their day off to have a little fun before work begins in earnest the next day.
You are, of course, welcomed with open arms! Koba is quite surprised at the warmth of the welcome extended even to him, just for accompanying you. Ameiko is there, and she stops by the table to say hello, and get introduced to your new companion.

Izomandakus |

While the group walks back to Sandpoint, Izomandakus looks sorrowful at the halfling not being able to use his newly forged bow "You know, I could make you raise in size. It seems I am an ancient transmuter of old Thassilion and can do those things now that I have remembered how to"
"I could also make you back human, I mean not like you were before, but human. You might end looking like Kast. Is that something you would like, Koba? Or you would prefer to look more like Valena? Maybe you always wanted to be a dwarf and never dared to think of it" the boy offers while looking for some arabic gum on his pouch.
Making it back to his hometown, Izomandakus is very happy and runs to meet with his twin sister and mother at the bakery. When he makes it back to the Rusty Dragon, he is eager to share the story of their success with Ameiko and the other people at the tavern "Do you know if Robert Quink is at town? We sure want to have a talk with him about all we saw in the north"

Seamus Passeri |
Chuckling at Izomandakus comment about 'bothering' his mother, Seamus didn't think she seemed to mind, but Izomandakus knew his mother better than he did. Anyway doing the 'air thing' was getting rather familiar, and he was certainly lighter due to all the stuff he left back in Magnimar to get upgraded.
Hearing Izomandakus ask if he 'had the pot' Seamus did a double take. Realizing his friend was asking about Koba's ashes, or dust, or whatever you call the rotted remains of a hundred year dead corpse, he nods. Pulling the 'urn' from his pack and the gem from his pocket. Smiling, "Here's the urn and the gem." Having handed the items to his friend, he steps back and watches the wisher.
Waiting with much anticipation Seamus peers through the dust and the swirls and the bright flash of powerful magic at the rather small form. Nodding in agreement with Isomandakus, listening as a halfling like Koba begins to speak. Raising an eyebrow as Koba offers his bow, Seamus' eyes grow wide as he feels the magic in the bow. "Thanks Koba, I will cherish it always," Nodding in agreement with Kast, "Yeah, you should come back to Sandpoint with us." Not wanting to be outdone, he takes out his shortbow, [MW short bow + 1 Str (having no idea the halfling can't use it as a 'longbow') and hands it to Koba, "Here Koba, This one is more your size, why don't you take it?"
As they are walking back to Sandpoint, Seamus raises an eyebrow at all the stuff Izomandakus could do. Still wanting to talk Koba into joining the northern rangers, he chimed in. "Or we could get you a husky to ride. They love the snow and would do great up north, in case you decide to take me up on my offer to join me in the north as a ranger protecting the country from giants and trolls."
trying to talk him into joining the rangers for a while
diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
As they enter the 'Dragon' one of the regulars realizes it's them and gets up from their 'usual table'. Smiling and nodding at the man, Seamus leans his new (or temporary) longbow against the wall and takes off his pack, dropping it on the floor. Waiving at Bethana he calls out, "I'll have whatever the special is!" Drawing his lute out of the pack he heads to the empty stage. Pulling a barstool to the front of the stage, he drops his hat behind the stool and quickly tunes his lute. Then begins to play one of songs from the book they'd found in the swamp.
So it is a really old book...
performance: lute: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (9) + 23 = 32

Kast Phaer |

"I could also make you back human, I mean not like you were before, but human. You might end looking like Kast. Is that something you would like, Koba? Or you would prefer to look more like Valena?"
Kast looks up at this suggestion, this option. Clearly there was no real choice. It was obvious what the right answer is.
"But I think you'll enjoy it here, Koda. Take your time to think about what you want to do and where you want to go. Have you heard about the Worldwound yet? That's pretty exciting and not terrifying at all. And as long as Kenabres never falls, we'll never ever have anything to worry about," Kast explains.
He, too, wants to speak with Brodert and will seek him to talk over what they have learned and what they were going to do next...in case...in case the party was not successful.

GM Euan - Rise |

While the group walks back to Sandpoint, Izomandakus looks sorrowful at the halfling not being able to use his newly forged bow "You know, I could make you raise in size. It seems I am an ancient transmuter of old Thassilion and can do those things now that I have remembered how to"
"I could also make you back human, I mean not like you were before, but human. You might end looking like Kast. Is that something you would like, Koba? Or you would prefer to look more like Valena? Maybe you always wanted to be a dwarf and never dared to think of it" the boy offers while looking for some arabic gum on his pouch.
”Well, I must admit, I did enjoy being taller.” he looks at his fuzzy feet swinging off the chair unable to touch the floor. ”Sure, I wouldn’t mind being human again, and taller. How, uh, how do you do that? I don’t want to be something… unnatural.”
He eyes the bow on Seamus, wondering if he’ll get it back…
Making it back to his hometown, Izomandakus is very happy and runs to meet with his twin sister and mother at the bakery. When he makes it back to the Rusty Dragon, he is eager to share the story of their success with Ameiko and the other people at the tavern "Do you know if Robert Quink is at town? We sure want to have a talk with him about all we saw in the north"
Izomandakus’ family is doing well, and the bakery thriving. He quickly gathers a crowd of listeners to his tale as he lays it out, perhaps a bit less entertainingly than Seamus might - for he focuses sometimes on the interesting spell choices made, rather than the excitement produced. But no one turns away - they’re all hanging on his every word.
Even Ameiko looks interested. Perhaps he has stirred the wanderlust in her. After all, she was an adventurer before buying and creating the Rusty Dragon.
You expect you’ll find good old Brodert Quink in his study, but it is rather late by the time you finish supper. You can see him the following day readily enough.
Waiting with much anticipation Seamus peers through the dust and the swirls and the bright flash of powerful magic at the rather small form. Nodding in agreement with Isomandakus, listening as a halfling like Koba begins to speak. Raising an eyebrow as Koba offers his bow, Seamus' eyes grow wide as he feels the magic in the bow. "Thanks Koba, I will cherish it always," Nodding in agreement with Kast, "Yeah, you should come back to Sandpoint with us." Not wanting to be outdone, he takes out his shortbow, [MW short bow + 1 Str (having no idea the halfling can't use it as a 'longbow') and hands it to Koba, "Here Koba, This one is more your size, why don't you take it?"
”Why thank you! It’s a start, and at least now I’m not weaponless!” He tries it out and finds the pull exactly to his newly reduced strength.
As they are walking back to Sandpoint, Seamus raises an eyebrow at all the stuff Izomandakus could do. Still wanting to talk Koba into joining the northern rangers, he chimed in. "Or we could get you a husky to ride. They love the snow and would do great up north, in case you decide to take me up on my offer to join me in the north as a ranger protecting the country from giants and trolls.”
He considers it, ”Always preferred my own power really. I lived on an island and didn't even like boats! Besides, dogs bite, don’t they? I wouldn’t know what to do with it. Still, though I’m more of an undead hunter than a troll hunter, perhaps some time with your rangers is warranted. Their plight is a real one, and it’ll take me some time to replenish my kit.” He hasn’t committed, but it is on his mind. Nice roll!
The diners of the ‘Dragon are again awed at the skill of the lute being played. And for those hearing these tunes for the first time - it is truly a magical experience.
Remember, new listeners gain a +2 morale bonus to attacks and skill checks. The music lingers in the mind for 24 hours too!
"But I think you'll enjoy it here, Koda. Take your time to think about what you want to do and where you want to go. Have you heard about the Worldwound yet? That's pretty exciting and not terrifying at all. And as long as Kenabres never falls, we'll never ever have anything to worry about," Kast explains.
You bastard, you made me look it up. The Worldwound happens in 4606. He left to vanquish runelord evil in 4601…
”Thanks, I will. No, what’s the Worldwound?" he says casually. "I was not well travelled really. I came up through the ranks as one does with the skill I had. But it was mostly teleportations to hot-spots, lots of slaying, and teleport back.” He sighs, ”Lots of vanquishing.” He looks as though he misses it already and he was only dead as of this morning. A man of action.So yes, He’d rather be tall, and he liked his slender mostly hairless feet - so human would be ideal.

Izomandakus |

"Good, good" Izomandakus pulls out a small recipient with a silver liquid and pours it into the arabic gum "Well, I will need some smoke also. Could you help with that Seamus?"
Provided he manages to get some smoke, the boy touches Koba with the solution saying the arcane words to complete the polymorpth any object magic, making Koba a human again.
Same kingdom (animal) +5, same class (mammal) +2, same intelligence +2, total +9, hence the change is permanent.
Izomandakus looks around and starts to worry by possible incoming demands from the spectators in the tavern "Well, then, Koba was a hero that gave his life to protect Varisia. But let people know the change is 1200 gold pieces for others."
Performance (oratory): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

Kast Phaer |

Kast will explain what he can to Koda about the Worldwound. It’s nice to get back into teaching, as it’s something he’s always enjoyed.
And when not meeting wtih Brodert, he will, of course, do a few patrols around Sandpoint for old times sake. And yes, if that patrol takes him by a certain somebodies house or place of work, well, it might.

Seamus Passeri |
Earlier not sure when, so leaving it vauge.
Realizing that Izomandakus was serious about retuning Koba to human form Seamus sighs and pulls a candle from his magical rucksack. Lighting the candle he provided a little smoke for Izomandakus' spell. Watching as Koba turns back into human form. Seamus smiles, but doesn't quite reach his eyes. He was happy for Koba, but he really did like the bow. Extending the bow back to Koba, "Looks like you're not buying new gear after all,"
at some point in time
Adding, "I prefer my walking under my own power as well." He smiles a little, "But I am getting used to the windwalking thing." Smiling as the conversation turns to helping the rangers, Seamus nods emphatically. "I know the new fellows will need a lot of training and guidance." His smile widens, "That should probably come from someone a little more like you than me."
After he plays at the 'Rusty Dragon'
Smiling at the applause, as he picks up his hat, Seamus returns to the table. Sitting down at the table, as he begins to eat his supper, he asks, "So how many days are we going to be in Sandpoint?"
After dinner
As the meal winds down, Seamus pushes the empty plate away, wiping his mouth with the napkin. Realizing that Izomandakus and Kast will probably want to do some studying or inquiring with scholars or whatever it is studious people do, he announces, "Well, I'm heading to Cracktooth’s Tavern say 'Hi' to an old friend and play a little more, anyone up for a night of drinking and dancing?"
With or without anyone in tow, Seamus will soon pick up his rucksack and heads out the door. Following Market Street to the 'Market square' he heads up Festival Street for a bit then turns up Raven Street ending up at the old tavern. Stepping in the doorway he paused smelling the familiar smells, seeing Jesk he waves and moves to the end of the bar dropping his pack behind it. Taking his lute out of the pack he approaches the stage, dropping his hat on the edge to hold his place in line. Looking up he realized that the band playing was the group of halflings he'd seen back in Magnimar, what seemed like a lifetime ago. Smiling he nods at them and heads back to the bar. Sitting at the bar, he thumbs at the four fellows and tells Cracktooth. "I heard them play in Magnimar." Learning from Crachtooth that the halflings were playing at the 'Sandpoint Theater' he ordered a round for his friends and the house; telling Cracktooth about some of the things that had happened since they'd last been in Sandpoint.
Once the halflings were done playing he approached the stage telling the four, "Well done boys, well done." Setting a barstool near the front, he kicked his hat behind it and taking a seat began to play. To get the set started he gestured out to where the four were ordering their supper, "I heard you fellows play this a while back when I was in Magnimar, hope you don't mind me making it part of my repertoire" He then began to play the song he called Our Journey Home.. At the end of the song he winked at the four halflings then began to play a jig that folks could dance to.
Cause, why not, Perform: lute: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29

GM Euan - Rise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Suddenly Koba lengthens and heightens, and he looses most of the hair off his feet. Unfortunately, the shirt doesn’t change with him and he suddenly finds himself naked from the waist down! He scrambles in his pack and makes that right again. Blushing he shakes Izomandakus’ hand, ”That’s extraordinary!”
He tries not to look at Seamus, but his Runeforged bow calls out to him and he can’t help himself.
When Kast speaks of the Worldwound however, his eyes light up. ”I cannot believe it! Demons, walking the surface like they owned it. Well surely the whole world must be flocking to the battlefront - to end the assault!” He looks to the party, ”Why aren’t you going to the Worldwound? I mean, I understand clearing out the Runeforge, and I suppose a big bad Runelord would be bad to have around… but demons!”
If there is an opposite to the paladin, other than the antipaladin of course, it’s the demon. Opposites in approach, alignment, ethos - everything. In one thing they tend to align. They’re both hard to kill. He apologizes to Seamus, ”I’m sure their need is great, but I cannot ignore this attack on the world."
After ‘fixing’ Koba’s future in one direction, Kast limps home. In the morning he’ll finish his book, and properly bulked up, take a tour of the area. All is calm and quiet, and you waive hello to the two guards lazily wandering the streets just as you are.
Then you come to the shop. A warm light from within draws you, but it’s the vision of beauty that grabs your attention. She laughs, and the whole world seems to smile warmly.
Hunfried was known to Kast. Of a similar age the smooth talking bully always got away with everything in school. Oh, he’d occasionally get caught, but he would always make a friend of the accuser, and so nothing would come of it. He never did the work, he just seemed to excel by talking his way through it.
And he is making Marigold laugh!
Realizing that Izomandakus was serious about retuning Koba to human form Seamus sighs and pulls a candle from his magical rucksack. Lighting the candle he provided a little smoke for Izomandakus' spell. Watching as Koba turns back into human form. Seamus smiles, but doesn't quite reach his eyes. He was happy for Koba, but he really did like the bow. Extending the bow back to Koba, "Looks like you're not buying new gear after all,"
”Oh, you’ll outlast me. I bequeath my bow to you now, payable upon my death. My next death.” he chuckles but accepts the bow back with gravity. ”Thank you.”
Cracktooth is astounded at the stories you tell, and those within earshot are clearly listening to your tales more than the music played. The band is gracious enough - for it is a pub not a theater - and a round of drinks goes far to assuage any last ruffled feathers.
As usual, there’s quiet when you play and the crowd, well, crowds in to catch every nuanced note.
Over the next several days you recline in the wonder that is Sandpoint. It’s winter, so there are a fair number of Varisian caravans making their home in Sandpoint for a few months until travel season opens up again. The town leaders welcome you, the shopkeepers welcome you, hell even the clergy welcome you. It’s nice to be home.
Let me know who all goes to Brodert’s. I’m assuming Izomandakus and Kast, but any can join.
I expect you’ll be here about a week, and we can be pretty ephemeral about time at this point. I'm also assuming trips back and forth to Magnimar to collect supplies - so feel free to role play either location.

Valena Dalloway Versade |
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Val’s first reaction to getting back is surprising even to her: she decides she needs some time alone. All that time-lost exploration, meeting people, killing them, thinking about life and death and loss in regards to the Goldfish Knight. And no time to just unwind and relax by herself without worrying about anyone watching or judging her. She spends the first day back in Sandpoint lounging about her room, playing with her various psychic abilities to entertain herself.
She has never been particularly good with keeping herself in her own company, though, and her thoughts soon turn to the girls. It feels like so much has happened since she lost them, so many people she has had to fight her way through to find out who is responsible. She certainly had not expected that this would lead to some ancient Wizard-King. It does not feel real, but there it is. The entire situation feels so out-of-scope with a mother just trying to do right by her murdered children. All these grand and arcane powers and she is just some noble lush who was in the wrong place at the right time. Even knowing how she has been able to keep up the fight this long, she has difficulty conceptualizing that she is personally powerful in any way. In a week or so, she will be going to kill an ancient Wizard-King in his mountain fortress. How ludicrous is that?
She just misses the girls at this point, and she wants all of this to be over. The sooner mister widow’s peak dies, the sooner she can go back to enjoying being a self-made widow. Maybe ask how Sapphira feels about kids. Start over the right way this time. No bringing up that subject until after, though. If there is an after, of course. No reason to get anyone’s hopes up yet. She trusts in Cayden, whose example of stumbling blind and tipsy into mortal danger she has tried to emulate.
During the rest of the week, she splits her time between Magnimar and Sandpoint, trying to get as much time with Sapphira as she can. After that first day alone, she is more social again, back to her normal self. She thrives in company, and she needs to thrive right now.

Izomandakus |

For the week, Izomandakus is quite busy directing the workshop construction works on the acquired mansion over Sandpoint's cliff.
He does also join with Kast and Brodert to talk each evening and check all old maps available in an attempt to trace back where the old Xin-Shalast might be located in current post-Earthfall geography. Of course, he offers good wine tears to enhance the thoughts of the scholars.
K. geography+HR+HA+wine: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 + 2 + 10 = 45
Finally, he offers transport back and forth to Magnimar to follow up and pick up the special item requests the group left there.

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Rastaf is fairly taciturn at his most outgoing. He has little to say any time, so he just stays quiet. In Magnimar, he upgrades his gear or something. Not sure what to do, there. Other than the teleports and windwalks shared as we go back and forth, you don't see much of him.
In Sandpoint, he spends his time at the cathedral, doing nothing particularly important. He mostly mops and sweeps, does a little doctoring and healing, and teaches a few acolytes some basic scimitar moves. He's something of a celebrity there, due to his revered associates, but he doesn't feel like talking about his adventures, despite their insistence. The task is far from over, and the next part will be the hardest yet.
The cleric has done his best to help end some very real evil. To stop it, you have to kill it utterly. It is relentless. You have to want to kill it as much as it wants to kill you. You have to want to make it suffer like it wants to make you suffer.
You have to fight it, and to fight it you have to look it in the eye.
To look into that dark, black... nothing: No reason but cruelty, no thought but death, no feeling but hate. It revels in its own senselessness, thrives on its own aporia.
And he has to do it again.
There is no doubt the braniacs will soon figure out our next move, and we'll be off, again. This respite will be brief, not nearly long enough to relieve the horror of just witnessing what he's witnessed. It leaves a deep impression.
But for now, he will finish his chores and go to bed early so he can get up early for the big breakfast at the orphanage tomorrow. He's serving the potatoes. That will be nice.

Kast Phaer |

Hunfred? Is that who that is? Kast thinks to himself as he continues his patrol. I’m glad she has such funny friends. I wish I did.
He continues his patrol and will meet others at the home of Brodert when it comes time to discuss what had happened.

GM Euan - Rise |

Over the next few days visiting with Brodert Quink and learning what you can of Xin-Shalast, and hopefully its location, you also learn much about Thassilon itself, back in the day. Some of this information is pieced together from the various libraries you’ve encountered as well. Sifting the knowledge over the past several weeks has resulted in an understanding of Thassilon known to only a few in the world.
Thassilon consisted of seven individual domains, each of which was ruled by one of the seven runelords. Under distinct and exploitative law, each domain embodied its ruler’s favored virtue of rule. Each runelord had a capital city that shared the name of his domain, but was prefaced by the word “Xin” - ancient Thassilonian for both “imperial” and “throne of,” after the first emperor. Thus, the capital of Shalast was called Xin-Shalast.
Bakrakhan, the domain of wrath, shared its eastern border with Shalast, and the two domains were locked in an enduring war until Bakrakhan was destroyed and sunk under the sea during the cataclysm that precipitated Thassilon’s fall. Bakrakhan was a place of many warring tribes who all served Runelord Alaznist but hated each other. Its thick forests were said to be home to hundreds of tribes of sinspawn and humanoids, with goblins, gnolls, and bugbears chief among them. Enslaved hill giants were common in Bakrakhan, as were demons and qlippoth - for Runelord Alaznist had forged dark pacts with strange Abyssal powers.
Cyrusian, representing pride, was traditionally regarded as the most powerful domain. At Cyrusian’s height, its rune giants and enslaved dragons built more and greater monuments to Cyrusian glory than any other domain. Cyrusian was ruled by the most powerful of the runelords - Xanderghul, one of only two runelords to reign over a nation from the dawn of Thassilon to its legendary fall.
Edasseril, the domain of striving ambition and envy, was rich in timber, precious gems, and iron. The original runelord of envy, her name now lost to time, obsessed over the beauty and power of the nearby elven nation of Celwynvian, and it was from the elves that she stole the name Edasseril for her nation. At the time of Thassilon’s fall, this realm was ruled by Runelord Belimarius.
Eurythnia, the domain of fertility and lust, was largely built on its seagoing traffic and trade with distant lands, counting on spices and brothels to fill its coffers. Marsh giants guarded Eurythnia’s shipping from piracy. This land was ruled by Runelord Sorshen, who (like Runelord Xanderghul) commanded her realm for the duration of Thassilon’s existence.
Gastash was the domain of abundance and gluttony, but was largely a peaceful and plentiful home for its citizens. Such were Gastash’s advantages, yet its people lived in fear of their necromantic leaders. Ankheg infestations were common, bulettes ate many farmers and servants of the runelord, and bandits from other kingdoms were frequent visitors. It was ruled by Runelord Zutha.
Haruka, the domain of rest and sloth, was slow, indolent, and cunning. Ruled by Runelord Krune at the time of Thassilon’s fall, most of the Harukans worked as slavers, selling flesh from their markets or enjoying the abuse of their property. It was widely considered a cruel and often hypocritical domain, lazy by nature. The main enemies to peace in Haruka (other than the riots), were boggard tribes and the free hill giants who frequently sided with rebel slaves hiding in the hills against their masters.
Of the seven realms of Thassilon, the wealthiest was the central realm of Shalast. As the second-largest domain after Cyrusian, Shalast collected wealth not only from its gold, mithral, copper, and gemstone mines, but also from its vast quarries, which produced the materials used to build the monuments of the age. The largest and most productive of these quarries exists today as the massive lake known as the Storval Deep. But the wealth these mines and quarries produced was never enough. Runelord Karzoug always wanted more, and the capital of Xin-Shalast was said to be paved with gold - though in fact most of the gold went into the treasury and the alchemical furnaces of the capital and never returned.
Shalast was known for wild ogres and forest giants, as well as enslaved stone giants and exotic otherworldly artificers. Its treasures were sometimes carried on powerful mammoth-drawn caravans. The general population survived largely as miners, smiths, and traders, providing further wealth. Many abandoned mines still litter the Storval Plateau; the mountain passes of Shalast still contain monasteries and ruins now abandoned to the wilderness.
Karzoug, Runelord of Greed, was known for his calculating mind and utter mercilessness. He was rumored to be either half-vampire or descended from draconic stock, yet it may be more terrible to know that he was nothing more than a man. Absolute greed powered his every action. Certainly Karzoug was covetous and deeply corrupt - famed for ordering the immolation of an entire city for its tax collectors’ shorting of a few silvers - but that was the reward granted him by the runes for his power and dedication to magic.
He long fought a silent war of assassins, mage-poison, and demon-fetches against Alaznist, the queen of Bakrakhan. In the end, something sank her kingdom below the waves even as the Thassilonian empire fell. Karzoug was enough of a master of the arcane that many suspect his hand in triggering the murder of an entire kingdom. His weapon of rule was a burning glaive, studded with priceless meteoritic gemstones. And the city of Xin-Shalast was his throne.
- - -
More than 10,000 years ago, the empire of Thassilon was ruled by seven tyrannical despots known as runelords, powerful wizards whose magic was aligned on what have become known as the seven mortal sins. When the empire crumbled, these runelords were prepared. They escaped death (or worse) by various methods, entering states of hibernation from which their apprentices and loyal followers would revive them when the right time came. Yet the fall of Thassilon was far more complete and decisive than even the most pessimistic runelords anticipated, and none survived who could free them in the centuries of darkness to follow. In time, they were forgotten by the world and its heirs.
Runelord Karzoug ruled a land called Shalast, and as the lord of greed, his realm was the most decadent. His capital city, Xin-Shalast, lay nestled in a valley in the mountains, a place of golden streets and silver roofs sprawled in the shadow of volcanoes and watched over by one of the tallest peaks in the world - mysterious Mhar Massif.
When the end drew near, Karzoug charged his agents in Runeforge with developing a method for him to escape the fall of the empire, and they responded by taking the location of his palace into account. For the Spires of Xin-Shalast, as his palace was known, were perched at the summit of Mhar Massif, where the boundaries between worlds are thin.
Karzoug’s agents transformed the source of his eldritch power, a device known as a runewell, into a portal of sorts into the void between these worlds. When the end came, Karzoug stepped through this portal and into a state of suspended animation in this extradimensional vault, caught between the Mhar Massif in this world and the terrible dimension known as Leng in another. And without surviving apprentices to revive him, Karzoug remained there for millennia.
The tale of Karzoug’s awakening, of his slow return to Golarion, has been told over the past several weeks. Karzoug is now nearly ready to step back into this world, his powers restored and his city resurrected, to raise Thassilon from the ashes. Yet there is still time. Karzoug is awake, but though his mind has been hard at work, he cannot yet physically leave the demiplane hidden between this world and Leng - a place known as the Eye of Avarice.
Xin-Shalast is located high in the Kodar Mountains, cloaked in ageless magic that prevents its approach by most who seek its legendary streets. The boundaries between worlds are transitory here, a facet the city’s founders sought precisely because of the fact that such conditions make it difficult to reach without knowing the way. An idle seeker of Xin-Shalast could walk up one side of Mhar Massif and down the other without ever finding the city - those who seek it actively can spend their entire lives looking without success.
- - -
You’ve learned most of this over the past few libraries and note books, and Brodert can make a few connections also. But this is rarefied knowledge, held by a few - possibly even only yourselves. And now Brodert.
More to come, but I wanted you to have more of the background your characters have before getting to specifics.

Seamus Passeri |
One of the mornings, before everyone headed their own way, and was still enjoying their breakfast, Seamus sipping his coffee asks, "The spell that one of you casts, I think it's called haste." He looks towards Izomandakus, "If someone was to add say a spell like the one that brought Koba back to life on top of it, could that make the Haste spell permanent?" Sipping his coffee again he adds, "How much would something like that cost?"

GM Euan - Rise |

OK, to the nuts and bolts. You know Xin-Shalast is located in the towering mountains of Mhar Massif, in a valley that lies at the headwaters of the River Ava. Mhar Massif is said to serve as a bridge to strange realms beyond Golarion. If you can find the River Ava, you can follow it to the headwaters, and thus to Xin-Shalast.
When discussing all this with good old Brodert, something shifts loose. He recalls an old account of a pair of dwarves brothers who claimed to have discovered a route to the fabled city. After rooting through his books and scrolls for a few minutes, he emerges triumphant with a letter he received from the author of the definitive cyclopedia on the region of Varisia and the Storval Plateau: Cevil “Redwing” Charms’ well known (and well criticized) volume, Eidolon.
The letter, an old crumbly affair (image), is carefully handed over for your perusal.
Thank you again for the kind words and drink. It’s always a pleasure to speak with readers of my work, especially those well read and civilized enough to know of my writing beyond Eidolon. Alas, I was unable to procure a copy of the early draft from my personal files. It would seem that it has gone the way of so much of my early work, lost forever to the gulfs of time and narrow-minded publishers unable to grasp the import of a young Pathfinder’s work.
Fortunately, my mind is as quick now as it was in those early days of my explorations of your fantastic homeland. I recall the evening I first heard the story of Xin-Shalast, while seated on a log in a Varisian camp, sharing ruby mead with an enchanting young woman. Ah, but that’s a story for other times.
I was intrigued by the tale, though. All peoples have tales of “cities of gold,” yet with Xin-Shalast, the Varisians had no tradition of explorers seeking it. They viewed the place as one of evil, a place to be feared and forsaken. As far as I could tell, none of your indigenous people ever sought out the ruins before the advent of Chelish rule. But there was mention, come to think of it, of two dwarven brothers. Vekker, I think their names were. Claimed to have found the route to Xin-Shalast and convinced several tradesmen in Janderhoff to support and supply their plan to establish a base of operations in the low Kodar Mountains along the Kazaron. Their vanishing into the Kodars bankrupted all but one of their investors, I hear, and even today, the Vekker name is generally accompanied by a litany of rousing dwarven profanity when it comes up in ’Hoffian taverns.
In the stead of enclosing a copy of the early, complete draft of my work, though, please find a signed copy of Eidolon with this missive. I trust it will look quite handsome on your shelf.
In good health,
- - -
The letter is about ten years old.
Brodert has done his own research and can confirm that Silas and Karivek Vekker did indeed abscond with a fair amount of invested capital into the mountains. The common theory in Janderhoff is that the dwarves used the “discovery of Xin-Shalast” as a cover for a con, but those who knew the Vekkers personally held them in quite high regard which makes this less likely.
Brodert suspects that they did indeed discover Xin-Shalast, and their secrecy was one born of necessity rather than malice. For if they had discovered the great city, until they could return with proof, it would only be wise to guard the discovery. Brodert theorizes that the Vekkers met some sort of foul end in the Kodars, and that if their base of operations could be found (along the banks of the Kazaron River, according to Redwing’s letter), perhaps further clues to the city’s location could be found therein.
It’s a thin lead to be sure, but it’s the only good one you have. You know of the Kazaron river (or at least the geographical atlas Kast does). Look on the Varisian Map (image) east of the Storval Plateau with Kazaron’s tributaries reaching high up into the Kodar Mountains. That is where Brodert recommends you begin.

Kast Phaer |

Kast is happy to lecture kindly relate all his ideas and thoughts about Xin-Shalast and Karzoug to whomever will listen, even Hunfred.
And Kast will completely report on everything that they learnt in the Runeforge so that should the party fail, maybe Sandpoint can hire some real heroes from Magnimar, or the Pathfinder Society, to handle things.
Kast beams when Brodert offers the letter, having barely remembered about the old dwarves and he takes his time to process the contents. To enshrine the info above.
1d20 + 12 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 12 + 20 = 50 Know (Geography) - Kodar mountains

GM Euan - Rise |

Kast knows much. He knows the Kodak Mountains are cold. Nay, FRIGID, at this time of the year. You’ll likely be dealing with severe cold (link) at least. And that’s during the day. At night, it’ll easily drop to extreme cold. Naturally, endure elements will help, but everyone will need it for the full 24 hours.
He also knows the mountains are tall. Some peaks will reach over three miles, and so you will be facing mountain travel (link) issues. Most of the time you should be able to stay below the tallest peaks (low peak/high pass) but he expects some high peaks as well. Life Bubble would do the trick here I think, though getting it to last might be tricky with five of you.
Movement via Wind Walk will be enormously helpful, but you should also have ways to fly, or air walk, regularly. Feather fall will also be helpful. Remember Wind Walk takes three rounds to activate, so it’s not much help falling, unless it’s from a great height.
There may be other solutions as well, these were just the first that came to mind.

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus will give Koba farewell "We are confident in the likes of you to hold the line. Yes, you are going to do great there Koba. Have a lot of luck, we are proud of you, and I am happy we had the chance to work together in the forge"
"Sorrowfully, there are some limitations the wizard masters have not yet come up how to surpass when it comes to make spells permanent Seamus, and haste is one of those no noes" Izomandakus goes on and explains the rules and limitations of permanency "But I know a good shoe crafter in Magnimar that can do handy speeding boots for quick boosts if you are interested"
"Cold you say?" the boy starts the discussion with Kast about how to face the last trek of their adventure. He looks at the winterland boots still in good condition "I am covered, but I guess that means most of the day as an statue for you Pachemu" he looks down at the pig.
"The low air pressure is going to be more complicated, though..." he looks there to Rastaf, hopeful.

Seamus Passeri |
Holding his cup out so Bethana could fill his coffee, Seamus chimes in with Izomandakus, "Yes Koba, it was a pleasure working with you in the 'forge'." Letting his tone get a little frosty, he continues. "And if you get tired of working with the myriad of paladins already at the worldwound, remember one of the people who helped free you from the forge and aided bringing you back to life and returning you to human form, can still use your help training the depleted ranks of the rangers in the north."
As Izomandakus begins to share about spells and permanency Seamus nods and listens, actually understanding more about magic now than he would have a year ago. When Izomandakus recommends a good cobblers, Seamus smiles and lifts his foot, showing his daredevil boots. "Hmmmm that might not be a bad idea, I've got these magical boots." He looks over at Val, then back to Izomandakus. "I really like the way Val's boots let her run on the ceiling, do you think your cobbler friend could add that to these?"
Once Kast begins to talk about their next location, Seamus nods, wondering if it could be any colder than where they had been already. Letting Izomandakus and Rastaf sort out the details with Kast, Seamus sits politely until the particulars are decided. The conversation over and breakfast finished, Seamus stands, excusing himself. "Since we've got a few days left, I think I'll rent a horse from Hosk and ride to Magnimar. Might be fun to be on the road here in Varisia for a Bit."
Throwing his rucksack over his shoulder, he turns to Val and asks, "Val can you message me when you all are back in Magnimar? We can meet at the Seerspring Gardens or Sapphira's house." He gestures towards Izomandakus, "Or even Izomandakus' old school." His smile widens. "Just let me know."
As he leaves, he tips his hat to Ameiko wondering if he should have offered her the music book he'd found in the swamp. Leaving the 'Dragon' he heads towards the Goblin Squash Stables smiling to himself remembering the first time he'd rented a horse from Hask. It had been a piebald mare named 'Buttercup' as he walks he wonders what ever happened to the mare and the necromancer that had stolen her.
Realizing he'd reached the stables he smiles at the stable-hand, nodding. "I'd like to rent a horse for a one-way trip to Magnimar." Confident that Hosk had a way to rotate animals with a similar stable owner in Magnimar, he figured it would have to be cheaper than purchasing a horse and quicker than walking. Adding "And do you know when the next caravan is heading that way? He wasn't afraid of traveling alone, but he enjoyed the company of the caravans. He'd met some of his closest friends that way.

GM Euan - Rise |
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Koba spends the first few days with the party in Sandpoint, getting his act more or less together to make the journey to the Worldwound and enjoying your company. As it’s winter, and rather tough to get around in normal ways, he’s considering spending a few months in Sandpoint/Magnimar, and taking his leave when the spring wagons head eastward. He considers spending that time with the rangers instead, once he resupplies of course.
Seamus is able to get a decent horse for a decent fee, though with all his cash Hosk is a little put out that he’s only renting. No caravans are headed that way at present, it’s still winter and folks are taking their annual breaks while the roads are somewhat impassible. Still, Hosk gives Seamus a warm smile as he leaves for Magnimar.
Time passes easily for you as you check your gear and recent purchases. Let me know when you’re ready to move on, and let me know how you plan to do so. Getting back, via teleport, is easy enough. But getting there, and finding their basecamp along the river, does present certain challenges.

Kast Phaer |

"The low air pressure is going to be more complicated, though..." he looks there to Rastaf, hopeful.
Kast nods, appreciating this sage warning and also looking at Rastaf.
"Since we've got a few days left, I think I'll rent a horse from Hosk and ride to Magnimar. Might be fun to be on the road here in Varisia for a Bit."
"I should come with you. I've never been good on horses, but it might be good for me to practice a bit. Practice makes perfect, they say. Do you mind, 'Mus?" Kast asks Seamus if he might go as well.
He will do whatever catching up is due with Brodert, and trusting Izo to do the rest, but might enjoy a ponyride to Magnimar.

![]() |

Izo and Kast look at Rastaf.
I'll be sure to prepare lots of Wind Walk spells. Also, I picked up two of these...
He produces two wands from his haversack.
Wands of Endure Elements. I'll keep one. Which of you would like to carry the spare?

Seamus Passeri |
Not minding the company, Seamus smiles at Kast. "I don't mind at all Kast." He smiles at his friend, "But consider yourself warned, I like to practice my lute while I ride. It's one of the reasons I pick he most mild-mannered horses I can find."
As the head out of town, Seamus pulls his right foot out of the stirrup and throws the leg over the saddle so his knee wraps around the saddle-horn. Taking his lute out he begins to strum a few cords. Then turning to Kast, he nods the general direction of the road. "When we get to Magnimar I'm going to visit my mom. Do you have any plans, or would you like to hang out with us. Their house has plenty of rooms."

Kast Phaer |

"I don't mind at all Kast. It's one of the reasons I pick he most mild-mannered horses I can find."
Kast smiles, understanding completely. Maybe they have one that is also deaf so it doesn't suffer.
"When we get to Magnimar I'm going to visit my mom. Do you have any plans, or would you like to hang out with us. Their house has plenty of rooms."
"Oh, I dunno. I just wanted to get out for a while, and also to check on my gear. Mostly, I want to get updates on how things are going in Lastwall, and see if there has been another call to arms. Do you think...if I went...that they might accept me? Do you think I could fight on the 'wall?" Kast asks very seriously as he ponies along after 'Mus.

Seamus Passeri |
Nodding as Kast talked, Seamus strummed the lute, not really playing anything, just going through chord progressions. When Kast asked if Seamus thought 'Lastwall' would accept him, he stopped strumming, turning in the saddle looking at his friend. Seamus had always considered himself fairly self aware, he didn't know all his limitations but he at least knew most of them. It surprised him that someone as naturally charismatic as Kast didn't see his own value sometimes. Whether it was his preconceived ideas about 'kissing' or how others see his value as a warrior.
Answering his friend as honestly as he can. "If I understand how awful things are at Lastwall, I think they'd take anyone that wanted to fight. Even back when you were just a Sanpdoint volunteer I think they would have let you join."
He shrugs, "They may have had you cooking, or mucking stalls or driving a wagon, obviously they wouldn't have had you in a shield wall, or the cavalry or a pike square. But they would have let you join."
Smiling, "Now, with the skills, weapons, and experience you have? I think they would let you do whatever you want." His smile widens, "But now, you know some of what your capable of, not just hoping. They would see that and trust you enough to help where you're able."
He pauses for a moment then asks, "So what do you really want to accomplish by going to Lastwall?"

GM Euan - Rise |

Ameiko buys the sheet music given the chance. Totally.
With the wands of endure elements, you'll have plenty of time to move about in the cold as some of you already have endure elements effects also.
The thinness of the air is still an issue for most of you, and it's a nastier effect. You can avoid some of that by going up there and sitting around for a month to acclimate, but you expect the Runelord to be free by then...
It’s a tough fix. Rastaf can cast life bubble, but he’ll need to cast it once per person the whole time you’re up there - and that’s a lot of fifth level spells. Another option is the ioun stone Seamus purchased (18,000gp). Yet another is a custom magic with air bubble cast daily (lasts 24 hours). You pick a slot for the item, and it’ll cost 21,600gp (slotless twice as much).
Let me know your plans and we’ll get started.

Kast Phaer |

"Now, with the skills, weapons, and experience you have? I think they would let you do whatever you want." His smile widens, "But now, you know some of what your capable of, not just hoping. They would see that and trust you enough to help where you're able."
He pauses for a moment then asks, "So what do you really want to accomplish by going to Lastwall?"
"Really? Do you think? Now that's a happy thought," Kast says, sitting a bit taller in the saddle. "Yeah, if you think they will let me in, and even *not* make me clean the toilets? Wow...yeah, that would be great, wouldn't it. I mean, I would clean toilets, but to skip that part of things, that'd be great. If you think they would allow that? Maybe on account that I'll bringing my own armor? Maybe so. Maybe so," Kast is clearly cheered by the thought.
"What to accomplish? I dunno. I don't know if there is anything to win. I think the job is just to hold the 'Wall when the next orcish invasion happens. Or stop the Whispering Tyrant from raiding the south again. So yeah, just to be there, and help hold the 'Wall would be an accomplishment. Then, maybe I might be a hero. Like in the stories. You know? Holding off an orc attack?"
Not quite ready to get started just yet. Want to see if Rastaf can help with things first or he needs to do some additional shopping in Magnimar.

Seamus Passeri |
Before they left
Having shown the music book to Ameiko, Seamus agreed to sell her he book. He was happy that the old tome was able to stay in Sandpoint.
on the road
Chuckling at Kast's response, Seamus begins to play a tune he heard the four halflings perform in 'Cracktooths'. He stops strumming the ditty after a bit. Turning and smiling at his friend "Really, I think they would let you help wherever you want. And I've got bad news Kast. they've already started telling stories, well at least singing songs, about what we've done."
As they rode on, Seamus was holding his foot out of the stirrup, remembering he'd sold the book to his friend Ameiko, he turned to Kast. "Hey Kast, do you like my boots? I'm going to need to sell them. I really liked that adamantine polearm, but it's not really my style. I ordered a long knife made from the stuff, but I don't have enough cash. I need like ninety gold pieces, so I'm going to sell my boots. There really helpful ducking and dodging and if I have to get rid of them, well, I guess I'd rather a friend can use them. I'd give you a really good price." Giving his friend a smile, Seamus is apparently oblivious to the fact that, due to his bad leg, Kast doesn't 'tumble' much or that since he can 'air walk' that he doesn't need to.

Izomandakus |

When making it back to Magnimar, Izomandakus will search for the life bubble spell in the library so he can help Rastaf on that regard.
For the most part he works with Brodert to locate in the map where to find these dwarven brothers "Do you know anyone in Janderhoff we can ask to guide us to them?"

GM Euan - Rise |
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For the most part he works with Brodert to locate in the map where to find these dwarven brothers "Do you know anyone in Janderhoff we can ask to guide us to them?"
Brodert shrugs, "The impression I got was that no one from Janderhoff believed their disappearance was anything less than fraud. So I don't know that you'll find anyone there who can give you more. Or at least no one who will admit it even if they do know something. Those dwarves can be pretty tight lipped."
He digs out a map of the region after some searching. "I'd start here." he points to a section just in the mountains along the river. "...and work my way up river searching for their outpost. You'll be wind walking right? You should make good time then and find it without too much trouble."
He shrugs and shakes his head thinking how cold it'll be. And dangerous. He's quite glad to stay here and be the beneficiary of all your hard work. He's already published a paper in a not too undistinguished scholastic magazine in Magnimar on the subject. He's very proud.

Kast Phaer |

"And I've got bad news Kast. they've already started telling stories, well at least singing songs, about what we've done."
Kast’s heads snaps to look at Seamus. ”Why is that bad news? That’s neat, ain’t it. It’s not into a history book, but that’s nice. Of course the town wants us to do well, but it’s not Lastwall stuff, you know? Something that will catch the eyes of those Pathfinder scholars or anything, you know?”
Huh. I bet that’s what Hunfred has been telling Marigold. Yeah, of course. He’s probably telling her about me.
"Hey Kast, do you like my boots? I'm going to need to sell them. I'd give you a really good price."
Kast looks down at ‘Mus’s best boots, the ones he’s been wearing forever, it seems. He also looks down at his own new very fancy boots (of speed).
”Yeah, those are nice boots. If you need money, I’m happy to loan whatever. I got more than I need, so let’s make sure you get the best boots for you. It’s going to be cold up there, don’t forget.” Kast will try to talk ‘Mus into getting a similar pair of his fancy Boots of Speed.

Seamus Passeri |
Rolling his eyes, Seamus figures someday he may explain sarcasm to Kast. But since Kast was willing to lend him enough gold to not have to sell his boots, today wasn't going to be the day.
Seeing Kast's new boots, Seamus shakes his head. "I've ordered these things called 'Ioun Stones' apparently, they circle around your head lighting you up like the lights on a Equinox-Yule tree. I figure I'll get used to them before I change the rest of my gear too much. But I do appreciate the loan."
however long it takes
As they enter Magnimar Seamus gestures towards the Keystone district, "I'm going to go check in on my mom. You're more than welcome to join me, but I can't promise that my step dad won't try and sell you land in Mediogalti. Either way, I appreciate the loan, and will be ready to go when everyone else is."

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus will present Seamus and Kast the good shoemaker from Magnimar, high quality self-made with Varisian materials only.
The boy studies the maps provided by Brodert, which he thanks a lot, and shows the overall plan to the rest of the group when they gather again in the Rusty Dragon "We can teleport to Fort Rannick, make a visit there and see how the Black Arrows... and certain elf..." Izomandakus looks there at Seamus "...are doing, then we can fly the rest of the way. Is that something you would like?"

Kast Phaer |
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"I'm going to go check in on my mom. You're more than welcome to join me, but I can't promise that my step dad won't try and sell you land in Mediogalti. Either way, I appreciate the loan, and will be ready to go when everyone else is."
"Oh, I'm good. Gunna go find out about how things go in Lastwall, and if there is any news from the Worldwound, and see what's going in the world," Kast replies. And maybe see if I can find Izo's secret kissing practice spot.
"No, I'll meet you wherever tomorrow. And we'll head back. I'm sure Izo is anxious to get us going."
Kast will collect all his gear as well, and any for the party that is done.
I'll leave the windwalking directions to those who know better. Kast can geography the shit out of things, as needed, but I'm as useless as 2 drink minimum is for Val.

Valena Dalloway Versade |

Using the money Val suddenly found on her person in place of the two cracked ioun stones that disappeared from reality, she buys a couple of elixirs to help with the journey.
Getting 4500 gp back from those two ioun stones and putting that toward two of these babies, with the money she had left over from before
Val is decked-out and ready. She is honestly shocked at how much thought went into her preparation compared to when she was just starting out. After all this adventure, she has become much wiser than she thought herself capable of. She is not entirely sure how to feel about that, but as long as she can keep her trademark wit and attitude, it will be fine, probably.

GM Euan - Rise |
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Koba asks to winter with the rangers, since it matters little to him to be in Magnimar. So he’ll join you if possible for the teleportation…
You rise early on Kuthana 21, a Sunday. You have a hearty breakfast at the Dragon, ‘cause why not, before convening somewhere relatively private, perhaps at the construction sight that is Izomandakus’ home.
The group teleports to Fort Rannick (image). As you can see from the scaffolding and wagons it’s doing rather better than it was when you were here last and things are distinctly looking up!
In large part due to your influence, Magnimar has sent supplies and additional troops to the fort, now run by Jakardros Sovark whom you rescued. You likely appear in the courtyard and are quickly surrounded by various rangers and soldiers with weapons drawn and archers further afield.
In short order however, you are recognized by the few who remained behind when you were here before - and you are quickly greeted as the heroes you are! Jakardros and a few others welcome you with gusto and you are brought within the busy keep as the others largely go back to their tasks.
They have brief stories to tell to catch you up.
After you left, they went downstream to Turtleback Ferry to gather a few supplies - just the basics. Then they returned and set to work. As you cleared out most that was harmful in the immediate neighborhood they had no trouble and eventually the first wagons came from Magnimar. They sent troops, not as good as rangers for the task at hand, but plenty good to ‘hold the fort’ which is all they’ve been doing these past few months as they rebuild and get the stink of monsters out of their home.
A few rangers have heeded the call, and a few of the soldiers have agreed to stay past winter, when the bulk of them will return to Magnimar. But they’ll leave a fort well stocked, well repaired, and with enough of a force to foray out in the spring and summer months. A bit anyway. They hope for more of course, and ask if any of you will be joining them now, or soon.

Kast Phaer |

”Hail Jakardros!” Kast greets the rangers with a big boyish smile and offers bear hugs to those that would appreciate them. ”This place is looking more and more like a Fort! It’s great! You’ll have to show me around.”
Kast will take time to appreciate the progress and check in on all the new men and fortifications. He’s happy that the place is back to thriving, and getting rid of the old monster smell.
He will also relate what’s been happening with party, also the latest from Lastwall and the Worldwound (according to whatever he’s learnt in Magnimar).
He’s not yet ready to commit to the rangers and has other goals in mind.

Seamus Passeri |
Pleased that Koba, even if it was for a short while, was going with them to the fort Seamus, admired the improvements since they were last here. As they 'transported in' he kept his hands away from his weapons, looking around for familiar faces as they calmed the various rangers and soldiers. Seeing Shalelu's step father, Seamus waits until he's on the rangers 'good side' then waives at Jakardros. Following along for the tour, Seamus listened, nodding occasionally as Kast told of their adventures.
As the new captain asked who would be joining them, Seamus chimes in, "Once we finish with this Karzoug fellow I'll return and help out." He puases, looking around, then asks. "Has Shalelu returned yet?"

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus is pleased to bring Koba with the group on the first hop. The boy also secures a few pleasures from the Sandpoint Savories before appearing in the fort.
"Oh, wow, you have certainly not lost your time Jakardros!" he is about to ask about Shalelu when Seamus does, and just offers the pastries he fetched from the bakery.
Izomandakus also gives away all the basic non-descript weapons and supplies the group have found through their adventures. This is a great effort for him but ultimately does it with pride of his generosity.
"Yes, we have found all the troubles are in the end related with the Runelord of Greed coming back to life. We have to stop his raise and so, we are traveling to the Mhar Massif next" he eats one of the pastries himself "You can consider us the first line of defense"

GM Euan - Rise |
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Shalelu is indeed here (she was in the tunnels leading a crew to train the lizards) and joins the party quickly as word spreads you're here. "You're back!" she shouts and hugs each of you.
You do a quick tour of the place, and it's amazing what the power of the Lord Mayor can do. A half dozen stone masons came with the wagons from Magnimar and they've been busy rebuilding damaged portions and even expanding a bit. They've even laid two foundations for additional buildings in the courtyard as well (wishful thinking perhaps, but no loss if they go unused).
Some of the wooden structures are still somewhat dilapidated, but they hope to get to them in the spring. The place is buzzing though, and there's little room to breathe with all the men and women Magnimar sent. The fort is full!
When Seamus renews his offer to return, there's a cheer among those who overhear it. He's clasped by the hand by many of the rangers who value anyone willing to make the commitment, let alone someone as skilled as Seamus.
They listen to Izomandakus and are amazed you're headed that far away, but of course you just 'appeared' here, fresh from Sandpoint!
You'll spend the afternoon, they hope, and they'll lay in a feast in your honor that very night! It's a hell of a party, with plenty of whisky and ale to go around. You'll be a little the worse for wear come morning, but not too bad considering.
Koba ingratiates himself quickly and his bow is clearly powerful - as is the skill of the wielder (he’s 10th level now and quite the badass).
Feel free to backfill the party, and further discussions! I'll move us on tomorrow.

Seamus Passeri |
Smiling when he sees Shalelu, Seamus waives. Realizing she was heading their way, he helped himself to two of Izomandakus pastries. Walking towards Shalelu, he offers her one as he gets the first hug.
Impressed with the work that had been done to the fort, Seamus smiles at the rangers as they cheer, and happily greets them as they approach.
At the feast he eats a fair amount, but only sips the light ale he ordered. Instead of drinking heavily, he finds a corner and plays his lute. Watching his friends and the rangers, he's pleased that Koba is so popular with the Rangers. Maybe their attention would draw him in. Jakardros is older than most and will eventually need a replacement. Koba is certainly more qualifed for leading men then he was.
Waiting for the celebration to dwindle down to those who are intent on getting really drunk, Seamus returns his lute to the ruck sack and heads to one of the rooms set aside for them. It was good to sleep in a bed, even one with a straw mattress. At least adventuring with his friends had caused him to appreciate the little things.
Sleeping well, Seamus wakes refreshed, putting his ioun stones in place, he's ready to travel to the Mhar Massif.

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus drinks and eats and though he laughs with the others through the party, he remains pretty quite, his mind apparently half in other place.
The boy is among the last ones to close the event, and he climbs up to the battlements with Pachemu, where he concludes the night observing the moon raising over the crest of the mountains "What are we doing pig? Can we really turn back against Karzoug?"
The next day he wakes up with the sun rays hitting him hard on the battlements, the whiskey having helped him to caught a dream in an awkward position. Fortunately the boots have protected him from the coldness of the night.
After some self-tiding up, Izomandakus presents himself at the courtyard with the others "Well, I guess it is time to say goodbye. To you also Koba. Maybe Rastaf can give you the blessing of the air so you can accelerate a bit more your first day of travel"

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I certainly can, Rastaf replies to the preternaturally talented boy, with a toothy grin.
He turns to Koba. Thank you, Koba, for all you've done for us. If anyone deserves a second shot, it's you.
We may never meet again, but if we do, it will be a good day. Fare well, my friend. May you find happiness in your new life.

GM Euan - Rise |

”I, er, should get a map before I leave.” shrugs Koba. ”Or I’ll get lost in the wilderness.” He grins. ”Perhaps, should you return triumphant…” He shakes each of your hands and wishes you well. He will take the wind walk though. He enjoys flying as much as any, and it’ll give him an opportunity to get the lay of the land quickly and safely. ”Thanks Rastaf!”
Early in the morning of Kuthana 22, a Moonday, you enjoy a hearty breakfast with the rangers and company. Then Rastaf summons the wind and you take to it, flying high over the fortress and into the sky to the warm cheers of many in the frigid cold!
You head even further north, into the Storval Deep, slowly drifting to the east as you pass the Wyvern Mountains. You do in fact see a few of the creatures lazily coursing on the upwinds far away. As the Deeps end and the Karazon River begins, you head east to the second sweeping bend in the river before following it north to the base of the Kodar Mountains.
There you decide to stop and rest. You could push upriver another hour or so, but the mountains are likely more perilous than the plains so no sense in taking chances. You camp on the frozen plateau, the wind whistling off the slow moving and broad river. Endure Elements keeps you warm enough, making even the wind bearable.
You make camp. Let me know if you have any special preparations for tomorrow. You expect to find the camp by afternoon at the latest given another wind walk. You will need to start the aerial protections tomorrow in addition to the cold.
New map up - you’re at ‘A’.

Seamus Passeri |
Meeting the others in the courtyard, Seamus nods in agreement with Izomandakus. Seeing Shalelu in the courtyard to see them off, He waves to her. Being fond of her company he'd thought about inviting her along, but he knew it would very dangerous and didn't want anything to happen to her. Instead, he also shakes Koba's hand, reminding the paladin, "Don't be a hurry to leave, Koba, they can really use some help here while were gone."
Flying away from the cheers below, Seamus focuses on the task at hand, staying near Rastaf and the others. Relieved that the ioun stone in the 'wayfinder' was providing the protection the old salesmen in Magnimar had promised, he watches as the Wyvern's didn't seem to notice the humanoids flying past them.
After making camp near the river on the plain, Seamus takes off the heavy mittens and plays his lute a little; assuming that it will be too cold in the mountains to do so. After some time, he puts the lute away in his rucksack, pulling out his bedroll. Smiling he tells the others, "Someone wake me when it's time for my watch."
No special preparations, just along for the ride until we hit the first locked door :)

Kast Phaer |

Kast has no special preparations for the days flight. He does try to accurately keep the party on track, using his mental map. He will offer his goodbyes to the rangers, and he doesn’t know if he will be by this way again. He may or may not be, the future is uncertain.
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17 Know (Geography)
”Let’s watch for updrafts.”