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There's been a lull in Starfinder activity in the wake of the Scoured Stars incident. Therefore, it is with some curiosity that you open a message from Zigvigix, the leader of the Exo-Guardian faction. The message requests that you meet him at the Exo-Guardian Headquarters on Absalom Station for a personal favor.
Exo-Guardian HQ is a converted warehouse in the Downbelow district. It has been much improved since your last visit. A smell of ozone wafts through the conditioned air of the warehouse. Makeshift offices full of equipment and furniture are in the process of having more permanent walls erected around them.
Zigvigix, a heavily augmented host shirren is conversing with a vesk when they glance over and notice you. The shirren wears a pair of shoulder speakers playing upbeat music that fades in volume as the shirren telepathically greets the new group.
{ Welcome! I am Zigvigix. Thank you for answering my request and coming to our headquarters, such as they are. This old warehouse is turning quite nicely into a functional place. I dislike being so brief but an important figure to the Starfinder Society is missing. Hurondo, a shobhad who left us after his rescue from the Scoured Stars, started a center in the Lorespire Complex called the Respite and has disappeared since. The Respite provides treatment and services to other survivors of the Scoured Stars and any who have suffered trauma. }
The volume of the music pumping from the shirren’s shoulder speakers further lowers to a barely audible level and the shirren’s telepathic voice takes on a wistful tone, { I have also been to the center, and joining such a close-knit community can be essential to the healing process. Please go to the Respite and talk to Hurondo’s partner in operations, Jiwalla Zarvim. She’s a ysoki who has many connections and a keen mind. She may have clues as to Hurondo’s latest wherabouts. }
Zigvigix produces a datapad with the picture of a tall ysoki female in one corner and a map marked with the route from the warehouse to the Respite’s location in the Lorespire Complex.
{ “I thank you for this! } Zigvigix projects telepathically, just as the shoulder speakers begin to blast sugar-pop music again.

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Shokil, a small halfling with cheeks that resemble that of a yoski (at least when he is eating), steps forward.
"What brought it to your attention that Hurondo was missing? And what more can you tell us about the Respite? I know I needed some time-out after one of my earlier missions, sounds like I should have checked in there, rather than the bar I found myself in."
A mystery! Notes, have to remember to take notes. There is a story here, waiting to be written.

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{ He and I had regular meetings at the center. He is a great friend, and while I myself was unable to go on that cursed first mission to the Scoured Stars, I was wracked with guilt for what befell those Starfinders.
Hurondo, some of the other regulars, and I would meet at least monthly to talk, eat, and play games. Often, we would speak of what bothers us and how we’ve handled times when ill thoughts and feelings surfaced. Hurondo has not responded to several of my attempts to communicate with him about our upcoming scheduled meeting. He would not behave so unless he was unable. }
The Exo-guardian's reply is straightforward, a plain statement of fact. Those of you who've met Ziggy before know that he quickly forms strong attachments to those he respects.

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Staar is a very small lashunta woman, with a sickly visage. Her eyes are glowing red motes of fiery-red light which smolder and produce thin trails of white smoke. If you ever come close to her, you are pretty sure you can hear voices whispering from inside her head, though her mummified skin might distract you from noticing it...
“As you wish, faction leader” she replies to Zigvigix, no questions. She looks around for a bit, remembering the last time she was here, and how she killed the creature that made it her nest.

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A green-haired halfling wearing heavy armor rises from his seat. He picks up the shield that was leaning against the back of his chair, affixing it to his left arm with his prosthetic right.
"You got it, boss," Kneepuncher responds entusiastically. "We'll find him and get him out of whatever trouble he's in." He then glances down and whispers, "Yes, I hope so too."

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The shirren seems satisfied with your reactions so far.
We'll give the other two a chance to check in and see if they have any questions.

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"While we wait for the others, do you have any old stories about Hurondo or the other regulars? Maybe if you tell us a bit about some of the other people that would help our investigation." suggests the writer.

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{ I will not repeat the stories from counseling sessions. Words spoken in those sessions are held as strictly confidential unless permission is given by the speaker to repeat them.
I can tell you this. Hurondo is a shobhad—a giant of a creature! He was an exemplary soldier while battling foes in the darker regions of the galaxy and was third in line to lead the Exo-Guardians. Losing him as a Starfinder was hard, but he felt a calling to look after himself and others who have suffered trauma. His and Jiwalla’s plan for the Respite were of such value to the Starfinders that a space was made for the center in the Lorespire Complex, and I’ve tried to assist them in any way possible.
It is common knowledge that while captured in the Scoured Stars he suffered greatly from ongoing acts of both physical and mental torture, and did everything he could to protect those under his command. }

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"That is fair.." agrees Shokil. "But more general information is helpful. What about Jiwalla? What more can you tell me about Hurondo's partner?"

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Bele was new the StarFinders and quickly realised she was also the newbie in this group. On the plus side, that meant she had plenty of experience around her. The down side was the fact she never enjoyed being the weakest link.
As soon as she’d opened the message from Zigvigix, she headed to the Exo-Guardian Headquarters on Absalom Station. The smell of ozone was…different…and the building had the air of a work in progress.
Once she’d assembled with the others, she paid attention to Zigvigix – given it was hard not to, as the communication was telepathically. As she listened – is that even the right verb? – she committed the information to memory and waited for the others to speak. Sure, she had questions, but she did not want to show herself up by asking anything crass.

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Garbed in a practical ensemble of plain cut pale green coat and trousers, the slender fair-skinned lashunta arrived at the office with barely enough time to remove her satchel and find a vacant seat before the venture-captain commenced the briefing. One leg crossed over the other, she listened intently to the shirren.
She glanced around as Ziggy briefed them, mentally cataloguing the changes that had been made to the onetime warehouse since her previous visit.
Ah, the Respite, Saeron thinks, nodding to herself. The more that Ziggy revealed, the clearer her assignment to the task became. Hurondo and those around him had experienced significant trauma and loss.
"We will check on your friend and put your mind at ease," she said gently to the faction leader. "We will take good care of him."

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"That is fair.." agrees Shokil. "But more general information is helpful. What about Jiwalla? What more can you tell me about Hurondo's partner?"
{ She’s a ysoki who also survived the Scoured Stars incident. While she rarely allows herself to show weakness, those of us that know her well enough can see she experiences moments of painful recall. She was also a former Exo-Guardian who partnered with Hurondo to open the Respite—how nice of her! While members of the Society were sad to lose Jiwalla’s talents, her and Hurondo’s endeavor to provide succor to those of us who need help is honorable. }
Garbed in a practical ensemble of plain cut pale green coat and trousers, the slender fair-skinned lashunta arrived at the office with barely enough time to remove her satchel and find a vacant seat before the venture-captain commenced the briefing. One leg crossed over the other, she listened intently to the shirren.
She glanced around as Ziggy briefed them, mentally cataloguing the changes that had been made to the onetime warehouse since her previous visit.
Ah, the Respite, Saeron thinks, nodding to herself. The more that Ziggy revealed, the clearer her assignment to the task became. Hurondo and those around him had experienced significant trauma and loss.
"We will check on your friend and put your mind at ease," she said gently to the faction leader. "We will take good care of him."
{ Again, I thank you. Hurondo's work at the Respite is crucial to the Starfinders who suffered so cruelly in the Scoured Stars. The society must take care of its agents. And he is a friend.
Do you have any more questions? }

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"I hate to ask this since it sounds like Hurondo is a big-hearted being," Saeron gently begins. "But given that his current whereabouts are unknown, it must be asked - are you aware if he has any enemies or if anyone would stand to benefit from his disappearance?"

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{ I can't think of any enemies, and he didn't have much after he came back. The life of a Starfinder doesn't lean toward riches. It's hard to imagine anyone planning to hurt him. }

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"I see. Thank you," Saeron said, nodding to Ziggy's reply. She looked around at the rest of the group, checking for any further questions.

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Shokil, sketching tablet in hand is drawing pictures of jinsuls flooding in on a pair of starfinders making a valiant last stand.
"I think we have everything we need..."
He looks up a map of the station. "Think we can pass a snack bar on the way there, I seem to have skipped lunch."

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The prolonged exposure to Zigvigix's shoulder mounted Strawberry Machine Cake sonic assault is beginning to get to Oda. she closes her helmet and turns the volume up on her Abysshead playlist.

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Bele was unsure how StarFinder briefings usually went, but this one seemed to give them some information - albeit not a great deal. And being a woman of action, she actually just wanted to get going. She had a way about her for getting information and was confident that, once in the field, she would be able to contribute.
But right now, she was growing restless and her right leg was bouncing slightly as she sat. Aware of it, she placed her hand on her thigh and took a deep breath. And, at the mention of having everything needed, she stood and said, "I for one am good to go."

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"Okay. Let's do this."

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Looks like we're moving on. Everyone please slot your boons in the discussion thread.
It only takes a short time to reach the Lorespire Complex and the Respite lies beyond the campus’s main entrance in an area known as the Healing Arches, a pair of green-hued arches made of steel intertwined with silver that form a symbolic gateway to the Starfinder medical facilities. The Respite offices are just through the arches and to the right.
Beneath the magnificent arches spanning the hallway, many creatures of varying species have gathered. Most of the creatures here are humanoid beings that lean against walls or slump in the worn, but comfortable office chairs and reception sofas in a plant-lined courtyard between the arches. Some of these creatures talk to each other, and while others have gathered around a pair of vesk who are talking loudly. One vesk speaks with a tinge of hysteria in their voice while the other tries to sound calming.
Two female humans and a male ryphorian, leans against a wall near the arches. All are clad in hacker casual, and packing sidearms in covered holsters.
A male ysoki in a battered flight suit slumps in a worn-but-comfortable-looking office reception sofa. He is staring at his paws in a non-focused manner.
A group composed of two androids, a wild-haired half-elf, and a winged strix converse with each other while standing farther out from the other groups waiting in the Healing Arches. One of the androids wears a blue overalls and has a small pack slung over his shoulder. The other wears green shimmering iridishell armor. His shotgun is draped casually over his forearm, secured by the butt under his armpit. A longspear is propped on the wall beside the half-elf. The strix wears two semi-auto pistols on crossed gunbelts.
Three shirren and a lashunta stand silently together. Their gaze drifts in unison from one to another of their party.

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Staar approaches the lonely ysoki. "We wish to speak with Jiwalla Zarvim. Do you know where she is?"

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Shokil, having grabbed some candy bars on the way over, approaches the yoski - extending one out in an offer of greeting.
"Jiwalla?" he asks.
"Zigvigix is worried, most especially about Hurondo."
He gestures around the heavily armed but despondent crowd. "What has happened here?"
And I need a hangover cure. Those Yeti really know how to party.

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Staar gives up on the ysoki and approaches the heavily armed android android half-elf strix quartet. "We wish to speak with Jiwalla Zarvim. Do you know where she is?"

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Oda follows Staar from the ysoki to the androids. She does not threaten overtly, just looms.

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Shokil, having grabbed some candy bars on the way over, approaches the yoski - extending one out in an offer of greeting.
"Jiwalla?" he asks.
"Zigvigix is worried, most especially about Hurondo."
Something, perhaps the candy bars, stirs the ysoki. "Thanks. Scratch?" he says. He holds the candy bar and gazes over the halfling's shoulder.
"Jiwalla's not as nice as Hurondo. "
He gestures around the heavily armed but despondent crowd. "What has happened here?"
"Here? I can't recall."
Staar gives up on the ysoki and approaches the heavily armed android android half-elf strix quartet. "We wish to speak with Jiwalla Zarvim. Do you know where she is?"
The half-elf nudges the armored android and cocks his chin at the approaching Staar. The quartet drops their conversation to regard her approach.
They share glances with each other. The armored android swing his shotgun up to rest on top of his shoulder so it's pointed away from Staar. Blue overalls answers, "Who's asking?"
One of the vesks keens. The other hisses softly.
Any vesk speakers in the house?
Shokil, Percept: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Staar, Percept: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Oda, Percept: 1d20 + 0 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 0 - 2 = 18
Staar, Percept: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Oda, Percept: 1d20 + 0 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 0 - 2 = 11
All these are good places to employ your social skills.

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"I am Staar. Zigvigix sent us to look for Hurondo. We have to start by talking with Jiwalla Zarvim. Is she inside?" she nods towards the arches.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

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Shokil chews on one the the bars himself.
"Nice scent!" he comments.
"As for Hurondo... well, the thing is he has some friends who are worried by his silence. And if he has got into some trouble... well, we want to be able to help get him out of it."
He gestures to the weapons. "You lot are a bit more heavily armed than most folk on-station."
He tries to help Staar convince them that the team is here to help, not cause trouble.
diplomacy(aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

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Oda mirrors the armoured android and swings her light reaction cannon up to rest on her shoulder, pointing at the ceiling. There is also the sounds of servos moving within her armoured wrist and hand as her right hand moves through a series of movements.

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Shokil chews on one the the bars himself.
"Nice scent!" he comments.
"As for Hurondo... well, the thing is he has some friends who are worried by his silence. And if he has got into some trouble... well, we want to be able to help get him out of it."
The ysoki thinks hard. "Is it fourth day? I see Hurondo for my meetings on fourth day."
It's fifthday.
The ysoki is obviously very confused, perhaps morbidly so. Sensing there's nothing more to be learned from him, Shokil moves on to join Oda and Staar with the quartet. He skirts the crowd growing around the two vesk. One shouts in common, "I don't want to calm down, 'tosh take you."
"I am Staar. Zigvigix sent us to look for Hurondo. We have to start by talking with Jiwalla Zarvim. Is she inside?" she nods towards the arches.
Blue Overalls seems amused. "Interesting name for a Starfinder. Jiwalla's usually around. We've our own troubles. Why don't you move on?"
Oda mirrors the armoured android and swings her light reaction cannon up to rest on her shoulder, pointing at the ceiling. There is also the sounds of servos moving within her armoured wrist and hand as her right hand moves through a series of movements.
Blue Overalls stares at the half-orc. The other android and half-elf seem amusedly confused by Oda's actions. The strix pipes up excitedly in a wheezy rasp. "It's a mute! Uh, she's a mute. Galifrey knew those hand signs, thought they'd make a silent battle-language. " He turns to shout to the courtyard at large. "Anybody seen Galifrey?! We got a mute here."
Coarse, but well-meaning.
He gestures to the weapons. "You lot are a bit more heavily armed than most folk on-station."He tries to help Staar convince them that the team is here to help, not cause trouble.
"I observe your cohort is as well," the armored android replies. "Weapons can be a comfort. It's a common trait in Starfinders." She smiles tightly.
Something about the exchanges bleeds the tension from the quartet. The half-elf says while he points to himself, Blue Overalls, iridishell, and the strix. "I'm Nave. That's G264, Formal,..." He emits a shrill squeal then continues, " ... but we call him Wings. For obvious reasons."
The strix flares his wings slightly and bows.
Formal looks at the others. "I observe that most of their gear is relatively newly issued. But perhaps we should not allow their inexperience to prejudice us against them. "
Behind the party the male vesk swears, "They're all f&!!ing staring at me! You're f@&*ing all staring at me. Get away!"
A shirren peels away from the growing crowd around the vesk. He joins the party and the quartet. He looks significantly at the party. "Razda is headed for another outburst. He's just working himself up. Wings, they said you were looking for me?"
The strix explains that this is Galifrey, and Oda's handicap. The shirren looks pleased. "I would be happy to communicate with sign language. I don't have many opportunities to practice, and am not very good. Do you mind if I also use mind speech while we sign?"

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"Where can we find Jiwalla? " asks the halfling of Formal.
He edges away from the increasingly agitated vesk.
"And where would Hurondo normally be found? I take it he has missed meeting with some of you as well, and we are worried."

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Bele does her best not to roll her eyes – but really, is this how the StarFinders look to gain information? On the plus side, she keeps her eyes in check – but on the debit she allows an audible sigh to escape her lips.
She could look to intimidate them, but that feels a little heavy-handed right now, and so – instead – she merely observes the conversations, looking to find if they’re telling her the truth or not.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

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Kneepuncher watches this flurry of activity, somewhat relieved not to be the center of attention just yet. He grips his shield a little tighter, trying to determine which way this conversation is going to turn out, then glances at the other arm.
"These are all friends," he sub-vocalizes. "You'll get your turn later."
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Ready to brawl or just provide cover to allies if needed, but nothing lethal in here. Hoping my social skills are not needed.

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Saeron spies the shirren-lashunta group and heads in their direction. From their actions, she believes them to be conversing telepathically and, stopping a short distance away, sends telepathic greetings to each in their native tongue. (Speaks Shirren and Castrovelian - alas, not Vesk)
"I'm Saeron," she introduces herself. "My friends and I are looking for Jiwala Zarvim. We are hoping she might be able to point us toward Hurondo. Do you know where we could find her?"
Saeron tries to read their reactionsresponses.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

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Staar lets Shokil take over the conversation with the quartet, waiting for information about Jiwala and Hurondo.
We probably have this one round before the Vesk with the nervous breakdown takes over the scene
And reading more carefully the description, I believe we stopped just short of Jiwala's place: "The Respite offices are just through the arches and to the right" This stop is probably an opportunity to gather intel and favor

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"Where can we find Jiwalla? " asks the halfling of Formal.
He edges away from the increasingly agitated vesk.
"She is most likely to be in her office or the PT room at the Respite. It is around the corner." Formal's hand makes a motion indicating you should go through the second arch and turn right.
"And where would Hurondo normally be found? I take it he has missed meeting with some of you as well, and we are worried."
"Normally, our esteemed shobhad would be here with us or in the Respite. We have not seen him for some while now."
They are utterly indifferent to you.

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Unsure how astute the others were at detecting untruths - and given Bele's formative years were built on them - she felt it her duty to share what she had gleaned.
"Well," she said, zipping up the outer layer of her flightsuit, "they seem an honest bunch. Not that I'm suggesting they would be anything other than truthful to us, I was just," she paused, actually at a loss to describe why she was sharing, , "You know...letting you know I'm still here, maybe?" She cracked a smile and waited for someone else to take the lead.

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"I think we would be better going to the office now" suggests Shokil.
He heads down the indicated corridor and knocks on the office door.

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Oda is still tense as she signs back to the shirren. Her hands move a little more slowly than usual as she notices the hesitant nature of the shirren's signs.

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Saeron politely thanks the shirren-lashunta group and excuses herself. Rejoining her companions, she listens to the ongoing conversations.
Waiting for an opportune moment, Saeron introduces herself to Galifrey and the quartet. Addressing the shirren, she glances toward the vesk and asks, "Is he alright? Is there anything that helps to divert or soothe him?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

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One last hurried post
The vesk continue their argument. breaking momentarily into common. "Looky Lous! Give me my magma blade! I'll clear them out." "I'm keeping it until you calm down. Just be a ... " ANd devolves back into vesk.
"You seem to have good intentions but we can be very insular at the Respite. Return and talk again, if Jiwalla can not provide what you need," Formal replies to Shokil as the halfling prepares to move on.
Nave, the half-elf, adds, "Jiwalla thinks she's still a proper Starfinder. Chain of command and all that are still really important to her. Pretend you're a buck private in the Stewards when you talk to her."
Galifrey signs back and forth a little with Oda, then turns to Wings. " Oda feels that you're gawking at her. That's not very harmonious of you."
Strix drops his hands and hooks his thumba in the tops of his gunbelts. "Sorry, Oda. I was kind of excited to figure out you were mute and get someone who could talk with you. No harm meant."
The shirren then pivots smoothly to Saeron's questions. { Not to put too fine a point on it, Radza feels very similarly to Oda. Everyone is gawking at him, especially your group of strangers. Of course Oda isn't dealing with Radza's paranoia, sleep deprivation, and anger management problems. }
The vesk switch to common again. The male continues, "... bothering Scratch. Poking into our business. Staring at me. I don't like 'em. I don't trust 'em! I'll put them on the road! CLEAR OUT!
There's a parting of the crowd and suddenly the party finds themselves surrounded by Respite patients. At the other end of the opening in the crowd, perhaps 15' away is a large angry male vesk. He's unarmed, except for his claws which move as he clenches and unclenches his hands at waist level.
"My point," Galifrey murmurs.
Somewhere in the crowd someone says, "This'll be good."

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Kneepuncher moves closer to the front of the group. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. No, they are still friends. Let's just try to get out of here quickly, yeah?"
Then, to the patients, "We're sorry if we upset you. We just want to see Jiwalla, so if you let us go, we won't bother you further."
Shield up, try to look as little like I want to attack anyone as possible.

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Staar stands next to the Kneepuncher and addresses the angry vesk. “Stand down.”
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
She forms her solar weapon - it envelopes her right arm from hand to elbow and looks like a gauntlet of erratic plasma (the electric & fire one, not blood), with “droplets” of energy falling from it but disappearing before hitting the ground.

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"We are not here to cause trouble!" calls out Shokil, directing his words to the starfinder team.
"Lets just FOLLOW OUR ORDERS and visit Jiwalla. "
He backs down the indicated corridor and knocks respectfully on the indicated door.

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Staar stands next to the Kneepuncher and addresses the angry vesk. “Stand down.”
She forms her solar weapon - it envelopes her right arm from hand to elbow and looks like a gauntlet of erratic plasma (the electric & fire one, not blood), with “droplets” of energy falling from it but disappearing before hitting the ground.
The vesk bristles, expands his shoulders and strides toward Staar and Kneepuncher. with deadly purpose in his eyes. His fist is cocked to deliver an overhand blow but just before he gets into range the female vesk grabs his arm from behind. This triggers another round of swearing at her and everyone, and the party in particular, but the big male stalks off toward the outer arch. The female sighs and watches him go then she turns to yell at the party, "Just go where you're going!"
As she turns away to follow Razda, a sympathetic korasha lashunta mentions there's another clinic in the Spike that she might try. The two of them hurry after the big male.
Wings, quite distracted by the little scene with the vesk, had momentarily ignored Oda. Recognizing the half-orc's gesture, he pulls his hands off his gunbutts and extends one to the half-orc.
"Guess you all are all right. Razda's been on edge ever since we came back. No blood, no harm, eh?"

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Bele breathed a sigh of relief. She'd not only survived her first StarFinder encounter alive, and with all limbs intact - but it was also a relatively positive outcome too. She didn't feel entirely part of the team as yet, but she felt closer...definitely closer.

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Staar dismisses her solar gauntlet, expressionlessly. She turns around and heads towards the Respite offices.