GM Tarondor's The Two-Headed Serpent Campaign - Pulp Cthulhu (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Maps and Images for Chapter Four: Oklahoma

House Rules
The Glossary and Campaign Notes
Firefight Cheat Sheet
Inspirational Images for Pulp Cthulhu

Spot Hidden:

[dice=Abraham Spot Hidden (90%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Antonio Spot Hidden (50%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Elliot Spot Hidden (80%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Enoli Spot Hidden (50%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Chakos Spot Hidden (55%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Minerva Spot Hidden (60%)]1d100[/dice]

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Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Minerva curses in French, and gutter English as she see the creature. "That thing is not real. It can't be real. It's real isn't it." She mutters as she moves up the stairs as quickly as she can.

Sanity 40%: 1d100 ⇒ 2

To be clear, it will be many rounds of action to get to the surface.

Abraham, go ahead and give me an Explosives roll!

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

I'm guessing you mean Demolitions, since there is no Explosives skill. I was hoping that counting down a grenade that my character is familiar with wouldn't be too hard, since that skill covers more the placement of explosives and defusing them. If it is what you want though, I guess I will see how lucky I am.

Demolitions 1%: 1d100 ⇒ 41

Not even a little bit. I hope being a soldier will just let me cook a grenade a little bit.

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

I could see demo for maybe cooking it, but to throw it and not get blown up by it, I think that would be Throw, which is default 20%, just pulling the pin and throwing isn't hard.

Yeah, this is my first game of CoC, so I'm still learning. Sure. Throw. That's a success for you, then, Abraham.

Grenade Damage: 4d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 1, 6) = 17

The grenade explodes, tearing holes into to the shapeless monster! To your horror, the holes begin to close almost immediately, like tar dripping back into a single whole, unharmed. It lurches forward, and then with a sharp crack! the stairs start to give way. The great beast lurches onto the next step, grabbing with squelching black tentacle and oily psuedopods.

Suddenly the whole region of stairs begins to give way and the great beast hurtles downward into the abyss, stones raining after it!
Then the stairs under -you- begin to give way!

Abraham and Enoli, give me Dexterity rolls!

By the way, you all made your Sanity rolls, so you each lose a single point of sanity for seeing the horrific monster in the dark. Please mark it off.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Vamanos!" Antonio shouts as he continues to push Gregorio up the oddly spaced stairs. The explosion of the grenade only makes him go even faster and the stone breaking doesn't even register with the priest as he continues to flee.

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

The monstrosity slips and falls after the grenade erupts, the structure below it falling away into the fathomless abyss. As it begins to crack though, Abraham's eyes open as he curses softly.

"Enoli, we need to move. Go. Go, go, go!" Abraham shouts, rushing up the stairs as they begin to fall out beneath him.

Dexterity 80%: 1d100 ⇒ 33

Abraham dashes up the stairs as they break away, clawing at the hewn stone for grip as more and more of it falls away. He jumps up and pulls himself up over the ledge, crawling away from the massive hole in the ground.

"What in God's name was that." Abraham says, his voice trembling softly.

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Enoli was trying to run backwards to keep an eye on Abraham. At first he was elated to see the creature fall into the abyss, but then the sound of the stairs breaking apart quickly changed that mood. Spinning around Enoli urges his legs to fight the pull of gravity and leap from step to step, the light of the surface just above his head.

Dexterity (80%): 1d100 ⇒ 53

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Enoli lies on the ground at the edge of the hole, next to Abraham. Trying to get control of his heavy breathing, the adrenaline still making his heart pound from the near death experience, he turns his head to look at Abraham.

With an odd wry grin, Enoli says, "So, what do you think of the Father's lizard man now?"

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Minerva cries out as the explosion happens and she glances back seeing the stairs being to collapse. "Louise move faster! The stairs are collapsing behind us." She keeps climbing and moving as fast as she can.

You race up the steps, but the sunlight seems so far above you and that thing is surely right behind you!

Somewhere, you hear an infuriated roar!

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

Do you need us to make more rolls? Are we successfully on the surface yet? I'm a bit confused where some of us are at the moment.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

I think we're just farther down the hole that some of us thought. Run, run, run.

Antonio continues running up the steps, pushing Gregorio ahead of him. He finds himself with his rosary in his hand, not completely sure how it got there.

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Isabel turns and fires a shot over the heads of Enoli and Abraham into the darkness below. She then turns and moves up the stairs.

"That's the biggest animal I've ever seen. How did it get down the stairs without the whole thing falling down?"

Handgun 40%: 1d100 ⇒ 38
I'm assuming with modifiers and such this is still going to miss.

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

Retconning being at the top, I'm assuming that Abraham is still down the hole.

Minerva's gunfire echoes down the hole, adding a terrible staccato to abominable roaring that screeched for them deep down in that endless abyss. Abraham couldn't look back, he couldn't afford to gaze upon the nebulous outline that had existed there. Looking back meant you were slower, looking back meant you weren't moving ahead. Step by step, closer to the light. He just needed to make it to the light.

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Abraham Pierce wrote:
Do you need us to make more rolls? Are we successfully on the surface yet? I'm a bit confused where some of us are at the moment.

I'm sorry. I thought I was being clear. You are 150' feet (that's the equivalent of a 15-story building) down into a pit. But the pit is so wide that as the stairs spiral up its side the total distance covered is more than 500'. Whether you need more rolls depends on what you're doing and how fast. But you are definitely not out of the woods yet. Remember that I mentioned it was very fast...

I sort of assume everyone's just running pell-mell up the stairs. In that case, I'd like a Constitution check from everyone.

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

I totally get that, I just wasn't sure what the next step is. Thank you for clarifying things.

Constitution 90%: 1d100 ⇒ 74

Abraham's lungs burn in his chest and his legs ache from the climb around this massive, hellish pit. He could still hear it down below, still angry and hungry. They needed to escape, they needed to hurry.

"Keep pushing! Keep going!" Abraham shouts out to the others ahead of him, risking a glance back for the strange creature that was still pursuing them.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Vamanos!" Antonio shouts without it really being to anyone.

Con 90: 1d100 ⇒ 52

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Seeing the creature fall back into the darkness, the only desire still was to get the hell out of here, so Enoli turns back around and struggles to reach the top as soon as possible.

Constitution(70): 1d100 ⇒ 69

Well that was too close for comfort

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Minerva keeps moving. "Go, go, go. We have to keep moving.

Constitution 60%: 1d100 ⇒ 37

Louise CON check (60%): 1d100 ⇒ 24

Huffing and puffing, everyone climbs the vast stair, barely jogging by the time you make it back into the sunlight. However, the danger isn't over. About the time the last of you staggers into the clearing, you can feel the ground rumbling as the thing pursues you!

Quick! What do you do?

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

"Toss one of those grenades back down in the hole. Maybe that will collapse the rest of the stairs." Minerva holds her weapon at the ready. She backs away from the hole while watching it closely.

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

Abraham pulls out the last grenade he had on him and pulls the pin again, his mind keeping track of the seconds passing.

"Everyone else, get some place with some cover!" Not being able to see it would make thing a bit more difficult but maybe he could tell how deep it was from its roars. He tried to listen and time it just right before tossing the grenade into that black hole.

I would like to attempt a Listen to make my Thrown a little bit easier.

Listen 50%: 1d100 ⇒ 12
Throw 60%: 1d100 ⇒ 94

Oh man, that was super close to a really bad result...

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio tries to get Gregorio clear of the hole. He raises his shotgun, hoping it will have some effect on the creature or even make it pause long enough for Abraham to use his grenades.

Shotgun 25: 1d100 ⇒ 32

Enoli and Louise just scramble back while Minerva and Antonio level their weapons. Abraham's waits until the ground shakes and a single slimy black tentacle appears over the lip of the pit and prepares to throw his grenade. His hand slips on the spoon of the grenade and for a moment he nearly drops it at his feet. At the last moment he manages to throw it away, but it is not well aimed and flies past the creature and falls down into the pit, exploding far below.

Antonio's shotgun roars, but he is so shaken by the experience that it merely spatters the ground near the pit with buckshot.

The nightmare beast rises up out of the pit, rising a full dozen feet above the jungle floor. In full daylight it is impossible to deny that what you're seeing is no natural creature, but something spewed forth from the fever dreams of a opium fiend. Hundred of mouths squeal, roar, gibber and drool while hundreds of eyes gaze madly in your direction. Formless and fetid, it rolls forward, throwing out its tentacles toward you!

I'll pause to let Minerva, Enoli and Louise take actions.

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Enoli thinks that Grandfather never prepared him for days like this, as he takes a knee where he is and swings the rifle around. What can this possibly do against this demon?

He braces the rifle against his still sore shoulder, but panic hides the pain, and fires.

Rifle (60): 1d100 ⇒ 19

Have we lost Louise and Minerva?

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

I'm here. Work's been nuts.

Minvera's hand shakes as she levels her pistol and fires at the creature. "Father I hope that God will help us."

She backs toward the jungle. "We can't let that thing loose. It will kill everyone." She tries her best to no run from the sight.

Handgun 40: 1d100 ⇒ 35
Damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

The shotgun and pistol blasts hit the monster and blast holes in it, but it just reforms around the holes and keeps coming, no worse for wear!

The creature flicks out a pseudopod that elongates horrifically. That tentacle seizes Louise by the ankle and pulls her off her feet! The brave pilot is dragged screaming back towards the main mass of the great nightmare beast.

Everyone, go!

I don't know if there is a mechanism for intuition in this game, but it's been awhile so I want to remind you of the strange silvery fire pistol dropped by that monkey...

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

I believe rolling Intelligence or Education allows character to try and formulate a plan or something. I want to say it was an "Idea" roll or something. All I remember is that you want to use it sparingly because bad stuff happens if you lean on it.

Bullets just passed through it, the gelatinous horror grabbing a hold of Louise and lifting her up by the ankle. Grenades didn't work, bullets didn't work, nothing worked. Abraham thought to run, to get the hell out of there, before he reached down and felt the grip of that strange, unusual pistol. Pulling it out, he would take aim with it.

"You don't even know how to shoot the damn thing, Abe, what are you going to do?" Abraham's inner voice scolded him before he mentally shut himself up. Louis was a sweet gal, he wasn't going to just let her be this beast's meal.

I'm not sure if I need to make a roll to understand the weapon first, maybe an Intelligence check? I'm then assuming Pistols for my aim?

Intelligence 60%: 1d100 ⇒ 40
Firearms: Handguns 70%: 1d100 ⇒ 73

I will spend 4 luck to get under 70% for my pistol shot.

As soon as you hold the pistol with the intention to fire it, it forms into a silvery serpent and entwines about your wrist. A vermillion light enters the tiny red gems that form the eyes of the snake and a small but intense ball of fire erupts from the snake's mouth.

This weapon uses the handgun skill. It can be fired three times per round and follows the usual rules for multiple shots. Each shot requires the use of a Point of Magic and inflicts 1d10 damage. If hit, the target needs to make a Luck roll to avoid being set afire. Treat attacks with Extreme results as impales, representing increased damage.

Flame pistols are not attuned to human nervous systems. Any human attempting to use one suffers a penalty die to their attack roll, with the risk that a fumble makes the gun explode...

So, that said, please roll your penalty die! If you hit, roll damage. Don't fumble!

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

Penalty Die: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Seems like I was lucky on that one then.

Magical Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5

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Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Father Peña sees the devil-beast grab hold of Louise. "No!" The priest drops the useless shotgun and tries to call on the most powerful force he knows. He grabs the crucifix of his rosary, thrusting it forward. "In nomine dei, lava quod est sordium!"

I have no expectation this will work. But it seems cool.

The startling silver weapon fires out a ball of flame that hits the hideous creature squarely. With a whoosh!, the beast flames begin to spread across its oily body!

It is cool, Antonio!

Abraham -
Antonio -
Enoli -
Louise -
Minerva -
Formless Spawn - 5 damage

Enoli, Louise, Minerva, go!

Medical Doctor - Thrill Seeker; Hit Points: 17/20; Dodge: 55/27/11; Listen: 20/10/5; Spot Hidden: 25/12/5; Luck: 70/70; Sanity: 50/50; Default Reaction: Dodge

It seems it's possible for Louise to use Dodge to escape being held? The rules are rather vague on specifics. I guess I'll try that? I'm just guessing. Honestly this game doesn't make much sense to me at all. Louise was just auto-grabbed?

When Louise feels her ankle grabbed, she's goes down, she moving to fast to prevent that. But she does twist her body during the fall, trying to wrench herself free of the thing's grasp.

1d100 ⇒ 48

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Enoli sees his shot has no effect, then the bright burst of fire from the strange metal gun help by Abraham. But this is interrupted by a brief shout from Lousie, turning he sees the creature grab her leg.

Without taking time to think, he drops the rifle, then pulls the machete from his belt and leaps to the ground where the tentacle lies trying to chop through it into the ground.

Not sure if I can take all these actions but going to try

Fighting (45): 1d100 ⇒ 4

Louise was autograbbed when it appeared you were out of the game, yes. GM fiat applies to NPC's. Now that you're back, Louise has full PC agency again!

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Oops I guess I should have read closer, I was trying to be heroic, so the machete probably still hits the tentacle, just not as effective as I was trying to be

Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Minerva screams as Louise is grabbed. She rushes closer, and grabs Louise. "Father I don't think that rosary is going to work."

She tries to pull the doctor from the grip of the creature.

Strength 60: 1d100 ⇒ 31
I think it would take some of Minerva's sanity to rush forward and grab at Louise.

Louise and Minerva, as near as I can tell, you are opposing your roll to that of the Formless Spawn. Highest level of success (not necessarily the lowest die roll) wins. Nothing in the book tells me whether to apply Minerva's roll separately or whether to make it some sort of assist (a bonus die?) to Louise's roll.

However, the Formless Spawn is immense. According to the rules, when using a Fighting Maneuver you gain a penalty die for each size of Build the enemy is larger than you (maximum of 2). Louise has a Build of 0 and the Formless Spawn has a Build of 3. So I think what I'm going to do is say that Enoli and Minerva's attempts to save Louise cancel out those two Penalty dice. Louise has an ordinary success.

Formless Spawn (STR 90): 1d100 ⇒ 24 Hard Success.

The three struggle to save Louise, but to no avail!

Louise, do you want to spend 28 points of Luck to wriggle out of this?

Medical Doctor - Thrill Seeker; Hit Points: 17/20; Dodge: 55/27/11; Listen: 20/10/5; Spot Hidden: 25/12/5; Luck: 70/70; Sanity: 50/50; Default Reaction: Dodge

So do I understand correctly there is actually no practical way to to escape the grab outside of a freakishly good die roll, and therefore no point in continuing to try, only using luck will work?

That decision is up to you. I'm just going by what I understand to be the rules.

And, yeah!

Medical Doctor - Thrill Seeker; Hit Points: 17/20; Dodge: 55/27/11; Listen: 20/10/5; Spot Hidden: 25/12/5; Luck: 70/70; Sanity: 50/50; Default Reaction: Dodge

So in effect I'd be paying a GM fiat fee of roughly 40% of Louise's total luck to re-enter the game. No thanks, I won't be doing that. It was a mistake on my part to come back. I apologize to everyone for mucking up the threads with some useless posts since I will not be returning after all.

Okay. So long and good luck!

The creature whips Louise into the air and in an instant, swallows her!

Everyone go!

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Louise!" Abraham shouts out as the young medical student disappears into the monster's mouth. Just like that, a life was snuffed out. His hands threatened to shake as he took a hard breath and moved in closer. The fire seemed to at least do something but he needed to be closer to be accurate. Moving closer, he lifted his arm again and fired a series of fireballs at the enemy.

I am moving closer to be at the "point blank" range, which gives me a bonus die. Then I am firing three shots. Shooting more than once incurs a penalty die. That of course is assuming that I can fire multiple times.

Can Go Pew Pew Pew:
Handguns 70%: 1d100 ⇒ 38Penalty: 1d100 ⇒ 49Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Handguns 70%: 1d100 ⇒ 24Penalty: 1d100 ⇒ 56Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Handguns 70%: 1d100 ⇒ 11Penalty: 1d100 ⇒ 36Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Cannot Go Pew Pew Pew:
Handguns 70%: 1d100 ⇒ 82Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

The sudden loss of Louise hits Enoli like a force. Grandfather, what do I do? You never taught me about this! He knows his rifle has no effect and he is impotent against this creature's rage and madness. Yes, it's rage and madness, maybe...I cannot harm this creature, but maybe I can get its attention away from Abraham.

Enoli looks up at the creature and shouts in Cherokee, <"Oh great demon, you are full of anger, hunger and pain! Let the Mother, through me, help calm you! Mother, give this being your strength, give it your serenity, let it know your peace and love!"> Enoli repeats these last phrases as a chant over and over.

Spending 3 magic for Earthly Serenity, not that it could do the same thing as it can for a person, but because it is magic and it is the opposite of the creature, it may draw it's attention to me and allow Abraham to keep firing. Seemed like a neat idea at the time.

Yes, Abraham, you can fire multiple times. It follows the usual rules for multiple shots, but each shot also costs 1 Magic Point.

"Usual rules" means that each shot takes a penalty die. That's cancelled by your Point-Blank range. As I see it, Abraham just scored a Success, a Hard Success and an Extreme Success!

The formless beast explodes in a ball of fire, burning brightly. It writhes and shudders, whistling and piping madly. It disgorges Louise, bloody but alive and thrashes on the ground, forming insane shapes and whining in arcane voices.

A) Congratulations! You live!
B) Sanity checks for everyone!
C) Enoli, you can save your spell and your Magic Points.

Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

Well, it was an idea :)

Sanity (89: 1d100 ⇒ 49

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