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Saeron and Oda both do terrible execution upon the doorframe, but Shokil, recovering his form threads a shot past all and sundry obstructions, into the android's gut.
The android drops knife and pistol to clutch its stomach with pain. It stumbles backward into the examination table behind it. It twists and lays its upper body on the table, but even that can't keep it on its feet and it slides to the ground leaving a smear of thin lime-green slime on the table's white fabric. Sitting on the floor green mucous, or something equally disgusting flows from all the android's orifice's and puddles around it.
"Stop. Please, mercy. I am myself again." It gasps out between heavy frantic breaths and wrenching convulsions.
Combat over.

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Staar approaches and points to the slime. "Is it dead?"
I guess the artist didn't get the guidelines to draw this NPC - it looks nothing like a Starfinder android

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"Well... that is pleasing to see" says Shokil.
Stepping forward and avoiding the slime, he checks to see if the android is in immediate danger of dying.
"Perhaps you can tell us what has been happening?"

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Saeron dashes forward, kneeling at the android's side.
"Hang in there," she implores. "Let's start with this to be safe..." She casts Stabilize. "...and then I'll check you over while you speak with Shokil."
She checks over the android and the remnants of ooze.
Life Science: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Medicine: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

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"Was that the last of the oozes? What do they do to you here?"

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"I think I found something on the computer by the generators," says Bele. "But then I lost it. I can't find it again."
She wanders into the doctor's office, reaches out to activate the computer, and starts trying unsuccessfully to log in.
Bele was no help.
The android eventually sits up to talk with Shokil and Saeron. "I am Quadrant-2. Thank you for rescuing me. "
He considers Shokil's question. "It's all a little fuzzy, while the slime was in control. I came here because I -- I -- something was wrong with me. They were supposed to repair me, but the slime just took over. And then we were the doctor. We gave people, who came for help, to other slimes. Sometimes it didn't work. The hosts went crazy or killed the slimes. It was hard to choose the right host. We had to learn..."
At some point he starts to ask questions. How and why did you come to the Collective. How did you know to fight the slimes when so many people were fooled? When conversation is exhausted and you're ready to leave the android speaks again. He offers a cred-stick. "I am really very grateful for your help. Here is a donation for your Starfinder Society."
1200 credits on that stick.
Use of the computer started within the last three weeks. Initial entries are garbled, but rapidly improve in spelling grammar and use of language. There is a list of names with familiar sounding names. Many match Hurondo's list of missing Starfinders. Scratch is on the list.
This appears to be the Collective's main database. A frequency analysis of usage indicates that the slime's were ramping down their operations,
and that the slimes within the clinic were the last vestiges
waiting to be attached to new hosts.
There is no data on where successfully integrated slime hosts have gone.
Bele, Gen room Computers: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Bele, Doc's office: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

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"Oh my!" exclaims Shokil.
"How horrid. You come here to remove bad memories and then walk out a living zombie to a host slime." He turns somewhat green at the thought.

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"I'm not going to be much help with the computers, but I'll see what I can find to help get the word out about this place.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
"And, of course, if there's anything here that needs to be broken, I'm your guy."

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The party contacts Zigvigix and explains the situation. The shirren Venture-Captain has them wait in place until Absalom station security can arrive to secure the scene. Station security takes statements and starts a more thorough investigation of the Open Collective.
Your de-briefing a few days later is a reunion of sorts, in addition to Zigvigix, Hurondo and Jiwalla are there. After going over the events of your mission, Zigivigix brings you up to date. Absalom security and the Stewards are still following up on information found in the Collective's computers. Historia-7's people have been giving them a hand there. There's not much to go on; the slimes didn't document all their successful bodily takeovers and we believe that the slimes can transfer hosts on their own.
We are very confident however that you neutralized the threat from the Open Collective. No more slimes will hijack sentients in that location. The other venture captains are well-satisified with your performance in that regard.
The subject matter turns to other matters. The Exo-Guardians faction leader is delighted at Hurondo’s recovery from his imprisonment by the Uniters and immediately asks when he can resume his normal duties at the Respite. Hurondo, however, solemnly shakes his head and informs everyone that he is stepping down from running the center. He explains that while no harm ultimately came to him, the recent events caused him to again suffer from some severe anxiety and depression and that he needs to seek help from the Respite as a patient before he could handle the facility’s management.
Zigvigix responds with understanding and heartfelt well-wishes while Jiwalla looks stunned. Hurondo tells Jiwalla that she is in charge and that he will try to help as he can.
Bargai and the nuar from the Uniters have both turned themselves in to
the Starfinders, seeking to a way to repay their misdeeds. Hurondo suggests to Zigvigix that they may make good Starfinders and that they should atone with community service as a members of the Exo-Guardians faction.
After the party replies or makes additinal comments, Zigvigix wraps up the session and thanks you all for your work. Pay vouchers are now available at the accounting office for this mission.

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Kneepuncher graciously accepts his thanks and offers to talk to Hurondo more about this if he wants. It's not his usual, but he figures some of his skills will transfer to impromptu counseling.
After the debrief is over, he walks away, hoping that no one notices him saying to no one in particular, "Yes, you did good. I promise to find you more baddies soon."

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"You are welcome, faction leader. Goodbye." Staar departs, waiting for the next opportunity to get credits for her new necrografts.

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Tired and aching from the exertions of the mission, Saeron nevertheless looks content during the debrief. "Thank you, Zigvigix. It was quite the ordeal, but we had a very capable team." She looks around sharing a weary smile with her companions.
As she makes her way from the complex, the nagging inner voice is nowhere to be found.